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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Organisational self-renewal : process design

Teichert, Broer January 2004 (has links)
Firms compete based on their relative ability to renew as much as they do on their ability to extract profits from product-markets. Drawing from literature and case studies the research explores how renewal is affected in organisations. The main dynamics of the renewal process, and the issues and skills involved in its management, therefore, receive detailed treatment. Relevant data is gathered from a variety of primary and secondary sources. The research begins with an effort to understand the forces that trigger and processes that act to sustain decline in organisations. These findings are contrasted with a number of case studies that serve the identification of underlying characteristics and dynamics common to successful organizations. This comparison serves to uncover principles of successful organisation and that hold the key to renewal and sustained growth. The main objective of this research is to increase the understanding and awareness of the processes, problems and successful means of organisational renewal. Underlying is the concern to develop more formalised models and translate these findings into a useful conceptual framework as a basis and stimulus for further research and as a helpful guideline for management practitioners to handle successfully the problems of entropy and organisational ossification of their business.

Organisation development: a formative evaluation of an OD intervention

Routledge, Michael Henry Collis January 1999 (has links)
Rapid changes and increased competitiveness in business environments, together with greater demands by employees for improvements in the quality of their work lives, make it necessary for organisations to review their operating styles and functions. Many companies have found an answer in Organisation Development (OD) which focuses on ways in which people associated with organisations learn to diagnose and solve those problems which limit organisational effectiveness. The present study evaluates the progress of an OD intervention underway in an organisation in Zimbabwe. A formative evaluation is undertaken during an OD intervention. It is designed to assess the change effort's progress in such a way that steps can subsequently be taken to correct, modify or enhance such aspects of the intervention as may be determined by the evaluation. The study begins with a review of the company's original and revised Mission Statements as well as the present and last two sets of corporate three-year plans. These documents inform the construction of an interview guide. Individual interviews are then used to ascertain attitudes of respondents to the OD intervention and the changes it is bringing about. In addition the interviews are used to gauge the degree of commitment of respondents to the intervention. All the senior managers in the organisation are interviewed as well as the holding company's chief executive and the external consultant facilitating the intervention. The study records fundamental changes taking place in the attitudes of top managers and the first signs of an impact of these attitude changes on the formulation of company plans. Management styles and the culture of the organisation also show some change and influence on routine business operations. In addition there are early indications of an alteration of behaviour at other levels in the organisation. Business outcomes are improving and it is proposed that the benefits are due to fortuitous market developments assisted to an extent by the culture and attitude changes brought about by the OD intervention.

Influência dos sistemas empresariais integrados (ERPs) nos aspectos organizacionais da área de contabilidade : estudo de casos em empresas do Paraná / Influence of the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERPs)on the organizational aspects in the area of accounting : case studies in companies of Parana.

Lilian Moreira de Alvarenga Assolari 01 September 2005 (has links)
A decisão sobre implementar ou não um ERP (Sistema de Integrado de Gestão), conforme constatado na literatura consultada, não é apenas uma questão de tecnologia, mas fundamentalmente uma questão de estratégia; isso porque sua implementação demanda profundas mudanças na organização. De acordo com os resultados de algumas pesquisas já publicadas, especificamente na área de Contabilidade das organizações, a implementação do ERP provoca mudanças. Diante disso, esta pesquisa foi realizada com o objetivo de compreender e descrever a influência da implantação do ERP nos aspectos organizacionais da área de Contabilidade das empresas, mais precisamente no que se refere às mudanças na estrutura organizacional, às atividades desenvolvidas e aos conhecimentos e habilidades exigidos para a execução das atividades. Em atenção aos propósitos da pesquisa, o trabalho foi construído por meio de uma abordagem metodológica empírico-analítica com a condução de Estudos de Casos nas empresas do Estado do Paraná. Para tanto, foram analisados dois casos referentes a empresas que implementaram o ERP R/3 do fornecedor SAP. A análise dos dados indica que a implementação do ERP provoca, na área de Contabilidade das empresas, alterações na estrutura organizacional, nas atividades e nos conhecimentos e habilidades. As alterações verificadas na estrutura organizacional referem-se ao design organizacional, à estrutura de cargos e ao quadro de funcionários. Quanto às atividades, as alterações estão relacionadas ao tipo de atividade desenvolvida na área (inclusão ou exclusão) e à forma de desenvolvê-las. Com relação aos conhecimentos e habilidades, as alterações dizem respeito aos conhecimentos gerais, técnicos, habilidades intelectuais, interpessoais e de comunicação. Porém, depreende-se da análise dos dados, que a implementação de um ERP influencia mais diretamente as atividades e, como conseqüência, a estrutura organizacional e os conhecimentos e habilidades sofrem reflexos e precisam ser ajustados, ou seja, a intensidade das alterações na estrutura organizacional e nos conhecimentos e habilidades está relacionada à profundidade das mudanças ocorridas nas atividades. Todavia, embora o ERP tenha potencial para alterar as atividades, as mudanças variam de empresa para empresa, pois a implementação do ERP, por si, não promove sempre as mesmas mudanças; a natureza e a profundidade das mudanças dependem das decisões tomadas pelos responsáveis pela empresa e pela equipe de projeto, durante a fase de implementação do ERP e também posteriormente, quando o sistema já está sendo utilizado. / According to literature in the area, the decision about whether or not to implement ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is not a matter of technology alone, but rather, a matter of strategy, since its implementation requires deep changes in the organization. Still according to research already published, this implementation generates deep changes in the area of accounting of organizations as well. Due to this fact, this research was carried out aiming at understanding and describing the influence of the implementation of ERP on the organizational aspects in the area of accounting of enterprises, particularly in what concerns the changes in structure, activities developed, besides knowledge and abilities required for the carrying out of tasks. Seeking to achieve the purpose of this research, the procedures followed an empirical analytical methodological approach as a guideline to Case Studies carried out in enterprises in the State of Paraná. The analysis took into account two cases of enterprises that implemented ERP R/3 by SAP (supplier of software solutions for enterprises). The analysis of data shows that the implementation of ERP gives rise to changes not only in the organizational structure but also in activities and in knowledge and abilities within the accounting area of enterprises. The changes found within the organizational structure allude to organizational design, job designs and personnel. As far as activities go, changes are related to the kind of activity performed in the area (inclusion or exclusion), and to the way of performing them. Concerning knowledge and abilities, changes regard general and technical knowledge, and intellectual, interpersonal and communicative abilities. Nevertheless, the analysis of data leads to the understanding of the fact that ERP implementation acts more directly upon activities; thus, both the organizational structure and knowledge and abilities are affected as well, and need adjustments; that is to say, the intensity of changes operating on the organizational structure and on knowledge and abilities is related to the depth of the changes that have an effect on the activities. However, although ERP has the potential to alter activities, changes vary among enterprises, since the implementation itself does not always promote the same changes; both nature and depth of changes depend on decisions made by those responsible for the business and by the group in charge of the project, and not only during but also after ERP implementation, when the system is already in action.

A relação entre comprometimento organizacional e resistência à mudança : estudo de caso em organizações de diferentes portes

Teles, Elisângela Elisabete 25 September 2010 (has links)
No contexto da globalização, observa-se que as organizações procuram acompanhar a velocidade das mudanças propostas no plano político, tecnológico, econômico e sociocultural; porém, para seguir esse movimento, as organizações devem dar atenção aos fatores relevantes envolvidos, para que atinjam o diferencial competitivo como, por exemplo, o comprometimento organizacional e a minimização da resistência às mudanças propostas. Nesse ambiente de mudança, observa-se que as organizações dependem dos seus recursos humanos para a implementação das mudanças que são necessárias. Desse modo, o presente estudo teve como objetivo principal investigar a relação entre o comprometimento organizacional e a resistência à mudança em três organizações do segmento metal-mecânico de diferentes portes, localizadas no Município de Caxias do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul (RS). Foi aplicado um questionário em três indústrias, uma de pequeno, outra de médio e outra de grande porte, para avaliar o grau de comprometimento organizacional nas dimensões afetiva, instrumental e normativa e o grau de resistência à mudança nas dimensões da atitude afetiva, comportamental e cognitiva nas organizações, bem como comparar os resultados dos constructos com o perfil dos respondentes nos diferentes portes. Assim, utilizou-se pesquisa quantitativa, com a análise dos dados, por meio da estatística uni e multivariada, para identificar os fatores para os objetivos específicos. A coleta de dados resultou em uma amostra de 498 respondentes. Procedeu-se à análise dos dados, sendo que os principais resultados indicam que o maior grau de comprometimento organizacional dos recursos humanos foi apresentado na organização de pequeno porte e o menor na organização de grande porte. O maior grau de resistência à mudança foi demonstrado pelos recursos humanos da organização de grande porte e o menor nos de pequeno porte. A correlação linear entre o comprometimento organizacional e a resistência à mudança não é significativa. Tanto o comprometimento organizacional quanto a resistência à mudança não apresentam diferença significativa entre homens e mulheres. / Submitted by Ana Guimarães Pereira (agpereir@ucs.br) on 2015-08-06T18:05:12Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Elisangela Elisabete Teles.pdf: 787587 bytes, checksum: 168d236ecc8bbe96b1d672976630ba9c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-08-06T18:05:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Elisangela Elisabete Teles.pdf: 787587 bytes, checksum: 168d236ecc8bbe96b1d672976630ba9c (MD5) / In times of globalization, it is observed that organizations are seeking to follow the changes operated in the politic, the technological, the economic and the sociocultural spheres. However, to accompany this movement, these organizations should pay attention to some relevant factors which will help them to reach the competitiveness differential like, for instance, the organizational commitment and the resistance to the proposed changes. Within this changing environment, we can observe that the organizations depend on their human resources if they want to implement the necessary changes. Therefore, the present study aims at investigating the relation between organization commitment and the resistance to changes in three different metal-mechanical industries, situated in Caxias do Sul (RS). A questionnaire was applied in the three organizations which were consisted by a large, a mid-size and a small industry. It functions to evaluate the organizational commitment degree in the affective, instrumental and normative dimensions and the resistance to changes degree in the affective, behavioral and cognitive dimensions inside the organizations, as well as to compare the results of the constructs with the respondent profiles from the industries of different sizes. Thus, the quantitative research was applied and the data analysis was made using unimultivariated statistics in order to identify the factors to the specific objectives. The data collect resulted in a sample constituted of 498 respondents. The main data analysis results show that the higher level of human resources’ organizational commitment was presented in the small organization and that the lowest degree was present in the large organization. Also, the analysis show that the higher degree of resistance to change was evident by the human resources from the large organization and that the lowest degree by the human resources from the small organization. However, the organizational commitment and the resistance significance level it is not relevant to the organization growth and its competitiveness quality in the globalized market. Neither the organizational commitment nor the resistance in changing present any significant change between men and women.

O papel da liderança no processo de mudança e aprendizagem organizacional : estudo multicaso nas empresas duradouras do setor metalmecânico

Cucchi, Marlon Bissani 11 June 2015 (has links)
As organizações contemporâneas precisam se adaptar ao ambiente para manterem-se competitivas e inovadores no mercado. Diante disso, a competitividade de uma organização está condicionada à capacidade de gestores e líderes identificarem a mudança e agirem no sentido de adaptá-las conforme as necessidades. Portanto, para as organizações serem duradouras são necessários indivíduos que tenham a liderança de enfrentar a mudança, de estabelecer objetivos claros, de transformar o comportamento da equipe e de desenvolver novas capacidades individuais e coletivas. Nesse contexto, este estudo tem como objetivo investigar o papel da liderança no processo de mudança e aprendizagem organizacional nas empresas duradouras do setor metalmecânico de Marau/RS. Para tanto, foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa exploratória, com abordagem qualitativa, utilizando-se do estudo multicaso como estratégia e a entrevista individual em profundidade como técnica de coleta de dados. Dessa forma, foram entrevistados o líder e seguidor direto das três empresas mais duradouras do setor metalmecânico, nomeadas como Alfa, Beta e Gama, com 50, 40 e 22 anos, respectivamente. As principais contribuições do estudo estão direcionadas a confirmar o papel da liderança no processo de mudança e aprendizagem. Nesse sentido, os resultados sugerem que o líder no processo de mudança contribui pelo exemplo, humildade, empatia, motivação, orientação, convencimento, comunicação, controle e envolvimento. No que tange o processo de aprendizagem, o líder contribui no aspecto de propiciar situações de crescimento pessoal, prepara um membro para substituí-lo, estimula o compartilhamento da experiência e organiza ações de aquisição e nivelamento do conhecimento entre os membros da equipe. / Submitted by Ana Guimarães Pereira (agpereir@ucs.br) on 2015-11-05T15:28:02Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Marlon Bissani Cucchi.pdf: 3702360 bytes, checksum: 326f2579bf2cee0706232d29db406aa1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-11-05T15:28:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Marlon Bissani Cucchi.pdf: 3702360 bytes, checksum: 326f2579bf2cee0706232d29db406aa1 (MD5) / Contemporary Organizations need to adapt to the environment in order to keep themselves competitive and innovative on the market. Therefore, competitive edge in one company is conditioned to the capacity of managers and leaders to identify the change and act in order to adapt the companies according to their needs. Thus, for a company, in order to be long lasting, it’s necessary to have individuals who have the leadership to face change, establish clear goals, transform team’s behavior and develop new individual and collective capacities. In this context, this study had as its main goal to investigate the role of leadership on the process of change and organizational learning in long lasting companies of the metalmechanic sector in Marau/RS. To do so, an exploratory search with a qualitative approach was developed, using the multi-case study as strategy and the in-depth individual interview as data collection technique. This way, the leader and the direct follower of the three most enduring companies in the metal-mechanic sector were interviewed, here named as Alfa, Beta and Gama, with 50, 40 and 22 years, respectively. The main contributions of the study are directed to confirm the leadership role in change and learning processes. In this context, the results suggest that the leader in the process of change, contributes by the example, humility, empathy, motivation, orientation, conviction, communication, control and involvement. Regarding the learning process, the leader contributes in the aspect of enabling personal growth situations, prepares a member to substitute it, stimulates sharing experiences and organizes the actions of acquisition and leveling the knowledge between team members.

Adaptação de um método de formação de ambientes de organizações virtuais orientadas à inovação de produto

Finimundi, Thiago André 19 December 2016 (has links)
Adoção de práticas colaborativas entre organizações outrora competidoras tem se acelerado, em especial em razão da nova realidade econômica enfrentada pelas empresas. De fato, observa-se que a popularização colaborativa é dependente da evolução das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação, o que diminui as barreiras geográficas e temporais, caracterizando-se como um fator habilitador para a formação de redes interempresariais. A criação de organizações virtuais, todavia, estende-se além da identificação das empresas mais adequadas à oportunidade que se visa atender. Neste sentido, o objetivo desta dissertação foi propor um método de formação de organizações virtuais orientadas à inovação de produto. Sendo assim, esta pesquisa é dividida em duas etapas, uma de abordagem qualitativa e objetivo exploratório, e uma quantitativa, com objetivo descritivo. Na etapa exploratória é adaptado um modelo de referência para modelagem de ambientes de criação de organizações virtuais. A partir do modelo, foi construído um modelo teórico, a fim de verificar as relações entre os construtos Relações Interorganizacionais e Inovação com as dimensões de modelagem. A segunda etapa, de abordagem quantitativa e natureza descritiva, teve por objetivo estruturar o modelo proposto a partir das diretrizes estabelecidas no modelo teórico.. A coleta dos dados foi feita por meio de questionário estruturado, em escala Likert de cinco pontos, adaptado de Machado e Carvalho (2013). Os resultados apontam que há consistência teórica entre as quatro dimensões do ambiente de formação de organizações virtuais e os dez fatores do ambiente de inovação. Dessa forma, foi possível a definição do método de formação de organizações virtuais orientadas à inovação de produto em quatro dimensões. Como sugestões de estudos futuros, recomenda-se nova coleta no mesmo contexto, ampliando a amostra, além de se replicar este estudo em cadeias de suprimentos de segmentos distintos. / Submitted by Ana Guimarães Pereira (agpereir@ucs.br) on 2017-06-01T11:51:22Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Thiago Andre Finimundi.pdf: 1230970 bytes, checksum: 7e5a63dacc7b021f6b21c1cc27ea122a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-01T11:51:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Thiago Andre Finimundi.pdf: 1230970 bytes, checksum: 7e5a63dacc7b021f6b21c1cc27ea122a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-05-31 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, CNPq. / Adoption of collaborative practices between formerly competing organizations has accelerated, especially because of the new economic reality faced by companies. In fact, it is observed that collaborative popularization is dependent on the evolution of Information and Communication Technologies, which reduces geographic and temporal barriers, characterizing itself as an enabling factor for the formation of intercompany networks. The creation of virtual organizations, however, extends beyond the identification of the most appropriate companies to the opportunity that is intended to meet. In this sense, the objective of this dissertation was to propose a method of training virtual organizations oriented to product innovation. Therefore, this research is divided in two stages, one of qualitative and exploratory objective, and one quantitative, with a descriptive objective. In the exploratory stage, a reference model is adapted for the modeling of virtual organization creation environments. From the model, a theoretical model was constructed to verify the relationships between the constructs Interorganizational Relations and Innovation with the modeling dimensions. The second step, with a quantitative approach and a descriptive nature, aimed to structure the proposed model based on the guidelines established in the theoretical model. The data were collected using a structured questionnaire in a five - point Likert scale, adapted from Machado And Carvalho (2013). Results show that there is a theoretical consistency between the four dimensions of the breeding environment of virtual organizations and the ten factors of the innovation environment. In this way, it was possible to define the method of formation of virtual organizations oriented to product innovation in four dimensions. As suggestions for future studies, it is recommended to collect data again in the same context, expanding the sample, and replicate this study in supply chains of different segments.

Corporate culture in a democratic South Africa

Visser, Ronelda January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Management))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2006. / This study investigated whether the different home languages of employees of a large financial institution in the Western Cape had an influence of their perception of organisational structure and processes. The author conducted a series of interviews with management-level employees who speak Afrikaans, English and Xhosa as home languages in an attempt to ascertain the extent of the influence of individual cultures on perceptions and actions in corporate society. Specific attention was given to how these individuals perceived meetings, decision-making processes and conflict. These interviews were transcribed verbatim and studied by means of narrative analysis using a specialised software package to provide a better insight into the roles language and culture play within the South African organisation. Based on the narratives provided by the respondents in this study, the author concluded that individual culture does play a significant role in the perceptions of organisational structures such as conflict management,interaction during meetings, decision-making and acceptance of authority.

The impact of change communication on the relationship between employees and the organisation during the implementation of organisational change in Transnet and Transnet housing

Van Jaarsveld, Johanna Petronella January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Public Relations Management))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2007. / In the twenty first century, companies are forced to transform and adapt continually to ensure their survival and to stay competitive in a demanding and challenging business environment. Yet, 70 per cent of all change initiatives fail and 28 per cent of the variance of change successes is directly linked to employees. Research shows that one quarter to one third of the reasons why change fails or succeeds, is directly linked to employee communication. Change implementation failures come at a high cost to organisations. Research shows that poorly communicated strategies are the reason for approximately 14 per cent of lost financial value and that poor communication is the second largest factor that contributes to the failure in implementing strategic change. This mini-dissertation aims to investigate change communication has and impact on the relationship between employees and the organisation. The communication approach of Transnet during the implementation of its Four Point Turnaround Strategy was investigated. Employees indicate that organisational change cannot be introduced without regular up-ta-date communication to employees. Once the Executive Management of Transnet actively communicating started with Transnet employees, employees became more positive and supportive of the changes. However, concluding the sale and belatedly informing the employees of Transnet Housing thereof increased employee resistance, negativity and non-commitment. The contribution this mini-dissertation will make to the public relations field lies therein that through proper change communication, change can be implemented successfully within an organisation. Inadequate change communication however negatively impacts on the employee/organisational relationship and this in turn affects change implementation negatively. Change implementation failure ultimately added costs to the company in terms of time and money. This understanding could assist organisations to save millions, and in cases like Transnet, it could minimise huge losses and negative impacts on the economy during organisational change implementation.

The role of business informatics in business transformation : a case of a company in Cape Town

Ngary, Clency January 2015 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Business Information Systems))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2015. / The objective of the thesis is to determine the role Business Informatics plays in transforming an organisation using a selected organisation in Cape Town as a case study. Business informatics is an emerging discipline that combines various aspects of business management, information technology and informatics. Informatics is broadly defined as the science of processing information; thus, increasingly, it involves processing and analysing information digitally with the aid of computers. Therefore the aim of the research was to understand what components of business informatics are being leveraged to transform businesses, and the challenges thereof. This was done using a social theory – duality of technology from Orlikowski adapted from Giddens’ Structuration Theory (ST) as a theoretical framework, particularly, the dimensions of duality of structure. The theory was used as a lens to understand and interpret this social phenomenon - the role business informatics can play in business transformation. It is argued that business informatics concepts are able to assist in business transformation through effective use of information systems and business management concepts. In that regard, ERP system in a Cloud platform was recommended to illustrate these concepts. The concepts helped to device guidelines for determining the challenges of a business to use informatics to transform and become sustainable and competitive. Therefore, the research explained and recommended why business entities have begun to move from an application-based enterprise resource planning (ERP) system to cloud computing-based ERP (cloud-ERP) system. The study used the interpretive approach where qualitative philosophy was applied together with the underpinning theory and literature reviewed to design a semi-structured interview schedule as a data collection instrument. It was a case study of an Organisation where the units of analysis were the IT, Finance, HR and Sales and Marketing departments and object of analysis was 50 employees. The output is a general framework to guide businesses as to how to apply the concepts of business informatics to achieve improved business transformation.

Appreciative inquiry and change management in a selected automotive component factory in Cape Town, South Africa

Lott-Cupido, Terine January 2015 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Human Resource Management))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2016. / Globalisation has placed increased pressure on South African organisations to transform in order to compete against the world’s best. Low cost manufacturing countries such as India, China, Brazil, and Thailand pose a threat to businesses across a variety of sectors in South Africa. The prospects of failure are real, even more so in light of the current economic climate in which businesses operate, as competition is on the rise. In today’s world of work, change is constant and organisations are required to continually renew their business and practices in order to meet the evolving needs of their clients. An organisation’s inability to phase out strategies, policies, procedures and businesses that are no longer relevant may shorten the lifespan of the business. Successful management of organisational change processes is thus essential for survival in the global market. This research was prompted as a result of production line employees being resistant to the implementation of new work procedures between 2013 and 2014, with the result of low commitment to change, at a selected medium sized automotive component manufacturer in Cape Town, South Africa. Traditional change management considers fixing problems and may be outdated, especially in light of the introduction of Appreciative Inquiry (AI). AI is a structured change intervention that uses positively directed questions. AI attempts to involve people to share their experiences of what worked well in the past in order to create a shared vision and an action plan that can be implemented to realise their set vision. AI has created a shift in thinking in change management, as it seeks to find the positive, whilst creating hope and a sense of triumph over past victories.

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