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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Desenvolvimento de um sistema distribuído de identificação em tempo real de parâmetros de qualidade de energia elétrica

Menezes, Ramon Maciel 29 February 2012 (has links)
CNPq, CAPES / O presente trabalho inclui a revisão das normas de qualidade de energia elétrica, a fim de normatizar o desenvolvimento do projeto seguindo normas nacionais e internacionais; a simulação de algoritmos como CFA e FFT, a fim de verificar a viabilidade de seu uso, bem como as limitações associadas ao processamento de formas de onda fortemente distorcidas. Inclui também a proposição e a verificação de um algoritmo capaz de calcular os índices (selecionados durante a revisão das normas) que pudessem avaliar a qualidade de energia através de sinais de tensão e corrente. Para o desenvolvimento do protótipo, foram selecionados sensores de tensão e de corrente confiáveis para o sistema de aquisição; um DSP, que executa os algoritmos previamente simulados, processando em tempo real os sinais adquiridos pelos sensores, a fim de reportar o estado da rede elétrica e/ou eventos ocorridos na rede através de um módulo ZigBee, responsável pela transmissão desses dados de forma segura. A classe de eventos de variação de tensão de curta duração foi incluída no processamento em tempo real realizado pelo DSP. Devido à imprevisibilidade e à rapidez da ocorrência desses eventos, foi desenvolvida uma ferramenta capaz de gerar essa classe de eventos, o gerador de VTCD. A análise de QEE em tempo real se mostrou viável mesmo com a utilização de dispositivos de baixo custo, permitindo, ainda que com algumas limitações, o levantamento de informações de QEE às quais cargas conhecidas estavam submetidas. / The present document includes a comprehensive literature review on power quality issues, to keep the development of this project aligned with national and international standards related; simulation algorithms such as FFT and CFA in order to verify the feasibility of its use, as well as limitations associated with the processing of strongly distorted waveform. It also includes the proposal and verification of an algorithm able to calculate the indices (selected during the standards review) that could assess the power quality through voltage and current signals. For prototype development, voltage and current sensors were selected for reliable acquisition system; a DSP, which running the previously simulated algorithms in order to process in real time the acquired voltage and current signals provided by sensors in order to report the status of the mains grid and/or events occurrence on the network through a ZigBee module, responsible for safety transmission data. The short term voltage change events class was also included in the real time processing performed by the DSP. Due to the unpredictability and short duration of these events, it was developed a tool capable of generating this class of events, the STVC generator. The PQ analysis in real time was feasible even with the use of low cost devices, allowing, although with some limitations, the survey of PQ information which known loads was submitted.

Desenvolvimento de um sistema distribuído de identificação em tempo real de parâmetros de qualidade de energia elétrica

Menezes, Ramon Maciel 29 February 2012 (has links)
CNPq, CAPES / O presente trabalho inclui a revisão das normas de qualidade de energia elétrica, a fim de normatizar o desenvolvimento do projeto seguindo normas nacionais e internacionais; a simulação de algoritmos como CFA e FFT, a fim de verificar a viabilidade de seu uso, bem como as limitações associadas ao processamento de formas de onda fortemente distorcidas. Inclui também a proposição e a verificação de um algoritmo capaz de calcular os índices (selecionados durante a revisão das normas) que pudessem avaliar a qualidade de energia através de sinais de tensão e corrente. Para o desenvolvimento do protótipo, foram selecionados sensores de tensão e de corrente confiáveis para o sistema de aquisição; um DSP, que executa os algoritmos previamente simulados, processando em tempo real os sinais adquiridos pelos sensores, a fim de reportar o estado da rede elétrica e/ou eventos ocorridos na rede através de um módulo ZigBee, responsável pela transmissão desses dados de forma segura. A classe de eventos de variação de tensão de curta duração foi incluída no processamento em tempo real realizado pelo DSP. Devido à imprevisibilidade e à rapidez da ocorrência desses eventos, foi desenvolvida uma ferramenta capaz de gerar essa classe de eventos, o gerador de VTCD. A análise de QEE em tempo real se mostrou viável mesmo com a utilização de dispositivos de baixo custo, permitindo, ainda que com algumas limitações, o levantamento de informações de QEE às quais cargas conhecidas estavam submetidas. / The present document includes a comprehensive literature review on power quality issues, to keep the development of this project aligned with national and international standards related; simulation algorithms such as FFT and CFA in order to verify the feasibility of its use, as well as limitations associated with the processing of strongly distorted waveform. It also includes the proposal and verification of an algorithm able to calculate the indices (selected during the standards review) that could assess the power quality through voltage and current signals. For prototype development, voltage and current sensors were selected for reliable acquisition system; a DSP, which running the previously simulated algorithms in order to process in real time the acquired voltage and current signals provided by sensors in order to report the status of the mains grid and/or events occurrence on the network through a ZigBee module, responsible for safety transmission data. The short term voltage change events class was also included in the real time processing performed by the DSP. Due to the unpredictability and short duration of these events, it was developed a tool capable of generating this class of events, the STVC generator. The PQ analysis in real time was feasible even with the use of low cost devices, allowing, although with some limitations, the survey of PQ information which known loads was submitted.

Caractérisation, modélisation et estimation de la consommation d'énergie à haut-niveau des OS embarqués / High-level energy characterization, modeling and estimation for OS-based platforms

Ouni, Bassem 11 July 2013 (has links)
La consommation énergétique est devenue un problème majeur dans la conception des systèmes aussi bien d'un point de vue de la fiabilité des circuits que de l'autonomie d'un équipement embarqué. Cette thèse vise à caractériser et modéliser le coût énergétique du système d'exploitation (OS) embarqué en vue d'explorer des solutions faibles consommation. La première contribution consiste à définir une approche globale de modélisation de la consommation des services de base de l'OS: la stimulation de l'exécution de ces services, tels que le changement de contexte, l'ordonnancement et la communication interprocessus, est effectuée à travers des programmes de test adéquats. Sur la base de mesures de la consommation d'énergie sur la carte OMAP35x EVM, des paramètres pertinents soit matériels soit logiciels ont été identifiés pour en déduire des modèles de consommation. Dans une seconde étape, la prise en compte de ces paramètres doit intervenir au plus haut niveau de la conception. L'objectif sera d'exploiter les fonctionnalités offertes par un langage de modélisation et d'analyse architecturale AADL tout en modélisant les aspects logiciel et matériel en vue d'estimer la consommation d'énergie. Ensuite, les modèles énergétiques de l'OS ont été intégrés dans un simulateur multiprocesseur de politique d'ordonnancement STORM afin d'identifier la consommation de l'OS et ceci pour des politiques d'ordonnancement mettant en œuvre des techniques de réduction de la consommation tel que le DVFS et le DPM. Enfin, la définition et vérification de certaines contraintes temps-réel et énergétiques ont été effectuées avec des langages de spécification de contraintes (QAML, RDAL). / The ever-increasing complexity of embedded systems that are developing their computation performances poses a great challenge for embedded systems designers: power and energy consumption. This thesis focuses on power and energy characterization, modeling, estimation of embedded operating systems (OS) energy consumption. First, an OS energy consumption characterization flow is introduced: a set of benchmarks, which are test programs that stimulate each OS service separately, are implemented. These programs are executed on the hardware platform: OMAP 35x EVM board. Based on hardware measurements, several hardware and software parameters that influence the OS power/energy consumption are identified and energy consumption mathematical models are extracted. The second contribution consists in proposing a high level model of software application, the OS services and hardware platform using an architecture analysis and design language (AADL). Then, AADL and mathematical models of OS services energy consumption are integrated in a multiprocessor scheduling simulator (STORM) in order to evaluate the OS energy overhead when using DPM and DVFS low power techniques. Finally, a flow of definition and verification of system requirements when allocating application tasks to the processors is proposed. Using a set of languages, RDAL and QAML, various real time and energetic constraints are checked when exploring the design.

Development and validation of distributed reactive control systems / Développement et validation de systèmes de contrôle réactifs distribués

Meuter, Cédric 14 March 2008 (has links)
A reactive control system is a computer system reacting to certain stimuli emitted by its environment in order to maintain it in a desired state. Distributed reactive control systems are generally composed of several processes, running in parallel on one or more computers, communicating with one another to perform the required control task. By their very nature, distributed reactive control systems are hard to design. Their distributed nature and/or the communication scheme used can introduce subtle unforeseen behaviours. When dealing with critical applications, such as plane control systems, or traffic light control systems, those unintended behaviours can have disastrous consequences. It is therefore essential, for the designer, to ensure that this does not happen. For that purpose, rigorous and systematic techniques can (and should) be applied as early as possible in the development process. In that spirit, this work aims at providing the designer with the necessary tools in order to facilitate the development and validation of such distributed reactive control systems. In particular, we show how using a dedicated language called dSL (Distributed Supervision language) can be used to ease the development process. We also study how validations techniques such as model-checking and testing can be applied in this context. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Implementace real-time operačního systému uC/OS-II na platformě ARM Cortex-M4 / Implementation of uC/OS-II Real-Time Operating System on ARM Cortex-M4 Platform

Anisimov, Mikhail January 2016 (has links)
This Master's project deals with implementation of uC/OS-II real-time operating system on FITkit 3 platform, its testing and proving its functionality with simple examples. Describes an example of uC/OS-II application for displaying images on a E-ink display and application of ECCA method for increasing fault tolerance of the system.

Mobile Gemeinschaften im E-Government: Bürger-Verwaltungs-Partnerschaft als Mittel zur Kosteneffizienz und Effizienz bei öffentlichen Aufgaben am Beispiel der Verkehrskontrolle

Fritsch, Lothar, Stephan, Kerstin, Grohmann, Alexander January 2005 (has links)
In der E-Commerce-Forschung wird aus Sicht von Wertschöpfung und Marketing das Konzept virtueller Gemeinschaften ausgiebig erforscht. Solche Gemeinschaften sollten Wissen zu Verfügung stellen, Kundenkontakte vereinfachen oder zusammen eine Wertschöpfung erbringen, an der nach [1] der Anbieter der virtuellen Plattform Profite erwirtschaftet. E-Government zielt auf die elektronische Abbildung von Vorgängen der öffentlichen Verwaltung. Nach der Speyer Definition [2] besteht E-Government aus Informationsdiensten, Partizipation der Bürger und elektronischer Abwicklung der Transaktionen innerhalb der Verwaltung und zwischen Verwaltung und den anderen Sektoren. Auffällig ist die Beschränkung von E-Government auf die Umsetzung existierender Verwaltungsvorgänge. Dies beschränkt die Wertschöpfung im EGovernment auf Effizienzgewinne, schließt die Profite durch virtuelle Gemeinschaften in einer Bürgergesellschaft jedoch weitgehend aus.

Measuring energy consumption for short code paths using RAPL

Hähnel, Marcus, Döbel, Björn, Völp, Marcus, Härtig, Hermann 28 May 2013 (has links)
Measuring the energy consumption of software components is a major building block for generating models that allow for energy-aware scheduling, accounting and budgeting. Current measurement techniques focus on coarse-grained measurements of application or system events. However, fine grain adjustments in particular in the operating-system kernel and in application-level servers require power profiles at the level of a single software function. Until recently, this appeared to be impossible due to the lacking fine grain resolution and high costs of measurement equipment. In this paper we report on our experience in using the Running Average Power Limit (RAPL) energy sensors available in recent Intel CPUs for measuring energy consumption of short code paths. We investigate the granularity at which RAPL measurements can be performed and discuss practical obstacles that occur when performing these measurements on complex modern CPUs. Furthermore, we demonstrate how to use the RAPL infrastructure to characterize the energy costs for decoding video slices.

Bootstrapping a Private Cloud

Deepika Kaushal (9034865) 29 June 2020 (has links)
Cloud computing allows on-demand provision, configuration and assignment of computing resources with minimum cost and effort for users and administrators. Managing the physical infrastructure that underlies cloud computing services relies on the need to provision and manage bare-metal computer hardware. Hence there is a need for quick loading of operating systems in bare-metal and virtual machines to service the demands of users. The focus of the study is on developing a technique to load these machines remotely, which is complicated by the fact that the machines can be present in different Ethernet broadcast domains, physically distant from the provisioning server. The use of available bare-metal provisioning frameworks require significant skills and time. Moreover, there is no easily implementable standard method of booting across separate and different Ethernet broadcast domains. This study proposes a new framework to provision bare-metal hardware remotely using layer 2 services in a secure manner. This framework is a composition of existing tools that can be assembled to build the framework.

Design and evaluation of a secure, privacy-preserving and cancelable biometric authentication : Bio-Capsule

Sui, Yan 04 September 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / A large portion of system breaches are caused by authentication failure either during the system login process or even in the post-authentication session, which is further related to the limitations associated with existing authentication approaches. Current authentication methods, whether proxy based or biometrics based, are hardly user-centric; and they either put burdens on users or endanger users' (biometric) security and privacy. In this research, we propose a biometrics based user-centric authentication approach. The main idea is to introduce a reference subject (RS) (for each system), securely fuse the user's biometrics with the RS, generate a BioCapsule (BC) (from the fused biometrics), and employ BCs for authentication. Such an approach is user-friendly, identity-bearing yet privacy-preserving, resilient, and revocable once a BC is compromised. It also supports "one-click sign on" across multiple systems by fusing the user's biometrics with a distinct RS on each system. Moreover, active and non-intrusive authentication can be automatically performed during the user's post-authentication on-line session. In this research, we also formally prove that the proposed secure fusion based BC approach is secure against various attacks and compare the new approach with existing biometrics based approaches. Extensive experiments show that the performance (i.e., authentication accuracy) of the new BC approach is comparable to existing typical biometric authentication approaches, and the new BC approach also possesses other desirable features such as diversity and revocability.

Link failure detection in OSPF network using OpenFlow protocol

Pamulapati, Santhan 21 May 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / The study of this thesis is focused on reducing the link failure detection time in OSPF network. When a link failure occurs, OSPF protocol detects it using RouterDeadInterval time. This timer is fired only after a predefined time interval, thus increasing the time of convergence after the link failure. There are previous studies to reduce the RouterDeadInterval time, but they introduce other effects which are discussed later in the thesis. So, a novel approach is proposed in this thesis to reduce the link failure detection time with the help of emerging network architecture Software Defined Networking (SDN) and OpenFlow Protocol.

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