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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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新經濟環境下台灣地區壽險公司業務成長之組織分殖模式 / Sales Growth of new economic's Organization Form in Taiwan Life insurance company

羅志宏, Lo, Jason Unknown Date (has links)
面對21世紀與過去經濟型態具有本質上差異的新經濟的衝擊,我國壽險產業由原本的封閉時期,到市場完全被打開,又到今年我國加入WTO後,經濟環境條件變得更複雜,全球購併風四起,金融保險業界限越來越模糊,造成更多潛在競爭者蠢蠢欲動想要進入我國壽險市場。由於我國保險市場長久呈現寡佔局面,新設的保險公司是否還有機會可以在這塊大餅迅速竄起以佔一席之地? 本研究嘗試從壽險業的公開資料及個案訪談中,希望可以將國內壽險公司,包含本土公司及外商公司進行分析研究,之後希望可以分類出不同經濟環境下,組織應該採取何種業務成長分殖模式,可以有效地保證組織持續不斷成長及分殖。 本研究主要針對我國壽險業務不同時期不同組織模式進行分析。 本研究第一部份將經由分析過去成功的壽險公司成長歷程,去探討組織成長各種可能的模式。 第二部分將利用市場數值來實際評估各階段,在不同的環境條件下,不同的組織模式的適用程度。 第三部分預測新經濟環境下,避免企業越大越僵化且能應付動態多變環境之較佳組織模式。 本研究整理發現主要兩大點結果,其中一點是認為組織的最佳模式會依環境而改變,另一點是認為一個與過去本質上具有差異的新經濟環境下,最適合的組織分殖模式是細胞型組織。 本研究指出,隨著經濟環境條件不同,組織模式設計也不同。而組織模式必須與環境相配合才可以創造高成長率。其中封閉市場環境下,適合集中管理式的組織模式設計。而開放市場環境下,則較適合內部創業的組織模式設計。若在複雜競爭環境下,則較適合細胞型的組織模式設計。 另外,透過觀察四個個案發現在開放競爭環境中,壽險業務制度設計為內部創業制度可以維持長期的成長。而且如果壽險公司業務制度設計採內部創業制度,還可以達到高保單的繼續率。另外,越符合成員擁有權的組織模式,人員定著率越高也符合一般的認知。 值得一提的是,內部發展採細胞組織的業務制度設計有助於外部發展之購併策略的成功。事實上,細胞組織確實較有助於組織分殖動作,進行新市場的開發。 由前述內容可以發現,細胞組織由於符合創業精神,因此鼓勵員工進行內部創業,不僅在組織內部進行快速的複製及分裂動作,且因為符合成員擁有權的觀念,可以讓員工有自己當老闆的心態,進而同時可以維持高品質的保單。再者因為細胞組織具有組織自我成長的動力,因此組織除了會自行進行複製之外,在新地區的開發上,也可以搭配購併策略收綜效之益;在新市場開發上,由於組織具有自我成長的能力,可以透過細胞母體(總公司)傳達理念進行分殖,發展專屬核心技能後可以拓展新市場,較競爭者更快速取得競爭優勢。因此本研究認為新經濟環境下,壽險業務制度最佳組織分殖模式為細胞組織。 / Facing on the impact of the new economy which is different from the previous one in the essence phase, Taiwan life insurance industry had change from the original oligopoly market to the completely competition one. After Taiwan joining the WTO, the former financing and insurance market boundary will blur into an unrecognized style. Under this condition of that competitors getting more and more in this market, the new setup insurance company will face a great challenge of succeeding in Taiwan life insurance market. The main object of this study is trying to analysis the organization model in the different economy stage through the manager interviewing and secondary data comparing in the open market. After the necessary data collecting, case study will provide a suitable model of predicting what is better organization form in the 21century economy environment. The first part of this research is finding every possible model of organization growth through analyzing the leading companies history. The second part is evaluating each stage of economy environment by studying the market data to see the level of adaptable between organization form and environment term. The 3 growth strategy which can help organization grow up steadily is scaling, duplication, and granulation. Scaling means do more of what you are good at, duplicating means repeat the business model in new region, and granulating is growing the selected business cell. General economy stage can be divided in to standard stage, customlized stage, and innovation stage. With the different stage, there were different primary commercial systems working. The last part is predicting the better organization form, which can meet the criteria of the difficult dynamic environment. There are 2 main results after survey shown above. One conclusion is the best organization form will change with environment variation by time. Another is that in the new economy environment, which is different from the past, the best organizational granulating model is cellular form. With the different organization condition, there should be matching with different organizational design. If and only if the organization form is suited with the environment, the organization will represent the higher growth rate. In the environment of oligopoly market, the concentrated organization is the better design. But in the open market, the organization design with developing the entrepreneurship within the organization is the better. The cellular form is the better organization design in the complex competition environment. After observing the 4 cases, there are several results that can be found. First, if the life insurance sales system design was set up with developing the entrepreneurship, it will keep a steady growth rate, and higher contract-continuing rate. The organization form with high member ownership shows lower turn over rate. At the same time, the sales system with cellular form will help the success of growth strategy. Cellular form can really help the granulating of the organization and the exploiting of new market. Cellular form meets the entrepreneurship organization design criteria implies the fast duplicating and spinning off within the organization. Cellular form meets the concepts of member ownership implies the high contract quality. Cellular form has the power of self-growth, which implies the cell can do the granulation through the way of spreading the ideal of the parent company. After the cell having developed their exclusive core-competence, a new chance of new market exploiting will be formed, so that the organization can get the competition advantage than its competitor. Company may learn the sales system from other company, but the result may different. The root cause is that their final system always different although they learn it from the same source. There is only one form is most suitable in a new economy and the form changes with time and economy style. In conclusion, the best granulation model of life insurance sales system is cellular form in the new economy environment. There was still one suggestion can be made. The new entrance competitor should achieve the economy of scale in the shortest time. The following research can consider about the idea of what’s the effect of cellular form in other industry, what’s the influence of other growth strategy on organization growing, and what’s the impact on the organization growing if the sales system unstable.

建構大量顧客化組織─資訊技術之運用 / Constructing a Mass-Customized Organization:Apply Information Te- chnology

卓星宏, Jouw, Shing Hon Unknown Date (has links)
由於競爭環境的改變: 個人化的顧客需求、全球化激烈的競爭、產品生 命週期越來越短、資訊技術功能的進步, 許多學者對於 Porter 所提「 必須專注單一策略,以避免夾於策略中間 (Stuck In The Middle) 」的 說法產生質疑, 認為企業應追求大量顧客化的目標:以大量生產的低成 本,提供符合顧客個人化需求的產品或服務。本研究的研究目的在於探討 下列問題: 1. 了解一個大量顧客化的組織,可以經由採用哪些方法來實 行大量顧客化。 2. 當實行上述方法時,需要何種的組織型態與資訊技術 功能的最佳配合,才能確保大量顧客化目標的達成。本研究採用定性的個 案研究法, 特過文獻整理與國內個案公司的實地觀察,歸納出下列結論 :結論一:根據對成功達成大量顧客化個案公司的觀察, 發現有三種大 量顧客化方法與組織型態、資訊技術功能的最佳組合, 可達成大量顧客 化。結論二:本研究以多樣化程度與需多種知識互動程度, 來區分顧客 需求的特性,發現不同的顧客需求特性,需採用不同的大量顧客化方法。 結論三:當所面對的顧客需求特性改變時, 必須隨之改變所採用的大量 顧客化方法,以確保大量顧客化競爭優勢的達成。

經濟部國營事業委員會組織型態及其運作功能之研究 / State Corporation Committee :Organization Form & Function

林玉溪, Lin, Yu Shi Unknown Date (has links)
我國依據民生主義經濟原則而從事經濟建設,係採行國營與民營並行並行 發展為方針,國營事業乃是國家經濟活動的重要一環,回顧臺灣早期經濟 發展的過程,國營事業有其不可磨滅的貢獻。由於國營事業在國家經濟建 設中,多居關鍵與基本工業之地位,且使用資源龐大,其經營之良窳,影 響國計民生甚鉅,因此政府有必要在企業化的原則下給予各事業在管理上 充分的自主;而在經營方針與目標上,更必須給予必要的監督與考核。經 濟部為加強對所屬國營事業之管理,先後成立「國營事業司」、「公營事 業企業化委員會」,更於民國五十八年二月成立「國營事業委員會」,對 部屬事業的業務發展負策劃、研議與督導之責,並促進其企業化經營。近 年來,由於各種情境的變化,如公營事業民營化的潮流、經濟自由化政策 等等,加上部屬事業的營運對於國民生產毛額的貢獻逐年降低,因此,部 屬事業是否繼續由政府營運已受到各方質疑。國營會為國營事業的主管機 關,面對這樣的情境,國營會的角色有必要重新定位。本文依據組織結構 設計與事業管理理論,以及部屬事業的業務特性將國營會的角色,分成營 運管理、營運監督、政策幕僚等三種角色。營運管理的角色,是站在事業 內部的觀點,扮演類似企業組織的總管理機構的角色,推動事業單位企業 化經營。;至於營運監督與政策幕僚角色,則是站在國營事業外部的觀點 ,分別扮演監督獨佔的國營事業,確保國家資本有效運用,以及相關政策 的研擬與推動。由這三種角色分別導引國營會未來最適的組織型態調整與 功能運作,而且將影響我國國營事業的未來發展方向。

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