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The Influence of Sex and Physical Activity Level on the Modulation of Pain Perception in Response to Transcutaneous Spinal Direct Current StimulationGibson, Jessica 26 November 2018 (has links)
Transcutaneous spinal direct current stimulation (tsDCS) is a non-invasive technique that can be used to modulate spinal function. It consists of applying a low-level direct current (DC) across the skin to modulate spinal excitability using surface electrodes. Recent research indicates that this technique can relieve musculoskeletal pain. In this study, we investigate the effect of a 20-min anodal tsDCS (2.5 mA) protocol applied over the thoracic spine on pressure pain threshold (PPT) measured in the thigh, leg and foot in healthy young adults. One primary focus of this study was to determine whether physical activity level, as a potential modulator of pain perception, could influence individual responses to tsDCS. A secondary aim was to also address the role of sex as another potential modulator of pain response. Thirty-five healthy young adults (age 18-35) were recruited for this study. Participants were assigned to either a moderately active (n=21, 12 females), or highly active group (n=14, 8 females) based on a self-report questionnaire (International Physical Activity Questionnaire). The effects were determined by comparing PPT measures at the three sites (thigh, leg, foot) at three time points with respect to tsDCS application: T0: before, T1: immediately after, and T2: 30 min post-application. Results from a multivariate analysis of variance revealed a large main effect of time (F=5.3, p<0.001) on PPTs. Univariate tests (F>16.2, p<0.001) confirmed that PPTs were significantly elevated post-application. In addition, the analysis revealed a significant “Group X Time” interaction (F=2.8, p=0.03), which was explained by a larger elevation in PPTs (thigh site) in the highly active group when compared to the moderately active group. No main effect or interaction was found for sex. Altogether, these results confirmed the anti-nociceptive effects of tsDCS application on mechanical pain threshold and further point to the importance of physical activity as a personal factor susceptible to modulate response to tsDCS.
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Physical activity level and stroke risk in US population: A matched case–control study of 102,578 individualsGhozy, S., Zayan, A.H., El-Qushayri, A.E., Parker, K.E., Varney, J., Kallmes, K.M., Morsy, Sara, Abbas, A.S., Diestro, J.D.B., Dmytriw, A.A., Shah, J., Hassan, A.E., Islam, S.M.S. 19 August 2024 (has links)
Yes / Background: Stroke has been linked to a lack of physical activity; however, the extent of the association between inactive lifestyles and stroke risk has yet to be characterized across large populations.
Purpose: This study aimed to explore the association between activity-related behaviors and stroke incidence.
Methods: Data from 1999 to 2018 waves of the concurrent cross-sectional National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) were extracted. We analyzed participants characteristics and outcomes for all participants with data on whether they had a stroke or not and assessed how different forms of physical activity affect the incidence of disease.
Results: Of the 102,578 individuals included, 3851 had a history of stroke. A range of activity-related behaviors was protective against stroke, including engaging in moderate-intensity work over the last 30 days (OR = 0.8, 95% CI = 0.7–0.9; P = 0.001) and vigorous-intensity work activities over the last 30 days (OR = 0.6, 95% CI = 0.5–0.8; P < 0.001), and muscle-strengthening exercises (OR = 0.6, 95% CI = 0.5–0.8; P < 0.001). Conversely, more than 4 h of daily TV, video, or computer use was positively associated with the likelihood of stroke (OR = 11.7, 95% CI = 2.1–219.2; P = 0.022).
Conclusion: Different types, frequencies, and intensities of physical activity were associated with reduced stroke incidence, implying that there is an option for everyone. Daily or every other day activities are more critical in reducing stroke than reducing sedentary behavior duration.
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Samband mellan självskattad fysisk aktivitetsnivå och aktivitetsregistrering via dagbok / Correlation between self-estimated physical activity level and registration of physical activity levelGunnarsson, Pontus, Carlsen, Stefan January 2011 (has links)
Syfte: Studiens syfte var att undersöka samband mellan hur universitetsstudenter skattar sin fysiska aktivitetsnivå och hur de registrerar aktivitetsnivå med hjälp av dagbok samt att se om de kom upp i ACSM (American College of Sport Medicine) och WHO´s (World Health Organisation) rekommendationer. Metod: Studien hade en icke experimentell, deskriptiv och korrelerande design där 26 försökspersoner, två män och 24 kvinnor, rekryterades via anslag. De fick först svara på en enkät och därefter registrera sin aktivitet via en 7-dagars aktivitetsdagbok. Resultat: Studenterna ansåg inte att de hade en stillasittande livsstil och alla deltagare utom en ansåg sig komma upp till ACSM´s rekommendationer av fysisk aktivitet 30 minuter per dag av måttlig intensitet alla dagar i veckan. Trettiofem procent kom inte upp i WHO´s rekommendationer och av dessa överskattade 67% sin fysiska aktivitetsnivå. Sextiofem procent kom inte upp i ACSM´s rekommendationer och av dessa överskattade 94% sin aktivitetsnivå. Konklusion: Studenterna hade en låg fysisk aktivitetsnivå utifrån ACSM´s rekommendationer och majoriteten av de som inte levde upp till WHO och ACSM rekommendationer överskattade sin fysiska aktivitetsnivå. Det krävs dock mer omfattande studier för att dra några generella slutsatser då denna studie hade en skev könsfördelning och ett lågt antal deltagare. Keywords: Self-estimation, Perception, Activity diary, Physical Activity level, Overestimation. / Objectives: The main objective was to compare self-estimated physical activity level with the registration of physical activity level among college students. A secondary objective was to investigate if the subjects reached the level of physical activity recommended by American College of Sport Medicine (ACSM) and World Health Organisation (WHO). Method: A non-experimental, descriptive and correlated design. 26 subjects, 2 men and 24 women, were included. A questionnaire was used to investigate their perceived level of physical activity and a 7-day activity diary was used for the registration of activity level. Results: The students did not perceive to have a sedentary lifestyle and all subjects except one believed they reached the level recommended by ACSM. Thirty-five percent did not reach the recommendations of WHO and 67% of these overestimated their physical activity level. Sixty-five percent did not reach ACSM´s recommendations and 94% of these overestimated their physical activity level. Conclusion: The students had a low physical activity compared to the recommendations of ACSM and subjects who did not reach WHO and ACSM´s recommendations overestimated their physical activity level. Due to the small number and adverse gender in the subjects, numerous studies need to be done in order to complete any further conclusions.
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Exploring the relationships between Physical activity level, Emotional intelligence and Work engagement with control for age and gender.Grape, Johan January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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A Mixed Methods Study on Levels of Physical Activity and Degree of Fear of Falling in Older AdultsGarcia, Oscar L 01 January 2022 (has links)
Maintaining a physically active lifestyle has shown to decrease the risks of falling by slowing down the degenerative changes that occur with aging adults. But despite these physical changes, research has recognized the development of the fear of falling (FOF) as also attributing to the aging adults’ risk of falling. Furthermore, increases the risk of falling and subsequently increases the loss of independency. This study aimed to: 1) examine the relationships between the levels of physical activity, degree of FOF, and fall risk using quantitative approach; and 2) explore the changes of FOF and understand its cause using qualitative approach. Data was collected from participants through various assessments including the Rapid Assessment of Physical Activity (RAPA) for measuring physical activity, shortened version of Falls Efficacy Scale-International (FES-I) for measuring FOF, and semi-structured one-on-one interviews. As data is being analyzed, participants who increased their physical activity levels were identified to having lowered their level of FOF and those who had a decrease of physical activity levels showed an increase with their FOF. It was also translated that the notion of being aware played a key role on the individuals FOF from 46% of the 13 participants interviewed and over 80% also stated not having talked to their doctor about their risks of falling and prevention. The importance of maintaining a physical activity level not only continues to prove the benefits it has on the individual’s risk of falling but how it also plays a role on the individuals fear of falling.
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Associação entre nível de atividade física, indicadores de saúde e qualidade de vida de idosos da Universidade da MaturidadeBaptista, Aline Monique Galdiano Silva 11 May 2018 (has links)
O envelhecimento populacional é uma realidade mundial que vem ocorrendo de forma acelerada nas últimas décadas, e vem acompanhado da inatividade física. À medida que aumenta a idade cronológica, as pessoas tornam-se menos ativas. Por outro lado, um estilo de vida ativo está associado a uma melhor qualidade de vida nos idosos. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi verificar a associação entre nível de atividade física, indicadores de saúde e variáveis da qualidade de vida em idosos da UMA/UFT, em Palmas-TO. Metodologia: participaram deste estudo 59 idosos, de ambos os sexos. Foram coletadas informações sociodemográficas, presença de patologias por meio do autorrelato, medicamentos utilizados, o estado nutricional foi avaliado pela MAN e antropometria, a força de preensão palmar (FPP) pelo dinamômetro Jamar, nível de atividade física pelo IPAQ- versão curta e avaliação da qualidade de vida pelo SF-36. Os dados foram apresentados por meio da estatística descritiva e Coeficiente de Correlação de Pearson. O software SPSS, versão 19,0, foi utilizado para realização de todas as análises, adotando-se a significância de 95%. Resultados: Os 59 idosos, 14 homens (23,72%) e 45 mulheres (76,28%), avaliados apresentaram média de idade de 67,77±7,19anos e 66,10% deles apresentaram nível insuficiente de atividade física (AF). Foi encontrada significância estatística entre os idosos classificados como insuficientemente ativos e suficientemente ativos nas variáveis FPP (p=0,019), sexo (p=0,006) e três domínios da QV: CF (0,048), Dor (0,049) e VIT (0,047). A variável FPP correlacionou-se positiva e significativamente com os domínios CF (p=0,011) e Dor (p=0,03) do SF-36. Conclusão: Os idosos apresentaram níveis satisfatórios de QV apesar do baixo nível de atividade física, baixa condição socioeconômica e condições crônicas de saúde, demonstrando o caráter multidimensional da QV e a FPP mostrou-se importante fator nos seus determinantes. Deste modo, sugere-se que a UMA/UFT pode contribuir positivamente numa melhor QV e num envelhecimento mais saudável e ativo. / Population aging is a worldwide reality that has been occurring in an accelerated way in recent decades, and is accompanied by physical inactivity. As chronological age increases, people become less active. On the other hand, an active lifestyle is associated with a better quality of life in the elderly. The objective of this research was to verify the association between physical activity level, health indicators and quality of life variables in the UMA / UFT elderly, in Palmas-TO. Methodology: 59 elderly people of both sexes participated in this study. Socio-demographic information, presence of pathologies through self-report, medications used, nutritional status was evaluated by MAN and anthropometry, palmar grip strength (FPP) by Jamar dynamometer, level of physical activity by IPAQ-short version and evaluation of quality of life by the SF-36. Data were presented through descriptive statistics and Pearson's Correlation Coefficient. The SPSS software, version 19.0, was used to perform all the analyzes, adopting the significance of 95%. RESULTS: The mean age of the elderly was 67.77 ± 7.19 years, and 66.10% of them had an insufficient level of physical activity (59.7%). AF). Statistical significance was found among the elderly classified as insufficiently active and sufficiently active in the FPP (p = 0.019), sex (p = 0.006) and three QL domains: CF (0.048), Pain (0.049) and VIT (0.047). The FPP variable correlated positively and significantly with the CF (p = 0.011) and Pain (p = 0.03) domains of SF-36. Conclusion: The elderly presented satisfactory levels of QoL despite the low level of physical activity, low socioeconomic status and chronic health conditions, demonstrating the multidimensional character of the QoL and the PPF was an important factor in their determinants. Thus, it is suggested that UMA / UFT can contribute positively to better QoL and to a healthier and more active aging.
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Physiological and Psychological Effects of an Acute Stressor: Comparing Coping Strategies Among Very Physically Active and Less Active AdultsBrandt, Grace A. 05 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine whether physical activity status of healthy adult males (N = 59) while in a coping strategy condition (association, disassociation, or control) influences psychophysiological responses to an acute painful stimulus. Measures of pain tolerance, state anxiety, body awareness, and salivary cortisol were investigated. Results indicated no significant differences between physical activity groups for pain tolerance, stress responses (i.e., self-reported state anxiety and cortisol levels), or body awareness. Though, those who indicated using a disassociation coping technique during the exit interview tolerated the acute, surface pain longer. More research is required to further understand the effects of physical activity and coping strategies on pain perception and psychophysiological responses.
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Adolescents´attitudes towards physical activity on prescription for prevention and treatment for cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes. : Is there a relationship between a teen´s attitude and physical activity level?Sjögren, Moa January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Physical Activity And Exercise Stages Of Change Levels Of Middle East Technical University StudentsCengiz, Cevdet - 01 July 1999 (has links) (PDF)
The purposes of this study were to examine (a) physical activity participation levels, (b) exercise stages of change levels and (c) physical activity preferences of the Middle East Technical University undergraduate students with respect to gender, residence and faculty. Participants were 953 students from 5 different faculties (496 male, and 547 female). For the data collection, International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), Physical Activity Stages of Change Questionnaire, and Physical Activity Preferences Questionnaire were used. Descriptive statistics (frequency, mean, median, percentage), and nonparametric statistical methods (Mann Whitney U test, Kruskal-Wallis test, Pearson chi-square test) were used for the data analysis. According to the IPAQ, male students were more physically active than female counterparts. Students who were living in campus had higher physical activity levels, and faculty of architecture students were more sedentary compared to other faculty students (p < / 0.05). In general, 24.8% of the students were physically active, 59.9% of the students were moderately active, and 15.3% of them were inactive. The results on exercise stages of change revealed that male students were at upper stages as compared to the female students. Faculty of architecture students were at lower stages compared to the other faculty students (p < / 0.05). There was no significant differences on the stages of students who were living in and out of the campus (p > / 0.05). In general, students at pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action and maintenance stages were 15.2%, 31.4%, 25.3%, 7.5%, and 20.6% respectively. Swimming (59.2%), walking (56.7%), cycling (36.2%) and football (30.4%) were the most frequently preferred physical activities. Dancing and tennis were preferred more with the female students while football and basketball preferred more with the male students. Physical activity preferences of students living in and out of campus were similar. In conclusion, female students, students living out of the campus and students of faculty of architecture were more at risk. Approximately 75% of the METU undergraduate students&rsquo / physical activity levels were not satisfactory for a healthy life. University physical activity facilities, extracurricular programs and the courses should be reconsidered based on the findings of this study.
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Nível de atividade física e uso de serviços de saúde em mulheres sob tratamento adjuvante contra o câncer de mama com inibidores de aromatase / Level of physical activity and use of health services in women under adjuvant treatment against breast cancer with aromatase inhibitorsTrindade, Ana Carolina Alves da Costa [UNESP] 27 April 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Ana Carolina Alves da Costa Trindade (carol-futsal@hotmail.com) on 2018-06-12T13:32:21Z
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Agradecemos a compreensão. on 2018-06-12T14:36:57Z (GMT) / Submitted by Ana Carolina Alves da Costa Trindade (carol-futsal@hotmail.com) on 2018-06-19T12:51:04Z
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Previous issue date: 2018-04-27 / O câncer de mama é a segunda neoplasia maligna mais frequente no mundo e a primeira entre as mulheres, constituindo-se um grave problema de saúde pública, devido as altas prevalências e ao gasto com o tratamento. O nível de atividade física é um dos determinantes do desenvolvimento e agravamento da doença, interferindo no uso de serviços de saúde bem como no gasto do tratamento. Objetivo: Analisar se o nível de atividade física está associado ao gasto com saúde, composição corporal, fadiga e dor, bem como comprar o gasto com saúde entre obesas e não obesas, fadiga e dor leve e intensa de mulheres sob hormonioterapia adjuvante com inibidores de aromatase contra o câncer de mama atendidas pelo SUS. Métodos: Amostra composta por 42 mulheres em tratamento hormonal adjuvante contra o câncer de mama com inibidores de aromatase. Avaliação do uso de serviço de saúde foi obtido por meio de informações auto-referidas em entrevistas norteadas por questionários e bancos de dados de preços em saúde, retroagindo 30 dias à entrevista. Foram realizadas medidas antropométricas, avaliação da composição corporal por densitometria óssea, nível de atividade física por acelerometria (MVPA), níveis de fadiga por meio do questionário proposto por Piper et al. (1998) e a sensação de dor pelo questionário breve de dor (IBD). A estatística descritiva foi composta por valores de média, desvio-padrão, mediana, diferença entre quartil. Correlações de Pearson e Spearman foram empregadas para analisar a relação entre MVPA e variáveis de composição corporal, sensação de fadiga, dor e gastos com serviços de saúde. O teste de Mann Whitney estabeleceu comparações entre os grupos, e as diferenças significativas foram reanalisadas pela análise de covariância (ANCOVA). Todas as análises foram feitas por meio do software estatístico SPSS (versão 22.0) e a significância estatística foi estabelecida em 5%. Resultados: na correlação entre MVPA e variáveis de composição corporal, fadiga, dor e gastos com saúde, pode-se observar relação negativa e significante para %GC (r=-0,477, p-valor=0,001), gasto com consultas médicas (r=-0,319, pvalor=0,039), gastos com exames (r=-0,314, p-valor=0,043) e gasto total das pacientes (r=- 0,361, p-valor=0,019). Nas comparações entre obesas e não obesas, foi possível identificar significância com valores superiores em obesas de gastos com consultas para doenças cardiovasculares (p-valor=0,003), mesmo após o ajuste. Nas comparações entre gastos com saúde segundo a sensação mais leve/moderada e mais intensa de dor, pode-se observar diferença significante, com valores superiores entre o grupo de dor intensa para gastos com medicamentos para câncer de mama (p-valor=0,043) e gasto total com medicamentos (pvalor=0,010) mesmo após o ajuste. Conclusão: conclui-se que a prática semanal de atividade física modera e vigorosa está inversamente relacionada ao %GC, gastos com consultas, exames e gasto total de pacientes em tratamento horminioterapico com inibidores de aromatase contra o câncer de mama. Além disso à obesidade esteve associada à maiores gastos com consultas para doenças cardiovasculares; e a dor intensa associou-se à maiores gastos com medicamentos para câncer de mama e gasto total com medicamentos. / Breast cancer is the second most frequent malignant neoplasm in the world and the first among women, constituting a serious public health problem, due to the high prevalence and expense associated with treatment. The level of physical activity is one of the determinants of the development and aggravation of the disease, interfering in the use of health services as well as in the treatment expenditure. Objective: To analyze whether the level of physical activity is associated with health expenditure, body composition, fatigue and pain, as well as to buy health spending between obese and non-obese women, fatigue and mild and intense pain of women under adjuvant hormone therapy with aromatase against breast cancer attended by SUS. Methods: A sample composed of 42 women in hormonal adjuvant treatment against breast cancer with aromatase inhibitors. Evaluation of the use of health service was obtained through self-referenced information in interviews guided by questionnaires and health price databases, with a 30-day interview. Anthropometric measurements, body composition evaluation by bone densitometry, physical activity level by accelerometry (MVPA), fatigue levels were performed using the questionnaire proposed by Piper et al. (1998) and the pain sensation by the brief pain questionnaire (IBD). A estatística descritiva foi composta por valores de média, desvio-padrão, mediana, diferença entre quartil. Correlações de Pearson e Spearman foram empregadas para analisar a relação entre MVPA e variáveis de composição corporal, sensação de fadiga, dor e gastos com serviços de saúde. O teste de Mann Whitney estabeleceu comparações entre os grupos, e as diferenças significativas foram reanalisadas pela análise de covariância (ANCOVA). Todas as análises foram feitas por meio do software estatístico SPSS (versão 22.0) e a significância estatística foi estabelecida em 5%. Results: in the correlation between MVPA and variables of body composition, fatigue, pain and health spending, a negative and significant relationship can be observed for% GC (r = -0.477, p-value = 0.001), spent with medical consultations (R = - 0.314, p-value = 0.043) and total patient expenditure (r = -0.361, p-value = 0.019). In the comparisons between obese and non-obese, it was possible to identify significance with higher values in obese patients of expenses for consultations for cardiovascular diseases (pvalue = 0.003), even after adjustment. In the comparisons between health spending according to the milder / moderate and more intense pain sensation, a significant difference can be observed, with higher values between the intense pain group for spending on breast cancer drugs (p-value = 0.043) and total drug expenditure (p-value = 0.010) even after adjustment. Conclusion: it is concluded that the weekly practice of moderate and vigorous physical activity is inversely related to the% GC, expenses with consultations, exams and total expenditure of patients undergoing horminioteraphy treatment with aromatase inhibitors against breast cancer. In addition, obesity was associated with higher expenses with consultations for cardiovascular diseases; and intense pain was associated with higher spending on breast cancer drugs and total drug spending.
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