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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Využití ortéz u dospělých pacientů se spasticitou horní končetiny po cévní mozkové příhodě / Use orthosis for adults with spastic upper extremity after stroke

Fialová, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
The submitted diploma thesis shows overview of the problem using upper extremity orthoses for adult with spasticity after the stroke. The aim of the thesis is to explore possibilities of using orthoses at different stages of the spasticity development. The theoretical part includes main information about the important point from central motoneuron disorder, it means spasticity. There is information about materials, production, availability and usability in various types of orthoses. Main part of the theoretical section shows research studies and available literature, which interprets using kinds of orthoses in various time when the spasticity was developed. The theoretical part follows the practical part. In the practical part are demonstrated available possibilities of using orthoses for interference spasticity in the upper extremity. For the practical part were chosen three groups of patients and each group of patients represents one case study. In the thesis are represented patients in acute, subacute and chronic stadium after the stroke. In each stadium were used different kind of orthoses: neoprene brace for acute, static-progressive for subacute and static thermoplastic for the chronic stadium. The measurement neuromuscular parameters were conducted according to Five steps clinical...

Evaluation biomécanique des orthèses lombaires : application à l'orthèse Lordactiv® / Biomechanical assessment of lumbar orthoses : application to the Lordactiv® orthosis

Munoz, Fabien 11 April 2013 (has links)
Bien que les orthèses lombaires (OL) soient couramment employées depuis de nombreuses années dans le traitement conservateur des lombalgies, leurs effets mécaniques et posturaux restent, à notre connaissance, partiellement inexplorés. Des obstacles d'ordre méthodologique en sont la principale cause avec en premier lieu la difficulté d'évaluer les effets des OL à l'intérieur du tronc sans être invasif et sans nécessiter un équipement coûteux difficilement utilisable lors de la pratique médicale courante. La levée de ces verrous scientifiques a guidé l'ensemble de ce travail doctoral à travers le développement d'une méthodologie spécifique. L'effet mécanique a été étudié à partir d'une nouvelle méthode non-invasive de mesure de la pression intradiscale réalisée à partir d'une modélisation par éléments finis contrôlée par radiographie. Les premiers résultats ont démontré la possibilité de diminuer de 15 à 22% en moyenne la pression intradiscale lors du port d'une OL modifiant la statique rachidienne. Les différents travaux sur l'équilibre postural ont permis de définir une méthodologie d'analyse de la posture en station debout puis assise adaptée à l'évaluation des OL. Les premiers résultats chez des patients lombalgiques subaiguës ont mis en évidence un contrôle postural plus efficient (réduction de la raideur active du tronc) lors du port de l'OL la plus rigide. A terme, cette méthodologie facile à mettre en œuvre permettra d'adapter les caractéristiques du produit (raideur passive / forme) aux caractéristiques des patients (raideur active / courbure lombaire) dans le but d’optimiser l'efficacité clinique / Although lumbar orthoses (LO) are commonly used for many years in the conservative treatment of low back pain, postural and mechanical effects are, to our knowledge, partly unexplored. Methodological difficulties are the main cause with, in the first place, the difficulty to assess the LO effects inside the trunk with a non-invasive and not expensive method adapted for current medical practice. This Ph.D work attempts to address these difficulties through the development of a specific methodology. The mechanical effect was studied by a non-invasive estimation of the intradiscal pressure through a finite element modeling controlled by radiographs. The first results showed the possibility of a mean reduction from 15 to 22% of the intradiscal pressure while wearing an LO which is able to change the spinal posture. The different works on postural balance allowed us to define a methodology for a suitable LO assessment in standing and then sitting postures. The first results in patients with subacute low back pain showed a more efficient postural control (reduction of active stiffness of the trunk) while wearing the most stiffer LO. In the future, this easy-to-implement assessment could be helpful to more accurately target the appropriate LO for a given patient in order to improve his / her clinical status

Koleno - kotníková ortéza s hydraulickým kolenním kloubem / Knee Ankle Foot Orthosis with Hydraulic Knee

Vávra, Jan January 2013 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the engineering design of a knee-ankle orthosis and subsequent implementation of a functional sample. The subject of the first part of the thesis is the design of internal shape of the shell on the basis of the patient's leg using CAD software. The second part deals with the design of the hydraulic knee. The knee joint with hydraulic controlled bending enables easier movement for patients who are not able to bring up stairs and uneven surfaces than existing joints. In the implementation was used SolidWorks 2012 and Geomagic Studio 12.

Adherence in orthotic alternatives compared to the benchmark treatment of idiopathic congenital talipes equinovarus; a systematic review.

Lejonberg, Vilma, Pettersson, Karin January 2022 (has links)
Aim: Through this review we aim to investigate if there is an alternative orthotic treatment for paediatric patients with idiopathic congenital talipes equinovarus showing the same maintenance of correction as the benchmark treatment but with higher adherence. Methods: A literature search was performed in the data bases MEDLINE, CINAHL and Scopus. Predetermined eligibility criteria were used to include and exclude articles. Critical appraisal was performed for the included articles. Relevant data was extracted, analyzed and presented to aid in answering the research question. Results: Of the 204 articles found in databases, seven were included in the final review. Adherence rate and relapse rate was extracted from the seven orthotic interventions. Most of the orthoses presented both better adherence and maintenance of correction than the benchmark treatment. The majority were case series, not including a comparison group and with short-term follow-up. Conclusion: The results indicate that there are orthotic designs that may be preferred over the traditional Denis Browne bar. However, the lack of high-quality evidence and standardization to detect and define a relapse and measure adherence makes it difficult to recommend an alternative orthosis with the present evidence. Factors other than the orthotic design also influence the adherence.

Factores ergonómicos en el diseño de órtesis de mano para rehabilitación sensoriomotora de neuropatías radial, cubital y mediana.

Bula Oyola, Ena Lucía 20 November 2023 (has links)
[ES] Las neuropatías periféricas son patologías que deterioran los nervios situados fuera del sistema nervioso central y que afectan significativamente las funciones sensoriomotoras. Existen varias alternativas terapéuticas, entre ellas las órtesis. Estos dispositivos se encargan de proteger la musculatura, corregir alteraciones y asistir la función de la extremidad afectada. Su efectividad está demostrada; sin embargo, depende directamente del adecuado cumplimiento del protocolo de uso. El objetivo principal de esta tesis fue identificar los criterios ergonómicos aplicables al desarrollo de órtesis que incrementen la adherencia al tratamiento en pacientes con neuropatías radial, cubital y mediana. Con este fin, se evaluó la posibilidad de optimizar las propiedades terapéuticas a partir de la inclusión de agentes electrofísicos en el dispositivo. Para ello, se llevó a cabo una revisión sistemática y metaanálisis de la evidencia disponible en los en los últimos cuarenta años en torno a la efectividad de las principales modalidades aplicadas. Se determinó que algunas modalidades cuando se aplican conjuntamente a una órtesis se ven favorecidas. No obstante, ninguno de los resultados de la revisión puede considerarse clínicamente significativos. Posteriormente, se planteó un protocolo de co-creación que incluyó las principales fases de un proceso de diseño con la participación de usuarios de órtesis. La primera fase, Perspectiva de Usuarios, contó con 100 sujetos con neuropatías periféricas. Se obtuvo información tanto para la identificación de necesidades y preferencias como para la clasificación de los aspectos que intervienen en la adherencia. Se emplearon modelos lineales y no lineales, como el modelo de Kano. Se encontró que este modelo permite una identificación más precisa acerca de qué atributos tienen más importancia y del grado de influencia de éstos en la adherencia. Asimismo, se comprobó que la satisfacción es una medida indirecta de la importancia y constituye un adecuado predictor de la adherencia a órtesis. Por el contrario, la importancia explícita no cuenta con la misma fiabilidad. La segunda fase, Diseño Participativo, incluyó a 9 personas voluntarias que evaluaron las propuestas de órtesis y brindaron recomendaciones de diseño. En la tercera fase, Modelado y Prototipado, se produjeron una serie de iteraciones de diseño, dando lugar a un nuevo desarrollo de órtesis. En la cuarta fase, Validación, se comprobó la funcionalidad y usabilidad de la órtesis con 11 sujetos sanos a través de un estudio con electromiografía de superficie. Con ello se demostró que la inclusión de un mecanismo deformable en el diseño del muelle articular permite una óptima asistencia motora en condiciones normales. Por último, en la fase de Desarrollo Final, se fabricó un prototipo funcional de órtesis radial teniendo en cuenta las oportunidades de mejora identificadas. / [CA] Les neuropaties perifèriques són patologies que deterioren els nervis situats fora del sistema nerviós central i que afecten significativament les funcions sensorimotrius. Hi ha diverses alternatives terapèutiques, entre elles les òrtesis. Aquests dispositius s'encarreguen de protegir la musculatura, corregir alteracions i assistir la funció de l'extremitat afectada. La seva efectivitat està demostrada; no obstant això, depèn directament del correcte compliment del protocol d'ús. L'objectiu principal d'aquesta tesi va ser identificar els criteris ergonòmics aplicables al desenvolupament d'ortesis que incrementen l'adherència al tractament en pacients amb neuropaties radial, cubital i mitjana. Amb aquest fi, es va avaluar la possibilitat d'optimitzar les propietats terapèutiques a partir de la inclusió d'agents electrofísics en el dispositiu. Per a això, es va dur a terme una revisió sistemàtica i metaanàlisi de l'evidència disponible en els últims 40 anys entorn de l'efectivitat de les principals modalitats aplicades. Es va determinar que algunes modalitats, quan s'apliquen conjuntament a una òrtesi, es veuen beneficiades. No obstant això, cap dels resultats de la revisió va ser clínicament significatiu. Posteriorment, es va plantejar un protocol de co-creació que va incloure les principals fases d'un procés de disseny amb la participació d'usuaris d'ortesis. La primera fase, Perspectiva d'Usuaris, va comptar amb 100 subjectes amb neuropaties perifèriques. Es va obtenir informació tant per a la identificació de necessitats i preferències com per a la classificació dels aspectes que intervenen en l'adherència. Es van emprar models lineals i no lineals, com el model de Kano. Es va trobar que aquest model permet una identificació més precisa sobre quins atributs tenen més importància i el grau d'influència d'aquests en l'adherència. Així mateix, es va comprovar que la satisfacció és una mesura indirecta de la importància i constitueix un predictor adequat de l'adherència a ortesis. Per contra, la importància explícita no compta amb la mateixa fiabilitat. La segona fase, Disseny Participatiu, va incloure 9 persones voluntàries que van avaluar les propostes d'ortesis i van donar recomanacions de disseny. En la tercera fase, Modelatge i Prototipatge, es van produir una sèrie d'iteracions de disseny, donant lloc a un nou desenvolupament d'òrtesis. En la quarta fase, Validació, es va comprovar la funcionalitat i usabilitat de l'òrtesi amb 11 subjectes sans mitjançant un estudi amb electromiografia de superfície. Amb això es va demostrar que la inclusió d'un mecanisme deformable en el disseny del moll articular permet una òptima assistència motora en condicions normals. Finalment, en la fase de Desenvolupament Final, es va fabricar un prototip funcional d'òrtesi radial tenint en compte les oportunitats de millora identificades. / [EN] Peripheral neuropathies are pathologies that deteriorate the nerves located outside the central nervous system and significantly affect sensorimotor functions. There are several therapeutic alternatives, including orthoses. These devices are responsible for protecting the musculature, correcting alterations, and assisting the function of the affected limb. Their effectiveness has been demonstrated. However, it depends directly on proper compliance with the usage protocol. The main objective of this thesis was to identify ergonomic criteria applicable to the development of orthoses that increase treatment adherence in patients with radial, ulnar, and median neuropathies. To this end, the possibility of optimizing therapeutic properties by including electrophysical agents in the device was evaluated. To achieve this, a systematic review and meta-analysis of the available evidence in the last 40 years regarding the effectiveness of the primary applied modalities. It was determined that some modalities are favored when used in conjunction with an orthosis. Nevertheless, none of the review results were clinically significant. Subsequently, a co-creation protocol was proposed, involving the main phases of a design process with the participation of orthosis users. The first phase, User Perspective, involved 100 subjects with peripheral neuropathies. Information was obtained for the identification of needs and preferences, as well as for the classification of aspects involved in adherence. Linear and non-linear models, such as the Kano model, were employed. It was found that this model allows a more precise identification of which attributes are more important and their influence on adherence. Additionally, it was verified that satisfaction is an indirect measure of importance and constitutes an adequate predictor of orthosis adherence. In contrast, explicit importance is not a reliable indicator. The second phase, Participatory Design, included nine voluntary individuals who evaluated orthosis proposals and provided design recommendations. In the third phase, Modeling and Prototyping, a series of design iterations were carried out, resulting in a new orthosis development. The fourth phase, Validation, tested the functionality and usability of the orthosis with 11 healthy subjects through a study with surface electromyography. It was demonstrated that including a deformable mechanism in the joint spring design allows optimal motor assistance under normal conditions. Finally, in the Final Development phase, a functional prototype of the radial orthosis was manufactured, considering the identified opportunities for improvement. / Bula Oyola, EL. (2023). Factores ergonómicos en el diseño de órtesis de mano para rehabilitación sensoriomotora de neuropatías radial, cubital y mediana [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/199996

Modular Architecture for an Adaptive, Personalisable Knee-Ankle-Foot-Orthosis Controlled by Artificial Neural Networks

Braun, Jan-Matthias 19 November 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Influencing motor behavior through constraint of lower limb movement

Hovorka, Christopher Francis 27 May 2016 (has links)
Limited knowledge of the neuromechanical response to use of an ankle foot orthosis-footwear combination (AFO-FC) has created a lack of consensus in understanding orthotic motion control as a therapeutic treatment. Lack of consensus may hinder the clinician’s ability to target the motion control needs of persons with movement impairment (e.g., peripheral nerve injury, stroke, etc.). Some evidence suggests a proportional relationship between joint motion and neuromuscular activity based on the notion that use of lower limb orthoses that constrain joint motion may invoke motor slacking and decreasing levels of muscle activity. Use of AFO-FCs likely alters the biomechanical and neuromuscular output as the central control system gradually forms new movement patterns. If there is proportional relationship between muscle activation and joint motion, then it could be examined by quantifying joint motion and subsequent neuromuscular output. Considering principles of neuromechanical adjustment, my general hypothesis examines whether orthotic control of lower limb motion alters neuromuscular output in proportion to the biomechanical output as a representation of the limb’s dynamics are updated by the neural control system. The rationale for this approach is that reference knowledge of the neuromechanical response is needed to inform clinicians about how a person responds to walking with motion controlling devices such as ankle foot orthoses combined with footwear. In the first line of research, I hypothesize that a newly developed AFO which maximizes leverage and stiffness will constrain the talocrural joint and alter joint kinematics and ground reaction force patterns. To answer the hypothesis, I sampled kinematics and kinetics of healthy subjects’ treadmill walking using an AFO-FC in a STOP condition and confirmed that the AFO substantially limited the range of talocrural plantarflexion and dorsiflexion motion to 3.7° and in a FREE condition maintained talocrural motion to 24.2° compared to 27.7° in a CONTROL (no AFO) condition. A follow up controlled static loading study sampled kinematics of matched healthy subjects limbs and cadaveric limbs in the AFO STOP and FREE conditions. Findings revealed healthy and cadaveric limbs in the AFO STOP condition substantially limited their limb segment motion similar to matched healthy subjects walking in the STOP condition and in the AFO FREE condition healthy and cadaveric limbs maintained similar limb segment motion to matched healthy subjects walking in the FREE condition. In a second line of research, I hypothesize that flexibility of a newly developed footwear system will allow normal walking kinetics due to the shape and flexibility of the footwear. To answer the hypothesis, I utilized a curved-flexible footwear system integrated with an AFO in a STOP condition and sampled kinematics and kinetics of healthy subjects during treadmill walking. Results revealed subjects elicited similar cadence, stance and swing duration and effective leg-ankle-foot roll over radius compared to walking in the curved-flexible footwear integrated with the AFO in a FREE condition and a CONTROL (no AFO) condition. To validate rollover dynamics of the curved-flexible footwear system, a follow up study of healthy subjects’ treadmill walking in newly developed flat-rigid footwear system integrated with the AFO in a STOP condition revealed interrupted leg-ankle-foot rollover compared to walking in curved-flexible footwear in STOP, FREE and CONTROL conditions. In a third line of research, I hypothesize that use of an AFO that limits talocrural motion in a STOP condition will proportionally reduce activation of Tibialis Anterior, Soleus, Medial and Lateral Gastrocnemii muscles compared to a FREE and CONTROL condition due to alterations in length dependent representation of the limb’s dynamics undergoing updates to the central control system that modify the pattern of motor output. To answer the question, the same subjects and AFO-footwear presented in the first two lines of research were used in a treadmill walking protocol in STOP, FREE, and CONTROL conditions. Findings revealed the same subjects and ipsilateral AFO-footwear system presented in Aim 1 exhibited an immediate yet moderate 30% decline in EMG activity of ipsilateral Soleus (SOL), Medial Gastrocnemius (MG) and Lateral Gastrocnemius (LG) muscles in the STOP condition compared to the CONTROL condition. The reduction in EMG activity in ipsilateral SOL, MG and LG muscles continued to gradually decline during 15 minutes of treadmill walking. On the contralateral leg, there was an immediate yet small increase of 1% to 14% in EMG activity in SOL, MG, LG muscles above baseline. After 10 minutes of walking, the EMG activity in contralateral SOL, MG and LG declined to a baseline level similar to the EMG activity in the contralateral CONTROL condition. These collective findings provide compelling evidence that the moderate 30% reduction in muscle activation exhibited by subjects as they experience substantial (85%) constraint of total talocrural motion in the AFO STOP condition is not proportionally equivalent. Further, the immediate decrease in muscle activation may be due to a reactive feedback mechanism whereas the continued decline may in part be explained by a feedforward mechanism. The clinical relevance of these findings suggests that short term use of orthotic constraint of talocrural motion in healthy subjects does not substantially reduce muscle activation. These preliminary findings could be used to inform the development of orthoses and footwear as therapeutic motion control treatments in the development of motor rehabilitation protocols.

Desenvolvimento de um dispositivo robótico interativo para reabilitação de lesões da articulação do joelho / Development of an interactive robotic device for rehabilitation of injuries of the knee

Santos, Wilian Miranda dos 03 September 2013 (has links)
Robôs de reabilitação como próteses ativas e exoesqueletos necessitam de atuadores capazes de atender certos requisitos como baixa impedância de saída, backdrivability, geração de torques grandes e precisos, e uma estrutura leve e compacta. Este trabalho apresenta o projeto de um Atuador Elástico em Série rotacional (AESr) para ser usado em uma prótese ativa para auxiliar na flexão/extensão da articulação do joelho durante a fisioterapia. O dispositivo é constituído de um motor de corrente contínua, um redutor de velocidade do tipo coroa e rosca sem-fim e uma mola torcional personalizada. Uma vez que o elemento elástico é o componente mais importante no projeto do AESr, um procedimento de análise baseado no Método dos Elementos Finitos (MEF) é utilizado para cumprir os requisitos definidos para a reabilitação do joelho. Com uma massa total de 2,53 Kg, é possível montar diretamente o atuador proposto em uma estrutura de prótese de joelho. Controladores de torque e impedância são implementados para assegurar uma interação segura com o paciente, permitindo que novas estratégias de reabilitação sejam avaliadas. As especificações do projeto bem como o desempenho dos controladores são validados experimentalmente. / Wearable robots, like prostheses, active orthosis and exoskeletons need of actuators able to meet certain requirements as low output impedance, backdrivability, precise and large torque generation, and a compact and lightweight design. This work presents the design of a rotary Series Elastic Actuator (rSEA) to be used in an active orthosis to assist in flexion/extension of the knee joint during physical therapy. The device includes a DC motor, a worm gear and a customized torsion spring. Since the elastic element is the most important component in the design of the rSEA, an analysis procedure based on Finite Element Method (FEM) is used in order to meet the requirements for the specific application. With a total weight of 2.53 kg, it is possible to directly mount the actuator on the frame of a knee orthosis. Torque and impedance controllers are implemented to ensure secure interaction with the patient and enable new strategies for rehabilitation. The design specifications as well as the controllers performance are verified by experiments.

Desenvolvimento e avaliação de um protótipo de sistema híbrido para membro superior de tetraplégicos / Development and assessment of an upper limb hybrid system for quadriplegics

Varoto, Renato 29 April 2010 (has links)
Em geral, indivíduos com disfunções motoras nos membros superiores apresentam dificuldades para executar a movimentação de objetos, a qual é essencial para a execução das atividades de vida diária. Dessa forma, esses indivíduos não a executam ou a fazem de maneira ineficiente. Para que essa manipulação seja realizada de maneira satisfatória, fazem-se necessários os movimentos de alcance e preensão de objetos controlados voluntariamente pelo indivíduo, e também a aquisição sensorial da força empregada durante a preensão. Portanto, este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento, a aplicação e a avaliação de um protótipo de sistema híbrido visando à reabilitação parcial da capacidade sensório-motora do membro superior direito de tetraplégicos. Tal sistema engloba uma órtese dinâmica para cotovelo utilizada em conjunto com a estimulação elétrica neuromuscular, e uma luva instrumentada que possibilita a realimentação qualitativa da força de preensão. Os resultados das avaliações clínicas mostraram que o sistema auxilia os tetraplégicos em tarefas que envolvem o alcance e a preensão de objetos, bem como trazê-los para próximo do corpo. O aumento da faixa de alcance, a geração de preensão e a restauração artificial da habilidade de movimentar um objeto para próximo do corpo representam esse auxílio proporcionado pelo sistema. Assim o protótipo de sistema híbrido representa uma estratégia alternativa para a reabilitação de lesados medulares (níveis C5-C6). / Generally, individuals with motor impairments in the upper limbs have difficulties performing the movement of objects, which is essential for the execution of activities of daily living. Thus, these individuals do not perform these activities or perform them inefficiently. Toward satisfactory manipulation, reach and grasp movements of objects performed with voluntary control, and grasp force feedback are necessary. Therefore, this work presents the development, application and evaluation of a hybrid system prototype aiming at partial rehabilitation of sensory-motor ability of quadriplegic\'s right upper limb. Such system includes an elbow dynamic orthosis combined with neuromuscular electrical stimulation, and an instrumented glove that allows the qualitative grasp force feedback. The results of clinical assessment showed that the system aids quadriplegic in tasks that involve reaching and grasping of objects, as well as bringing them close to the body. The improvement of reaching range, grasping generation and artificial restoration of the ability to move an object close to the body represent this aid provided by the system. Thus, the hybrid system prototype represents an alternative strategy for the rehabilitation of individuals with spinal cord injury (C5-C6 level).

Desenvolvimento e avaliação de um protótipo de sistema híbrido para membro superior de tetraplégicos / Development and assessment of an upper limb hybrid system for quadriplegics

Renato Varoto 29 April 2010 (has links)
Em geral, indivíduos com disfunções motoras nos membros superiores apresentam dificuldades para executar a movimentação de objetos, a qual é essencial para a execução das atividades de vida diária. Dessa forma, esses indivíduos não a executam ou a fazem de maneira ineficiente. Para que essa manipulação seja realizada de maneira satisfatória, fazem-se necessários os movimentos de alcance e preensão de objetos controlados voluntariamente pelo indivíduo, e também a aquisição sensorial da força empregada durante a preensão. Portanto, este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento, a aplicação e a avaliação de um protótipo de sistema híbrido visando à reabilitação parcial da capacidade sensório-motora do membro superior direito de tetraplégicos. Tal sistema engloba uma órtese dinâmica para cotovelo utilizada em conjunto com a estimulação elétrica neuromuscular, e uma luva instrumentada que possibilita a realimentação qualitativa da força de preensão. Os resultados das avaliações clínicas mostraram que o sistema auxilia os tetraplégicos em tarefas que envolvem o alcance e a preensão de objetos, bem como trazê-los para próximo do corpo. O aumento da faixa de alcance, a geração de preensão e a restauração artificial da habilidade de movimentar um objeto para próximo do corpo representam esse auxílio proporcionado pelo sistema. Assim o protótipo de sistema híbrido representa uma estratégia alternativa para a reabilitação de lesados medulares (níveis C5-C6). / Generally, individuals with motor impairments in the upper limbs have difficulties performing the movement of objects, which is essential for the execution of activities of daily living. Thus, these individuals do not perform these activities or perform them inefficiently. Toward satisfactory manipulation, reach and grasp movements of objects performed with voluntary control, and grasp force feedback are necessary. Therefore, this work presents the development, application and evaluation of a hybrid system prototype aiming at partial rehabilitation of sensory-motor ability of quadriplegic\'s right upper limb. Such system includes an elbow dynamic orthosis combined with neuromuscular electrical stimulation, and an instrumented glove that allows the qualitative grasp force feedback. The results of clinical assessment showed that the system aids quadriplegic in tasks that involve reaching and grasping of objects, as well as bringing them close to the body. The improvement of reaching range, grasping generation and artificial restoration of the ability to move an object close to the body represent this aid provided by the system. Thus, the hybrid system prototype represents an alternative strategy for the rehabilitation of individuals with spinal cord injury (C5-C6 level).

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