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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Homosexualita a rodičovství / Homosexuality and parenthood

Brojáč, Jan January 2016 (has links)
This thesis analyzes Czech legislation regulating relationships of same-sex couples and their options regarding family founding provided by Czech legal regulation. The aim of the thesis is to analyze and evaluate current Czech legislation and put it into international context. To attain this aim, this thesis uses three different approaches. Firstly it provides conclusions of conterporary social sciences in the field of parenthood of same-sex couples and impacts of homosexual parenting onto various areas of psychological and social adjustment od children. Secondly, the comparative study of czech legislation and legislations of Norway, United Kingdom, Germany and Slovakia is included. Thirdly, relevant cases decided by European Court of Human Rights are analyzed. Upon the findings provided by these analysis, the thesis evaluate suitability of czech legal regulation and propose possible future development in this area.

Problematické právní aspekty určování rodičovství / Problematical legal aspects of determination of parenthood

Vařeková, Adéla January 2017 (has links)
The Abstract The aim of my thesis is to find and describe the problematic aspects of the determination of parenthood. I chose four areas of the determination of parenthood, which can lead to various complications - assisted reproduction, surrogacy, secret childbirths and anonymous births. In the first chapter of the thesis I deal with the legal aspects of the determination of parenthood. I examine mandatory determination of maternity and various assumptions of paternity. With the development of relations in the society and of the reproductive medicine, there emerge possibilities doubting the traditional legal principles of the determination of parenthood. Mother is not always certain anymore and there are five presumptions of paternity in the Czech legal order nowadays, compared to the traditional three. The second chapter is devoted to the issue of assisted reproduction. Assisted reproduction is a modern and rapidly developing area of medicine that allows infertile couples to have their own child. It is a medical specialty that requires a broad legal framework to prevent its abuse. At the end of a successful medical procedure a new life is coming into existence and such area must be regulated. The third chapter, entitled Surrogacy, builds on the previous chapter. Surrogacy is often discussed area of...

Assisterad befruktning för ensamstående kvinnor - Barnets bästa eller en vuxens intresse att bli förälder? / Assisted reproduction for single women - The child´s best interests or the adult´s interest to become a parent?

Kotka, Louise January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Adoção: vivências de parentalidade de adultos adotados / Adoption: parenthood experiences in adopted adults.

Camargo, Mario Lazaro 09 August 2010 (has links)
No Brasil, assim como em vários países do mundo, a adoção é reconhecida histórica, social, jurídica e psicologicamente como um modo a partir do qual se pode dar a constituição familiar e uma forma de inserção da criança em família substituta, especialmente aquela criança que, por uma série de motivos, se encontra impossibilitada de conviver com sua família de origem. Muito se tem produzido cientificamente sobre a temática da adoção, sobretudo nas áreas da Psicologia, Psicanálise, Psiquiatria e Direito. Contudo, verificamos uma escassez de pesquisas que abordam o universo da adoção na perspectiva do adulto adotado. Com o objetivo de dar voz a este público e compreender como se dá o exercício de parentalidade daquele que no passado foi abandonado ou entregue em adoção, vinculamo-nos à pesquisa qualitativa fenomenológica enquanto metodologia e à psicanálise winnicottiana enquanto referencial teórico interpretativo. Os depoimentos de nossos colaboradores foram obtidos a partir da entrevista fenomenológica e, para serem incluídos em nosso processo de análise, os depoimentos colhidos tiveram que se apresentar como portadores dessas características: ser significante, pertinente, relevante, referente, provocante, suficiente. Por não corresponderem a essas exigências do discurso fenomenológico, das doze entrevistas realizadas somente oito foram aproveitadas e, desta forma, cinco mulheres e três homens se constituíram como nossos colaboradores. Os depoimentos foram integralmente transcritos e analisados conforme os passos da proposta metodológica escolhida, ou seja: leitura e re-leitura global de todos os discursos; discriminação das unidades de significado; transformação em linguagem psicológica e elaboração das categorias; e síntese das unidades de significado. Para a compreensão dos depoimentos, estabelecemos parceria com a psicanálise winnicottiana, cujos conceitos e teorias iluminaram nosso processo de análise compreensiva e interpretativa das categorias e subcategorias, a saber: 1) a relação com a família biológica; 2) a relação com a família adotiva; 3) a experiência de saber-se ou sentir-se \"abandonado\"; 4) adoção: o céu ?; 4.1) significados da adoção; 4.2) o segredo na adoção e o impacto da revelação; 5) exercício de parentalidade. Os resultados apontam para o fato de que nossos colaboradores, sentindo-se subjetivamente marcados pela experiência do abandono, da rejeição e da adoção - nem sempre administrada de forma adequada pelos adotantes, sobretudo no que diz respeito à questão \"segredo X revelação\" em torno da história de vida e origem do adotado - atuam em seus relacionamentos interpessoais, conjugalidades e exercício de parentalidade, apresentando-se como pessoas altruístas, abnegadas e significativamente sensíveis ao sofrimento ou demandas de atenção vindas daqueles com os quais convivem, esforçando-se para atendê-los e, desta forma, evitando-lhes a experiência da frustração, ao passo que assim, também evitam que estes (que podem ser amigos, parceiros, pais, filhos, etc.) os rejeitem ou discriminem afetivamente. No exercício de parentalidade demonstram-se extremamente zelosos e amorosos, e, por isso, freqüentemente correndo o risco da superproteção. Por elegerem a parentalidade como prioridade dentro da estrutura familiar que construíram a partir de seus relacionamentos afetivo-sexuais (casamento, por exemplo), vivenciam dificuldades no aspecto da conjugalidade, pois se dirigem mais quantitativa e qualitativamente aos filhos do que a seus parceiros(as). / In Brazil, as well as in several other countries, adoption is historically, socially, legally and psychologically recognized as a way from which the constitution of a family can be originated, and as a way of insertion of a child in a substitute family, especially for a child that, for a number of reasons, finds him/herself unable to live together with his/her family of origin. A lot has been scientifically produced about the theme of adoption, above all in the areas of Psychology, Psychoanalysis, Psychiatry and Law. However, a lack of researches that approach the universe of adoption from the perspective of the adopted adult can be observed. Aiming to give voice to this public and to understand how the exercise of parenthood develops for those who were abandoned in the past or delivered to adoption, this research is linked to phenomenological qualitative research in its methods, and to the winnicottian psychoanalysis in its interpretative theoretical reference. The testimonials of our participants were obtained from a phenomenological interview, and, in order to be included in our analysis process, the chosen ones had to contain the following characteristics: meaningfulness, pertinence, relevance, reference, provocativeness, sufficiency. Because there was not any correspondence to the requirements of the phenomenological discourse, only eight out of the twelve interviews realized were considered, and, this way, five women and three men became the participants of this study. The testimonials were fully transcript and analyzed according to steps of the chosen methodological proposal, which means: global reading and re-reading of all the speeches; discrimination of the units of meaning; alteration to psychological language and elaboration of the categories; and synthesis of the units of meaning. For comprehension of the testimonials, a partnership with the winnicottian psychoanalysis was established, which subsided concepts and theories that guided our process of comprehensive and interpretative analysis of the categories and subcategories, as follows: 1) the relationship with the biological family; 2) the relationship with the adoptive family; 3) the experience of finding and feeling him/herself \"abandoned\"; 4) adoption: is it paradise?; 4.1) the meaning of adoption; 4.2) the secret of adoption and the impact of the revelation; 5) the exercise of parenthood. The results point to the fact that the participants, feeling themselves subjectively affected by the experience of abandonment, rejection and adoption - not always managed in an adequate way by the adopters on what concerns the \"secret versus revelation\" issue, especially about the story of life and origin of the adopted - act in their interpersonal relationships, conjugalities and exercise of parenthood, presenting themselves as unselfish, abnegated and deeply sensitive people to the suffering or attention demand from those whom they live with, striving to satisfy them, and, this way, avoiding the experience of frustration, thus, also avoiding that these people (that can be friends, partners, parents, children, etc.) reject or discriminate them affectively. In the exercise of their parenthood, they demonstrate to be extremely careful and loving, and, thus, often risking to be overprotective. Electing parenthood as a priority in the family structure that was built based on their affectivesexual relationships (marriage, for instance), they experience difficulties in the conjugality aspect, since they are more quantitatively and qualitatively driven to their children than to their partners.

Surrogatmödraskap i medierna : En diskursanalys av tidningarnas framställning / Surrogacy in the media : A discourse analysis of representations in journalism

Linderstam Eriksson, Ronja January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to investigate how Swedish journalism portrays surrogacy through printed press. I used critical discourse analysis according to Norman Fairclough’s three-dimensional model to explore the subject. In this study, fourteen articles where analysed. The analysis found four major discursive themes in the articles: the justifying discourse, the invisibility discourse, the hero discourse and the normalizing discourse. The study concludes that surrogacy is portrayed in a positive manner in Swedish printed press. Through the justifying discourse and the inivisibility discourse, in which the role of the surrogate is toned down, any moral implications of surrogacy are legitimatized. By describing the surrogate as a selfless and charitable person, she is constructed as a hero. By portraying surrogacy as something unproblematic, surrogacy arrangements are normalized. The study also found that the articles reproduce the idea of parenthood as something natural for women and that they constructed homosexual men as feminine to legitimize them as parents.

A representação parental de casais homossexuais masculinos / The parental representation of homosexual men couples

Rodriguez, Brunella Carla 07 December 2012 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar as representações parentais de casais homossexuais masculinos, por meio das imagos parentais e legados geracionais, atualizados pelo processo de transmissão psíquica. Com o crescente aparecimento dos novos arranjos familiares e do papel fundamental da família na constituição psíquica do indivíduo, faz-se necessário o estudo das novas funções e das novas formas de se relacionar dentro destes grupos. Não há um modelo de família dominante e a ampliação de seu conceito acarreta a dificuldade de se abstrair um sentido único. Buscando compreender como se dão tais representações e suas possíveis ligações e/ou influências na relação do casal homoafetivo e, possivelmente, na família homoparental, foram entrevistados cinco casais homossexuais masculinos sem filhos, além da aplicação do DF-Es (Desenhos de famílias com estórias) adaptado. Como resultados gerais encontramos casais ainda muito ligados à suas famílias de origem; com questões conflitivas associadas ao processo de construção de suas identidades homossexuais; presos ao modelo de conjugalidade heteronormativa; cujos relacionamentos caracterizaram-se pela brevidade com que se tornaram compromissados e de coabitação, com a finalidade principal de apoio mútuo à assunção da identidade homossexual de cada um. Diante do material encontrado, concluiu-se que o despreparo para deixar o lugar de filho é fator influente para não se pensar na parentalidade; e ambos estão relacionados com conflitos de cerne familiar, especialmente a falta de aceitação da homossexualidade. Enfatizamos a necessidade de maior número de pesquisas nessa área, da psicanálise à interface interdisciplinar, para que se possa estabelecer uma ética pontuada no vínculo filiativo, base da construção de um novo modelo relacional, conjugal, familiar e parental / This research aimed to investigate the parental representation of men couples, through parental imago and generational legacy, updated by the process of psychic transmission. With the increasing of the new family configurations and the fundamental family role in the individuals psychic constitution, it is necessary the study of the new roles and new ways of relating in these groups. There is not a prevailing family model and the amplification of its concept leads to the difficulty of abstraction of a unique meaning. Trying to comprehend how such representations happen and its possible relations and influences on the homosexual couple relation and, possibly on the homoparental family, five homosexual childfree couples were interviewed, besides the application of DF-E (Drawing of Family with stories) adapted. As general results we found out couples still very attached to their original families; stuck to the heterosexual conjugality model; whose relationships are characterized by the brevity they became compromised and cohabitation, with the finality of mutual support to the assumption of the homosexual identity of each of them. Before the found material, it has been concluded that the lack of preparation to leave the place of son is an influent factor to not think about the parenthood, and both are related to conflicts of family core, specially the lack of the homosexuality accepting. We emphazise the need for a greater number of researches in this area, from psychoanalysis to the interdisciplinarity interface, so that an ethic marked by the filial bond can be established, construction base of a new relational, conjugal, familiar and parental model

The Effects of Planned Parenthood Clinics on Women's Health and Economic Development

Pritchard, Olivia 01 January 2019 (has links)
Women’s health is measured by many standards and is governed by countless laws. Abortion is one of the most highly-contested medical practices and is also crucial to women’s health and economic development. Planned Parenthood is criticized for providing abortions and as a result is often overlooked for the many other medical services it provides. This paper aims to study the effect Planned Parenthood clinics have on women’s health and economic development at the county level. Data was collected for an overview of all fifty states and for the two most populous counties per state. Planned Parenthood centers tend to be located in areas with a higher percentage of women who are uninsured and need public funding assistance. Statistically significant results from two linear regressions also show that the percentage of clients using publicly funded clinics that are Planned Parenthood clinics is negatively correlated with teen birth rates and positively correlated with the percentage of females over 25 years of age with a bachelor’s degree. It is critical that lawmakers understand the importance and effects of clinics like Planned Parenthood on women’s health and productivity.

"Doing" parenthood : fragile families in the fast life and under mass correctional supervision

Campos-Holland, Ana Lilia 01 July 2012 (has links)
Parenthood is a role that shapes the lives of parents and children. According to the sociology of families and marriages, criminology, and the sociology of punishment, the most alienated individuals in unequal America practice parenthood in fragile families struggling with poverty, the code of the street, and under correctional supervision. In attempts to connect and contribute to these literatures, this research project examines how individuals' delinquent/criminal role performance on the street stage and client/inmate role performance on the correctional stage influence their parent role performance on the home stage. To do so, this qualitative study collected 57 semi-structured interviews (12 mothers and 45 fathers) and analyzes participants' parent role, delinquent/criminal role, and client/inmate role. The findings suggest that a cross-generational role conflict shapes participants' parent role performance throughout their life course. Although conflicting roles (roles with conflicting expectations) can coexist in the self, limited resources (time, energy, and money) and problematic boundaries (weak or impenetrable) between social situations bring role conflict to the center of role performance. In this case, the role conflict between participants' ideal parent role on the home stage, delinquent/criminal role on the street stage, and client/inmate role on the correctional stage shapes participants' parent role performance throughout their life course.

“You’re risking being branded a bad parent…if you tell a story like that”: Exploring untellable tales of modern parenthood

Jackl, Jennifer Anne 01 May 2017 (has links)
This dissertation sought to answer four research questions in relation to the master narrative of modern parenthood, themes of untellable tales of parenthood, how parents make sense of their identity in light of possessing untellable tales, and mechanisms parents utilize to cope with and make sense of their untellable tales. What emerges from this dissertation is a much needed, in-depth illustration of the multi-faceted, myriad pressures modern parents face. Furthermore, the results of the data analysis show the lengths parents will go to, to try and live up to the expectations placed upon them in modern society. Finally, this dissertation illuminates the (often) creative ways parents embark upon sense-making and coping strategies to continue to work each day to raise the next generation for future success. Through inductive, open-coding, qualitative analysis the findings related to each research question illustrate many varied, and rich themes. The master narrative of modern parenthood was discovered to contain ten separate narrative threads that weave together to create a rich tapestry of how parents are expected to be responsible for Determining the Future Success of the Child. Five of the narrative threads dictate the roles parents are expected to play within their daily parenting: Provider, Protector, Teacher, Biggest Fan, and Enforcer. Additionally, the master narrative of modern parenthood instructs parents to perform each of the roles in with: Unconditional Love, Selflessness, Attention, Enjoyment, and Perfection. When analyzing parent untellable narratives for emergent themes, it became clear the master narrative was closely entwined with what makes tales of parenthood untellable. The themes that emerged within untellable tales of parenthood were that of: Inadequate Provider, Inadequate Protector, Inadequate Teacher, Inadequate Biggest Fan, and Inadequate Enforcer. Furthermore, tales of parenthood can be deemed untellable because they illustrate a parent performing the various roles of parenthood with the opposite of the master narrative performative expectations. As a result, performative themes of untellable tales were found to be: Selfishness, Frustration, Inattention, Too Good, and Unconditional Love. Possessing untellable tales of parenthood did not disable parents from making sense of their parental identity. Instead, untellable tales were utilized by the parent to explore his or her identity and make sense of who he or she was or wished to be as a parent. This identity exploration manifested within four themes of identity sense-making that emerged during data analysis: Identity Under Construction, Identity Unintelligible to Others, Identity Outlier, and Identity Undecided. Within each of these identity sense-making themes, parents worked to accept/reject their untellable tale of parenthood and understand the stability/fluidity of their parental identity. Finally, when seeking to understand how parents cope with and make sense of their untellable tales of parenthood two large themes emerged: Cognitive Strategies and Communicative Strategies. Within the theme of Cognitive Strategies, parents embarked upon Internal Narrative Reflection and Internal Narrative Reframing to internally work through, assess, and understand their untellable tale of parenthood while not risking outsider judgement, or identity defamation. Communicative Strategies parents utilized for coping and sense-making purposes were found to be: Tell the Untellable, Tell a Therapist, Write the Untellable, and Tell and Alternative Tale. Through these Communicative Strategies parents could reap the benefits of sharing their untellable tale (sometimes creatively) to get listener feedback, emotional validation, and support that then helped the parent cope with and make sense of the challenge presented within the untellable tale and/or the challenges of parenting more generally.

Exploring the Lived Experiences of Couples Making the Transition to Parenthood and the Meaning They Ascribe to Brief, Couple-Focused Preventative Interventions

Michael, Dolores D. 01 May 2014 (has links)
A descriptive, phenomenological research design was used to gain a deeper understanding of the nature and meaning of couples’ experiences as they made the transition to parenthood. Specifically, this study examined what is the lived experience of couples making the transition to parenthood and what meaning do they ascribed to the experience of brief, couple-focused, preventative interventions? Five couples who were expecting their first baby participated in this study. From the data provided, two major categories emerged. The first was the couples’ experiences with becoming new parents and the second was the couples’ experiences with therapy. Under the first category, five major themes emerged: (1) physical and emotional challenges, (2) bonding with baby, (3) satisfaction in roles and new identity, (4) impact of social support, and (5) stability of relationship satisfaction. Three themes were discovered under the category related to the couples’ experience with therapy: (1) facilitated communication, (2) stress management, and (3) preparation for the transition. This study concluded by discussing the essence of the phenomenon of couples’ experiences with the transition to parenthood and the meaning they ascribed to therapeutic interventions along with clinical implications of these findings.

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