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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Urban Hospitals : a Spatial Analysis of Hospitals as Urban Sites

Hausenkamp, Elin Magdalena January 2022 (has links)
During the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, lockdowns havepushed urban planners to think aloud about the future of urbanspace in our cities. The hospital is where we confront ourmortality and give ourselves over to other powers, whether it bethose of medicine and technology or some source of faith. Thisurban space in which we are now immersed daily often remainsunseen and unnoticed within the discipline of urban planning.Images of medical technologies and the movement of patientsthrough the hospital facility distort our visual idea of the hospitalas an urban space as we have become increasingly reliant onmedical professionals to define the experience of the site. In this master’s thesis, the idea of hospitals as urban spaces isrevisited. Looking specifically at ideas of defining urban sites,public health and urban planning, hospital type, and distributionof powers, three hospital sites in Brussels and their relationshipto the city are represented in a series of visual experiments usingmapping as a research tool. It concludes that urban plannerswould do well to look back at such models as hospital designerstry to frame and situate the hospital of the future.

NNH - ur Stockholms läns kommuners perspektiv

Carlbark, Terese, Hirsch, Magdalena January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Mobility discourses in past present and sustainable planning: The case of Karachi

Malm, Sofie January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Cohousing and resource use : A case study of the Färdknäppen cohouse / Kollektivboende och resursanvändning : En fallstudie av kollektivhuset Färdknäppen

Sundberg, Fredrik January 2014 (has links)
In relation to the contemporary discussion about sustainable housing, this thesis investigates cohousing from a resource use perspective. Cohousing is a type of housing is based on the idea of sharing space and domestic work, while still having the privacy that a private apartment gives. The sharing of meals, space and things that is common in cohouses is often believed to save resources, and this thesis makes use of a case study in the cohouse Färdknäppen in Stockholm. To evaluate the resource use, system analysis has been used. System analysis is commonly used to analyze the environmental impact from goods or services, but not so commonly on housing in the way this study uses it. More exactly, the system analysis studied the resources used to provide housing for one person during one year, which included shelter, but also other things normally associated with a home such as meals. Results showed that the sharing of meals does not result in less consumption of food, and that sharing of things saves resources to a relatively small extent. Still, by living in Färdknäppen, a person can save as much a ton of greenhouse gas-emission per year compared to the average. This substantial save mainly comes from less use of both heating- and electric energy, which in turn results from the way the cohouse is working. The communal cooking is believed to save electricity and the sharing of space allows resident to live with less floor space in total which saves energy for heating and electricity. There is also a potential to further lower resource use by changing the diet and to live with even less floor space that could be utilized in a cohouse, as well as in conventional homes.

Clustering and cartographic simplification of point data set

Batsos, Epameinondas, Rabbi, Atta January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Visualization of a SWEPOS Coordinate Analysis

Bronder, Axel Viking January 2011 (has links)
Lantmäteriet, The Swedish Mapping, Cadastral and Land Registration Authority, is responsible for the operation and maintenance of SWEPOS and SWEREF99 (the Swedish official reference frame) and there-fore also responsible for control and verification of the data provided by the reference stations.Clas-Göran Persson at Lantmäteriet has created a new controlling procedure, including software, to analyze the position uncertainties of the SWEPOS stations using various statistical methods. The soft-ware evaluates the daily calculated coordinate data of the stations subsequently; it will not be installed directly on the actual stations. The primary goal is to study the stability of SWEPOS from a SWEREF 99 point of view, not to analyze SWEPOS real-time service. The controlling procedure is referred to as “the CGP Program”.The CGP Program is a toolbox of statistical methods created in MATLAB, determining standard devia-tion, correlation, distribution (outliers) and more. Its main purpose is to determine if the SWEPOS data consists of uniform uncorrelated normal distributed deviations, known as white noise, or not.The purpose of my Thesis is to; based on this new controlling procedure, create a graphical overview of the current status of the SWEPOS network for Lantmäteriet. Instead of making a thorough analysis of each station the maps created in this Thesis will visualize the outcome on an overall basis and identify the stations and areas of interest for further analysis.Together with representatives from Lantmäteriet we decided that three different map types where of interest. All the maps were to be based on SWEPOS data from 2010, analyzed by the CGP program, and visualized on a nationwide basis. They differ in their cartographic appearance and they all describe dif-ferent characteristics of the SWEPOS stations.Conclusions from the maps and the numerical analyzes: * There is a clear "winter effect", most obvious in the height coordinate. Removal of the snow-period results in lower standard deviations and fewer unwanted systematic effects. * The Northing coordinate has a slightly higher standard deviation than the Easting coordinate. The standard deviation in Height is around 50% larger than the horizontal standard deviation. * There is no evidence for physical movements, when comparing the official SWEREF 99 coordinates with the 2010 positions.

En analys av webbtjänster för bearbetning av GNSS-data

Horn, Matti January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

"Hållbara städer" - teori, politik och praktik / "Sustainable cities" - theory, policy and practice

Uski, Viktoria January 2011 (has links)
Dagens urbaniseringstakt innebär att majoriteten av alla svenskar nu bor i städer. Detta ställer stora krav på politiker och tjänstemän att skapa goda livsmiljöer med hänsyn till de tre välkända hållbarhetsaspekterna; ekologisk, social och ekonomisk. För att möjliggöra en hållbar stadsutveckling gäller det bland annat att; identifiera vilka problem som aktiviteterna i staden orsakar, sätta upp en vision om hur man vill att en mer hållbar stad ska se ut, därefter gäller det att bryta ned visionen i delmål som är väldefinierade och förankrade bland både politiker, tjänstemän och innevånare, sist och slutligen gäller det att ha en arbetsplan och även en strategi för uppföljning om målen nås. Arbetet med hållbar stadsutveckling fortgår hela tiden utifrån de rådande förutsättningarna, det går inte att uppnå ett tillstånd då allt blivit hållbart. Med bakgrund av detta har Regeringen tillsatt Delegationen för hållbara städer, som år 2008-2010 delade ut ekonomiskt stöd till investerings- och planeringsprojekt i Sverige med hållbarhetsambitioner. Projekten inkluderade åtgärder som minskar koldioxidutsläppen. Uppdraget har blivit förlängt så att Delegationen kan följa upp projekten och fortsätta samla in kunskap om hållbar stadsutveckling, vilken sen ska spridas vidare. Uppsatsen har i syfte att undersöka hur hållbara städer kan möjliggöras utifrån genomtänkta planeringsstrategier och visioner. Detta görs genom att undersöka svensk politik inom området och titta på relevant forskning, samt genom att studera fyra fall i stockholmsområdet som fått ekonomiskt stöd från Delegationen för hållbara städer.

Risk analysis : a tool in decision-making

Näsman, Per January 2005 (has links)
In our daily life we are surrounded by different kind of risks and we constantly strive for better methods to quantify and in the prolongation manage these risks. Every activity involves some risks and there are some kinds of risks and some level of risks that we are unwilling to accept. We all like to live a life that is free from risks, but that is impossible. The word risk has a lot of different interpretations. In this thesis we shall let risk stand for the combination of random or uncertain events with negative consequences for human health, life and welfare and for the environment together with some measures of the likelihood of such events. We believe this is the prevailing concept or understanding of risk; as the probability of an event followed by some negative consequences or activities of that event. In risk analysis one tries to recognize the nature of various risks and to assess the magnitude of the risks. In the risk analysis it is very important to know what system to consider and this is not self evident in many cases. The situation is clearly different for planning and/or building a system compared with running the same system in a real time state. The system that is going to be the subject to the risk analysis must be clearly defined and the limitations and the boundaries of the system must be set. It is very important to ensure that all persons involved in a risk analysis have a common understanding of the system being considered, including relevant operations. During the past decades many studies have been carried out on risk related topics and the society has showed a significant interest in the field of risk analysis. Risk analysis is the interdisciplinary field of science that combines results and knowledge of probability theory, mathematical statistics, engineering, medicine, philosophy, psychology, economics and other applied disciplines. In this thesis we will give some examples of different risk analyses carried out basically within two areas. The first part of the thesis (paper 1- paper V) describes different risk analyses carried out in the area of transportation. This is an area with large differences between the different modes of transportation in respect to, for example number of users, number of accidents, magnitude of the accidents and accessible data. The latter part of the thesis (paper VI and paper VII) describes two risk analyses carried out in the field of medicine. Medicine is a science, which has used methods from the area of risk analysis for a long time. The different papers will be used to discuss risk analysis as a tool in decision-making. / <p>QC 20100616</p>

Utvecklingspotential till en mer attraktiv bostadsmarknad : En teoretisk värderingsanalys av stadskvaliteter och dess relevans för bostadsbyggandet

Jamil, Badar January 2014 (has links)
Stockholm has in recent years experienced a strong population increase but despite that fact, the demand for housing has not been followed by enough housing contracts. According to forecasts, growth in population will further be continued upward. With more condominiums than rental units on the market, new apartments are too expensive to live in. This creates unsustainable problems for those in lower classes of society. Creating a housing market in the periphery of Stockholm is not sustainable from a social perspective. A new “Million programme” could cost the city too much, financially and socially. The housing problem requires a type of planning that puts keywords, such as density, accessibility, attractiveness and green factors in relation to each other. A collaboration between consultancies Spacescape and Evidence, in fall of 2010 aimed to investigate the relationship between the living environment and the willingness to pay a certain price. This was done by studying the relationships between urban structures and housing prices. The study clearly shows that there is a need to change the way current housing policy focuses on the matter. A change from urban policy regulated hosing perspective development to a more necessity and attractiveness urban perspective. A shift from quantity to quality. The investigation from Spacescape shows that there potential to further build 140,000 housings in Stockholm municipality, afterwards, the buildable land is exploited to a maximum. Stockholm Chamber of Commerce also follows up on this statement, arguing that current land-use restrictions puts an end for further buildable land in Stockholm, if restrictions are not regulated.   In this study, Årsta and Björkhagen have been studied from a purely urban perspective, with focus on how green and infrastructure could be designed to create a more attractive housing market in these areas. With Spacescapes report as a basis, I have developed three draft plans for both districts that contribute to a vision of creating a denser and cohesive neighborhood environment with additionally a housing market that meet the demand of the market. Moreover, a price analysis has been done to study the difference in prices of such a housing market. In conclusion, from an urban perspective, there is potential to meet the supply and demand of housing in Stockholm. The proposal draft plans will undoubtedly have a significant environmental impact on local and national policies, laws and regulations regarding the use and management of land. But viewed from a long-term planning perspective, this type of urban development creates incentives that could benefit the state, the municipality, the market and its residents. If it is from an economic, social or an environmental perspective, that is for another discussion. The purpose of this work is to contribute as supporting material for further studies to gain greater knowledge of what it takes to solve the shortage of attractive homes in Stockholm. / Stockholm har fått uppleva en stark befolkningsökning dem senaste åren men trots efterfrågan av bostäder har inte utbudet varit tillräckligt. Enligt prognoser för Stockholm läns befolkningsutveckling kommer denna trend dessutom vara fortsatt uppåt. Med fler bostadsrätter än hyresrätter på markanden blir de nya bostäderna som byggs alltför dyra att bo i. Detta skapar ohållbara problem för dem lägre klasserna av samhället. Att skapa en bostadsmarknad i periferin av Stockholm är inte hållbart ur ett socialt perspektiv. Risken för ett nytt miljonprogram kan kosta staden allt för högt, både ekonomiskt och ur ett socialt perspektiv i ett längre perspektiv. För att komma ut ur denna bostadproblematik krävs att planering ställs i relation till täthet, tillgänglighet, attraktivitet och gröna faktorer. Ett samarbete mellan konsultföretagen Spacescape och Evidens skedde hösten 2010 då de båda fick i ett gemensamt uppdrag från Regionplanekontoret och fyra andra kommuner att utreda relationen mellan boendemiljö och betalningsviljan för bostäder, genom att studera sambanden mellan stadsstruktur och bostadsrättspriser. Studien visar tydligt att det finns ett behov av att ändra fokus på den rådande bostadspolitiken. Från att bygga ur ett stadsbyggnadspolitiskt perspektiv till att bygga för en nödvändig attraktiv stadsmiljö perspektiv. En bostadspolitik som växlar från kvantitet till kvalitet. Rapport från Spacescape visar att det finns potential till att ytterligare bygga 140 000 bostäder, men endast om Stockholms översiktsplans riktlinjer följs, efteråt är den byggbara marken slut. Stockholms Handelskammare följer upp detta påstående och menar att restriktioner i praktiken gör att det inte finns någon byggbar mark i Stockholms och att lättnader i restriktion gränserna behövs för att skapa mer utrymme. Årsta och Björkhagen i Stockholm stad har studerats ur ett rent stadsmässigt perspektiv med fokus på hur grön- och infrastruktur bör planeras för att skapa en mer attraktivare bostadmarknad i dessa områden. Med Spacescapes rapport som underlag har jag tagit fram tre planförslag för båda stadsdelarna som bidrar till en vision om att skapa en mer tät och sammanhållen stadsdelsmiljö. Vidare har även en ekonomisk analys gjorts för att studera vilken skillnad i pris som det nya området kan få. Slutsats visar att det ur ett stadsmässigt perspektiv finns både potential och underlag för att möta utbud och efterfrågan av bostäder i Stockholm. Det planförslag som tagits fram i detta arbete kommer med all säkerhet ha betydande miljöpåverkan och lär strida mot kommunalaoch nationella riktlinjer, lagar och förordningar gällande användning och hantering av land och markutnyttjande. Men sett ur ett långsiktigt planeringsperspektiv kan denna typ av stadsutveckling skapa incitament som gynnar staten, kommunen, marknaden och invånarna. Om det är ur ett ekonomiskt, socialt eller miljö perspektiv är för en vidare diskussion. Syftet med detta arbete är att bidra som stödjande underlag till fortsatta studier för att få större kunskap i vad som krävs för att lösa bristen på attraktiva bostäder i Stockholm.

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