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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die Etablierung und Evaluation einer zahnärztlich-chirurgischen OSCE-Prüfung mit sechs Stationen in der ZMK-Klinik Göttingen - die Bewertung ärztlicher und studentischer Rater im Vergleich / The establishment and evaluation of an OSCE with six stations in dental surgery at the dental clinic Göttingen - comparing the evaluation of the teaching doctor raters and the student raters

Schwarzer, Sophie-Kristin 11 December 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Role OBSE při prevenci konfliktu / The role of the OSCE in conflict prevention

Staňková, Daniela January 2013 (has links)
This Master Thesis focuses on one of the most significant instrument of conflict prevention in the OSCE -- the High Commissioner on National Minorities (HCNM). The aim of this thesis is to find out which determinants of his involvement contributed to the prevention of Civil War in the FYROM and why it failed in Kosovo. The first part looks into the theory of conflict prevention. The second chapter introduces the OSCE and focuses on function, mandate and activities of the HCNM. The third chapter analyzes and compares the involvement of the HCNM in the FYROM and Kosovo.

Vývoj vztahu Ruska k Organizaci pro bezpečnost a spolupráci v Evropě / Development of the Russia-OSCE Relationship

Harmáčková, Lucie January 2017 (has links)
The following master's thesis focuses on the development of the position of Russia towards the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe from 1991 till 2016. The relation is examined in four periods: 1991 - 2000, 2000 - 2008, 2008 - 2012 and 2012 - 2016. Based on the theory of neoclassical realism, I analyse the relative material capabilities of Russia as the independent variable, the intervening variables and the relation of Russia as the dependent variable in each of these four periods. The thesis is elaborated as a qualitative case study while the congruence method serves as the main method for comparing the variables.

Volební pozorovatelství, případová studie mise OBSE/ODIHR při komunálních volbách 2017 v Bývalé jugoslávské republice Makedonii / Election observation, Case study of OSCE/ODIHR election observation mission at municipal elections in 2017 in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

Nekvindová, Markéta January 2018 (has links)
The master thesis presents the role of election observation with emphasis on OSCE/ODIHR election observation missions with a special focus on the OSCE/ODIHR election observation mission at municipal elections in October 2017 in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, where the author participated as a long-term observer. It deals with the purpose and functioning of election observation missions, international electoral standards establishing political and civil rights, on the basis of which democratic elections should be held. Furthermore, the challenges the missions are currently facing and the role of the Czech Republic in the system of election observation. The case study presents OSCE/ODIHR Election Observation Mission, summarizes the type of information needed to observe electoral aspects in the long term and evaluates election days with the outcomes of the election observation mission.

Vytváření zákona o občanství v Lotyšsku v kontextu evropské integrace / Creation of the citizenship law in Latvia in the context of European integration

Prokopová, Zuzana January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the process of the formation of the Latvian Citizenship Law in the context of European integration. The main aim of the thesis is to analyze the influence of European organization (primarily the Council of Europe, the European Union and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe) on the law creation and the approval of its amendments. The aim of the study is also to analyze how the representatives of the Russian Federation influenced the process of law creation and its changes. Latvia was annexed by the Soviet Union in 1940, it remained its part until 1991. During the Soviet period, many Russian-speaking people moved to the territory of Latvia. Latvian citizenship law from 1994 was highly restrictive, it was based on the principle of legal continuity between interwar Latvia and restored Latvia after 1991. Therefore, the law only restored citizenship, which meant that only people who had been citizens before 1940 were granted automatic citizenship. Many inhabitants of restored Latvia, especially Russian speaking inhabitants, remained without citizenship. There was a possibility to acquire citizenship through the naturalization process, but the pace of the naturalization was too slow due to the system of so-called "naturalization windows". The system...

Breaking Bad News to Patients With Cancer: A Randomized Control Trial of a Brief Communication Skills Training Module Incorporating the Stories and Preferences of Actual Patients

Gorniewicz, James, Floyd, Michael, Krishnan, Koyamangalath, Bishop, Thomas W., Tudiver, Fred, Lang, Forrest 01 April 2017 (has links)
Objective This study tested the effectiveness of a brief, learner-centered, breaking bad news (BBN) communication skills training module using objective evaluation measures. Methods This randomized control study (N = 66) compared intervention and control groups of students (n = 28) and residents’ (n = 38) objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) performance of communication skills using Common Ground Assessment and Breaking Bad News measures. Results Follow-up performance scores of intervention group students improved significantly regarding BBN (colon cancer (CC), p = 0.007, r = −0.47; breast cancer (BC), p = 0.003, r = −0.53), attention to patient responses after BBN (CC, p < 0.001, r = −0.74; BC, p = 0.001, r = −0.65), and addressing feelings (BC, p = 0.006, r = −0.48). At CC follow-up assessment, performance scores of intervention group residents improved significantly regarding BBN (p=0.004, r = −0.43), communication related to emotions (p = 0.034, r = −0.30), determining patient's readiness to proceed after BBN and communication preferences (p = 0.041, r = −0.28), active listening (p = 0.011, r = −0.37), addressing feelings (p < 0.001, r = −0.65), and global interview performance (p = 0.001, r = −0.51). Conclusion This brief BBN training module is an effective method of improving BBN communication skills among medical students and residents. Practice implications Implementation of this brief individualized training module within health education programs could lead to improved communication skills and patient care.

Att undvika väpnade konflikter : En kvalitativ studie av EU och OSSE:s konfliktförebyggande åtgärder iUkrainakonflikten

Englundh, Jessica January 2022 (has links)
Since the second world war multiple organizations have fought for world peace and stability.  Regardless of organizations and world leaders attempts to avoid a large-scale armed conflict, in February 2022 the tense situation in Ukraine evolved to an armed conflict, when Russia launched a military offensive. This paper aims to examine two organizations, the European Union (EU) and the Organization for Security and Co-operation (OSCE), conflict preventive actions regarding the conflict in Ukraine. The theory regarding conflict preventive actions takes stand from the organization Carnegie and their report on the subject. Results of the analysis reveal that both organizations use measures from Carnegie’s theory about conflict prevention. The organizations show two different centers of gravity regarding the measures, where none of them uses all the seven measures from the theory. EU´s shows a center of gravity on the preventive diplomacy and economic action. Whereas OSCE’s center of gravity are political-institutional actions, early warning and early actions. Conclusions can be drawn from the different type of organizations and their possibilities to use different measures. This also shows the need for involvement of multiple organizations in conflict prevention, to be able to manage all measures. / <p>2022-05-25</p>

Entwicklung und Evaluierung von Clinical Skills - Simulatoren für die Lehre in der Tiermedizin

Aulmann, Maria 05 December 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Einleitung Studierende der Veterinärmedizin müssen neben umfangreichem theoretischem Wissen zahlreiche praktische Fertigkeiten erlernen. Da jeder Einzelne in seinem eigenen Tempo lernt, besteht ein großer Bedarf an Trainingsmöglichkeiten. Kadaver und lebende Tiere sind selten in ausreichender Menge verfügbar und lebende Tiere sind zudem aus Gründen des Tierwohls nur eingeschränkt zu verwenden. Simulationsmodelle (Modelle von Organismen / Körperteilen) können hier Abhilfe schaffen. Kommerziell erhältliche Modelle sind sehr kostenintensiv und für die Tiermedizin noch nicht flächendeckend erhältlich. Zunehmend werden selbst entwickelte low-fidelity Modelle in der Tiermedizin verwendet. Aufgrund des Mangels an publizierten Daten zu ihrem Einsatz besteht intensiver Forschungsbedarf. Ziele der Untersuchungen In dieser Arbeit sollte untersucht werden, ob einfache, selbst entwickelte Simulationsmodelle (low-fidelity Modelle) erfolgreich in der Lehre eingesetzt werden können. Dazu wurden zwei selbst entwickelte und gebaute Simulationsmodelle evaluiert (Studie 1) und ihr Einsatz in Kombination mit anderen Lehrmedien untersucht (Studie 2). Materialien und Methoden In Studie 1 wurden zwei low-fidelity Modelle zur kaninen Intubation und Katheterisierung entwickelt und evaluiert. Es wurde ein Studiendesign genutzt, das die erworbenen Fertigkeiten zweier Übungsgruppen und einer Kontrollgruppe in einer praktischen Prüfung (OSCE = objective structured clinical examination) am toten Hund vergleicht. Achtundfünfzig Studierende (4. FS) erhielten eine theoretische Einführung zur Intubation und wurden randomisiert auf drei Gruppen aufgeteilt. Gruppe 1 (high-fidelity) übte am kommerziell erhältlichen Intubation Training Manikin, Gruppe 2 (low-fidelity) am entwickelten low-fidelity Modell und die Textgruppe las einen Text, der die Intubation beim Hund beschreibt. Siebenundvierzig Studierende (10. FS) durchliefen dasselbe Studiendesign zum Thema Katheterisierung der Hündin. Sie nutzten das kommerziell erhältliche Female Urinary Catheter Training Manikin, das selbst entwickelte low-fidelity Modell und Lehrtexte. In Studie 2 wurde die Vermittlung zweier spezifischer Fertigkeiten mit Hilfe von Potcasts und Simulationstraining evaluiert. Zwei anleitende Potcasts zu Intubation und Katheterisierung und die oben beschriebenen Modelle wurden innerhalb eines crossover-Studiendesigns genutzt. In dieser Studie sind Potcasts audio-visuell aufbereitete Animationen mit Schritt für Schritt – Anleitungen und Informationen. Die erworbenen praktischen Fertigkeiten zweier Übungsgruppen, die sich in der Art der theoretischen Vorbereitung unterschieden, wurden in einer praktischen Prüfung (OSCE) am toten Hund verglichen. Ein Fragebogen erfasste das Feedback der Teilnehmer. Sechzig Studierende (2. FS) wurden randomisiert auf eine Potcast- und eine Textgruppe aufgeteilt. Die Potcastgruppe sah sich das anleitende Potcast an, die Textgruppe bereitete sich anhand eines Lehrtextes vor. Im Anschluss hatten beide Gruppen separate Übungseinheiten an den low-fidelity Modellen ohne Betreuung durch Lehrende. Ergebnisse In Studie 1 schnitten alle Übungsgruppen signifikant besser ab als die Textgruppen. Gruppe 1 (high-fidelity) und Gruppe 2 (low-fidelity) unterschieden sich weder bei der Intubation noch bei der Katheterisierung signifikant in ihren Leistungen. In Studie 2 schnitt die Potcastgruppe beim Thema Intubation signifikant besser ab als die Textgruppe, beim Thema Katheterisierung ergaben sich keine signifikanten Unterschiede. Insgesamt hatte das Simulationstraining den Studierenden Spaß gemacht, das Lernen ohne Betreuer wurde jedoch als Herausforderung empfunden. Schlussfolgerungen Es ist davon auszugehen, dass low-fidelity Modelle genauso geeignet für das Training klinischer Fertigkeiten sein können wie high-fidelity Modelle. Das Training klinischer Fertigkeiten mit Hilfe von Potcasts und low-fidelity Modellen sollte durch Betreuer ergänzt werden, anstatt als alleiniges Lehrmedium für Studierende des ersten Studienjahres Verwendung zu finden. Eigenständiges Lernen klinischer Fertigkeiten, angeleitet durch Potcasts bietet eine Möglichkeit für vertiefendes und wiederholendes Training höherer Semester. Der Einsatz von Simulationsmodellen in der veterinärmedizinischen Ausbildung wächst seit wenigen Jahren stetig. Diese Arbeit leistet einen zeitgerechten Beitrag bei der Evaluierung von Simulationstraining. / Introduction Students of veterinary medicine are expected to acquire various practical skills in addition to a wide range of theoretical knowledge. There is a strong demand for training opportunities, as every individual learns and acquires practical skills at individual pace. For reasons of animal welfare concerns and availability, live animals and cadavers cannot always be used for clinical skills training. Simulation models, which are models of organisms or body parts can be a considerable alternative for clinical skills training. Models that are commercially produced often have a high price and are not available for all skills. Self-made models are increasingly used in veterinary education. Because there is few published data regarding their use, more scientific research is required. Aims of the Investigation The objective of this study was to determine, if self-made low-fidelity models can be successfully used in veterinary medical education. For this purpose, two self-made low-fidelity models were evaluated (study 1) and their use in combination with other teaching tools was analyzed (study 2). Materials and Methods In study 1, two self-made low-fidelity models for simulation of canine intubation and canine female urinary catheterization were developed and evaluated. We used a study design that compares acquired skills of two intervention groups and one control group in a practical examination (OSCE = objective structured clinical examination). Fifty-eight second-year veterinary medicine students received a theoretical introduction to intubation and were randomly divided into three groups. Group 1 (high-fidelity) was then trained on a commercially available Intubation Training Manikin, group 2 (low-fidelity) was trained on our low-fidelity model, and the text group read a text describing intubation of the dog. Forty-seven fifth-year veterinary medicine students followed the same procedure for training urinary catheterization using the commercially available Female Urinary Catheter Training Manikin, our self-made model, and text. Outcomes were assessed in a practical examination on a cadaver using an OSCE checklist. In study 2 we evaluated the teaching of two specific clinical skills using potcasts and low-fidelity simulation training. Two instructional potcasts describing intubation and catheterization and both low-fidelity models described above were used. In our study, potcasts are audio-visual animations that provide the learner with step by step information and instruction on a clinical skill. We used a crossover study design and compared the acquired practical skills of two intervention groups after a different theoretical preparation. A survey captured the participants’ feedback. Sixty first year veterinary medicine students were randomly allocated to two groups, a potcast group and a text group. The potcast group watched a potcast while the text group read an instructional text for preparation. Then both groups had separate self-directed training sessions on low-fidelity models. Outcomes were assessed in practical examinations on a cadaver using an objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) checklist. Results In study 1 all intervention groups performed significantly better than the text groups. Group I (high-fidelity) and group II (low-fidelity) for both intubation and catheterization showed no significant differences. In study 2 the potcast group performed significantly better than the text group in study intubation but no significant differences were observed in study catheterization. Overall, participants enjoyed clinical skills training but experienced self-directed learning as challenging. Conclusion Low-fidelity models can be as effective as high-fidelity models for clinical skills training. Clinical skills training using potcasts and self-directed low-fidelity simulation training should be complemented by supervisor or peer instruction rather than used as exclusive tool for teaching first year veterinary students. We assume though, that self-directed learning instructed by our potcasts can be a valuable chance for deepening and repetitive training of higher semesters. The use of simulation models in veterinary education has been consistently increasing in the past few years. This study is an important, timely contribution to the evaluation of simulation based education.

Entwicklung und Evaluierung von Clinical Skills - Simulatoren für die Lehre in der Tiermedizin

Aulmann, Maria 20 September 2016 (has links)
Einleitung Studierende der Veterinärmedizin müssen neben umfangreichem theoretischem Wissen zahlreiche praktische Fertigkeiten erlernen. Da jeder Einzelne in seinem eigenen Tempo lernt, besteht ein großer Bedarf an Trainingsmöglichkeiten. Kadaver und lebende Tiere sind selten in ausreichender Menge verfügbar und lebende Tiere sind zudem aus Gründen des Tierwohls nur eingeschränkt zu verwenden. Simulationsmodelle (Modelle von Organismen / Körperteilen) können hier Abhilfe schaffen. Kommerziell erhältliche Modelle sind sehr kostenintensiv und für die Tiermedizin noch nicht flächendeckend erhältlich. Zunehmend werden selbst entwickelte low-fidelity Modelle in der Tiermedizin verwendet. Aufgrund des Mangels an publizierten Daten zu ihrem Einsatz besteht intensiver Forschungsbedarf. Ziele der Untersuchungen In dieser Arbeit sollte untersucht werden, ob einfache, selbst entwickelte Simulationsmodelle (low-fidelity Modelle) erfolgreich in der Lehre eingesetzt werden können. Dazu wurden zwei selbst entwickelte und gebaute Simulationsmodelle evaluiert (Studie 1) und ihr Einsatz in Kombination mit anderen Lehrmedien untersucht (Studie 2). Materialien und Methoden In Studie 1 wurden zwei low-fidelity Modelle zur kaninen Intubation und Katheterisierung entwickelt und evaluiert. Es wurde ein Studiendesign genutzt, das die erworbenen Fertigkeiten zweier Übungsgruppen und einer Kontrollgruppe in einer praktischen Prüfung (OSCE = objective structured clinical examination) am toten Hund vergleicht. Achtundfünfzig Studierende (4. FS) erhielten eine theoretische Einführung zur Intubation und wurden randomisiert auf drei Gruppen aufgeteilt. Gruppe 1 (high-fidelity) übte am kommerziell erhältlichen Intubation Training Manikin, Gruppe 2 (low-fidelity) am entwickelten low-fidelity Modell und die Textgruppe las einen Text, der die Intubation beim Hund beschreibt. Siebenundvierzig Studierende (10. FS) durchliefen dasselbe Studiendesign zum Thema Katheterisierung der Hündin. Sie nutzten das kommerziell erhältliche Female Urinary Catheter Training Manikin, das selbst entwickelte low-fidelity Modell und Lehrtexte. In Studie 2 wurde die Vermittlung zweier spezifischer Fertigkeiten mit Hilfe von Potcasts und Simulationstraining evaluiert. Zwei anleitende Potcasts zu Intubation und Katheterisierung und die oben beschriebenen Modelle wurden innerhalb eines crossover-Studiendesigns genutzt. In dieser Studie sind Potcasts audio-visuell aufbereitete Animationen mit Schritt für Schritt – Anleitungen und Informationen. Die erworbenen praktischen Fertigkeiten zweier Übungsgruppen, die sich in der Art der theoretischen Vorbereitung unterschieden, wurden in einer praktischen Prüfung (OSCE) am toten Hund verglichen. Ein Fragebogen erfasste das Feedback der Teilnehmer. Sechzig Studierende (2. FS) wurden randomisiert auf eine Potcast- und eine Textgruppe aufgeteilt. Die Potcastgruppe sah sich das anleitende Potcast an, die Textgruppe bereitete sich anhand eines Lehrtextes vor. Im Anschluss hatten beide Gruppen separate Übungseinheiten an den low-fidelity Modellen ohne Betreuung durch Lehrende. Ergebnisse In Studie 1 schnitten alle Übungsgruppen signifikant besser ab als die Textgruppen. Gruppe 1 (high-fidelity) und Gruppe 2 (low-fidelity) unterschieden sich weder bei der Intubation noch bei der Katheterisierung signifikant in ihren Leistungen. In Studie 2 schnitt die Potcastgruppe beim Thema Intubation signifikant besser ab als die Textgruppe, beim Thema Katheterisierung ergaben sich keine signifikanten Unterschiede. Insgesamt hatte das Simulationstraining den Studierenden Spaß gemacht, das Lernen ohne Betreuer wurde jedoch als Herausforderung empfunden. Schlussfolgerungen Es ist davon auszugehen, dass low-fidelity Modelle genauso geeignet für das Training klinischer Fertigkeiten sein können wie high-fidelity Modelle. Das Training klinischer Fertigkeiten mit Hilfe von Potcasts und low-fidelity Modellen sollte durch Betreuer ergänzt werden, anstatt als alleiniges Lehrmedium für Studierende des ersten Studienjahres Verwendung zu finden. Eigenständiges Lernen klinischer Fertigkeiten, angeleitet durch Potcasts bietet eine Möglichkeit für vertiefendes und wiederholendes Training höherer Semester. Der Einsatz von Simulationsmodellen in der veterinärmedizinischen Ausbildung wächst seit wenigen Jahren stetig. Diese Arbeit leistet einen zeitgerechten Beitrag bei der Evaluierung von Simulationstraining. / Introduction Students of veterinary medicine are expected to acquire various practical skills in addition to a wide range of theoretical knowledge. There is a strong demand for training opportunities, as every individual learns and acquires practical skills at individual pace. For reasons of animal welfare concerns and availability, live animals and cadavers cannot always be used for clinical skills training. Simulation models, which are models of organisms or body parts can be a considerable alternative for clinical skills training. Models that are commercially produced often have a high price and are not available for all skills. Self-made models are increasingly used in veterinary education. Because there is few published data regarding their use, more scientific research is required. Aims of the Investigation The objective of this study was to determine, if self-made low-fidelity models can be successfully used in veterinary medical education. For this purpose, two self-made low-fidelity models were evaluated (study 1) and their use in combination with other teaching tools was analyzed (study 2). Materials and Methods In study 1, two self-made low-fidelity models for simulation of canine intubation and canine female urinary catheterization were developed and evaluated. We used a study design that compares acquired skills of two intervention groups and one control group in a practical examination (OSCE = objective structured clinical examination). Fifty-eight second-year veterinary medicine students received a theoretical introduction to intubation and were randomly divided into three groups. Group 1 (high-fidelity) was then trained on a commercially available Intubation Training Manikin, group 2 (low-fidelity) was trained on our low-fidelity model, and the text group read a text describing intubation of the dog. Forty-seven fifth-year veterinary medicine students followed the same procedure for training urinary catheterization using the commercially available Female Urinary Catheter Training Manikin, our self-made model, and text. Outcomes were assessed in a practical examination on a cadaver using an OSCE checklist. In study 2 we evaluated the teaching of two specific clinical skills using potcasts and low-fidelity simulation training. Two instructional potcasts describing intubation and catheterization and both low-fidelity models described above were used. In our study, potcasts are audio-visual animations that provide the learner with step by step information and instruction on a clinical skill. We used a crossover study design and compared the acquired practical skills of two intervention groups after a different theoretical preparation. A survey captured the participants’ feedback. Sixty first year veterinary medicine students were randomly allocated to two groups, a potcast group and a text group. The potcast group watched a potcast while the text group read an instructional text for preparation. Then both groups had separate self-directed training sessions on low-fidelity models. Outcomes were assessed in practical examinations on a cadaver using an objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) checklist. Results In study 1 all intervention groups performed significantly better than the text groups. Group I (high-fidelity) and group II (low-fidelity) for both intubation and catheterization showed no significant differences. In study 2 the potcast group performed significantly better than the text group in study intubation but no significant differences were observed in study catheterization. Overall, participants enjoyed clinical skills training but experienced self-directed learning as challenging. Conclusion Low-fidelity models can be as effective as high-fidelity models for clinical skills training. Clinical skills training using potcasts and self-directed low-fidelity simulation training should be complemented by supervisor or peer instruction rather than used as exclusive tool for teaching first year veterinary students. We assume though, that self-directed learning instructed by our potcasts can be a valuable chance for deepening and repetitive training of higher semesters. The use of simulation models in veterinary education has been consistently increasing in the past few years. This study is an important, timely contribution to the evaluation of simulation based education.

Critical care nurses' perceptions and attitudes on the use of the objective structured competence examination (OSCE) in critical care education in two hospitals in eThekwini, Durban, South Africa.

Maphumulo, Winnie Thembisile. 30 October 2014 (has links)
Intensive care units in South Africa have been faced with various challenges which in turn affect the working condition of critical care nurses, thus leading to poor productivity. Nurses in the work environment blame this poor work quality of nursing to the way critical care nurses are trained and assessed in nursing schools. There is general concern that graduate nursing students lack the knowledge and skills necessary to equip them to work in intensive units. Objectives: To measure the perceptions of critical care nursing students as well qualified critical care nurses on the use of OSCE as a valid and reliable tool to assess clinical competence in critical care nursing students. Methods: A quantitative approach and descriptive survey was administered to critical care nursing students and qualified critical care nurses who had participated in OSCE examination. The intensive care departments of two provincial (states) hospitals and (provincial) nursing college that trained critical care nurses were used. Results: The findings revealed that OSCE was still overwhelmingly accepted as a relevant tool for assessing clinical competencies in Critical Care courses by both students and staff. It was also clear that the students did not believe that all the competencies required in the ICU environment can be assessed using the OSCE method. Discussion: Critical care nursing educators are facing a challenge to develop more comprehensive method for assessing clinical skills in critical care students nurses since OSCE x examination cannot assess all the skills that are necessary in intensive care environment. In order for effective learning to take place during assessment, it is extremely important for nurse educators to give formative feedback in OSCE. / M.N. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban 2012.

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