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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'application de la métabolomique à la découverte de nouveaux biomarqueurs chez les patients atteints d'acidose lactique

Thompson Legault, Julie 04 1900 (has links)
L’acidose lactique du Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean, ou syndrome de Leigh de forme canadienne-française (LSFC), est une maladie mitochondriale neurodégénérative causée par des mutations du gène LRPPRC et caractérisée par des crises d’acidose menant au décès en bas âge. On ne comprend pas encore les causes exactes de ces crises, et aucun traitement n’est actuellement disponible. L’objectif de cette étude a été de comparer le profil des métabolites sanguins et urinaires chez des sujets LSFC et des témoins, avant et après un repas, par une approche métabolomique ciblée. Le projet s’inscrit dans une démarche à long terme visant l’identification de biomarqueurs prédictifs des crises, permettant d'intervenir plus rapidement afin d’éviter le décès. Les échantillons biologiques ont été prélevés chez 9 sujets atteints du LSFC et 9 témoins appariés, à jeun et 90 minutes après un repas standardisé. Les analyses incluent un bilan biochimique et hormonal, un profil des acides aminés, des acides gras, des acides organiques et des acylcarnitines. Les métabolites significativement modifiés chez les patients peuvent être classés en deux catégories : (i) le reflet d’une dysfonction mitochondriale, et plus particulièrement de l’accumulation d’équivalents réduits en amont de la chaîne respiratoire, et (ii) des indices de risque cardiométabolique, qui s’observent davantage chez les patients adultes malgré leur jeune âge. Ainsi, il serait intéressant d’inclure au traitement des stratégies visant la diminution des facteurs de risque cardiométabolique, notamment par une modification des habitudes de vie. Notre étude démontre la pertinence d’avoir recours à la métabolomique dans l’étude des désordres de la phosphorylation oxydative. / L’acidose lactique du Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean, ou syndrome de Leigh de forme canadienne-française (LSFC), est une maladie mitochondriale neurodégénérative causée par des mutations du gène LRPPRC et caractérisée par des crises d’acidose menant au décès en bas âge. On ne comprend pas encore les causes exactes de ces crises, et aucun traitement n’est actuellement disponible. L’objectif de cette étude a été de comparer le profil des métabolites sanguins et urinaires chez des sujets LSFC et des témoins, avant et après un repas, par une approche métabolomique ciblée. Le projet s’inscrit dans une démarche à long terme visant l’identification de biomarqueurs prédictifs des crises, permettant d'intervenir plus rapidement afin d’éviter le décès. Les échantillons biologiques ont été prélevés chez 9 sujets atteints du LSFC et 9 témoins appariés, à jeun et 90 minutes après un repas standardisé. Les analyses incluent un bilan biochimique et hormonal, un profil des acides aminés, des acides gras, des acides organiques et des acylcarnitines. Les métabolites significativement modifiés chez les patients peuvent être classés en deux catégories : (i) le reflet d’une dysfonction mitochondriale, et plus particulièrement de l’accumulation d’équivalents réduits en amont de la chaîne respiratoire, et (ii) des indices de risque cardiométabolique, qui s’observent davantage chez les patients adultes malgré leur jeune âge. Ainsi, il serait intéressant d’inclure au traitement des stratégies visant la diminution des facteurs de risque cardiométabolique, notamment par une modification des habitudes de vie. Notre étude démontre la pertinence d’avoir recours à la métabolomique dans l’étude des désordres de la phosphorylation oxydative.

Optimisation du rendement de production de bioéthanol chez Saccharomyces cerevisiae par minimisation de la synthèse du glycérol : approche intégrée de génie métabolique et microbiologique / Improvement of Saccharomyces cerevisiae bioethanol yield through minimization of glycerol yield : microbiologic and Metabolic engineering integrative approach

Pagliardini, Julien 09 July 2010 (has links)
Ces travaux visaient à étudier la possibilité de réduire la production de glycérol chezSaccharomyces cerevisiae, afin d’améliorer le rendement éthanol, tout en préservant les capacités decroissance et de production des levures. La production minimale de glycérol nécessaire à la croissancea été déterminée à l'aide d'un modèle de calcul des flux métaboliques. Des souches présentant uneactivité des enzymes de la voie de production du glycérol modulée, afin de s'approcher au plus près del'activité minimale nécessaire estimée in silico, ont été utilisées.Cette stratégie d’ajustement de l’activité de la voie de synthèse du glycérol a permis, encondition aérobie, de réduire de 88 % le rendement glycérol et d'améliorer le rendement éthanol de4,7 % sans modifier la tolérance des mutants à l'éthanol, mais au détriment de la vitesse spécifique decroissance, légèrement réduite. En condition anaérobie, une diminution de 61 % du rendementglycérol et une amélioration de 7 % du rendement éthanol ont pu être obtenues, mais au détriment dela vitesse spécifique de croissance,qui subit une sévère diminution, et de la tolérance à l'éthanol,qui estréduite.L'analyse fine des résultats, grâce à un modèle métabolique, a permis de mettre en évidence,chez les souches mutantes, un besoin accru en énergie, interprété comme la traduction d'une plusgrande difficulté à gérer le stress du procédé et une réorganisation du métabolisme oxydo-réductif,interprétée comme l'impact de la réduction du glycérol sur les voies de réoxydation du cofacteurNADH dans les cellules.Ces résultats ont permis de valider la pertinence de la stratégie de réajustement des fluxmétaboliques, assistée par modélisation stoechiométrique pour l'amélioration des souches, mais aussid'accroître la compréhension du rôle physiologique du glycérol et son intégration au métabolismecellulaire. / This work aimed to assess the possibility of reducing Saccharomyces cerevisiae's glycerolproduction, in order to improve ethanol yield, without altering the abilities of yeasts to grow andproduce ethanol. Minimum glycerol production required for growth was found, thanks to a metabolicflux calculation model. Strains showing a fine tuned activity in the glycerol synthesis pathway enzymeswere used, to get close to the minimum activity established in silico.This fine tuning strategy lead, in aerobiosis, to a 88 % glycerol yield decrease together with a4.7 % ethanol yield increase, with no reduction of mutants'ethanol tolerance, but there is a slightdecrease of the growth rate. In anaerobiosis, a 61 % glycerol yield decrease, together with a 7 %ethanol yield increase were obtained, but mutant strains suffered of a sharp growth rate reduction anda decrease in their ethanol tolerance.A close analysis of the results, with the help of a metabolic model, highlighted both an increaseof mutants' energy requirements, interpreted as an increased difficulty to cope with osmotic stress,and a reorganisation of their oxydo-reductive metabolism, interpreted as glycerol reduction's impacton the NADH cofactor reoxydation pathway.These results validated the relevance of metabolic fine-tuning, assisted with in silicostoichiometric model for strains improvement and they increased the understanding of the integrationof glycerol in cell metabolism as well as its physiological role.

Caractérisation phénotypique et génotypique de Campylobacter jejuni et évaluation d’une stratégie de contrôle de la colonisation du poulet de chair par ce pathogène alimentaire

Thibodeau, Alexandre 06 1900 (has links)
Campylobacter jejuni est l’agent causal de la campylobactériose, infection bactérienne importante en santé publique. Un des vecteurs de transmission de C. jejuni pour l’humain est le poulet via la chaîne alimentaire. Les mécanismes impliqués dans colonisation caecale commensale des oiseaux par C. jejuni sont toujours peu caractérisés, bien qu’une meilleure compréhension de ces mécanismes puisse apporter des solutions pour le contrôle du pathogène à la ferme. Cette étude avait pour buts de caractériser les propriétés phénotypiques et les facteurs génétiques impliqués dans la colonisation du poulet par C. jejuni et d’identifier de nouveaux mécanismes impliqués dans cette association. Des souches, issues d’élevages conventionnels échantillonnés en 2003 et en 2008 ainsi que d’élevages biologiques, ont été caractérisées afin d’obtenir leur profil de résistance aux antibiotiques, leur autoagglutination et leur chimiotactisme. Les souches des élevages conventionnels ont de plus été caractérisées pour leur capacité à adhérer et envahir une culture primaire de cellules caecales de poulet. Une puce à ADN a été développée pour détecter la présence de 254 gènes et variants associés à la colonisation des poulets ainsi qu’à la résistance aux antibiotiques chez les souches issues d’élevages conventionnels. Les propriétés phénotypiques et la présence de certains gènes chez les souches ont par la suite été comparées. Finalement, des souches ayant des caractéristiques différentes ont été utilisées dans un modèle de colonisation du poulet pour évaluer l’efficacité d’un nouvel additif alimentaire à base d’acides organiques et d’huiles essentielles sur le contrôle de C. jejuni. Les propriétés phénotypiques des souches étaient très variées et n’étaient pas corrélées entre elles, à l’exception de l’adhésion et de l’invasion. L’analyse génétique a révélé que le contenu en gènes des souches était variable, notamment au niveau des gènes de l’enveloppe bactérienne, au flagelle, aux récepteurs du chimiotactisme et à la résistance à l’arsenic. Les souches de 2003 et de 2008 étaient semblables lorsque leur contenu en gènes ainsi que leurs propriétés phénotypiques étaient comparés. Des gènes possiblement associés à un fort ou un faible potentiel de colonisation ont été identifiés. L’additif alimentaire a diminué la contamination des carcasses bien qu’une augmentation de la colonisation intestinale ait été observée pour certaines souches. La moitié des lots de poulets d’origine biologique étaient positifs pour C. jejuni. Les souches issues de ce type d’élevage étaient peu résistantes aux antibiotiques et possédaient des phénotypes variés. Cette étude a permis de mieux définir les caractéristiques importantes de C. jejuni qui sont associées à la colonisation intestinale du poulet. Elle a établi pour la première fois au Canada la présence du pathogène dans les élevages de poulets biologiques. Cette étude fait partie des quelques études qui décrivent la présence des gènes de colonisation et de résistance aux antibiotiques dans une collection de souches issues uniquement du poulet. Elle a également remis en doute l’importance de certains gènes dans la colonisation. La caractérisation exhaustive des souches a également permis d’identifier de nouveaux gènes possiblement associés à la colonisation de poulet par C. jejuni. Finalement, elle a indiqué que l’utilisation d’un mélange d’huiles essentielles et d’acide organique encapsulés pouvait être efficace pour réduire la contamination des carcasses de poulet par C. jejuni et que son effet était souche-dépendant. / Campylobacter jejuni is the bacterium responsible for campylobacteriosis. It is a human pathogen of concern for public health. One of the transmission routes of this bacteria to humans is by the food chain through poultry meat products. The mechanisms involved in the commensal caecum chicken colonization by C. jejuni are poorly characterized, despite that increasing the knowledge on these mechanisms would allow a better control of the pathogen at the farm. The objectives of this study were to characterize the phenotypic and genetic factors affecting chicken colonization by C. jejuni and to identify news mechanisms involved in this process. Isolates, recovered from chicken caecal content sampled from conventional farms in 2003 and in 2008 as well as originating from organic farms sampled in 2009, were used. All strains were characterized for their antibiotic resistance profiles (AMR), autoagglutination and chemotaxis properties. Strains originating from conventional farms were further characterized for adhesion/invasion of primary chicken caecal cells. A new microarray was created to detect the presence of 254 genes and variants, all associated with chicken colonization or AMR. An association was made between the strains phenotypic properties and their gene content. Finally, strains possessing different phenotypic and genetic properties were used in a chicken colonization model to assess the efficacy of a novel feed additive to control chicken colonization by C. jejuni. Strains had variable phenotypic properties and these properties were not correlated, with the exception of adhesion and invasion. The microarray analysis revealed that gene presence was highly variable among the strains, especially for genes involved in the bacterial envelope, the flagella, the chemotaxis receptors and arsenic resistance. The 2003 and 2008 strains had similar phenotypic and genetic properties. Some genes, present in strains possessing higher or lower chicken colonization potentials, were identified. The feed additive was successful in reducing chicken carcass contamination but it increased bacterial caecal counts for some strains. C. jejuni was isolated from half of the sampled organic farms and strains originating from this type of production had low AMR and variable phenotypic properties.

As ligações de hidrogênio e o efeito do substituinte - Influência na ressonância e aromaticidade de cátions e ácidos orgânicos / Hydrogen bonds and substituent effect - Influence in the resonance and aromaticity of the cations and organic acids

Parreira, Renato Luis Tâme 11 July 2006 (has links)
A natureza das ligações de hidrogênio e a influência destas interações na estrutura eletrônica de complexos neutros, catiônicos, aniônicos e radicalares foi estudada utilizando-se análises geométricas, energéticas, eletrônicas e topológicas. Inicialmente, verificaram-se alterações na aromaticidade do cátion pirílio após a complexação com uma a três moléculas de água. Tais complexos foram ainda estudados em meio reacional com constante dielétrica igual a da água com o emprego do modelo PCM (Polarizable Continuum Model). Adicionalmente, os efeitos da hidroxilação na estrutura eletrônica dos cátions benzopirílio e flavílio foram considerados. Posteriormente, analisaram-se os efeitos das fortes ligações de hidrogênio na ressonância do grupo carboxila em complexos formados entre o radical hidroperoxil e os ácidos fórmico, acético e trifluoroacético. Como extensão desse trabalho, estudos envolvendo complexos obtidos com e sem restrições na otimização de geometria possibilitaram obter informações a respeito da ressonância dos grupos carboxila e carboxilato quando o fluoreto de hidrogênio interage linear ou perpendicularmente com todos os átomos do ácido fórmico e do ânion formiato. O desenvolvimento das atividades supracitadas compreendeu a análise da função de onda pelos métodos NBO (Natural Bond Orbital), NSA (Natural Steric Analysis), NRT (Natural Resonance Theory) e AIM (Atoms in Molecules). As alterações em parâmetros geométricos e nas cargas atômicas foram consideradas. Uma análise energética foi realizada com o emprego do método de decomposição de energia proposto por Xantheas. As freqüências vibracionais e a intensidade das bandas do estiramento do grupo X-H, doador da ligação de hidrogênio, foram analisadas. As densidades de spin para os complexos radicalares também foram obtidas. A influência das ligações de hidrogênio e o efeito do substituinte na aromaticidade dos cátions foram verificados com o emprego dos métodos e índices NICS (Nucleus Independent Chemical Shifts), HOMA (Harmonic Oscillator Model of Aromaticity), HOSE (Harmonic Oscillator Stabilization Energy) e PDI (para-Delocalization Index). Os cálculos foram efetuados com os modelos B3LYP/6-31+G(d,p), B3LYP/6-311++G(3df,3pd) e UB3LYP/6-311++G(3df,3pd). Ocasionalmente, outras funções de base (EPR-III e cc-pVDZ), assim como o método MP2, foram utilizados para testar a confiabilidade dos resultados obtidos. As interações intermoleculares pouco alteraram a estrutura eletrônica e a aromaticidade do cátion pirílio. Analogamente, a substituição de um átomo de hidrogênio por um grupo hidroxila em diversas posições dos cátions benzopirílio e flavílio também não provocou modificações muito significativas na estrutura eletrônica desses cátions, embora tenha se verificado uma dependência da aromaticidade com a posição da hidroxila. Por outro lado, a distorção geométrica associada às ligações de hidrogênio foram responsáveis pelo incremento ou diminuição da ressonância do grupo carboxila nos ácidos fórmico, acético, trifluoroacético e do grupo carboxilato no ânion formiato. Os efeitos dos grupos doador e sacador de elétrons na estabilização dos complexos radicalares foram evidenciados. Adicionalmente, pode-se atribuir um caráter covalente parcial em algumas ligações de hidrogênio. / The nature of hydrogen bonds and their influence on electronic structure of neutral, cationic, anionic, and radical complexes was studied by using geometric, energetic, electronic, and topological analysis. The changes in aromaticity of the pyrylium cation upon complexation with one up to three water molecules were investigated. The PCM (Polarizable Continuum Model) model was employed to study the pyrylium-water complexes in a water reaction medium. In addition, the effects of hydroxylation on electronic structure of the benzopyrylium and flavilium cations were also considered. In addition, the effects of strong hydrogen bonds on carboxyl group resonance in the complexes formed between the hydroperoxyl radical and formic, acetic, and trifluoroacetic acids were analyzed. In extension of this work, studies including complexes, obtained with and without geometric restrictions, provided information about the resonance of the carboxyl and carboxylate groups when the hydrogen fluoride interacts, linear or perpendicularly, with all atoms of formic acid and formate anion. The analysis of the wavefunction by using NBO (Natural Bond Orbital), NSA (Natural Steric Analysis), NRT (Natural Resonance Theory), and AIM (Atoms in Molecules) methods was necessary to the development of the above mentioned activities. The changes in geometric parameters and atomic charges were also considered. An energetic analysis of complexes was done with the energy decomposition method proposed by Xantheas. The vibrational frequencies and the intensity of the X-H (hydrogen bond donor group) stretching bands were studied. The spin densities for the radical complexes were also obtained. The Nucleus Independent Chemical Shifts (NICS), Harmonic Oscillator Model of Aromaticity (HOMA), HOSE (Harmonic Oscillator Stabilization Energy), and PDI (para-Delocalization Index) aromaticity criteria were employed to verify the hydrogen bond influence and the effect of hydroxylation in the aromaticity of the cations. The calculations were carried out by using B3LYP/6-31+G(d,p), B3LYP/6-311++G(3df,3pd), and UB3LYP/6-311++G(3df,3pd) models. Occasionally, other basis set (EPR-III and cc-pVDZ), as well as the MP2 method, were applied to test the accuracy of the results. The intermolecular interactions lead to small alterations in the electronic structure and aromaticity of pyrylium cation. Similarly, the substitution at different positions of the benzopyrylium and flavilium cations by a hydroxyl group does not cause significant changes in the electronic structure of these cations. However, a dependence of the hydroxyl group position on aromaticity was observed. On the other hand, for formic, acetic, trifluoroacetic acids, as well as for the formate anion, the resonance of the carboxyl and carboxylate groups is affected not only by the geometric distortions but also by the hydrogen bonds. The effects of the electron-donating and electron-withdrawing groups in the stabilization of radical complexes were characterized. Furthermore, a partial covalent character can be attributed to some hydrogen bonds.

Estudo do metabolismo energético de Leishmania spp utilizando cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência e ressonância magnética nuclear / Study of energy metabolism of Leishmania spp using high performance liquid chromatography and nuclear magnetic resonance

COSTA, Tatiane Luiza da 16 September 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T15:26:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tatiane Luiza da Costa.pdf: 1394288 bytes, checksum: cde5d3e8ab1f315e5e9ac6dd8d167bd0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-09-16 / Leishmaniasis is a disease of the endothelial reticulum system and is caused by protozoans form the Leishmania genus. The promastigote forms of Leishmania sp degradate carbohydrates through the glycolityc pathway and its first reaction occurs inside the glicosome. As they use as energy source glucose, aminoacids and lipids from the culture media the excreted/secreted (E/S) products may be useful as indicative of the energetic and metabolis profile of the parasite and of its biological disturbances. The biochemical analysis of Leishmania metabolism is important to upgrade the parasitological studies with techniques which are adequate to the evaluation of the biochemical profile of the host-parasite relationship towards a better understanding of how these organisms are able to survive in such diverse environments such as the digestory tract of the insect or inside vertebrate hosts tissues. The aim of this study was to perform a study of the energetic metabolism of species and isolates of Leishmania spp. Therefore the in vitro analysis of E/S metabolic products from the parasite within the culture media during logarithmic and stationary growth phases was performed through chromatographic (HPLC) methods. The spectrophometry was used to glucose measurement and the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) was implanted aiming the study of the parasite‟s metabolism. Through HPLC it was possible to verify a significant difference in the E/S of organic acids from the carbohydrates metabolism (pyruvate and lactate), intermediary metabolism (citrate, α-ketoglutarate, succinate, fumarate, malate and oxaloacetate) and from the fatty acids oxidation (β-hydroxibutyrate) between differents species and isolates of Leishmania spp. Through the enzymatic spectrophotometric analysis we verified the different concentrations of glucose. The NMR through 13C and 1H detected the following metabolites in pellet and supernatant: alanine, lactate, acetate, oxalate, pyruvate, succinate, glicerol, CO2, ureia and aminoacids (glutamine, valine and arginine). Therefore, through the several methods it was possible to observe that there is difference of E/S metabolites between the isolates and strains of Leishmania spp that utilize several biochemical pathways to energy production and the identification of these pathways may be used to identify each isolate and also establish metabolic differences in the host-parasite relationship. / A leishmaniose é uma doença do sistema mononuclear fagocitáio causada por protozoários do gênero Leishmania. As formas promastigotas de Leishmania sp degradam carboidratos pela via glicolítica e a primeira reação ocorre dentro do glicossomo. Utilizando como fonte de energia a glicose, aminoácidos e lipídeos presentes no meio de cultura, os produtos excretados/secretados (E/S) podem ser indicadores do perfil metabólico energético parasitário e de distúrbios biológicos. A análise bioquímica do metabolismo de Leishmania vem atualizar os estudos parasitológicos com técnicas adequadas à avaliação do perfil bioquímico na relação parasito-hospedeiro, levando ao melhor entendimento da maneira como esses organismos conseguem sobreviver em ambientes diversos como o trato digestório do hospedeiro invertebrado ou nos tecidos do hospedeiro vertebrado. O objetivo deste trabalho foi o estudo do metabolismo energético de diferentes espécies de Leishmania. Para tanto, foi realizada a análise in vitro de metabólitos E/S pelo parasito em meio de cultura durante as fases logarítmicas e estacionárias do crescimento, e quantificados por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE). A espectrofotometria foi utilizada para a dosagem de glicose. O método de ressonância magnética nuclear foi implantado para o estudo do metabolismo parasitário. Pela CLAE verificou-se diferença nos produtos E/S dos ácidos orgânicos do metabolismo de carboidratos (piruvato e lactato), do metabolismo intermediário (citrato, α-cetoglutarato, succinato, fumarato, malato e oxaloacetato) e do metabolismo dos ácidos graxos (β-hidroxibutirato) entre diferentes espécies e isolados de Leishmania. Pela análise espectrofotométrica enzimática verificou-se diferença na concentração de glicose na cepa M2903 de L.(V.) braziliensis. Pela RMN de 13C e 1H detectaram-se os seguintes metabólitos no sedimento e sobrenante: alanina, lactato, acetato, oxalato, piruvato, succinato, glicerol, CO2, uréia e aminoácidos (glutamina, valina e arginina). Entretanto, através de vários métodos, foi possível observar que há diferenças na E/S de metabólitos entre diferentes cepas e isolados de Leishmania spp que utilizam diversas vias bioquímicas para a obtenção de energia e a identificação dessas vias poderá ser utilizada para investigar a atuação de fármacos anti-parasitários. Mudanças bioquímicas no metabolismo podem indicar possíveis adaptações do parasito às diferentes condições ambientais e fisiológicas durante o ciclo de vida e essas características bioquímicas individuais poderão ser utilizadas na identificação de cada isolado, além de estabelecer diferenças metabólicas na relação parasito-hospedeiro.

The effect of shading and crop load on flavour and aroma compounds in Sauvignon blanc grapes and wine

Ford, R. J. January 2007 (has links)
The effects of crop load and berry exposure on the composition of Marlborough Sauvignon blanc grapes and wine from the Brancott vineyard, Blenheim, were explored. Commercially grown, 2-cane and 4-cane Sauvignon blanc vines were used with a row orientation of north-south. Two exposure treatments were imposed in the following manner: complete leaf removal was undertaken in the fruit zone and 50% shade cloth was erected to give a uniform shading treatment to half the trial vines. Weekly thirty-berry and whole bunch samples were taken from each of the 32 plots with the exception of the veraison period when two samples per week were taken. Vine vigour was assessed using pruning and leaf area per vine data. Harvest occurred on different dates for 2-cane and 4-cane pruned vines so that fruit attained from both treatments had similar °Brix. Fruit was processed at the Lincoln University winery. Must analysis and wine analysis were undertaken. As expected, 4-cane vines had almost double the yield of 2-cane vines. Higher crop load significantly reduced leaf area per shoot and shoot thickness. Lower leaf area to fruit ratio for 4-cane berries resulted in delayed onset of veraison and slowed the rate of sugar accumulation. Crop load, which limited leaf area to fruit ratio, appeared to be the dominant factor in determining timing of grape physiological ripeness as expressed by °Brix over other factors such as fruit exposure. Malic acid, tartaric acid, IPMP (iso-propylmethoxypyrazine) and IBMP (iso-butyl-methoxypyrazine) were lower at equivalent °Brix in 4-cane compared with 2-cane berries. Significantly higher concentrations of quercetin were found in exposed compared to shaded berries. Must analysis showed a significant influence of crop load on berry titratable acidity and pH, reflecting berry ripening results. Exposure significantly increased the concentrations of nitrogenous compounds in 4-cane must yet showed no influence on 2-cane must. After wine processing lower malic acid concentrations in wines made from 100% exposed fruit became evident in lower wine titratable acidity but showed no influence on wine pH. Bentonite addition to wines had a small but statistically significant influence on wine by reducing pH, titratable acidity and alcohol. Bound sulphur concentrations were significantly higher in 4-cane versus 2-cane wines. At harvest, methoxypyrazine levels in grapes and wines were very low; IBMP concentrations where significantly lower than those normally found in Sauvignon blanc wines from Marlborough. This was attributed to the absence of basal leaves from the shoots of ripening berries. The results suggest that leaf area to fruit ratio is a powerful determinant of grape and wine quality.

The influence of vine vigour and canopy ideotype on fruit composition and aroma of Sauvignon Blanc

Sutherland, M. J. January 2009 (has links)
The influence of soil texture on canopy growth, vine yield, and fruit composition of Sauvignon blanc were assessed on a mature vineyard from the Rapaura area in Marlborough. The subject vines were mature Sauvignon blanc in a commercial vineyard trained to four cane VSP and planted with a north south orientation. Row and vine spacings were typical of the area at 3m x 1.8m. Four areas of different soil texture were identified using trunk circumference measurements, visual assessment of the surface soil and aerial photographs to identify changes in vine growth. Soil pits were excavated at a later date to determine root numbers and record the soil texture in the different areas. Two crop treatments were imposed on half of the plots at approximately 50% veraison: unthinned crop and 50% crop. A shading treatment was also imposed at 50% veraison where three sets of tagged shoots had bunches that were exposed to sunlight, bunches that had some natural shading from leaves or bunches that had paper bags fastened over each to provide a completely shaded environment. Vine vegetative vigour for each plot was assessed during the growing season using the Point Quadrat method and at pruning using bud counts and pruning weights. Thirty berry samples were collected from the 32 plots and analysed weekly for soluble solids and berry weight. Harvest of bunches from the tagged shoots occurred on two different dates with the first harvest picked when fruit from one soil and crop treatment had reached 21 °Brix. The second picking took place just before the commercial harvest, which coincided with last soil and crop treatment reaching 21 °Brix. Bunches from each tagged shoot were weighed, frozen and later analysed for soluble solids, pH, organic acids, and methoxypyrazines. Vines on very stony textured soils had small trunk circumferences with a high root density and yield to pruning weight ratio compared to those growing on deep silt soils. Vines on deep silt soils had more vigorous canopies with large shoots and a higher leaf layer number. The target soluble solids was reached first by the vines on the very stony plots despite the higher crop load with soil texture appearing to be a dominant factor by influencing the time of flowering. Cluster shading decreased soluble solids, consistent with other studies, whilst crop thinning resulted in an earlier harvest. This was contrary to popular opinion that crop thinning at veraison would have no impact on sugar accumulation. pH and organic acids were unaffected by shading or bunch thinning. Vines growing on deep silt soils had a significantly higher level of total acidity and malic acid than those on the stony soils. At harvest, methoxypyrazine levels were very low compared to previously reported figures for Marlborough, which may have been a result of sample preparation. IBMP was significantly higher on deep silt soils, however, with no impact from the shading or crop treatment. The findings are consistent with the hypothesis that IBMP synthesis may be increased by the number of leaves surrounding bunches (Roujou de Boubee, 2003). The results suggest that soil texture plays a dominant role in influencing Sauvignon blanc flavour and aroma and due consideration should be given to vineyard layout and site selection prior to new plantings taking place.

Caractérisation phénotypique et génotypique de Campylobacter jejuni et évaluation d’une stratégie de contrôle de la colonisation du poulet de chair par ce pathogène alimentaire

Thibodeau, Alexandre 06 1900 (has links)
Campylobacter jejuni est l’agent causal de la campylobactériose, infection bactérienne importante en santé publique. Un des vecteurs de transmission de C. jejuni pour l’humain est le poulet via la chaîne alimentaire. Les mécanismes impliqués dans colonisation caecale commensale des oiseaux par C. jejuni sont toujours peu caractérisés, bien qu’une meilleure compréhension de ces mécanismes puisse apporter des solutions pour le contrôle du pathogène à la ferme. Cette étude avait pour buts de caractériser les propriétés phénotypiques et les facteurs génétiques impliqués dans la colonisation du poulet par C. jejuni et d’identifier de nouveaux mécanismes impliqués dans cette association. Des souches, issues d’élevages conventionnels échantillonnés en 2003 et en 2008 ainsi que d’élevages biologiques, ont été caractérisées afin d’obtenir leur profil de résistance aux antibiotiques, leur autoagglutination et leur chimiotactisme. Les souches des élevages conventionnels ont de plus été caractérisées pour leur capacité à adhérer et envahir une culture primaire de cellules caecales de poulet. Une puce à ADN a été développée pour détecter la présence de 254 gènes et variants associés à la colonisation des poulets ainsi qu’à la résistance aux antibiotiques chez les souches issues d’élevages conventionnels. Les propriétés phénotypiques et la présence de certains gènes chez les souches ont par la suite été comparées. Finalement, des souches ayant des caractéristiques différentes ont été utilisées dans un modèle de colonisation du poulet pour évaluer l’efficacité d’un nouvel additif alimentaire à base d’acides organiques et d’huiles essentielles sur le contrôle de C. jejuni. Les propriétés phénotypiques des souches étaient très variées et n’étaient pas corrélées entre elles, à l’exception de l’adhésion et de l’invasion. L’analyse génétique a révélé que le contenu en gènes des souches était variable, notamment au niveau des gènes de l’enveloppe bactérienne, au flagelle, aux récepteurs du chimiotactisme et à la résistance à l’arsenic. Les souches de 2003 et de 2008 étaient semblables lorsque leur contenu en gènes ainsi que leurs propriétés phénotypiques étaient comparés. Des gènes possiblement associés à un fort ou un faible potentiel de colonisation ont été identifiés. L’additif alimentaire a diminué la contamination des carcasses bien qu’une augmentation de la colonisation intestinale ait été observée pour certaines souches. La moitié des lots de poulets d’origine biologique étaient positifs pour C. jejuni. Les souches issues de ce type d’élevage étaient peu résistantes aux antibiotiques et possédaient des phénotypes variés. Cette étude a permis de mieux définir les caractéristiques importantes de C. jejuni qui sont associées à la colonisation intestinale du poulet. Elle a établi pour la première fois au Canada la présence du pathogène dans les élevages de poulets biologiques. Cette étude fait partie des quelques études qui décrivent la présence des gènes de colonisation et de résistance aux antibiotiques dans une collection de souches issues uniquement du poulet. Elle a également remis en doute l’importance de certains gènes dans la colonisation. La caractérisation exhaustive des souches a également permis d’identifier de nouveaux gènes possiblement associés à la colonisation de poulet par C. jejuni. Finalement, elle a indiqué que l’utilisation d’un mélange d’huiles essentielles et d’acide organique encapsulés pouvait être efficace pour réduire la contamination des carcasses de poulet par C. jejuni et que son effet était souche-dépendant. / Campylobacter jejuni is the bacterium responsible for campylobacteriosis. It is a human pathogen of concern for public health. One of the transmission routes of this bacteria to humans is by the food chain through poultry meat products. The mechanisms involved in the commensal caecum chicken colonization by C. jejuni are poorly characterized, despite that increasing the knowledge on these mechanisms would allow a better control of the pathogen at the farm. The objectives of this study were to characterize the phenotypic and genetic factors affecting chicken colonization by C. jejuni and to identify news mechanisms involved in this process. Isolates, recovered from chicken caecal content sampled from conventional farms in 2003 and in 2008 as well as originating from organic farms sampled in 2009, were used. All strains were characterized for their antibiotic resistance profiles (AMR), autoagglutination and chemotaxis properties. Strains originating from conventional farms were further characterized for adhesion/invasion of primary chicken caecal cells. A new microarray was created to detect the presence of 254 genes and variants, all associated with chicken colonization or AMR. An association was made between the strains phenotypic properties and their gene content. Finally, strains possessing different phenotypic and genetic properties were used in a chicken colonization model to assess the efficacy of a novel feed additive to control chicken colonization by C. jejuni. Strains had variable phenotypic properties and these properties were not correlated, with the exception of adhesion and invasion. The microarray analysis revealed that gene presence was highly variable among the strains, especially for genes involved in the bacterial envelope, the flagella, the chemotaxis receptors and arsenic resistance. The 2003 and 2008 strains had similar phenotypic and genetic properties. Some genes, present in strains possessing higher or lower chicken colonization potentials, were identified. The feed additive was successful in reducing chicken carcass contamination but it increased bacterial caecal counts for some strains. C. jejuni was isolated from half of the sampled organic farms and strains originating from this type of production had low AMR and variable phenotypic properties.

Desenvolvimento da metodologia de síntese e purificação dos dímeros L-lactídeo e glicolídeo para produção do poli (ácido lático-co-ácido glicólico) para utilização na produção de fontes radioativas / Development of a methodology for the synthesis and purification of the dimers L-lactide and glycolide for the production of poly(lactic acid-co-glycolic acid) for use in the manufacture of radioactive sources

PELEIAS JUNIOR, FERNANDO dos S. 23 November 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Pedro Silva Filho (pfsilva@ipen.br) on 2017-11-23T12:28:11Z No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2017-11-23T12:28:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / A Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) relata o câncer como uma das principais causas de morte no mundo. O câncer de próstata é o segundo tipo de câncer mais prevalente em homens, com cerca de 1,1 milhão de casos diagnosticados em 2012. Braquiterapia com iodo-125 é uma método de radioterapia que consiste na introdução de sementes com material radioativo no interior do órgão a ser tratado. As sementes de iodo-125 podem ser inseridas soltas ou em cordas poliméricas bioabsorvíveis, mais comumente o poli(ácido lático-co-ácido glicólico) (PLGA). A função do polímero é reduzir a possibilidade de migração das sementes, o que poderia ser prejudicial para órgãos e tecidos saudáveis. De modo a reduzir os custos do tratamento, a síntese dos dímeros L-lactídeo e glicolídeo, para posterior utilização para preparação do PLGA, por meio da polimerização por abertura de anel, é proposta neste trabalho. Adicionalmente, propõe-se a utilização do amino-alcóxido tris(fenolato) de zircônio (IV) como alternativa ao usual octanoato de estanho (SnOct2), uma vez que a toxicidade do estanho permanece como obstáculo na produção do PLGA para aplicações biomédicas. Embora o iniciador de zircônio seja mais lento do que o SnOct2, massas molares relativamente elevadas foram obtidas quando razões monômero/iniciador (M/I) de 1000/1 (24 h), e 5000/1 (48 h) foram utilizadas. Considerando que as unidades glicolila (GA) são mais reativas do que as unidades lactila (LA), tempos longos de reação são necessários para atingir uma razão LA/GA próxima do objetivo do trabalho (85/15). O grau de racemização também depende do iniciador utilizado. As reações de polimerização realizadas com o iniciador de zircônio mostraram um maior grau de racemização, quando comparadas com aquelas realizadas com o SnOct2. Também foi observado um ligeiro aumento na racemização com o tempo. Considerando os resultados obtidos na síntese e purificação dos dímeros, e na síntese do PLGA em condições semelhantes às industriais, foi possível preparar o polímero de alta massa molar com um custo dezenas de vezes inferior ao custo do PLGA no mercado internacional. Os efeitos da radiação gama no PLGA também foram estudados. Doses normalmente aplicadas para esterilizar materiais para aplicações biomédicas foram empregadas: 10, 18, 25 e 50 kGy. A massa molar de todas as amostras irradiadas diminuiu de uma forma proporcional à dose até 56% de perda para 10 kGy e 72% para 50 kGy porém, são menos pronunciadas para doses mais elevadas. Alterações nas propriedades térmicas, tais como temperatura de fusão, temperatura de transição vítrea e a entalpia de cristalização e fusão foram também observadas após a irradiação. / Tese (Doutorado em Tecnologia Nuclear) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP

As ligações de hidrogênio e o efeito do substituinte - Influência na ressonância e aromaticidade de cátions e ácidos orgânicos / Hydrogen bonds and substituent effect - Influence in the resonance and aromaticity of the cations and organic acids

Renato Luis Tâme Parreira 11 July 2006 (has links)
A natureza das ligações de hidrogênio e a influência destas interações na estrutura eletrônica de complexos neutros, catiônicos, aniônicos e radicalares foi estudada utilizando-se análises geométricas, energéticas, eletrônicas e topológicas. Inicialmente, verificaram-se alterações na aromaticidade do cátion pirílio após a complexação com uma a três moléculas de água. Tais complexos foram ainda estudados em meio reacional com constante dielétrica igual a da água com o emprego do modelo PCM (Polarizable Continuum Model). Adicionalmente, os efeitos da hidroxilação na estrutura eletrônica dos cátions benzopirílio e flavílio foram considerados. Posteriormente, analisaram-se os efeitos das fortes ligações de hidrogênio na ressonância do grupo carboxila em complexos formados entre o radical hidroperoxil e os ácidos fórmico, acético e trifluoroacético. Como extensão desse trabalho, estudos envolvendo complexos obtidos com e sem restrições na otimização de geometria possibilitaram obter informações a respeito da ressonância dos grupos carboxila e carboxilato quando o fluoreto de hidrogênio interage linear ou perpendicularmente com todos os átomos do ácido fórmico e do ânion formiato. O desenvolvimento das atividades supracitadas compreendeu a análise da função de onda pelos métodos NBO (Natural Bond Orbital), NSA (Natural Steric Analysis), NRT (Natural Resonance Theory) e AIM (Atoms in Molecules). As alterações em parâmetros geométricos e nas cargas atômicas foram consideradas. Uma análise energética foi realizada com o emprego do método de decomposição de energia proposto por Xantheas. As freqüências vibracionais e a intensidade das bandas do estiramento do grupo X-H, doador da ligação de hidrogênio, foram analisadas. As densidades de spin para os complexos radicalares também foram obtidas. A influência das ligações de hidrogênio e o efeito do substituinte na aromaticidade dos cátions foram verificados com o emprego dos métodos e índices NICS (Nucleus Independent Chemical Shifts), HOMA (Harmonic Oscillator Model of Aromaticity), HOSE (Harmonic Oscillator Stabilization Energy) e PDI (para-Delocalization Index). Os cálculos foram efetuados com os modelos B3LYP/6-31+G(d,p), B3LYP/6-311++G(3df,3pd) e UB3LYP/6-311++G(3df,3pd). Ocasionalmente, outras funções de base (EPR-III e cc-pVDZ), assim como o método MP2, foram utilizados para testar a confiabilidade dos resultados obtidos. As interações intermoleculares pouco alteraram a estrutura eletrônica e a aromaticidade do cátion pirílio. Analogamente, a substituição de um átomo de hidrogênio por um grupo hidroxila em diversas posições dos cátions benzopirílio e flavílio também não provocou modificações muito significativas na estrutura eletrônica desses cátions, embora tenha se verificado uma dependência da aromaticidade com a posição da hidroxila. Por outro lado, a distorção geométrica associada às ligações de hidrogênio foram responsáveis pelo incremento ou diminuição da ressonância do grupo carboxila nos ácidos fórmico, acético, trifluoroacético e do grupo carboxilato no ânion formiato. Os efeitos dos grupos doador e sacador de elétrons na estabilização dos complexos radicalares foram evidenciados. Adicionalmente, pode-se atribuir um caráter covalente parcial em algumas ligações de hidrogênio. / The nature of hydrogen bonds and their influence on electronic structure of neutral, cationic, anionic, and radical complexes was studied by using geometric, energetic, electronic, and topological analysis. The changes in aromaticity of the pyrylium cation upon complexation with one up to three water molecules were investigated. The PCM (Polarizable Continuum Model) model was employed to study the pyrylium-water complexes in a water reaction medium. In addition, the effects of hydroxylation on electronic structure of the benzopyrylium and flavilium cations were also considered. In addition, the effects of strong hydrogen bonds on carboxyl group resonance in the complexes formed between the hydroperoxyl radical and formic, acetic, and trifluoroacetic acids were analyzed. In extension of this work, studies including complexes, obtained with and without geometric restrictions, provided information about the resonance of the carboxyl and carboxylate groups when the hydrogen fluoride interacts, linear or perpendicularly, with all atoms of formic acid and formate anion. The analysis of the wavefunction by using NBO (Natural Bond Orbital), NSA (Natural Steric Analysis), NRT (Natural Resonance Theory), and AIM (Atoms in Molecules) methods was necessary to the development of the above mentioned activities. The changes in geometric parameters and atomic charges were also considered. An energetic analysis of complexes was done with the energy decomposition method proposed by Xantheas. The vibrational frequencies and the intensity of the X-H (hydrogen bond donor group) stretching bands were studied. The spin densities for the radical complexes were also obtained. The Nucleus Independent Chemical Shifts (NICS), Harmonic Oscillator Model of Aromaticity (HOMA), HOSE (Harmonic Oscillator Stabilization Energy), and PDI (para-Delocalization Index) aromaticity criteria were employed to verify the hydrogen bond influence and the effect of hydroxylation in the aromaticity of the cations. The calculations were carried out by using B3LYP/6-31+G(d,p), B3LYP/6-311++G(3df,3pd), and UB3LYP/6-311++G(3df,3pd) models. Occasionally, other basis set (EPR-III and cc-pVDZ), as well as the MP2 method, were applied to test the accuracy of the results. The intermolecular interactions lead to small alterations in the electronic structure and aromaticity of pyrylium cation. Similarly, the substitution at different positions of the benzopyrylium and flavilium cations by a hydroxyl group does not cause significant changes in the electronic structure of these cations. However, a dependence of the hydroxyl group position on aromaticity was observed. On the other hand, for formic, acetic, trifluoroacetic acids, as well as for the formate anion, the resonance of the carboxyl and carboxylate groups is affected not only by the geometric distortions but also by the hydrogen bonds. The effects of the electron-donating and electron-withdrawing groups in the stabilization of radical complexes were characterized. Furthermore, a partial covalent character can be attributed to some hydrogen bonds.

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