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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att samordna CAD och AMA-koder : Hur säkerställs kvaliteten mellan ritning, MF och TB i ett projekt?

Sjöstig, Ebba January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Jämställdhet i byggbranschen : En studie med hänsyn till både män och kvinnors perspektiv med utländsk härkomst

Maloku, Arber, El-Makdah, Naame January 2019 (has links)
Sweden are building more than ever and the lack of manpower in the construction industry is today greater than the supply. However, since the great migration in 2015, a new workforce has been discovered. Previous studies show that the problem of persons with foreign descent is that cultural differences, communication and discrimination can arise, which in turn leads to the fact that people with foreign descent are not recruited The aim of the study is to investigate the perceived causes of a low number of employees with a foreign background with regard to recruiters and foreign employees in the construction industry. The authors have chosen to interview respondents only from the larger company’s and to ensure anonymity, the companies have not been mentioned and the respondents in the study have received fictitious names. The authors did sent a well-formulated email and contact was also taken by phone, to a targeted selection of employees where finally nine (n = 9) people opted to participate. The collection of data was carried out with the aid of semi-structured interviews and via a structured structure three basic topics was elected, which forms the basis of the study's empirical data. The result showed, above all, that the language was considered the fundamental reason of the low number of employees with foreign descent. Discrimination and cultural differences were also seen as an obstacle. Keywords: Diversity, culture, cultural differences, integration, immigrants, gender distribution, foreign labor, norms on the construction site, discrimination, communication, immigrants

Social hållbarhet i detaljplaneskede och i genomförandeavtal : Regleringar av sociala värden genom metodverktyg, avtal och bestämmelser

Sandberg, Lucas January 2020 (has links)
Studien granskar behovet av en konkretisering av begreppet social hållbarhet för att vägledning på strategisk nivå ska kunna genomföras. Vidare analyseras olika former av övergripande systematik som kan säkerställa ett likartat utfall gällande den sociala hållbarheten. Utöver sociala metodverktyg undersöker också studien hur sociala värden kan tas om hand och säkerställas i planbeskrivningar och planbestämmelser, samt hur kriterier för sociala krav kan utvecklas vid markanvisning och i avtalsmallar. I huvudsak fokuserar studien på hur sociala processer i detaljplaneskedet kan integrera den sociala hållbarheten som ett naturligt inslag i projekt. Samt hur dessa sociala värden sedan ska regleras och säkras genom detaljplan och genomförandeavtal. Studiens resultat har möjliggjort genom metodikerna litteraturstudie, etnografi och fallstudie. Metoddelen för fallstudien är i sin tur uppbyggd av en dokumentstudie, intervju samt ett projekturval. Genom presenterad tidigare forskning inom social hållbarhet samt genom en undersökning gällande hur olika kommuner förhåller sig till begreppet social hållbarhet visar examensstudien på bredden av konceptet. Studien presenterar också några av de viktigaste bidragsfaktorerna till social hållbar utveckling inom den urbana kontexten. Studien har genom analys av kommunerna Huddinge, Göteborg, Malmö och Stockholm fastslagit att framgångsrika metodverktyg för att jobba med social hållbarhet i detaljplaneskedet förekommer där en välfungerande SKA-metodik utmärker sig. Studien visar på hur projektresultat som avser social hållbarhet kan höjas genom att lyfta in en social konsekvensanalys i tidigt projektskede. Studien trycker på att sociala konsekvensanalyser bör finnas med genom hela stadsbyggnadsprocessen och att en tydlig kommunal definition av begreppet social hållbarhet ska finnas. De sociala konsekvensanalyserna får också gärna finnas i stadens budget för att ge utrymme åt sociala frågor i beslutsfattandet. Studien visar på att det är svårt att juridiskt reglera de mjuka värdena som är viktiga för den sociala hållbarheten på stadsdelsnivå. Dock pekar studien på flertalet fysiska faktorer som är, i olika stor grad, reglerbara genom detaljplan samt genom markanvisnings- och exploateringsavtal. Regleringar för de fysiska faktorerna kan säkerställa sociala värden samt skapa förutsättningar och möjligheter för uppfyllelse av de mjuka värdena. Studien visar att detaljplanen som verktyg för att uppnå en stärkt social hållbarhet har varit framgångsrik för att tillgodose sociala aspekter med en tydlig förankring till den fysiska miljön. För sociala aspekter där en lika tydlig fysisk förankring saknas finns begränsningar i vad som går att reglera i en detaljplan. Av genomförandeavtalen visar studien på att markanvisningsavtalet framstår som det genomförandeavtal med störst möjlighet att påverka den sociala hållbarheten. Här kan kommunen i sin position som markägare säkerställa vissa sociala aspekter för projektet. I exploateringsavtalet finns mindre möjlighet till reglering av sociala värden. I dessa sammanhang bygger mycket på exploatörens egna ambitioner för den sociala hållbarheten. Studien landar i att sociala aspekter med en tydlig fysisk förankring går att reglera i detaljplan och i genomförandeavtal. Studien visar dock på att många sociala aspekter kan vara lättare att tillgodose genom handlingar likt kvalitetsprogram, planprogram, hållbarhetsstrategier samt genom byggherredialoger med tillhörande sociala handlingsplaner. Med nuvarande lagstiftning och direktiv finns ett större spelrum i dessa handlingar för att planera och kravställa åtgärder som främjar den sociala hållbarheten. Allt för hårda regleringar i detaljplan och i genomförandeavtal som saknar ett tydligt lagstöd riskerar istället att klassas som kommunala särkrav vilket inte är tillåtet. Mjuka värden utan fysisk förankring är lika viktiga för den sociala hållbarheten men svårare att omhänderta i dessa handlingar.

Transformation Towards Sustainable Transportation : Solving the "First and Last-mile" Problem in Europe

Nora, Perk January 2020 (has links)
The thesis emphasizes the transformation towards sustainable mobility and the role of urban planning for such transformation. The aim of this thesis is to provide a comprehensive overview of different examples of solving the so-called “the first and last-mile problem” (FMLM) (which is conceptualized as a major problem for the transformation towards sustainable forms of travel) which have been tested or implemented in European cities, as well as provide an understanding of the role of the planner in these examples. The following questions were asked: What solutions to the “First and last-mile” transportation problem are currently being tested in European cities? And what is the role of urban planning in enabling the different solutions? In order to answer the first research question, a comprehensive mapping was carried out, comprising of a literature- and an internet review. The identified solutions for the “first and last-mile” were grouped into two different categories the station-based — these include car-sharing, bike-sharing, ridesharing — and free-floating solution — including car-sharing, autonomous vehicles, bike-sharing, e-scooters, scooters, taxi-/ridesharing. The second research question was answered by interviewing transportation planners and project managers in Sweden and Finland about their perceived role regarding these different solutions. The analyses showed that urban planners adopt different roles in the solution-finding process, depending on the solution and the framework within the municipality. The three dominante roles that are taken by planners are the Regulator, Partner and Promoter.

Trygg belysning för Jönköpings kyrkogårdar / Safe lighting to Jönköping cemeteries

Karlsson, Anton, Lundberg, David January 2020 (has links)
The study was conducted by the students Anton Karlsson and David Lundberg who are studying their third year in product development with a focus on light design at the school of engeneering. The study is carried out in collaboration with the Swedish Church in Jönköping and will be conducted during the spring term 2020.In today's society, security in the public environment is an important factor to consider. According to the Crime Prevention Council, 28% of Sweden's population feels unsafe when staying outdoors in the evening. Crime, drug trafficking, prostitution and theft occur in the country's cemeteries. The cemeteries should be a safe place where you can go to feel calm and not a concern to be a victim of crime.To create a safe place outdoors, there are several factors that must be considered. Lighting is there as a contributing factor to increasing security. There are different approaches that lighting can contribute to this. Often, the vertical surfaces are forgotten when planning lighting systems, which is a large part of the site and an important aspect to illuminate in order to increase safety.To answer the study's question: How to improve the feeling of security with the lighting at the cemeteries in Jönköping municipality? An experiment was performed on March 3, 2020 at Slottskyrkogården in Jönköping. 35 participants walked through the cemetery at two different light scenes and then answer two questionnaires where the questions were about how the cemetery experience and the lighting were. At one of the lighting scenes, only the existing lighting that is on site is used, which is luminaire poles. A temporary light scene was created where focus was placed on different vertical surfaces and that the landmarks that are on site during the daytime were also highlighted during the evening.The results of the experiment showed that the alternative light scene was the one that was most inviting and safe. The results were analyzed and compared between the different genders as well as the ages to see if there were any differences or similarities. The conclusion of the study is that lighting has a contributing role in the experience of security in the cemeteries. But since many already have a preconceived experience of a cemetery, this can affect how you feel when you go there. Only the lighting cannot counteract the insecurity that exists in the cemeteries, but there are many other elements to consider when planning. Illuminating the vertical surfaces and clarifying important landmarks and midpoints, you can thus increase the feeling of security.


Simon, Olofsson January 2020 (has links)
During the design phase of a building and construction project, blueprints are reviewed. This can be done in slightly different ways, which can also give different consequences for the involved tasks or increased costs for the company if faults were not noticed in time before the next stage of the construction process. At the start of the study, NCC Infrastructure Department Civil SE North experienced problems with review routines of drawing material, which hired consultants developed. Therefore, this exam work was established to generalize the reviewing process, save time but also ensure the accuracy of the work. The purpose of the study was to study parts of the planning process at NCC and to note deficiencies regarding their design review, but also to create an overview of how the blueprint review is done in a company like NCC and what problems that can arise during the reviewing process. To achieve the goal, the establishment of a supplementary basis in the form of a checklist to follow when reviewing blueprints, several methods were used. Literature study for theory of the area, document study for understanding the problems in the blueprints, which also formed the basis for the interview study's questions that resulted in what is to be examined, which areas that are critical and the staff's perception of today's reviewing process. Like many professions and projects, time is a critical aspect. At NCC it was felt that there was too little time allocated for the review, but also for the projection itself for some projects. More than half of the interviewees also felt that the number of resources allocated for review was too few. The most critical areas for blueprints were considered to be ground as well as water and sewer blueprints. Within these, the height and dimensions plan for ground blueprints were considered to be the most inadequate and ground plans for water and sewage as well. Another problem that everyone interviewed at NCC Infrastructure mentioned was that they experienced a lack of communication between hired consultants. This as each parts blueprint collided with another one’s solutions or not agreed on object locations. It is important that NCC improves clarity and guiding against hired consultants so that the quantities of materials and the choice of materials do not exceed the calculated price for the offered project. The same applies to the review process, it should be generalized and there the checklist comes in handy and can clog up uncertainties and errors that otherwise might occur or be missed, as well as simplify the work for those who are to conduct the review. In addition, the Bluebeam program should always have a significant degree of utilization when reviewing, and traditional review (by pen and paper) should only be used when collaborating with colleagues and then entering Bluebeam. / Under projekteringsfasen av ett bygg- och anläggningsprojekt så granskas upprättade ritningar. Granskningen kan göras på olika sätt och i olika omfattning vilket kan vara direkt avgörande för framgången i ett projekt. Uppmärksammas inte brister i underlag i tid så kan detta medföra stora kostnadspåslag, tidsbrist, produktionsstopp samt mer arbete för produktionspersonalen med flera. NCC Infrastructure avdelning Civil SE North upplevde vid studiens start ett antal problem med deras granskningsrutiner av ritningsmaterial, som anlitade projektörer tagit fram. Därav upprättades detta examensarbete för att generalisera granskningsprocessen, spara tid samt säkerställa noggrannheten för arbetet.  Syftet med studien var att studera en del av projekteringen på NCC och uppmärksamma brister gällande deras projekteringsgranskning, samt även få en överblick angående hur en sådan process fungerar i praktiken. Med tillhörande problem som kan uppstå under projekteringsskedet för ett projekt. För att nå målet, upprättande av ett kompletterande underlag i form av en anvisning/checklista att följa vid projekteringsgranskning, så nyttjades flera metoder. Litteraturstudie till information om området, dokumentstudie för förståelse av problemen i ritningarna, vilket även stod till grund för intervjustudiens frågeställningar som mynnade ut i ett resultat angivande vad som skall granskas, vilka områden som är kritiska samt personalens uppfattning av dagens projekteringsgranskning. Liksom i många branscher så är tiden en kritisk aspekt. På NCC upplevdes det att det avsattes för lite tid åt själva granskningen, men även för projekteringen i sig för vissa projekt. Fler än hälften av de intervjuade ansåg även att antal tillsatta resurser för granskning var för få. De mest kritiska områdena för ritningar ansågs vara markritningar samt VA-ritningar (vatten- och avloppsritningar). För markritningar ansågs höjd- och måttplan vara den mest bristfälliga och för VA-ritningar var det planerna. Ännu ett problem som alla intervjuade på Infrastructure nämnde var att de upplevde kommunikationsbrist mellan anlitade projektörer. Detta då respektive parts ritningar kolliderat med någon annan eller ej stämt överens angående objektplaceringar.  Styrningen och tydligheten mot projektörerna är det viktigt att NCC förbättrar så att inte innehållet i projekterade ritningars mängd och material sväller mot anbudet kostnadsmässigt. Detsamma gäller granskningsprocessen, den bör generaliseras så att checklistan kommer till nytta och kan täppa igen osäkerheter och fel som annars kan uppstå eller missas, samt även förenkla arbetet för dem som skall genomföra granskningen. Programmet Bluebeam som är ett av VDC verktygen som NCC-koncernen har att tillgå bör dessutom alltid ha en väsentlig nyttjandegrad vid granskning. Medan traditionell granskning endast bör användas vid samgranskning mellan kollegor för att sedan föra in synpunkter i Bluebeam.

Use of gyrotheodolitein underground control network

Lewén, Ingemar January 2006 (has links)
This thesis comprises a study of the gyroscope and the gyrotheodolite, tunnel control networks and a case study of geodetic reference networks and survey methods in the Project Hallandsås. The Project Hallandsås is a railroad tunnel project through the ridge of Hallandsås in the south of Sweden. Two parallel, 9 kilometres long, tunnels are to be constructed. The railway through these tunnels will smooth a difficult section of the Swedish main western railroad. The tunnel is excavated and lined with enforced concrete using a Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM).The demands of accuracy of geodetic reference networks in a tunnel projectare high and in projects using TBM:s, even higher. The total breakthrough accuracy in Project Hallandsås is ± 100 mm. Of this the surveys may use half of this tolerance, i.e. ± 50 mm. The possibility to do accurate surveys and establish accurate reference network are limited. In the normal case when construction takes place on the surface, the first thing that is done is to establish a site-specific geodetic network. The networks are connected to national networks or other regional networks surrounding the construction site.To have a superordinate site-specific geodetic network is also possible for a tunnel project. The differences begin with the establishment of working/construction networks below the superordinate network through densification of higher project networks. In the surface construction case it ispossible to connect the surveys to points that surround the construction area and once the networks are adjusted and checked for errors toward all points, construction may begin. This last procedure is not possible when a tunnel is excavated.However, there are methods to optimise the tunnel control network. This thesis will look at some of these methods, particularly on how different configurations of network affect the breakthrough accuracy and possibility to check the networks through redundant surveys. The gyro instrument, correctly used, is one of the most important methods to both check and improve the accuracy of the tunnel control network.The studies in this thesis will show that the breakthrough error of an open end traverse is much improved by using gyro observations, and that a more redundant network is also improved but to a lower degree. We will also seethat the gyro observations plays a significant role in checking the open-ended traverse for errors even though more redundant network will always be betterfor the checking and elimination of errors. This thesis will only discuss surveys in the plane coordinate system.

Attraktiva boendemiljöer och effekterna av en infrastrukturinvestering : en kvalitativ fallstudie / Attractive living environments and the effects of an infrastructure investment : a qualitative case study

Falkö, Maria January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Achieve a balance between publicness and commercialisation : Space for public street life in South Luogu Lane Block, Beijing, China / Finn en balans mellan offentlighet och kommersialisering : Plats för offentligt gatuliv i Södra Loungu Lane Block, Beijing China

Wang, Xiaohui January 2015 (has links)
China is now seeking for more sustainable and healthy urban development and pays much attention to better quality of urban life in the process of new-type urbanization. Beijing, as the capital and economic centre in China, plays a leading role in practices for vital and diverse urban life in the existing urban space, especially Hutong redevelopment. A lot of problems and challenges emerge in this process, such as over commercialization of public space, gentrification, and exclusion of original inhabitants. Based on a combination of western public life study and Chinese practises, this thesis tries to figure out the problems and spatial role of Hutong in the process of regenerating thriving public street life in South Luogu Lane Block in Beijing. To find proper solutions for these problems, the thesis looks into Gehl’s public life theory, Hillier’s space syntax and practices from Project for Public Spaces. With the placemaking strategy, the thesis aims to find a way to achieve a balance between publicness and commercialization in Hutong redevelopment and create good public street space for commercial activities and everyday life in South Luogu Lane Block. / China söker nu mer hållbar och hälsosam stadsutveckling och anstränger sig för att skapa bättre kvalitet på stadsliv i processen av ny-typ urbanisering. Beijing (Peking??), som huvudstad och den ekonomiska centralen i Kina, spelar en ledande roll i att införa praktiker för vitala och skiftande stadsliv i den existerande stadsrum, speciellt ombyggnaden i Hutong. Många problem och utmaningar kommer fram i denna process, såsom kommersialisering av offentlig mark, gentrification och uteslutning av de ursprungliga medborgare. Baserad på en combination studier om offentligt liv i väst och kinesisk praxis, försöker den här uppsatsen ta reda på vilka problem som finns i Hutong och dess spatiala roll i processen av återskapandet av blomstrande gatuliv i South Luogu Lane Block i Peking. För att hitta passande lösningar för dessa problem, ser denna uppsats till Gehls teori om offentligt liv, Hillers plats syntax och metoder från Projekt för O offentliga platser. Med strategin av placemaking, är målsättningen att hitta ett sätt att uppnå balans mellan offentlighet och kommersialisering i Hutong nyutveckling och skapa god offentlig gatuplats för kommersiella aktiviteter och vardagsliv I South Luogu Lane Block. / Research project - Urban form and Social life (Human Behaviour)

On the statistical tests over Fennoscandian GNSS/levelling networks

Zoghi, Sedigheh January 2015 (has links)
In Geodesy and Surveying we work with a large amount of observations which alwayscontains different types of errors. The errors decrease the quality of the observations andpropagate to the results. Therefore, detection and removing the gross errors are of vitalimportance. The Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) can be used to measure theellipsoidal height and by subtracting an existing geoid height from that, the orthometric heightcan be determined. There is a simple linear relation amongst these triple heights, whichcannot be fulfilled due to the presence of different types of error. One of the important sort ofthese errors is gross errors.This study concerns about investigation and detection of blunders or gross errors on the 4346GNSS/levelling points over Fennoscandia. Each country has its own data set with specificprecision. The well-known gravity model EGM08 is used to compute the geoid heights withrespect to WGS84 reference ellipsoid. We have a large amount of data and we expect thattheir errors follow the normal distribution. The main aim of this thesis is to apply some datascreening methods both before and after adjustment process in such a way that the normaldistribution of the data set is achieved by eliminating the erroneous data. This will be done byperforming the pre- and post-adjustment data screening. For the pre-adjustment we performeddata filtering, test of normality of observations and test of their variances for theGNSS/levelling data over Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland. We used the 4-, 5- and 7-parameter corrective surfaces for modelling the systematic trends of the differences betweenthe EGM08 geoid model and the ellipsoidal and orthometric height differences. The test ofnormality of residuals, global test of variance, Baarda’s data snooping and Tau test will beperformed after the removal of the trends. Numerical studies show that the GNSS/levellingdata of Sweden, Denmark and Finland are of good qualities, but the claimed errors for thedata are rather optimistic. The situation was complicated for the data of Norway and we couldnot see the normality of the data and even the claimed accuracies seem to be optimistic.

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