Spelling suggestions: "subject:"aperating systems"" "subject:"boperating systems""
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Classificação automática de falhas em arquitetura orientada a serviços / Automatic fault classification in a service-oriented architectureFelix, Kleber Gonçalves 29 August 2017 (has links)
Uma arquitetura distribuída é composta de diversos sistemas que trocam mensagens entre si. Falhas na integração destes sistemas podem ocorrer, exigindo uma investigação detalhada dos profissionais de suporte para encontrar a causa raiz do problema. O processo manual de identificação de falhas é difícil e demorado. Ganhos significativos podem ser obtidos através da automação do processo de classificação de falhas. Este trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar um método para auxílio no processo de diagnóstico de falhas, classificando automaticamente as falhas geradas em uma arquitetura orientada a serviços. Este método, denominado SOAFaultControl, se beneficia de arquiteturas distribuídas que adotam SOA e um Enterprise Service Bus (ESB). Utilizando-se de técnicas de aprendizado de máquina, foi possível estabelecer um modelo para classificação de falhas em categorias preestabelecidas. Para alcançar o objetivo deste trabalho foi necessário testar e avaliar os seguintes algoritmos de aprendizagem de máquina: Support Vector Machine, Naive Bayes e AdaBoost. Como resultado, o algoritmo Support Vector Machine obteve melhor desempenho nas métricas: acurácia, precisão, revocação e F1. / A distributed architecture is composed of many systems that exchange messages between each other. Faults in the integration of these systems may occur and they required a detailed investigation of support professionals to identifying the root cause of the problem. The manual process to identify causes of failure is difficult and time-consuming. Significant efficiency gains can be achieved by automating the faults classification process. This work presents a method to support the automated fault diagnostic process, automatically classifying faults generated in a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). This method denominated SOAFaultControl, may be executed in a distributed architecture that adote SOA and an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB). Using machine learning techniques, was possible build a model to classify fault messages captured in a SOA environment, in pre-established classes. To achieve the objectives of this work it was necessary to test the following machine learning algorithms: Support Vector Machine, Naive Bayes, and AdaBoost. Results show that Support Vector Machine algorithm achieved better performance in the following metrics: precision, accuracy, recall, and F1.
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Emprego de computadores em elucidação estrutural de alcalóides / Use of computers in structural elucidation of alkaloidsAlessandra Rodrigues Rufino 12 May 2005 (has links)
O Sistema Especialista SISTEMAT foi construído com o objetivo de auxiliar os pesquisadores da área de produtos naturais na tarefa de determinação estrutural, estendendo-se também ao químico orgânico sintético. Seus programas aplicativos fornecem propostas de esqueletos fazendo uso dos dados de diversas técnicas espectrométricas, sendo que a espectrometria de ressonância magnética nuclear de 13C tem um papel de destaque entre as demais. Este trabalho descreve a utilização do SISTEMAT como uma ferramenta auxiliar na determinação estrutural de substâncias pertencentes às subclasses dos alcalóides quinolínicos, quinolizidínicos, aporfínicos, benzilisoquinolínicos, isoquinolínicos, pirrolizidínicos, acridônicos e indólicos. Para a realização deste trabalho foi construído um banco de dados contendo 1182 alcalóides, sendo todos coletados da literatura. Nestes 1182 alcalóides, estão presentes 1156 espectros de RMN 13C, 354 espectros de RMN 1H, 320 espectros de massas e as substâncias de origem vegetal estão distribuídos em 49 Famílias, 164 Gêneros e 260 Espécies. Os testes realizados forneceram bons percentuais de acertos para o reconhecimento de esqueletos. Outro programa utilizado neste trabalho foi o de redes neurais artificiais. As redes foram treinadas para auxiliar na determinação estrutural dos alcalóides aporfínicos, fornecendo a probabilidade de uma determinada substância pertencer ao esqueleto pesquisado. Para utilização das redes neurais foi construída uma planilha com os deslocamentos químicos de RMN 13C, de 165 alcalóides aporfínicos, pertencentes a 12 esqueletos diferentes. A rede forneceu ótimos resultados, classificando os esqueletos com alto grau de confiabilidade. / The Expert System SISTEMAT was built with the objective of aiding the researchers of the area of natural products in the task of structural determination, also extending to the synthetic organic chemist. Their applications programs supply proposed of skeletons making use of the data of several techniques spectrometrics, and the 13C NMR has a main paper among the others. This work describes the use of SISTEMAT as an auxiliary tool in the structural determination of substances belonging to the underclass of the alkaloids quinoline, quinolizidine, aporphine, benzylisoquinoline, isoquinoline, pyrrolizidine, acridone and indoles. For the accomplishment of this work a database was built containing 1182 alkaloids, being all collected of the literature. In these 1182 alkaloids, are present 1156 spectra of 13C NMR, 354 spectra of RMN 1:00, 320 spectra of masses and the substances of botanical origin are distributed in 49 Families, 164 Genders and 260 Species. They were accomplished around 100 tests, of which 30 are presented in this thesis. These tests supplied good percentile of the successes for the recognition of skeletons. Another program used in this work the one of nets artificial neurais, in which the nets were trained to aid in the structural determination of the aporphine alkaloids was, supplying the probability of a certain substance to belong to the researched skeleton. For use of the nets neurais a spreadsheet was built with the chemical displacements of 13C NMR, of 165 aporphine alkaloids, belonging to 12 different skeletons. The net supplied great results, classifying the skeletons with high reliability degree.
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Mechanismy zvýšení spolehlivosti vestavěných systémů pracujících v reálném čase / Mechanisms for Dependability Enhancement of Real-Time Embedded SystemsSlimařík, František January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with issue of reliability of real-time embedded systems. Contains a summary of basic concepts related to field in real-time embedded systems and mechanisms for dependability enhancement through redundancy techniques and control flow checking. Describes the implementation of selected control flow checking mechanisms, the technique uses software watchdog timers, use of hardware n-modular redundancy in software environment and technique of process pairs using operating system uC/OS-II. The different mechanisms are validated by method injection of faults into the chosen data structures of system uC/OS-II.
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Low-Latency Hard Real-Time Communication over Switched EthernetLöser, Jork 31 January 2006 (has links)
With the upsurge in the demand for high-bandwidth networked real-time applications in cost-sensitive environments, a key issue is to take advantage of developments of commodity components that offer a multiple of the throughput of classical real-time solutions. It was the starting hypothesis of this dissertation that with fine grained traffic shaping as the only means of node cooperation, it should be possible to achieve lower guaranteed delays and higher bandwidth utilization than with traditional approaches, even though Switched Ethernet does not support policing in the switches as other network architectures do. This thesis presents the application of traffic shaping to Switched Ethernet and validates the hypothesis. It shows, both theoretically and practically, how commodity Switched Ethernet technology can be used for low-latency hard real-time communication, and what operating-system support is needed for an efficient implementation.
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Real-time monitoring of distributed real-time and embedded systems using WebPuranik, Darshan Gajanan 03 January 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) is the primary method for enabling asynchronous communication over the Web. Although AJAX is providing warranted real-time capabilities to the Web, it requires unconventional programming methods at the expense of extensive resource usage. WebSockets, which is an
emerging protocol, has the potential to address many challenges with implementing asynchronous communication over the Web. There, however, has been no in-depth study that quantitatively compares AJAX and WebSockets.
This thesis therefore provides two contributions to Web development.
First, it provides an experience report for adding real-time monitoring support
over the Web to the Open-source Architecture of Software Instrumentation of Systems(OASIS), which is open-source real-time instrumentation middleware for distributed real-time and embedded (DRE) systems. Secondly, it quantitatively compares using AJAX and WebSockets to stream collected instrumentation data over the Web in real-time. Results from quantitative comparison between WebSockets and AJAX show that a WebSockets server consumes 50% less network bandwidth than an AJAX server;
a WebSockets client consumes memory at constant rate, not at an increasing rate; and WebSockets can send up to 215.44% more data samples when consuming the same amount network bandwidth as AJAX.
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Modeling, monitoring and optimization of discrete event systems using Petri netsYan, Jiaxiang 29 January 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Yan, Jiaxiang. M.S.E.C.E., Purdue University, May 2013. Modeling, Monitoring and Optimization of Discrete Event Systems Using Petri Nets. Major Professor: Lingxi Li. In last decades, the research of discrete event systems (DESs) has attracts more and more attention because of the fast development of intelligent control strategies. Such control measures combine the conventional control strategies with discrete
decision-making processes which simulate human decision-making processes. Due to the scale and complexity of common DESs, the dedicated models, monitoring methods and optimal control strategies for them are necessary. Among various DES models, Petri nets are famous for the advantage in dealing with asynchronous processes. They have been widely applied in intelligent transportation systems (ITS) and communication technology in recent years. With encoding of the Petri net state, we can also
enable fault detection and identification capability in DESs and mitigate potential human
errors. This thesis studies various problems in the context of DESs that can be modeled by Petri nets. In particular, we focus on systematic modeling, asynchronous monitoring and optimal control strategies design of Petri nets. This thesis starts by looking at the systematic modeling of ITS. A microscopic
model of signalized intersection and its two-layer timed Petri net representation is
proposed in this thesis, where the first layer is the representation of the intersection
and the second layer is the representation of the traffic light system. Deterministic and
stochastic transitions are both involved in such Petri net representation. The detailed
operation process of such Petri net representation is stated. The improvement of such Petri net representation is also provided with comparison to previous models. Then we study the asynchronous monitoring of sensor networks. An event sequence reconstruction algorithm for a given sensor network based on asynchronous observations of its state changes is proposed in this thesis. We assume that the sensor network is modeled as a Petri net and the asynchronous observations are in the
form of state (token) changes at different places in the Petri net. More specifically,
the observed sequences of state changes are provided by local sensors and are asynchronous,
i.e., they only contain partial information about the ordering of the state changes that occur. We propose an approach that is able to partition the given net into several subnets and reconstruct the event sequence for each subnet. Then we develop an algorithm that is able to reconstruct the event sequences for the entire net that are consistent with: 1) the asynchronous observations of state changes; 2)
the event sequences of each subnet; and 3) the structure of the given Petri net. We discuss the algorithmic complexity. The final problem studied in this thesis is the optimal design method of Petri net controllers with fault-tolerant ability. In particular, we consider multiple faults detection and identification in Petri nets that have state machine structures (i.e., every transition in the net has only one input place and one output place). We develop the approximation algorithms to design the fault-tolerant Petri net controller which achieves the minimal number of connections with the original controller. A design example for an automated guided vehicle (AGV) system is also provided to illustrate our approaches.
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Parallel acceleration of deadlock detection and avoidance algorithms on GPUsAbell, Stephen W. 08 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Current mainstream computing systems have become increasingly complex. Most of which have Central Processing Units (CPUs) that invoke multiple threads for their computing tasks. The growing issue with these systems is resource contention and with resource contention comes the risk of encountering a deadlock status in the system. Various software and hardware approaches exist that implement deadlock detection/avoidance techniques; however, they lack either the speed or problem size capability needed for real-time systems. The research conducted for this thesis aims to resolve issues present in past approaches by converging the two platforms (software and hardware) by means of the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). Presented in this thesis are two GPU-based deadlock detection algorithms and one GPU-based deadlock avoidance algorithm. These GPU-based algorithms are: (i) GPU-OSDDA: A GPU-based Single Unit Resource Deadlock Detection Algorithm, (ii) GPU-LMDDA: A GPU-based Multi-Unit Resource Deadlock Detection Algorithm, and (iii) GPU-PBA: A GPU-based Deadlock Avoidance Algorithm. Both GPU-OSDDA and GPU-LMDDA utilize the Resource Allocation Graph (RAG) to represent resource allocation status in the system. However, the RAG is represented using integer-length bit-vectors. The advantages brought forth by this approach are plenty: (i) less memory required for algorithm matrices, (ii) 32 computations performed per instruction (in most cases), and (iii) allows our algorithms to handle large numbers of processes and resources. The deadlock detection algorithms also require minimal interaction with the CPU by implementing matrix storage and algorithm computations on the GPU, thus providing an interactive service type of behavior. As a result of this approach, both algorithms were able to achieve speedups over two orders of magnitude higher than their serial CPU implementations (3.17-317.42x for GPU-OSDDA and 37.17-812.50x for GPU-LMDDA). Lastly, GPU-PBA is the first parallel deadlock avoidance algorithm implemented on the GPU. While it does not achieve two orders of magnitude speedup over its CPU implementation, it does provide a platform for future deadlock avoidance research for the GPU.
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Design, development and experimentation of a discovery service with multi-level matchingPileththuwasan Gallege, Lahiru Sandakith 20 November 2013 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / The contribution of this thesis focuses on addressing the challenges of improving and integrating the UniFrame Discovery Service (URDS) and Multi-level Matching (MLM) concepts. The objective was to find enhancements for both URDS and MLM and address the need of a comprehensive discovery service which goes beyond simple attribute based matching. It presents a detailed discussion on developing an enhanced version of URDS with MLM (proURDS). After implementing proURDS, the thesis includes details of experiments with different deployments of URDS components and different configurations of MLM. The experiments and analysis were carried out using proURDS produced MLM contracts. The proURDS referred to a public dataset called QWS dataset. This dataset includes actual information of software components (i.e., web services), which were harvested from the Internet. The proURDS implements the different matching operations as independent operators at each level of matching (i.e., General, Syntactic, Semantic, Synchronization, and QoS). Finally, a case study was carried out with the deployed proURDS. The case study addresses real world component discovery requirements from the earth science domain. It uses the contracts collected from public portals which provide geographical and weather related data.
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Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Two Connected Intersections Using Discrete and Hybrid Petri NetsYaqub, Omar Seddeq Omar 29 January 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / In recent decades, Petri nets (PNs) have been used to model traffic networks for different purposes, such as signal phase control, routing, and traffic flow estimation, etc. Because of the complex nature of traffic networks where both discrete and continuous dynamics come into play, the Hybrid Petri net (HPN) model becomes an important tool for the modeling and analysis of traffic networks. In Chapter 1 a brief historical summery about traffic systems control and then related work is mentioned followed by the major contributions in this research. Chapter 2 provides a theoretical background on Petri nets. In Chapter 3, we develop a HPN model for a single signalized intersection first, then we extend this model to study a simple traffic network that consists of two successive intersections. Time delays between different points of network are also considered in order to make the model suitable for analysis and simulation. In addition to HPN models, we also consider discrete Petri nets where their modeling simplicity enables the characterization of the occurrences of all events in the system. This discrete PN is particularly useful to give a higher-level representation of the traffic network and study its event occurrences and correlations. In Chapter 4, we build a discrete PN model to represent a traffic network with two successive intersections. However, we find that the model leads to unbounded places which cannot accurately reflect the dynamics of the traffic in terms of event occurrences. Hence, we introduce the Modified Binary Petri nets (MBPN) to overcome the limitation and resolve the confliction problem when we design our controllers. This MBPN model is a powerful tool and can be useful for the modeling and analysis of many other applications in traffic networks. Chapter 5 gives a summary for each chapter, provides conclusion and discusses future work for both discrete and hybrid Petri nets.
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Identificación y ponderación de las funcionalidades de una TOS (Terminal Operating System) mediante aplicación de método de análisis jerárquico (AHP). Microsimulación de resultados en ambiente real simuladoHervás Peralta, Miguel 02 September 2021 (has links)
[ES] Este trabajo tiene como objetivo aumentar el conocimiento sobre las funcionalidades de los sistemas operativos de terminales (TOS) gestionando terminales de cualquier tipo (portuarias, interiores) con el fin de mejorar su desempeño y contribuir a la reducción de esa congestión.
117 funcionalidades han sido agrupadas en 6 clusters principales: Almacén, Operaciones marítimas, Puerta, Master Data, Comunicaciones y ERP Dashboard.
Los resultados muestran que el traqueo del timing de los buques, la optimización de espacio, el desarrollo de listas de carga y/o descarga y la optimización de las ubicaciones de los contenedores son las funcionalidades más importantes de una TOS, y no deberían de faltar en ninguna de ellas que se precie para ser un buen cerebro de una terminal.
Posteriormente, mediante una simulación en ambiente real, se perseguía el objetivo de verificar si profundizar en esas funcionalidades de una TOS efectivamente producía una mejora en los indicadores clave de desempeño de una terminal. / [CA] Aquest treball té com a objectiu augmentar el coneixement de les funcionalitats de les TOS gestionant terminales de qualsevol tipus (portuaries, interiors) amb la fi de millorar el seu acompliment i contribuir a la reducció d'eixa congestió.
117 funcionalitats han sigut agrupades en 6 clusters principales: Magatzem, Operacions marítimes, Porta, Master Data, Comunicacions i ERP Dashboard.
El resultats mostren que el seguiment del timing del barcs, la optimització de l'espai, el desenvolupament de llistes de càrrega o descàrrega i la optimització de les ubicacions dels contenidors son les funcionalitats més importants d'una TOS, i no deurien de faltar en ninguna que vullga ser un bon cervell d'una terminal.
Posteriorment, mitjançant una simulació en ambient reial, es perseguia l'objectiu de verificar si, profunditzant en eixes funcionalitats d'una TOS, efectivament es produïa una millora en el indicadors claus d'acompliment d'una terminal. / [EN] This work aims to improve the knowledge about the functionalities of Terminal Operating Systems (TOS) managing container terminales of sea, river, and dry ports, with the aim of improving their performance and contributing to reducing congestion and GHG emissions to achieve a higher sustainability.
One hundred and seven functionalities were grouped into six main clusters: Warehouse, Maritime Operations, Gate, Master Data, Communications, and ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) Dashboard. The results show that time tracking of vessels, space optimization,
development of loading and unloading lists, and optimization of container locations are the most important functionalities of a TOS.
After this, using a simulation on a real environment, the target sought was to verify, if deepening in these functionalities of a TOS, there was an improvement of the terminal key performance indicators. / Hervás Peralta, M. (2021). Identificación y ponderación de las funcionalidades de una TOS (Terminal Operating System) mediante aplicación de método de análisis jerárquico (AHP). Microsimulación de resultados en ambiente real simulado [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/171470
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