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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Clientelism, Corporatism, And Change: The Evolution Of State-women's Movement Relations In Peru, 1990-2000

January 2015 (has links)
Examining state-civil society relationships within the context of social movements is vital for understanding the ways in which movements function at the micro-, meso-, and macro-levels—both independently and in relation to the state. This thesis takes the case of the women's movement in Peru under the presidency of Alberto Fujimori (1990-2000) to provide empirical evidence for the ways in which such relationships are established, function, and evolve over time. I argue that the opening of State institutions, when combined with non-violent state repression, served as political opportunities that allowed the women's movement to expand their repertoire of contention and to contest the clientelistic and corporatist aspects of the interdependent power relationship they had established with Fujimori and the State. Chapter One offers a portrait of the social, economic, and political context in the years leading up to Fujimori's election. Chapter Two constructs a theoretical framework for the case of the women's movement by interweaving theories of clientelism, corporatism, and political opportunities. I outline, in Chapter Three, the data and methods used to analyze the discursive and institutional activities of both the State (Chapter Four) and the women's movement (Chapter Five), while Chapter Six discusses these activities of the State and the women's movement both comparatively and longitudinally. Finally, the conclusion outlines the key contributions of this study to the fields of Latin American Studies, Social Movement Studies, and Political Sociology before offering avenues for potential future research. / acase@tulane.edu

Factors influencing the success of women in educational administration in the Australian Capital Territory

Durie Saines, Deborah, n/a January 1991 (has links)
The role of women has become a central issue in educational debate because of the discrepancy between their representation at the administrative and policy level and their representation at the classroom level. This study identified the factors which aid the success of women in educational administration. By using structured interviews and response analysis the study identifies major facilitaters and barriers to success. The literature review surveys the position of women in educational administration. The study provides information that is crucial to aspiring female educators in individual career planning and is essential to systems in the promotion of Equal Employment Opportunities. Research was undertaken in the Australian Capital Territory and involved Government and Non Government systems.

Establishing Quantitative Economic Value for Features and Functionality of New Products and New Services (CHAPTER N)

Otto, Kevin, Tang, Victor, Seering, Warren 13 September 2003 (has links)
This chapter has two key themes: (1) a list of customer needs is interesting, but insufficient for many development decisions, (2) establishing a quantified, dollar value for each requirement is more helpful. To that end, we present an approach and method to establishing the quantitative monetary value for new product features and performance. This approach is targeted to product development managers and engineers engaged at the “front-end” of the product development process when the decisions about selection and trade-off of product functions and features are made. This approach examines the customer’s business operations and essentially establishing their business case for your product down to the feature and performance levels. This provides for much better trade-off decisions in new product development. This approach also helps to identify whitespace opportunities, those new product and/or service opportunities that are not being served by any current product. Moreover, because the methodology is fine grained, the whitespace opportunities are resolved into clear and actionable product development projects. / Center for Innovation in Product Development

Etiska aspekter av preimplantatorisk genetisk diagnostik och genterapi

Brusman, Anna-Lena January 2007 (has links)
The research in the field of biotechnology is rapidly developing all over the world. Modern biotechnology offers unique opportunities, simultaneously as it gives rise to a number of ethical issues. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), PGD/HLA (Human Leucocyte Antigen) and germline gene therapy (GLGT) are controversial techniques. PGD gives a possibility to identify a genetic disease prior to the embryo’s implantation in the uterus. PGD/HLA involves selecting an embryo with genes coding for a specific tissue type, so that the child to be born can act as a donor to an existing sibling who requires a stem cell transplant. GLGT seeks to eliminate or change “bad” genes. The purpose of this study is to investigate student’s ethical attitude concerning PGD, PGD/HLA and GLGT. The empirical study was based on focus group discussions. Four group interviews were made, with 15 participants in all. The students are taking courses in biology or religion. The result from the interviews shows that the ethical issues are difficult to have a definite opinion in, because there are possibilities and risks involved in all these techniques, according to the students. A central part of the discussion was devoted to human dignity and the moral status of the embryo. They also see risks such as bioterrorism, designing the perfect humans, economic interests, medical risks, among many other risks. / Forskningen på det bioteknologiska området utvecklas snabbt över hela världen. Den moderna bioteknologin erbjuder unika möjligheter, samtidigt som den ger upphov till en rad frågor av etiskt slag. Preimplantatorisk genetisk diagnostik (PGD), PGD/HLA (Human Leucocyte Antigen) och zygotisk genterapi är kontroversiella tekniker. PGD ger en möjlighet att identifiera genetiska sjukdomar före embryots implantering i livmodern. Med hjälp av PGD/HLA väljs ett embryo ut vars gener kodar för en specifik vävnadstyp, vilket gör att barnet som föds kan fungera som donator till ett existerande syskon som är i behov av en stamcells transplantation. Med zygotisk genterapi kan man ta bort eller byta ut ”dåliga” gener. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka studenters etiska värderingar rörande PGD, PGD/HLA och zygotisk genterapi. Den empiriska studien baserades på fokusgrupp diskussioner. Fyra gruppintervjuer gjordes, med sammanlagt 15 deltagare. Studenterna studerar på programutbildningar i biologi eller religion. Resultatet från intervjuerna visar att de etiska frågeställningarna är svåra att ha en klar uppfattning om, eftersom det finns möjligheter och risker med alla dessa tekniker, enligt studenterna. En central del av diskussionen ägnades åt människovärdet och embryots moraliska status. De ser också risker som bioterrorism, designa perfekta människor, ekonomiska intressen, medicinska risker, bland många andra risker.

The uncertain opportunity to internationalize : - A study of Inward-Oriented Internationalization

Sölveborn, Hanna-Christine, Sandberg, Martin January 2008 (has links)
The internationalization process is usually viewed from an outward- perspective ininternational business literature. In this thesis the focus is put on an outward-inwardinterrelationship perspective. An extensive literature review from literature in internationalbusiness literature, entrepreneurial literature as well as international marketing literature wasconducted in order to extract key variables that affect the process of internationalization of thefirm. The key variables that were examined were: Business Contacts, InternationalExperience, Perceived International Opportunity and Perceived International Uncertainty.A qualitative interview with semi-structured questions was conducted in order to construct amodel that should be used as the basis for a quantitative study of an inward-driveninternationalization process, in order to generalize. The results were in line with thepropositions based on the relationships between the variables. In other words, the constructedmodel and the developed questionnaire were of use when examining the relationship betweenthe variables and seem to be of value when applied to an inward oriented context. Thevariable International Experience received the highest score and seemed to reflect animportant contribution for the internationalization process. Nevertheless, further quantitativeresearch is asked for, in order to support the results and be able to generalize.

Rural Entrepreneurship: Challenges and Opportunities

Imedashvili, Sopiko, Kekua, Ani, Ivchenko, Polina January 2013 (has links)
According to World Bank Report published in 2012, the rural population in Sweden is 15.3 %. Rural population is calculated as difference between total populations minus urban population. 15.3 % clearly shows how important rural areas are for Sweden’s future development. Entrepreneurship plays the integral role in rural area development. However, earlier research has shown only economic perspective of rural development. On the other hand, the new ways to discover the challenges and opportunities for entrepreneurs in small firms were needed.

The Effects of Having a Presence in Social Media : Swedish advertising agencies' awareness of social media and its contributing opportunities and risks

Yaro, Walita, Asmar, Adissa, von jahf, Heidi January 2013 (has links)
Emerging from traditional marketing platforms in the early millennium is a brand new marketing form called social media. Having a presence in social media is a growing part of marketing communication and it gives companies a voice and a means to converse with their existing and prospective customers. Social media is starting to become a great tool for businesses to develop and maintain strong relationships with customers and is therefore a vital platform for organizations to communicate with their customers. Having a presence in social media will require businesses to be aware of the opportunities and risks that come with using the medium. Not knowing how to use the new channels and the accompanying technique while launching different social media channels can be highly unsuccessful for the business. Learning how to communicate with customers when using social media channels is therefore crucial for a business‟ success in that area. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of having a presence in social media for business-to-business companies, by focusing on the opportunities and risks. Three research questions are developed, based on the literature review. A deductive approach has been applied followed by a qualitative research with a semi-structured form, focusing on the advertising industry. Furthermore, a case study strategy has been carried out with four different advertising agencies located in Sweden. This study reveals that industry professionals believe that social media is a vital platform for brands to be present in because it allows them to keep contact with current and potential customers. They believe in the magnitude of being able to communicate and interact with people online and how that interaction can lead to new strong relationships. Furthermore, the research shows that advertising agencies have a deep understanding of what a social media can bring them in terms of creating prosperity for their businesses and generate awareness towards their brands and their work. Finally, the study terminates that having a presence in social media can provide the agencies with more positive than negative effects by gaining a great deal of success and resulting in greater campaign and brand awareness.

Swedish polar bears on the African savannah – failure or success? : A case study of two Swedish entrepreneurs in Zambia

Gullberg, Linn, Pettersson, Hanna January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to explore what factors in the Zambian national business environment that influences the international entrepreneur, describe how Swedish entrepreneurs adapt to the uncertainties that may come with the national business environment in Zambia, and explain the opportunities and threats that come with investing in the country. In order for us to reach our purpose of the thesis, a case study of two Swedish firms has been conducted by interviews. The theoretical framework consists of the business environment, international entrepreneurship, the concept of psychic distance, the PEST analysis model, threats and opportunities, and five uncertainty management strategies. All of these theories are relevant for the study and the research questions. The empirical findings include the case businesses view on the national business environment regarding both threats and opportunities, and how to manage the uncertainties in the best way. In the analysis the theoretical framework is allied to the empirical findings. The analysis consist of an discussion about the Zambian national environment, and an analysis of the strategies that would be most suitable for an international entrepreneur to use when coping with uncertainties, threats and opportunities in Zambia. The conclusion of the thesis shows that the economic and political factors in Zambia create opportunities, while the technological and socio-cultural factors pose threats to the international entrepreneur.

Entrepreneurial Capability: Examining Opportunity Pursuit in Multiple Contexts

Abdelgawad, Sondos Galmal Eldin Sobhy 24 June 2013 (has links)
El paisatge competitiu ràpid i canviant ha desafiat les empreses a tornar-se més emprenedores. En comptes de caure a la trampa de les forces sempre canviants del mercat, algunes empreses mostres una gran agilitat, ja que llancen incansablement nous productes, serveis i processos. Aquestes empreses estan impulsades per una recerca continuada d’oportunitats que aportin un ús millor i més profitós dels seus recursos. L’habilitat d’orquestrar els recursos d’una empresa i la capacitat per crear oportunitats són el tema d’aquesta tesi. Aquesta habilitat, que he denominat “capacitat emprenedora” (CE), es defineix com la capacitat total d’una empresa per fer servir els recursos interns i externs amb l’objectiu de perseguir oportunitats de manera continuada. Per això, la finalitat d’aquesta tesi és proporcionar una comprensió minuciosa de la CE i analitzar-ne la variabilitat en cinc contextos diferents. Estudiar la CE permet examinar l’emprenedoria a escala d’empresa mitjançant l’aplicació d’una perspectiva de capacitat, que se centra en l’orquestració que fan les empreses dels seus recursos i de les seves capacitats per desenvolupar oportunitats. El desenvolupament d’oportunitats exigeix a les empreses que integrin les seves capacitats col•lectivament per transformar-les en accions. Promulgar oportunitats amb èxit no tracta de tenir diverses capacitats individuals que pertanyin a àrees funcionals diferents, sinó de saber reconfigurar-les, ja que així es vinculen els diversos recursos i s’incentiven noves oportunitats. Així doncs, a la tesi presento un enfocament sobre les capacitats i les accions de les empreses. La tesi està dissenyada com un compendi de publicacions i la formen set capítols. A més de la introducció i les conclusions, els cinc capítols restants representen cinc papers individuals que analitzen la CE en múltiples contextos. Això reflecteix un elevat grau de diversitat, que permet elaborar un estudi detallat sobre la CE en diversos contextos. Al seu torn, se centra en les diferències entre els tipus d’oportunitats que es persegueixen i les seves implicacions per integrar les capacitats de les empreses. / El rápido y cambiante paisaje competitivo ha desafiado a las empresas a volverse más emprendedoras. En lugar de caer en la trampa de las fuerzas siempre cambiantes del mercado, algunas empresas muestran una gran agilidad, puesto que lanzan nuevos productos, servicios y procesos incansablemente. Estas compañías son impulsadas por una continua búsqueda de oportunidades que aporten un mejor uso y un mayor provecho de sus recursos. La habilidad de orquestar los recursos de una empresa y la capacidad para crear oportunidades son el tema de esta tesis. Esta habilidad, a la que he denominado “capacidad emprendedora” (CE), se define como la capacidad total de una empresa para utilizar sus recursos internos y externos con el objetivo de perseguir oportunidades de forma continuada. Por eso, la finalidad de esta tesis es proporcionar una comprensión minuciosa de la CE y analizar su variabilidad en cinco contextos distintos. Estudiar la CE permite examinar el emprendimiento a nivel de empresa mediante la aplicación de una perspectiva de capacidad, que se centra en la orquestación que realizan las empresas de sus recursos y capacidades para desarrollar oportunidades. El desarrollo de oportunidades exige a las empresas que integren colectivamente sus capacidades para transformarlas en acciones. Promulgar oportunidades con éxito no trata de tener varias capacidades individuales que pertenezcan a distintas áreas funcionales, sino de saber reconfigurarlas, ya que así se vinculan los diferentes recursos y se incentivan nuevas oportunidades. Por lo tanto, en la tesis presento un enfoque sobre las capacidades y las acciones de las empresas. La tesis está diseñada como un compendio de publicaciones y formada por siete capítulos. Además de la introducción y las conclusiones, los cinco capítulos restantes representan cinco papers individuales que analizan la CE en múltiples contextos. Esto refleja un elevado grado de diversidad, que permite elaborar un estudio detallado sobre la CE en varios contextos. A su vez, se centra en las diferencias entre los tipos de oportunidades que se persiguen y sus implicaciones para integrar las capacidades de las empresas. / The rapidly changing competitive landscape has challenged companies to become more entrepreneurial. Instead of falling prey to ever-changing market forces, some firms have shown great agility as they relentlessly introduce new products, services, and processes. These companies are driven by a continuous quest for opportunities that put their resources to better and more profitable use. The ability to orchestrate firms’ resources and capabilities to realize opportunities is the topic of this dissertation. I refer to this ability as entrepreneurial capability (EC), which is defined as a firm’s overall capacity to use its internal and external resources to continuously pursue opportunities. Therefore, the purpose of this dissertation is to provide a fine grained understanding of EC and examine its variability across five different contexts. Studying EC allows the examination of firm-level entrepreneurship by applying a capability perspective, which focuses on firms’ orchestration of their resources and capabilities to develop opportunities. Opportunity development requires firms to collectively integrate their capabilities to transform them into actions. Successful enactment of opportunities is not about individual capabilities belonging to different functional areas but rather their reconfiguration, which links diverse resources and spurs new opportunities. Thus, this dissertation brings forward a focus on firms’ capabilities and actions. This dissertation is designed as a compendium of publications and is comprised of seven chapters. Besides the introduction and conclusion, the five remaining chapters represent five individual papers that examine EC in multiple contexts. This reflects a high degree of diversity, which allows a close investigation of the manifestation of EC in several contexts. In turn, this brings focus on the differences among the type of opportunities pursued and their implications for integrating firms’ capabilities.

Den virtuella dejtingvärlden : En studie om användandet av nätdejtingsajter / The Virtual World of Dating : A study about the usage of online dating sites

Araya, Madeleine, Chan, Malin January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this study has been to investigate the virtual world that people are part of on online dating sites. To do this we have investigated two different research questions, which are the following: What functions do the online dating sites provide? Why and how are the online dating sites being used by their members? In order to gather information about these matters, we have used a qualitative method consisting of participating observation, scrutinizing and single person interviews. Our results indicate that people have different goals with their usage of online dating sites; some are looking for love, a long-term relationship while others are looking for sexual contact. There are many different online dating sites to choose from depending on the users’ objective. The online dating sites we have observed offer similar functions. To find someone of interest most of our interviewees use the search function. The way of initializing contact when finding someone of interest varies between our interviewees, but most of them send flirts and mails. Online dating offers a possible alternative for people to find a potential partner.

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