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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Validation of a rating scale for distance education university student essays in a literature-based module

Ward-Cox, Maxine Welland 01 1900 (has links)
This thesis reports on the findings of a study to validate an assessment scale for writing in an Open Distance Learning (ODL) context by first-year students in their responses to English literary texts. The study involved the interrogation of an existing scale, adapted from Jacobs et al. (1981), which was being used for the Foundations in English Literary Studies (ENG1501) module at the University of South Africa. Despite the credibility of the original scale, the modified version had been used in language- and literature-based courses in the English Studies Department since 1998 and had not been updated or empirically tested in the context of the target group. Thus, the gap that this current study addressed was the need for a valid rating scale that takes into account the complexities of literature teaching and ODL in the current South African university environment. This thesis includes a review of the debate on validity and the validation of rating scales both internationally and in South Africa, the ODL environment, and the assessment of assignments based on literary texts, particularly in the multicultural South African context. The methodology included research of both a quantitative and a qualitative nature. The outcome was an empirically-validated scale that should contribute to the quest for accuracy in assessing academic writing and meet the formative and summative assessment needs of the target group / English Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (English)

Positive experiences of working in academia : reflections on a higher learning institution

Makobe-Rabothata, Molebogeng Kalija 01 1900 (has links)
The primary aim of the study was to explore positive experiences of academic employees working in an academic environment with specific reference to an Open Distance Learning (ODL) institution. The study was further envisaged as serving as the foundation for future studies which aim to develop a measuring tool for understanding positive experiences of working in academia. A qualitative approach was used to answer the research question by adopting a case study method that allowed for an in-depth study of understanding positive behaviour. A total of 12 academics were selected purposively to participate in the study. In-depth face-to-face interviews were used to gather information about the positive experiences of working in academia. In line with Seligman‘s (2000) integrated model of happiness, a happy academic was described through the adoption of (sometimes contradictory) metaphoric themes. The main themes identified were: the mother hen role, creating positive spaces, it is not a bed of roses, the just and unjust world and us versus them.In a meta-reflection on the research, contradictions were revealed in the theoretical approach adopted in this study, the literature reviewed, the empirical research and pragmatic considerations. As a result, a deconstruction of understanding positive experiences of working in academia by applying Lekgotla as an indigenous South African model was conducted. Healey‘s (2011) notion of transformative dialogue and Bujo‘s (1998) model of palaver were used as part of the framework within which Lekgotla was contextualised to understand positive experiences of working in academia. In conclusion, as an alternative, higher learning institutions (HLI) could adopt other ways that are different from Western ways of understanding the authentic experiences of diverse people in an African university. This could be done through a process of what Smith (2012) described as ―considering carefully and critically the methodologies and methods of research, the theories that inform them, the questions which they generate and the writing styles they employ‖ (p. 41). She refers to this process as decolonisation. According to her, decolonisation offers an alternative way out of colonialism since it exists as a different, oppositional way of knowing. / Psychology / D. Litt. et Phil. (Consulting Psychology)

Effective assessment in open distance and e-learning : using the signature courses at the University of South Africa as a model for future practice

Mafenya, Nkhangweleni Patrick 06 1900 (has links)
This study was conceptualised within a social-constructivist ontological orientation and, further, uses an interpretive epistemological lens to extract information from the participants who are coming from different life worlds. This thesis, Effective assessment in open distance and e-learning: using the Signature Courses at the University of South Africa as a model for future practice, investigated how emerging information communication technologies (ICTs) can be used to transform, enhance and influence student assessment practices in Open Distance and e-Learning (ODeL) contexts. The ultimate objective of the study was to establish assessment guidelines for effective student assessment in distance education using technology as an enabler. To achieve the objectives of this study, a mixed methods research methodology was adopted in which Unisa lecturers’ and first-year students’ experiences, perceptions, attitudes, and beliefs regarding the use of ICT as a tool to enhance and influence student assessment were sought. Despite some limitations, the study was able to reveal that technology has the potential to influence student-lecturer, and student-peer interaction thereby bridging the isolation gap that normally exists between them. Further, these potential benefits also include the identification of teaching strengths and weaknesses, the indication of areas where instructional change or modification is needed, and the application of more effective means of interacting with students. A key function of this study, therefore, is to help the lecturers involved in higher learning assessment to use technology effectively and efficiently to enhance assessment practices as a means of maintaining both the academic standards and enhancing the quality of the student learning experience. In addition, the study has shown that technology has the potential to enhance and influence student learning and motivation. Furthermore, this study made theoretical and practical contributions to the literature on information communication technology implementation on lecturers’ and students’ pedagogical and technological readiness to online learning and assessment in open distance and e-learning. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)

A framework for the integration of online learning in distance education / Tlhako ya kopantsho ya boithuti ka inthanete ka go boithutikgole / Uhlaka lokudidiyelwa kokufunda ngokuxhumana ngekhompuyutha kwezemfundo yamabanga

Gani, Faiza 11 1900 (has links)
Online learning through the use of information and communication technology (ICT) features in institutions of higher education globally. If integrated successfully online learning holds many benefits. Research however has highlighted that the focus of online learning is often on the technology, while pedagogical considerations are neglected. As such online learning has not yielded significant changes from a pedagogical perspective. The impetus of this study was driven by the need to find approaches of integrating pedagogically sound online learning in distance education (DE). The study employed a case study research design, and was qualitative in nature. Questionnaires, interviews and documents informed the case study. The findings of the study reveal that online learning should be purposefully planned. In light of the findings, the study presents a framework for the integration of online learning in DE. The framework is built on the concept of awareness and argues that online learning should depart from three types of awareness, i.e. lecturer, student and institutional. The framework is entrenched in theory from both DE and online learning and offers direction for stakeholders at various levels of DE higher education institutions in terms of integrating online learning. / Boithuti ka inthanete ka tšhomišo ya theknolotši ya tshedimošo le kgokagano (ICT) bo hlaga ka go dihlongwa tša thuto ya godingwana lefaseng ka bophara. Ge e le gore di kopantšwe ka katlego, boithuti ka inthanete bo na le mehola ye mentši. Le ge go le bjalo, dinyakišišo, di bontšhitše gore nepišo ya boithuti ka inthanete gantši e ka go theknolotši, mola ditlhoko tša mokgwathuto di hlokomologilwe. Ka fao, boithuti ka inthanete ga se bo tšweletše diphetogo tša go bonagala go tšwa go kgopolo ya mokgwathuto. Tlhohleletšo ya dinyakišišo tše e laolwa ke nyakego ya go hwetša mekgwa ye e kopantšwego ye e kwagalago ya thuto ya boithuti ka inthanete le boithutikgole (DE). Dinyakišišo di šomišitše tlhamo ya dinyakišišo ya tshekatsheko ya maemo, gomme ka tlhago e be e le tša boleng. Mananeopotšišo, dipoledišano le dingwalwa di tsebagaditše tshekatsheko ya maemo . Diphihlelelo tša dinyakišišo di utolla gore boithuti ka inthanete bo swanetše go beakanywa ka maikemišetšo. Go ya ka diphihlelelo, tlhako e hlagišwa ke kopanyo ya boithuti ka inthanete ka go DE. Tlhako ye e theilwe godimo ga kgopolo ya temošo le go hlagiša gore boithuti ka inthanete bo swanetše go tšwa go mehuta ye meraro ya temošo, k.g.r. mofahloši, baithuti le dihlongwa. Tlhako ye e hlalošwa ka botlalo ka go teori go tšwa go DE le boithuti ka bobedi ka inthanete gomme e fa taetšo go baamegi maemong a go fapafapana a dihlongwa tša thuto ya godingwana ya kgole go ya ka boithuti ka inthanete. / Ukufunda ngokuxhumana ngekhompuyutha ngokusebenzisa ubuchwepheshe bolwazi nokuxhumana (i-ICT) kuyinto ekhona ezikhungweni zemfundo ephakeme emhlabeni wonke. Uma kudidiyelwe ngempumelelo, ukufunda ngokuxhumana ngekhompuyutha kunemihlomulo eminingi. Kodwa-ke, ucwaningo luqhakambise ukuthi ukugxila ekufundeni ngokuxhumana ngekhompuyutha kuvame ukuba mayelana nobuchwepheshe, bese kuthi okuphathelene nezindlela zokufundisa kunganakwa. Kanjalo, ukufunda ngokuxhumana ngekhompuyutha akuzanga noshintsho oluningi maqondana nezindlela zokufundisa. Isisusa salolu cwaningo kwaba ngukukhuthazwa yisidingo sokuthola izindlela zokudidiyela izindlela zokufundisa ngokuxhumana ngekhompuyutha ezisebenzayo kwezemfundo yamabanga (i-DE). Lolu cwaningo lusebenzise uhlobo lokucwaninga olubheka izindawo ezithile okugxilwa kuzo kanti luwuhlobo olubheka imininingwane yezinto ezikhona ezingamaqiniso. Amaphephamibuzo, izingxoxiswano kanye nemiqulu yikona okwaholela ocwaningweni olugxila ezindaweni ezithile. Okwatholakala kulolu cwaningo kwaveza ukuthi ukufunda ngokuxhumana ngekhompuyutha kumele kuhlelwe ngendlela. Ngenxa yokutholakele, uhlaka luhlinzekelwa ukuba kudidiyelwe ukufunda ngokuxhumana ngekhompuyutha kwezemfundo yamabanga. Uhlaka lwakhiwe ngomqondo wokuqwashisa futhi lubeka phambili ukuthi ukufunda ngokuxhumana kwekhompuyutha kufanele kusukele ezinhlobeni ezintathu zokuqwashisa, kuthisha wasenyuvesi, kumfundi nakwisikhungo. Uhlaka lugxile emqondweni wezinzululwazi wakona kokubili imfundo yamabanga nokufunda ngokuxhumana ngekhompuyutha futhi luhlinzeka umhlahlandlela kwabathintekayo emazingeni ahlukahlukene ezikhungo zemfundo ephakeme yamabanga maqondana nokudidiyela ukufunda ngokuxhumana ngekhompuyutha. / Educational Studies / Ph. D. (Education)

Developing an alternative assessment framework for undergraduate accountancy modules in Open Distance Learning (ODL) / Ontwikkeling van 'n alternatiewe assesseringsraamwerk vir voorgraadse rekeningkundige modules in oop afstandsonderrig (OAO) / Ukwakhiwa kwenye indlela yesakhiwo sohlelo lokuhlola amamojuli abafundi beziqu zokuqala ze-accountancy ohlelweni lokufunda ukude (ODL)

Swart, Odette 22 August 2019 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / Worldwide, students compete for a limited number of places at universities. By increasing the use of distance education, more students could have access to tertiary education. The problem addressed in this study related to the challenges faced by an ODL university to assess undergraduate modules in accounting sciences by way of technology-enhanced, non-venue-based alternative assessments, instead of the traditional venue-based examinations. The purpose of the current study was to develop an alternative assessment framework for ODL undergraduate accounting sciences modules as a possible solution to the assessment challenges faced by accounting graduates and universities in an ODL environment. The legitimacy of qualifications was considered by reviewing the identity verification of students and other ethical issues, as well as the influence on the accreditation by professional and other regulatory and governing bodies. Institutional and neo-institutional theories were used within the ODL context as foundational principles. Design-based research was used to develop two conceptual frameworks – one based on the theoretical elements and the other on non-venue-based alternative assessments in the ODL context. The two conceptual frameworks were evaluated using interviews conducted with ODL lecturers and members of professional accounting bodies. Thereafter, the data were analysed using thematic analysis. Triangulation was used as a final evaluation of the conceptual frameworks by analysing comments from students included in reports from an alternative assessment pilot study. The two conceptual frameworks were combined in one final framework. This final framework demonstrates how the institutional theory affects the institution and, specifically, internal issues. Due to the complexity of the ODL institution, external influences (such as technology) result in aspects of the neo-institutional theory becoming even more relevant to the current study. This complexity, together with the mimetic forces of technology and innovation, creates uncertainty. However, it became clear from the data analysis that coercive and normative forces result in ‘more certainty’. The alignment of these isomorphic forces resulted in legitimacy. Due to the importance of technology in the ODL environment, it became clear that technology should be anthropomorphically considered a stakeholder in the ODL institution. The inclusion of stakeholder theory created improved performance and the potential for innovation in order to ensure the legitimacy of qualifications. / Studente ding wêreldwyd mee vir 'n beperkte aantal plekke in universiteite. Indien die gebruik van afstandsonderrig uitgebrei word, kan meer studente toegang tot tersiêre onderwys kry. Die probleem waarop hierdie studie fokus is die uitdagings van 'n OAO-universiteit om voorgraadse modules in rekeningkundige wetenskappe te assesseer deur middel van tegnologies verbeterde, nie-lokaalgebaseerde alternatiewe assesserings in plaas van die tradisionele, lokaalgebaseerde eksamens. Die doel van die huidige studie was om 'n alternatiewe assesseringsraamwerk vir voorgraadse rekeningkundige wetenskapmodules in OAO te ontwikkel as 'n moontlike oplossing vir die assesseringsuitdagings van rekeningkundige gegradueerdes en universiteite in ’n OAO-omgewing. Die geldigheid van kwalifikasies is oorweeg deur 'n oorsig te doen oor die identiteitsverifiëring van studente en ander etiese aangeleenthede, asook die invloed op die akkreditasie deur professionele en ander regulatiewe beheerliggame. Institusionele en neo-institusionele teorieë is in die OAO-konteks as grondbeginsels gebruik. Ontwerpgebaseerde navorsing is gebruik om twee konseptuele raamwerke te ontwikkel – een gebaseer op die teoretiese elemente en die ander op nie-lokaalgebaseerde alternatiewe assesserings in die OAO-konteks. Die twee konseptuele raamwerke is geëvalueer aan die hand van onderhoude met OAO-dosente en lede van professionele rekeningkundige liggame. Hierna is die data deur middel van tematiese analise ontleed. Triangulasie is gebruik as 'n finale evaluering van die konseptuele raamwerke deur die kommentaar van studente wat in verslae van 'n alternatiewe assesseringsvoorstudie ingesluit is, te evalueer. Die twee konseptuele raamwerke is in een finale raamwerk gekombineer. Hierdie finale raamwerk demonstreer hoe die institusionele teorie die instelling en, spesifiek, interne aangeleenthede beïnvloed. As gevolg van die kompleksiteit van die OAO-instelling, veroorsaak eksterne invloede (soos tegnologie) dat die neo-institusionele teorie selfs meer relevant vir die huidige studie word. Hierdie kompleksiteit, tesame met die mimetiese magte van tegnologie en innovasie, skep onsekerheid. Dit is egter duidelik uit die data-analise dat dwang- en normatiewe magte ‘meer sekerheid’ veroorsaak. Die belyning van hierdie isomorfiese magte veroorsaak geldigheid. As gevolg van die belangrikheid van tegnologie in die OAO-omgewing, is dit duidelik dat tegnologie antropomorfies beskou moet word as 'n belanghebber in die OAO-instelling. Die insluiting van die belanghebbende teorie het verbeterde prestasie en die potensiaal vir innovasie tot gevolg gehad, om sodoende die geldigheid van kwalifikasies te verseker. / Emhlabeni wonke, abafundi bazabalazela ukuthola ithuba lokungena kwizindawo ezingamanyuvesi amancane ngenani. Ngokukhulisa izinga lokusetshenziswa kohlelo lokufunda ukude, abafundi abaningi bebangakwazi ukungena emazikweni ezemfundo aphakemeyo. Inkinga exazululwa kulolu cwaningo imayelana nezinselelo ezibhekene nenyuvesi yohlelo lwe-ODL ukuhlola amamojuli asesigabeni seziqu zokuqala kwisayensi ye-accounting ngendlela yoncedo lobuchwepheshe, ngezinye izinhlelo zokuhlola ezingenziwa endaweni eyodwa, kunokusebenzisa uhlelo olwejwayelekile lokuhlolwa okwenziwa endaweni eyodwaethize. Inhloso yocwaningo lwamanje kwaye kungukwakha esinye isakhiwo sokuhlola samamojuli esayensi ye-accounting yeziqu zokuqala, lokhu kwenziwa njengekhambi elingaxazulula izinselelo zokuhlola ezibhekene nabafundi besifundo se-accounting kanye namanyuvesi akusizinda sohlelo lwe-ODL. Udaba lokuba semthethweni kweziqu luye lwabhekwa ngokubuyekeza ukuqinisekiswa kwamagama abafundi kanye nezinye izindaba ezimayelana nemigomo yokuziphatha, kanye nomthelela phezu kokwamukelwa kwamaprofeshinali kanye nezinye izinhlaka eziqinisa umthetho kanye nezinye izinhlaka eziphetheyo. Amathiyori eziko kanye nalawo ohlelo olusha lwamaziko asetshenziswe ngaphakathi kwesizinda se-ODL njengemigomo eyisisekelo. Ucwaningo olususelwa kwidizayini lusetshenziswe ukwakha izinhlaka ezimbili zegama – olunye uhlaka lususelwe kwizinto zethiyori kanye nakwezinye izinhlelo zokuhlola ezingasuselwa ezindaweni ezimile ngaphakathi kwesizinda se-ODL. Izinhlaka ezimbili zezakhiwo ziye zahlolwa ngokusebenzisa izinhlolovo ezenziwa abafundisi be-ODL kanye namalungu wezinhlangano eziprofeshinali zesifundo se-accounting. Ngemuva kwalokho, idatha ihlaziywe ngokusebenzisa uhlelo lokuhlaziya isihloko. Unxantathu wezinhlolovo (triangulation) usetshenziswe njengohlelo lokugcina lokuhlola izakhiwo zegama ngokuhlaziya izimvo ezivela kubafundi ezixutshwe kwimibiko evela ohlelweni lokuhlolwa kwesivivinyo socwaningo.Lezi zakhiwo zamagama ezimbili zihlanganiswe kuhlaka olulodwa lokugcina. Lolu hlaka lwesakhiwo lukhombisa indlela umqondo weziko othinta ngayo iziko, ikakhulu, izinto ezingaphakathi. Ngenxa yengxubevange yeziko elinohlelo lwe-ODL, imithelela evela ngaphandle (enjengobuchwepheshe) idala izinto ezihambelana nomqondo omusha weziko oya ngokuya uhambisane nesifundo samanje socwaningo. Le ngxubevange indawonye nemimoya yobuchwepheshe kanye namaqhinga amasha, kuletha isimo esingenakuqinisekiswa. Yize kunjalo, kuya ngokucaca ukusukela ekuhlaziyweni kwedatha ukuthi imimoya ephoqayo kanye naleyo eyejwayelekile idala isimo esingaziwa. Ukuhambisana kwalawa mandla okudalwe yizinto ezisemthethweni. Ngenxa yokubaluleka kobuchwepheshe kwisizinda se-ODL, kuye kwacaca ukuthi ubuchwepheshe kufanele buthathelwe phezulu njengesidlalindima kwiziko le-ODL. Ukufakwa komqondo womdlalindima kudale umsebenzi omuhle othuthukile kanye namathuba okuveza amaqhinga amasha ukuze kuqinisekiswe isimo sokuqinisekisa iziqu ukuthi zibe semthethweni. / College of Accounting Sciences / D. Phil. (Accounting Sciences)

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