Spelling suggestions: "subject:"363"" "subject:"663""
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p53/p63/p73 in the Epidermis in Health and DiseaseBotchkarev, Vladimir A., Flores, E.R. January 2014 (has links)
No / Although p53 has long been known as the “guardian of the genome” with a role in tumor suppression in many tissues, the discovery of two p53 ancestral genes, p63 and p73, more than a decade ago has triggered a considerable amount of research into the role of these genes in skin development and diseases. In this review, we primarily focus on mechanisms of action of p53 and p63, which are the best-studied p53 family members in the skin. The existence of multiple isoforms and their roles as transcriptional activators and repressors are key to their function in multiple biological processes including the control of skin morphogenesis, regeneration, tumorigenesis, and response to chemotherapy. Last, we provide directions for further research on this family of genes in skin biology and pathology.
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Cbx4 regulates the proliferation of thymic epithelial cells and thymus function.Liu, B., Liu, Y.F., Du, Y.R., Mardaryev, Andrei N., Yang, W., Chen, H., Xu, Z.M., Xu, C.Q., Zhang, X.R., Botchkarev, Vladimir A., Zhang, Y., Xu, G.L. January 2013 (has links)
No / Thymic epithelial cells (TECs) are the main component of the thymic stroma, which supports T-cell proliferation and repertoire selection. Here, we demonstrate that Cbx4, a Polycomb protein that is highly expressed in the thymic epithelium, has an essential and non-redundant role in thymic organogenesis. Targeted disruption of Cbx4 causes severe hypoplasia of the fetal thymus as a result of reduced thymocyte proliferation. Cell-specific deletion of Cbx4 shows that the compromised thymopoiesis is rooted in a defective epithelial compartment. Cbx4-deficient TECs exhibit impaired proliferative capacity, and the limited thymic epithelial architecture quickly deteriorates in postnatal mutant mice, leading to an almost complete blockade of T-cell development shortly after birth and markedly reduced peripheral T-cell populations in adult mice. Furthermore, we show that Cbx4 physically interacts and functionally correlates with p63, which is a transcriptional regulator that is proposed to be important for the maintenance of the stemness of epithelial progenitors. Together, these data establish Cbx4 as a crucial regulator for the generation and maintenance of the thymic epithelium and, hence, for thymocyte development.
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Modulation von Differenzierungsprozessen in der Mundschleimhaut (Maus) durch Inhibition des epidermalen Wachstumsfaktor-Rezeptors (EGFR): Immunhistochemische UntersuchungenStraube, Kathleen 09 November 2017 (has links)
Die strahleninduzierte Mucositis enoralis ist eine der bedeutendsten und häufig dosislimitierenden frühen Nebenwirkungen der Strahlentherapie fortgeschrittener Kopf Hals Tumoren. Bis heute hat sich noch kein allgemein gültiges Konzept zur Therapie und Prophylaxe der Mundschleimhautentzündung durchsetzen können. Ein Ansatz zur selektiven, auf der Tumorbiologie beruhenden Beeinflussung der Strahlenempfindlichkeit von Tumoren ist die Blockade des epidermalen Wachstumsfaktor-Rezeptors (EGFR). In Kombination mit Strahlentherapie sollen so die lokale Tumorkontrolle und die Heilungschancen verbessert werden. Die Wirkung der Tyrosinkinase-Inhibitoren BIBX1382BF und Erlotinib auf histomorphologische Parameter in der Mundschleimhaut sowie auf die Expression der als Stammzellmarker diskutierten Proteine p63, Integrin β1 und CD44 wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit im Vergleich zur alleinigen fraktionierten Bestrahlung untersucht.
Für die histologischen Studien erfolgte die zweiwöchige fraktionierte Bestrahlung der Schnauzen von Mäusen des Inzuchtstammes C3H/Neu mit zehn Fraktionen zu je 3 Gy (Tag 0-4, Tag 7-11). Die Versuche gliederten sich in vier Gruppen:
• I/A (54 Tiere) und II/A (40 Tiere): fraktionierte Bestrahlung, keine weitere Behandlung
• I/B (51 Tiere): fraktionierte Bestrahlung, zusätzlich orale Gabe von BIBX1382BF, 50 mg/kg KG per os, von Tag 0-14 je 30 min nach der Bestrahlung
• II/B (35 Tiere): fraktionierte Bestrahlung, zusätzlich orale Gabe von Erlotinib, 50 mg/kg KG per os, von Tag 0-11 je 30 min nach der Bestrahlung.
Die Entnahme der Zungen erfolgte im Versuch I bei jeweils drei Tieren pro Tag von Tag 0 bis Tag 17. Im Versuch II wurden an den Tagen 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 und 14 jeweils die Zungen von fünf Tieren entnommen. Anschließend folgten die Fixierung der Zungen in Formalin, die Einbettung in Paraffin und die Anfertigung 3 µm dicker Gewebeschnitte. Die Zungenpräparate wurden für die histologischen Untersuchungen mit Hämatoxylin-Eosin gefärbt. Für die immunhistochemischen Färbungen wurde die ABC-Methode eingesetzt. Das Epithel der Zungenunterseite wurde lichtmikroskopisch hinsichtlich Zellzahl, Schichtdicke und Expression der potentiellen Stammzellmarker p63, Integrin β1 und CD44 ausgewertet. Aufgrund der geringen Gruppengröße (Versuch I: drei Tiere pro Datenpunkt; Versuch II: fünf Tiere pro Datenpunkt) wurde auf eine eingehende statistische Testung verzichtet. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschränkt sich auf eine beschreibende Darstellung des Verlaufs der Einzelparameter über den Gesamtzeitraum.
Die Zellzahlen verringerten sich während der ersten Bestrahlungswoche auf 60-70 % der Ausgangswerte, stagnierten in der zweiten Woche und stiegen schließlich bis zum Ende der Nachbeobachtung wieder an. Zwischen den nur bestrahlten und den zusätzlich mit BIBX1382BF behandelten Tieren war kein Unterschied feststellbar. Ein gleichsinniger Verlauf war auch in Versuch II zu beobachten, wobei die Zellzahlen der mit Erlotinib behandelten Tiere in der Funktionsschicht durchgängig höher ausfielen als in Versuchsreihe A. Die Dicke des Gesamtepithels bzw. der einzelnen Epithelschichten zeigte im Versuch I unter Bestrahlung große individuelle Schwankungen. Unter zusätzlicher BIBX1382BF-Gabe wurden oft niedrigere Werte gemessen. Im Versuch II blieb die Dicke des Gesamtepithels unter Fraktionierung konstant. Von Tag 0-12 wurden bei zusätzlicher Erlotinib-Applikation geringere Werte der Gesamtdicke gemessen als unter alleiniger Bestrahlung, ansonsten fielen die Veränderungen der Epitheldicke unabhängig von der Erlotinib-Gabe gering aus.
Der kurzzeitigen, mit dem allgemeinen Zellverlust einhergehenden Verringerung der p63-Expression zu Beginn der Bestrahlung folgt bis zum Ende des Beobachtungszeitraumes die Normalisierung der p63-positiven Zellen. Mit EGFR-Blockade sind gegenüber der alleinigen Bestrahlung keine Unterschiede in der p63-Expression festzustellen. Die Integrin β1-Expression nahm im Verlauf der Bestrahlung ab. Unter EGFR-Blockade mit BIBX1382BF zeigte sich an den Tagen 2-9 und 12-16 ein schwächeres Färbesignal als im fraktioniert bestrahlten Epithel, was für eine mögliche Interaktion des EGF-Rezeptors mit Integrin β1 spricht. Im Versuch II waren unabhängig von der Erlotinib-Gabe keine Unterschiede in der Expression von Integrin β1 feststellbar. Die CD44-Expression im Epithel wurde durch Bestrahlung gefördert. Übereinstimmend konnte in der vorliegenden Arbeit in beiden Versuchen eine Steigerung der CD44-Färbeintensität über den jeweiligen Referenzbereich festgestellt werden. Eine Blockade der EGFR-Aktivität durch Erlotinib reduzierte die Expression von CD44, wie in Versuch II/B im initialen Abfall der CD44-Färbeintensität deutlich wurde. Doch schon ab Tag 4 wurden im Versuch II/A und II/B gleich starke Färbesignale für CD44 erfasst.
Insgesamt ergaben sich unter EGFR-Inhibition mittels BIBX1382BF oder Erlotinib keine Hinweise auf Veränderungen der untersuchten Parameter während einer zweiwöchigen fraktionierten Bestrahlung. Ob diese Ergebnisse auch auf andere Tyrosinkinase-Inhibitoren bzw. unterschiedliche Wirkstoffklassen (z. B. Anti-EGFR-Antikörper) übertragbar sind, muss in weiteren Studien untersucht werden. / Radiation-induced oral mucositis is one of the most important and often dose limiting early side effects of radiotherapy of advanced tumours in the head-and-neck region. To this day, no general concept for therapy and prophylaxis of the oral mucositis has been established. The inhibition of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is one approach to a selective increase of the radiosensitivity of tumours based on the tumour biology. In combination with radiotherapy, application of EGFR-inhibitors is supposed to increase the local tumour control and the chances of cure. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of the tyrosine kinase inhibitors BIBX1382BF and Erlotinib on the radiation response of the oral mucosa and on the expression of different proteins that are discussed to be markers of epithelial stem cells.
For the histological studies, the snouts of C3H/Neu mice were irradiated with ten daily fractions of 3 Gy over two weeks (on days 0-4, 7-11). The experiments comprised four treatment groups:
• I/A (54 animals) and II/A (40 animals): fractionated irradiation, no further treatment
• I/B (51 animals): fractionated irradiation, administration of BIBX1382BF, 50 mg/kg per os, once daily (days 0-14) 30 min after the radiation treatment
• II/B (35 animals): fractionated irradiation, administration of Erlotinib, 50 mg/kg per os, once daily (days 0-11) 30 min after the radiation treatment.
Between day 0 and 17, three animals of the groups I/A and I/B were euthanised per day. In the experimental arms II/A and II/B five mice were killed on day 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14, respectively. The tongues were excised, fixed in formalin, embedded in paraffin and 3 µm thick sections were prepared. Subsequently, the tongue sections were stained with haematoxylin and eosin or with an ABC kit to visualise proteins of interest. The epithelium of the lower tongue was examined by light microscopy regarding the following parameters: cell numbers, thickness of epithelial layers and expression of the potential stem cell markers p63, integrin β1 and CD44. Due to the limited number of animals per data point (experiment I: three mice per data point; experiment II: five mice per data point), a detailed statistical analysis was not performed. The present study is determined to describe the parameter variations over the observation period.
Cell numbers decreased to 60-70 % of the pre-treatment control values within the first week of irradiation alone, remained constant in the second week, and then slowly increased until the end of the observation period. There was no difference between radiotherapy alone or combined treatment with BIBX1382BF. In experiment II similar observations were made with higher cell numbers in the functional layer of the epithelium of the Erlotinib treated animals than in the irradiated group. The thickness of the epithelium and its individual layers showed high inter individual differences in experiment I. In treatment group I/B, lower values of thickness were often detected in comparison to group I/A. In experiment II the thickness of the epithelium remained constant under fractionated irradiation. Between day 0 and 12 the Erlotinib treatment slightly decreased the thickness of the whole epithelium in comparison to the irradiated group. Besides, there were only minor changes in the thickness of the different layers.
Associated with the general loss of cells, radiation treatment led to a transient decrease in the expression of p63. The number of p63-positive cells recovered until the end of the observation period. A similar expression pattern of p63-positivity was found independent of EGFR inhibition. The expression of integrin β1 decreased during fractionated irradiation. On days 2-9 and 12-16, the changes were more pronounced in combination with BIBX1382BF treatment which indicates a potential interaction of the EGF receptor with integrin β1. In experiment II, no differences between the exclusively irradiated group and the combined treatment with Erlotinib were found for the expression patterns of integrin β1. Irradiation alone resulted in a higher epithelial expression of CD44. Accordingly, a general increase of CD44 staining intensity was observed in both experiments exceeding control values. Due to the EGFR inhibition with Erlotinib, the expression of CD44 initially decreased. However, by day 4 no persisting differences in staining intensity could be observed independent of EGFR inhibition.
In summary, EGFR inhibition via BIBX1382BF or Erlotinib did not result in alterations of the analysed parameters during two weeks of fractionated irradiation. Further studies are required to demonstrate if the present findings are transferable to other tyrosine kinase inhibitors or different substance classes (e.g. inhibiting receptor antibodies).
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The regulation of small GTPase Rac1 phosphorylation, activation and subcellular localization by ΔNp63αAljagthmi, Amjad Ahmed 26 August 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Regulation of the Transcription and Subcellular Localization of the Tumor Suppressor PTEN by ΔNp63αLeonard, Mary Kathryn January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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The p53 family interacting pathways in carcinogenesis and cellular response to DNA damageJohnson, Jodi L. January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Ph.D. / Molecular and Medical Genetics / The objective of this study is to examine, in light of the expression of multiple p53 family member isoforms, the specific role of p73 in malignant conversion, cellular response to DNA damage, and direct or indirect cooperation with other p53 family members in a clonal model of epidermal carcinogenesis. We first focused on the role of p73 in malignant conversion. Whether sporadic or siRNA induced, loss of p73 in initiated p53+/+ keratinocytes lead to conversion to squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) in vivo which was reversible upon reconstitution of TAp73α but not ΔNp73α. Second, we investigated the cellular response to ionizing radiation (IR) in the presence and absence of p73, showing that loss of p73 at malignant conversion was associated with resistance to IR in vitro. The loss of radiation sensitivity and malignant conversion was characterized by reduced steady state DNA binding levels of transcriptionally active p63 isoforms to the p21 promoter, failure to induce specific p53 family transcriptional targets, and failure to arrest in G1. Reconstitution of TAp73α, but not ΔNp73α, increased steady state DNA binding capabilities of TAp63β, TAp63γ, and ΔNp63γ, and steady state levels of p53 family target mRNA, but did not restore cellular sensitivity to IR. We thus uncovered a functional cooperation between TA isoforms of p73 and p63 and showed that p73-mediated DNA damage response was uncoupled from its tumor suppressive role. We observed preferential DNA binding of the inhibitory ΔNp63α isoform both in vitro and invivo in SCC suggesting that in the absence of TAp73α a balance is tipped toward DNA binding of the inhibitory isoforms. Third, we studied the role of the p53 family inkeratinocyte response to UVB. Tumorigenic cells lacking p73 that were resistant to IR remained sensitive to UVB, accompanied by DNA binding of the TAp63γ isoform, suggesting that keratinocyte response to UVB is not dependent upon p73 and suggesting a hierarchy of p53 family member responses to DNA damage. Finally, we examined TAp73α interaction with the p53 family inhibitor Mdm2. Mdm2 was in complex with DNA-bound p53 family members in malignant cells, but reconstitution of cells withTAp73α correlated with removal of Mdm2 from the complex, making them more like primary keratinocytes or initiated cells. Like the initiated cells, cells expressing TAp73α were refractory to treatment with the Mdm2-p53 inhibitor Nutlin-3 while cells lacking p73 expression or expressing ΔNp73α were sensitive. Thus, we suggest that p73 may be acting as a molecular shield to keep p53 family member inhibitors, such as ΔNp63α andMdm2, at bay. Further understanding of p53 family interplay in tumor development and DNA damage response could lead to new therapies or optimization of current therapeutic strategies in solid tumors of epithelium, particularly where deregulation or loss of p63 and p73 expression is associated with increased tumor invasiveness, treatment resistance, and poor patient prognosis.
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Expression of 14-3-3£m and PUMA in Hepatocellular CarcinomaHo, Cheng-lei 14 February 2005 (has links)
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the most prevalent cancers in Taiwan. The development of hepatocellular carcinoma is a multi-step process associated with alterations in genes expression such as activation of oncogenes and inactivation of tumor suppressor genes. Mutation/deletion of tumor suppressor gene p53 occurs in 40-50% HCC. Moreover, patients with p53 inactivation have significantly shorter survival after surgery. Inactivation of p53 leads to chromosome instability and may alter expression of its downstream target genes including 14-3-3s for cell cycle arrest or PUMA for apoptosis induction. In this thesis study, we employed five human hepatoma cell lines and ten surgical HCC samples containing paired normal and tumor tissues to investigate 14-3-3s and PUMA expression during liver carcinogenesis.
Quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) revealed that 14-3-3s mRNA expression was detected in well and poorly differentiated hepatoma cells except Mahlavu cells. Western blot analysis further validated such finding that 14-3-3s protein is not detectable in Mahlavu cell. In human surgical HCC tissues, qRT-PCR showed that 14-3-3s mRNA was elevated in 90% of HCC tissues. Western blot analysis indicated that 14-3-3s protein level was increased in 60% of HCC tissues. Finally, immunohistochemical analysis revealed that 14-3-3s was up-regulated in 50% of HCC tissues comparing with their adjacent non-tumor tissues. Together, these results indicated that 14-3-3s expression was up-regulated in HCC.
qRT-PCR and western blot analysis indicated that PUMA mRNA and protein levels were decreased in human and rat hepatoma cells. In human surgical HCC tissues, qRT-PCR showed that PUMA mRNA was reduced in 60% of HCC tissues. Western blot analysis indicated that PUMA protein level was decreased in 100 of HCC tissues. Finally, immunohistochemical analysis revealed that PUMA was down-regulated in 70% of HCC tissues comparing with their adjacent non-tumor tissues. Together, these results indicated that PUMA expression was down-regulated in HCC.
In the future, large-scale analysis using more HCC samples will be required to delineate the correlation of 14-3-3s/PUMA expression with clinical parameters of HCC.
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Identification of microRNA 302 as an antagonist to p63 expression / Identifizierung von microRNA 302 als Antagonist von p63-ExpressionScheel, Andreas 07 June 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Regulation of ΔNp63α by TIP60 promotes cellular proliferationStacy, Andrew Jared 07 August 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Delineating ΔNp63α's function in epithelial cellsSakaram, Suraj January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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