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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Authentic Leadership; A role to play in Emotional Commitment and Organizational Culture

Golpayegani, Konstantin, Mahmood, Asif Wazed January 2019 (has links)
Were we ever in doubt of how true we are to ourselves and to others? Have we ever asked why we do what we do? Witnessing the history of great leaders like Martin Luther King Jr., Walt Disney, Steve Jobs and Sam Walton – they all believed in a cause and took actions to realize that belief which resulted in trust and loyalty. But, how come people with great ideas often fail to create an image? The cause is not that the ideas are faulty but rather the absent sense of purpose. And the purpose is realized when we have a clear sense of “Why”. Having a purpose translates to being true to oneself and eventually to others – being authentic. We wholeheartedly believe that, the hierarchical management structure is no more ideal in the contemporary world since it limits the freedom of creativity. Due to the changing and competitive nature of the world, the recognition of individual effort is crucial. When we believe in something that people can relate to, they will follow us. The followership results in increased commitment and the organizational culture is the embraced behavior. To understand the role of authentic leadership with regard to employee emotional commitment and organizational culture, we conducted a qualitative descriptive study involving 8 participants from around the world and using 3 case studies. The findings revealed some interesting insights in developing authentic leadership in organizations. One of the results unfolded that despite the cultural and geographical magnitude, the word authenticity has a common understanding “being true to oneself and to others”. The results also highlighted that, authentic leadership plays a major role in fostering organizational commitment unlike the financial incentives. Moreover, depending on the context, the rigidity of organizational culture may change. As a final finding, the organizational emotional commitment shapes the organizational culture as the leader pictures it. Do your actions meet your words or is it perhaps time to change?“ Your actions and your words should always agree with each other. Do not say one, then do another”

An investigation into the implementation of socially and environmentally responsible procurement

Adrien-Kirby, Adam James January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to examine the intra-organisational processes used by businesses operating in the United Kingdom to narrow the gap between their socially and environmentally responsible procurement (SERP) policy and its implementation in buyer-supplier relationships. This is a response both to the wide variety of recent human/labour rights and environmental violations in corporate supply chains as well as to concerns that the corporate policies developed in response to stakeholder pressure regarding such violations may not be sufficient for the effective implementation of their remedy. This examination of corporate efforts to implement SERP policy initiates a line of research aimed at building a theory of internal SERP policy implementation. The theoretical lens used in the component studies of this thesis is a combination of organisational culture and the resource-based view (RBV) of the firm. The former is used to assess how top managers and procurement departments show support for SERP implementation. This is to say that aspects of their cultures are used to perceive this support. The organisational and human resources made available to the procurement department are considered to be the capabilities needed to translate this support into practice. Drawing on data from a survey of 340 buyer-supplier relationships and from two in-depth case studies of businesses operating in the United Kingdom, this thesis contributes both theoretically and empirically to the literature. Prime examples of this thesis‟ contributions include the mapping of commercial processes used to connect stakeholder rights and pressures to procurement activity; the identification of internal subgroups that affect SERP implementation; and the conceptual reconsideration of two core capabilities theorised to facilitate this process. Further research includes the replication of case studies; the consideration of supplier capabilities to implement buyer requirements; and how this research can be more aligned with extant supply chain strategy research.

Interdisciplinaridade na pesquisa : significações na cultura de uma universidade pública

Novo, Luciana Florentino January 2017 (has links)
A história da humanidade encontra-se fortemente entrelaçada aos avanços na produção do conhecimento. Neste entorno, o século XXI transcorre em um cenário que têm desafiado as comunidades científicas; conduzindo-as à reflexão acerca do modelo hegemônico que dirige a Ciência Moderna. Visando a superar tais desafios, emerge a perspectiva interdisciplinar, direcionada à produção de um conhecimento inovador, ao alimentar-se pela articulação de diferentes olhares. Neste contexto, a universidade como locus privilegiado de produção de conhecimento têm a sua frente políticas que a induzem a novos compromissos; dentre os quais, a adesão à interdisciplinaridade no âmbito da pós-graduação, que tem no Plano Nacional de Pós-Graduação - PNPG 2011-2020 grande força indutora. Essa questão implica mudanças institucionais, visto que toca em quadros de referência que remetem ao conhecimento disciplinar. É nesse âmbito que a cultura organizacional adentra no tema. Esta tese tem como objetivo central compreender as significações de interdisciplinaridade na pesquisa, construídas na cultura organizacional de uma universidade pública. O foco de análise privilegia os valores organizacionais e as práticas sociais de pesquisa conduzidas junto ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Memória Social e Patrimônio Cultural – PPGMP. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, que se assenta em um estudo de caso (YIN, 2001). Para tanto, optou-se por realizar a leitura da cultura organizacional sob três prismas: integração, diferenciação e fragmentação (MARTIN, FROST, 2001). A coleta de dados envolveu entrevistas aplicadas a dirigentes/gestores docentes e discentes. A análise foi conduzida à luz da análise de conteúdo (BARDIN, 1979). Resultados indicaram como inibidores à interdisciplinaridade, o individualismo, a estrutura dispersa, a cooperação restrita aos grupos, os favoritismos e privilégios. Como indutores à interdisciplinaridade, constataram-se valores e práticas recentes. Democracia e igualdade de oportunidades vêm sendo materializadas nas discussões quanto às diretrizes norteadoras da instituição. Editais internos buscam superar o favoritismo. Reuniões itinerantes e integração de eventos têm promovido aproximação propícia ao diálogo. A partir de tal análise, foi possível constatar como significações de interdisciplinaridade na pesquisa, na cultura organizacional da UFPel: inexistência de uma política institucional; iniciativas individuais direcionam a pós-graduação; dificuldade de interação e construção coletiva, interdisciplinaridade prejudicada pelo individualismo; titulação que impõe limites; falta de visão de coletividade; falta de espírito de equipe e de práticas de construção coletiva, bem como avanços institucionais, (integração). Significações comuns apenas dentro de grupos específicos (diferenciação): desafio (docentes), liberdade de adesão e responsabilidade pela operacionalização (docentes), PDI como avanço (gestores) interdisciplinaridade dificultada por questões administrativas (docentes), incerteza conferida pelo título” (discentes); degrau à pós-graduação disciplinar (discentes); pesquisador “menos dono do conhecimento” (docentes); preconceito (discentes). E, como significações partilhadas temporariamente entre indivíduos (fragmentação): liberdade de adesão (gestores/ docentes); interdisciplinaridade necessita de disciplinaridade profunda (docentes/discentes); silenciamento da UFPel (gestores/docentes); cooperação restrita aos guetos (gestores/ docentes); dificuldades provenientes do fator tempo (docentes/discentes). Com este trabalho pretendeu-se contribuir com uma lacuna, no que diz respeito aos estudos ligados à interdisciplinaridade junto à pós-graduação, sobretudo, ao adotar-se uma leitura sob o prisma da cultura organizacional – importante diferencial desta tese, que busca suprir a carência de estudos e pesquisas em âmbito nacional e internacional. / The history of mankind is strongly intertwined to advances in the production of knowledge. In this environment, the 21st century takes place in a scenario, which have challenged the scientific communities; leading them to reflection about the model that drives modern science. In order to overcome such challenges, interdisciplinary perspective, directed at production of innovative knowledge, to feed the articulation of different looks. In this context, the University as a privileged locus of knowledge production has at its front policies that induce on new commitments; among them, joining the interdisciplinarity within the postgraduate, which has the National Plan of Postgraduate - NPOP 2011-2020 strength-inducing. This question involves institutional changes, since it touches on frames of reference which refer to disciplinary knowledge. It is in this context that the organizational culture enters the theme. This thesis aims to understand the central meanings of interdisciplinarity in research, built on the organizational culture of a public University. The focus of analysis privileges on the organizational values and social practices of research by the Graduate Program in Social Memory and Cultural Heritage - GPSMCH. It is a qualitative research, which is based on a case study (YIN, 2001). Thus, when, it was decided to carry out the reading of the organizational culture under three prisms: integration, differentiation and fragmentation (MARTIN, FROST, 2001). Data collection interviews to directors/managers, professor and students. The analysis was conducted in the light of the content analysis (BARDIN, 1979). Several aspects of organizational culture act as inhibitors to interdisciplinarity, the individualism, the dispersed structure, cooperation restricted to groups, the favorites and privileges. As inductors to interdisciplinarity has been recent values and practices. Such as democracy and equality of opportunity, has been materialized in the discussions as the main guidelines of the institution. Internal edicts to overcome the cronyism. Itinerant meetings and event integration have promoted the approach for dialogue. From such analysis, it was possible to see how meanings of interdisciplinarity in research on organizational culture from UFPel: lack of an institutional policy; individual initiatives lead to postgraduate; difficulty of interaction and collective construction, interdisciplinarity impaired by individualism; titration imposing limits; lack of a vision of collective; lack of team spirit and collective construction practices, as well as institutional advances (integration). Common meanings just within specific groups (differentiation): challenge (professors), freedom and responsibility for operationalizing (professors), IDP as (managers) interdisciplinarity hindered by administrative matters (professors), uncertainty conferred by title (students); step posgraduate school discipline (students); researcher "least owner of knowledge" (professors); prejudice (students). And, how shared meanings between individuals temporarily (fragmentation): freedom of membership (managers and professors); Interdisciplinarity needs a deep disciplinarity (professors and students); silencing by the UFPel (managers and professors); cooperation restricted to ghettos (managers and professors); hampered from the time factor (professors and students). With this work was to contribute a gap with regard to studies related to interdisciplinarity by the postgraduate school, in particular, to adopt a reading under the prism of organizational culture - key differentiator of this thesis, which seeks to make up for the lack of studies and research in national and international scope.

Cultura organizacional em empreendimentos hoteleiros: um olhar para além da cordialidade / Organizational culture in a hotel: a sight through cordiality

Baltieri, Marcia Akemi Takahashi 05 April 2011 (has links)
Na área de serviços, e mais especificamente no segmento hoteleiro - que tem enfrentado, como em outros segmentos de negócios, um grande aumento de concorrência, aliado ao aumento do nível de exigência dos consumidores - o diferencial representado pelas pessoas, que fazem parte da organização, é mais do que uma vantagem competitiva: é uma questão de essência. Afinal, o negócio hoteleiro está associado ao conceito de hospitalidade, e a hospitalidade, em sua essência, é um atributo de pessoas, e não de lugares ou de instalações. Considerando que a cultura organizacional (CO) de uma empresa pode ou não possibilitar a superação deste tipo de desafio de caráter humano, realizou-se um estudo de caso em um hotel que buscou um reposicionamento mercado lógico, com o objetivo de observar como esta mudança se refletiu na cultura da organização. Optou-se pela metodologia qualitativa, utilizando-se como instrumentos pesquisa documental, entrevistas e observação participante. Os resultados desejados pelos gestores, em termos de produtividade, foram alcançados. Observaram-se mudanças organizacionais importantes, impostas no estilo \'top-down\' e que ocorreram no nível mais superficial da cultura. Não houve alteração no sistema de valores ou nas políticas institucionais. Os resultados positivos em termos de produtividade fundamentaram-se nos valores das equipes orientadas para a satisfação do cliente e para a hospitalidade. Valores e normas, já estavam internalizados desde o processo de socialização no hotel, sendo que a mudança em procedimentos não chegou a afetar este aspecto. Conclui-se que o grande desafio desse empreendimento é o desenvolvimento de uma CO que conjugue profissionalismo e afetividade. / Considering the services area, specifically the lodging industry which has facing, just like others business segments, a huge concurrence and growing level of consumers\' exigency - the differential represented by human beings, which are part of the organization, is not just a competitive advantage: it is an essence issue. After all, the hotel business is related to the hospitality concept, and hospitality, in its essence, it is an attribute of people, and not an attribute of places or accommodations. Considering the importance of the people in a lodging organization, and that the behavior of these people influences and it\'s influenced by the organizational culture, justify a deeper look to the cultural elements which defines behavior patterns. In this way, it introduces a study case in a hotel that looked for a marketing repositioning, and it involved relevant organizational changes. The information collected on documental research, interviews with managers and employees, and participant observation tried to understand how the organization culture makes the hotel and the people be how they are. The data analyses suggest that changes were made on superficial levels of culture, and the managers\' desired results, in productivity terms, were reached.

The Impact of Organizational Culture and Leadership on Organizational Innovation

Akter, Ruzlin, Rathnayaka, Shashiprabha January 2019 (has links)
Abstract Title: The Impact of Organizational Culture and Leadership on Organizational Innovation Level: Final assignment for Master Degree in Business Administration Authors: Ruzlin Akter and Shashiprabha Rathnayaka Supervisor: Zahra Ahmadi, PhD Examiner: Maria Fregidou-Malama, PhD Date: 2019 – January Aim: The aim of the study is to explore the impact of organizational culture and leadership in the development of organizational innovation. Method: The study is based on twelve qualitative interviews from six different organizations. The organizations have been selected randomly but with consideration of innovativeness. Two of the organizations have been selected from Sri Lanka and four organizations from Sweden. This study has been conducted by following an inductive qualitative research method using structured and semi-structured interview. Inductive approach has been followed to analyze the data. Result & Conclusion: Organization culture and leadership together have an influence for developing innovation. The findings of the study suggest that process and job oriented culture, and transactional leadership has both positive and negative impact in developing innovation. Our findings suggest that result oriented culture, employee oriented culture, pragmatic culture, open system and transformational leadership are more effective than process oriented, job oriented, normative culture and transactional leadership for developing innovation. Suggestion for Future Research: Though this study has used six organizations, the numbers of participants is low for each organization. This study has not focused on any specific industry and national culture. Therefore the suggestion for further study is to use more participants and to be industry specific. Researcher can also go in depth to identify which factors are particularly the reasons for the failure and success of innovativeness to this particular industry through comparing the national culture. Contribution: This study has made a theoretical contribution by connecting organizational culture and leadership with innovation and provides a new reflection regarding the impact of ii process oriented culture and job oriented culture. This study contributes to the implication to managers where managers can serve best for the culture while knowing about the influential result of the culture and leadership on innovation. With the help of this study, organizations will be able to identify the factors that may help them to be innovative and competitive in market. Ultimately the organization will be able contribute to the national economy of its country. Key words: Organizational Innovation, Leadership, Organizational Culture.

Organizační kultura sboru Církve českobratrské evangelické / Organizational Culture of the Congregation of Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren

Michalová, Alžběta January 2018 (has links)
1 Summary The Organizational Culture of the Local Congregation of The Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren. The goal of this thesis is to describe and map the local congregation of Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren from viewpoint of its organizational culture, this perspective makes it possible to understand possible conflicts and prospects of those conflicts within the Evangelical church - its functional units. The theoretical part brings the definitions and meaning of the organizational culture, which are mostly rooted in anthropology. Further it focuses on characterisation, of the church and congregation in terms of their interconnection. In the methodological part, qualitative research methods are used, more precisely six in-depth interviews with six respondents, members of the congregation. Here the perspective of the organizational culture describes the congregation environment and draws near the possible conflict between fundamental values.

La Cultura Organizacional y el compromiso organizacional de la empresa Inversiones Favel EIRL

Rojas Paraguay, Elvis Denny January 2017 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la influencia de la cultura organizacional en el compromiso organizacional de la empresa Inversiones Favel EIRL, a través de un método cuantitativo; fue una investigación no experimental transversal, descriptiva correlacional que permitió poner a prueba la hipótesis de que la cultura organizacional influye en el compromiso organizacional de la empresa The objective of this research was to determine the influence of the organizational culture in the organizational commitment of the company Inversiones Favel EIRL, through a quantitative method; It was a non-experimental investigation transversal, descriptive correlational that allowed to test the hypothesis that the organizational culture influences the organizational commitment of the company

Cultura Organizacional y Satisfacción Laboral en trabajadores administrativos de una entidad financiera

Alvarez Rios, Mariela Edith, Guillermo Padilla, Patricia Janet January 2017 (has links)
El propósito de este estudio fue determinar la relación entre la Cultura Organizacional y la Satisfacción Laboral en trabajadores administrativos. Con este fin se aplicó dos escalas: Cultura Organizacional de Denison y un cuestionario de Satisfacción Laboral SLP, a un grupo de 60 empleados de una entidad financiera The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between Organizational Culture and Labor Satisfaction in administrative workers. To this end, two scales were applied: Organizational Culture of Denison and a questionnaire of Labor Satisfaction SLP, to a group of 60 employees of a financial institution

Bruksandans betydelse för organisationskultur, kommunikation och social identitet - ett symboliskt interaktionistiskt perspektiv

Homann, Catharina January 2006 (has links)
<p>Följande studie har utgått ifrån ett sociologiskt socialpsykologiskt perspektiv. Uppsatsen har haft för avsikt att studera bruksandans betydelse i en industriorganisation och i relation till det omgivande samhället utifrån det teoretiska perspektivet symbolisk interaktionism och där hermeneutik och den hermeneutiska forskningsprocessen används som metod för tolkning av insamlade data. Dess syfte har varit att undersöka och synliggöra bruksandans betydelse för kommunikation, för sociala identiteter och för kulturen i organisationen. Den har avsett att svara på frågor om på vilket sätt individerna i organisationen kommunicerar; hur de sociala identiteterna skapas och reproduceras; och på vilket sätt bruksandan främjar eller hindrar en utveckling av den gemensamma organisationskulturen i anpassningen till en global marknad.</p><p>Jag har kommit att se bruksandan som ett fenomen och ett uttryck för en institution som präglas av de normer och värderingar som etablerats över generationer och som på olika sätt ännu lever kvar i de brukssamhällen som finns runt om i Sverige. Bruket har i många samhällen fungerat som den huvudsakliga arbetsgivaren och har av många ansetts som en trygghet, i form av närhet, men också som möjlighet till sysselsättning och som inkomstkälla.</p><p>Bruksandan visar på skarpa gränsdragningar mellan individer och grupper inom organisationen. Det finns en djupt rotad uppdelning i sociala kategorier, arbetare och tjänstemän, vilken innefattar vad man arbetar med, med vem man samarbetar och hur man kommunicerar. Arbetsgruppen blir här en viktig del för den enskilde individen i formandet av den sociala identiteten och för gemenskapen.</p><p>Förändringar möts ofta med misstänksamhet. Starka krafter bevarar och reproducerar det kollektiva tänkande som organisationen präglas av. Här är det viktigt att notera att detta kollektiva inflytande över den enskilde individen kan verka hindrande för individens självständighet och för organisationens utveckling. Hos den enskilde individen uttrycks en uppfattning om förändring som positiv och något som välkomnas samtidigt som denna önskan om förändring har svårt att slå rot och vinna gehör då gruppen eller kollektivet intar en ofta vedertagen negativ inställning och där man skyddar etablerade samverkansformer och mönster.</p>

Criterias´s for soft Innovation : Visionen om att standardisera kriterier som höjer innovationsklimatet

Manninen, Johanna, Andersson, Emma January 2010 (has links)
<p>Denna studie syftar till att ta reda på vilka element som höjer det innovativa klimatet i företag och organisationer. Utifrån dessa element har författarna skapat kriterier som heter ”Soft innovation”. Visionen är att framtiden skulle kunna standardisera dessa kriterier. En abduktiv metod har använts. Metodvalet har motiverats med att kriterierna lättare accepteras om de är socialt konstruerade. Man kan påverka innovationsklimatet i företag, då det tar kortare tid än att förändra organisationskulturen. Dock antas att organisationsklimatet på sikt kan påverkar organisationskulturen. Kriterierna ska ses som vägledande riktlinjer för att stimulera ett innovativt klimat. Teori och empiri visade på många gemensamma faktorer som påverkar innovationsklimatet i företag. Resultatet av teori och empiri visade att de viktigaste faktorerna för att uppmuntra till kreativitet hos medarbetare var ett bra ledarskap, uppmuntran, belöning av kreativt beteende och misslyckande, projektgrupper som driver idén till verklighet och strukturer för hur kreativiteten ska hanteras.</p>

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