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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Formation Of Turkish National Identity: The Role Of The Greek

Ergul, Feride Asli 01 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
This dissertation analyzes the role of the Greek &ldquo / other&rdquo / in the process of Turkish national identity formation. Addressing the transformation of Turkish identity from multi-ethnic, multi-cultural and multi-religious imperial character into a homogeneous and unitary national form, this thesis mainly focuses on the changing attitude of the Ottoman elites of the last period and the modern Turkish state elites towards the Greeks in domestic and foreign affairs. In fact, this change can be evaluated as a part of constructing a Turkish nation which had been long carried out as break from the plural Ottoman inheritance. Within this context, this dissertation aims to understand the importance of Greek culture in Turkish identity, the stimulating role of the Greek existence in Anatolia during the Turkish War of Independence, neglect of the Turkish history writing about the Greek background or the Rumi identity and besides, the fragile relations between Turkey and Greece via questioning the overlapping aspects of Turkish nationalism and Greek &ldquo / otherization&rdquo / .

Otherness, Resistance, and Identity Negotiation in the First Year Com[position Classroom

Ajifowowe, Olatomide 01 August 2018 (has links)
With respect to matters of identities as a treacherous and sensitive subject in today’s college classroom, this project explores concepts like identity, otherness, resistance, otherization, writer’s identity, and identity negotiation; and interrogates how these concepts may affect learning and professional relationship among the class members in the First Year Composition Classroom. The crux of the argument in this research is that process and social construction collaborative pedagogies can be effective in negotiating the resistance and otherness manifesting from identity dichotomies in the First Year Composition classroom.

Kebab Med Potatismos : En litteraturstudie om den multikulturella individens identitetsutveckling / Kebab with mashed potatoes : A literature review about the identity development of the multicultural individual

Ismail, Hanna, Safaa Abdulrazak, Roza January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att sammanställa tidigare forskning om multikulturalismen och identitet för att studera multikulturalismens påverkan på individens identitetsutveckling. Studiens frågeställningar var ”Hur påverkar kultur formandet av individens identitet? och ”Hur hanterar individen upplevelsen/upplevelserna av att leva mellan olika kulturer?”. Den metoden som användes var en litteraturstudie och åtta artiklar valdes ut genom elektroniska databassökningar i OneSearch och ProQuest. För att tolka det empiriska materialet användes Andrafiering som teoretiskt begrepp samt R/CID modellen. Studiens resultat visar att nackdelarna av att uppleva brist på tillhörighet i båda sina kulturer och anpassningen till den ena kulturen skapar en isolering av den andra. När individen känner sig trygg i sin identitet tar man avstånd från den etnocentristiska mentaliteten och inser att man är en blandning av olika kulturer och försöker förena dessa istället för att skifta identitet. Studien visade vidare att individerna uppskattar resan de gjort igenom stegen då de inser alla fördelarna med sina erfarenheter. Tredje kulturs individer anser att tillhörigheten kommer från delade upplevelser med folk i sin omgivning snarare än land, kultur och etnicitet. Slutsatsen av studien var att den identitetsutvecklingen som Third Culture Individuals genomgår bidrar till att de blir mer öppensinnade och fördomsfria. Att inte ha en säker omgivning, och vara delad mellan flera kulturer, gör det svårt för individen att nå en trygg identitet och därför skiftar individerna identiteter beroende på vilket sammanhang de befinner sig i. / The aim of the study was to compile previous research about multiculturalism and identity to study multiculturalism's effects on identity development. Our research questions were: “How does culture affect the construction of the individual’s identity?” and “How does the individual cope with the experiences of living between different cultures?”. The method chosen was a literature review and eight articles were selected through electronic database searches in OneSearch and ProQuest. The theoretical framework used to analyze the result was “Otherization” and the R/CID model. The study highlights the disadvantages of the lack of belonging to both cultures and how adaptation to one culture creates isolation to the other. When the individual feels safe in their identity, they abandon the ethnocentric mentality and realize that they are a mix of cultures and try to unite these. The study showed that individuals appreciate the journey through the levels as they benefit from the experience. TCI:s believe that belonging comes from shared experiences with people in their surrounding rather than country, culture and ethnicity. The study concludes that the identity development that TCI:s fulfill contributes to them becoming more open-minded and unbiased. Also, lacking a stable environment and being in the middle of several cultures makes it difficult for the individual to reach a secure and confident identity, and therefore TCI:s shift their identity depending on the context in which they find themselves.

”The Aid Workers' Difficult Decisions in Ebolaland” : An analysis of the Swedish news reporting on the Ebola outbreak in West Africa / "Hjälparbetarnas svåra beslut i Ebolaland" : En analys av den svenska reporteringen av Ebolautbrottet i Västafrika

Johansson, Niklas January 2014 (has links)
This article is to scrutinize Western media on the Ebola outbreak in West Africa by looking more closely at the largest Swedish newspapers. It is to investigate the otherization of Africa and the African, more specifically, whether there are Orientalist features within the media reporting that can construct an Africanness, the Africanization of Africa, as well as the reinforcement of West's own identity, the de-Africanization of the West, portarying it as non-African, and more importantly whether the Ebola disease has undergone this de-Africanization process. Thus, also investigating whether Orientalism is applicable on Africa. Mainly Edward Saïd's Orientalist theory is used as theoretical framework along with other scholars representing ideas that can support the Orientalist claim. What will be concluded is that there are certain news articles that can be interpreted in a way that reinforces the Orientalist discourse, but that these are well hidden and in some cases only implicitly understood due to the selective reporting on certain incidents.

Sectarian Conflict And Inability To Construct A National Identity In Northern Ireland In Christina Reid

Yazan, Bedrettin 01 August 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Based on Christina Reid&rsquo / s five Plays &ldquo / Tea in a China Cup,&rdquo / &ldquo / Did You Hear the One About the Irishman &hellip / ?,&rdquo / &ldquo / Joyriders,&rdquo / &ldquo / The Belle of the Belfast City,&rdquo / and &ldquo / My Name, Shall I Tell You My Name?&rdquo / the aim of this study is to put under discussion the idea that the sectarian conflict between the two ethno-religious communities in Northern Ireland is maintained deliberately and a national identity unique to the people in this country cannot be constructed at least in the near future. The Protestants in Northern Ireland cannot choose Irishness as a national identity because the Irishness has been monopolized by the Catholics, and cannot adopt the Britishness as a national identity because of the varieties in the social factors they have. Likewise, the Catholics in Northern Ireland do not call themselves British because their Catholicism involves an Irish identity with the rejection of the British rule, and they cannot truly entitle themselves Irish due to the differences in social conditions. However, both factions try to adhere themselves to a national identity through their communal ideology. The Protestants claim that they are part of Britain, while the Catholics claim that they are members of Irish Nation. This situation has led to reluctance in both communities to stop the conflictual circumstances which encourage both groups to tether to their traditions more intensely, to contribute to the otherization process reinforcing their social identity and lead them to impose their working ideology on their new members whose divergence from traditions will definitely pose a threat to their identity. Also, in this country the forgetting / remembering process, which is actually exploited to forge a national identity, is orchestrated by the two communities to enlarge the intercommunal chasm through the narration of the old stories and memories, creation of stories, commemoration activities and museumizing certain objects. Throughout the study the key points which will be highlighted are as follows: nation, national identity and nation building process, the sectarian conflict between the two communities in Northern Ireland, maintenance of conflictual situation and the employment of the forgetting / remembering process in Northern Ireland.

Refugees: victims or threats to society? : An analysis of the discourse on the securitization of refugees in the Netherlands

op 't Hoog, Gabriëlle January 2017 (has links)
This thesis aims to understand how the discourse on the securitization of migration in the Netherlands is constructed and which components establish and shape this linguistic context. More specifically, the role of Dutch politicians in the shaping of the discourse will be investigated by means of an analysis of their questions, answers, and debates as recorded in the parliament. The discourse is further scrutinized by way of seven different categories of perceiving refugees: (1) refugees as opponents to the home regime, (2) as threat to culture, (3) as threat to socio-economic welfare, (4) as hostages in the receiving country, (5) as a threat to security, (6) as a political tool, and (7) as a victim of conflict. More importantly, this research intends to reveal how these different elements are interconnected and, through this, influence the shape and development of the discourse. Moreover, the development of the discourse on the securitization of migration between 2014 and 2017 is analyzed to understand if, how, and to what extent it has changed. This analysis is viewed from a postcolonial angle through which the ‘otherization’ of the refugees and the ‘us versus them’ typology in the Dutch society will be linked to the development of the discourse on the securitization of migration.

Framing Terrorism and its Effects on Attitudes toward Islam: An Experiment

Michael, Valentina Michelle 23 September 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Crimean Rhetorical Sovereignty: Resisting A Deportation Of Identity

Berry, Christian 01 January 2013 (has links)
On a small contested part of the world, the peninsula of Crimea, once a part of the former Soviet Union, lives a people who have endured genocide and who have struggled to etch out an identity in a land once their own. They are the Crimean Tatar. Even their name, an exonym promoting the Crimeans’ “peripheral status” (Powell) and their ensuing “cultural schizophrenia” (Vizenor), bears witness to the otherization they have withstood throughout centuries. However, despite attempts to relegate them to the history books, Crimeans are alive and well in the “motherland,” but not without some difficulty. Having been forced to reframe their identities because of numerous imperialistic, colonialist, and soviet behavior and policies, there have been many who have resisted, first and foremost through rhetorical sovereignty, the ability to reframe Crimean Tatar identity through Crimean Tatar rhetoric. This negotiation of identity through rhetoric has included a fierce defense of their language and culture in what Malea Powell calls a “war with homogeneity,” a struggle for identification based on resistance. This thesis seeks to understand the rhetorical function of naming practices as acts that inscribe material meaning and perform marginalization or resistance within the context of Crimea-L, a Yahoo! Group listserv as well as immediate and remote Crimean history. To analyze the rhetoric of marginalization and resistance in naming practices, I use the Discourse Historical Approach (DHA) to Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) within recently archived discourses. Ruth Wodak’s DHA strategies will be reappropriated as Naming Practice Strategies, depicting efforts in otherization or rhetorical sovereignty.

Obrazy jinakosti a odrazy turismu ve východní Indonésii / Kidnapping Otherness. Tourism, Imaginaries and Rumor in Eastern Indonesia

Kábová, Adriana January 2019 (has links)
This dissertation is based on my research into distinction processes (Calhoun, 1994; Cerulo 1997) between tourists and inhabitants of West Sumba in Eastern Indonesia. The imaginiaries (Castoriadis, 1987; Strauss, 2006; Lacan, 1977; Anderson, 1991; Salazar, 2012) of West Sumbanese people about foreigners also emerge from diving rumors (Bysow, 1928; Allport and Postman, 1947/1965). Their origins, dissemination, and sharpening processes, as well as their consequences will be analysed herein. This case study demonstrates how mental models of otherness are formed and reified, how they clash, and for what purposes they may be utilized. It will also analyze how imaginaries influence behavior and may lead to miscommunication in West Sumba.

Silence and Agony: A Comparison of Chronic Pain Depictions in Newspapers, Magazines, and Blogs by People with Chronic Pain

Donovan, Robin K. 25 April 2011 (has links)
No description available.

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