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Shale characterization using TGA, Py-GC-MS, and NMRGips, Jameson Parker 03 February 2015 (has links)
Many of the current analytical techniques originally developed to characterize conventional reservoir rocks and fluid cannot adequately measure shale and source rocks. An example of this is Retort, where it is not feasible to get sufficient fluid from source rock to make useful measurements. The primary interest of this thesis is the exploration of other analytical techniques, two of which are previously unused in the oil and gas industry. These are Thermal Gravimetric Analysis (TGA), Pyrolysis-Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (Py-GC-MS), and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR). The techniques proposed offer valuable insight into the properties of the rock. TGA gives accurate weight of a sample as temperature is increased, Py-GC-MS is useful for identifying exact molecules in vaporized fluid, and NMR can be used to characterize viscosity and hydrocarbon chain length. The methods using these techniques can be utilized to further confirm mineralogy of a sample, identify the fluid constituents and quantify their weight, analyze changes in a sample between two different states, and calculate the free fluid saturations of oil and gas in shales. Procedures and results for each of these are presented in this thesis to show methodology and give the reader an idea of its useful applications. / text
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Development of fuel and valueded chemicals from pyrolysis of wood/waste plastic mixtureBhattacharya, Priyanka 15 December 2007 (has links)
Highly oxygenated compounds in bio-oil produce negative properties that have hampered fuel development. Copyrolysis with plastics has increased hydrogen content in past research. Py-GC/MS analyses for two wood types (pine and oak) and three plastic types (polystyrene, polypropylene and high density polyethylene) established temperature, heating rate and residence time to produce a typical bio-oil. Analysis of various plastics to wood ratios by Py-GC/MS showed that a 50:50 wt/wt ratio produced the highest level of low molecular weight compounds best for fuel viscosity. Copyrolysis was performed on a laboratory-scale reactor at these temperature and wood-to-plastic ratios. Copyrolysis lowered bio-oil oxygen content and increased carbon content. Lower water content, acid value and viscosity also resulted, improving bio-oil suitability for fuels. Cross reactions between wood and plastics formed no new chemical species during copyrolysis. These results indicate that copyrolysis of waste plastics with woody biomass has potential for improving bio-oil properties for fuels production.
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Caracterização química multitécnicas de tintas artísticas brasileiras, um estudo de caso / Multi-technique chemical characterization of Brazilian artistic paints, a case studyMarcelo Miyada Redigolo 30 November 2018 (has links)
O presente trabalho apresenta a caracterização química de tintas artísticas brasileiras. Diferente de outras matrizes, os materiais de arte fabricados no Brasil não apresentam informações na literatura que auxiliem em sua conservação e restauração. Amostras de tintas acrílicas e a óleo, nacionais e importadas, foram analisadas pelas técnicas espectroscópicas Raman e infravermelho por transformada de Fourier (FTIR), pirólise acoplada a cromatografia a gás e espectrometria de massas (Py-GC/MS) e microscopia eletrônica de varredura acoplada a espectrometria de fluorescência de raios X (SEM-EDS). Resultados de análise indicam que tintas acrílicas brasileiras são compostas por poliestireno (PS), diferentemente das importadas, compostas por polimetilmetacrilato (PMMA). Enquanto as tintas a óleo apresentam composição semelhante (óleo de linhaça), brasileiras e importadas. Duas pinturas do acervo da Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo foram selecionadas para um estudo de caso. As obras apresentam a formação de exsudatos em sua superfície, o que demanda a caracterização química como etapa anterior ao desenvolvimento de uma metodologia de restauração. A obra \"Mandala da saudade\", de Sara Goldman-Belz, é composta por tinta spray (alkyd) e a obra \"Três pessoas\", de Marina Saleme, por tinta a óleo. Os resultados de análise apresentam um primeiro passo no estabelecimento de um banco de dados de materiais artísticos fabricados no Brasil para fins de restauração e perícia criminal de obras de arte. / The current work presents the chemical characterization of Brazilian artistic paints. Differently from other matrices, art materials produced in Brazil lack for information in literature that help in their conservation and restoration. Acrylic and oil paint samples, Brazilian and imported, were analyzed by Raman and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopies, pyrolysis coupled with gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS) and scanning electron microscopy coupled with x-ray fluorescence spectrometry (SEM-EDS). Results indicate that Brazilian acrylic paints are composed of polystyrene (PS), differently from imported ones, composed of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA). Whereas, oil paints present similar composition (linseed oil), Brazilian and imported. Two paintings from the collection of Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo were selected for a case study. Both works of art present formation of exudates on their surface, which demands chemical characterization as a previous step to the development of a restoration methodology. The painting \"Mandala da saudade\", by Sara Goldman-Belz, is composed of spray paint (alkyd) and the painting \"Três pessoas\", by Marina Saleme, is composed of oil paint. Results presented in this thesis are the first step towards the establishment of a database for artistic materials produced in Brazil for purposes of art restoration and forensic science.
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Caracterização química multitécnicas de tintas artísticas brasileiras, um estudo de caso / Multi-technique chemical characterization of Brazilian artistic paints, a case studyRedigolo, Marcelo Miyada 30 November 2018 (has links)
O presente trabalho apresenta a caracterização química de tintas artísticas brasileiras. Diferente de outras matrizes, os materiais de arte fabricados no Brasil não apresentam informações na literatura que auxiliem em sua conservação e restauração. Amostras de tintas acrílicas e a óleo, nacionais e importadas, foram analisadas pelas técnicas espectroscópicas Raman e infravermelho por transformada de Fourier (FTIR), pirólise acoplada a cromatografia a gás e espectrometria de massas (Py-GC/MS) e microscopia eletrônica de varredura acoplada a espectrometria de fluorescência de raios X (SEM-EDS). Resultados de análise indicam que tintas acrílicas brasileiras são compostas por poliestireno (PS), diferentemente das importadas, compostas por polimetilmetacrilato (PMMA). Enquanto as tintas a óleo apresentam composição semelhante (óleo de linhaça), brasileiras e importadas. Duas pinturas do acervo da Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo foram selecionadas para um estudo de caso. As obras apresentam a formação de exsudatos em sua superfície, o que demanda a caracterização química como etapa anterior ao desenvolvimento de uma metodologia de restauração. A obra \"Mandala da saudade\", de Sara Goldman-Belz, é composta por tinta spray (alkyd) e a obra \"Três pessoas\", de Marina Saleme, por tinta a óleo. Os resultados de análise apresentam um primeiro passo no estabelecimento de um banco de dados de materiais artísticos fabricados no Brasil para fins de restauração e perícia criminal de obras de arte. / The current work presents the chemical characterization of Brazilian artistic paints. Differently from other matrices, art materials produced in Brazil lack for information in literature that help in their conservation and restoration. Acrylic and oil paint samples, Brazilian and imported, were analyzed by Raman and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopies, pyrolysis coupled with gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS) and scanning electron microscopy coupled with x-ray fluorescence spectrometry (SEM-EDS). Results indicate that Brazilian acrylic paints are composed of polystyrene (PS), differently from imported ones, composed of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA). Whereas, oil paints present similar composition (linseed oil), Brazilian and imported. Two paintings from the collection of Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo were selected for a case study. Both works of art present formation of exudates on their surface, which demands chemical characterization as a previous step to the development of a restoration methodology. The painting \"Mandala da saudade\", by Sara Goldman-Belz, is composed of spray paint (alkyd) and the painting \"Três pessoas\", by Marina Saleme, is composed of oil paint. Results presented in this thesis are the first step towards the establishment of a database for artistic materials produced in Brazil for purposes of art restoration and forensic science.
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Matéria orgânica pirogênica e gênese das Terras Pretas de Índio no município de Iranduba - AM / Pyrogenic organic matter and Amazon Dark Earth genesis in the county of Iranduba, Amazon State, BrazilTaís Almeida Santos 27 January 2016 (has links)
Solos com horizonte A escurecido, com presença de artefatos humanos como cerâmicas, ossos e/ou conchas, alta saturação por bases, carbono orgânico e carvões são denominados comumente de Terras Pretas de Índio (TPI), de ampla ocorrência na região Amazônica. Tais características tornam estes solos muito favoráveis para o cultivo agrícola, sobretudo pelo elevado conteúdo de matéria orgânica do solo (MOS). No entanto, dentre as questões ainda não desvendadas quanto à gênese destes solos, está a natureza e mecanismos de retenção desta matéria orgânica nas TPI. Nesse sentido, o objetivo deste trabalho foi elucidar a natureza química da MOS em solos com horizonte A antrópico e em solos de referência (sem horizonte A antrópico). Para isso, dois perfis de TPI e um perfil de referência foram selecionados na área do Campo Experimental do Caldeirão no município de Iranduba - AM. Amostras de todos os horizontes foram coletadas e submetidas ao fracionamento físico e químico da matéria orgânica, gerando as frações: i) (FLL); ii) Leve oclusa (FLO); iii) extraível com NaOH (EX) iv) Resíduo (RES). Todas elas foram caracterizadas por meio da pirólise CG/EM. A FLL e EX estão presentes em quantidades maiores nas TPI, devido, respectivamente, ao maior imput de mateiral fresco promovido intencionalmente pelo homem nestas áreas e à maior humificação deste material. Por outro lado a FLO foi maior no perfil de referência. A FLL possui alta expressão da liteira, sendo constituída, sobretudo por materiais vegetais e carvões. A FLO teve alta variabilidade composicional, no entanto de modo geral possui semelhança com a FLL, mas é menos enriquecida em derviados do BC (compostos poliaromáticos) e maior quantidade de material vegetal fresco (ligninas). No entanto, esta fração contribui muito pouco para o carbono total do solo. Entre os diferentes perfis, a principal diferenciação ocorreu na FLL, que possuiu menos levoglucosan e mais poliaromáticos nos perfis antrópicos, o que mostra, portanto, condições mais avançadas de mineralização e enriquecimento relativo em BC. No entanto, no geral há maior abundância de compostos aromáticos nos perfis de TPI, demonstrando maior contribuição de BC. A fração do resíduo mostrou, grande contribuição de compostos alifáticos. No entanto quando compara-se os diferentes perfis, as TPI são enriquecidas com compostos poliaromáticos, reforçando novamente a contribuição do BC. Não foi possível, com os métodos de extração e fracionamento utilizados, afirmar se os produtos derivados do BC nesta fração estão realmente ligados a fração mineral ou estão presentes no RES por serem insolúveis em alcalino. Nesse sentido, conclui-se que há uma grande contribuição do BC para a estabilização (pelo mecanismo da recalcitrância química) da MO nos perfis de TPI nas diferentes frações e, além disso, verificou-se também nestes perfis estágios mais avançados de decomposição, concordando com o fato de que nas TPI há um maior grau de humificação da MO. / The Anthrosols known as Amazon Dark Earths (ADE) are peculiar soils found in Amazonian Forest, presenting dark coloured A horizons that combine the following features: presence of human artefacts, bones and shells; high levels of organic carbon and coal; and a high base saturation index. Such characteristics are an advantage for agriculture practices, even in the current days. However, their genesis mechanisms are still poorly understood, especially the processes related to organic matter fixation. This contribution aims to elucidate the chemical nature of soil organic matter (SOM) in some Anthrosols and reference soils (without Anthropic A horizons), comparing two pedons with the referred characteristics in the county of Iranduba (Amazon State, Brazil). Soil samples were physically and chemically fractioned, into the following groups: i) FLL, ii) light occluded (FLO), iii) NaOH extractable (EX); iv) residual (RES). SOM samples were chemically characterized using the CG/EM pyrolysis technique. The FLL and EX fractions are more common in IDA soil samples due to the high inputs of fresh plant materials intentionally introduced by human groups in the past, and to the high degree of humification. The FLO fraction was higher in the reference soil samples (without Anthropic A horizons). The FLL fraction was more expressive in the litter samples, consisting of plant materials and coal. The FLO fraction presented a high compositional variability but similar to FLL fraction, less enriched in polyaromatic compounds (BC) and fresh plant materials (lignin). Nevertheless, this fraction represents a minor contribution to total organic carbon of soils. Within the different pedons, the main difference was observed in the FLL fraction, less enriched in levoglucosan and polyaromatic compounds in the Anthrosols. It suggests a rapid mineralization of organic matter and high contribution of BC compounds in these soils. In general, the BC compounds are a major control in Anthrosols. The residual fraction shows high levels of aliphatic compounds. However, in the Anthrosols the BC compounds maintain a high level. It was not possible to determine whether the BC bearing compounds are bound to the mineral fraction or belong to RES fraction (low solubility in high pH values). The BC compounds must contribute significantly to SOM stabilization in the different fractions of Anthrosols pedons (chemical recalcitrance mechanism). Moreover, decomposition degree of SOM is higher in the Anthrosols, in agreement to the high degree of humification.
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Matéria orgânica pirogênica e gênese das Terras Pretas de Índio no município de Iranduba - AM / Pyrogenic organic matter and Amazon Dark Earth genesis in the county of Iranduba, Amazon State, BrazilSantos, Taís Almeida 27 January 2016 (has links)
Solos com horizonte A escurecido, com presença de artefatos humanos como cerâmicas, ossos e/ou conchas, alta saturação por bases, carbono orgânico e carvões são denominados comumente de Terras Pretas de Índio (TPI), de ampla ocorrência na região Amazônica. Tais características tornam estes solos muito favoráveis para o cultivo agrícola, sobretudo pelo elevado conteúdo de matéria orgânica do solo (MOS). No entanto, dentre as questões ainda não desvendadas quanto à gênese destes solos, está a natureza e mecanismos de retenção desta matéria orgânica nas TPI. Nesse sentido, o objetivo deste trabalho foi elucidar a natureza química da MOS em solos com horizonte A antrópico e em solos de referência (sem horizonte A antrópico). Para isso, dois perfis de TPI e um perfil de referência foram selecionados na área do Campo Experimental do Caldeirão no município de Iranduba - AM. Amostras de todos os horizontes foram coletadas e submetidas ao fracionamento físico e químico da matéria orgânica, gerando as frações: i) (FLL); ii) Leve oclusa (FLO); iii) extraível com NaOH (EX) iv) Resíduo (RES). Todas elas foram caracterizadas por meio da pirólise CG/EM. A FLL e EX estão presentes em quantidades maiores nas TPI, devido, respectivamente, ao maior imput de mateiral fresco promovido intencionalmente pelo homem nestas áreas e à maior humificação deste material. Por outro lado a FLO foi maior no perfil de referência. A FLL possui alta expressão da liteira, sendo constituída, sobretudo por materiais vegetais e carvões. A FLO teve alta variabilidade composicional, no entanto de modo geral possui semelhança com a FLL, mas é menos enriquecida em derviados do BC (compostos poliaromáticos) e maior quantidade de material vegetal fresco (ligninas). No entanto, esta fração contribui muito pouco para o carbono total do solo. Entre os diferentes perfis, a principal diferenciação ocorreu na FLL, que possuiu menos levoglucosan e mais poliaromáticos nos perfis antrópicos, o que mostra, portanto, condições mais avançadas de mineralização e enriquecimento relativo em BC. No entanto, no geral há maior abundância de compostos aromáticos nos perfis de TPI, demonstrando maior contribuição de BC. A fração do resíduo mostrou, grande contribuição de compostos alifáticos. No entanto quando compara-se os diferentes perfis, as TPI são enriquecidas com compostos poliaromáticos, reforçando novamente a contribuição do BC. Não foi possível, com os métodos de extração e fracionamento utilizados, afirmar se os produtos derivados do BC nesta fração estão realmente ligados a fração mineral ou estão presentes no RES por serem insolúveis em alcalino. Nesse sentido, conclui-se que há uma grande contribuição do BC para a estabilização (pelo mecanismo da recalcitrância química) da MO nos perfis de TPI nas diferentes frações e, além disso, verificou-se também nestes perfis estágios mais avançados de decomposição, concordando com o fato de que nas TPI há um maior grau de humificação da MO. / The Anthrosols known as Amazon Dark Earths (ADE) are peculiar soils found in Amazonian Forest, presenting dark coloured A horizons that combine the following features: presence of human artefacts, bones and shells; high levels of organic carbon and coal; and a high base saturation index. Such characteristics are an advantage for agriculture practices, even in the current days. However, their genesis mechanisms are still poorly understood, especially the processes related to organic matter fixation. This contribution aims to elucidate the chemical nature of soil organic matter (SOM) in some Anthrosols and reference soils (without Anthropic A horizons), comparing two pedons with the referred characteristics in the county of Iranduba (Amazon State, Brazil). Soil samples were physically and chemically fractioned, into the following groups: i) FLL, ii) light occluded (FLO), iii) NaOH extractable (EX); iv) residual (RES). SOM samples were chemically characterized using the CG/EM pyrolysis technique. The FLL and EX fractions are more common in IDA soil samples due to the high inputs of fresh plant materials intentionally introduced by human groups in the past, and to the high degree of humification. The FLO fraction was higher in the reference soil samples (without Anthropic A horizons). The FLL fraction was more expressive in the litter samples, consisting of plant materials and coal. The FLO fraction presented a high compositional variability but similar to FLL fraction, less enriched in polyaromatic compounds (BC) and fresh plant materials (lignin). Nevertheless, this fraction represents a minor contribution to total organic carbon of soils. Within the different pedons, the main difference was observed in the FLL fraction, less enriched in levoglucosan and polyaromatic compounds in the Anthrosols. It suggests a rapid mineralization of organic matter and high contribution of BC compounds in these soils. In general, the BC compounds are a major control in Anthrosols. The residual fraction shows high levels of aliphatic compounds. However, in the Anthrosols the BC compounds maintain a high level. It was not possible to determine whether the BC bearing compounds are bound to the mineral fraction or belong to RES fraction (low solubility in high pH values). The BC compounds must contribute significantly to SOM stabilization in the different fractions of Anthrosols pedons (chemical recalcitrance mechanism). Moreover, decomposition degree of SOM is higher in the Anthrosols, in agreement to the high degree of humification.
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Etude des mécanismes de pyrolyse en présence d'hydroxyde de tetramethylammonium de composés protéiques modèles. Implication pour la détection de matériel azoté dans la matière organique naturelle et l'identification de macromolécules sourcesGallois, Nicolas 13 May 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Malgré son implication importante dans de nombreux processus environnementaux, la matière organique naturelle (MON) reste mal caractérisée, principalement à cause du caractère réfractaire des structures dans lesquelles elle est impliquée. Si des fonctions amides ont été mises en évidence dans la MON, la structure moléculaire des unités associées est encore inconnue. La pyrolyse couplée à la chromatographie gazeuse et à la spectrométrie de masse (Py-GC-MS) en présence de Tetra-Methyl-Ammonium Hydroxyde (TMAH) est a priori un outil pertinent pour l'analyse de ces structures. Pour mieux comprendre le comportement des structures azotées de la MON au cours de la Py-GC-MS/TMAH, nous avons étudié par cette méthode, les 20 acides aminés protéiques, 17 dipeptides, 4 polypeptides et une protéine, la Sérum Albumine Bovine (SAB). Cette étude a permis de mettre en évidence les principaux mécanismes de pyrolyse des acides aminés (méthylation directe, cyclisation, dimérisation, homolyse, décarboxylation, et déamination), et l'influence de la liaison peptidique sur ces mécanismes. La Py-GC-MS/TMAH des dipeptides et des polypeptides a montré l'importance des produits de cyclisation, en particulier des diketopiperazines et de structures plus complexes basées sur 3 acides aminés, et des produits d'homolyse pour les acides aminés aromatiques. De plus, cette étude a permis d'établir une base de données des produits de pyrolyse des acides aminés et des 17 dipeptides. Enfin, la pyrolyse de la SAB en mélange avec les deux principales macromolécules présentes dans la biomasse (lignine et cellulose) montre que les coefficients de réponse sont défavorables à la protéine.
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Exploring the Molecular Origin of Jet Fuel Thermal Oxidative Deposition Through Statistical Analysis of Mass Spectral Data and Pyrolysis Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry of DepositsChristison, Krege Matthew 01 January 2019 (has links)
ASTM D3241 (Standard Test Method for Thermal Oxidation Stability of Aviation Turbine Fuels) measures the thermal oxidative stability of jet fuels under elevated temperature and pressure conditions. When jet fuels fail ASTM D3241, either at the refinery or in the distribution system, there can be supply disruptions and financial losses. Understanding the causes of poor thermal oxidative stability in jet fuels could help prevent or mitigate issues. In order to develop a deeper understanding of the molecular precursors that lead to ASTM D3241 failures, a number of analytical methodologies and data treatment techniques have been developed, applied, and reported here. Statistical analysis of LC/MS ESI data from jet fuels with varying thermal oxidative stabilities allows for the identification of molecules that are significant to ASTM D3241 failures. Differential statistical analysis of LC/MS ESI data from jet fuels before and after thermal oxidative stressing in a QCM reactor elucidates which significant molecules are being consumed during oxidation and which molecules are increasing in abundance. The analysis of thermal oxidative deposits that form during thermal oxidative stressing in the QCM reactor allows for the insight into the molecular components of the deposits. Attapulgus clay removes the polar molecules that lead to thermal oxidative stability issues in the refinery. Extraction of Attapulgus clay that has been used in a refinery to filter jet fuel with a series of solvents removes the polar molecules into a series of fractions. The subsequent analysis of the fractions by comprehensive GCxGC/MS leads to the identification of the different homologous series of molecules that are removed by the clay.
The analyses developed and employed here are shown to be particularly useful for the analysis of trace polar nitrogen and oxygen containing molecules. Similar homologous series of molecules are identified across all of the different analyses. It is also clear from some of the analyses, along with previously reported data in the literature, that reactive sulfur-containing molecules are significant to poor thermal oxidative stability as measured by ASTM D3241 and to the formation of thermal oxidative deposits. There is still an opportunity to find methodologies to better characterize the sulfur species present and correlate them to the data that is reported here.
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Estudio de la pirólisis de piel curtida. Caracterización y recicladoBañón, Elena 28 January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Characterization of the Physical and Chemical Networks in Filled Rubber CompoundsSalberg, Alesia C. 15 December 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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