Spelling suggestions: "subject:"organized crime"" "subject:"organized prime""
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Metodika vyšetřování organizovaného zločinu / Methodology for investigating organized crimeHrubá, Petra January 2011 (has links)
This thesis focuses on organized crime that has recently become one of the most serious global problems threatening the stability, security and development of civil society. At the beginning of the thesis, its author defines a basic term ,,organized crime" and its relation to the organized criminality. Then the author deals with the history of organized crime groups, describes the most important of the groups, and concentrates on new forms of organized crime. Furthermore, the author lists Czech and international substantive and procedural legal regulations with regard to the organized crime. Finally, the author discusses other non-legal means of the fight against the organized crime. The main part of the thesis is devoted to the methodology of investigation with a focus on specific initiatives and the subject of investigation, initial and subsequent acts, and the specific versions of investigation, planning, organization of investigation, and prevention. In greater detail, the thesis deals with methods of witnesses hearing, and especially with the legal concept of a secret witness, and protection provided to witnesses by special law, and the concept of a cooperating accused person. The thesis also analyzes operative and investigative means and other means of investigation.
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Albania's counter-terrorism policy options: finding a strategy of common senseGjiknuri, Damian 06 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / This research will assess the counter-terrorism policy options available to Albanian authorities. As part of this investigation, it will consider the nature of the terrorism threat, review the counter-terrorism policies that have been pursued in the past, and weigh the strengths and weaknesses of the current policy. These elements will provide background for an analysis of the available policy models on the basis of four main criteria: 1) political feasibility; 2) legal and constitutional constraints; 3) foreign policy objectives and 4) effectiveness. The state policy options this study will analyze can be placed under four broad categories: a) deterrence through hard line measures including military operation and emergency powers; b) co-option and conciliation; c) pursuit of sanctuary or a passive policy; or d) deterrence via criminal justice. All these options might be plausibly implemented by Albania; indeed they have been used at different times in different countries. The working hypothesis of this investigation is that a policy based mainly on deterrence through criminal justice will be the most effective way to counter the internal threats that Albania faces while improving the countrys international standing. / Civilian, Ministry of Defense of Albania
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Drugs trafficking and terrorism in Central Asia : an anatomy of relationshipsWalker, Justine January 2009 (has links)
This thesis investigates to what extent there is a link between the illicit drugs trade and regional terrorist/insurgent organisation s in Central Asia. In particular , the research attempts to understand the dynamics of actor participation within the drugs trade, including whether any such involvement is motivated by either criminal or political incentives. To inform such an assessment analysis of engagement opportunities, financial requirements, network connections and organisational structure have taken place. The study initially drew from the wide body of literature that has examined the degree to which exploitation of natural resources, including drugs, has fuelled armed conflict. From this starting point a qualitative field research agenda comp rising of over 180 semi - structured interviews, documentary analysis and observation has been undertaken. It is the proposition of this thesis that the manner in which regional terrorist/insurgent organisations participate within the drugs trade appears to be more sporadic and localised than previously thought. The assertion that participation will significantly expand a group’s capabilities only appears accurate in very specific circumstances . Furthermore, the evolving theory that terrorist/insurgent groups have developed long term strategic relationships with organised crime actually appears to be increasingly distant in the post 2001 Central Asian drug trafficking environment.
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Trestněprávní nástroje boje s organizovaným zločinem / Criminal Law Instruments in the Fight Against Organized CrimeBaranová, Soňa January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this Diploma thesis is to elaborate on the topic of the fight against organized crime with a focus on criminal instruments of such a fight. Organized crime is undoubtedly a unique and dynamic phenomenon that penetrates almost every area of society. Currently it is one of the most serious global risks threatening the stability, security and development of civil society. The Diploma thesis begins with the definition of terms such as organized crime, then it deals with the causes, structure, selected forms of organized crime as well as its perception in the international community. The following chapter deals with the historical development of organized crime and the context between its boom in our territory and the fall of the Iron Curtain. The third chapter is a key part of this thesis and contains a substantive regulation of the prosecution of organized crime. It defines the terms of an organized criminal group and an organized group contained in the Criminal Code, describes the offense of participating in an organized criminal group and the limits of punishing this crime. The next chapter de lege lata discusses the most effective procedural instruments for combating organized crime, in particular the operational investigative means of criminal investigation. The penultimate chapter...
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Trestněprávní prostředky boje s organizovaným zločinem / The Criminal Means of Dealing with Organized CrimeCoufalová, Bronislava January 2012 (has links)
Presented dissertation is devoted to the criminal means of dealing with organized crime. Recently the organized crime has undoubtedly belonged to the category of most serious problems that the individual countries, including the Czech Republic, have had to cope with especially in the field of legislature. In our country this phenomenon became more visible after the fall of the totalitarian regime when the borders were opened. This resulted in the boost in the activity of foreign criminal societies and domestic criminal societies consequently. However, at the beginning the Czech legislature did not take any serious action thus providing free space for the organized crime to establish itself in the Czech Republic. It was the intensive calls for an action that would react to the current situation which spurred the legislature to make several more or less crucial changes prevailing up to now. When dealing with the organized crime, the tools of criminal substantive as well as procedural law appear to be the most effective ones. The organized crime as the most serious type of group crime can be effectively dealt with only through specific criminal-law institutes and mechanisms which can adequately fight against this phenomenon as far as revealing the perpetrators, penalizing and finally destroying the...
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Spolupracující obviněný / Cooperating defendantNovotná, Kateřina January 2018 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is an analysis of the topical legal form of the cooperating defendant. It is divided into 5 chapters. In the first chapter there are given concepts of the crown witness and the cooperating defendant, added deliberation of de lege ferenda. In the second chapter the author gives particular principles of the prosecution and describes in what way the institution of the cooperating defendant influences them. The third chapter is devoted to the organized crime and the legal means which are applied to its prosecution. In the fourth chapter the modification of the institution of the cooperating defendant is decribed in detail. In this chapter the author points out the importance of the confession of the status of the cooperating defendant , the motivation, the verbal testimony, the protection of the cooperating defendant. Further the author takes a possible application of the institution of the hidden witness for cooperating defendant into consideration. In the last chapter the author gives cases, where an aplication of the institute of cooperating defendant is used. In the case studies the author especially aims at the testimony of cooperating defendent. The admission of the status of the cooperating defendant and what kind of punishment was given to the cooperating defendant in...
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A elite do crime e os crimes da elite: um estudo sobre o crime organizado e sua interação com atores e instituições estatais no México e no Brasil / The elite of crime and the crimes of the elite: a case study about the organized crime and its interaction with actors and state institutions in Mexico and BrazilBarbosa, Cristiano Dias 29 January 2019 (has links)
O crime organizado no Brasil está tão infiltrado no estado quanto no México. A diferença é que, enquanto no caso mexicano ele se organiza em cartéis violentos, formados nos estratos mais baixos da sociedade, no modelo brasileiro ele conspira do alto, a partir de sua elite política e econômica. Levando em conta essa particularidade, o texto explora um desenho de pesquisa de casos mais similares, aproveitando simetrias históricas, culturais e econômicas entre os dois países, para refletir sobre as razões dessa diferença sutil no caráter da captura do estado por grupos criminosos. / Organized crime in Brazil has penetrated the state in Brazil as much as in Mexico. The difference is that while in Mexico it is organized by violent cartels, formed in the lowest rungs of society, in Brazil it conspires from above, from its political and economic elite. Considering this particular feature, the text uses a most similar case research design, taking advantage of historical, cultural and economic symmetries between the two countries, to reflect on the reasons for this small difference in the character of state capture by criminal networks.
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A agenda externa brasileira em face aos ilícitos transnacionais: o contrabando na fronteira entre Brasil e Paraguai / The process of negotiation between Brazil and Paraguay referring of the illicit transnational thematic and on the activity smuggler in the Tríplice BorderFigueira, Ariane Cristine Roder 17 January 2005 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo geral estudar o processo de negociação entre Brasil e Paraguai referente à temática dos ilícitos transnacionais e, mais particularmente, sobre a atividade contrabandista na Tríplice Fronteira. O cerne da pesquisa será pensar como o problema dos ilícitos transnacionais é enfrentado pelos atores políticos brasileiros que estão direta ou indiretamente relacionados com o controle e a formulação da agenda externa referente à temática. Com isso, é fito não apenas investigar os efeitos acarretados pela atividade clandestina na economia nacional. Mas também, analisar como a diplomacia e as instituições que trabalham com o tema - Ministério das Relações Exteriores; do Comércio Exterior, Indústria e Transportes; o Itamaraty; a Secretária da Receita Federal; as respectivas Embaixadas e, também; a Polícia Federal - estão reagindo frente a esse quadro de fortalecimento acelerado do crime organizado e, ainda, como se insere a questão do contrabando nas negociações entre Brasil e Paraguai. Primordialmente, o estudo focalizará as posições estratégicas e os princípios defendidos pelo Brasil em relação a essa temática, discutindo questões como a receptividade brasileira às propostas multilaterais e a apresentação de projetos na área, bem como a postura e a consistência na resolução de possíveis impasses no procedimento da barganha. Além disso, a investigação será efetuada partindo de três principais variáveis como: a consolidação do Mercosul, a redemocratização dos países em debate e a expansão do crime organizado global. Julgamos serem estes os fatores fundamentais que nos possibilitarão elucidar sobre a incorporação do tema na agenda bilateral.Enfim, tentaremos destacar a importância de uma abordagem política no tratamento da questão do crime organizado, pois embora se trate de uma velha ameaça que tem convivido com a humanidade ao longo dos anos, na atualidade, esse fenômeno assume características transnacionais, com patamares expressivos de atuação. / The present work has as objective generality to study the process of negotiation between Brazil and Paraguay referring of the illicit transnational thematic and, more particularly, on the activity smuggler in the Tríplice Border. Cerne of the research will be to think as the problem of the illicit transnational is faced by the brazilian politicians actors who are direct or indirectly related with the control and the formularization of the external agenda referring to the thematic one. With this, the objective to investigate the effect caused for the clandestine activity in the national economy. But also, to analyze as the diplomacy and the institutions that work with the subject - Department of State; of the Foreign Commerce, Industry and Transports; the Itamaraty; the Secretary of the Federal Prescription; the respective Embassies and, also; the Federal Policy - they are reacting front to this picture of sped up growth of organized crime and, still, as the question of the contraband in the negotiations between Brazil and Paraguay is inserted. Primordially, the study she will focus the strategical positions and the principles defended for Brazil in relation to this thematic one, arguing questions as the Brazilian receiving to the multilateral proposals and the presentation of projects in the area, as well as the position and the consistency in the resolution of possible problems in the procedure of the bargain. Moreover, the inquiry will be effected leaving of three variable as: the consolidation of the Mercosul, the redemocratization of the countries in discuss and the expansion of the organized crime global. We judge to be these the basic factors that in will make possible them to elucidate at last on the incorporation of the subject in the bilateral agenda. We will try to detach the importance of a boarding politics in the treatment of the question of the organized crime, therefore even so threat of the old problematic that has coexisted the humanity to the long one of the years, in the present time, this phenomenon assumes transnational characteristics, with great performance.
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A perda de bens e o novo paradigma para o processo penal brasileiro / Confiscation and the new paradigm of the Brazilian criminal procedureEssado, Tiago Cintra 22 May 2014 (has links)
A perda de bens, como efeito da condenação penal, também referida como confisco, consiste na transferência ao poder público do produto e do proveito derivado da infração penal, ressalvado o direito do lesado e do terceiro de boa-fé. O estudo cuidou de duas espécies de perda de bens no Direito Penal brasileiro: a perda clássica, que atinge os bens, direitos e valores, direta ou indiretamente, derivados da infração penal, ou seja, o patrimônio ilícito do condenado, e a perda subsidiária, que se resume na perda do patrimônio lícito do agente, em parcela equivalente ao patrimônio ilícito. A perda de bens é importante para a prevenção e repressão à criminalidade organizada, cuja atuação volta-se para a busca do lucro. O processo penal brasileiro possui mecanismos importantes para tratar dos efeitos decorrentes da perda e bens, tais como as medidas cautelares reais. Porém, boa parte de sua estrutura é voltada para o acertamento da culpabilidade e com a perspectiva de um crime comum. Convenções internacionais, que inclusive foram ratificadas pelo Brasil, deram um impulso mundial para a valorização dos aspectos patrimoniais oriundos da criminalidade organizada. Isso fez surgir um novo paradigma para o processo penal em todo o globo, que deve ser também inserido no processo penal brasileiro. Antes de mudanças legislativas, a valorização da perspectiva patrimonial impõe a necessidade do surgimento de uma nova cultura e mentalidade do operador do direito. Isso irá repercutir desde na investigação criminal até no destino dos bens perdidos. Não mais basta evidenciar a materialidade delitiva e a autoria para os casos que envolvem a criminalidade organizada, mas é preciso identificar e assegurar o patrimônio suspeito. É preciso instituir agências públicas com a finalidade específica de atuar para a preservação dos bens acautelados e para dar-lhes, com a declaração de perda, um destino social justo. No plano legislativo, é preciso instituir a perda alargada, com critérios legítimos e proporcionais, para que o patrimônio do imputado, desproporcional e sem comprovação lícita, também possa ser objeto de perda. Esse instituto projetado elimina a necessidade de se vincular o patrimônio do agente a alguma infração penal. Para a preservação do equilíbrio entre eficiência e garantismo, é preciso instituir, visando à aplicação da perda alargada, um procedimento penal autônomo e com critérios probatórios claros e adequados para o acertamento patrimonial. / The confiscation, as effect of criminal conviction, consists of the transfer to the government the product and the benefit derived from a criminal offense, subject to the right of the injured party and the third party in good faith. There are two kinds of confiscation in the Brazilian Penal law: classic confiscation, which affects the assets, rights and values, directly or indirectly derived from a criminal offense, in other words, the illicit assets of the convict, and the subsidiary confiscation, which is the forfeiture of the illicit assets of the offender, equivalent to illicit equity tranche. The confiscation of property is important for the prevention and repression of organized crime, whose performance turns to the pursuit of profit.The Brazilian criminal procedure has important mechanisms to treat the effects of confiscation of assets such as real precautionary measures. However, much of its structure is geared towards testifying the culpability and the prospect of a common crime. International conventions have even been ratified by Brazil, gave a global push for the appraisal of the aspects of equity derived from organized crime. This made a new paradigm for the criminal justice system to arise across the globe, which should also be inserted in the Brazilian system. Prior to legislative changes, the valuation of the equity perspective imposes the necessity of the emergence of a new culture and mindset of the lawyers, prosecutors and judges. This will play a decisive role in the criminal investigation as well as the final destination of the confiscated assets. A real evidence of a criminal offense and its authorship for cases involving organized crime is not enough, it is necessary to identify and assure the suspect equity. It is required to establish public agencies for the specific purpose of acting for the preservation of freezing assets and give them, with the confiscated assets, an equitable social destination. On the legislative front, it is required to introduce the extended confiscation with legitimate and proportionate criteria, so that the assets of the accused, disproportionate and without lawful evidence, may also be subject to confiscation. This institute designed eliminates the need to link the wealth of the agent with any criminal offense. To preserve the balance between efficiency and fundamental rights, it is necessary to institute, aimed at applying the extended confiscation, an autonomous procedure with clear and suitable evidentiary criteria for certifying the assets.
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Crime organizado: persecução penal e política criminal dentro do estado democrático de direitoMaciel, Alexandre Rorato 15 December 2011 (has links)
Submitted by Silvana Teresinha Dornelles Studzinski (sstudzinski) on 2015-06-25T12:39:30Z
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Previous issue date: 2011-12-15 / Nenhuma / Nas últimas décadas houve um grande avanço da globalização e do desenvolvimento tecnológico que, entre outros resultados – benéficos ou prejudiciais -, propiciou uma facilidade para a expansão do crime organizado, que hoje avança no mundo. Todavia, os meios tradicionais de investigação e formação de provas não se mostraram suficientes para um competente combate às organizações criminosas e assim, aos poucos, começaram a ser criados e utilizados mecanismos diferenciados. Ocorre que, no afã de responder rapidamente aos clamores populares, muitas vezes a lei deixou de regular de forma pormenorizada diversos assuntos, além de elencar medidas questionáveis frente aos direitos fundamentais. A tarefa de analisar o fenômeno do crime organizado e das medidas endereçadas ao seu enfrentamento torna-se ainda mais complexa na medida em que há muita discussão sobre o que vem a ser crime organizado e, por consequência, quanto à possibilidade de sua conceituação e tipificação, existindo até mesmo aqueles que negam a sua existência. Assim é que, neste trabalho, seguindo uma ordem lógica, será, inicialmente, enfrentada a questão ligada à própria existência de organizações criminosas e o que não são manifestações do crime organizado, para após se buscar um caminho para a sua conceituação a partir das características comuns aos diversos modelos de organizações criminosas, passando-se também por uma análise da Convenção das Nações Unidas contra o Crime Organizado Transnacional e da legislação estrangeira ligada ao tema. Uma vez esclarecido o que é o crime organizado, passa-se à análise crítica de diversos procedimentos de investigação e formação de provas comumente empregados para o enfrentamento dele. Por último, são elencadas diversas propostas que podem contribuir para a discussão de medidas eficazes para a prevenção e repressão ao crime organizado. / The past decades saw globalization grow and a great technological development that, among other results - good or bad -, made possible an expansion of organized crime, that today advance in the world. However, traditional means of investigation and the collecting of evidence were not enough for a competent combat to organized crime and because of that, new and differentiated mechanisms were created. Pressured by popular opinion, legislators passed laws that, in many cases, did not clarify several aspects of its application, besides creating questionable measures if one considers the fundamental rights. The task of analysing and the means of addressing organized crime becomes yet more complex considering there are still discussions regarding the definition of what is organized crime and about the possibility itself of definition and classification. Moreover, there are even those that deny its existence. In this work, at first and following a logical order, the question regarding the existence itself of criminal organizations and those aspects that are not manifestations of organized crime will be addrested. After that comes the search for a way of defining organized crime by the common characteristics of the several models of criminal organizations, also analysing The United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and the foreign legislation regarding the subject. Once it's defined what organized crime is, analysis of the several investigation and collecting of evidence proceedings commonly used for its repression is made possible. Last but not least, a list of propositions is presented for the discussion of what are the efficient measures to prevent and combat organized crime.
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