Spelling suggestions: "subject:"effice"" "subject:"cffice""
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Citizens getting help : interactions at the constituency officeHofstetter, Emily January 2016 (has links)
This thesis examines a previously unstudied site of interaction: the constituency office. At the constituency office, Members of Parliament (MPs) hold MP surgeries , during which they help constituents to solve their personal difficulties. This thesis provides the first analysis of interactions at the constituency office. It is the only place where ordinary citizens can meet their MP; as such, it also provides the first analysis of face-to-face, unmediated interactions between politicians and their constituents. For this study, 12.5 hours of interactional data were recorded at the office of an MP in the United Kingdom, comprising over 80 encounters between office staff, the MP, and their constituents. The MP was of the majority ( government ) party at the time of recording. The data were analyzed using conversation analysis (CA), in order to investigate how the social activities of the constituency office were accomplished through interaction. The first analytic chapter reveals the overall structure of constituency office encounters, as well as examining what constituents say when they call or visit the office, and how they express that they are in need of assistance. This chapter finds that constituents avoid making direct requests of their MP, and instead use narrative descriptions. These descriptions manage interactional challenges including the unknown nature of the institution (Stokoe, 2013b), contingency and entitlement (Drew & Curl, 2008), reasonableness and legitimacy (Edwards & Stokoe, 2007; Heritage & Robinson, 2006), and recruitment (Kendrick & Drew, 2016). The second analytic chapter examines the action of offering, and finds it to be the central mechanism for transacting service. The staff use different offer designs to index different nuances in the offering action, such as asking permission or confirming an activity. Both the first and second analytic chapters show that systematic deployment of offers help control the direction of the encounters and tacitly instruct constituents as to what services are available. Furthermore, both of these chapters show the flexibility participants employed in turn design and action ascription, which extends previous descriptions of how requests and offers are constructed (Couper-Kuhlen, 2014; Curl, 2006) and supports recent calls for a more nuanced approach to action description from conversation analysts (Kendrick & Drew, 2014; Sidnell & Enfield, 2014). The third analytic chapter investigates the ostensibly political context of the constituency office, and how the MP and constituents raise political topics in conversation. The chapter finds that the term political is challenging to define in live interactions, and relies on the concept of politicizing (Hay, 2007) statements that upgrade (or downgrade) a topic into greater (or lesser) public and governmental concern. Both the MP and constituents were found to initiate political topics, but in different ways. The MP initiated political topics in explicit references to government, in order to provide evidence that the government was aligned with constituents interests. The constituents initiated political topics in vague and indirect references to recent policy changes, and avoided implicating the MP in any criticisms. The findings suggest that constituents privilege interactional norms (such as not criticizing a co-present interlocutor) over any potential interest in making political critiques. The chapter also discusses what impact these findings may have on concepts such as power and evasion . The final analytic chapter assesses the concept of rapport , finding that it is difficult for both participants and analysts to determine long-term outcomes from local, interactional occurrences in interaction. Rapport is important for MPs who may be attempting to build a personal vote relationship with constituents, but this chapter also finds that constituents have a stake in building rapport in order to receive the best (or any) service. The chapter finds that while traditional practices for building rapport , such as doing small talk or finding common ground, are problematic to employ and assess from an interactional perspective, other local outcomes such as progressivity (Fogarty, Augoustinos & Kettler, 2013) and affiliation (Clark, Drew & Pinch, 2003) may be more useful indicators of positive interactions. This chapter concludes that we need a more nuanced, and interactionally-based, framework to train practitioners (and clients) in effective communication practices. This thesis challenges the conversation analytic literature by finding that the constituency office setting revolves around a more flexible ascription of requests than many studies have previously accepted, and that we can analyze actions as if on a spectrum, rather than in bounded categories. The thesis also contributes to the political discourse literature by finding that constituents activities at the constituency office are strongly influenced by interactional norms, rather than political attitudes. Finally, this thesis provides a basis from which to study the constituency office, as a site of service interaction.
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A Leadership Profile of the Successful Transitional Pastor: A Delphi StudyKramer, Michael A. 07 June 2018 (has links)
Michael Austin Kramer, Ph.D.
The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2018
Chair: Dr. Michael S. Wilder
Over the last fifteen years denominational decline coinciding with megachurches led by iconic pastoral personalities has changed the playing field of pastoral transition. The current pastoral succession conversation has addressed the pastor’s responsibility in succession and provided snapshots of functional transitional plans. The question that now needs addressed is, “What does it take to be a transitional leader?” or “What is the leadership profile of a successful transitional pastor?”
While the current literature contains hints at what the traits of a successful transitioning leader should be, these characteristics have yet to be statistically identified. Once systematically studied these traits would allow an individual to measure and improve areas of perceived growth.
The purpose of this qualitative analysis of the characteristics of successfully transitioning pastors is to statistically identify the traits of a successful transitional pastor to prepare pastors to become transitional leaders. To accomplish this a qualitative study was prepared. Chapter 1 provides the need for the study—pointing to a void in the literature surrounding pastoral transition, specifically the identification of characteristics of successfully transitioning pastors. Chapter 2 reviews the current literature and distills 27 characteristics identified in pastoral, secular, and academic writings. Chapter 3 outlines the research design, which utilizes a Delphi study engaging an expert panel. Chapter 4 provides analysis of the Delphi panel results including a successful transitional pastoral profile and a transitional pastor competency model. Chapter 5 offers research applications noting the statistical prominence given to followership and confusion surrounding disciple-making, the statistical importance of the characteristics of willingness to let go of authority, concern for the church, and emotional maturity, as well as statistical implications for the use of a successful transitional profile and competency model for self-assessment, church leadership, and academic training.
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Prestasiebeoordeling as maatstaf vir bevordering en loopbaanbeplanning (met spesifieke verwysing na die sekretariele beroep in die Wes-Kaap)Bezuidenhout, Susan Catherine January 1996 (has links)
Thesis (MTech(Human Resources Management))--Cape Technikon, Cape Town, 1996 / Even though performance appraisal is used in most South African organisations, the information
acquired is often not used for the purpose to which it pertains, i.e. improving work performance
and identifying career, promotion and development opportunities.
The former, together with the lack of formal post structures and goal orientated career plans
when appointments are made, often results in secretarial personnel (especially executive secretaries
and personal assistants) never receiving the necessary acknowledgement in spite of their
training, competence and experience. This group of employees plays a very important support-
ing role at all levels of management; yet they are often overlooked for promotion to lower and
middle management levels, despite the crucial shortage of people with high level skills. Since
the largest percentage of these employees are women, they experience even more discrimination
because of their gender.
In the first place this investigation attempted to establish to what degree secretarial personnel's
performance is appraised and to what end the results are employed. Secondly, an attempt was
made to determine the degree to which the enterprises involved in the investigation have established
career programmes and whether the results obtained from performance appraisals are
used as criterion for promotion and career planning. Furthermore, the obstacles in the way of
the development and promotion of secretarial personnel were investigated. At the same time
the degree of discrimination against women in management positions was surveyed.
As background to the investigation, a comprehensive literature review was conducted.
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Educating for employability in office environmentsHollis-Turner, Shairn Lorena January 2015 (has links)
Diversity and transformation demands on higher education require that all universities of technology revisit and redesign their qualifications and curricula in order to meet the challenges facing the higher education system in the 21st century, and to align with the Higher Education Qualifications Sub-Framework. The study focused on the knowledge bases of the current and new Diplomas in Office Management curricula, and how these were aligned with the broader aim of enhancing the employability of graduates.
The problem investigated was the contribution of higher education to the work readiness of graduates within a diploma curriculum at a university of technology. This thesis argues that employability is enhanced by the programme and its content. The National Diploma in Office Management is currently being phased out, and a new programme, the Diploma in Office Management, is being developed. These two qualifications are the main focus of this thesis. Knowledge is considered an important component of modern societies, and thus the knowledge bases of the Office Management curricula can play a vital role in fostering the employability of graduates.
The theoretical framework draws on three dimensions of Maton’s Legitimation Code Theory. These dimensions are Autonomy, Semantics and Specialisation, which allow for the analysis of the Office Management curriculum to enable the researcher to develop an understanding of the knowledge base of service and professional knowledge bases of the curriculum. The recontextualisation processes for professional curricula involve the recontextualisation of work practices into academic subjects as well as the recontextualisation of disciplinary knowledge into applied subject areas. This process involves a series of knowledge translations involving choices and struggles, for example, to determine which disciplines are essential in a National Diploma Office Management curriculum. These choices of what makes different categories of knowledge practices legitimate, and the purposes and interests they serve are conceptualised in Legitimation Code Theory. The use of Legitimation Code Theory determined the multi-method approach used to include the views of graduates, employers and academics, who were able to bring their own experiences, expectations, concerns and perspectives into the research process. The methods of data collection included Delphi surveys, documentary data from minutes of DACUM and curriculum workshops, curricular documents and course material, third-year student and alumni surveys, and interview documentation with academics from international and local institutions. These sources were used to secure triangulation of data gathering. The Autonomy dimension of Legitimation Code Theory was drawn on to analyse the documentary and curricular data to examine the history, origin and mission of the Office Management curricula to determine who decided on the knowledge bases of the curricula. The Delphi survey was designed to determine the knowledge areas which form the basis of the Office Management curricula, and to obtain additional content which had been omitted from the current curriculum to assist with the recurriculation of the new Diploma in Office Management. The data from the Delphi surveys, curricular and documentary data and interview data, were analysed by drawing on the Semantic dimension of Legitimation Code Theory to examine the content and knowledge areas which give the Office Management curricula meaning. The design of the Delphi survey also aimed to determine the attributes necessary for the role of the office administrator. The analysis of data produced from a variety of sources utilising the dimensions of the Legitimation Code Theory established that the knowledge base of office management work is that of professional service and support. The findings show that the Office Management curricula focus on technical and highly practical and contextual components with less emphasis given to the significant role of the linguistic knowledge base. Language, writing and oral communication skills are the foundation of the work of office administrators and office managers who are required to communicate at all levels of the organisation with employees and senior staff, and between the company and its stakeholders. The workplace demands of the field of information technology are continuously changing, and focusing on the “technology” without focusing on the communication knowledge principles that support this technology, gives evidence of what Maton calls knowledge blindness in the curriculum. This harks to when the focus on the mechanics of typing and shorthand caused the work of secretaries to become underrated as the focus was not on the multiple and complex literacies associated with this work. A solid disciplinary core of communication theory and a sound knowledge of business communication genres and technical communication are essential for graduates. This will provide graduates with the complex knowledge they will need to draw on to cope with the demands of the dynamic workplace, changing technology and society, and an unknown future.
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Entremeio: a constituição de um espaço bureaucrático individual / In between spaces: the creations of a personal bureaucratic spaceTatiana Klafke 27 September 2013 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A presente dissertação acompanha os desdobramentos e estudos realizados durante a elaboração do trabalho intitulado Entremeio: a constituição de um espaço bureaucrático individual. Nela foram destacadas três momentos temporais e textuais: o movimento de chegada a uma cidade estranha e a elaboração do conceito de artista forasteiro, bem como o momento de adaptação ao novo e as perambulações por uma cidade a se desvelar e pulsar em uma potência transbordante; o desenvolvimento de uma coleção de perguntas capturadas em meio aos escritos de diversos autores, observando o efeito de apropriação das mesmas para a constituição de um trabalho artístico que leva em conta a distribuição silenciosa e unilateral de perguntas pelo tecido social da cidade; por fim, a criação de um trabalho que transporta o espaço individual de estudos e trabalho (bureau) para o meio de circulação pública, através da livre ocupação de espaços públicos, abordando as implicações espaciais do público e do privado. Este ensaio busca, ainda, explorar o formato ensaístico de escrita levando em consideração o relato de experiência no decorrer da elaboração de um trabalho artístico / This dissertation follows the studies and its conceptual variations of the preparation of the work entitled: In between spaces: the creations of a personal bureaucratic space. It highlights three textual and temporal moments: the movement of arrival in a new and strange city and the elaboration of the concept of outsider artist, as well as as the moment to adapt to the new and to start wandering through a city to unfold and pulsate in an overflowing power; the creation of a collection of questions captured amid the writings of various authors, observing the appropiation effect in them in order to create an artwork that works as a silent ans unilateral distribution os questions through the citys social environment; Finally, the creation of a work that takes to public spaces the individual work space (bureau), through a free occupation of this spaces, adressing the implications of wich is public and wich is private. This text also intends to explore the essay writing format considering the experience report during the development of an artistic work
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Edif 60 anos de arquitetura pública / Public architecture in São Paulo city public building project departament since 1948André Takiya 07 May 2009 (has links)
Esta nossa pesquisa, EDIF 60 anos de arquitetura pública, é uma simples seleção de dois momentos distintos da arquitetura (obra e pensamento), feita por arquitetos numa repartição pública da cidade de São Paulo (Convênio Escolar nos anos 1950 e EDIF nos anos 2000) e, um princípio metodológico de organização de um vasto material em deterioração e confuso, como os que existem em qualquer serviço público no Brasil. Este nosso trabalho consiste apenas na apresentação primária desses projetos e pensamentos de alguns arquitetos, sem a preocupação de chegarmos a conclusões definitivas. Para isso, escolhemos alguns arquitetos do Convênio Escolar (Hélio Duarte, Roberto Tibau, Eduardo Corona, Ernest Robert de Carvalho Mange e Oswaldo Corrêa Gonçalves) e uma obra (CEUs) da equipe de arquitetos do Departamento de Edificações (EDIF) da Secretaria Municipal de Infra-estrutura Urbana e Obras do Município de São Paulo. / This study, EDIF - 60 anos de arquitetura pública (EDIF 60 years of public architecture) is a simple selection of two distinct moments of architecture (work and thought), carried out by architects in a government office of the city of São Paulo (Convênio Escolar School Partnership in the 1950s and EDIF in the 2000s), and a methodological principle of organization of a vast material that is confused and in deterioration, like the ones that exist in any public service in Brazil. This study provides a preliminary presentation of these projects and of some architects thoughts, without aiming to reach definitive conclusions. To achieve this, we chose some architects of Convênio Escolar (Hélio Duarte, Roberto Tibau, Eduardo Corona, Ernest Robert de Carvalho Mange and Oswaldo Corrêa Gonçalves) and one work (CEUs Unified Educational Centers) of the team of architects of the Constructions Department (EDIF) of the Municipal Secretariat of Urban Infrastructure and Works of the Municipality of São Paulo.
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Escritório de gerenciamento de projetos (PMO) como estratégia de customização de soluções na indústria eletroeletrônica. / Office management of project (PMO) how strategy for customization for solutions in electric and electronic.Roberto Candido 19 December 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar um Modelo de Escritório de Gerenciamento de Projetos, que viabilize o atendimento diferenciado a clientes. Tendo em vista a expansão e a globalização do mercado associada à crescente competitividade das empresas buscando atender os clientes, cada vez mais exigentes na qualidade dos produtos somados a seus interesses individualizados, surgiu a necessidade de adequar a produção para a personalização do consumidor. Essa modelagem foi estruturada a partir de um Estudo de Caso mediante uma pesquisa exploratória e buscou como fonte de referência a Bematech Soluções em Automação Comercial, empresa de grande porte do segmente eletroeletrônico, que se apresentou apropriada para o estudo face ao seu estágio de crescimento e à intenção de ampliar sua presença no mercado. Atualmente suas atividades comerciais estão voltadas para o atendimento de pequenas e médias empresas varejistas, mediante uma rede de revendas distribuídas regionalmente. Este procedimento, que é eficiente para o segmento, é um limitador para a ampliação de mercado desejado pela empresa. Em planejamentos realizados pela empresa definiu-se ampliar o espectro de clientes, buscando atender os grandes varejos com o oferecimento de soluções customizadas, a partir de uma linha produzida em massa. Esta pesquisa, portanto, apresenta como estruturar uma nova Unidade de Negócios fundamentada nos conhecimentos sobre um Escritório de Gerenciamento de Projetos, como elemento de proporcionar a Customização de Soluções para atendimento exclusivo a cada cliente. / This work has objective a Model Project Management Office that makes possible the differential attendance to customers. In view of the expansion and globalization of the market, associated to the competitive of the companies seeking to attend the customers, more and more demanding at the qualities of products added to their individualized interests, came up the necessity to fit the production for the consumers personalization. This modeling was structured from a Case Study by an exploratory research and attempted source the Bematech Solution in Commercial Automation, enterprise of great importance at the hardware segments, that presented itself proper for study, according to its period of growth and the purpose to extend its presence in the market. Today, its commercial activities are turned toward the attendance of small and average retail companies, through a net of resale distribution regionally. This procedure, that is efficient for the segment, limits the magnifying of the market required by the company. In planning carried out by the company, it was defined the specter of consumers, trying to attend the great retails with the proposing of customized solutions, from a mass producing line of products. This research, therefore, presents how to frame a new Business Unit based on the knowledge on an office of Project Management Office (PMO), as element to provide the Customization of Solutions for each customers exclusive attendance.
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Melhoria de processos na gestão de recursos públicos: : uma aplicação de conceitos do lean office no Hospital Militar de Área de ManausCarvalho, Jonison Barroso 24 June 2016 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2016-06-24 / The management of public resources for health is an intriguing and engaging subject, which
requires increasingly skilled managers and updated as to the relevant laws and procedures.
loaded bureaucratic processes and historical bottlenecks permeate the budgetary and financial
plays in organizations that manage public resources in health. The issue involves questioning
whether the flow of budget execution processes of these resources have restrictions and steps
that can be wiped away. The main objective was to map the value stream of the most
significant processes of flow in the Administrative Division of the Military Hospital in
Manaus area, presenting alternatives to identify bottlenecks and enxugassem obsolete
processes. Therefore, from the background in literature, it was performed field work, using
the research methodology applied, and the data were made available through computerized
systems. The analysis was backed by the information of the historical evolution of budget
execution in the years 2011-2013, where we got the average quantity of documents made in
the Financial Management System of the Federal Government (SIAFI). In the background, it
performed the measurement of time spent on the order with the documents that generate
financial rights. Finally, the flow of information and documents were analyzed, in order to
reduce the lead time of the macro process of budget execution of expenditure processes with
Health Civil Organizations (OCS) and providers of Autonomous Service (PSA). With the
analysis of the collected data of the analyzed system restrictions were diagnosed, and through
the implementation of lean thinking has been reduced the total lead time of the OCS payment
macroprocess 50% (fifty percent); the process of signatures of commitment notes was wiped
80%; as a result of the downsizing of the process were also reduced by almost 75% in the
amount of paper; and there was naturally an improvement in transparency of fiscal
management, with progress in the evaluation of medical bills 'insufficient' to 'very good', and
as a new product, was presenting a new flow based on the application of mentality Lean
Office, influencing, including the image of the institution to its customers and to society.
From reducing the waiting time between the commitment of expenditure and the actual
payment, new OCS and PSA can be motivated to engage or re-engage with the Brazilian
Army. / A gestão de recursos públicos em saúde é um tema intrigante e envolvente, que exige, cada
vez mais, gestores capacitados e atualizados quanto às legislações pertinentes e
procedimentos. Processos carregados de burocracia e de gargalos históricos permeiam as
execuções orçamentária e financeira em organizações que gerem recursos públicos em saúde.
A problemática envolve questionar se o fluxo dos processos de execução orçamentária desses
recursos apresentam restrições e fases que podem ser enxugadas. O objetivo maior foi mapear
o fluxo de valor do fluxo de processos mais significativos na Divisão Administrativa do
Hospital Militar de Área de Manaus, apresentando alternativas que identificassem gargalos e
enxugassem os processos obsoletos. Para tanto, a partir do embasamento em bibliografia, foi
executado um trabalho de campo, usando a metodologia de pesquisa aplicada, sendo que os
dados foram disponibilizados através dos sistemas informatizados. A análise foi lastreada pela
informação da evolução histórica da execução orçamentária nos anos de 2011 a 2013, onde se
obteve o quantitativo médio de documentos confeccionados no Sistema de Administração
Financeira do Governo Federal (SIAFI). Em segundo plano, foi efetuada a aferição do tempo
gasto com o despacho com os documentos que geram direitos financeiros. Por fim, foi
analisado o fluxo de informações e documentos, com a finalidade de reduzir o lead time do
macroprocesso de execução orçamentária dos processos de despesas com Organizações Civis
de Saúde (OCS) e Prestadores de Serviço Autônomos (PSA). Com a análise dos dados
coletados foram diagnosticadas restrições do sistema analisado, e, através da implementação
da mentalidade enxuta, foi reduzido o lead time total do macroprocesso de pagamento a OCS
em 50% (cinquenta por cento); o processo de assinaturas das notas de empenho foi enxugado
em 80%; como consequência do enxugamento desse processo houve também uma redução em
quase 75% na quantidade de papel; e houve naturalmente uma melhora na transparência da
gestão fiscal, apresentando progressão na avaliação das contas médicas de ‘insuficiente’ para
‘muito bem’, e, como novo produto, foi apresentando um novo fluxo com base na aplicação
da mentalidade Lean Office, influenciando, inclusive, na imagem da instituição perante os
seus clientes e perante a sociedade. A partir da redução do tempo de aguardo entre o empenho
da despesa e o efetivo pagamento, novas OCS e PSA podem ser motivadas a contratar ou
voltar a contratar com o Exército Brasileiro.
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A integração entre o sistema de Lean Manufacturing e Lean Office para melhoria dos processos na área de serviços – um estudo de caso da diretoria de comunicação e marketing do sistema FIEAMSegadilha, Ellen Cristhyanne Araújo, 92-99143-9399 11 December 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Divisão de Documentação/BC Biblioteca Central (ddbc@ufam.edu.br) on 2018-04-19T19:08:45Z
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license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Divisão de Documentação/BC Biblioteca Central (ddbc@ufam.edu.br) on 2018-04-19T19:09:00Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
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Previous issue date: 2017-12-11 / To elaborate proposals and projects of Marketing requires, above all, creativity and innovation, for this, we need to be attentive to what the market demands and be willing to change. In this sense, the proposal of this project is to improve resources with the objective of eliminating waste of time, ideas, unnecessary waiting and other activities that do not add value to the customer that contract our services.
For this, we will use Lean Office as a tool that will make us think in a lean way and eliminate wastes in our daily activities that directly impact our deliveries, increasing our competitiveness and efficiency on the FIEAM System. / Elaborar propostas e projetos de Marketing requer, sobretudo, criatividade e inovação, para isto, precisamos estar atentos ao que o mercado exige e estar disposto a mudanças. Neste sentido, a proposta deste projeto é aperfeiçoar recursos com o objetivo de eliminar desperdícios de tempo, ideias, esperas desnecessários e outras atividades que não agregam valor ao cliente que contratam nossos serviços.
Para isto, usaremos como ferramenta o Lean Office que nos fará pensar de forma enxuta e eliminar desperdícios em nossas atividades diárias que impactam diretamente nas entregas, aumentando a competitividade e eficiência do Sistema FIEAM.
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Edifícios de escritórios na cidade de São Paulo / Office buildings in the city of São PauloRoberto Novelli Fialho 20 September 2007 (has links)
O trabalho se propõe a compilar material de referência e registrar a produção de edifícios destinados ao trabalho burocrático (de escritório) na cidade de São Paulo, dos primeiros, datados do início do século XX, até aqueles recentemente construídos. Entre as questões discutidas estão: as implicações da legislação; as relações entre dimensões do lote, legislação e viabilidade econômica; a identificação de uma distribuição espacial na cidade refletindo momentos específicos desta produção; as configurações espaciais mais freqüentes e a influência das inovações tecnológicas no desenvolvimento dos projetos estudados. Em seu conteúdo, discorre brevemente sobre a história da torre de escritórios, identificando origens e aspectos fundamentais de sua evolução, e aborda aspectos da urbanização relacionados à verticalização da cidade. A partir deste contexto, apresenta, num relato cronológico, os edifícios pioneiros desta trajetória, os desenvolvidos sob a influência do movimento moderno a partir da década de 1940 e, a seguir, a produção do período iniciado em 1972, com a substituição do Código de Obras Arthur Saboya pela Lei de Zoneamento. O resultado final da pesquisa apresenta, além deste panorama geral, com aproximadamente 200 obras registradas, o estudo detalhado de 100 edifícios, que tem como objetivo identificar as diferentes tipologias implantadas na cidade e a diversidade de configurações e combinações possíveis a partir de opções de partido arquitetônico, sistema estrutural, condicionantes de legislação, localização geográfica, sistema construtivo e tipo de uso. Estes estudos de caso estão organizados em 5 percursos - Centro, Paulista, Faria Lima, Berrini e Itaim - que os agrupam geograficamente e explicitam a distribuição espacial de diferentes momentos de verticalização da cidade. Complementa este conjunto um grupo formado por 11 edifícios isolados, significativos por compreenderem uma diversidade de soluções que exemplificam a heterogeneidade da ocupação física a partir do uso do solo. Em suas conclusões, o trabalho discute a influência decisiva da legislação sobre a configuração dos edifícios e sua viabilidade, a localização dos empreendimentos na cidade, sua relação com o delineamento de vetores de expansão, sua influência na alteração das infra-estruturas urbanas e, ainda, o uso e influência dos componentes tecnológicos no projeto dos edifícios. Finalmente, identifica a crescente opção por construções flexíveis, a busca pelo aproveitamento máximo de área útil dos empreendimentos e a valorização do conceito de edifício inteligente. Complementando o conteúdo, estão incluídos no trabalho 3 anexos: o anexo I apresenta um resumo visual da evolução dos edifícios de escritórios que faz um contraponto entre a experiência internacional e os principais edifícios construídos na cidade (linha do tempo); o anexo II, um diagrama comparativo da volumetria dos edifícios analisados, também organizados cronologicamente; e o anexo III, índices organizados por data, autor e edifício, para facilitar a consulta isolada das diversas obras apresentadas no trabalho. / The research sets a compilation of reference material and registers the production of office buildings in the city of São Paulo, from the first ones dated from the beginning of the 20th century, to those recently built. Among the discussed issues are: legislative implications; the relations between plot dimensions, legislation and economical feasibility; the identification of a spatial distribution in the city according to specific moments of the production; the most common spatial configurations and the influence of technological innovations in the projects\' development. In its content there is an overview on the history of the office tower, identifying its origins and fundamental aspects of its evolution and it analyses aspects of urbanism related to the city\'s verticalization. From this context, it presents in a chronological line the pioneer constructions, then the ones developed from the 1940\'s under the influence of the modern movement and, finally, the production after 1972, when the Arthur Saboya Building Code was substituted by the Zoning Law. Besides this general background with approximately 200 buildings registered, the research presents a detailed survey of 100 buildings, aiming the identification the different typologies developed in the city and the diversity of possible configurations and combinations derived from the options on architectural conception, structural system, legislation issues, geographic situation, building system and use type. These case studies are organized in 5 itineraries - Center, Paulista, Faria Lima, Berrini and Itaim - that sets a geographical organization and shows the spatial distribution of the city\'s different growth phases. In addition to this, there is another group formed by 11 isolated buildings that become meaningful as a sample of the diversity of solutions obtained from the physical occupation of the city. In its conclusion, the research deals with the decisive influence of the legislation over the buildings\' configuration and its viability, the location of investments within the city, its relation with the setting of growth vectors, its influence on the alteration of urban infrastructures, as well as the use and influence of technological components in the buildings projects. Finally, it identifies the tendency of choice for flexible constructions, the search for maximum use of floor area rates and the valuation of the concept of intelligent buildings. As a complement, there are three appendixes: the first one presents a timeline as a visual summary of the office tower\'s evolution, establishing a counterpoint between the international experience and the most important buildings in the city; the second one is a comparative diagram of the analyzed building\'s mass also in chronological order; the third one comprehends indexes organized per time, author and building, in order to make the data search easier.
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