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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Případová studie využití case managementu v pojišťovnictví / Case Study of Case Management Application in Insurance Industry

Kocura, Petr January 2011 (has links)
This paper is focused on new trend in business process automation -- case management; main goal of the paper is proofing of concept for life insurance origination using case management. To fulfill this goal I had to analyze available reports from leading research companies such as Forrester and Gartner. The methodology of achievement the goal of the thesis is complemented with my own practical experiences. This thesis consists from theoretical and practical sections. There are characteristics of case management, general architecture of case management illustrated on IBM Case Manager, market insight of case management and typical case management use cases in theoretical section. Practical section is focused on case management utilization for life insurance origination process. To achieve this, there are defined sample insurance company and process analysis of life insurance origination, analyzed requirements for the proof of concept, its solution architecture and of course the proof of concept is implemented. The last chapter contains evaluation of the proof of concept and includes typical expected case management effects for financial sector. The main contribution of the paper to case management topic is the first complete description of the topic in Czech language and creating proof of concept for case management approach in financial sector.

The uses and users of design process models in organizations / Os usos e usuários de modelos de processo de design em organizações

Daniel Guzzo da Costa 22 July 2016 (has links)
The use of design process models is of great importance for developing better products. Indeed, it is one of the factors that may differentiate the best companies from the rest. However, their adoption in companies is declining. Usefulness and usability issues may be responsible for process models not to meet the needs of its users. The goal of this research is to provide deeper understanding of the users needs of design process models. Three main perspectives are provided: (1) why organizations use process models, (2) who are the users of process models, and (3) how the context of use of process models is. The research methodology adopted was the Design Research Methodology (DRM). Three stages were performed: (i) Research Clarification, (ii) Descriptive Study I, and (iii) Prescriptive Study. In the first stage, an initial literature review was carried out to collect evidences of why researching process models and their users needs is relevant for the design theory. During the second stage (Descriptive Study I), literature was reviewed to identify the purposes of use of design process models and its potential users; a focusgroup section with 24 subject matter experts was carried out to evaluate these purposes and identify process model users; and, lastly, a case study was perfomed to investigate the context of use of design process models in one organization and to portray the profile of the core users. Finally, the third stage (Prescriptive Study) aimed to uncover directions for organizations develop user-centered design process models. Four main results were achieved through this research. The first result is a deep understanding of three types of application of the design process models: (a) develop the design activity, (b) manage the design project, and (c) improve the design process. The purposes for these aplications were investigated and their level of importance were revealed. In addition, it was mapped the core users of process models for the three applications. The second result is the definition of the context of use of the models.Three dimensions of the context were depicted: the product, the design process, and the organizational structure. The third result is the set of users profiles. Empathy Maps were elaborated to represent the profiles of product engineers, project managers, and technical leaders. The last result consists in recommendations regarding the content provided to users and the process models system design. Finally, industrial practitioners will benefit from this research once it was provided evidences that the activity development application type is not properly considered in organization and that important users needs are not getting proper attention in the current models. Therefore, they will be able to make use of the recommendations outlined here. / O uso de modelos de processo de design é de grande importância no desenvolvimento de novos produtos. De fato, isto é um dos fatores que pode diferenciar as melhores empresas das outras. De qualquer modo, a adoção dos modelos nas empresas esta declinando. Problemas em utilidade e usabilidade podem ser responsáveis pelos modelos não satisfazerem as necessidades de seus usuários. Nesta pesquisa, busca-se entender as necessidades dos usuários dos modelos de processo de design. Três perspectivas são dadas: (1) porquê organizações usam modelos de processo, (2) quem são os usuários dos modelos de processo e (3) como é o contexto de uso de modelos de processo. A metodologia de pesquisa adotada foi a Metodologia de Pesquisa em Design (DRM). Três estágios foram realizados: (i) Clarificação de Pesquisa, (ii) Estudo Descritivo I, e (iii) Estudo Prescritivo. No primeiro estágio, uma revisão inicial da literatura foi executada para coletar evidências do porquê estudar modelos de processo e as necessidades de seus usuários é relevante para a teoria de design. No segundo estágio (Estudo Descritivo I), revisão da literatura ajudou a identificar os propósitos de uso de modelos de processo de design e os seus potenciais usuários; uma seção de focus group com 24 especialistas no assunto foi executado para avaliar estes propósitos e identificar usuários dos modelos de processo; e, por fim, um estudo de caso foi realizado para investigar o contesto de uso dos modelos em uma organização e para retratar o perfil dos usuários principais. Finalmente, o terceiro estágio (Estudo Prescritivo) buscou revelar direções para que as organizações desenvolvam modelos de processo de design centrados em seus usuários. Quatro principais resultados foram alcançados por meio desta pesquisa. O primeiro resultado é um entendimento profundo dos três tipos de aplicação dos modelos de processo: (a) desenvolver atividade de design, (b) gerenciar o projeto de design, e (c) melhorar o processo de design. O propósito destas três aplicações foram investigadas e os níveis de importância evidenciados. Além disso, os usuários centrais dos modelos de processo foram mapeados. O segundo resultado é a definição do contexto de uso dos modelos. Três dimensões do contexto foram retratados: o produto, o processo de design, e a estrutura organizacional. O terceiro resultado é o conjunto de perfis dos usuários. Mapas de Empatia foram elaborados para representar os perfis de engenheiros de produto, gerentes de projeto, e líderes técnicos. O último resultado consiste em recomendações feitas a respeito do conteúdo fornecido aos usuários e o sistema a ser desenvolvido. Finalmente, profissionais da indústria podem beneficiar desta pesquisa uma vez que evidências são fornecidas de que a aplicação de desenvolvimento das atividades não é adequadamente considerada em organizações e que necessidades importantes dos usuários não recebem atenção satisfatória nos modelos atuais. Sendo assim, eles serão capazes de fazer uso das recomendações aqui feitas.

Alinhamento dos processos de negócio aos objetivos estratégicos : método e estudo de caso no setor de concessionárias de veículos automotores

Schemes, Gilcinei Souza January 2014 (has links)
É necessário ter muita clareza sobre o que fazer e como fazer para que uma empresa satisfaça a expectativa do mercado em que atua, e o faça de forma rentável. Assim, a definição de uma estratégia torna-se altamente relevante no ambiente competitivo dos negócios. Uma vez definida sua estratégia, a empresa possui um desafio ainda maior: sua implementação. A implementação de uma estratégia, para ter sucesso, precisa ser constantemente monitorada, pois demanda uma ampla sincronia organizacional, envolvendo todos os seus departamentos. Nesse contexto, este trabalho buscou desenvolver um método de gerenciamento estratégico, a partir do alinhamento dos processos de negócio aos objetivos estratégicos da uma organização, com base nos conceitos de Balanced Scorecard e Business Process Management. Esse método foi aplicado em uma empresa concessionária do setor automotivo, segmento de caminhões e ônibus, e os objetivos atingidos neste trabalho evidenciaram a capacidade do método de contribuir para um melhor desempenho estratégico e operacional. / It is necessary to be clear about what to do and how to do so that a company meets the expectation of the market in which it operates , and do so profitably . Thus, the definition of a strategy becomes highly relevant in the competitive environment of business. Once defined its strategy, the company has an even greater challenge: its implementation. The implementation of a strategy, on the other hand, to succeed, needs to be constantly monitored, since it requires a large organizational synchrony involving all its departments. In this context, this study has developed a method of strategic management, from the alignment of business processes with the strategic objectives of an organization, based on the concepts of Balanced Scorecard and Business Process Management. This method was applied in a dealership of automotive vehicles, segment of trucks and buses, and the objectives achieved in this work demonstrated the method's ability to contribute to a better strategic and operational performance.

Estudo das competências do gestor de projetos para o monitoramento em projetos contratados com universidades para apoiar inovação na empresa. / Study of the project manager\'s competences in monitoring projects contracted with universities to support innovation in a company.

Matta, Vivian Eugenia da 16 May 2018 (has links)
A prática de desenvolver novas tecnologias em parceria com outras organizações têm se tornado frequente entre as empresas. Os dados disponibilizados pela Pesquisa de Inovação - PINTEC (2014) mostraram um crescimento de 8,78% no número de produtos desenvolvidos colaborativamente no Brasil entre os anos de 2011 e 2014. Um dos potenciais parceiros das empresas para se fazer inovação é a universidade. Considera-se, neste estudo, como parceria empresa-universidade a relação contratual para o desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias e produtos. A parceria permite aos seus integrantes partilharem recursos, conhecimentos e estabelecer e manter uma cooperação a longo prazo. O sucesso dos projetos é fundamental para que a empresa possa manter ou aumentar sua competitividade no mercado. Inúmeros fatores como a estratégia das empresas, o tipo de gestão, o ambiente econômico, as ameaças e oportunidades tecnológicas e o adequado monitoramento do contrato com a universidade influenciam no sucesso da inovação. O principal objetivo desta Tese é propor um modelo conceitual sobre as competências do gestor para o monitoramento do projeto de inovação contratado com a universidade. Os objetivos específicos na etapa qualitativa foram: a) Identificar as competências do gestor para que este possa fazer o adequado monitoramento das partes do projeto de inovação contratados com universidades e b) Identificar se existem variações na relevância dessas competências. O estudo qualitativo permitiu a elaboração de um modelo conceitual testado e validado na fase quantitativa. Os resultados mostraram que as competências podem ter diferentes relevâncias dependendo do tipo de projeto (mais incremental e mais radical) e dependendo do país (Brasil e U.S.A). Os resultados da modelagem estrutural na fase quantitativa mostraram que a variável tipo de projeto não influencia significativamente as competências. Na regressão logística multinomial verificou-se efeito dessa variável em relação aos projetos do tipo mais incrementais. De forma geral, os resultados permitem inferir que apesar das diferenças econômicas, culturais e na forma de gestão, os respondentes do Brasil e dos Estados Unidos possuem uma percepção do grau de relevância destas competências bastante semelhantes. O modelo contribui para um melhor entendimento das competências para monitorar adequadamente o projeto contratado com universidades. Esta é uma pesquisa pioneira neste tema e pode ser um ponto de partida para outros estudos relacionados. O modelo proposto tem também aplicação para as empresas, pois é uma valiosa ferramenta para aumentar a probabilidade de sucesso no gerenciamento de projetos contratados com universidades. / The practice of developing new technologies in partnership with other organizations has become frequent between the companies. The data produced by Research of Innovation - PINTEC (2014) showed an increase of 8.78% in the number of products developed collaboratively in Brazil among 2011 and 2014. A potential partner of the companies to innovate is the university. In this study, we understand the partnership company-university as a contract to help the development of new technologies and products. The partnership allows his members to share sources, knowledge, establish and keep a cooperation for a long time. The project\'s success is essential to the company to maintain and increase its competitiveness. Many factors such as the strategy of the company, the management profile, the economic environment, the technological threats and opportunities, and the adequate monitoring of the contract with the university have influence on the innovation success. The main goal of this study is to propose a conceptual model to relate the competences of the manager to perform an adequate monitoring of the innovation project contracted with the university. The specific goals to the qualitative stage were: a) To identify the competences of the manager in charge of the contract with the university to adequately monitor the part of the innovation project contracted with the university b) To identify the relative levels of importance of these competencies. The qualitative study allowed to elaborate a conceptual model that was tested and validated in the quantitative phase. Results showed that the competences can have different relevancies depending on the type of project (more incremental and more radical) and depending on the country (Brazil and U.S.A). The structural modeling results of the quantitative phase showed that the variable type of project do not influence significantly the competences. In the logistic regression multinomial was verified a significant effect in this variable about the projects type \"more incremental\". In general, the results allow to conclude that, despite the economics and cultural differences and in the form of management, the respondents in Brazil and United States of America have a similar perception about the degree of the competences\' relevance. The model contributed to a better understanding of the competences to adequately monitor a project contracted with the university. This was a pioneer research on this theme and can be a starting point to other studies related. The proposed model has also application to companies, since it is a valuable tool to increase the probability of success in the management of projects contracted with universities.

How do Machine Learning, Robotic Process Automation, and Blockchains Affect the Human Factor in Business Process Management?

Mendling, Jan, Decker, Gero, Hull, Richard, Reijers, Hajo A., Weber, Ingo January 2018 (has links) (PDF)
This paper summarizes a panel discussion at the 15th International Conference on Business Process Management. The panel discussed to what extent the emergence of recent technologies including machine learning, robotic process automation, and blockchain will reduce the human factor in business process management. The panel discussion took place on 14 September, 2017, at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya in Barcelona, Spain. Jan Mendling served as a chair; Gero Decker, Richard Hull, Hajo Reijers, and Ingo Weber participated as panelists. The discussions emphasized the impact of emerging technologies at the task level and the coordination level. The major challenges that the panel identified relate to employment, technology acceptance, ethics, customer experience, job design, social integration, and regulation.

Aplikace nástrojů Lean Six Sigma / Application of Lean Six Sigma Tools

Trávníček, Vojtěch January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with problematic of enterprise process management. Several process management approaches are described in the first, theoretical part of the thesis, with focus on Lean Six Sigma concept as a main theory, which is used in analytical and suggestional part of this thesis. The analytical part consists of process mapping and analyzation with purpose of finding weak spots of this process. This part is followed by suggestional part, where are collected improvement suggestions. These suggestions are then evaluated and the best ones are analzyed to find potential ammount of savings.

Impactos da adoção da gestão por processos em empresas seguradoras brasileiras. / Impacts based on the adoption of the business process management in Brazilian insurance companies.

Mello, Paulo Ivan de 27 April 2010 (has links)
Inúmeras organizações, em todo o mundo, estão adotando a gestão por processos como forma de aumentar sua produtividade e conseguir resultados mais eficazes com um tempo de resposta menor como forma a responder às ofertas da concorrência. Entre as empresas prestadoras de serviços, foi identificado que em função de suas complexas regras de contratos, o mercado segurador se destaca no mercado em que se encontra o maior crescimento de participação no PIB brasileiro. Com o propósito de observar o impacto que a implementação de software de gestão por processos pode efetuar em organizações que adotaram gestão por processos e seus benefícios, foram delimitadas pesquisas com as sete maiores seguradoras do mercado brasileiro. Utilizando-se de pesquisa com estudo de caso múltiplo, foram avaliados os impactos, benefícios e maturidade destas seguradoras e comparados entre elas de forma a ter a consolidação do entendimento se estas práticas estão condizentes com o que são propostos pelos diversos autores. Temos como conclusão que os resultados foram positivos nas organizações avaliadas, de forma a demonstrar a efetividade das ações, porém com limitações conforme o nível de maturidade encontrada. / The adoption of Business Process Management (BPM) tools has increased significantly in organizations around the world with promises to reduce cost, improve productivity and quality and it is not different in Brazil. As insurance market is one of the fastest-growing segments in the country, their operations are based on complex business rules and improvement of their process and operations is mandatory to remain competitive in a globalized market. Based in multiple case study research with the biggest insurance companies in Brazil, compare maturity before and after BPM tools implementations and assesses if the main benefits provided by the use of Business Process Management tools implementation were identified in these organizations. The results were positive and consistent in all insurance companies that participate of this research.

Propuesta del diseño de un proceso de gestión de seguridad y salud para mejorar la productividad de las MYPES productoras de palta Hass a través de una gestión por procesos en el Valle Cabeza de Toro del departamento de Ica, Perú / Proposal for the design of a health and safety management process to improve the productivity of the Hass avocado producers MYPES through process management in the Cabeza de Toro Valley of the department of Ica, Peru

Ramos Salas, Luis Alberto 26 September 2019 (has links)
Este proyecto de investigación contiene un diseño de un proceso de Gestión de Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional basado en la ISO 45001, propuesto para las MYPES productoras de palta Hass, con el objetivo de disminuir los riesgos presentes en sus actividades, lo cual es un problema relevante debido a los accidentes y enfermedades comunes que presentan. El primer capítulo está compuesto por un estado del arte en base a artículos científicos que se encuentran en un periodo de 5 años antes, además, cuenta con un marco teórico con temas relacionados a las MYPES en el Perú, asociatividad, gestión por procesos, productividad, y seguridad y salud ocupacional. En el segundo capítulo, se efectúa un diagnóstico de la situación actual de las MYPES productoras de palta hass, en donde se identificaron distintos problemas que originan una baja productividad en la producción de la palta hass. En el tercer capítulo, se plantea un diseño de un sistema de gestión de seguridad y salud ocupacional basada en la gestión por procesos, con la finalidad de fomentar una cultura de preventiva, la cual reduce los riesgos y mejora la productividad en el sector agrícola de palta Hass. En el capítulo cuatro, se presenta la validación tanto de los expertos como de los agricultores, con la finalidad de obtener recomendaciones y poder mejorar el diseño del proceso que se propone. Por último, en el capítulo 5 se presenta las conclusiones, recomendaciones y las futuras líneas de investigación acerca del modelo propuesto. / This research project contains a design of an Occupational Health and Safety Management process based on ISO 45001, proposed for the MYPES producing Hass avocado, with the objective of reducing the risks present in their activities, which is a relevant problem due to the accidents and common diseases they present. The first chapter is composed of a state of the art based on scientific articles that are found in a period of 5 years before, in addition, it has a theoretical framework with issues related to MYPES in Peru, associativity, process management, productivity , and occupational health and safety. In the second chapter, a diagnosis is made of the current situation of the MYPES producing hass avocado, where different problems were identified that cause low productivity in the production of hass avocado. In the third chapter, a design of an occupational health and safety management system based on process management is proposed, in order to foster a culture of prevention, which reduces risks and improves productivity in the agricultural sector of Hass avocado. In the fourth chapter, the validation of both experts and farmers is presented, in order to obtain recommendations and to improve the design of the proposed process. Finally, chapter 5 presents the conclusions, recommendations and future lines of research on the proposed model. / Tesis

Propuesta de un proceso de gestión de costos para el incremento de la productividad de las micro y pequeñas empresas productoras de aceitunas pertenecientes a la asociación “AAPABU” en Bella Unión - Arequipa / Proposal of a cost management process to increase the productivity of micro and small olive producer companies of the association “AAPABU” in Bella Unión – Arequipa

Delgado Serrano, Brian Irwin 05 September 2019 (has links)
La presente investigación abarca el análisis de la situación actual de la producción de aceitunas a en el distrito de Bella Unión- Arequipa donde se identificó mediante el levantamiento de información y entrevistas in situ que el problema principal dentro de asociación más grande del distrito “AAPABU” es la baja productividad y que esta se atribuye a los altos costos, bajos ingresos y bajo rendimiento en comparación nacional y mundial Ante ello, y tomando como base la gestión por procesos y la gestión de costos, se propuso un mapa de procesos dividido en procesos estratégicos, claves y de soporte necesarios según las necesidades de la asociación y el cliente. En la presente investigación se desarrolló el proceso de gestión de costos el cual tiene como objetivo controlar, planificar y conocer los costos en los que se están incurriendo con el fin permitir a los agricultores tomar decisiones en base a información representativa como negociar un precio que les permita obtener ganancias de tal forma que pueda aceptar o rechazar una oferta o provisionar el costo de producción necesario para la siguiente temporada mediante la planificación e información historia que generen ellos mismos de forma ordenada. Todo ello mediante herramientas aplicables y de bajo costo para abarcar el problema principal de la baja productividad. / The present investigation covers the analysis of the current situation of the production of olives in the district of Bella Unión-Arequipa where it was identified through the gathering of information and interviews in situ that the main problem within the largest association of the district "AAPABU" it is low productivity and that is attributed to high costs, low income and low performance in national and world comparison Given this, and based on process management and cost management, a process map was proposed divided into strategic, key and support processes according to the needs of the association and the client. This research will analyze the cost management process which aims to control, plan and know the costs they are incurring in order to allow farmers to make right decisions based on representative information such as negotiating a price that allow profits to be obtained in such a way that it can accept or reject an offer or provide the cost of production necessary for the following season through planning and history information that they generate in an orderly manner. All this by means of suitable tools and of low cost to cover the main problem of the low productivity. / Tesis

Strategies for Increased Productivity Through Control of Process Constraints

Aniemene, Fabian 01 January 2017 (has links)
In Nigeria, manufacturing businesses play a vital role in the industrial growth of the nation and have many dynamic benefits crucial for the growth of a sustainable economy. The manufacturing sector has added substantially to the gross domestic products of many countries. Nonetheless, 50% of manufacturing firms in Nigeria experience a decline in production capacity utilization and profitability because of inefficient production processes. The purpose of this qualitative multiple case study was to explore strategies leaders of manufacturing firms in Nigeria use to support efficient manufacturing operations. The theory of constraints served as the conceptual framework for this study. Eight participants from two manufacturing firms in Nigeria who had strategies to support efficient manufacturing operations participated in this study. Data sources included semistructured interviews and the review of organizational documents consisting of corporate quality policy, quality objectives, and mission statements. Analysis involved data compilation, data coding by breaking it down into categories, and reassembling the data into emergent themes. Member checking and methodological triangulation strengthened the credibility of the findings. Four major themes emerged: strategic planning, continuous process improvement, strategic equipment maintenance, and strategic capacity expansion. The findings from this research might provide the basis for developing an advanced manufacturing practice for some Nigerian manufacturing firms that could contribute to social change by improving production efficiency, local consumption, and sustainable economic growth.

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