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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Perceptions of Landscape Services Provided by Urban Green Infraestructure. The Case Study of a Campus Open Space

Tudorie, Carla Ana-Maria 11 July 2024 (has links)
[ES] La infraestructura verde urbana ha surgido como un instrumento de excelencia del campus, que puede mejorar la calidad de las funciones y servicios suministrados, y fortalecer las relaciones entre el campus y la comunidad universitaria, y entre el campus y la ciudad. Los miembros de la comunidad universitaria interactúan a menudo con el paisaje del campus y experimentan un cierto nivel de satisfacción con los beneficios derivados de la gestión de los espacios abiertos. En la literatura, estos beneficios se conocen como servicios del paisaje. El perfil del usuario y los parámetros físicos del espacio juegan un papel crucial en la determinación de las funciones y servicios percibidos, lo que se refleja en la preferencia y en el uso del espacio por parte del público. Esta tesis contribuye al conocimiento de las relaciones entre las personas y su entorno exterior cercano en el contexto del paisaje del campus universitario de la Universitat Politècnica de València. El objetivo del estudio es evaluar la funcionalidad de la infraestructura verde urbana en el entorno del campus. Además, la tesis tiene como objetivo comprender cómo la percepción y la satisfacción están mediadas por el perfil de los miembros de la comunidad universitaria, y cómo se relacionan los servicios con la satisfacción. Esta investigación examina si las tipologías actuales de los espacios abiertos del campus satisfacen las preferencias de los miembros de la comunidad universitaria. Para llevar a cabo esta investigación, se ha diseñado una encuesta online. Se ha construido un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales para identificar las relaciones entre la oferta percibida de servicios del paisaje, el perfil de los encuestados y la satisfacción. Se han realizado regresiones lineales y análisis de rutas para analizar las preferencias de los encuestados por los espacios abiertos y explorar las relaciones entre los servicios del paisaje. Los resultados revelan que los encuestados perciben los espacios abiertos del campus principalmente por sus beneficios como proporcionar un espacio para relajarse, socializar con amigos y transitar. La edad, el género, la rama de conocimiento, la frecuencia de uso y la preferencia por el espacio abierto son factores que influyen en la calidad percibida de los servicios de paisaje. Los miembros de la comunidad universitaria prefieren usar espacios abiertos más grandes que se encuentren cerca de las áreas comunes y que brindan fácil acceso a los servicios e instalaciones del campus. Las características que principalmente condicionan la preferencia del espacio son la topografía variada del espacio, la diversidad de árboles y el mobiliario urbano bien equipado. Este trabajo contribuye al conocimiento sobre cómo las variables psicosociales, como la preferencia, la percepción y el uso, se pueden aplicar de manera efectiva en la planificación y el diseño de espacios abiertos. Además, los resultados son útiles no solo para las universidades, sino también para todos los elementos de la infraestructura verde urbana que aún no tienen un diseño de paisaje multifuncional y se están adaptando a las necesidades de sus usuarios. / [CA] La infraestructura verda urbana ha sorgit com un instrument d'excel·lència del campus, que desitja millorar la qualitat de les funcions i serveis subministrats, i enfortir les relacions entre el campus i la comunitat universitària, i entre el campus i la ciutat. Els membres de la comunitat universitària interactuen sovint amb el paisatge del campus i experimenten un cert nivell de satisfacció amb els beneficis que brinda la gestió dels espais oberts. En la literatura, aquests beneficis es coneixen com a serveis del paisatge. El perfil del públic i els paràmetres físics de l'espai juguen un paper crucial en la determinació de les funcions i serveis subministrats percebuts, la qual cosa es reflecteix en la preferència i en l'ús de l'espai per part del públic. Aquesta tesi contribueix al coneixement de les relacions entre les persones i el seu entorn exterior pròxim en el context del paisatge del campus universitari de la Universitat Politècnica de València. L'objectiu de l'estudi és avaluar la funcionalitat de la infraestructura verda urbana a l'entorn del campus. A més, la tesi té com a objectiu comprendre com la percepció i la satisfacció estan mediades pel perfil dels membres de la comunitat universitària, i com es relacionen els serveis amb la satisfacció. Aquesta investigació examina si les tipologies actuals dels espais oberts del campus satisfan les preferències dels membres de la comunitat universitària. Per a dur a terme aquesta investigació, s'ha dissenyat una enquesta en línia. S'ha construït un model d'equacions estructurals per a identificar les relacions entre l'oferta percebuda de serveis del paisatge, el perfil dels enquestats i la satisfacció. S'han realitzat regressions lineals i anàlisis de rutes per a analitzar les preferències dels enquestats pels espais oberts i explorar les relacions entre els serveis del paisatge. Els resultats revelen que els enquestats perceben els espais oberts del campus principalment pels seus beneficis com proporcionar un espai per a relaxar-se, socialitzar amb amics i passar. L'edat, el gènere, la branca de coneixement, la freqüència d'ús i la preferència per l'espai obert són factors que influeixen en la qualitat percebuda dels serveis de paisatge. Els membres de la comunitat universitària prefereixen usar espais oberts més grans que es troben prop de les àrees comunes i que brinden fàcil accés als serveis i instal·lacions del campus. Les característiques rellevants per a la preferència de l'espai són la topografia variada de l'espai, la diversitat d'arbres i el mobiliari urbà ben equipat. Aquesta investigació contribueix al coneixement sobre com les variables psicosocials, com la preferència, la percepció i l'ús, es poden aplicar de manera efectiva en la planificació i el disseny d'espais oberts. A més, els resultats són útils no sols per a les universitats, sinó també per a tots els elements de la infraestructura verda urbana que encara no tenen un disseny de paisatge multifuncional i s'estan adaptant a les necessitats dels seus usuaris. / [EN] Urban green infrastructure has emerged as a campus excellency instrument, which is desired to improve the quality of provided functions and services, and strengthen the relationships between campus and university community, and between campus and city. The university community members often interact with the campus landscape and experience a certain level of satisfaction with the benefits provided by the management of open space. In the literature, these benefits are known as landscape services. The public¿s profile and space physical parameters play a crucial role in determining the functions and perceived supplied services, which echoes in the public¿s preference and use of space. This thesis contributes to the knowledge of the relationships between people and their close outdoor environment in the context of the university campus landscape of Universitat Politècnica de València. The aim of the study is to assess the functionality of urban green infrastructure within the campus setting. Furthermore, the thesis aims to understand how perceptions and satisfaction are mediated by the university community profile, and how services and satisfaction are related. This research examines whether the current typologies of campus open spaces meet the preferences of university community members. To conduct this research, an online survey has been designed. A structural equation model has been built to identify the relationships between the perceived supply of landscape services, respondents¿ profile and satisfaction. Linear regression and path analysis have been conducted to analyse respondents' preferences for open space and explore the relationships among landscape services. Results highlight that respondents perceive campus open spaces mainly for its benefits such as providing a space for relaxation, socialising with friends and passing through. Age, gender, branch of knowledge, frequency of use and preference for open space are factors influencing the perceived quality of landscape services. University community members prefer using larger open spaces that are placed close to common areas and provide easy access to campus services and facilities. When it comes to preference, varied space topography, diversity of trees and well-equipped urban furniture, are relevant features. This research contributes to the knowledge on how psychosocial variables such as preference, perceptions and use, can be effectively applied in open space planning and design. Moreover, the results are helpful not only for universities, but also for all elements of urban green infrastructure that have yet to have a multifunctional landscape design and are adapting to the needs of their users. / I am grateful for the support of the Universitat Politècnica de València and the European Commission through the funding provided for the H2020 GrowGreen Project / Tudorie, CA. (2024). Perceptions of Landscape Services Provided by Urban Green Infraestructure. The Case Study of a Campus Open Space [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/206193

Student Perceptions of the University of North Texas Campus Police

Stidd, Megan D 05 1900 (has links)
Numerous studies have been conducted to determine predictors of perceptions and attitudes toward police. Less effort has been spent on determining university and college students' perceptions of campus police departments. The purpose of this thesis was to fill this gap in the literature with an added emphasis on exploring potential differences in perceptions between students involved in Greek Life organizations and students not involved in Greek Life organizations. Prior literature found that Greek Life students engage in risk-taking behaviors at higher rates than their counterparts, so it was hypothesized that Greek Life students would have higher levels of distrust in the campus police due to their increased engagement in risk-taking behaviors. The survey questionnaire measuring trust and procedural justice/legitimacy perceptions of campus police was distributed through convenience sampling to university students. Descriptive statistics, bivariate analyses, and multivariate analyses were utilized to analyze the data. The results showed that students overall had positive perceptions of campus police, that Greek Life students had more negative perceptions of the campus police than non-Greek Life students, and that students with prior interactions with the campus police were more likely to perceive the police to be less procedurally just/legitimate. Race/ethnicity was not found to be a predictor in perceptions of trust or procedural justice/legitimacy of the campus police. Limitations, policy implications, and suggestions for future research concerning student perceptions of campus police were also discussed.

Interne kommunikasie om werknemerverhoudings te bestuur : Noordwes-Universiteit Institusionele Kantoor se kommunikasie met die Potchefstroomkampus / Lucinda Bella-May Sutton

Sutton, Lucinda Bella-May January 2014 (has links)
Relationships with internal stakeholders within the organisation (employees) are crucial for organisational survival and success (Hargie & Tourish, 2000:293; Jensen, 2010:32; Koschmann, 2007:12; McDermott & Chan, 1996:5; Van der Colff, 2003:258). Therefore, twoway symmetrical communication with employees in building relationships and relationship management is so important (Bezuidenhout, 2010; Koschmann, 2007:8). The North-West University focuses on maintaining good relationships with their employees through communication, but experience challenges in this regard. The Institutional Office of the North-West University is the main source of information and communication with employees of all three campuses. A consultant (Media Mosaics, 2010) and two other studies (Holtzhausen & Fourie, 2011; Mmope, 2010) identified various problems with the communication and consequent relationships between the Institutional Office and the Potchefstroom Campus employees. Given that good relations between the two business units are a focus of the university and that the outcomes of internal communication are good relationships, it is necessary to determine how the internal communication from the North-West University Institutional Office to Potchefstroom Campus employees are conducted in order to build good relationships. To determine the above a literature study, questionnaire survey and semi-structured interviews were carried out. The systems approach, reflective paradigm, excellence theory, two-way symmetrical communication model and stakeholder relations theory were used as a theoretical framework (Dozier, et al., 1995; Ferreira & Staude, 1991; Grunig & Grunig, 2000:310; Grunig et al., 2002; Ledingham & Bruning, 2001:63; Skinner & Von Essen, 1999:257; Steyn & Puth, 2000; Verčič et al., 2001:382). From the results it appears that the North-West University Institutional Office and Potchefstroom Campus employees do not agree on all aspects of the relationship and communication between them. It appears that the North-West University Institutional Office meets only some of the requirements of communication and relationship building, as it has been set out in the literature, and that there is room for improvement. / MA (Communication Studies), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

The involvement and participation of student representative councils in co-operative governance in higher education institutions in South Africa

Moreku, Clement January 2014 (has links)
Thesis (Phd. (Education Management )) - Central University of Technology, Free State, 2014 / The dawn of democracy in South Africa resulted in an emphasis on the involvement and participation of stakeholders in decision-making processes. At public higher education institutions, involvement and participation were guaranteed by the enactment of the Higher Education Act 101 of 1997. This Act provides that co-operative governance should be practiced in the governance of public higher education institutions. Students are stakeholders in higher education institutions. This means that according to the Act, students ought to be represented in the governance of public higher education institutions. The representation of students in university governance became a new phenomenon in the democratic South Africa. This thesis explored the involvement and participation of student representative councils in the co-operative governance of South African higher education institutions. It evaluated the role and effect of SRCs in the co-operative governance of public higher education institutions in South Africa. Following the merging of these institutions, universities have multi campuses, all of which need to be represented in the universities Managements through SRCs. This study employed the QUAN-Qual (explanatory) mixed methods design which included the use of a questionnaire and in-depth, open-ended, semi-structured interviews. The sample for the study was made up of hundred and fifty-three respondents and nine interviewees from three types of South African higher education institutions. The quantitative part of this study investigated the nexus between the involvement and participation of SRCs in co-operative governance at public higher education institutions. The correlation between SRCs’ perception of participation and co-operative governance was also examined. The study also explored the SRCs’ perception of the implementation of co-operative governance at different universities types. The qualitative part of the study investigated perception of the nature of co-operative governance the SRCs at different universities. It also examined perceptions regarding whether participatory democracy was practiced at universities, v challenges experienced in the governance of universities and what the SRCs thought should be done to address those challenges. The study found that SRC members feel that they are both involved and also participate in the governance of public higher education institutions in South Africa. This was further enhanced by research hypotheses that revealed that there is a statistically significant relationship between the SRCs’ perception of their involvement and participation in university governance and their perception of the implementation of co-operative governance in the South African higher education institutions. Although SRC members feel that they are involved and that they participate in co-operative governance, interviews have revealed that they experience the following problems:  SRC members have annual budget deficits at their universities and as a result, they fail to fulfill their mandates by the student body.  SRCs find it difficult to deal with the challenges pertaining to multi-campus set-ups in their institutions.  The existence of student political structures contributes to ideological differences amongst SRC members. This affects effective student governance at universities.  The capacity building of SRC members at higher education institutions is not adequately addressed by managements of these institutions. The researcher recommends that it is important that HEIs adhere to the HE Act 101 of 1997, as amended. Adherence to the Act will ensure that there is compliance with the law and will minimise the chances for HEIs to be placed under administration. The managements of universities and SRCs need to co-operate in order to ensure that co-operative governance in HEIs is effectively implemented. Workshops and meetings are held at universities between SRCs and managements regarding issues of co-operative governance. SRCs need to involve themselves in national and international student activities in order for them to gain knowledge and skills about student governance. The researcher designed a multi-campus student governance model that will effectively deal with the challenges mentioned above.

Interne kommunikasie om werknemerverhoudings te bestuur : Noordwes-Universiteit Institusionele Kantoor se kommunikasie met die Potchefstroomkampus / Lucinda Bella-May Sutton

Sutton, Lucinda Bella-May January 2014 (has links)
Relationships with internal stakeholders within the organisation (employees) are crucial for organisational survival and success (Hargie & Tourish, 2000:293; Jensen, 2010:32; Koschmann, 2007:12; McDermott & Chan, 1996:5; Van der Colff, 2003:258). Therefore, twoway symmetrical communication with employees in building relationships and relationship management is so important (Bezuidenhout, 2010; Koschmann, 2007:8). The North-West University focuses on maintaining good relationships with their employees through communication, but experience challenges in this regard. The Institutional Office of the North-West University is the main source of information and communication with employees of all three campuses. A consultant (Media Mosaics, 2010) and two other studies (Holtzhausen & Fourie, 2011; Mmope, 2010) identified various problems with the communication and consequent relationships between the Institutional Office and the Potchefstroom Campus employees. Given that good relations between the two business units are a focus of the university and that the outcomes of internal communication are good relationships, it is necessary to determine how the internal communication from the North-West University Institutional Office to Potchefstroom Campus employees are conducted in order to build good relationships. To determine the above a literature study, questionnaire survey and semi-structured interviews were carried out. The systems approach, reflective paradigm, excellence theory, two-way symmetrical communication model and stakeholder relations theory were used as a theoretical framework (Dozier, et al., 1995; Ferreira & Staude, 1991; Grunig & Grunig, 2000:310; Grunig et al., 2002; Ledingham & Bruning, 2001:63; Skinner & Von Essen, 1999:257; Steyn & Puth, 2000; Verčič et al., 2001:382). From the results it appears that the North-West University Institutional Office and Potchefstroom Campus employees do not agree on all aspects of the relationship and communication between them. It appears that the North-West University Institutional Office meets only some of the requirements of communication and relationship building, as it has been set out in the literature, and that there is room for improvement. / MA (Communication Studies), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

The challenges of working and studying at a satellite campus : a case study of the Riverside Campus of the Durban University of Technology

Gumede, Dumsile Cynthia 13 June 2014 (has links)
Submitted in fulfillment for the Degree of Doctor of Technology: Business Administration, Durban University of Technology, 2014 / Universities are seen to be facing a turbulent storm of challenges, demands, environmental changes, and facilitated thrust in the midst of economic meltdown. The environments in which these institutions are operating are becoming increasingly tempestuous, and competitive which makes leadership crucial as they continuously interface with the local and wider environments. At its best leadership is proximate, contextual and distributed especially in the case of complex organisations like universities. Changes and institutional mergers that took place worldwide two decades ago diffused to the south of Africa as well. These mergers resulted in the formation of mega universities and universities with satellite or branch campuses. If the trend continues with branch campuses spreading even into foreign countries, it will lead to growth and even more leadership complexity. This study was conducted in order to establish the challenges that are faced by staff and students at satellite campuses of universities using the Riverside Campus of the Durban University of Technology as a case study. Literature on leadership and management theories, leadership in higher education and organisational structures was reviewed in order to contextualise the study. A sample of the executive leadership of the university used as a case study was interviewed in order to determine their attitudes towards the current organisational structure. Data was also gathered from the academic and administrative staff at the satellite campus used for the study as well as first and third year students at the same campus using questionnaires. This study is significant because it feeds into the year-long study that was initiated by the Leadership Foundation on Higher Education and conducted from 2010 and finished in July 2011 by the Hull University’s Scarborough Campus that was aimed at determining the most effective relationship between the centre (mother campus) and its satellite campuses, identifying tensions between the strategic and operational levels and making students’ experience consistent. The whole project was undertaken to arrive at a better understanding of the challenges of managing two or more campuses with particular emphasis on strategic matters, organisation, leadership and management structures. The study discovered that there were leadership challenges which were not unique to the university and campus used as a case study, but similar to those identified during literature review. Issues such as lack of leadership and strategic direction, diverse cultures, incomplete merger, isolation, inequitable distribution of resources and lack of development were identified as challenges that needed to be addressed. The study advances as original contribution the ‘Radial Structure’, which was greatly inspired by the natural movement, flow and distribution of energy and information in fractals. This structure ensures equity across all campuses irrespective of size and location. In the radial structure as suggested and implied by the name the corporate division is the source of energy in the form of vision, mission, goals, strategy, and resources which it disburses or radiates equitably across all the campuses. The corporate division is not attached to any campus, but it is a pole that provides an anchor for all the campuses. The energy or feedback is also radiated back to the corporate office from the campuses in the form of student fees, research output from staff and students, pass rates, information to aid decision-making and so on. The relationship that was established between the radial structure and the regression model developed from the responses of the students and theory, was that each campus should be fully-equipped with all the services that the users require for the campus to be fit for purpose. The radial structure would also allow for student services to grow and develop as the campus grows. Like any organisational structure, the radial structure could be adjusted to suit the needs of any university with satellite campuses. The organisational structure would also have to be revisited and adjusted as the needs of the university change. In essence the structure is aimed at ensuring that there is no leadership vacuum at any of the satellite campuses of a university. / D


李素珍, Lee, Su-chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主要目的在瞭解學校人員對無障礙校園環境的認知,並探討臺北市國民中學無障礙校園設施的運用、設計與問題,同時研擬具體可行之「臺北市國民中學無障礙校園環境檢核表」,作為行政機關及學校的參考。 為達上述目的,本研究採文獻探討、問卷調查、專家座談及實地觀察訪談等四種研究方法。首先透過文獻分析,探討無障礙環境的基本理念與法令、規章的發展概況,及臺北市無障礙校園環境的執行過程;其次,以文獻探討的結果及專家座談的建議,研擬具體可行的「臺北市國民中學無障礙校園環境檢核表」及編製「臺北市國民中學無障礙校園環境調查問卷」,進行問卷調查研究,並輔以實地觀察訪談,以瞭解學校人員對無障礙環境的認知,及臺北市國民中學無障礙校園設施的運用、設計與問題。 本研究的調查對象為臺北市國民中學之校長、總務主任、特教組長、教師及家長會長(或代表),共57所學校,計發出問卷285份,總計收回53所學校260份問卷,回收率為91.2﹪,實得有效問卷260份,並以SPSS 10.0 For Windows軟體進行問卷資料之統計分析;實地觀察訪談對象,依學校規模分大、中、小型(60班以上為大校、59班至35班為中校、34班以下為小校)三組,每組再依建校歷史,以民國79年「殘障福利法」修正公布為準,分新、舊兩組,各抽取一所學校,以該校總務主任為訪談之對象,該校為實地觀察之地點,共6人。 根據文獻探討、問卷調查、專家座談及實地觀察訪談的結果,獲得以下結論: 一、臺北市國民中學認為無障礙校園環境很重要,認知狀況普遍良好,其中以特教組長對無障礙校園環境的認知狀況最好。 二、臺北市國民中學無障礙設施的使用情形尚可,維護情形良好。 三、臺北市國民中學規畫最好的無障礙設施是「坡道及扶手」、「廁所、盥洗室」、「昇降機(電梯)」,最難規劃的無障礙設施是「昇降機(電梯)」、「觀眾席(如視聽教室、禮堂、演藝廳等)」等,尚須改善的無障礙設施有「觀眾席(如視聽教室、禮堂、演藝廳等)」、「昇降機(電梯)」、「避難層出入口」。 四、臺北市國民中學無障礙設施規劃設計上比較困難的因素是原有建築或空間及經費的受限,故臺北市政府教育局應提供協助以建構完善的無障礙校園環境,其中檢核表對臺北市國民中學無障礙校園環境的推動深具價值。 根據研究發現與結論,提出建議如下: 一、臺北市國民中學的無障礙校園環境應整體性規劃,其中特教組長應積極扮演協同的角色,並為師生辦理無障礙校園環境體認等多元活動。 二、臺北市政府教育局應利用儲訓或相關研習加強學校主管的無障礙校園環境理念與實務,對經費補助的方式則應先檢核評估學校整體無障礙環境並以整體規畫、專案補助為主,其中「觀眾席」、「升降機」、「避難層出入口」等設施的新建或修繕補助應列為第一優先,並應提供無障礙校園環境相關諮詢管道與一份完善的無障礙校園環境檢核表以供協助,同時建立各校無障礙設施之基本資料與執行績效評量制度,並對總務人員任期的人事法令予以鬆綁以為配套。 三、其他建議如:各大學院校相關系所應開設無障礙校園環境的相關課程;我國建築技術規則等相關法規應儘速修正並儘速建立人體工學資料。 / The main purpose of this study was to provide an insight into the understanding of staffs in schools of the barrier-free campus environment and to investigate the implementation, design and problems related to the barrier-free campus facilities in junior high schools in Taipei City. In addition, the researcher proposed an applicable “Checklist for the Barrier-Free Campus Environment in Junior High Schools in Taipei City” for the reference of both the authorities and schools. To achieve the above-mentioned objectives, the researcher adopted the methods of literature analysis, questionnaires, seminars and field surveys in this study. First of all, through analysis, the researcher explored the basic ideals, the development of rules and regulations and the process of implementation of the barrier-free campus in Taipei City. Secondly, based on the results from the literature analysis and the suggestions from experts in various seminars, the researcher proposed an applicable “Checklist for the Barrier-Free Campus Environment in Junior High Schools in Taipei City,” designed a “Questionnaire on the Barrier-Free Campus Environment in Junior High Schools in Taipei City,” conducted questionnaire surveys and field surveys to get an insight into the understanding of staffs in schools of the barrier-free campus environment and the implementation, structure and problems related to the barrier-free campus facilities. The research subjects of this study were principals, directors of general affairs, chiefs of special education, teachers, and presidents (or representatives) of parent committee in junior high schools in Taipei. The researcher sent out 285 questionnaires to 57 schools. A total of 260 questionnaires from 53 schools were retrieved. The response rate was 91.2%. SPSS 10.0 For Windows was employed to analyze the 260 effective questionnaires; the subjects of field surveys were classified into three groups according to the size of school (schools of 60 classes or more are large schools, 35-59 medium schools, and 60 schools or less small schools). In each group, 1990, the year in which the Welfare Law for the Handicapped and Disabled was revised, was set as the point of demarcation to divide these schools into two subgroups: old schools and new schools. The researcher chose one school from each subgroup and interviewed the director of general affairs from the chosen schools which were the sites for field surveys. A total of 6 people were interviewed for this study. Based on literature analysis, questionnaires, seminars and field surveys, the researchers reached the following conclusions: A. Junior high schools in Taipei City consider the barrier-free campus environment important. In general, staff at school have good understanding of the barrier-free campus environment, especially chiefs of special education. B. The way in which barrier-free facilities are used is acceptable; the maintenance of barrier-free facilities is satisfactory. C. The best planned barrier-free facilities are “ramps and handrails,” “bathrooms and lavatories” and “hoists (elevators).” The greatest difficulty in planning barrier-free facilities is in “hoists (elevators),” “audience seats (such as those in audio-visual classrooms, auditoriums and performance halls).” Barrier-free facilities which require improvements are “audience seats (such as those in audio-visual classrooms, auditoriums and performance halls),” “hoists (elevators)” and “entrances and exits to refuge floors.” D. The difficult part in structuring barrier-free facilities lies in the limitations of original architecture, space and budget. Therefore, Taipei City’s Department of Education should provide assistance to build up a complete barrier-free campus environment in junior high schools in Taipei City. The checklists are valuable to the promotion of the barrier-free campus environment in junior high schools in Taipei City. Based on these findings, the researcher proposed the following suggestions: A. The barrier-free campus environment in junior high schools in Taipei City should be planned as a whole. Chiefs of special education should play roles of active coordinators, and hold various activities to help teachers and students understand the barrier-free campus environment. B. Taipei City’s Department of Education should make use of various training programs and seminars to enhance the understanding and performances of directors at school. The whole barrier-free campus environment in each school should be evaluated before issuing subsidy. Subsidy should be planned as a whole and issued on a case-by-case basis. Moreover, the installment and repair of “audience seats,” “hoists” and “entrances and exits to refuge floors” should make the top priority on the list of special funds. A complete checklist for the barrier-free campus environment should be provided as support. At the same time, basic data of all the junior high schools in Taipei City and the performance evaluation system in each school should be established. Lastly, terms of staff in general affairs should be more flexible as a supplementary measure. C. Other Suggestions: related departments in every college should provide courses about the barrier-free campus environment; building Code and Regulations in Taiwan should be revised as soon as possible; Ergonomics data should be updated and established as soon as possible.

1913 Sahuaro, University of Arizona Yearbook

Associated Students of the University of Arizona January 1913 (has links)
The University of Arizona Yearbook is an annual publication that documents student activities, and campus life. The yearbook contains photographs and information about the university including: homecoming, graduating class, athletic events, student organizations and faculty.

1903 Burro, University of Arizona Yearbook

Associated Students of the University of Arizona January 1903 (has links)
The University of Arizona Yearbook is an annual publication that documents student activities, and campus life. The yearbook contains photographs and information about the university including: homecoming, graduating class, athletic events, student organizations and faculty.

1911 Desert, University of Arizona Yearbook

Associated Students of the University of Arizona January 1911 (has links)
The University of Arizona Yearbook is an annual publication that documents student activities, and campus life. The yearbook contains photographs and information about the university including: homecoming, graduating class, athletic events, student organizations and faculty.

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