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Essai de lecture «democratique» des representations culturelles des grands ensembles francais : une «archive» de la Cite des Quatre-Mille a La Courneuve (1962-2002)Levasseur, Bruno January 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse s’assigne comme objectif d’examiner l’évolution des évocations culturelles et théoriques des grands ensembles français entre les années 1960 et 2000. Notre recherche s’articule autour de la Cité des Quatre-Mille de La Courneuve. Prenant en compte les productions journalistiques disséminées par les grands médias durant ces quatre dernières décennies, les contrastant avec des créations artistiques plus dissidentes, les comparant avec des créations culturelles réalisées par les habitants de cette cité, nous élaborons un «complexe culturel» permettant un questionnement à la fois différent et «démocratique» des représentations historiques des grands ensembles. Le chapitre premier détaille l’armature théorique et méthodologique de notre étude. Le chapitre II propose une analyse rancièrienne des principes d’égalité, de démocratie et de politique. Les chapitres suivants (chapitre III, IV et V) retracent la trajectoire spécifique de la Cité courneuvienne. Le chapitre III se focalise sur les représentations journalistiques des Quatre-Mille au sein de la nation. Le chapitre IV est dévolu à la culture artistique et contraste d’autres formes de représentations esthétiques de la Cité et de l’identité nationale. Centré sur les productions quotidiennes de banlieusards, le chapitre V donne lieu à différentes représentations entre «banlieues» et citoyenneté.
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Avaliação in vitro da atividade antiproliferativa de compostos isolados de espécies de Hypericum nativas do sul do BrasilPinhatti, Amanda Valle January 2013 (has links)
Devido ao grande avanço na descoberta de novos fármacos a partir de compostos naturais, tornou-se interessante avaliar o potencial antiproliferativo de moléculas isoladas de extratos de plantas. Este trabalho prioriza o estudo da atividade antitumoral de benzofenonas (carifenona A e carifenona B) e floroglucionóis (japonicina A e uliginosina B), isolados das espécies nativas do sul do Brasil, Hypericum carinatum e Hypericum myrianthum, respectivamente, bem como a associação destes com quimioterápicos utilizados na clínica. Os experimentos propostos foram realizados em modelos in vitro, utilizando diferentes tipos de linhagens tumorais humanas comercialmente disponíveis. Foi avaliado o efeito de diferentes doses destes compostos através de experimentos de viabilidade e sobrevivência celular, análise morfométrica nuclear (NMA) e citometria de fluxo. Na análise estatística foi utilizada a variância de uma via (ANOVA) seguida de teste post-hoc (Tukey). Os resultados foram expressos como média ± erro padrão da média (SEM), sendo valores de P menores do que 0,05 considerados significativos. Verificamos que nas linhagens de adenocarcinoma de ovário e colorretal e de glioblastoma (OVCAR-3, HT-29 e U-251) ocorreu uma diminuição significativa na viabilidade celular quando tratadas com a dose de 100μg/mL tanto de carifenona A como de carifenona B, enquanto os compostos japonicina A (50μg/mL) e uliginosina B (20μg/mL) só foram ativos na linhagem OVCAR-3. Dentre as associações com quimioterápicos, a única que apresentou efeito sinérgico foi a combinação de japonicina A e paclitaxel na linhagem OVCAR-3. A partir deste momento selecionamos a japoncina A para dar continuidade aos estudos. Este composto foi avaliado frente a outros tipos de linhagens tumorais, sendo ativa somente em células de adenocarcinoma de ovário e próstata (OVCAR-3 e PC-3). Na linhagem PC-3, a análise do ciclo celular demonstrou decréscimo da fase G1 e indução ao arraste da fase G2, assim como, através da técnica de NMA, foi verificado um aumento de células apoptóticas, quando as células foram tratadas com japonicina A. Estudos moleculares devem ser realizados para melhor entendimento do mecanismo de ação da japonicina A, composto que pode servir de modelo para o desenho de fármacos mais específicos para este tipo de neoplasia. / Due to the great progress in the discovery of new drugs from natural compounds, it has become interesting to evaluate the antiproliferative activity of molecules isolated from plant extracts. This work emphasizes the study of antitumor activity of benzophenones (cariphenone A and cariphenone B) and phloroglucionols (japonicin A and uliginosin B), isolated from Hypericum species native to southern Brazil, H. carinatum and H. myrianthum, respectively, as well as their association with chemotherapeutic drugs used in the clinic. The proposed experiments were performed in vitro using commercially available cell lines. The effect of different doses of these compounds were evaluated via cell viability and survival assay, nuclear morphometric analysis (NMA) and flow cytometry. One way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by post hoc tests (Tukey) were utilized for statistical analysis. Results were expressed as mean ± standard error of the mean (SEM), and P values less than 0.05 were considered significant. We found that in ovarian, colorectal (adenocarcinoma) and glioblastoma cell lines (OVCAR-3, HT-29 and U-251) a significant decrease in cell viability occurred when these were treated with a dose of 100μg/mL of cariphenone A and B, while compounds japonicin A (50μg/mL) and uliginosin B (20μg/mL) were active only in OVCAR- 3. Among the associations with chemotherapeutic agents, only japonicin A presented a synergistic effect with paclitaxel in the OVCAR-3 cell line. We then selected japonicin A for evaluation against other cell lines, but its effects were only observed in ovary and prostate adenocarcinoma cell lines (OVCAR-3 e PC-3). In PC-3, the cell cycle revealed a decreased in the G1 phase and induction of G2 arrest, the NMA showed an increase in apoptotic cells when cells were treated with japonicin A. More studies should be conducted to better understand the mechanisms of action of japonicin A, since this compound may serve as pharmacophore model for the design of more specific drugs to treat this tumor type.
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Regional Kinematics of the Heart: Investigation with Marker Tracking and with Phase Contrast Magnetic Resonance ImagingKindberg, Katarina January 2003 (has links)
<p>The pumping performance of the heart is affected by the mechanical properties of the muscle fibre part of the cardiac wall, the myocardium. The myocardium has a complex structure, where muscle fibres have different orientations at different locations, and during the cardiac cycle, the myocardium undergoes large elastic deformations. Hence, myocardial strain pattern is complex. In this thesis work, a computation method for myocardial strain and a detailed map of myocardial transmural strain during the cardiac cycle are found by the use of surgically implanted metallic markers and beads. The strain is characterized in a local cardiac coordinate system. Thereafter, non-invasive phase contrast magnetic resonance imaging (PC-MRI) is used to compare strain at different myocardial regions. The difference in resolution between marker data and PC-MRI data is elucidated and some of the problems associated with the low resolution of PC-MRI are given.</p>
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Design of a Compact Flash ModuleJafari Harandi, Arash January 2004 (has links)
<p>The combination of the existing mobile system and the IEEE standard for WLAN makes way for development of the 4th generation mobile systems. Access for laptop-users to WLAN is today a reality giving a taste of that new generation. Designing a product that introduces WLAN networking for handheld computers would be a major step in the development spoken of. Accommodating existing WLAN PC Card for laptops to handheld PDAs gives a short time to market. Therefore a product prototype for a compact flash module was designed and manufactured to make way for the 4th generation indoor networking facilities on the market.</p>
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Pilotstudie av användningen av Tablet PC som mobil enhet inom vårdenLarsson, Maria January 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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Den patientnära datorarbetsplatsen : Tablet PC för klinisk dokumentation vid postoperativ vård - en kvalitativ studie för OP/IVA kliniken på Uddevalla sjukhusFranzén, Magnus, Johannesson, Tobias January 2004 (has links)
No description available.
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Ad-hoc Collaborative Document Annotation on a Tablet PCHuang, Albert 01 1900 (has links)
The use of technology as an effective educational tool has been an elusive goal in the past. Specifically, previous attempts at using small personal computers in the classroom to aid students as collaborative and note-taking tools have been met with lukewarm responses. Many of these past attempts were hampered by inferior hardware and the lack of an efficient and user-friendly interface. With the recent introduction of Tablet PC products on the market, however, the limitations imposed on software developers for mobile computing systems have been dramatically lowered. We present a collaborative annotation system that allows students equipped with tablet computers to work cooperatively in either an ad-hoc or a structured wireless classroom setting. / Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA)
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Design of a Compact Flash ModuleJafari Harandi, Arash January 2004 (has links)
The combination of the existing mobile system and the IEEE standard for WLAN makes way for development of the 4th generation mobile systems. Access for laptop-users to WLAN is today a reality giving a taste of that new generation. Designing a product that introduces WLAN networking for handheld computers would be a major step in the development spoken of. Accommodating existing WLAN PC Card for laptops to handheld PDAs gives a short time to market. Therefore a product prototype for a compact flash module was designed and manufactured to make way for the 4th generation indoor networking facilities on the market.
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Simplificación del tratamiento de muestra en el análisis de residuos de herbicidas en aguas mediante aplicación de las técnicas cromatográficas acopladas LC-LC y SPE-LCHidalgo Ortiz, Carmen 16 March 1999 (has links)
El objetivo fundamental de la presente Tesis Doctoral ha sido comparar dos técnicas cromatográficas acopladas utilizadas en Cromatografía Líquida (acoplamiento LC-LC y acoplamiento SPE-LC), mediante su aplicación al análisis de residuos de diferentes familias de herbicidas en muestras de agua. El acoplamiento LC-LC con detección UV se ha utilizado para la determinación de residuos de bromacilo y diuron, de cuatro herbicidas triazínicos, y de atrazina junto a sus principales productos de transformación. Para ello, se han desarrollado tres procedimientos analíticos rápidos y selectivos basados en la inyección directa de 2 ml de muestra acuosa en el sistema LC-LC, con límites de detección entre 0.1 y 0.5 µg·l-1. La incorporación de una sencilla etapa previa de SPE "off-line" (en la determinación de triazinas y productos de transformación) permite disminuir los límites de detección hasta niveles inferiores a 0.1 µg·l-1, pudiendo aplicarse los métodos desarrollados a muestras de aguas potables. El acoplamiento "on-line" SPE-LC-DAD se ha llevado a cabo mediante modificación de un equipo instrumental originalmente diseñado para llevar a cabo SPE "off-line" (el ASPEC XL), habiéndose desarrollado procedimientos para la determinación de carbaril y su principal producto de transformación (1-naftol), bromacilo con cinco herbicidas ureicos, triazinas y TP´s, y finalmente, seis herbicidas fenilcarbamatos. Cabe destacar la completa automatización de los procedimientos desarrollados así como las altas sensibilidades obtenidas mediante preconcentración de volúmenes de muestra del orden de 50-100 ml. Complementariamente al desarrollo de metodología analítica, se han llevado a cabo estudios de degradación de carbaril a 1-naftol, así como de desmedifam y fenmedifam. En el caso de los fenilcarbamatos se detectaron varios TP´s, quedando pendiente una futura elucidación estructural de los mismos.Los procedimientos desarrollados se han utilizado para realizar control de plaguicidas en aguas superficiales de la Comunidad Valenciana, habiéndose detectado diferentes herbicidas como bromacilo, diuron y algunas triazinas (simazina, terbutilazina, terbutrina y terbumeton). Finalmente, se ha llevado a cabo un estudio comparativo de las dos modalidades de acoplamiento utilizadas en esta Tesis Doctoral, LC-LC y SPE-LC, destacándose las características más relevantes de cada una de ellas (rapidez, sensibilidad, selectividad y mayor o menor carácter multiresidual), mediante el apoyo de los datos experimentales obtenidos a partir de los métodos desarrollados para los distintos herbicidas analizados tanto por LC-LC como por SPE-LC.
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Physical Aging and Hygrothermal Response of Polycarbonate/Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene Polymer BlendTang, Jacky January 2007 (has links)
Polycarbonate (PC) is a glassy engineering thermoplastic that has been used for decades because of its superior mechanical properties such as high toughness and stiffness, and for its general thermal stability. However, the industrial demand for higher performance polymers with faster processing times has caused PC to be gradually replaced by different engineered polymer blends, such as polycarbonate/acyrlonitrile-butadiene-styrene (PC/ABS). Blends combine the advantages of the individual components but because they are a relatively new class of materials, their time-dependent behaviour is less well understood.
The goal of the present work is to characterize two primary time-dependent processes in a commercial 75:25 PC:ABS blend that are known to affect the long-term mechanical properties of the individual components. The first is physical aging which is a result of non-equilibrium fast cooling of glassy or amorphous polymers. Physical aging is associated with structural relaxation due to enthalpic and volumetric recovery. The second process is hygrothermal conditioning which is the combined application of thermal aging and moisture absorption. Three sets of characterization tests were conducted using Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR).
The enthalpic relaxation results determined from DSC data for aging at nine different combinations of time and temperature showed that aging experiments are best conducted at temperatures between 80 and 90°C. This range is below the glass temperature of the ABS component. The activation energy for enthalpic relaxation for the unaged blend was found to fall between energies for PC and ABS relaxations, but not according to the rule-of-mixtures.
The present study attempted to adopt the Tool–Narayanaswamy-Moynihan (TNM) phenomenological model to predict relaxation kinetics but was found to be complicated by multiple endothermic peaks. It was then concluded that the TNM model, although very useful for single polymer systems, is unsuitable for blends. A semi-empirical model was applied instead to fit the experimental data which provided a reasonable estimate of the relaxation behaviour. Aging at 80°C for the period investigated did not reach equilibrium and it is expected that aging times of upwards of 2 years will be necessary to minimize the errors associated with the data fitting to provide a better fit of the model.
The FTIR studies revealed that thermal aging at 80°C in dry atmosphere results in oxidation of the butadiene component. However, the addition of moisture to the aging process appears to prevent, or at least impede, oxidation from occurring. The presence of moisture seems to trigger hydrogen bonding, which saturates regardless of the moisture content after approximately 80 days. The initial rate of moisture diffusion in PC/ABS appeared to depend predominantly on temperature while the ambient moisture concentration tends to only affect the final equilibrium content in the blend.
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