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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gravidez tardia: bem-estar subjetivo e percep??o da gesta??o

Oliveira, Maria Aurelina Machado de 27 April 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:38:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MariaAMO_DISSERT.pdf: 1764108 bytes, checksum: b91b0f5edc0ee2890324733c58bfdc95 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-04-27 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / The subjective well- being (SWB) is formed by global judgments of satisfaction with life, or with peculiar domains the positive and the negative emotional experiences. The perception in turn, is the process of interpretive process of sensory data with cognitive or informative sense, absorbed in function of a context. From this perspective, the research aimed to evaluate SWB and the perception of advanced age pregnant women. Participated in the survey 80 pregnant with 35 years old or older (Group A or older) and 80 pregnant aged between 20 and 34 years old (Group B or young adults). The instruments used were: the scale of subjective well-being and a questionnaire, that included sociodemographic informations, items about pregnancy and a statement based on the Free Association of Words Technique (FAWT) to approach the perception of pregnancy. The data from the questionnaire and scale, in order to compare the data between groups suffered descriptive and inferential statistical analyzes. The analyzes performed with chi-square test among groups, which had values that were statistically significant, with the sociodemographic variables the type of contraceptive and health problems. The indicators of the SWB had further more by means in groups. The results of the Wilcoxon's test that there were no differences between the groups referred above. In the relation indicators of well being with variables age, education and income, some associations were significant. In addition, the words derived from the (FAWT) were analyzed using the software Programmer s Permenttant l?Analyse des Evocation (EVOC2000) and categorized according to content analysis of Bardin in three thematic categories (positive and negative affects, perception of gestation and implications of pregnancy) discussed as a group, since most of words were common. The study highlights shown how similar were the presented data by pregnant women surveyed. It is supposed about this fact the similarity is related to the social context. The relevance of this study for the health care network is to help with proposals aimed at specific improvements to the public and the sector, beside demonstrate that advanced age pregnant women and young adulst in the researched context showed no differences in the most of the studied characteristics / O Bem-estar Subjetivo (BES) ? formado por julgamentos globais de satisfa??o com a vida, ou com dom?nios peculiares - as experi?ncias emocionais positivas e negativas. A percep??o, por sua vez, ? o processo interpretativo dos dados sensoriais dotado de sentido cognitivo ou informativo, assimilado em fun??o de um contexto. Sob essa perspectiva, a pesquisa objetivou avaliar o BES e a percep??o da gravidez em gestantes tardias. Participaram da pesquisa 80 gr?vidas com 35 anos ou mais de idade (grupo A ou tardias) e 80 gr?vidas com idade entre 20 e 34 anos (grupo B ou adultas jovens). Os instrumentos usados foram: a escala de BES e um question?rio; este contemplou informa??es sociodemogr?ficas, itens sobre a gravidez e uma afirmativa baseada na T?cnica de Associa??o Livre de Palavras (TALP) para abordar a percep??o da gesta??o. Os dados oriundos do question?rio e da escala, objetivando comparar os dados de intergrupos, sofreram an?lises estat?sticas descritivas e inferenciais. As an?lises realizadas com o teste qui-quadrado apresentaram valores estatisticamente significativos com as vari?veis sociodemogr?ficas tipo de anticoncepcional e problemas de sa?de. Os indicadores do BES apresentaram m?dias pr?ximas nos grupos. Al?m disso, por meio do teste de Wilcoxon, percebeu-se que n?o houve diferen?as dos aspectos supracitados intergrupos. Ao relacionar os indicadores do BES com as vari?veis idade, escolaridade e renda, algumas associa??es foram significativas. Em adi??o, as palavras oriundas da afirmativa (TALP) foram analisadas com o aux?lio do software Programmes Permettant l analyse des Evocations (EVOC2000), e categorizadas segundo a an?lise de conte?do de Bardin que resultaram em 3 categorias tem?ticas (afetos positivos e negativos, percep??o da gesta??o e implica??es da gravidez), discutidas de forma agrupada, pois a maioria das palavras foram comuns. Frisa-se o qu?o semelhantes foram os dados apresentados pelas gestantes pesquisadas. Sup?e-se, acerca dessa considera??o, que a similitude esteja relacionada ao contexto social. A relev?ncia desse estudo para a rede assistencial de sa?de reside em auxiliar em propostas que visem a melhorias espec?ficas para o p?blico e para o setor, al?m de demonstrar que gestantes tardias e adultas jovens, no contexto pesquisado, n?o apresentaram diferen?as em boa parte das caracter?sticas estudadas

A Pra?a Andr? de Albuquerque, Natal/RN, na vis?o de seus frequentadores

Sousa, Bernardete de Lourdes Queiroga de 19 May 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:39:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 BernardeteLQS.pdf: 454040 bytes, checksum: a2a351b0a2df09b6a0ee0e71d9141ffb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-05-19 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / The study offers a global and interpretative view of the person-environment inter-action at Andr? de Albuquerque Plaza, in Natal, RN, according to a descriptive-exploratory approach that aimed at learning about the space converted into place, as it is perceived and experienced by users, who attribute meaning to it. The main objective was to critically analyze the relationship person-plaza, based on data collected about users perception, utilization and ascribed meaning. I have employed an Environmental Psychology multi-method approach, including informal observations, interactive poster session, videotaping and interviews. The results indicated that the plaza, besides being a passage point, is also a spot of urban convergence for several groups, particularly taxi drivers, flanelinhas, skate boarders and students. In regard to the perception of the place, an overall positive evaluation of the plaza was verified, since people perceive selectively what interests them. In terms of usage, different groups of users presented diverse patterns of utilization, also observed in the attributed meanings. The plaza is a work place for taxi drivers and flanelinhas and a sports arena for the skate boarders, with a practical meaning for both groups. For students and other users it is a place for meeting and leisure, revealing a stronger affective quality, responsible for feelings of well being, tranquility and relaxation. The data so obtained could contribute for future government projects of intervention in those spaces, aiming at its preservation as an open spot among the concrete of city buildings, offering better quality of life, not only for today, but also for future generations / A pesquisa oferece uma vis?o global e interpretativa da inter-a??o pessoa-ambiente, na Pra?a Andr? de Albuquerque, em Natal/RN, sendo um estudo descritivo-explorat?rio que oportunizou conhecer um pouco mais sobre este espa?o que se transforma em lugar, na medida em que ? percebido e vivenciado por aqueles que o usam, dando-lhe significado. O objetivo foi refletir criticamente sobre a rela??o pessoa-pra?a, a partir de dados levantados junto aos seus freq?entadores sobre percep??o, uso e significado. Para tanto, recorri a multim?todos como observa??es informais, painel interativo, filmagens e entrevistas. Os resultados alcan?ados sugerem que a pra?a, al?m de espa?o de passagem, ? um ponto de converg?ncia urbana para diversos grupos, principalmente: taxistas, "flanelinhas", skatistas e estudantes. No que se refere ? percep??o, foi poss?vel observar uma avalia??o geral positiva, na medida em que as pessoas percebem seletivamente aquilo que lhes interessa. Quanto ao uso, houve uma distribui??o diferenciada entre os tipos de usu?rios, observada tamb?m nos significados atribu?dos ? mesma. A pra?a ? local de trabalho para taxistas e flanelinhas e espa?o de pr?tica de esportes para skatistas, tendo para ambos um significado pr?tico. J? para estudantes e outros usu?rios, ? lugar de reuni?o e lazer, assumindo um car?ter mais afetivo, fazendo-os sentir bem-estar, tranq?ilidade e relaxamento. Os dados obtidos podem contribuir, futuramente, para projetos governamentais de interven??o nesse espa?o, para a sua preserva??o como uma clareira no meio do concreto das constru??es da cidade, visando uma melhor qualidade de vida, n?o somente para as pessoas de hoje, mas, tamb?m, para as gera??es futuras. Palavras-chaves: pra?a, percep??o ambiental, Natal, usu?rio, psicologia ambiental

A percep??o de suporte organizacional dos novos servidores da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte

Oliveira, Alessandra Silva de 07 November 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:39:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AlessandraSO.pdf: 468703 bytes, checksum: 8d980d6e99d5b52f3982fb70db6d2277 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-11-07 / This work deals with organizational support perception-OSP. This is done considering staff global beliefs, value of their contributions, care and well being related of individuals in an organization. These issues has been have been present in many researches since the 80s. It is important to analyze this matter considering all the changes that occurred nationally and internationally in the academic environment, characterized as being diversified in academic and managerial level. This occurs especially in Brazil since Federal Universities and their agents have suffered impact and restructuring. The research has emphasized the technical-managerial as well as professor staff level at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte aiming to deal with their unsatisfaction upon social political support. Thus, there was participation of 259 staff that were admitted from 2003 to 2005 in many sectors and units of the university. These subjects were submitted to a social and demographical query through an application of a scale of organizational support perception-OSP. Descriptive and multivariate analysis was done considering factors (management style of higher command), material support, wages, work overload, social support at work and ascending levels). Results show that there a hierarchy of the analyzed factors, the factor social support at work as being the first one with 3,31%, the factor management style of the higher command in second with 3,30%, then followed by the factor social support at work with 2,92%, in a sequence the factor material support, factor overload with 2,49% in the fourth position, and in the fifth place, the factor ascending with an average of 2,33% and in last the factor wages with 2,20%. It is concluded that the factors related to the more positive attributions of the OSP (social support at work), in a sequence material support opposing from the most negative factors of the OSP (wages, overload, ascending) reveal a reality that points out that the OSP is very much related to the individualized actions of the members of the organization (leader-member-group) rather than on structure and institutionalized actions carried out at UFRN / A percep??o de suporte organizacional designada como as cren?as globais dos indiv?duos de quanto ? organiza??o cuida do bem-estar deles e valoriza as suas contribui??es tem sido alvo de muitas pesquisas a partir dos anos 80, sendo importante inseri-la e compreend?-la ? luz de mudan?as atuais ocorridas no cen?rio nacional e internacional do contexto universit?rio bastante heterog?neo e diversificado do ponto de vista administrativo e acad?mico. Sobretudo, no caso brasileiro acerca dos impactos e reestrutura??es vivenciadas nas universidades federais p?blicas e seus agentes. Enfatizou-se a categoria dos servidores t?cnico-administrativos e docentes em virtude de demandas concretas da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte no tocante ? insatisfa??o com as pol?ticas de suporte social ao novo servidor. Participaram do estudo 259 servidores admitidos no per?odo de 2003 a 2005 lotados nos mais diversos setores e unidades da universidade. Os participantes responderam ao instrumento escala de percep??o de suporte organizacional e uma ficha sociodemogr?fica. Realizou-se an?lises descritivas e multivariadas a cerca dos fatores (estilo de gest?o da chefia, suporte material, sal?rios, sobrecarga, suporte social no trabalho e ascens?o). Os resultados apontaram para uma hierarquiza??o dos fatores analisados aparecendo em primeiro lugar o fator suporte social no trabalho com 3,31%, o fator estilo de gest?o e chefia em segundo lugar com 3,30%, o fator suporte social no trabalho em seguida com 2,92%, o fator sobrecarga com 2,49% na quarta posi??o, em quinto o fator ascens?o com m?dia 2,33% e em ?ltimo o fator sal?rio com 2,20%. Conclui-se, portanto, que os fatores com atribui??es mais positivas da PSO (suporte social no trabalho e estilo de gest?o e chefia), seguido de suporte social no trabalho, em detrimento dos fatores com atribui??es mais negativas da PSO (sal?rios, sobrecarga e ascens?o) revelam uma realidade de que a PSO est? muito mais relacionada ?s a??es individualizadas dos membros da organiza??o (l?der-membro-grupo) do que ?s a??es mais estruturantes e institucionalizadas desenvolvidas pela UFRN

Indicadores de Qualidade de Vida no Trabalho: Uma Proposta de Integra??o entre Indicadores Globais e os Indicadores de Empresa / Work Life Quality Indicators: A Proposition of Integration between the Global and the Industrial Company Indicators.

Magalh?es, Daniella Guimar?es Bergamini de S? 27 January 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:19:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2006-Daniella Guimaraes Bergamini de Sa Magalhaes.pdf: 826812 bytes, checksum: 5732a7739bc665988f9672534533b016 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-01-27 / This work aimed at verifying the possibility of the integration between the global indicators of life quality, and the models of the work life quality (WLQ) Programs, already developed for a country, The study begins by describing how the concept of WLQ has evolved to the extent of considering that the human resources satisfaction should be also incorporated into the work environment. The intention was to increase the productivity and to promote the social well-being. Initially, the study raised a diagnosis about the actual work environment. Then, data have been collected, through questionnaires, involving samples of managers/employees from two industrial companies of the State of Rio de Janeiro. Based on the findings, the importance of the identification of the main indicators could be verified to propose a WLQ Program. This proposition was composed by the following indicators: human resources improvement, education, employment, physical and mental atmosphere, health, human rights, income and recreation. Through the research, the importance of adopting a Program of Life Quality appropriated not only to the work environmental needs, but also to the employees' personal, social, economic, and professional satisfaction, was considered. Keywords: This work aimed at verifying the possibility of the integration between the global indicators of life quality, and the models of the work life quality (WLQ) Programs, already developed for a country, The study begins by describing how the concept of WLQ has evolved to the extent of considering that the human resources satisfaction should be also incorporated into the work environment. The intention was to increase the productivity and to promote the social well-being. Initially, the study raised a diagnosis about the actual work environment. Then, data have been collected, through questionnaires, involving samples of managers/employees from two industrial companies of the State of Rio de Janeiro. Based on the findings, the importance of the identification of the main indicators could be verified to propose a WLQ Program. This proposition was composed by the following indicators: human resources improvement, education, employment, physical and mental atmosphere, health, human rights, income and recreation. Through the research, the importance of adopting a Program of Life Quality appropriated not only to the work environmental needs, but also to the employees' personal, social, economic, and professional satisfaction, was considered. / Este trabalho procurou verificar a possibilidade da integra??o entre os indicadores globais de Qualidade de Vida, desenvolvidos para um pa?s, e os modelos de Programas de Qualidade de Vida no Trabalho j? existentes. O estudo inicia descrevendo como aconteceu a evolu??o do conceito de QVT, a ponto de se perceber que a satisfa??o deveria ser incorporada ao ambiente de trabalho, com o intuito de incrementar a produtividade e promover o bem-estar social. A partir de um diagn?stico dos Recursos Humanos, para se analisar como est? o ambiente de trabalho. A partir disto, utilizou-se uma pesquisa descritiva com uma amostra de duas empresas do Estado Rio de Janeiro. Baseado na pesquisa de campo, feita atrav?s de question?rio p?de-se verificar a import?ncia da identifica??o dos principais indicadores para se adotar um Programa de QVT. Com base nos resultados sugere-se que a proposta seja composta dos seguintes Indicadores: aperfei?oamento, educa??o, emprego, ambiente f?sico e mental, sa?de, direitos humanos, renda/sal?rio e recrea??o. Atrav?s da pesquisa, verificou-se a import?ncia de se adotar um Programa de Qualidade de Vida do Trabalho adequado n?o s? ?s necessidades da empresa, mas tamb?m ? satisfa??o dos funcion?rios, em termos pessoais, sociais, econ?micos e profissionais.

Est?mulo a percep??o de impactos ambientais no meio rural como pr?tica pedag?gica para estudantes do curso t?cnico em agropecu?ria / Stimulus to the perception of environmental impacts on the rural area as pedagogical practicing to the technical farming students? course

Xavier, Josilene Vargas 27 November 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Sandra Pereira (srpereira@ufrrj.br) on 2017-01-16T11:50:57Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2015 - Josilene Vargas Xavier.pdf: 13449262 bytes, checksum: 7e1ad5b891772498477dfe5bb180c84f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-01-16T11:50:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2015 - Josilene Vargas Xavier.pdf: 13449262 bytes, checksum: 7e1ad5b891772498477dfe5bb180c84f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-11-27 / This qualyquantitative research was carried with students from IFF (Fluminense Federal Institute) ? campus Bom Jesus intending to stimulate and evaluate environmental perception. Incentives were proposed through dialogical classes and sustainable agricultural practices from pedagogical activities elaborated from a socio environmental critical perspective. The analyses support the idea that the method is favorable to the stimulus of environmental perceptions, as well it contributes to the rupture of a fragmented and conservative environmental education. It allows more emancipation for the pupil, contributing to his critical position in face of the natural, social and localcultural dimensions, before the disciplinary curricular subjects / Foi realizada uma pesquisa qualiquantitativa com estudantes do Instituto Federal Fluminense ? campus Bom Jesus, com o intuito de estimular e avaliar a percep??o ambiental. Foram propostos est?mulos atrav?s de aulas dial?gicas e pr?ticas agr?colas sustent?veis, a partir de atividades pedag?gicas elaboradas com a perspectiva socioambiental cr?tica. As an?lises corroboram que o m?todo ? favor?vel ao est?mulo das percep??es ambientais, bem como contribuem para o rompimento de uma educa??o ambiental fragmentada e conservadora. Isso permite maior emancipa??o do educando, contribuindo para sua posi??o cr?tica diante das dimens?es natural, social e cultural local, frente aos conte?dos disciplinares curriculares

Percep??o ambiental dos alunos dos cursos t?cnicos integrados ao ensino m?dio do instituto Federal do Esp?rito Santo - Campus Itapina / Student?s environmental perception in technical course integrated to the high school from the Federal Institute of Esp?rito Santo, Campus Itapina

GUJANWSKI, Cassiano Perini 11 April 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2017-04-07T18:55:36Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Cassiano Perini Gujanwski.pdf: 1203197 bytes, checksum: be71c542174de10a2b08c0a6262ce181 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-07T18:55:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Cassiano Perini Gujanwski.pdf: 1203197 bytes, checksum: be71c542174de10a2b08c0a6262ce181 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-04-11 / The studies of environmental perception contribute to a major understanding of the relationships between mankind/nature in specific contexts. They help in the drafting of public policies, guide educational programs and projects . The objective of this study is to identify and analyze the student?s environmental perception in Technical Course Integrated to the High School from the Federal Institute from Esp?rito Santo, Campus Itapina, in Colatina city, state of Espirito Santo, Brazil, identify if there is any differences in the environmental perceptions between the students who come from farm and those who come from the city and which they are, relate the student?s environmental perceptions and their local realities and identify in the Technical Course Integrated to the High School?s the Teaching Planes the contents exposed in the student?s perceptions. This was a qualitative research with students who attend Technical Course Integrated to the High School from the Federal Institute from Esp?rito Santo, Campus Itapina who are registered in the first and in the last grade of the first Semester in the academic year of 2015. The data gathering was done by a semi-structured questionnaire, with variables considered identifying information in environmental perception which has open and half -open questions. The results indicate that the environmental conception as a resource is predominant between the students of both grades, but it?s still stronger between the students from the third grade, showing the influence of the Environmental Education Recursista/Conservacionista Tendency. It is hoped with this, subsidize the promotion of actions that changes the existing paradigms, cooperating with the preparation of program contents in the High School from the Federal Institute of Brazil courses Teaching Plans. / Os estudos de percep??es ambientais contribuem para um melhor entendimento das rela??es Homem/Natureza em contextos espec?ficos, ajudando, dentre outras coisas, na elabora??o de pol?ticas p?blicas, orientam programas e projetos educacionais. Este estudo teve objetivo de identificar e analisar a percep??o ambiental dos alunos dos Cursos T?cnicos Integrados ao Ensino M?dio do Instituto Federal do Esp?rito Santo, Campus Itapina, no munic?pio de Colatina ? ES, identificando se ocorrem diferen?as nas percep??es ambientais entre alunos provenientes do campo e da cidade e quais s?o elas; relacionar as percep??es ambientais dos alunos e suas realidades locais e identificar nos Planos de Ensino desses Cursos os conte?dos apresentados nas percep??es dos alunos. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, com alunos frequentadores dos Cursos Profissionalizantes Integrados ao Ensino M?dio do IFES Campus Itapina, que est?o matriculados na primeira e na ?ltima s?rie do primeiro semestre do letivo de 2015. A coleta de dados foi realizada atrav?s da aplica??o de question?rio semiestruturado, contendo perguntas abertas e semi abertas com vari?veis consideradas como identificadoras da percep??o ambiental. Os resultados indicaram que a concep??o de meio ambiente como recurso natural ? predominante entre os alunos pesquisados, mas ? ainda mais forte entre os alunos da 3? s?rie (?ltima s?rie), demonstrando a influ?ncia da corrente de Educa??o Ambiental Recursista/Conservacionista. Espera-se assim subsidiar a promo??o de a??es que mudem os paradigmas existentes, colaborando com a elabora??o dos conte?dos program?ticos dos planos de ensino dos cursos de ensino m?dio dos Institutos Federais no Brasil.

Estado da arte dos estudos sobre percep??o ambiental no Brasil no per?odo entre 2008 e 2015 / State of the art of environmental perception studies in Brazil between 2008 and 2015

Alves, Soraya Cristina Vital 14 July 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Celso Magalhaes (celsomagalhaes@ufrrj.br) on 2017-10-30T11:57:30Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Soraya Cristina Vital Alves.pdf: 3158007 bytes, checksum: 28282ef34bc84f5887cf1e4433c9c1fa (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-10-30T11:57:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Soraya Cristina Vital Alves.pdf: 3158007 bytes, checksum: 28282ef34bc84f5887cf1e4433c9c1fa (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-07-14 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / In this paper we characterized the academic production on Environmental Perception (EP) developed by brazilian Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Programs (PGP) in the great knowledge areas, with special attention in the production from Biological Sciences and Psychology, from 2008 to 2015. The research sought to continue the research of Vasco (2009), which made a similar survey between 1988 and 2007. We also aim to broaden the study above by pointing out the philosophical currents that direct the analyzed productions. We also intend to investigate how Biological Sciences has been dialoguing with Psychology in the study of EA. This paper has quantitative-qualitative methodological approach, and the State of the Art type of research was used. In the first stage, we identified brazilian Stricto Sensu PGPs that research Environmental Perception, as well as dissertations and theses which AP is its main theme. In the second step, we mapped the academic production about AP in several available repositories, creating a Database containing informations about the studies. In the third step, we analyzed critically the main characteristics inserted in the Database. From the built database, we note AP is studied in the large Areas of Environmental, Human, Biological, Social, Exact and Agrarian Sciences. In the investigation period, we identified 188 PPG productions in PA. The largest number of brazilian production is in the Northeast region, soon followed by the Southeast. Most of the researches adopted the qualitative methodology, with a structuralist philosophical current. The thematic focus of most surveys was AP on urban environment and AP on water resources, involving residents of the study site. In general, all the surveys have been relevant to a better understanding of the environmental problems raised by them. However, the confusion about philosophical currents and the lack of a better knowledge in the main works on AP are questions to be pointed out. The approach between Biological Sciences and Psychology in the researches in AP is still very discreet, so it?s necessary an effort from these areas to deep the study of environmental issues / Neste trabalho foi caracterizada a produ??o acad?mica sobre Percep??o Ambiental (PA) desenvolvida pelos Programas de P?s-Gradua??o (PPG) Stricto Sensu brasileiros, nas Grandes ?reas do conhecimento, com especial aten??o ? produ??o das ?reas de Ci?ncias Biol?gicas e Psicologia, no per?odo de 2008 a 2015. A pesquisa buscou dar continuidade ao trabalho de Vasco (2009), que fez levantamento semelhante entre os anos de 1988 a 2007. Objetivamos, ainda, ampliar o trabalho citado ao apontarmos as correntes filos?ficas que direcionam as produ??es analisadas e ao investigarmos como as Ci?ncias Biol?gicas v?m dialogando com a Psicologia no estudo da PA. O presente trabalho possui enfoque metodol?gico quanti-qualitativo, de car?ter bibliogr?fico do tipo Estado da Arte. Na primeira etapa, identificamos os PPG Stricto Sensu brasileiros que pesquisam sobre Percep??o Ambiental, bem como as disserta??es e teses que apresentavam a PA como tema principal do seu trabalho. Na segunda etapa, mapeamos a produ??o acad?mica acerca do tema PA em diversos reposit?rios dispon?veis, criando um Banco de Dados cotendo determinadas informa??es sobre os trabalhos. Na terceira etapa, analisamos criticamente as principais caracter?sticas inseridas no Banco de Dados em quest?o. A partir do Banco de Dados constru?do, notamos que a PA ? estudada nas Grandes ?reas de Ci?ncias Ambientais, Humanas, Biol?gicas, Sociais Aplicadas, Exatas e Agr?rias. No per?odo investigado, identificamos 188 produ??es pelos PPG em PA. O maior n?mero de produ??es brasileiras divulgadas ? a regi?o Nordeste, logo seguida pela Sudeste. A maioria das pesquisas adotou a metodologia qualitativa, com corrente filos?fica estruturalista. O foco tem?tico da maioria das pesquisas foi PA sobre ambiente urbano e PA sobre recursos h?dricos, envolvendo moradores do local do estudo. De maneira geral, todos os trabalhos encontrados mostraram-se relevantes para a melhor compreens?o dos problemas ambientais levantados pelos mesmos. Por?m, a confus?o sobre as correntes filos?ficas existentes e a car?ncia de um conhecimento mais embasado na maioria dos trabalhos sobre PA s?o quest?es a serem apontadas. A aproxima??o entre Ci?ncias Biol?gicas e Psicologia nas pesquisas em PA ainda se mostra muito discreta, sendo necess?rio o esfor?o das duas ?reas para que o di?logo entre ambas seja aprofundado no estudo das quest?es ambientais

Planejamento ambiental participativo de projeto do desenvolvimento sustent?vel do acampamento Unidos Venceremos, Porto Seguro, Bahia / Participatory environmental planning of the Sustainable Development Project ?Unidos Venceremos? encampment, Porto Seguro-Bahia

REZENDE, Ana Paula Capello 11 July 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2018-05-03T18:11:04Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2017 - Ana Paula Capello Rezende.pdf: 3275323 bytes, checksum: 8f2fb2ab6c119f7f2989532bcf35a7bb (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-03T18:11:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2017 - Ana Paula Capello Rezende.pdf: 3275323 bytes, checksum: 8f2fb2ab6c119f7f2989532bcf35a7bb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-07-11 / This works purposed to contribute for the planning of the Sustainable Development Project ?PDS Unidos Venceremos? located at the Porto Seguro city, Bahia. To that end the territorial and environmental characterization of the Santa Maria II Farm and the environmental perception analysis of families living in the area was aimed. Also, were realized awareness activities about the environmental conservation needs and use possibilities of natural resources from the settlement with attention to the Brazilian Forest Code. A methodological proposal for collective construction for the ?PDS Unidos Venceremos? environmental planning was developed. Field data survey, maps, workshops and field days meetings with the families were done. In addition, a proposal of topics to the participative environmental planning of the PDS was elaborated. Through the analyzed period, from 2013 to 2016, changes happened in the perception and practice of families concerning the use of fire, agrochemicals and chemical fertilizers. The use of participatory methodologies contributed to the families? incorporation of agroecological practices. The environmental planning is fundamental to the establishment of a rural settlement and the steps to the participatory construction must be organized according to each reality. The use of the watershed concept contributed to the construction of a holistic and integrated perspective of the territory to be planned. / O objetivo deste trabalho foi contribuir para o planejamento ambiental e efetiva??o territorial do Projeto de Desenvolvimento Sustent?vel Unidos Venceremos, localizado no munic?pio de Porto Seguro, Bahia. Para tanto, buscou-se a caracteriza??o territorial e ambiental da Fazenda Santa Maria II e a an?lise da percep??o ambiental das fam?lias que viviam na ?rea. Tamb?m foram realizadas a??es para a sensibiliza??o das fam?lias quanto ? necessidade de conserva??o e possibilidades de uso dos recursos naturais do assentamento com ?nfase em APP, RL e uso da ?gua. Bem como a estrutura??o de uma proposta metodol?gica para constru??o coletiva do planejamento ambiental do PDS Unidos Venceremos. Foram realizados levantamentos de dados de campo, elabora??o de mapas, oficinas e dias de campo com as fam?lias acampadas, al?m da estrutura??o de uma proposta de temas para o planejamento ambiental participativo do PDS. Ao longo do per?odo analisado, 2013 a 2016, verificaram-se avan?os na percep??o e na pr?tica das fam?lias quanto ao uso do fogo, agrot?xicos e fertilizantes qu?micos. As metodologias participativas utilizadas contribu?ram para a incorpora??o pelas fam?lias de pr?ticas agroecol?gicas. O planejamento ambiental ? fundamental para a efetiva??o de um assentamento rural. Os passos para uma constru??o participativa devem ser organizados de acordo com cada realidade. A utiliza??o do conceito de bacia hidrogr?fica contribuiu para a constru??o de uma vis?o hol?stica e integrada do territ?rio a ser planejado.

De professor para professor: a pr?tica da educa??o ambiental na sala de aula / From teacher to Teacher: The practice of environmental education in the classroom

Bezerra, Silvia Helena Loli 03 September 2010 (has links)
Submitted by Sandra Pereira (srpereira@ufrrj.br) on 2018-08-21T14:27:57Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2010 - Silvia Helena Loli Bezerra.pdf: 2012785 bytes, checksum: 8d34e1d0af956dbaa779688bd738d14d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-21T14:27:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2010 - Silvia Helena Loli Bezerra.pdf: 2012785 bytes, checksum: 8d34e1d0af956dbaa779688bd738d14d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-09-03 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior, CAPES, Brasil. / The purpose of this research was to investigate the contribution of environmental education practices (EE), on the educational project of the Technical College of Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (CTUR). Initially, an exploratory study was done with students of the Organic Farming high school and some school staff, using short videos, visits to the College's campus to observe the school?s garbage, and a guided tour on the city's garbage deposit as elements of motivation. After these activities, a survey was done of the participants? environmental awareness, through free demonstrations via reports about what was seen and discussed in these activities, followed by a brainstorming with presentation of possible solutions to the school problems. Further, a semistructurade questionnaire was applied with open questions, in which the interviewee had freedom to write about the proposed issue, and pre-formulated closed questions, whereby highlighted the best answers which represented their opinion. 65 students and members of staff filled questionnaire up. The questionnaires were analyzed statistically by dispersion and by the results, it was noted that the arguments of the interviewers were typically Cartesian. This reductive vision limits their ability to see the problem in a systemic way, because they are arguments that show a mechanistic design of the universe, whose laws, according to this conception, could be in theory, objectively learned through scientific procedures. These structures of thought are not exclusive of interviewees, particularly among students. They were certainly consolidated in family conviviality, neighborhood relationship and in other groups of relationship, including the school. Within this perspective, it is understood that EE has the purpose to disarm these structures of thought that perceive the relationship man/nature within a binary mechanics in formal logic and rationalist. This research used a special population that can be considered as been representative of the student elite of the country. So, they are not generalized conclusions about the set of the Brazilian population. If this premise is true, this finding is that the situation is worrying since the vast majority of Brazilians surely has an instructional level lower than the interviewees in this research, supporting the argument that the results obtained are representative and mirror the Brazilian reality, what sustain the urgency of to implement EE in the school?s curriculum across the country. The analysis of the results obtained in this research allowed an interpretation and a more precise and detailed diagnosis of the EE framework in its most varied aspects under CTUR. As a result, could be identified misconceptions and faults, resulted primarily from a shallow approach of the EE at the institution. Was given a set of epistemological suggestions, to assist to the institution's Pedagogical Political Project and to the effective implementation of EE, understanding that the teacher's target is not only complement this suggestion, but also find answers to the questions that issue evokes and thus, propose alternative ways of thinking and acting. / O trabalho teve por objetivo investigar a contribui??o de pr?ticas de Educa??o Ambiental (EA), no projeto pedag?gico do Col?gio T?cnico da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (CTUR). Inicialmente, foi feito um estudo explorat?rio com os alunos do terceiro ano do Ensino M?dio em Agropecu?ria Org?nica e uma parte dos funcion?rios da escola, utilizando-se, como elementos de motiva??o, v?deos de curta dura??o, visita pelas instala??es do col?gio para observa??o de um problema ambiental espec?fico - o lixo comum, e visita guiada ao dep?sito de lixo da cidade de Serop?dica. Ap?s essas atividades, foi feito um levantamento da percep??o ambiental dos participantes, mediante manifesta??es livres por meio da elabora??o de relat?rios do que foi visto e discutido nas atividades, seguido de uma exposi??o de id?ias, com apresenta??o de solu??es poss?veis para o problema do lixo escolar. ? continua??o, foi aplicado um question?rio semiestruturado com quest?es abertas, nas quais o entrevistado manifestou-se livremente por escrito sobre o tema proposto, e com quest?es fechadas pr?-formuladas, mediante as quais assinalava respostas que melhor representavam sua opini?o. Responderam ao question?rio 65 entrevistados, entre estudantes e funcion?rios. Os question?rios foram analisados estatisticamente por dispers?o e pelos resultados, observou-se que os argumentos dos entrevis tados foram tipicamente cartesianos. Essa vis?o reducionista limita a capacidade de enxergar o problema de uma forma sist?mica, pois s?o argumentos que apresentam uma concep??o mecanicista do universo, cujas leis, de acordo com essa concep??o, poderiam em tese, ser aprendidas objetivamente mediante procedimentos cient?ficos. Essas estruturas de pensamento n?o s?o exclusivas dos entrevistados, sobretudo dos estudantes. Elas foram certamente consolidadas no conv?vio familiar, nas rela??es de vizinhan?a e nos demais grupos de relacionamento, inclusive na escola. Dentro desta perspectiva, entende-se que ? EA cabe a tarefa de desarmar essas estruturas de pensamento que percebem a rela??o homem/natureza dentro de uma mec?nica bin?ria na l?gica formal e racionalista. Esta pesquisa serviu-se de uma popula??o especial que pode ser considerada representativa da elite discente do pa?s. Portanto, n?o se tratam de conclus?es generalizadas sobre o conjunto da popula??o brasileira. Se essa premissa ? verdadeira, a constata??o ? de que a situa??o ? preocupante, pois a grande maioria dos brasileiros seguramente encontra-se em condi??es instrucionais menos privilegiadas do que os participantes dessa pesquisa, sustentando o argumento de que os resultados obtidos s?o representativos e espelham a realidade brasileira, o que subsidiaria a prem?ncia na implementa??o da EA no curr?culo das escolas de todo o pa?s. A an?lise dos resultados obtidos na pesquisa permitiu uma interpreta??o e um diagn?stico mais preciso e pormenorizado do quadro da EA nos seus mais variados aspectos no ?mbito do CTUR. Como resultado, puderam-se identificar equ?vocos e falhas, decorrente principalmente de uma abordagem superficial da EA na institui??o. Foi dado um conjunto de sugest?es, de car?ter epistemol?gico, para auxiliar no Projeto Pol?tico Pedag?gico da institui??o e na implementa??o efetiva da EA, entendendo que a tarefa do professor ?, n?o s? complementar essa sugest?o, como tamb?m encontrar respostas ?s provoca??es que o tema evoca e, assim, propor formas alternativas de pensamento e de atua??o.

Impactos Geoqu?micos e S?cio-Ambientais no Estu?rio do Rio Potengi Regi?o Metropolitana da Grande Natal/RN

Corr?a, Tatiana de Lima 29 February 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:54:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TatianaLC.pdf: 1369117 bytes, checksum: c4bd15131f5fe857b0f45193f283ffb3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-02-29 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / The present work studied the problems faced riverine populations of the estuary Potengi, detaching its perception with regard to the environment, as well as in the evaluation of the institucional arrangement that acts in the place. Questionnaires were used in five riverine communities and conducted interviews with agents of public agencies and colonies of fishermen. There is little understanding of the needing to preserve and weakness in the application of the regulation mechanisms / Este trabalho visa identificar os problemas enfrentados pelas popula??es ribeirinhas do estu?rio Potengi, destacando sua percep??o com rela??o ao ambiente, bem como na avalia??o do arranjo institucional que atua no local. Foram aplicados question?rios em cinco comunidades ribeirinhas e realizadas entrevistas com os agentes dos ?rg?os p?blicos e col?nias de pescadores. H? pouca compreens?o da necessidade de se preservar o meio ambiente e fragilidade na aplica??o dos mecanismos de regula??o

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