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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Studium degradace pesticidů pomocí pokročilých oxidačních procesů / Study of pesticide degradation using advanced oxidation processes

Vlach, Tomáš January 2020 (has links)
In the master’s thesis are expleined and described proceses and terms related by problematic degradation of pesticides using advenced oxidation proceses and their possibilities of determinations. The essence of the experimental work was development and validate created method for determination of chosen pesticides. Degradation of this pesticides by advenced oxidation proceses and their determination after degradation. The aim of the work was compare chosen oxidation methods and summary of results for designe of the most appropriate method.

Advanced Oxidation Processes for removal of COD from pulp and paper mill effluents : A Technical, Economical and Environmental Evaluation / Avancerade oxidationsprocesser för reducering av COD i avlopp från massa & papperbruk : En teknisk, Ekonomisk och Miljömässig utvärdering

Karat, Irma January 2013 (has links)
In Sweden, the dominating source for emissions of degradable organic substances to water is the pulp and paper industry. The organic substances increase oxygen consumption in the recipient which subsequently threatens aquatic species. Improved process engineering, process closures and use of external treatments have in recent years drastically lowered the Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD). However, the Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) has not been reduced to the same extent, as some organic substances are more persistent and must be treated with more advanced techniques. Chemical precipitation, which can bind large parts of the remaining COD into solid matter, making it possible to be removed from the effluent by various separation technologies, contributes to an efficient COD removal. However, the direct operating cost for the treatment is high as large amount of chemicals are used in the process, and large quantities of sludge generated. In the near future EU pulp and paper industry will have to meet new regulatory demands on COD discharges, and pulp mills in Asia, South-America and Oceania will meet stringent discharge demands. It is therefore of interest to review alternative treatments in regards to technical, environmental and economical feasibility in the treatment of pulp and paper mill wastewaters. Much interest has been shown for Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOP), which is why these techniques have been evaluated in this thesis. The first part of the report consists of a literature review where processes with the following oxidants have been reviewed: 1. Ozone (O3); 2. Ozone + Hydrogen peroxide (O3/H2O2); 3. Fenton’s reagent (Fe2+/ H2O2); 4. Ozone + Ultraviolet light (O3/UV); 5. Hydrogen peroxide + Ultraviolet light (H2O2/UV); 6. Photo-Fenton’s reagent (Fe2+/ H2O2/UV); 7. Titanium dioxide + Ultraviolet light (TiO2/UV). Ozone treatment (1) and ozone in combination with hydrogen peroxide (2) were chosen for further experimental studies. The experiments were conducted at Wedecos (Xylem Water Solutions) laboratory in Germany and tested on wastewater from three different Swedish mills: A, B and C. The experimental results indicate that treatment with ozone is an efficient method for elimination of COD from pulp and paper mill wastewaters. A relatively high COD reduction (41 % for Mill A, 31% for Mill B and 53% for Mill C) was achieved for all wastewaters with an applied ozone dosage of 0.2g O3/L, without an appreciable impact on other parameters such as pH, N-tot, NO2-, NO3-, NH4+, P-tot and PO43-. There are indications that the nature of the wastewater has an impact on the COD removal efficiency and that TMP wastewater is easier to oxidize in comparison to wastewater from sulphate mills. The combination with hydrogen peroxide did not show any further COD reduction compared to ozone treatment alone, thus confirming the results Ko et al. showed in their study in 2009. Oxidation with ozone is seen as more environmental alternative in comparison to chemical treatment (precipitation/flocculation) because contaminants in the wastewater are destructed rather than concentrated or transferred into a different phase, which leads to the decrease of COD, colour and toxicity without the need to handle large amounts of sludge. However, a subsequent biological treatment may be necessary for removal of BOD as a BOD increase is registered for all wastewater treated in this study. The costs are on the other hand higher in comparison to chemical treatment even though there are indications of cases when treatment with ozone can be profitable (e.g. if the cost for sludge handling increases in the future, price for chemicals increases and electricity price decreases). There are some uncertainties regarding the system and there is no clear evidence that toxic by-products are not formed. More research must be done and more full-scale installations must be reported before the pulp and paper industry is willing to invest in oxidation technology. / I Sverige, är massa- och pappersindustrin den dominerande utsläppskällan av nedbrytbart organiskt material till vatten. När det organiska materialet når recipienten ökar syreförbrukningen eftersom stora mängder syre erfordras för nedbrytningen av materialet. Detta leder i sin tur till att de vattenlevande organismerna hotas och utsätts för syrebrist. Förbättrad processteknik, ökad processlutning och utbyggnad av extern avloppsvattenrening har under de senaste åren drastiskt sänkt den biokemiska syreförbrukningen (BOD). Däremot har den kemiska syreförbrukningen (COD) inte reducerats i samma utsträckning då delar av det organiska materialet är mer persistent och måste behandlas med mer avancerad teknik. Kemisk fällning kan idag binda stora delar av det kvarvarande COD till fast material som sedan kan avlägsnas via olika separationsmetoder. En stor nackdel med den här typen av rening är att stora mängder kemikalier används som i sin tur genererar stora mängder slam som måste tas om hand, vilket introducerar höga driftkostnader. Inom en snar framtid kommer massa- och pappersbruk inom EU att möta nya regulatoriska krav för COD utsläpp, och bruk i Asien, Sydamerika och Oceanien kommer även de att möta väldigt hårda utsläppskrav. Det är därför av intresse att granska alternativa reningsmetoder och utvärdera dess tekniska, miljömässiga och ekonomiska genomförbarhet vid behandling av avloppsvatten från massa- och pappersbruk. Mycket intresse har visats för Avancerade Oxidationsprocesser (AOP), varför dessa tekniker valts att utvärderas i detta examensarbete. Första delen av rapporten innefattar en litteraturstudie där processer med följande oxidanter studerats: 1. Ozon (O3); 2. Ozon + Väteperoxid (O3/H2O2); 3. Fenton’s reagens (Fe2+/ H2O2); 4. Ozon + Ultraviolett ljus (O3/UV); 5. Väteperoxid + Ultraviolett ljus (H2O2/UV); 6. Foto-Fenton’s reagens (Fe2+/ H2O2/UV); 7. Titaniumdioxid + Ultraviolett ljus (TiO2/UV). Utav dessa valdes ozon behandling (1) och ozon i kombination med väteperoxid (2) för vidare experimentella studier. Behandlingarna har utförts vid Wedecos (Xylem Water Solutions) laboratorium i Tyskland och undersökts på avloppsvatten från tre olika svenska bruk; A , B och C. Experimentella resultat tyder på att ozonering är effektiv behandlingsmetod för reducering av COD i avloppsvatten från massa- och pappersbruk. En relativt hög COD reducering (41% för bruk A, 31% för bruk B, och 53% för bruk C)  uppvisades för samtliga avloppsvatten med en tillämpad ozondosering på 0.2 g O3/L, utan någon märkbar inverkan på andra parametrar så som pH, N-tot, NO2-, NO3-, NH4+, P-tot och PO43-. Det förekommer indikationer om att typ av avloppsvatten har en inverkan på COD reduktionen och att TMP avloppsvatten är lättare att oxidera i jämförelse mot avloppsvatten från sulfatmassabruk. Kombinationen av ozon och väteperoxid uppvisade ingen ytterligare COD reduktion i jämförelse mot ozon som enda oxidant, och bekräftade därmed de resultat Ko et al. uppvisade i sin studie 2009. Ozonering ses som ett miljövänligare alternativ till kemisk rening (fällning/flockning) eftersom föroreningarna i vattnet destrueras istället för att koncentreras, vilket innebär att COD, färg och toxicitet kan minskas utan att stora mängder slam genereras. Dock kan en efterföljande biologisk behandling vara nödvändig för avskiljning av BOD då en BOD ökning uppvisats för samtliga avloppsvatten i denna studie i takt med att COD brutits ned till lättnedbrytbart biologisk material. Kostnaderna är däremot höga i jämförelse mot kemisk fällning även om det förekommer indikationer på fall när behandlingen kan vara lönsam (t ex om slamhanteringskostnaderna blir högre i framtiden, inköpspriset för kemikalier ökar och elpriset sjunker). Det råder vissa tveksamheter gällande systemet och det finns inga konkreta bevis på att toxiska biprodukter inte bildas. Mer forskning måste utföras och fler fullskaliga installationer måste rapporteras och innan massa- och pappersindustrin är villig att investera i oxidationstekniken.

Study on the fate of pharmaceuticals in aqueous media : synthesis, characterization and detection of biotic and abiotic transformation products using electrochemical advanced oxidation processes and bioconversions / Etudes du devenir de médicaments en milieu aqueux : synthèse, caractérisation et détection des produits de transformation biotique et abiotique par les procédés d’oxydation avancée et les bioconversions

Olvera Vargas, Hugo 17 December 2014 (has links)
La pollution des eaux superficielles et souterraines par des composés organiques est bien connue comme une préoccupation majeure de l'environnement dans de nombreux pays. Si les polluants prioritaires sont actuellement surveillés par la directive cadre européenne sur l'eau, il est désormais urgent de prendre en considération les nouveaux polluants dérivés de principes actifs des produits pharmaceutiques et d'identifier leurs produits de transformation à risque. Ce travail de thèse propose une étude globale sur l'état et l'avenir des produis pharmaceutiques dans l'environnement, sur l'exemple de deux pharmaceutiques choisis, dans le cadre de cette importante problématique environnementale. Nous avons donc appliqué les procédés électrochimiques d'oxydation avancée, électro-Fenton (EF), oxydation anodique(OA) et photoélectro-Fenton solaire (PEFS), ainsi que le couplage électro-Fenton/traitement biologique pour une élimination effective des polluants médicamenteux furosémide et ranitidine. Les résultats obtenus confirment l'efficacité de ces technologies électrochimiques pour la minéralisation quasi-totale des produits pharmaceutiques étudiés. En outre, l'utilisation du pré-traitement par EF suivi d'un procédé biologique confirme la capacité de l'EF de transformer les polluants organiques en produits biodégradables qui peuvent être consommés par des microorganismes lors d'un traitement biologique, démontrant ainsi l'applicabilité potentiel de cette technique combinée, en termes d'une consommation énergétique réduite. L'identification des produits de transformation (PTs) des pharmaceutiques étudiés par voie électrochimique (électro-oxydation) et biologique (bioconversion) a été effectuée par différentes techniques d'analyse physico-chimiques. La biotransformation du FRSM a conduit à la formation de trois PT principales; saluamide, pyridinium et un dérivé céto-alcool. Les deux premiers ont aussi été détectés lors du traitement électrochimique, ce qui suggère la probabilité de les trouver dans l'environnement comme les produits de transformation les plus plausibles par des différentes conditions de dégradation. Les tests de toxicité basés sur l'inhibition de la bioluminescence des bactéries marines Vibrio fischeri ont montré que certains PT formés lors de traitement électrochimiques sont plus toxique que la molécule mère, car une augmentation de la toxicité globale de la solution a été observée au début des électrolyses. Néanmoins, la toxicité de la solution est complètement éliminée à la fin des traitements électrochimiques, ce qui indique l'efficacité de ces technologies aussi pour la détoxification des solutions des médicaments traités. Par conséquent, cette étude constitue une contribution importante à l'évaluation des risques environnementaux des produits pharmaceutiques / The present project contributes with valuable data for a better fundamental understanding on the fate of pharmaceutical residues in the environment, dealing with the main challenges concerning this increasingly worrying environmental issue. The used Electrochemical Advanced Oxidation Processes (EAOPs), electro-Fenton (EF) and anodic oxidation (AO), showed to be a very efficient alternative for the mineralization of acid solutions of the pharmaceuticals RNTD and FRSM, attaining almost complete mineralization of the drugs after 6h of electrolysis. A comparative study on the mineralization of RNTD solutions by EF and SPEF processes in a 2.5 L capacity pre-pilot flow plant demonstrates the higher oxidation capacity of SPEF, achieving very good mineralization rates, thus evidencing the potentiality of this technology at greater scale for the treatment of wastewaters containing pharmaceutical products. The application of an EF pre-treatment coupled with a biological process for the degradation of both drugs was conducted. EF pre-pretreatment was capable of enhancing the solution biodegradability envisaging a biological treatment, which efficiently removed the short-chain carboxylic acids that had been formerly generated during the pre-applied electrolysis. In this way, the combination of both processes was confirmed as a very promising technology for the treatment of pharmaceuticals-containing wastewater. Several transformation products (TPs) were detected and identified during the electrochemical oxidation of the studied drugs. Toxicity tests based on the bioluminescence of the marine bacteria V. fischeri. evidenced the toxicity some of these oxidation by-products, since the toxicity of the solution increased on the first stages of the electrolysis. However, the abatement of the toxicity in the final stages of the electrochemical treatments, demonstrated the effectiveness of these technologies for both the mineralization and detoxification of the RNTD and FRSM solutions. The use of the fungi Cunninghanella echinulate for the bioconversion of FRSM led to the formation of three main bio-transofrmation products: the previously identified saluamide and pyridinium, and the new detected keto-alcohol derivate. These TPs were generated by both, biological and electrochemical approches, evidencing their high probability to be found in environmental compartments as the most likely TPs of FRSM by different oxidation conditions. This study is thus presented as a very useful alternative for the assessment of the fate of pharmaceutical residues in the environment

Activation of homogeneous and heterogeneous Fenton processes by ultrasound and ultraviolet/visible irradiations for the removal of ibuprofen in water / Activation du procédé Fenton (homogène et hétérogène) par irradiation ultrasonore et rayonnement ultraviolet / visible pour l'élimination de l'ibuprofène dans l'eau

Adityosulindro, Sandyanto 07 April 2017 (has links)
Du fait de sa consommation en plein essor et d’une élimination partielle par les procédés conventionnels de traitement des eaux, l'ibuprofène, un médicament anti-inflammatoire non stéroïdien, a été détecté dans les ressources en eau, suscitant de plus en plus d'inquiétude quant à son impact possible sur l'environnement et la santé. Par ailleurs, les procédés d'oxydation avancée (POA), parmi lesquels la réaction Fenton, ont montré d’excellents résultats pour l'élimination de divers composés organiques. Traditionnellement basé sur l'utilisation du peroxyde d'hydrogène et des ions ferreux en solution, l'application à grande échelle de ce POA est encore limitée par une fenêtre de pH étroite (2 à 4) et une récupération difficile du catalyseur à base de fer. Ce travail a étudié l'oxydation Fenton de l'ibuprofène et l'activation de la réaction par irradiation ultrasonore (US) et rayonnement ultraviolet/visible (UV/Vis) et de manière à abaisser la concentration de fer dissous ou à améliorer l'activité de catalyseurs hétérogènes. A cet effet, on a d'abord évalué l'efficacité des POA individuels homogènes (sonolyse, photolyse, sono- et photo-oxydation avec H2O2, oxydation Fenton), en fonction de paramètres opératoires tels que la longueur d'onde lumineuse et la fréquence ultrasonore. Ensuite, on a examiné leurs combinaisons deux-par-deux et globale (sonophotolyse, oxydation sono-, photo- et sono-photo- Fenton) en mettant l'accent sur l'identification d'effets synergiques. En particulier, les oxydations US/Fenton et Vis/Fenton se sont révélées plus efficaces que la somme des procédés individuels grâce à la sono- et photo-régénération des ions ferreux. Ces résultats ont également servi de référence pour l'évaluation des systèmes hétérogènes. Parmi les solides testés, on a montré qu’une zéolite dopée au fer (de type Fe/ZSM5) était un catalyseur prometteur pour l'oxydation de l'ibuprofène par le peroxyde, en raison d'une efficacité élevée à pH naturel et d’une faible lixiviation du fer. Cependant, dans ce cas, on n’a observé au mieux qu'une addition d’effets des ultrasons ou de la lumière et de l'oxydation Fenton hétérogène. Outre la conversion du polluant et du carbone organique total (COT), la formation des principaux produits de dégradation a été suivie pour différents procédés et des voies possibles de dégradation ont été proposées. L’effet matrice a également été examiné en utilisant un effluent de station, qui a eu pour conséquence de réduire la performance de tous les procédés d'oxydation, en raison d'un pH tampon alcalin ou de l’atténuation de la lumière. / Due to booming consumption and only partial removal by conventional water treatment processes, ibuprofen, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, has been detected in water resources, raising increasing concerns for possible environmental and health impact. On the other hand, advanced oxidation processes (AOPs), among which Fenton reaction, have shown successful results forremoval of various organic compounds. Traditionally based on the use of hydrogen peroxide and ferrous ions in solution, large-scale application of this AOP is still limited by narrow pH window (2 to 4) and uneasy recovery of iron catalyst. This work investigated Fenton-based oxidation of ibuprofen, and reaction activation by ultrasound (US) irradiation and ultraviolet/visible light (UV/Vis) so as to lower the required concentration of dissolved iron catalyst or improve the activity of heterogeneous counterparts. To that purpose, the efficacy of individual homogeneous AOPs (sonolysis, photolysis, ultrasound/H2O2, light/H2O2, Fenton oxidation) was evaluated first, varying operating parameters such as light wavelength and ultrasound frequency. Then, their two-by-two and overall combinations (sonophotolysis, sono-Fenton, photo-Fenton and sono-photo-Fenton oxidation) were examined with emphasis on the identification of synergistic effects. In particular, combined US/Fenton and Vis/Fenton oxidation were found more effective than the sum of individualprocesses due to sono- and photo-regeneration of ferrous ions. These results also served as a reference for the assessment of heterogeneous systems. Among tested solids, iron-containing zeolite (Fe-ZSM5 type) was shown to be a promising catalyst for peroxide oxidation of ibuprofen due to high efficiency at natural pH and low iron leaching. However, in this case, no more than additive effects was observed between ultrasound/light irradiation and heterogeneous Fenton oxidation. Beside pollutant and Total Organic Carbon conversion, main degradation products were monitored for different processes and some plausible degradation pathways were proposed. Water matrix impact was also addressed using wastewater plant effluent, which resulted into hindered performance of all oxidation processes either due to alkaline buffer or light attenuation effect.

Odstraňování vybraných léčiv z odpadních vod oxidačními procesy / Removal of selected medicines from waste water by oxidation processes

Úterský, Michal Unknown Date (has links)
A concept of removing of pharmaceuticals from a wastewater is become more important topic. Currently we can see the increasing consumption of pharmaceuticals worldwide and an increasing effective doses of pharmaceuticals due to the resistance of microorganisms. Generally, a medicine means an active substance or their mixtures. The medicine is used for positive influencing of human’s and animal’s health. Nevertheless, a long term presence of pharmaceuticals in the environment leads to chronic toxic aquatic organisms, possibilities of multiplication of multi-resistant pathogenic bacterial strains, deterioration of reproduction of animals and their endocrine system. My dissertation is focused on a removing of pharmaceuticals from the wastewater via advanced oxidation processes. Results of research showed that the advanced oxidation processes are able to reduce concentration of pharmaceuticals. Mainly priority of this problem is other cleaning level of the wastewater which flows away from urban WWTP to river. Wastewaters consist of large volume of pharmaceuticals due to excrements, urination and flushing of outdated pharmaceuticals. An efficiency of advanced oxidation processes on the removal selected types of pharmaceuticals is a part of practical selection of the dissertation.

Destruction of Chemicals of Emerging Concern using Homogeneous UV-254 nm Based Advanced Oxidation Processes

Duan, Xiaodi 02 October 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Applications of UV/H2O2, UV/NO3–, and UV-vis/ferrite/sulfite Advanced Oxidation Processes to Remove Contaminants of Emerging Concern for Wastewater Treatment

Huang, Ying 18 October 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Design of a Novel Thin Film Reactor for Photocatalytic Water Treatment Process

Harianto, Rina 06 November 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Study on Decolorization of Reactive-dyed Cotton through Fenton-oxidation as a Pre-treatment for Textile Recycling

Meurs, Elise January 2023 (has links)
In this master thesis, the feasibility of Fenton-oxidation for the decolorization of reactive dyed cotton is investigated as a potentially environmental-friendly preparatory treatment for mechanical/chemical recycling. Raw, knitted cotton is dyed with a black and a blue dye, whereafter preliminary tests are performed to investigate the influence of increasing Fenton- solution concentrations and different iron-sources on the efficiency of the discoloration, without carrying out complete optimization of the process-parameters. Based on the preliminary test-results, Fenton-treatments of the reactive-dyed cotton are upscaled, with discoloration efficiencies of 62 and 73% (for the black- and blue-dyed cotton respectively). Thermal analysis (TGA, DSC and FTIR) and mechanical analysis (tensile tests and shredding of the fabric) of the upscaled treated samples are performed, and the results indicate no major alterations of the main cellulosic structure of the cotton fibers. However, besides the degradation of the dye-molecules, also some oxidation (and therefore damage) of the cellulose-chains of the cotton fibers occurs, leading to reduced mechanical properties. Although this facilitates the mechanical recycling process, it possibly also reduces the quality of the re-spun yarns. Nevertheless, the Fenton-oxidation in the context of decolorization of reactive-dyed cotton forms an interesting future research-topic with many opportunities and prospects for increasing the efficiency and sustainability of the recycling process, and therefor increasing the sustainability of the textile industry in general.

Comparison of Two Advanced Oxidation Processes for Their Production of Hydroxyl Radicals and Evaluation of a UV/Ozone AOP at Varying UV Fluence for Treating Diclofenac

Cass, Alexandra 01 August 2021 (has links) (PDF)
This study explores the efficacy of two advanced oxidation processes for generation of hydroxyl radicals to promote degradation of emerging contaminants. Drought and water shortage have become pressing issues caused by our world’s changing climate. Water reclamation and reuse are increasingly important options for relieving this water stress. Water reuse runs the risk of reintroducing recalcitrant compounds that can accumulate in our bodies and environment. Advanced treatment methods that degrade these compounds are vital to protect our health and the health of the environment while providing necessary water resources. Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) have shown great promise for removing recalcitrant compounds through the production of highly reactive hydroxyl radicals (·OH). This study investigated two AOPs for their production of ·OH as indicated by the probe compound pCBA. One of the AOPs examined was a proprietary device that utilizes ambient air and UV to generate singlet oxygen, which subsequently produces ·OH in water. The other is a more common method that combines UV and ozone (O3) to produce ·OH. The proprietary method was not found to produce notable hydroxyl radicals compared to the UV/O3 AOP. The UV dose of the UV/O3 AOP was also altered to analyze the impact on hydroxyl radical production and removal of a representative emerging contaminant, diclofenac (DCF). The sleeves made to alter the UV dose were not found to change the UV dose enough to show a consequential difference in degradation for the fluence indicator atrazine (ATZ) or the emerging contaminant DCF. Further testing with thicker sleeves would be important to determine the necessary amounts of UV and reasonably scale this technology for a water treatment facility.

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