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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vivre et travailler dans les ports de Gaule Narbonnaise : recherches sur le mobilier découvert en contexte portuaire ( Ier s. av. J.-C.-VIIe s.apr.J.-C.) / Live and work in the harbors of Narbonensis : research on material discovered in a harbor's context (1st century BC - 7th century AD).

Doniga, Aline 08 December 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à appréhender l’ensemble de la société portuaire à travers le mobilier présent, de possibles spécificités suivant les contextes portuaires de la Narbonnaise, d’en étudier la population, l’économie et l’activité plus ou moins importante. Enfin, permet-elle de différencier un site portuaire de celui d’un site urbain ou rural ? Mon travail porte sur l’abondant matériel inédit mis au jour dans cinq ports, complété par une étude instrumentum publiée. Suite à l’analyse, des tendances se dégagent. Elles déterminent une hiérarchisation économique des ports. Cette recherche permet de percevoir toutes les strates sociales, ainsi que la présence de groupes religieux ou de corporations. La confrontation avec les sites urbains et ruraux met en évidence des spécificités propres à la nature d’un site portuaire. Les résultats témoignent du rôle d’interface des ports entre sites ruraux et centres urbains, ainsi que de leur place prépondérante dans le grand commerce. Ce travail met également en avant la diversité des activités de production au sein des ports, contrairement aux autres types de contextes. Il montre également l’importance quantitative de l’instrumentum mis au jour. Enfin, cette thèse souligne un nouvel apport de l’étude instrumentum qui permet de caractériser la nature d’un site. Toutefois, l’enrichissement des données demeure nécessaire pour confirmer ces tendances. À l’issue de cette thèse, je peux affirmer que l’instrumentum constitue le témoin majeur du « vivre et travailler » dans des lieux d’intense activité tels que les ports. L’instrumentum constitue alors un atout qui ne peut être négligé dans la connaissance de la société romaine. / This thesis aims at understanding the whole society of the harbors through the discovered items, possible specificities according to the port’s contexts of the Narbonensis, to study the population, the economy and the more or less important activity. Finally, does it make it possible to differentiate a harbor from an urban or rural site? My work focuses on the abundant unpublished material uncovered in five harbors, complemented by a published instrumentum study. Following the analysis, trends emerge. They determine an economic hierarchy of harbors. This research makes it possible to perceive all the social strata, as well as the presence of religious groups or corporations. The confrontation with urban and rural sites highlights specifics characteristics to the nature of a harbor site. The results demonstrate the interface between ports and rural and urban centers, as well as their preponderance place in the trade. This work also highlights the diversity of production activities in the ports, unlike other types of contexts. It also shows the quantitative importance of the instrumentum uncovered. Finally, this thesis emphasizes a new contribution of the instrumentum study which makes it possible to characterize the nature of a site. However, data enrichment remains necessary to confirm these trends. At the end of this thesis, I can affirm that the instrumentum constitutes the major witness of "living and working" in places of intense activity such as harbors. Then, the instrumentum constitutes an asset which can not be neglected in the knowledge of the Roman’s society.

Problematika firewallů

Wagner, Oto January 2007 (has links)
Práce se zabývá problematikou firewallů a jejich vývojem. Rozdělena je na 4 hlavní části. V první (teoretické) části jsou rozpracovány některé důležité koncepty síťového provozu ? především pak ty s dopadem na zajištění bezpečného přístupu k síti. Rovněž jsou roztříděny firewally a zmíněny konkrétní dopady (přínosy) jejich nasazení. Na konci kapitoly si ještě rozebereme Standardy, které v této oblasti existují (především pak TCSEC a CC). Další část je věnována samotnému vývoji fw a především pak současným trendům posledních 5 let. Rozebrány jsou rovněž kromě jejich dopadů na bezpečnost i externality, které s nimi byly spojeny (změna chování uživatelů, rychlost, propustnost, atp.). Konec kapitoly obsahuje ještě výhledy předpokládaného vývoje v této oblasti. V praktické části se podíváme na některé nejdůležitější způsoby ochrany. V části terminace otestujeme všechny publikované metody terminace a možnosti ochrany. Nakonec v části odchozí komunikace provedeme test všech dostupných metod průniku ven ze sítě ? vyzkoušíme tedy všechny publikované techniky, jak dostat data nepozorovaně ven z počítače a zjistíme, jaké jsou možnosti obrany u konkrétní techniky. V poslední části se podíváme na některá důležitá či zajímavá praktická řešení z oblasti bezpečnosti sítí. Především pak na zabezpečení sítě Vysoké Školy Ekonomické v Praze, Checkpoint Firewall-1, a nakonec jeho nasazení na VŠE.

Conception et réalisation d'une instrumentation adaptée à la mesure de hautes impédances dans le domaine des microondes / Design and realization of an instrument dedicated to the measurement of high impedances at microwave frequencies

El Fellahi, Abdelhatif 07 April 2014 (has links)
La miniaturisation des composants telle qu’elle est décrite par la loi de Moore se heurte à de nouvelles problématiques liées notamment aux échelles visées, dans le domaine nanométrique. En effet, cette miniaturisation nécessite des investissements en recherche considérables indispensables à la mise en place de nouveaux procédés de fabrication en adéquation avec les dimensions mises en jeu. Associés à ces nouveaux besoins, il convient aussi de développer des moyens d’observation et de caractérisation des dispositifs réalisés à ces échelles. Le travail proposé dans ce mémoire concerne principalement le domaine de la caractérisation. En effet, les travaux menés sont destinés à apporter des solutions pour la caractérisation de nano-dispositifs aux fréquences microondes pour lesquelles il n’existe pas encore un outil permettant la mesure directe et précise. L’une des raisons réside dans le fait que les nano-objets possèdent en régime dynamique une impédance de référence élevée (supérieure au kilo-ohms) comparativement à l’appareillage de mesure usuel que représente l’analyseur de réseaux (50 ohms). Plusieurs dispositifs reposant sur une nouvelle architecture et offrant une impédance de référence élevée sont conçus, réalisés et validés. Les potentialités de cette nouvelle instrumentation sont illustrées au travers de la mesure de charges passives hautes impédances. / As described by Moore’s law, the miniaturization of devices is facing important issues related to nanometric domain. Indeed, this miniaturization involves considerable investments in scientific research which is essential in developing new manufacturing processes adapted to nanometric scale. Also, it is necessary to develop new instruments to observe and characterize at such a scale.The work proposed in this thesis mainly concerns the field of device characterization. Indeed, this work is carried out to provide solutions for the characterization of nano-devices at microwave frequencies at which nowadays no tool is available for the direct and accurate measurement. Actually, the issue lies in the fact that nano-devices present high reference impedances (higher than the kilo-ohms) compared to that of typical measurement instruments such as the network analyzer (50 ohms). Several devices using a new architecture and offering a high impedance of reference are conceived, realized and validated. The potentialities of this new instrumentation are illustrated through the measurement of high impedance passive loads.

The administration of Port Arthur penal settlement 1830-1844

Denholm, Decie. January 1968 (has links) (PDF)
Includes bibliography.

Stormwater heavy metal loadings to Port Jackson estuary NSW, Australia

Rochford, Louisa January 2008 (has links)
Master of Science / Investigations of fluvial and estuarine sediments have indicated stormwater is an important source of heavy metals to Port Jackson estuary and high concentrations of these sedimentary contaminants are a threat to the healthy functioning of the estuarine ecosystem. Stormwater remediation devices have been installed in stormwater channels entering the estuary, however these devices are mainly for removing gross pollutants and are ineffective in removing heavy metals from stormwater. A thorough characterisation of heavy metal inputs and behaviour has been undertaken by sampling, analysing and modelling heavy metals in stormwater entering Port Jackson estuary to provide a rigorous data base for future remediation efforts. A conceptual model of transport and fate of heavy metals in stormwater entering Port Jackson estuary has also been developed to identify heavy metals, subcatchments and flow regimes requiring remediation, and to assist in designing remediation devices for optimum removal of heavy metals from stormwater. Modelling of stormwater using the Model for Urban Stormwater Improvement Conceptualisation (MUSIC) indicated that the average annual discharge of stormwater from the Port Jackson catchment was 215,307 ML. Average annual loadings of arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, nickel, lead and zinc in stormwater discharging to Port Jackson estuary were 0.8, 0.5, 1.7, 3.2, 1.1, 3.6 and 17.7 tonnes per year, although comparison to other studies in the catchment suggests these values may be underestimations of actual loadings by 1.3 to 10 times. The proportion of heavy metals discharged under low-flow conditions (<5mm of rainfall in 24 hours), medium-flow conditions (between 5 and 50mm in 24 hours), and high-flow conditions (>50 mm of rainfall in 24 hours) was 6.5%, 62.5% and 31%, respectively. The conceptual model indicates stormwater loadings of copper, lead and zinc pose a risk to the health of riverine and estuarine ecosystems in the catchment and these metals should be targeted for remediation. Stormwater channels which should be prioritised for remediation include the channels entering southern embayments west of Darling Harbour; Duck, Parramatta and Lane Cove Rivers; and the channels and rivers entering Neutral, Long and Sugarloaf Bays. Stormwater loadings of lead are predominantly associated with suspended particulates, whereas loadings of copper and zinc are equally partitioned between dissolved and particulate phases. Stormwater remediation strategies should target both dissolved and particulate phases to ensure effective removal of copper, lead and zinc. Research suggests heavy metals in stormwater discharged to the estuary under high-flow conditions are rapidly exported seaward and bypass the estuary. Preliminary research also suggests that under medium-flow conditions, particulate heavy metals bypass the embayments of Port Jackson and are deposited in the main channel. Once deposited in the main channel, particulate heavy metals are likely to be remobilised and removed from the estuary through multiple phases of resuspension. Although further research is required in this area, this preliminary research suggests remediation should target low-flow conditions. The findings of the current research could be used to identify appropriate remediation strategies for dissolved and particulate phase heavy metals in stormwater discharging to Port Jackson estuary. However, in designing stormwater remediation devices, consideration should also be given to the range of contaminants that may be present in stormwater entering Port Jackson estuary (including suspended solids, nutrients, pesticides and organics).

A Study on Strategic Planning of Fishery Port Transformation for Tourism and Recreational Development

Kuo, Ching-Ching 01 August 2006 (has links)
With the active support by the responsible agency, the transformation of fishing ports for tourism and recreation purposes has been a trend in Taiwan. The successful stories at Danshuei, Fuji, Wanggong, Dongshih, Anping, Singda and Houbihu serve as the cases. However, some of the fishing ports, Yeliou and Haikou for example, are not successful. Based on the findings of this research, it could be a ¡§myth¡¨ to develop fishing ports to play all expected diverse functions. Additionly, the government would waste a lot of money and resources if the project failed. Hence, how to properly plan a successful transformation of fishing ports has become an important issue in Taiwan. In order to meet the needs of most people,the transformation of fishing ports should take the preservation of ecology and environment as well as the waterfront landscape seriously. The planners and/or the responsible agencies are encouraged to: (1) properly define the usages and the functions of the fish port; (2) clarify the responsibilities of all related agencies; (3) encourage the involvement of communities, non-profit organizations and enterprises; (4)integrate the recreational system and the image of environment; (5) efficiently redevelop the space that hasn¡¦t been utilized; (6) strengthen the laws and regulations as well as the relevant mechanisms; (7) minimize the potential conflicts in the public spaces and the coastal waters; (8) establish the available information system on tourism and recreation; (9) enhance the education programs on the preservation of ecology and the marine environment. Those mentioned above are the key elements to support the operation of the integrated system of fishing communities, ports and the coastal environment. They can also effectively solve the problems of society, economy, ecology and environment that may come up with the transformation of fishing ports. This research advocates the approach of ¡§bottom-up planning¡¨. It highlights the importance of the available information, the public awareness, the involvement of all stakeholders, and the integrated consideration of all aspects. In short, the successful transformation of fishing ports needs a holistic view instead of a single-purpose approach. Keyword¡GFishing port, waterfront, tourism and recreation, integration.

Research on the Development of Green and Eco-port in Kaohsiung

Chen, Yu-Wen 10 September 2009 (has links)
The sea transport is a foundation of world¡¦s development that has driven the development of industrialization at the surrounding area of the port. However, the excessive use and development have caused the port environments of a lot of countries to face the awkward situation of great pollution. The harbor of Kaohsiung is one of Taiwan¡¦s large international commercial ports, while becoming Asian-Pacific Operation Centre, but it is facing the challenge for being a port in achieving the sustainable industrialization as well as a clean environmental harbor city. The present research is initiated to collect the data information of international major ports on their organization related to environmental protection measures in achieving their targets to develop the Green port and Eco-port. These consists of the methodology development and strategy on fulfilling the green policy of the environmental obligation and building the goal of sustainable environment to reduce the impact of environment, life and ecology owning to the development of port. The case studies include long beach and Los Angeles of USA, Hong Kong, Amsterdam and Rotterdam of Holland, Yokohama and Osaka of Japan, Tianjin of China. Our objective is to summing up and analyzing these case studies for suggestions that can provide the direction to Kaohsiung plan to become a Green port and Eco-port. Comparing to Marine Environmental Protection Committee (MEPC) guidelines on demanding the continuously decrease of the sulfurous content of fuels to prevent port environment from more pollution, Taiwan government is lack of stipulating policies about the environmental measures for the port, but blindly pursuing economic growth and unlimitedly to enlarge the ships. These cause the deterioration of environment to an irreversible situation. For the long-term development of the harbor, Taiwan government should take advantage of IT to improve the service-quality, integrate the harbor and regenerate the river bank for achieving the goal of coexistence between development and conservation in order to reform the port of Kaohsiung to be the first Green Harbor in Taiwan.

Comparative studies on the development and renovation strategy in Kaohsiung and other international harbour cities.

CHIU, CHUN-HSIEN 08 September 2009 (has links)
The re-building and redevelopment of major port and harbours in the world have been a great challenge and opportunities to coastal and harbour cities. The old scheme design of harbour port areas are losing its esteem and fading away because of the raising industrialization, changes, production and business structure. These have made many major harbours to adapt a brand new reform on the use of port areas. The unused piers should be re-planned through a good reform on the port space. The development strategy and policy including the decision making and implementation must be undergoing a restrict plan, design and assessment. These consists of the components such as sustainable development, ecological factors, vision of science, product related industries and the competitiveness of port city. These are becoming seriously components to the port city for its success in the reform of harbours re-planning. The present study was initiated to research the modern port harbours in vary countries of their reform strategy for a better re-building or redevelopment scheme and strategy on harbour city . This aims to assist in finding a comprehensive suitable and applicable model on the future Kaohsiung port city. The present work collects data information consisting of San Francisco of USA, Hamburg of Germany, Victoria Harbour of Hang Kong, Nagoya of Japan, and Singapore. A comparative study and analysis was also made between Kaohsiung Harbour and the aforementioned international port cities. It is intended to accomplish a comprehensive planning, strategy and recommendation for Kaohsiung port city.

Was leisten Port-Scanner?

Müller, Thomas 26 April 2000 (has links)
Gemeinsamer Workshop von Universitaetsrechenzentrum und Professur Rechnernetze und verteilte Systeme (Fakultaet fuer Informatik) der TU Chemnitz. Workshop-Thema: Infrastruktur der ¨Digitalen Universitaet¨ Port-Scanner sind Software-Werkzeuge, die benutzt werden, um Informationen über Rechnersysteme im Internet zu ermitteln. Häufig werden solche Werkzeuge von Angreifern benutzt, um verwundbare Rechnersysteme zu finden. Der Vortrag stellt die Leistungsfähigkeit und die verwendeten Techniken von frei verfügbaren Port-Scannern dar. Weiterhin werden Werkzeuge vorgestellt, mit denen Port-Scan-Vorgänge erkannt werden können.

Yvonne & Clyde / Yvonne and Clyde

Slamka, Benjamin Garrett 23 April 2013 (has links)
The following report describes the conception, pre-production, production, and post-production of the short film Yvonne & Clyde. Set in present day South East Texas, the film was shot in the Texas gulf towns of Bayside, Aransas Pass, and Port Aransas. The film follows the journey of the same two small time crooks named in its title as they drive towards the coast to extort money from an estranged relative. It’s an atmospheric piece centered on tone, setting, character, and performance rather than plot. It is a glimpse into the lives of these two long time friends on the last hundred or so miles of the trip. The majority of the writing contained in the report is a first-person narrative detailing the process of the film’s creation from its early genesis through to principal photography and into post-production. Included in the report is an early draft of the script. / text

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