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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ombyggnad av liggtimmerstomme : Aktionsstudie av ombyggnad av ladugården på Nygården, Vemdalens Kyrkby 4:5.

Brandén, Anders January 2016 (has links)
Behoven av att nyttja gamla ekonomibyggnader i sitt ursprungliga användningsområde har minskat. De gamla husen har dock kvalitéer som är värda att bevara vilket bör betänkas innan de plockas ner eller eldas upp. Denna rapport är en aktionsstudie av ladugårdsbyggnaden på Nygården, Vemdalens Kyrkby 4;5. Projektbyggnaden är en liggtimmerbyggnad från mitten av 1800-talet som för närvarande används som garage och förråd. Ägarna till gården har för avsikt att riva projektbyggnaden och istället uppföra en gäststuga på samma platts. I rapporten avhandlas möjligheten att istället med god byggnadsvård renovera liggtimmerstommen och anpassa ladugården till en modern bostad. I rapporten granskas vilka fördelar det kan innebära att bygga om ladugården istället för att riva den och bygga nytt. För att svara på frågor har olika undersökningsmetoder använts. En okulär besiktning av byggnaden ha genomförts där sakkunnig timmerman gav sin åsikt om stommens kondition och brister. Utifrån besiktning, intervju med ytterligare timmerman och med hjälp av litteraturstudier presenteras ett förslag om åtgärder inom ramen för god byggnadsvård. Diskussion förs angående ombyggnadens lönsamhet med avseende på ekonomi, ekologi och kvalité och jämförs med rivning och nybyggnad. Slutsatsen är att projektbyggnaden lämpar sig för ombyggnad då den är av god kvalité och kondition samt uppförd med en byggnadsteknik som är lämpad för förändring. Utförandet av förändringar och av åtgärder mot brister är relativt enkelt men tidskrävande. Kvalitativa, ekonomiska och ekologiska fördelar som värmetröghet, historia, materialbesparingar samt minskad mängd avfall står att finna. / The need to use old outbuildings in its original use has decreased. The old houses, however, has qualities that are worthy of protection which should be borne in mind before they are teared down. This report is an action study of the barn on Nygården, Vemdalens Kyrkby 4; 5th. The project building is a lug building from the mid-1800s, currently used as garage and storage. The owners of the estate intend to tear down the barn to make space for a new guest house. The report treats the possibility to maintain the barn and rebuild it into a modern residence, within the framework of building preservation. The report examines benefits with rebuilding the barn instead of tearing it down and new produce. Different research methods are used. A visual inspection of the building is done in cooperation with a lug carpenter who gives his opinion on structural conditions. Based on the inspection, an interview with another carpenter and literature studies a proposal on measures, within the framework of building preservation, is presented. Profitability in terms of economy, ecology and quality is discussed and compared with demolition and new production. The conclusion is that the project building is suitable for renovation due to good quality, good condition and it has a construction suitable for change. The measures of change are relatively simple but time consuming. Qualitative, economic and ecological benefits to be find is among other thermal inertia, material consuming savings and reduction of waste.

Penzion na vinařské stezce / Boarding house

Císařová, Jana January 2014 (has links)
The building will serve as a holiday bording house and in the additional wine cellar is located mill with seating. Floor plan house has a rectangular shape, the main entrance is oriented from the east. Bording house has two floors . Ceiling structure is continuous reinforced concrete slab thickness 200 mm. The truss is made of wooden roof trusses. The guest house is constructed from a ceramic system from Wienerberger. The external walls are made of ceramic blocks Porotherm 30 P + D and 15 cm of thermal insulation. The internal load-bearing walls are made of bricks Porotherm 30 AKU P + D. The internal non-load bearing walls - plasterboard walls are Knafo type Diamant (between bytes) W 155, W 151, W 152, W153 . Extension to the existing floor plan from the cellar has a rectangular shape , the main entrance is oriented to the west. Extension to existing from the cellar is constructed from a ceramic system from Wienerberger. The external walls are made of ceramic blocks Porotherm 30 P + D and 10 cm of thermal insulation. The internal load-bearing walls are made of bricks Porotherm 30 AKU P + D. The internal non-load bearing walls - plasterboard walls are Knafo type Diamant W 151, W 152. Floor plan of the summer has a rectangular shape, the inputs are oriented on the south side . Summer part is constructed from a ceramic system from Wienerberger. The external walls are made of ceramic blocks Porotherm 24 P + D. The internal load-bearing walls are made of bricks Porotherm 24 P + D. Interior non-bearing walls are made of bricks Porotherm 11.5 P + D. The construction will be included in family houses and wine cellars as an isolated object. The objects leads paving of sidewalks and driveway with parking.

Společnost nad Sázavou / Society over the Sázava

Dorňáková, Monika Unknown Date (has links)
The work deals with the reconstruction and outbuilding of the community center in Zdar nad Sazavou. The existing house was built in the 70s last century. The building served as a day nursery in the past and then as a branch office of primary school. In this time is a part of the building used by the Club in 9 and Day of center for children and youth, part of the building is unused. The building is located in the centre of inaccessible and unkempt gardens and do not communicate with the surrounding. The aim of the diploma work is to change this situation. Using the construction impacts to create from the building a home and garden, which will be open to the surrounding and will be to interact with it. It using the reconstructions and outbuildings, which will respect the original DNA of the house.

Träförband byggda med traditionell teknik : En analys av hållfastheten hos takstolförband i en äldre ekonomibyggnad / Wooden joints built with traditional technique : An analysis of the strength in truss joints in an older outbuilding

Brattström, Niels, Averbo Wallin, Joel January 2015 (has links)
I Sverige finns det ett stort antal ekonomibyggnader som är byggda med traditionell timmermansteknik. Merparten är upprättade mellan 1870 – 1940, ofta byggda i egen regi utan att laster beaktats eller dimensioneringsberäkningar utförts. I dagsläget finns det standarder som beskriver hur en lämplig dimensionering av moderna konstruktioner och förband bör utföras, men inga riktlinjer för hur äldre träförband kan kontrolleras.   Målet med examensarbetet är att med utgångpunkt från Eurokoder göra en approximativ hållfasthetsberäkning av de förband som återfinns i takstolen i ett studerat objekt, med syfte att avgöra huruvida Eurokoder är lämpliga som beräkningsmedel för äldre träförband.   Resultatet visar att vissa förband i hög grad är beroende av att krafter kan tas upp via friktion, vilket är något som inte beaktas i Eurokoder. Dessutom innebär de säkerhetsfaktorer som Eurokoder medför att en del förband anses underdimensionerade. / There is a large amount of outbuildings built with traditional cogging technique in Sweden. Most of them were built in 1870-1940, often without proper dimensioning. Today there are standards describing how to properly dimension modern structures and joints, but there are no standards describing how to verify the strength of older wooden joints.   The objective of the thesis is to approximate the strength of the joints found in the truss of an actual outbuilding by using Eurocodes, with the purpose to determine whether the Eurocodes are suitable as a calculation tool for older wooden joints.   The result shows that curtain joints are highly dependent on forces of friction to counteract the strain of the joints, which is something that is not taken in to account in any of the Eurocodes. Additionally some joints are considered underdimensioned do to the safety factors the Eurocodes entails.

Adaptace mateřské školy na moderní bydlení / Kindergarten Adaptation to Contemporary Living

Peciarová, Gabriela January 2015 (has links)
This theses is regarding a proposal of adaptation and extension of an object of an infant school in Pravenec. The object was built in 1963 and it was originally built to serve as a local infant school and creche. It served its original purpose until year 2000 and afterwards was used as a workshop of a textile factory. Since 2010 this object has not been utilised. Adaptation of object includes the alternation of its purpose. Object will be partially re-built and modified in order to be able to serve as a domestic building. There should be three separate housing units created, each with its own entrance. On first level there will be two individual accommodation units. On second level there will be a single apartment designed with an entrance through staircase. Adaptation also includes an overall isolation of the building, exchange of aperture blockage and a new flat roof as current condition of the object does not meet the quality standards.

Metodika oceňování součástí a příslušenství pozemků s důrazem na rozdíl mezi venkovní úpravou a inženýrskou stavbou / VALUATION METHODOLOGY PARTS AND ACCESSORIES OF ESTATES WITH EMPHASIS ON A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN EXTERNAL WORKS AND ENGINEERING STRUCTURE

Vidovičová, Ivana January 2015 (has links)
The dissertation deals with problems in the valuation of parts and accessories of land with an emphasis on the difference between landscaping and engineering structure. Despite the existence of defined components and accessories immovable in the Civil Code in practice often appear doubts about whether in a particular case is still part of the real property, or whether it is already a matter of self. The work addresses this issue in detail only for roads, drainages and retaining walls. There were studied various laws and the earlier Court decisions. The Court judicature often solves problems of ownership determination. Can be seen as an example: Determining ownership of the rock, that is formed by hardening the land surface rocks and planting permanent crops. Whether the owner of the land owner or the person who built it. Likewise, there are disputes to determine ownership of utility connections, ownership structures, which are kept below the surface of the land. Based on the new Civil Code no. 89/2012 Coll. there has been extensive changes in the field of things and their allocation. There is a new concept existing, instead of the current concept of property. There is existing a new concept called Real property. A very important change is that the engineering structures are parts of the land, but based on the § 509 utilities, especially water, sewer or power lines or other, are not parts of the land. It is believed that parts of the utilities are also buildings and technical equipment that is connected to them operationally. Also important is the § 3055 para. (1): Engineering structure which is connected to the ground with a solid foundation, which is under the existing legislation part of the land on which it is established, and the effective date of this Act, owned by a person different from the owner of the land, and the bottom the entry into force of this Act does not become part of the land and immovable property. The same applies to the building, which is co-owned, if one of the joint owners and the owner of the land or if they are just some of venturers building co-owners of the land. The author presents the general specifics valuation external works and civil engineering in selected cases and the valuation of construction law. Work includes a chronological overview of valuation rules.

Stavebně technologický projekt stavebních úprav základní školy s nástavbou a přístavbou / Construction technological project of construction works elementary school with superstructure and outbuilding

Bureš, Petr January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the construction technological project of construction works elementary school with superstructure and outbuilding. The project is designed to focus on major construction project,which is the superstructure. The diploma thesis contains time and financial plan, study of implementation of the main technological phases, project site equipment, draft machine assembly, itemized budget to rough construction and solution of occupational health and safety at work.

Skladovací hala / Storage hall

Ščudla, Pavel January 2015 (has links)
The master´s thesis on the topic Storage hall is processed in the form of project documentation for the realization of the new building. This building is projected on a plot 2828/108, 2828/106, 2828/105, 2828/104, 2828/222 and 2828/107 in the cadastral area Brno – Cernovice. This building is adjoined to the existing production hall and is divided into two parts. This parts are storage and administration. The administrative part has two floors and includes office space and hygienic facilities for own employees. The storage part is determined for storing of plastic products.

Rekonstrukce prodejny ve Vyškově - stavebně technologický projekt / Reconstruction stores in Vyskov - construction technology project

Boček, Milan January 2017 (has links)
This master´s thesis deals with a complete renovation of a shop in Vyškov. A part of this thesis represents a technical report of the worksite facilities, technological standard, inspection and test plan, machine design, plan of safety and protection of environment, contract for work, budget and schedule.

Ocelová konstrukce průmyslové budovy / Steel structure of an industrial building

Kopecký, Ladislav January 2016 (has links)
Industrial hall with storage outbuilding. The length of the hall is 72 meters and width of 30 meters. The main hall has a span 24 meters and the outbuilding has a span 6m. The distance between primary steel frame is 6 meters. The height of the main hall is 10.7 meters and a height of outbuilding is 13.0 metres. The roof is flat with roof slope of 3.5% the main hall and 8.75% outbuilding. The structural system of the hall's bar structure. Primary steel frame is designed as a steel frame rafter with eaves haunch. In the roof structure are designed purlins. The stability of the structure is secured by roof braces and longitudinal braces. The hall is pin-supported on the foundation pad. The hall is clad wall and roof panels PUR. Main hall is equipped with a bridge crane with capacity of 8 tons.

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