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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utopie u Adalberta Stiftera / Utopia in the Works of Adalbert Stifter

Smetana, Jiří January 2011 (has links)
Name of the author: Jiří Smetana Name of the MA thesis: Utopia in the Works of Adalbert Stifter University: Charles University in Prague Faculty: Faculty of Arts Department: Institute of the Germanic Studies Supervisor: Doc. PhDr. Milan Tvrdík, CSc. Place and date of publishing: Prague, March 2011 The subject of the present work is Adalbert Stifter's utopia. The aim is to outline its main essence and in part describe the motives that had led Stifter to his utopia. The work describes the artistic, political and social background of the Biedermeier era and approximates Stifter as its principal representative in Austrian literature. Adalbert Stifter's talent was versatile; he had affection for nature and art. Art was one of his most faithful friends. Stifter's Biedermeier literary works are original and in a certain sense possess great depth. For every opinion in these works is put down rationally. In this regard we would be hard pressed to find selfcontent in Stifter's late work. This opinion is also shared by the Austrian writer Peter Rosegger, who regards Adalbert Stifter higher than Johann Wolfgang Goethe for this very reason. As Rosegger rightly states, Stifter's style is also very original.1 This work takes note of the utopian features in some of Stifter's short stories and in his educational...

Vectors of Revolution : The British Radical Community in Early Republican Paris, 1792-1794 / Vecteurs de la Révolution : la communauté radicale britannique à Paris au moment de la fondation de la république, 1792-1794

Rogers, Rachel 30 November 2012 (has links)
Des militants britanniques fondèrent un club pro-révolutionnaire à Paris à la fin de l’année 1792, au moment où leur propre gouvernement, dirigé par William Pitt le Jeune, avait proscrit tout soutien ouvert pour la Révolution française. Le club des expatriés fut créé alors à un carrefour dans la culture politique et diplomatique de la Grande-Bretagne, ainsi qu’à un stade important dans l’évolution de la Révolution française. Souvent victimes de poursuites judiciaires à la fois en Grande-Bretagne et en France, les membres du club ont été considérés comme des « hommes sans pays » par un commentateur au dix-neuvième siècle. Cependant, ces militants ne furent pas simplement des pions dans un conflit diplomatique plus large. Au sein de la jeune république, ils créèrent une communauté radicale à l’hôtel de White, lieu où des programmes politiques croisèrent des projets privés. Ce monde associatif fit partie d’un réseau plus large de réforme qui traversa la Manche. L’impact d’une tradition de « enquiry » et de « improvement », qui se développa au cours de la deuxième moitié du dix-huitième siècle, fut grand. Cette tradition poussa des membres de la communauté radicale à intervenir dans les débats révolutionnaires sur le devant de la scène publique française. Ces interventions furent aussi l’expression d’une volonté de mener à bien une réforme de la culture politique en Grande-Bretagne. Les membres de la communauté expatriée intervinrent alors au sujet de la création d’une nouvelle constitution républicaine à la fin de l’année 1792, proposant des modèles divers qui reflétaient le caractère hétérogène du club. D’autres, en tant que spectateurs, esquissèrent des témoignages pour un public britannique qui avait été trompé, à leurs yeux, par une presse ennemie de la Révolution. / British radicals established a pro-revolutionary society in Paris in the late months of 1792, at a time when their own government, under William Pitt the Younger, had proscribed all overt support for the French Revolution. The expatriate club was founded at a crossroads in British political and diplomatic culture therefore, and at a vital stage in the course of the French Revolution. Often the victims of judicial pursuit in both Britain and France, the members of the British Club have been deemed “men without countries” by one nineteenth-century commentator. Yet British radical activists in Paris were not simply pawns in a wider diplomatic struggle. In the early French republic, they founded a radical community at White’s Hotel, where political agendas intersected with private initiatives. This associational world was part of a broad network of reform stretching across the Channel. It was influenced by a tradition of enquiry and improvement which had developed in Britain during the latter half of the eighteenth century. This tradition led members of the radical community to engage with the Revolution on issues which dominated public debate in France but which also echoed their concern for the overhaul of British political culture. They intervened on the question of the foundation of a new republican constitution at the turn of 1793, providing a range of blueprints which reflected the varied nature of the club’s political character. Some also wrote eyewitness observations of the Revolution back to Britain, sketching their impressions for an audience who had, in their view, been misled by a hostile British press.

Senzomorická odpověď na audiovizuální podnět u dětí mladšího školního věku / Sensorimotor Response to the Audiovisual Impulse of Young School Age Children

Švecová, Hana January 2012 (has links)
Title Sensorimotor response to the audiovisual impulse of young school age children. The aim of the work The aim of the work was quantification of sensorimotor response to the audiovisual impulse of young school age girls. Method Pilot study - experimental research, indirect measurement. Results Investigation showed that the group of girls who do coordination-aesthetic sports reached better results of sensorimotor response to the audiovisual impulse in the tests of gross and fine coordination than the group of girls who do not or have not been doing coordination-aesthetic sports in the past. Key words Sensomotor, Coordination-aesthetic sports, Dance mat, Dance Dance Revolution (DDR), Exergames

Liu Xiaobo - Intelektuální životopis v souvislostech proměn čínské společnosti v 80. letech 20. století / Liu Xiaobo - An intellectual biography in view of the changing Chinese society in the 1980's

Phamová, Kateřina January 2014 (has links)
Liu Xiaobo first came to attention in mid 80s of the 20th century, as radical critic of Chinese culture and society. Due to his point of view he cannot be linked with any existing intellectual group. Therefore, it is not possible to point him as a typical representative of the intellectual circles of the time. This work brings closer his ideas and his perspective of the changing Chinese society of the 1980s. It follows chronologically important events in Liu Xiaobo's life and his involvement in the intellectual debates within the context of social and political situation in the People's Republic of China. It is based on the articles and books he published during the given period. In the end it brings the summary of his ideas and his vision about where should be Post-Mao China heading. Keywords Liu Xiaobo, China after the Cultural Revolution, China - modern history, intellectual debates

Politické a socioekonomické změny ve Venezuele za období Huga Cháveze / Political and socioeconomic changes in Venezuela during the presidency of Hugo Chávez

Jurníčková, Lenka January 2010 (has links)
This thesis analyses the political and socioeconomic changes in Venezuela during the presidency of Hugo Chávez. Its main goal is to find out whether the current Venezuelan government has the attributes of an authoritarian regime and what effects have the governmental reforms brought so far in the fields mentioned above.

Revolução tecnológica e mercado de trabalho: a redefinição da categoria profissional bancária brasileira / Technological Revolution and the labor market: the redefinition of the Brazilian banking professional category

Carvalho, Lauro Fabiano de Souza 29 November 2018 (has links)
O objetivo desta dissertação de Mestrado é propor a análise do impacto das mudanças tecnológicas na relação entre o capital e o trabalho, especificamente na composição orgânica de ambos, a partir da situação do trabalhador bancário evidenciando a precarização de salários e consequente compressão psicossocial dos trabalhadores desta indústria de serviços, buscando um olhar desta História econômica contemporânea que enxergue as questões políticas e sociais do cotidiano no trabalho qualificado na sociedade informatizada. Para esse intento, veremos a formação do sistema bancário brasileiro, acompanharemos a trajetória do maior banco público brasileiro, o Banco do Brasil, conceituaremos o trabalho imaterial problematizando a apropriação do conhecimento da categoria bancária pelos sistemas informáticos que atendem aos bancos. / The objective of this Master\'s thesis is to propose the analysis of the impact of technological changes on the relation between capital and labor, specifically on the organic composition of both, based on the situation of the banking worker - evidencing the precariousness of wages and consequent psychosocial compression of the workers in this service industry, seeking a look at this contemporary economic history that sees the political and social issues of daily life in the skilled work in the computerized society. For this purpose, we will see the formation of the Brazilian banking system, we will follow the trajectory of the greater Brazilian public bank, Banco do Brasil, we will conceptualize immaterial work and will problematize the appropriation of knowledge of the banking category by the computer systems that serve the banks.

À procura da revolução brasileira: itinerários do Movimento pela Emancipação do Proletariado / Looking for a Brazilian Revolution - itineraries of Movement for the Emancipation of Proletariat

Cunha, Vinicius Moraes da 26 June 2019 (has links)
Este presente trabalho tem o objetivo de reconstruir a história do Movimento pela Emancipação do Proletariado (MEP), organização política que compôs o segundo momento da chamada Nova Esquerda, em meados dos anos 1970. Fazendo parte do tronco que tem em sua raiz a POLOP (Política Operária), o MEP compartilhava da visão que defendia o caráter socialista da revolução brasileira, uma vez que o Brasil possuía uma economia plenamente capitalista, embora atrasada e dependente dos centros metropolitanos da economia-mundo. Do ponto de vista teórico, o MEP seguia as formulações da Teoria da Dependência e as contribuições de autores como Caio Prado Júnior, Moniz Bandeira, Florestan Fernandes e Chico de Oliveira, dentre outros, para encontrar uma teoria da Revolução Brasileira. A partir dessas referências, a organização desenvolveu atuação clandestina contra a ditadura militar. Organizava-se com moldes no marxismo-leninismo e enxergava na classe operária o principal sujeito da revolução. Por fazer oposição ao regime, a organização foi vítima da máquina repressiva, sofrendo com prisões e tortura. O MEP desenvolveu atuação militante entre estudantes, professores, no meio operário e em bairros da periferia de grandes cidades e editou o jornal Companheiro. Além disso, atuou desde o início na fundação do Partido dos Trabalhadores. Em 1985, ao lado da Ala Vermelha do PCdoB e da Organização Comunista Democracia Proletária (OCDP), fundou o Movimento Comunista Revolucionário (MCR). / The present study aims to rebuild the story of Movimento pela Emancipação do Proletariado (Movement for the Emancipation of Proletariat - MEP), a political organization that integrated the second moment of the so called New Left, in the mid- 1970s. Stemming from POLOP (Política Operária), MEP shared a vision that advocated the socialist character of Brazilian Revolution, once the country had an enterely capitalist economy, albeit backward and depending on the metropolitan centers of the world economy. From a theoretical standpoint, MEP had followed the statements of Dependency Theory to develop a Brazilian Revolution theory based on the contributions of scholars like Caio Prado Júnior, Moniz Bandeira, Florestan Fernandes and Chico de Oliveira, among others. From these referencies, the organization have developed a clandestine practice against the Military Dictatorship. Grounded on Marxist-Leninist principles, MEP considered the working class as the revolution protagonist. As opponents of the regimen, the organization members were victims of the repressive apparatus, suffering persecution and torture. MEP developed a militant work between students, teachers, the labor movement and on the outskirts of big cities and edited the Companheiro newspaper. Furthermore, MEP participated in the Workers Party (PT) foundation. In 1985, along with PCdoB red wing and the Organização Comunista Democracia Proletária (OCDP), founded the Movimento Comunista Revolucionário (MCR).

Populační vývoj zemí po demografické revoluci / Population Development of Countries after Demographic Revolution

Vítková, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
Lucie Vítková: Populační vývoj zemí po demografické revoluci Abstract The aim of the thesis is an analysis of main features of population development in developed countries and a question whether there is homogeneity of population development. Demographic revolution is a qualitative change from extensive to intensive character of demographic reproduction and it is a subject to modernization. Countries which are understood not only as demographically developed ones but also as economically developed has been taken as an object of this thesis. These countries finished demographic revolution at the latest in the middle of the 20th century. This period has been used as a starting point for most analysis which has been carried out. Demographic reproduction is a process determined by biological and social factors. Human reproduction takes place in relatively stable limits, which lead to its homogenization. The importance of social conditionality has grown during demographic revolution, social aspects are the cause of their development changes and specific features, same social conditions lead to homogenization. Presumption of different features of population development as consequence of different conditions in former Eastern and Western countries has been confirmed not only in individual main demographic indexes...


MURILO SEBE BON MEIHY 22 February 2008 (has links)
[pt] A Revolução Islâmica ocorrida em 1979 no Irã deve ser entendida como um processo formador de consenso político sob a liderança do ativismo religioso. As tensões que marcaram a sociedade iraniana na segunda metade do século XX puderam ser reunidas em um projeto de nação elaborado com maior intensidade pelo aiatolá Khomeini durante seu exílio na França. Seus discursos dessa época são portadores de um vocabulário político alicerçado em experiências da fé militante reconhecidas por grande parte dos iranianos como manifestações de um projeto de poder legítimo. Com a vitória da revolução e a implantação de uma República Islâmica no país, elementos desse léxico político são incorporados à nova Constituição Nacional, mantendo o domínio dos religiosos e concedendo pequenos espaços de negociação política à setores que apoiaram a revolução, tais como os liberais e os socialistas. O projeto de nação aplicado à Carta Constitucional se adapta ao novo quadro político do país, influenciado por questões internas como a consolidação da teoria do wilayat- i faqih; e por demandas externas como a Guerra Irã-Iraque iniciada em 1980. / [en] The Islamic Revolution of 1979 in Iran should be understood as a process of building political consensus under leadership of religious activism. The conflicts that marked the Iranian society during the second half of the twentieth century have been gathered in a project of nation developed mostly by Ayatollah Khomeini during his exile in France. His speeches at that time were accompanied by political language grounded in experiences of militant faith recognized by most of the Iranians as manifestations of a legitimate power project. After the victory of 1979`s revolution and implantation of the Islamic Republic in Iran, elements of this political lexicon are incorporated into the new National Constitution, maintaining the dominance of the religious and granting small spaces for political discussion to sectors that have supported the revolution, such as liberals and socialists. The project of nation applied to the Constitutional Letter suits the new political portrait in the country, influenced by internal affairs such as the consolidation of the wilayat al-faqih theory; and by external demands such as the Iran-Iraq War started in 1980.


LUCIA HELENA MELO CIPRIANO 28 May 2007 (has links)
[pt] As revoluções tecnológicas resultaram em grandes transformações no mundo e influenciaram na subjetividade de todos. Esta dissertação busca ouvir profissionais do mercado de trabalho, para entender como estão, no início do século XXI, a vida e o trabalho após a chegada dos celulares. Para tanto, foram entrevistados profissionais com filhos, que possuem telefones celulares concedidos e com contas pagas por suas empresas situadas no Rio de Janeiro. A análise das respostas indica a queda de fronteiras entre o mundo pessoal e profissional. O trabalho entra no cotidiano da família, através do celular, assim como a família consegue penetrar no ambiente de trabalho a qualquer hora. A vida dos participantes da pesquisa passou a ter um ritmo mais acelerado, com agilidade e flexibilidade, já que podem trabalhar ou fazer contato com suas casas e familiares a qualquer hora e em qualquer lugar. Entretanto, esse trabalhador contemporâneo que é contatado facilmente pelo celular, percebe a necessidade de que estejam disponíveis em tempo integral e com respostas rápidas para as demandas constantes do seu dia-a-dia. O celular tornou- se uma ferramenta de trabalho, assim como o computador e o e-mail, e os entrevistados desta pesquisa não conseguem se perceber executando suas atividades sem eles. Na análise das entrevistas pode-se verificar ainda o surgimento de novos hábitos, a partir da utilização constante do celular, tais como a administração da casa e da família à distância e a possibilidade de trabalhar remotamente. / [en] Technological revolutions have brought about dramatic changes in the world and in the ways people live, think, behave and feel. The purpose of the present study is to understand how the arrival of cell phones has affected the ways employees in the contemporary labor market live their private and professional lives. For this purpose, professionals who have children and whose cell phone accounts are paid for by their companies were interviewed. All of them lived and worked in Rio de Janeiro. Their answers showed that there is no frontier between their professional and private lives; cell phone use makes their working and professional lives mingle. In addition, the results revealed that the lives of those who took part in the present study have become more agile due to the fact they can both work and contact their homes and family at any time, no matter where they are. However, these professionals, who can also be easily reached by means of their cell phones, feel that they have to be available to their employers all the time in order to quickly solve their daily demands by phone. The cell phone, in the same way as the computer and the e-mail, has become a working tool. The interviewees admitted they could not imagine their daily lives without those tools. The interviews also showed that new habits have been created as a result of the constant use of those tools. Among these new habits are the administration of home and family from any distance and the possibility of work remotely.

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