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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Onderhandeling van swart identiteit binne ‘n wit skoolkonteks : kritiese toepassing van emosionele intelligensie tydens terapeutiese intervensie (Afrikaans)

Meijer, Maria Magdalena 09 July 2008 (has links)
AFRIKAANS: Die primêre doel van my studie was om die onderhandeling van swart identiteit binne ‘n wit skoolkonteks te ondersoek, en die toepaslikheid van emosionele intelligensie in terapeutiese intervensie met ‘n swart adolessent binne ‘n wit skoolkonteks krities te evalueer. Die studie is uitgevoer deur middel van ‘n gevalstudie waar ‘n swart adolessent wat ‘n wit skool bywoon se emosionele intelligensie met behulp van die BarOn EQ-i:YVTM-vraelys gemeet is. Die bevindinge is by die terapiesessies geïntegreer en laasgenoemde is kwalitatief geïnterpreteer. Die studie is gemotiveer deur vorige navorsing wat bevind het dat emosionele intelligensie ‘n belangrike rol in ‘n individu se optimale funksionering speel. Emosionele intelligensie sluit die individu se vermoë in om sy/haar eie emosies te verstaan en uitdrukking daaraan te gee, om ander se emosies te verstaan, om beheer oor emosies uit te oefen, om probleemoplossingsvaardighede in verhoudings te toon en om selfmotiverend te wees. ENGLISH: The primary goal of my study was to investigate the negotiation of black identity within a white school context, and to critically evaluate the application of emotional intelligence as a means of therapeutic intervention to a black adolescent within a white school context. The study was conducted by means of a case study in which the emotional intelligence of a black adolescent attending a white school was measured by the administration of the BarOn EQ-i:YV™. The findings were integrated into the therapy sessions. The study was motivated by previous research results showing that emotional intelligence contributes significantly to the optimal functioning of an individual. Emotional intelligence includes an individual’s ability to understand and express one’s own emotions, to understand the emotions of others, to exercise control over one’s emotions, to apply problem-solving skills in relationships and to be self-motivated. / Dissertation (MEd (Educational Psycholgy))--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Educational Psychology / unrestricted

An analysis of Iranian negotiating style as evidenced from the 1979 US hostage crisis and the Iran-EU nuclear negotiations from 2003 to 2006

Landsberg, Carel Martin 05 August 2010 (has links)
The intention of this research is to analyse the process and methodology of the Iranian negotiating style. The research is mainly premised on Putnam’s two-level game metaphor (1988) and the “ultimate decision making unit” of Hermann et al. (1987), the purpose being to identify key leadership units, individuals, and formal and informal networks in Iran. The study further takes cognisance of key elements of the Iranian national character, which naturally impacts directly on what Iran considers to be a suitable negotiating style. It provides an overview of how the 1979 revolution changed Iranian diplomacy and how it forced international political theorists to take note of the cultural-religious dimension, ignored until then as elements of international politics and theory. Two case studies, deal respectively with the US hostage crisis (1979-1981), and the Iran-E3/EU nuclear negotiations, between 2003 and 2006. The analysis shows how Iran assumed the character of a revolutionary country and how its new religiously driven diplomacy is evolving. The study finally identifies and illustrates the active deployment of Shî’a negotiation doctrine as the basis of Iranian diplomacy and the use of techniques such as taqiyyah, tanfih and khod’eh. A model for negotiations with Iran is developed using key elements of the research. AFRIKAANS : Die studie fokus op Iranese onderhandelingstyl en - metodiek. Twee teorieë, naamlik Putnam (1988) se “twee-ledige interaktiewe onderhandelingsproses” en Hermann et al. (1987) se leierskapsmodel, is gebruik om Iran se gefragmenteerde leierselite asook die staat se formele en informele netwerke wat ‘n sleutelrol vervul in onderhandeling te identifiseer. Bykomend hiertoe is ‘n analise gemaak van faktore soos kultuur en godsdiens wat onderliggend is aan Iran se “nasionale karakter” en dus ’n direkte invloed uitoefen op Iranese onderhandelingstyl. Die studie wys ook hoe die 1979 rewolusie ‘n verandering gebring het deur godsdiens en kultuur tot gelykwaardige dimensies van die internationale politiek te verhoog nadat dit voorheen heeltemal geïgnoreer is. Dit bly egter vreemd vir die Weste. Die studie slaag daarin om deur middel van twee navorsingsondersoeke rakende Iran se oorname van die VSA ambassade in Tehran tussen 1979 en 1981) en die Iran-E3/EU kernonderhandelings tussen 2003 en 2006 die fokus te plaas op die identifisering en ontwikkeling van ‘n Iranese onderhandelingstyl. Tegnieke soos taqiyyah, tanfih en khod’eh wat die basis van Iran se diplomatieke onderhandellingstyl vorm, word vervolgens bespreek terwyl ‘n model vir onderhandelinge met Iran ook ontwikkel is uit die gegewens wat verkry is uit die navorsing. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Political Sciences / unrestricted

Fasilitering van leer in kommunikatiewe T²-Afrikaanstaalonderrig

Dilrajh, Kamla Moonsamy 06 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / In die studie is daar gepoog om aan te toon waarom die ondervindingsmod~l vir taalleer die aangewese model vir effektiewe tweedetaalleer is. Die kommunikatiewe onderrigbenaderingswyse, onderhandeling in die klaskamer en die belangrikheid van die prosessillabus in tweedetaalverwerwing is bespreek. Die taalonderwyser se rot as fasiliteerder van leer in kommunikatiewe FAfrikaanstaalonderrig in die interaktiewe klaskamer met klem op leerdergesentreerde onderrig is uiteengesit. Daar is verder aangetoon dat daar ten opsigte van die rot van die onderwyser 'n paradigmatiese verskuiwing moet plaasvind, veral noudat beginsels van uitkomsgebaseerde onderrig wat deel van kurrikulum 2005 vorm, in 1998/1999 in aile Suid-Afrikaanse skole ingestel is. Die onderwyser is nou 'n fasiliteerder van kennis, nie 'n oordraer daarvan nie. Belangrike aspekte van leer wat leerders se tweedetaalleer be'invloed, is bespreek, byvoorbeeld klaskamerkommunikasie, fasilitering, suggestopedia, faktore wat begrip van leerstof be'invloed, onderwyser - en leerdergedragswyses, positiewe /eeratmosfeer, behandeling van leerderfoute, Jeerderpersepsies, kommunikatiewe strategiee en evalueringsmetodes. 'n Verskeidenheid taallesse wat op T2-Afrikaans en die T2-taalklaskamer betrekking het, en wat verskillende onderrigteoriee, uitkomsgebaseerde onderrig en die ses taalvaardighede integreer, word in hoofstuk 5 ge'illustreer. / In this study it is shown why the discovery model of language learning is the appropriate model for effective language learning. The communicative teaching approach, classroom-negotiation and the importance of the process syllabus in second language acquisition is discussed. The language teacher's role as facilitator of learning, in communicative L2 - Afrikaans language teaching in the interactive classroom with a learner-centered focus is explained. It is further shown that the role of the teacher must undergo a paradigm shift especially now that principles of outcomes based education which forms part of curriculum 2005 has been introduced into all schools in South Africa in 1998/1999. The teacher is now a facilitator of knowledge and not a transmitter thereof. Important aspects of learning that influence learners' second language learning are discussed, for example classroom communication, facilitation, suggestopedia, factors that influence the understanding of subject matter, teacher and learner behaviours, positive learning atmosphere, treatment of Ieamer errors, learner perceptions, communicative strategies and methods of evaluation. A variety of language lessons which integrate various teaching theories, outcomes based education and the six language learning skills which are related to L 2-Afrikaans and the L 2-classroom are illustrated in Chapter 5. / Afrikaans and Theory of Literature / M.A. (Afrikaans)

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