Spelling suggestions: "subject:"effice"" "subject:"cffice""
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Critical analysis of organization and management in the real estate brokerage businessHamilton, Stanley William January 1965 (has links)
In recent years the real estate business has been subject to a great deal of criticism concerning the organization and management of the business. However, there has been limited evidence to support the criticisms. It was the purpose of this thesis to analyze data which had been collected concerning the real estate business and determine if the business is poorly organized and managed. If the evidence supported the criticisms, an attempt would be made to determine whether improvements were possible within the existing structure of the business or whether imporvements will depend on a change in the structure.
Information concerning the real estate business was collected and analyzed under the following headings:
(a) Organization of the Real Estate firms.
(b) Recruiting, Selecting and Training Real Estate Salesmen.
(c) Compensation Plans for Real Estate Salesmen and Managers.
(d) The Real Estate Salesmen - Characteristics and Work Habits.
The data for this study was collected from the members of the Vancouver Real Estate Board. A total of 192 firms employing 1200 salesmen were included. This represented 66% of the firms and 97% of the salesmen in the study area. The geographic area included Vancouver, District of North Vancouver, West Vancouver, Burnaby, Richmond, Surrey, Port Moody and Coquitlam.
In order to collect the required data, two questionnaires were used. One questionnaire was completed by the agent or manager, the other was completed by the salesmen. In addition, each manager or agent was interviewed. The Vancouver Real Estate Board handled the mailing of the questionnaires, each of which was accompanied by a covering letter from one of the executive members of the Board soliciting full cooperation.
A total return of 152 usable firm questionnaires representing a 79.1% was received. The return form the salesmen was considerably lower. Only 415 usable questionnaires, representing a 37.5% return were received. The data was coded and tabulated by the I.B.M. 7040 computer.
Based on the data obtained it was found that the real estate firms were poorly managed. In particular the areas of recruiting, selecting, training, compensating and supervising salesmen were poorly handled. At present the real estate firms appear to hire unlimited numbers of salesmen without due regard to their chances of succeeding in the real estate business. This has resulted in an excess number of salesmen entering the real estate business. Many of the new recruits have left the real estate business after a short period of time, resulting in a high turnover of salesmen. In addition to the excess number of salesmen, many of the new recruits are entirely unsuited to the real estate business.
The real estate firms have failed to provide proper training for their salesmen. The pre-licensing course, which new recruits are required to complete does not include sales training. Because of the high turnover of salesmen and the fact that the salesmen are not paid a salary, the firms appear unwilling to train their salesmen. Without proper training the salesmen require considerably more time to become efficient. During this "Trial and error" period the salesmen earn a relatively low income! This has further increased the turnover of salesmen.
Many of the problems facing the real estate business appear to be related to the form of compensation used for the salesmen. At present all salesmen are paid on a straight commission basis. This has limited the firms monetary costs for salesmen and enabled the firms to employ large numbers of salesmen without concern as to their success. The commission plan has also made it very difficult for new salesmen to remain in the real estate business because of the low income for the initial few months!
The salesmen were analyzed to determine what type of men and women enter the real estate business! It was found that the average salesman enters the real estate business in his late thirties and the average number of years experience in the real estate business is six and one-half years. The average salesman earns approximately $4,950 per year, however, they must work approximately sixty hours per week to earn this income. The salesmen enjoy few fringe benefits such as medical insurance, pension plans or group life insurance so the income of $4,950 represents their total monetary return.
There appears to be a need for substantial improvements in the real estate business and these improvements are possible within the existing structure of the business. Many of the improvements can be made by the individual managers and agents without any support from the other agents. Improvements are possible in the firm's recruiting, selecting and training methods. A change in the form of compensation would require the support of the majority of the agents since the local real estate boards usually establish standards of compensation. However, the agents need not wait until group action is taken, many improvements are possible and necessary on an individual basis. / Business, Sauder School of / Graduate
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Le juge administratif et les revirements de jurisprudence / The administrative judge and reversal of precedentPros-Phalippon, Chloé 28 November 2014 (has links)
Le revirement de jurisprudence, en tension nécessaire entre la prévisibilité de la norme et la possibilité d’adaptation et de changement de la jurisprudence, n’a pendant longtemps été géré par le juge administratif qu’en fonction du contexte, par à-coups.Les temps ont changé car depuis le début des années deux mille, dans un contexte de valorisation du principe de sécurité juridique, une évolution s’est amorcée par une série d’arrêts puis a véritablement été consacrée par le juge administratif. Ce dernier a peu à peu substitué à la gestion strictement pragmatique des revirements une véritable méthode qui est fondée sur une logique d’ensemble. Cette méthode revêt les caractéristiques d’une politique jurisprudentielle en ce sens qu’elle traduit un choix, répond à un besoin et traduit une recherche de cohérence. Cette politique jurisprudentielle est le reflet de la conception que le juge a de son office. La pratique de la modulation des effets du revirement conduit le juge administratif non seulement à officialiser sa capacité à créer de la norme mais aussi à affirmer sa capacité à maîtriser les effets de la norme jurisprudentielle. La politique jurisprudentielle est donc symptomatique du rôle que le juge administratif s’assigne aujourd’hui. Il faut, néanmoins, relativiser l’impact de cette politique jurisprudentielle car elle ne conduit pas à une augmentation du flux des revirements. Peu de choses ont changé matériellement dans la pratique du juge administratif. Sur le plan symbolique, en revanche, la conception que le juge administratif a de son office de juge ordinaire par rapport au Conseil constitutionnel et de juge européen de droit commun a évolué. / Born out of the tension between legal certainty and the need for case law to evolve and adapt is the reversal of precedent. For a long time, the administrative judge only examined it in light of the problem at issue, on a case-by-case basis, without any clear methodology.But times have changed. Since the beginning of the years 2000, we have witnessed a new development, tied to the growing importance of the principle of legal security — with a series of new decisions which would eventually change the law. The administrative judge progressively abandoned his case-by-case analysis in favour of a toolbox based on an overall approach. This methodology has all the characteristics of a judicial policy (“politique jurisprudentielle”), meaning it reflects a choice, fulfills a need, and seeks to bring more coherence. The administrative judge chooses to assume his capacity to create law, while taking responsibility for departing from stare decisis. Because such a departure undermines legal certainty, he nevertheless acknowledges the need for the retroactive effects of his decisions to be adapted. Judicial policy is symptomatic of how the administrative judge understands his role. Not only can he create law, but, by limiting what happens when overturning a precedent, the administrative judge also shows his capacity to control its effects. It is important, however, not to overestimate its impact. For this judicial policy has not led to a higher rate of reversals of precedent. In practice, little has changed. On a symbolic level, however, how this judge sees his function vis-a-vis the Conseil constitutionnel and EU law has changed a lot.
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Projektová kancelář jako nástroj řízení projektů / Project Management Office as a Project Management toolHajduček, Vladimír January 2008 (has links)
The work deals with using Project Management Office when managing project portfolio. Theoretical part characterizes project from a perspective of project life cycle, staffing on project and project risks. Next it describes particular organizational levels of Project Management Office and activities that could be done by Project Management Office. Last but not least it provides overlook of maturity of project management in the Czech Republic. Practical part analysis on example of financial company the processes taking place in corresponding phases of a project. Next the processes of change management, risk management, project deliverables, quality assurance, reporting and budgeting are analyzed. At the end of this work the processes are evaluated and the steps for improvement are formulated.
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Aplikace lean managementu v konkrétní společnosti / Application of lean management within concrete companyKleinová, Kateřina January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this work is to analyze the effectiveness of processes and administration in a particular project in the company of engineering sector and to suggest possible measures to help the company become lean. The theoretical part presents the issue of lean management, describes its history and basic elements, corporate culture and also the philosophy of the Toyota Production System. This thesis also describes in detail particular methodological tools, including Kaizen philosophy, furthermore there is mentioned the theory of lean office. The practical part begins with introduction of the company and with the analysis of the current situation of innovation activities in the company. In the next chapter, there is described in detail the project in production shop, waste analysis and overall project analysis is made. The following is a summary of outputs, evaluation of the state and proposal of measures for the future periods.
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Využití kancelářských aplikací v controllingu / Utilization of office productivity software in controllingBrodský, Michal January 2015 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the creation of an appropriate solution and specific processing of a problematic statement in controlling in a spreadsheet application and also its subsequent presentation, which is an integral part of controlling. Methods used are analysis and modeling. The aim of the thesis is to demonstrate the suitability of office productivity software (with focus on spreadsheet applications) for controlling analyses. The theoretical part focuses on presenting the functionality and usability of key office productivity software from MS Office including comparison with main competition in the field of spreadsheet applications and then in the practical part of the thesis these options are clearly demonstrated on specific business example of the company Václav Hrbek. Besides key constrains of usage of office productivity software are mentioned in the conclusion of the diploma thesis.
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Risk, blame, and expertise : the Meteorological Office and extreme weather in post-war BritainHall, Alexander January 2012 (has links)
This thesis explores the post-war history of the British Meteorological Office (MO), which saw the development of public weather services and a more prominent profile for the organisation in British public life. Situated within a post-war growth in the scientific civil service and the government’s use of science in policy making, the emergence of MO extreme weather warnings and forecasts afforded the organisation an authoritative expert position. Part of meteorology’s twentieth century professionalisation, the services developed through the application of advances in meteorological practice and technologies, significantly altered the organisation’s public profile and status as a scientific expert body.By considering these developments the thesis illuminates how, as the MO increasingly presented forecasts and warnings to all sectors of British society, they became managers of the risks posed by extreme weather. Through exploring these historical developments at the MO, we see a broader narrative emerge on how the communication of risk by scientific experts interacts with public expectations and manifestations of blame. Central to the narrative presented is the role of extreme weather events themselves in affecting response, policy developments, new MO warning services, and the manifestation of blame.
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The archival concept of competence: a case study of the federal administration of agriculture in Canada, 1867-1989Stewart, Kelly Anne 05 1900 (has links)
This thesis sets out to explain how spheres of responsibility or
competences are assigned in the administration of government functions in
order to assess the ways in which archivists can come to terms with increasingly
rapid rates of administrative change in the performance of their work. It
examines statutes and government publications to present a picture of the
evolution of the competence of agencies of the government of Canada given
responsibility for carrying out activities in administration of the function of
It is found that knowledge of the assignment of functional responsibility is
essential to a number of archival tasks. It is vital to know all the bodies
participating in carrying out the function when appraising records. A vital part of
identifying the external structure of a fonds lies in determining the competence of
the agencies creating records in it, and this knowledge must be effectively
communicated in archival description. Finally, the concepts of function,
competence, and activity, if clearly understood, can guide the development of
vocabularies to assist users of archives to find loci of administrative action
relevant to searches they are undertaking.
Accumulating information about the functions, competences, and activities
of organizations and keeping it current can serve many purposes in the
administration of records during the entire life cycle. Organizations need this
information to control and provide access to records for administrative purposes
and to facilitate secondary access under freedom of information and privacy
legislation or for historical research purposes. The method of analyzing how
functional activity employed in this study can be used for all government
organizations in Canada. / Arts, Faculty of / Library, Archival and Information Studies (SLAIS), School of / Graduate
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Design rules of thumb for naturally ventilated office buildings in CanadaEdwards, Craig 05 1900 (has links)
Using natural ventilation to provide ventilation and/or cooling in commercial buildings
has a number of direct benefits to the environment, building occupants, building owners,
and architects. Despite advances now occurring in design methods, major obstacles still
need to be overcome before a wide spread adoption of natural ventilation technologies
will be seen. Most importantly, simple tools that can be used by architects in the initial
stages of design of naturally ventilated buildings are required.
Existing natural ventilation design rules of thumb were identified from published
literature and building codes and standards. A computer model, capable of simulating
both naturally induced airflow rates and building thermal performance, was used to
evaluate natural ventilation performance in terms of ability to avoid overheating and
provide ventilation for indoor air quality.
First the effect of changes to building design parameters on the natural ventilation
performance of a base case office building were investigated. Secondly, the validity and
limitations of existing rules of thumb were evaluated. The base case building was a three
story cross ventilated office building surrounded by large local wind and solar
obstructions, simulated with climate data for the cities of Vancouver and Toronto.
It was found that the development of most of the existing rules of thumb has been based
on incomplete research, and the conditions under which they can be applied are poorly
defined. When the limitations of these rules of thumb were investigated, it was found
that the original rules of thumb are generally not accurate for either the climates of
Vancouver or Toronto. More accurate ranges of applicability were developed for each
rule of thumb for each of the two climates.
The relative influence of design parameters on reducing overheating and increasing
ventilation rates for indoor air quality were also established, and can be used to provide
guidance into how changes made to the building form and fabric can effect overheating
and indoor air quality. / Applied Science, Faculty of / Architecture and Landscape Architecture (SALA), School of / Graduate
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Analýza výnosnosti 3D ve filmu / Profitability analysis of 3D in moviesTesař, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
The main hypothesis of this dissertation says that movies which are shown in cinemas in 2D and also 3D version have greater box office than movies which are shown only in 2D version. The model with two simultaneous equations was constructed to confirm or reject this hypothesis. Data set includes movies which had wide release between January 2009 and December 2011 in the USA. The results show that 3D has no influence in the first week but there are negative significant effect on the number of screens, which could be connected with insufficient capacity of technologically equipped screens, and positive significant effect on revenues in the next nine weeks. The model includes other important and significant factors influencing revenues and the thesis compares these results with recent literature dealing with this topic.
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Implementation of Project Management office / Implementace projektové organizaceMalegová, Emília January 2012 (has links)
The goal of my thesis is to describe Project management office, its functions; a structure and its place in an organization as well as assumptions for its right implementation in an orgnanization. A first and a second section of the thesis introduce project management and project management office as such. Basic functions and models are described. A third section deals with each stages of implementatation of the office with a particular focus on main analysis and documents. Trends in implementation of the office, main challenges and variables influencing project management office performance are described in fourth section. The informantion was assembled based on studies carried out in the last 7 years. The last section consists of research, analysis and documentation for the first stage of implementation process designed for a specific organization which is the main outcome of the thesis.
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