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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Feeding Practices of Mothers in the Gobi Desert of Mongolia

Tate, Julie F. 01 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The diets of Mongolia infants are deficient in vitamins and minerals and complementary foods are introduced too early. Breastfeeding is the best source of nutrition for infants until 6 months of age. A survey of 50 Mongolian mothers with children under the age of 5 in the town of Sainshand, Dornogobi, was conducted in July 2011. Mongolian infants are among the highest percent of infants in the world who are exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months of their lives, thus providing them with excellent nutrition. However, complementary feedings and supplements are not appropriately used or understood. Therefore, the diets of Mongolian infants are still lacking key nutrients and they are exposed to complementary foods too soon. By obtaining more information on the feeding practices of Mongolian mothers, better education materials and seminars on infant nutrition can be developed, which will improve the overall nutrition and health of the children of Mongolia.

A Mixed Methods Exploration of East Tennessee Early Childhood Teachers’ Perceptions, Knowledge, Practices, and Resources of Critical Literacy

Taylor, Rebekah 01 May 2019 (has links) (PDF)
America has no majority race in the population of five-year-olds and younger (Wazwaz, 2015). Our society struggles to manage the changing face of America as seen in riots, protests, racially-motivated comments, and bullying to name a few examples. Students also face great difficulty reading and discerning what is factual and determining credible sources in the digital age. Critical literacy has the potential to teach students about their changing world, tolerance and acceptance of others, and how to read critically through literature with controversial topics. This explanatory sequential mixed-methods research examined 156 East Tennessee early childhood teachers’ (ECED) perceptions, knowledge, practices, and resources of critical literacy, differences between ECED majors and elementary education majors, and lower ECED (Pre-K-1) and higher ECED (2nd-3rd grade) teachers in their perceptions, knowledge, practices, and resources of critical literacy.. A four-point Likert scale survey was emailed to early childhood teachers in six upper East Tennessee school districts to collect quantitative data. Comparisons were made between the ECED and elementary education majors and the lower and higher ECED groups using MANOVAS, ANOVAS, and t tests. No statistically significant differences were found. The survey was followed by qualitative interviews with 5 volunteers from the quantitative study who answered specific protocol questions regarding critical literacy. Grounded theory also determined emergent themes of environment, parent support, ranking of topics, personal beliefs, and contradictions. This research found that although some teachers are unfamiliar with critical literacy, there is a desire to implement some of its practices. However, more book resources are needed as well as support from parents and administration. Teachers in this sample demonstrated that they are not comfortable with disrupting the commonplace thinking which includes topics such as same-sex relationships. Suggestions for future research, potential training, and professional development are included.

Research on Minority-girl Education in China: Critique and Recommendations

Luo, Jiesu 05 July 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Minority-girl education in China is a new field of research. This study seeks to explore into this field through reviewing and analyzing the available studies that have been done. This literature has been collected through searching library holdings, Computer Assisted Research Search, and online searching. The criteria against which the literature is to be reviewed and analyzed are in the form of questions and are divided into six categories of introduction, theoretical framework, method, results, discussion (conclusion/recommendations), and abstract or summary; so that all the aspects of a study can be examined. The research filed of minority-girl education in China is found to be improving. A summary of the current educational practices concerning minoirty-girl education in China and the challenges the minority-girl faces when it comes to education is made after the literature collected has been reviewed. Recommendations on future research orientations are made based on the findings.

Best Practices to Improve Social Media Use Among Non-Profits Organizations in Rural Appalachia

Ijitade, Grace, Southerland, Jodi, Liegel, McKenzie 25 April 2023 (has links)
Introduction: The rapid growth of social media provides new opportunities for non-profit organizations to network and influence the public. Rural non-profit organizations can expand organizational capacity and reach, engage more stakeholders, and acquire new donors at a relatively low cost by using social media effectively. Despite the obvious benefits of social media, many rural non-profits underutilize this technology due to social drivers in the community and lack of organizational capacity. This is particularly salient in rural Appalachia where inequities persist in access to broadband and wireless mobile services. Eliciting insights from the experts - rural nonprofit leaders – is critical in identifying strategies to help nonprofit organizations level up social media use. There is a paucity of research on social media use among nonprofit organizations in rural Appalachia. The present study fills this important knowledge gap in the literature. Methodology: This qualitative study used purposive sampling techniques to recruit representatives from nonprofit organizations located in an 8-county region of Appalachian Tennessee. Semi-structured phone interviews were conducted in 2018 with nonprofit representatives (n=21). Nonprofit representatives were asked questions pertaining to social media use, effective communication strategies, and best practices. Probing questions were used to explore topics further. The audio recordings of the interviews were transcribed verbatim. Braun and Clarke’s thematic analysis procedures were used to conduct an in-depth descriptive analysis of participants’ responses and develop themes. Result: Four best practice strategies were identified: 1) “Know your people”—relationships matter: It is important to develop strong ties within the community; 2) “We had to come up with something fast”—resourcefulness matters: Nonprofit organizations should practice resourcefulness and adaptability in program development and outreach, 3) “Catch their attention”—the message matters: Messaging should be brief and positive in nature, and 4) “A lot of nonprofits come and go…”—the nonprofit matters: Nonprofit organizations should implement sound business practices. These themes highlight practical steps nonprofit organizations can take to enhance their social media communication strategies. Conclusion: With the emergence of sophisticated, easily accessible social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter, there is an urgent need to identify simple strategies rural nonprofits can employ to use social media more effectively. Our research addresses this need by summarizing the best practices in social media practices for nonprofit organizations in rural Appalachia. Nonprofit organizations in rural Appalachia can use these best practices to enhance communication strategies, expand their reach, and strengthen relationships within the communities they serve.

Evaluation of different runner set-ups for CI/CD pipelines / Utvärdering av olika runnerkonfigurationer för CI/CD-pipelines

Jonsson Wold, Sindre January 2022 (has links)
DevOps and continuous practices are increasingly popular development practices aiming at bridging the gap between software development and IT operations with the indented outcome of shorter development life cycles while maintaining a high software quality. A fundamental part of many DevOps systems is a CI/CD (continuous integration/deployment) pipeline allowing for automatic building, testing and deployment of software. The use of continuous practices have been shown to achieve the desired outcomes, whereas the adopting of such practices has been attributed with the challenges of lacking expertise and skill as well as lacking available tools and technology. Execution of commands in a CI/CD pipeline are handled by a runner application, which can be configured in different ways allowing for different levels of the quality attributes performance, response time, throughput, robustness, stability, resource constraints, cost and maintainability. Five different types of runner infrastructure were implemented and evaluated on the quality attributes. These were: one single-machine implementation, one serverless implementation and three autoscaling implementations. For robustness and stability autoscaling implementations achieved the best results. Performance and throughput were affected by resource constraints which in turn affected the cost. Similar results were found for response time for all but one of the three autoscaling implementations, and for the serverless implementation. Finally, all implementations had similar results for reliability.

Putting the talent first : - En fallstudie av Agil Talent Acquisition

Bredberg, Chauqline, Bäckström, Johanna January 2022 (has links)
Den kompetensbrist som råder inom Tech-branschen har inte undkommit många. Trots att fältet accelererar i rasande fart bromsar kompetensbristen digitaliseringen och utvecklingen av samhället. Utvecklande trender tvingar organisationer till kontinuerlig förändring där rekryteringen inom organisationen behöver bli flexibel och anpassningsbar för att kunna möta förändringar och tillgodogöra organisationen med den kompetens som behövs för att hjälpa dom att överleva på marknaden. I och med den kompetensbrist som råder inom Tech, tillsammans med den växande digitaliseringen inom alla olika typer av branscher, slåss de allra flesta organisationer om den lilla mängd kompetens som finns på marknaden. Därför har det aldrig varit så aktuellt att behöva vara en attraktiv arbetsgivare. Syftet med studien är att kartlägga hur en agil Talent Acqusition kan vara ett steg på vägen för att underlätta i processen att få tag i den kompetens som organisationen behöver. Studiens är en fallstudie där undersökningsobjekt har varit ett Tech-företags kampanj för att rekrytera mjukvaruutvecklare. Resultaten visar att rekrytera för segment har varit ett bra första steg mot ett mer agilt arbetssätt. Det är dock näst intill omöjligt att ersätta headhunting av senior spetskompetens med denna typ av tillvägagångsätt för Talent Acquisition. För att skapa mervärde av detta arbetssätt behöver företaget lägga ett större fokus på tvärfunktionella teams, kommunikation samt lägga tydligare ramar. Sammanfattningsvis bidrar ett mer agilt Talent Acquisition till att effektivisera rekryteringsprocessen och ta tillvara på kandidaten på ett bättre sätt, i denna kandidatfokuserade marknad.

A switch to the new paradigm: Teachers’ views and attitudes towards self-assessment

Westlake, Andrew, Zitko, Lovrenc January 2010 (has links)
The study that has been undertaken sets out to explore teacher attitudes towards the subject of self-assessment. It also aims at finding out specific strategies and tools used, and what the teachers feel would aid with the promotion and implementation of self-assessment in the modern language classroom.To this end we conducted a number of interviews, in the south of Sweden, with teachers of varying experience who actively practice self-assessment in their classrooms. The teachers were positive to the concept of self-assessment, but stressed a number of areas that presented problems, available time and the ambiguity of the syllabi being examples. They adopted a number of strategies in order to overcome these problems. Furthermore, they identified a number of key advantages in using the approach, both from their perspective and that of the students’. It strengthens student confidence, clarifies goals and promotes active learning.

Human resources: a key aspect in company innovation

Hall, Kristin 01 December 2011 (has links)
Innovation is a key factor for companies. It is also essential on an individual scale for employees. To ensure they are utilizing employees to the utmost efficiency, companies must implement practices to ensure the attraction and retention of top employees. Human resource practices can help to define and explain essential techniques to help employees gain satisfaction from their work, creating intrinsic motivation, and allowing them to ultimately perform more efficiently and perhaps even creatively for the company, helping to generate significant profits. The intent of this thesis is to analyze human resource practices on an empirical study of eight companies (provided from a previous study by Erwin Danneels, Ph.D.) and to determine whether or not human resource practices can help predict a firm's ability to enter new markets and implement new technologies, ultimately leading to innovation. Companies are grouped depending on their residual values generated from Danneels' study and analysis. His research observes the ability to predict new market entrance and technology implementation through five company characteristics: constructive conflict, willingness to cannibalize, slack, learning from failure, and various types of environmental scanning. This thesis seeks to find positive relationships between human resource practices and the companies where the model proves to be a good fit. I define human resource practices by the following six categories, breaking them up into incentives and skill development: extra benefits, fitness incentives, social responsibility, and continuous learning, global opportunities, and rewards/opportunities for advancement. This analysis hopes to contribute to further research by generating an association between human resource practices and company innovation.

Assessing The Impact Of University Technology Incubator Practices On Client Performance

O'Neal, Thomas 01 January 2005 (has links)
This research is designed to distinguish and describe or explain incubator practices that affect the performance of incubator clients of university technology incubator programs. The research focuses on understanding which practices significantly contribute to increasing job creation for the firms located in university based technology incubators. An increasing number of communities are embracing economic development strategies that target the high tech sector with high wage, high value jobs as a way to diversify their economies and boost local and regional economies. New economic development strategies include the notion of a creation strategy or "growing your own" instead of relying on recruiting of existing companies from other regions. In 1999-2000 (according to the most recent data), small businesses created three-quarters of U.S. net new jobs (2.5 million of the 3.4 million total). The small business percentage varies from year to year and reflects economic trends. Over the decade of the 1990s, small business net job creation fluctuated between 60 and 80 percent. Moreover, according to a Bureau of the Census working paper, start-ups in the first two years of operation accounted for virtually all of the net new jobs in the economy. The study is broken into three parts: (1) a review of the literature on incubation, focusing on its history, best practices, technology incubation, networking theory, and previous empirical studies (2) a review of previous data collected in a recent national survey and (3) case studies of the top performing incubators in the country based on employment growth of client firms contracted with case studies from non-top ten programs. The literature suggests that the study of incubation must be considered in the context of a larger enterprise development system of which the incubator will fill gaps in the larger regional enterprise development system. This notion is explored. In general, there is a great need for more empirical research into best practice of incubation. It is a non trivial task however as the nature of the industry limits the ability to obtain traditional, statistically defendable, measures.

Perceptions Influencing School Nurse Practices To Prevent Childhood Obesity

Quelly, Susan 01 January 2012 (has links)
Approximately one-third of children in the United States are overweight or obese with increased risks for numerous physical and psychosocial comorbidities. Schools are ideal environments to address this serious health crisis and school nurses are uniquely positioned qualified healthcare providers to actively participate in childhood obesity prevention (COP). A review of the literature provided findings to identify a gap in the knowledge regarding the association between school nurse COP perceptions and practices. A modified theoretical framework based on Bandura’s health promotion by social cognitive theory guided this study. The purpose of this study was to identify the key perceptions (self-efficacy, perceived benefits and perceived barriers) influencing school nurse participation in COP practices and determine associations between school nurse characteristics and COP perceptions and practices. Preliminary research was conducted to determine content validity for modified perception scales, clarity of instructions and questions, data collection and retrieval procedures, and refinement of recruitment strategies. Adequate reliability and validity was determined for modified scales measuring school nurse self-efficacy, perceived benefits, perceived barriers, and COP practices targeting individual children (child-level) and the entire school population (school-level). Florida RN school nurses (n = 171) completed self-administered anonymous questionnaires from an emailed weblink or a paper version offered at two Florida Association of School Nurses conferences. School nurses with characteristics reflecting more education engaged in more COP practices (p < .05) than those without education-related characteristics. School nurses with > 8 hours of COP education reported higher COP self-efficacy than those with none (p < .01). Linear regressions showed that a model comprised of self-efficacy, perceived benefits, and perceived barriers significantly explained 12.0% of the variance in child-level practices (p < iv .001) and 9.1% of school-level practices (p < .001). Self-efficacy explained the most variance of school nurse child-level and school-level practices (p < .001), and perceived barriers were inversely associated with child-level practices (p < .05). Four series of regressions showed that only perceived barriers partially mediated the influence of self-efficacy on child-level practices. Data analyses indicated self-efficacy and perceived barriers were key determinants of school nurse COP practices. Therefore, policy changes and educational interventions to increase selfefficacy and reduce perceived barriers may be effective in mobilizing school nurses to actively engage in COP practices

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