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In-situ Reduction by Incorporating H2 Filled Hollow Glass Microspheres in PM HIP CapsulesStrand, Emil January 2018 (has links)
For many metal components the presence of hard, non-metallic inclusions such as oxides lowers the impact toughness by acting as fracture initiation points and easing crack propagation. In components produced by powder metallurgy hot isostatic pressing (PM HIP), oxides often form a continuous network of small, spherical inclusions after consolidation at the prior particle boundaries (PPB). It is therefore of great importance to reduce surface oxides before consolidation in order to improve mechanical properties. In this work, oxides were attempted to be reduced directly prior to the consolidation of one tool steel and one low-alloy steel by introducing H2 into sealed PM HIP capsules. The two H2-carriers were hollow glass microspheres and the compound ammonia borane (H3NBH3). The H2-carriers were placed separately from the metal powder. Microspheres were filled at 300 °C with a gas mixture at 675 bar resulting in a storage capacity of 0.16 wt%. Gaseous species released from the H2-carriers during heating were analysed by mass spectrometry. Results showed that the microspheres only release H2 while ammonia borane in addition releases other nitrogen and boron containing species. Impact testing as well as chemical and microstructural analysis were performed on the two consolidated materials with samples retrieved from different vertical and radial positions. Both H2-carriers had leaked into the material resulting in decreased impact toughness compared to the reference. Further from the source of the contaminants, oxygen content was reduced and impact toughness was improved. Microspheres showed overall better reduction ability even though they release less hydrogen compared to ammonia borane. Impact toughness was not improved as much with ammonia borane even though similar oxygen levels were achieved. Ammonia borane’s decomposition products likely obstruct the oxide reduction or introduce new inclusions lowering the impact toughness. / Det är för många metallkomponenter viktigt att så mycket som möjligt undvika hårda, icke metalliska inneslutningar. Detta eftersom de sänker slagsegheten genom sprickinitiering men även genom att underlätta spricktillväxt. Ytoxider i komponenter tillverkade genom pulvermetallurgisk het-isostatisk pressning (PM HIP) bildar ofta ett kontinuerligt nätverk av små, sfäriska inneslutningar efter konsolidering vid de tidigare partikelgränserna. Det är därför viktigt att reducera ytoxider före konsolidering för att förbättra de mekaniska egenskaperna av komponenter tillverkade genom PM HIP. I detta examensarbete har ytoxider reduceras direkt före konsolidering av ett låglegerat stål och ett verktygsstål genom att tillsätta H2 i de förseglade PM HIP kapslarna. Två vätgasbärare testades, ihåliga mikrosfärer av glas och ammoniak boran (H3NBH3). Vätgasbärarna var placerade i ett område avskilt från metallpulvret. Mikrosfärerna fylldes med en gasblandning vid 675 bar och 300 °C vilket resulterade i en lagringskapacitet på 0.16 vikt%. Gaser som frigjordes från vätgasbärarna vid uppvärmning analyserades med en masspektrometer. Resultatet visade att mikrosfärerna bara frigör H2 medan ammoniak boran också frigör andra ämnen innehållande kväve och bor. Slagprovning och analys av mikrostruktur samt syre- och kvävehalter utfördes på de två konsoliderade materialen med prover från olika vertikala och radiella positioner. Båda vätgasbärarna hade läckt in i materialet vilket resulterade i minskad slagseghet jämfört med referensmaterialet. Längre från vätgasbärarnas ursprungsposition var slagsegheten bättre och syrehalten lägre. De vätgasfyllda mikrosfärerna uppvisade överlag bättre förmåga att minska syrehalten trots att de innehöll mindre H2 jämfört med ammoniak boran. Slagsegheten förbättrades inte lika mycket med ammoniak boran trots att liknade syrenivåer uppmättes. Ammoniak boranets pyrolysprodukter förhindrar möjligtvis oxidreduktionen eller introducerar nya inneslutningar som resulterar i en försämrad slagseghet.
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Microstructure and Fatigue Analysis of PM-HIPed Alloys : A Focus on Inconel 625 and High-Nitrogen Tool SteelJavadzadeh Kalahroudi, Faezeh January 2024 (has links)
Nickel-based superalloys and tool steels are well-known high-performance alloys due to their extensive use in many different industries. Nickel-based superalloys have found their way into aircraft, aerospace, marine, chemical, and petrochemical industries owing to their excellent high-temperature corrosion and oxidation resistance. On the other hand, tool steels could provide a combination of outstanding corrosion and wear resistance. They can play an important role in cutting and wear applications and manufacturing plastic extrusion and food processing components. Near-net shape manufacturing using powder metallurgy (PM) and hot isostatic pressing (HIP) can serve as an efficient manufacturing process to produce these alloys. This technology can successfully tackle conventional manufacturing challenges of highly alloyed materials i.e. segregation during the casting process or cracks during hot working processes of Ni-based superalloys, and carbide segregation and formation of large and irregularly shaped carbides in wrought and hot rolled tool steels. However, the presence of precipitates on prior particle boundaries (PPBs) in Ni-based superalloys, and metallurgical defects like non-metallic inclusions in both Ni-based superalloys and tool steels may affect the fatigue performance of these PM-HIPed products. This licentiate thesis aims to investigate the microstructure and fatigue behavior of two PM-HIPed alloys i.e. Inconel 625 and high-nitrogen tool steel. The results confirm precipitation along PPBs in PM-HIPed Inconel 625; however, no effect was detected in the fractography studies of the high cycle fatigue samples, and tensile properties were comparable with wrought materials reported in the literature. On the other hand, the microstructure of PM-HIPed high-nitrogen tool steel displayed dispersed precipitates and no traces of PPBs. Moreover, in both cases, i.e. very high cycle fatigue of PM-HIPed high-nitrogen tool steel and high cycle fatigue of PM-HIPed Inconel 625, fatigue crack initiation was attributed to the presence of non-metallic inclusions, either individually or agglomerated with precipitates. This underscores the significance of the manufacturing process in fatigue performance. / Near-net shape manufacturing using powder metallurgy (PM) and hot isostatic pressing (HIP) can serve as an efficient manufacturing process to produce high-performance alloys. Among the variety of engineering alloys, Nickel-based superalloys and tool steels stand out as well-known high-performance alloys, widely employed across diverse industries. PM-HIP technology can successfully address conventional manufacturing challenges associated with highly alloyed materials, such as segregation during the casting process or cracks during hot working processes of Ni-based superalloys, and carbide segregation and the formation of large and irregularly shaped carbides in wrought and hot rolled tool steels. However, the presence of precipitates on prior particle boundaries in Ni-based superalloys, and metallurgical defects like non-metallic inclusions in both alloys, may affect the fatigue performance of these PM-HIPed products. The present study aims to assess two PM-HIPed alloys, namely Inconel 625 and high-nitrogen tool steel, with a comprehensive examination of their microstructure and fatigue properties. The objectives include examining the microstructural features introduced by the PM-HIP process and understanding how they influence fatigue failure mechanisms in these alloys.
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Структура и свойства гафниевой бронзы после динамического канально-углового прессования : магистерская диссертация / Structure and properties of hafnium bronze after dynamic channel-angular pressingСтолбовский, А. В., Stolbovsky, A. V. January 2020 (has links)
Объектом исследования являются медь и малолегированные бронзы, подвергнутые интенсивной пластической деформации. Целью работы было определение текущего состояния научных исследований по использованию меди и малолегированных бронз. А также предложить состав и исследовать структуру и свойства бронзы выбранного состава после интенсивной пластической деформации методом динамического канально-углового прессования. В процессе работы проводился анализ литературных источников. В результате исследования было установлено текущее состояние по проблематике работы и определен вектор исследований. Методами оптической металлографии, дюрометрического анализа, просвечивающей электронной микроскопии и сканирующей электронной микроскопии с применением дисперсионно-энергетического анализа и анализа на основе обратного рассеяния электронов было проведено исследование сплава Cu-0,8 вес.% Hf. При различных обработках методом динамического канально-углового прессования. Эксперимент включал различное состояние бронзы перед деформированием. Также было проведено исследование термической стабильности полученных методом динамического канально-углового прессования образцов. Было установлено, что гафниевая бронза после прессования обладает высокими механическими характеристиками и ультрамелкодисперсной структурой. При этом полученная структура стабильна при комнатной температуре и при последующем отжиге вплоть до 400 °С. Что позволяет рекомендовать данный материал как основу для широкого спектра электротехнических изделий. / The object of research is copper and low-alloy bronzes after severe plastic deformation.
The purpose of this work was to review scientific research on the use of copper and low-alloy bronzes. As well as the development of the composition and study of the structure and properties of bronze after severe plastic deformation by the method of dynamic channel-angular pressing had been carried out. Literature analysis was carried out. Methods of optical metallography, durometric analysis, transmission electron microscopy and scanning electron microscopy using energy dispersion analysis and analysis based on electron backscattering had been used to study the Cu-0.8 wt.% Hf alloy. Various processings had been carried out by the method of dynamic canal-angular pressing. The state of the bronze before deformation was variouse. We also studied the thermal stability of samples obtained by the method of dynamic channel-angular pressing. It was found that hafnium bronze after pressing has high mechanical characteristics and an ultrafine structure. In this case, the resulting structure is stable at room temperature and upon subsequent annealing up to 400 °C. That allows us to recommend this material as a basis for a wide range of electrical products.
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Structural Composite Material with Novel Cellulose Fibre Reinforcement / Strukturellt sammansatt material med nyskapande förstärkning av cellulosafibrerMurrone, Mauro Antonio January 2024 (has links)
In recent decades, the necessity to find a completely environmentally friendly substitute for synthetic fibres in composite applications has intensified, driven by the objective of reducing emissions in both the production and disposal of composite components. Natural fibres present a potential solution, yet they have some issues such as the inhomogeneous quality of their cross-section and mechanical properties, depending on different aspects, for example, growing conditions and the amount of intake water. Another potential solution is organic man-made fibres, such as fibre made from Cellulose NanoFibrils, which do not present the previously cited drawbacks.This thesis investigates and compares the potentials of organic fibres, either man-made or natural, in composite reinforcement applications. To accomplish this, organic fibres are integrated into composite plates using two distinct thermoset matrices, epoxy and vinyl ester, respectively via methods of hot pressing and vacuum infusion. Subsequently, the produced composite plates undergo tensile testing, with the results being compared with the theoretical values. Furthermore, microscopy is employed to examine the adhesion at the interface between reinforcement and matrix.The findings indicate that man-made fibres from Cellulose NanoFibrils bind more efficiently with thermoset matrices compared to flax fibres, making them more adept as reinforcement materials for thermoset composites. / Under de senaste decennierna har behovet av att hitta en helt miljövänlig ersättning för syntetiska fibrer i kompositapplikationer intensifierats, drivet av målet att minska utsläppen både vid produktion och avfallshantering av kompositkomponenter. Naturliga fibrer presenterar en potentiell lösning, men de har vissa problem som den ojämna kvaliteten på deras tvärsnitt och mekaniska egenskaper, beroende på olika aspekter, till exempel växtförhållanden och mängden intaget vatten. En annan potentiell lösning är organiska konstgjorda fibrer, som fibrer tillverkade av cellulosa nanofibriller, som inte har de tidigare nämnda nackdelarna.Denna avhandling undersöker och jämför potentialen hos organiska fibrer, antingen konstgjorda eller naturliga, i kompositförstärkningsapplikationer. För att uppnå detta integreras organiska fibrer i kompositplattor med hjälp av två olika termohärdande matriser, epoxi och vinyl-ester, via metoder för varmpressning och vakuuminfusion. Därefter genomgår de producerade kompositplattorna dragprovning, med resultaten jämförda med de teoretiska värdena. Dessutom används mikroskopi för att undersöka vidhäftningen vid gränssnittet mellan förstärkning och matris.Resultaten indikerar att konstgjorda fibrer från cellulosa nanofibriller binder effektivare med termohärdande matriser jämfört med linfibrer, vilket gör dem mer lämpliga som förstärkningsmaterial för termohärdande kompositer.
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Моделирование и разработка технологии прессования полособульбового профиля из титанового сплава : магистерская диссертация / Modeling and development of titanium bulb flats pressing technologyВнуков, И. А., Vnukov, I. A. January 2024 (has links)
В настоящее время в судостроительной промышленности является актуальным применение полособульбовых профилей из титана, используемых в качестве ребер жесткости при создании крупных металлоконструкций. В данной работе рассматривается разработка технологии прессования полособульба из титанового сплава для применения в судостроении с проведением соответствующих технологических и конструкционных расчетов. Современные методы проектирования технологических процессов обработки металлов давлением неразрывно связаны с моделированием с помощью программных пакетов для анализа деформированного состояния изготавливаемого изделия. Данный анализ в свою очередь позволяет выявить возможные ошибки в процессе, способные привести к неизбежному браку, и внести необходимые коррективы для получения изделия, обладающего необходимыми свойствами. На основе проведенных в ходе работы расчетов была спроектирована пресс-матрица, являющаяся инструментом прессовой наладки при изготовлении рассматриваемого полособульбового профиля, а также проведено моделирование технологического процесса с помощью программного обеспечения QForm. В работе также рассмотрены две методики расчета калибрующего пояска для тонкостенных профилей сложной формы и сделан вывод о выборе наиболее оптимальной на основе результатов моделирования. Конечным результатом работы является полностью спроектированный технологический процесс изготовления рассматриваемого изделия, соответствующего всем требуемым геометрическим, механическими и химическим свойствам. / At present, the application of titanium bulb flats as plate stiffeners in creating large metallic constructions remains relevant and important within the shipbuilding industry. The present work is a study of engineering a technological process of creating the required bulb flat using titanium alloy for shipbuilding use, with a number of necessary technological and constructional calculations that it entails. Modern means of technological process engineering for metal working processes are based on modeling with the assistance of various strained condition analysis software. Such analysis in turn helps to detect the potential errors within the developed process that may lead to defective product, and to make necessary corrections in order to create the product that meets the desired property requirements. In this work, a press die has been designed in order to serve as a pressing tool required to make the bulb flat of the required shape, and, based on the created die, the modeling of the technological process has been performed, with the use of QForm software package. A distinction between two different die length calculation methods is made, with one being chosen as the most optimal based on modeling results. The end result of this work is a fully engineered technological process of creating the bulb flat that meets all the geometrical, mechanical and chemical property requirements.
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Ermüdungs- und Rissfortschrittsverhalten ausscheidungshärtbarer ultrafeinkörniger AluminiumlegierungenHockauf, Kristin 14 October 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Ultrafeinkörnige metallische Werkstoffe haben verstärkt wissenschaftliche Bedeutung erlangt. Um dieser neuartigen Werkstoffklasse über die grundlagenorientierte Forschung hinaus einen Einsatz in technischen Anwendungen zu ermöglichen, ist es notwendig, deren Verhalten unter verschiedenen einsatzrelevanten Belastungsbedingungen vorhersagen zu können. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird das Schädigungsverhalten einer ultrafeinkörnigen Aluminiumlegierung in den Bereichen der hochzyklischen (HCF) und niedrigzyklischen (LCF) Ermüdung sowie des Rissfortschritts untersucht. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei die Identifikation der mikrostrukturell wirksamen Mechanismen bei der Entstehung und Ausbreitung von Ermüdungsrissen. Es werden ein homogen ultrafeinkörniger und ein bimodaler Zustand sowie verschiedene duktilitätsoptimierte Zustände betrachtet und systematisch der Einfluss der Korngröße, der Korngrößenverteilung, der Ausscheidungscharakteristik sowie der Festigkeit und Duktilität auf das Ermüdungs- und Rissfortschrittsverhalten ermittelt. Die Untersuchungen zeigen, dass das Schädigungsverhalten der ultrafeinkörnigen Aluminiumlegierung insbesondere durch die Korngröße und Korngrößenverteilung sowie den Kohärenzgrad der festigkeitssteigernden Ausscheidungen beeinflusst wird.
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Caracterização elétrica e mecânica da liga de alumínio AA 1050, com estrutura ultrafina processada pela técnica de deformação plástica intensa (DPI) / Electrical and mechanical characterization of aluminum alloy AA 1050, with ultrafine structure processed by the technique of severe plastic deformation (SPD)Guerra, Maria Claudia Lopes 12 June 2015 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2015-06-12 / Fundo Mackenzie de Pesquisa / The ECAP (Equal Channel Angular Pressing) is a mechanical process of Severe Plastic Deformation (SPD) where a sample is subjected to a shearing force when passing through the region of intersection of two channels. The main goal of this method is Severe Plastic Deformation achieve a microstructure with ultrafine grains, which have much higher than the equivalent coarse grain materials physical properties, such as an increase in strength and toughness simultaneously. What makes this increasingly interesting technique is that as there is no reduction cross section is possible to obtain plastic strain accumulation and therefore gain in grain order of nanometer scale. The great advantage of ECAP is to achieve a much higher degree of strain hardening than obtained by conventional methods of plastic deformation, and consequently a grain refining much higher as well. The importance of the study of severe plastic deformation process is on improving the mechanical performance of the materials and the possibility of a better understanding of the mechanisms of strain hardening, which may indicate a new path for producing high-strength materials, possibly scaled industrial. In this work are presented the microstructural, mechanical and electrical analysis of the aluminum alloy AA 1050 samples, commonly used for electrical purposes, with ultrafine grains (typical grain size below a micron) resulting from processing by ECAP, based on the method of SPD. / A PCE (Prensagem em Canais Equiangulares) consiste num processo mecânico de Deformação Plástica Intensa (DPI) onde um corpo de prova é sujeito a um esforço de cisalhamento ao passar pela região de intersecção de dois canais. Os principais objetivos desse método de Deformação Plástica Intensa é alcançar uma microestrutura com grãos ultrafinos, os quais possuem propriedades físicas muito superiores aos equivalentes materiais de grãos grosseiros, como um aumento em resistência mecânica e tenacidade simultâneas. O que torna esta técnica cada vez mais interessante é que como não há redução da seção transversal é possível obter acumulo de deformação plástica e com isso obter grãos na ordem de escala nanométrica. A grande vantagem do PCE é alcançar um grau de encruamento muito superior do que obtido por métodos convencionais de deformação plástica, e consequentemente, um refino de grão muito superior também. A importância do estudo do processo de deformação plástica intensa está na melhoria do desempenho mecânico dos materiais e na possibilidade de uma melhor compreensão dos mecanismos de encruamento, fato que pode indicar um novo caminho para a produção de materiais de alta resistência mecânica, possivelmente em escala industrial. Nesse trabalho são apresentadas as análises microestruturais, mecânicas e elétricas de amostras de ligas de alumínio AA 1050, comumente utilizadas para fins elétricos, com estrutura de grãos ultrafinos (tamanho de grão típico abaixo de um micrometro) resultantes do processamento por PCE, baseada no método de DPI.
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Ermüdungs- und Rissfortschrittsverhalten ausscheidungshärtbarer ultrafeinkörniger AluminiumlegierungenHockauf, Kristin 14 October 2011 (has links)
Ultrafeinkörnige metallische Werkstoffe haben verstärkt wissenschaftliche Bedeutung erlangt. Um dieser neuartigen Werkstoffklasse über die grundlagenorientierte Forschung hinaus einen Einsatz in technischen Anwendungen zu ermöglichen, ist es notwendig, deren Verhalten unter verschiedenen einsatzrelevanten Belastungsbedingungen vorhersagen zu können. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird das Schädigungsverhalten einer ultrafeinkörnigen Aluminiumlegierung in den Bereichen der hochzyklischen (HCF) und niedrigzyklischen (LCF) Ermüdung sowie des Rissfortschritts untersucht. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei die Identifikation der mikrostrukturell wirksamen Mechanismen bei der Entstehung und Ausbreitung von Ermüdungsrissen. Es werden ein homogen ultrafeinkörniger und ein bimodaler Zustand sowie verschiedene duktilitätsoptimierte Zustände betrachtet und systematisch der Einfluss der Korngröße, der Korngrößenverteilung, der Ausscheidungscharakteristik sowie der Festigkeit und Duktilität auf das Ermüdungs- und Rissfortschrittsverhalten ermittelt. Die Untersuchungen zeigen, dass das Schädigungsverhalten der ultrafeinkörnigen Aluminiumlegierung insbesondere durch die Korngröße und Korngrößenverteilung sowie den Kohärenzgrad der festigkeitssteigernden Ausscheidungen beeinflusst wird.
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Structural Characterization and Thermoelectric Performance of ZrNiSn Half-Heusler Compound Synthesized by Mechanical AlloyingGermond, Jeffrey 14 May 2010 (has links)
Thermoelectric (TE) ZrNiSn samples with a half-Heusler atomic structure were synthesized by mechanical alloying (MA) and consolidation by either Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) or hot pressing (HP). X-Ray diffraction patterns of as milled powders and consolidated samples were compared and analyzed for phase purity. Thermal conductivity, electrical conductivity and Seebeck coefficient are measured as a function of temperature in the range 300 K to 800 K and compared with measurements reported for high temperature solid state reaction synthesis of this compound. HP samples, compared to SPS samples, demonstrate increased grain growth due to longer heating times. Reduced grain size achieved by MA and SPS causes increased phonon scattering due to the increased number of grain boundaries, which lowers the thermal conductivity without doping the base system with addition phonon scattering centers. Mechanical characterization of the samples by microindentation and depth sensing indentation for hardness and elastic modulus will be discussed.
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