Spelling suggestions: "subject:"effice"" "subject:"cffice""
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A comparative study and model of the certification requirements for vocational office education teacher-coordinators in the United StatesBounds, Joan Karen Johnston 05 1900 (has links)
The problem of this study was the development of a model for the certification requirements for vocational office education teacher coordinators in the United States. The data for this study were obtained from library research, documents provided by the state directors of vocational education and state departments of education, 62 questionnaires returned from randomly selected businesses and office education educators, and 735 questionnaires returned from randomly selected employed vocational office education teacher-coordinators.
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El Family Office como órgano de control de financiamiento de las empresas familiaresEchaiz Moreno, Sandra Violeta 02 1900 (has links)
El presente artículo está orientado a aquellas familias que habiendo constituido empresas familiares cuentan con
capitales millonarios y a quienes se les sugiere, mediante un Consejo de Familia, constituir Family Office con la
finalidad de tener un mejor control del financiamiento de sus empresas y llegar a distinguir con claridad cuál es
el patrimonio de la empresa familiar y cuando es el patrimonio familiar. Está institución está orientada a empresas
familiares de capitales superiores a los 100 millones de dólares y sirve como un mecanismo de inversión
de grandes proyectos en donde se procurará preservar el patrimonio económico en aras de proteger a las futuras
generaciones. / This paper is intended for families who, having set up family companies, have millions of dollars and who have
been suggested, through a Family Council, to establish a Family Office in order to have a better control over the
financing of their companies and to distinguish eith clarity what is the family business’ assets and what is the
family’s assets. This institution aims at family businesses with capital exceeding 100 million US dollars and serves
as an investment mechanism for large projects where efforts will be made to preserve the financial assets in
order to protect future generations.
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The Restorative effects of a vacation from work: the role of novelty, positive affect, and natureMacdonald, Julia Emerald 02 April 2015 (has links)
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Design of a cozy and ergonomic workplaceGutiérrez Rodríguez, Julia, Morales Salto-Weis, María January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this project is to develop an armchair for work, in collaboration with the furniture company Jooy. A background study was first performed to define the mission statement and to set the requirements. The background study includes a market research to know who the customers and the potential clients can be, a study of the Scandinavian design style and gathering data from customers to define the users’ needs. After the background study, potential users were delivered a questionnaire to clarify the objectives. The next step has been to set the specifications. At this point, the idea generation stage was carried out using creative and rational design methods, such as the Morphological Chart, until the final concept was chosen. Using the specifications and creative methods such as Brain drawing, different possible solutions were generated. When the product was defined, a study in materials and ergonomics was performed. In addition, a prototype was built to test by users at University of Skövde. Finally, 3D CAD model was implemented in PTC Creo Parametric. The design process followed is inspired by the front-end concept development process. During the development of the project the collaboration with the company has been crucial in order to learn about materials, ergonomics and how to make a prototype. Also feedback from the supervisor and the company has been continuously considered to improve the project.
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A study of USOE, with special emphasis on the Lyndon B. Johnson presidencyStanley, James David 05 1900 (has links)
The first purpose of this study was to provide an overview of the educational policy-making role of the United States Office of Education, 1963-1969. A historical overview of significant events before 1960 was provided to aid in understanding that federal concern for and financial aid to education is not a recent concept. The second purpose of this study was to examine the policy-making roles of the Commissioner of Education during the Lyndon B. Johnson presidency.
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L'office du juge administratif de la légalité / The powers of the administrative judge of legalityLellig, Wendy 14 December 2015 (has links)
Bien que profondément réformé ces vingt dernières années, l’office du juge administratif de la légalité reste caractérisé par certaines insuffisances. Faute de pouvoir se saisir d’office de certaines conclusions ou de tout moyen d’annulation, le juge chargé de censurer les actes administratifs illégaux est parfois contraint de rejeter des requêtes en annulation pourtant recevables et fondées. Cette défectuosité du contrôle juridictionnel opéré trouve son origine dans l’insuffisante prise en considération de la singularité de la fonction juridictionnelle exercée, qui ne consiste pas exclusivement à trancher un litige mais également à contrôler la légalité d’un acte. Le parachèvement de l’office du juge administratif de la légalité suppose son émancipation des éléments constitutifs de l’instance tels que fixés par les parties afin de lui conférer les pouvoirs adaptés à l’accomplissement de la mission qui lui incombe. A cette fin, l’étude des fondements de la prohibition de l’autosaisine permet de démontrer qu’aucun obstacle d’ordre théorique ou pratique ne s’oppose véritablement ni à la consécration des conclusions d’ordre public, ni à la généralisation des moyens d’ordre public. Seules des limites d’ordre conceptuel, nécessairement contingentes et dès lors surmontables, expliquent l’inertie à laquelle s’astreint encore le juge administratif de la légalité dans la détermination de la matière litigieuse. / Although profoundly reformed in the course of the past twenty years, the judicial recourse for abuse of power led by the administrative judge still falls short.Prevented to review, on its own initiative, the legality of the whole administrative act, the judge is sometimes bound to reject some complaints although they were admissible and well-founded. This deficiency in judicial review originated in the insufficient consideration of the unique nature of the judicial recourse for abuse of power which does not only entail settling a case but also ensuring the legality review of administrative decisions.To ensure the completion of his powers the administrative judge will need to liberate himself from the sole content of the submissions and arguments of the applicants and be allowed to expand his powers in order to accomplish his purpose.The analysis of the rationale to this prohibition of judge-initiated legal argumentsdemonstrates that there isn’t any theoretical or practical obstacle to the possibility for the administrative judge to automatically examine the legality of public policy arguments and conclusions. Only conceptual limitations, necessarily incidental, explain the inertia of the administrative judge in the determination of the matter at hand.
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Využití cloudových služeb na českých vysokých školách / Cloud services utilization at Czech universitiesHleděncová, Adéla January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis called "Cloud services utilization at Czech universities" is to compare services of Office 365 and G Suite and to evaluate their use at public universities in the Czech Republic which is examined on the basis of qualitative research. The thesis contains six parts. The first chapter characterizes the concept of cloud, its advantages, disadvantages and its models: delivery models and deployment models. The second and third parts describe the history and pricing plans of Office 365 and G Suite. Selected services for education plans are described and then compared from the schools' point of view within the fourth chapter. The fifth part focuses on the experience of cloud services (Microsoft or Google) at selected universities in the Czech Republic with the aim of identifying impulses, barriers, experiences, ideas and recommendations which could serve other colleges and which are summarized in the final part.
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Le précédent dans la jurisprudence du Conseil Constitutionnel / The precedent in constitutional lawRichaud, Coralie 07 February 2015 (has links)
Bien qu’en théorie étrangère à notre modèle juridique, la notion de précédent n’est plus un tabou pour lesacteurs juridictionnels qui osent enfin « parler » d’une pratique jusqu’alors restée officieuse, voire hérétique dans notre tradition juridique. Attentifs à la réception et au respect de leurs décisions, les juges suprêmes français ont relancé la réflexion autour du précédent. S’inscrivant dans un questionnement global sur la fonction de juger, le recours au précédent exprime une certaine représentation de l’art de juger. Dès lors, il convient de s’interroger sur les raisons qui conduisent les juges suprêmes français à y faire référence en dépit des interdits historiques et théoriques. Manifestation de la mémoire du juge, la référence au précédent est inhérente à la fonction de juger ce qui explique que le juge y ait recours. Ancré dans son passé et acteur de son temps, le juge peut alors affirmer son propre pouvoir et s’arracher à la représentation traditionnelle de son office. En convoquant son précédent, le juge convoque sa loi source de son propre pouvoir, lui permettant en retour de s’imposer comme un être conscient de lui-même et de son pouvoir normatif. / Although foreign to our legal model, the rule of precedent is no longer a taboo for judicial actors who finally dare to speak of a practice hitherto remained unofficial and even heretical in our legal tradition. Attentive to the reception and respect for their decisions, the French supreme judges have revived the debate around the precedent. As part of a global questioning of the judicial function, use of precedent expresses a certain representation of the art of judging. Therefore, it is necessary to examine the reasons that lead French supreme judges to refer to their precedent in spite of the historical and theoretical prohibited. Judge’s memory manifestation, the reference to the precedent is inherent in the judicial function which explains that the judge would resort. Rooted in its past and actor of his present, the judge can assert his own power and break away from the traditional representation of his office. By calling its precedent, the judge summoned the source of his power law, enabling it in turn to establish itself as a conscious being of himself and of its normative power.
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Verification of numerical weather predictions for the western Sahel by the United Kingdom Met Office Limited area model over AfricaIdowu, Oluseun Samuel 03 September 2009 (has links)
Numerical Weather Predictions (NWPs) are subject to systematic errors and biases. Hence, the continuous verification of NWP model outputs in order to contribute to model improvement became very important over recent years. Verification results provide numerical measures of how well NWP models perform, in an objective way. It also allows for monitoring of how NWPs improve over time. In the day-to-day operation of weather forecasting one might find biases in either forecasts generated by the NWP model, or biases that result from the weather forecaster’s interpretation of NWP output, or both. The use of verification statistics might help to identify the source of these biases, which might lead to research targeted to improve the scientific understanding of the underlying processes required to improve NWP forecasts. This study investigates the potential of the 20km x 20km resolution Limited Area Model over Africa (Africa LAM) developed by the United Kingdom Meteorological Office (UK Met Office) to be used as supplementary tool to improve weather forecast output to end-users over the Western Sahel (WS) and Nigeria. In the study, Africa LAM T+24h forecasts dataset was verified against daily observed rainfall, maximum and minimum temperature data, of 36 selected meteorological point stations over the WS from January 2005 to December 2006. 12 meteorological point stations were selected across each of the three identified climate zones of the WS, namely (1) Wet Equatorial (WE) climate zone (from the southern coastline up to a latitude of 8.00ºN), (2) Wet and Dry Tropics (WDT) climate zone (between latitude 8.00ºN and 12.00ºN) and (3) Semi-Arid (SA) climate zone (between latitude 12.00ºN and 15.00ºN). The dataset was also stratified into four seasons, namely (1) January-February-March (JFM), (2) April-May-June (AMJ), (3) July-August-September (JAS) and (4) October-November-December (OND). The verification algorithms and measures used in this study are in accordance with the WMO NWP verification standards. The verification results indicate that the Africa LAM model temperature forecasts show skill, more so during the raining seasons (AMJ and JAS) than during the dry seasons (JFM and OND) over the WS. The model rainfall forecasts, however, show more skill during the dry seasons (JFM and OND) than during the raining seasons (AMJ and JAS). The results further indicate that, on a regional basis, the model temperature forecasts show more spatial skill over the WE climate zone than over the WDT and SA climate zones of the WS, while rainfall forecasts show more skill over the SA climate zone than over the WDT and WE climate zones of the WS. Additional results from simple bias corrections and Model Output Statistics (MOS) which are some of the suggested post-processing techniques in this study are presented. These results give a better understanding of the model forecast errors, and also provide the feedback necessary for a possible improvement of Africa LAM forecasts by scientists at the UK Met Office. Copyright / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Geography, Geoinformatics and Meteorology / MSc / Unrestricted
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A comparative analysis of anti-corruption legislation and anti-corruption agencies in the Eastern Cape and Northern Cape provices : a governance perspectiveMajila, Victoria Thozama January 2012 (has links)
This thesis analysed and compared the effectiveness of the anti-corruption legislation and anti-corruption agencies in the Eastern Cape and Northern Cape provinces. The thesis consists of six chapters. This study is based on the assumption that the struggle against corruption is best approached by developing a system of laws, institutions and supporting practices which promote integrity and make corrupt conduct a high-risk activity. It is imperative that a systemic approach is embarked upon in order to address the manner in which the major institutions and processes of the state are conquered and exploited by corrupt individuals and groups. With the magnitude in which hurdles exist that hamper the effectiveness of the country's anti-corruption legislation and anti-corruption agencies; South Africa is incapable of curbing corruption. With the purpose to determine a desired state of affairs, characteristics of effective anti-corruption agencies and anti-corruption legislation were presented. These served as a yardstick in measuring how effective such agencies and legislation are in South Africa. Reasons for failure of agencies and legislation are discussed. After discussing types of anti-corruption agencies, those that perform better than ix others were identified. Through literature review, the status quo concerning anti-corruption initiatives in South Africa was assessed. It was revealed that the level of the success of South African anti-corruption agencies and legislation has been limited. In the case of anti-corruption agencies, weaknesses such as fragmentation; insufficient coordination; poor delineation of responsibility; and assimilation of corruption work into a broader mandate were identified as major causes. Measures that are needed, such as informed citizens; a need to foster and sustain high levels of professional and ethically imbued civil servants; and legislation that supports the transition towards a corruption-free society that are needed to complement implementation of anti-corruption legislation, were also recognised. Ways of addressing such shortcomings that the writers identified are also presented. The methodology and design followed in the study are described. This is followed by the analysis and interpretation of the survey. The research findings are then presented. Based on the findings a number of recommendations that would assist in improving the effectiveness of anticorruption agencies and anti-corruption legislation are made. Flowing from the discussion of effective anti-corruption models that were identified by literature a model that would be ideal for South Africa is recommended.
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