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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gastrointestinal Physiology and Results following Bariatric Surgery

Hedberg, Jakob January 2010 (has links)
The number of operations for morbid obesity is rising fast. We have examined aspects of postoperative physiology and results after bariatric surgery. The pH in the proximal pouch after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGBP) was investigated with catheter-based and wire-less technique. Gastric emptying, PYY-levels in the fasting state and after a standardized meal was evaluated after biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch (DS). A clinical trial was undertaken, comparing DS to RYGBP in patients with BMI>48. Main outcome variables were safety and long-term weight results as well as abdominal symptoms and laboratory results. Patients with stomal ulcer had significantly lower pH in their proximal gastric pouch as compared to asymptomatic control subjects. Long-time pH measurements with the wire-less BRAVO-system were feasible and demonstrated pH<4 in median 10.5% of the time in asymptomatic post-RYGBP patients. After DS, the T50 of gastric emptying was 28±16 minutes. PYY-levels were higher after DS than in age-matched control subjects. BMI-reduction was greater after DS (24 BMI-units) than after RYGBP (17 BMI-units) in median 3.5 (2.0-5.3) years after surgery (p<0.001). Fasting glucose and HbA1c levels were lower one and three years after DS as compared to RYGBP. On the other hand, DS-patients reported having more diarrhea and malodorous flatus. This thesis has resulted in deepened knowledge. Acid produced in the proximal pouch is an important pathogenetic factor in the development of stomal ulcer after RYGBP. However, symptom-free patients have an acidic environment in the proximal Roux-limb as well. After DS, gastric emptying is fast, but not instantaneous, and PYY-levels are high. DS results in superior weight reduction and better glucose control as compared to RYGBP in patients with BMI>48. We believe that DS has a place in surgical treatment of the super-obese, even though symptoms of diarrhea and malodorous flatus are more common after DS.

Síndrome de Prader-Willi como modelo de obesidad: Ghrelina, péptido YY, adiponectina y parámetros inflamatorios

Giménez Palop, Olga 21 December 2007 (has links)
El síndrome de Prader-Willi (SPW) es la causa de obesidad genética más frecuente. Está provocado por una falta de expresión de los genes de la región cromosómica 15q11-13. Adémas de desarrollar una obesidad mórbida, asocian retraso mental, una facies característica, hipogonadismo hipogonadotropo y déficit de hormona de crecimiento.El control de la ingesta y del peso corporal es un proceso complejo en el que intervienen señales periféricas que informan sobre la adiposidad del organismo y otras que se producen en el tracto gastrointestinal que producen saciedad como el péptido YY (PYY). Por otra parte, la ghrelina, secretada en su mayoría por el estómago, estimula la ingesta. Finalmente, la adiponectina, fabricada en el tejido adiposo, y algunas proteínas relacionadas con la inflamación intervienen también en la regulación del metabolismo.En esta tesis se estudian ghrelina, PYY, adiponectina y proteínas relacionadas con la inflamación (IL-6, IL-18, PCR, C3 y TNF-alfa) tanto en ayunas como tras la ingesta de una dieta líquida estándar en pacientes adultos con SPW y se compara con sujetos obesos de igual índice de masa corporal y sujetos con normopeso.La ghrelina en ayunas fue superior en los pacientes con SPW. Tras la ingesta, la concentración de ghrelina disminuyó en los tres grupos pero en los pacientes con SPW, el descenso fue menos marcado, de forma que el área bajo la curva (AUC) de ghrelina fue superior en estos pacientes comparado con los sujetos obesos. La concentración de PYY en ayunas fue inferior en los pacientes con SPW que en los otros dos grupos y, tras la ingesta, ascendió de forma menos marcada, a diferencia de lo observado en los sujetos obesos y con normopeso, en los que se produjo un pico de PYY a los 60 minutos. La concentración de PYY fue inversamente proporcional a la ghrelina en ayunas y al AUC de ghrelina, pudiendo además considerarse un predictor de esta última. El incremento de PYY tras la ingesta se correlacionó negativamente con el descenso de ghrelina en los pacientes con SPW en los minutos 60 y 120.La concentración de adiponectina en ayunas fue inferior en los pacientes con SPW respecto a los sujetos con normopeso, pero superior a la de los sujetos obesos. No se observó ningún cambio en las concentraciones de adiponectina tras la ingesta ni en el grupo de sujetos obesos ni en el grupo con normopeso. Se observó un descenso del 13% en la adiponectina en el minuto 240 en el grupo con SPW. El AUC de adiponectina fue similar en los tres grupos.Los sujetos obesos, con o sin SPW, mostraron concentraciones superiores en ayunas de algunos marcadores de inflamación comparado con el grupo de sujetos con normopeso. Además, comparado con los sujetos obesos, los pacientes con SPW mostraron concentraciones superiores de C3, IL-18, IL-6 y PCR, indicando que presentan aún un mayor grado de inflamación. No se observaron cambios tras la ingesta de ninguna de la proteínas de inflamación, de forma que persistieron elevadas aquellas que ya lo estaban en ayunas. La concentración de IL-18 se correlacionó negativamente con la testosterona en los varones con SPW. En conclusión, la hiperghrelinemia observada en los pacientes con SPW podría estar relacionada con una disminución de la concentración de PYY. La obesidad que acompaña al SPW, cursa con concentraciones de adiponectina y proteínas relacionadas con la inflamación superiores a los observados en la obesidad esencial. / Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) is considered as one of the most common causes of genetic obesity in humans. The characteristic clinical features include neonatal hypotony, mental retardation, behavioural abnormalities and excessive appetite with progressive massive obesity. The aim of the study was to investigate fasting and postprandial ghrelin, peptide YY, adiponectin and inflammation-related proteins levels in PWS patients as compared to obese and lean subjects and whether they could contribute to the pathogenesis of obesity in this syndrome. We studied 7 patients with PWS, 16 obese patients and 42 lean subjects for the fasting study. From this group, we evaluated 7 patients with PWS, 7 age-sex-BMI-matched obese non-PWS and 7 age-sex-matched lean subjects before and after the administration of 750 Kcal of a standard liquid meal. Fasting ghrelin levels were higher in PWS than in the other two groups. Fasting PYY levels were lower in patients with PWS than in lean subjects but similar to those in obese subjects. The postpradial decrease in ghrelin concentrations was lower in PWS as compared to the other two groups. PYY response after the meal was blunted in patients with PWS, but not in the other two groups. Fasting PYY levels correlated negatively with fasting ghrelin levels and with ghrelin AUC and they were the only predictor for ghrelin AUC. The increase in PYY correlated negatively with the decrease in ghrelin in times 60 min and 120 min in PWS. Fasting plasma adiponectin levels were lower in PWS than in lean subjects but higher than in obese patients. After the meal, adiponectin concentrations mildly decreased in PWS at time point 240 min, while in obese and lean subjects no changes were observed. However, the adiponectin AUC was similar in all three groups. Compared to non-PWS, PWS subjects showed higher plasma concentrations of CRP, C3, IL-18 and IL-6 that persisted postprandially elevated for CRP, C3 and IL-18. TNF-alpha did not differ between the three groups. These results were independent from IGF-1 levels, HOMA index, and BMI. In male subjects with PWS, testosterone levels correlated to IL-18.

Studies of the Neuropeptide Y Receptor Y2 in Human and Zebrafish

Fällmar, Helena January 2011 (has links)
The G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) comprise the largest family of receptors in humans and other vertebrates. They are embedded in the cell membrane and are activated by many different signaling molecules. Activation modulates cellular signal transduction pathways and influences many physiological processes. Therefore the GPCRs are important as targets for numerous drugs. The receptors for NPY (neuropeptide Y) belong to GPCRs of Class A (rhodopsin-like). NPY and its related peptides PYY and PP are involved in the regulation of appetite, blood pressure and many other processes. They share a common structure and interact with the receptors Y1, Y2, Y4 and Y5 in mammals, and, in addition, Y7 and Y8 in amphibians and bony fishes. This thesis is focused on the human Y2 receptor, known to reduce appetite, by investigating the importance of thirteen amino acid residues for ligand binding. Mutagenesis followed by functional expression and receptor binding was conducted. During the course of this work several new GPCR crystal structures have been resolved, thereby improving the receptor modeling in papers I-III. The major finding is that even though the Y1 and Y2 receptors have evolved from a common ancestor, their points of ligand interaction differ and have thus changed during evolution. In general, the positions investigated resulted in milder changes in the ligands’ affinities for Y2 compared to Y1. These findings were incorporated in the design of new Y1 and Y2 receptor models, leading to improved understanding of how such divergent receptors, sharing only 30 percent sequence identity, can still interact with the same ligands. Notably, several of the mutations introduced in Y2 resulted in increased affinity. A novel NPY receptor gene named Y2-2 was identified in the genomes of zebrafish and medaka. This brings the number of zebrafish NPY receptors to seven. The binding characteristics of zebrafish Y2-2 differed from zebrafish Y2 mainly in the interaction with NPY13-36 and the antagonist BIIE0246. In conclusion, these results increase our understanding of ligand interactions with GPCRs and will be useful for refinement of ligand-receptor models for future development of receptor subtype-selective drugs.

The role of insulin, peptide YY and the immune system in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes

Viardot, Alexander, Garvan Institute of Medical Research, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW January 2008 (has links)
Obesity and type 2 diabetes (T2D) are associated with insulin resistance and increased levels of inflammation markers, suggesting activation of the immune system. However, the link between this so called ??low-grade inflammation?? and insulin resistance is poorly understood. In this thesis we aimed to investigate the direct effects of insulin on immune cells, and if these effects are changed in the setting of insulin resistance. We showed that insulin has anti-inflammatory effects by shifting T cell differentiation into a T helper type 2 phenotype. This effect was lost in insulin resistant subjects, which resulted in a more pro-inflammatory T helper type 1 cell hyperpolarisation. We also demonstrated that the Th1/2 balance is related to the degree of insulin resistance, and varies accordingly in clinical models of increasing or decreasing insulin resistance. Furthermore, we demonstrated that in a very early stage of pre-diabetes, where normal glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity are still preserved, we cannot detect any immune activation, but we see a blunted food response of the appetite suppressant hormone PYY. Whilst this could put subjects at risk for further weight gain and development of obesity and T2D, we also demonstrated for the first time that PYY itself has strong anti-inflammatory properties, and that a deficiency in PYY could result in promoting a pro-inflammatory environment. In summary, we could demonstrate strong evidence that both, insulin and PYY are potent anti-inflammatory hormones which modulate immune function, and the observed deficiency in these hormones could contribute to further increase in inflammation and disease progression. Further work is indicated in this area to better understand the sequence and mechanism of immune activation, which may open up new therapeutic avenues for prevention and treatment of T2D.

Οι μεταβολές της έκκρισης της Ghrelin και του PYY μετά από χειρουργείο χολοπαγκρεατικής εκτροπής με περιφερική γαστρική παράκαμψη (RYGBP) και άλλες μείζονες χειρουργικές επεμβάσεις

Στράτης, Χρήστος 30 May 2012 (has links)
Τα επίπεδα της γκρελίνης και του PYY μετά από χειρουργείο χολοπαγκρεατικής εκτροπής και Roux-en-Y γαστρικού bypass και μετά από χειρουργείο κολεκτομής: προοπτική συγκριτική μελέτη Οι ορμόνες του γαστρεντερικού γκρελίνη και PYY έχει αποδειχθεί ότι παίζουν κάποιο ρόλο στη ρύθμιση του μεταβολισμού και της όρεξης. Μελετάμε την επίδραση του χειρουργείου της χολοπαγκρεατικής εκτροπής και RYGBP (BPD-RYGBP) στα κυκλοφορούντα επίπεδα της γκρελίνης και του PYY άμεσα μετεγχειρητικά και τα συγκρίνουμε με την αντίστοιχη επίδραση μιας άλλης χειρουργικής επέμβασης της ίδιας βαρύτητας, την κολεκτομή. Μέθοδος. Μελετάμε τα επίπεδα νηστείας της γκρελίνης και του PYY σε 20 παχύσαρκους ασθενείς (super-obese) που υποβλήθηκαν σε BPDRYGBP και σε 13 ασθενείς που υποβλήθηκαν σε κολεκτομή για καρκίνο παχέος εντέρου. Οι μετρήσεις έγιναν προεγχειρητικά, και τις μετεγχειρητικές ημέρες 1,3,7,30 και 90 και στις δύο ομάδες, καθώς και στον 1 χρόνο στην ομάδα των παχυσάρκων. Αποτελέσματα. Προεγχειρητικά, τα επίπεδα και της γκρελίνης και του PYY ήταν χαμηλότερα στην ομάδα των παχυσάρκων. Μια προσωρινή μείωση των τιμών της γκρελίνης παρατηρήθηκε και στις δύο ομάδες άμεσα μετεγχειρητικά με σταδιακή επάνοδο στα προεγχειρητικά επίπεδα έως τον 3ο μήνα. Επιπλέον τα επίπεδα της γκρελίνης αυξήθηκαν 40%, σε σύγκριση με τα προεγχειρητικά, στην ομάδα των παχυσάρκων στον 1ο χρόνο παρακολούθησης. Τα επίπεδα του PYY στην ομάδα των κολεκτομών μειώθηκαν τις πρώτες 3 μετεγχειρητικές ημέρες και έπειτα επέστρεψαν στα προεγχειρητικά. Σε αντίθεση, τα επίπεδα του PYY στην ομάδα των παχυσάρκων δεν άλλαξαν άμεσα μετεγχειρητικά αλλά αυξήθηκαν σε επίπεδα 50% υψηλότερα στον 3ο μήνα και 170% υψηλότερα στον 1ο χρόνο, σε σύγκριση με τα προεγχειρητικά. Συμπεράσματα. Η μεγάλη μετεγχειρητική αύξηση των επιπέδων της ανορεξιογόνου ορμόνης PYY μετά από BPD-RYGBP μπορεί να παίζει ρόλο στην μειωμένη όρεξη που παρατηρείται μετά από αυτό τον τύπο βαριατρικής επέμβασης. Οι αλλαγές της γκρελίνης μετεγχειρητικά κάνουν τη συμμετοχή της ορμόνης αυτής στη μείωση της όρεξης λιγότερο πιθανή. / Ghrelin and Peptide YY levels anfter a variant of biliopancreatic diversion with Roux-en-Y gastric bypass versus after colectomy: A prospective comparative study Background. The gastrointestinal peptide hormones ghrelin and PYY, have been shown to play a role in the regulation of metabolism and apetite. We investigate the effect of the biliopancreatic diversion with Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (BPD-RYGBP) procedure on the circulating levels of ghrelin and PYY during the first 3 months postoperatively as compared to the effects of colectomy, an abdominal operation of similar severity. Methods. We determined the fasting plasma levels of ghrelin and PYY in 20 morbidly super obese patients that underwent BPD-RYGBP and in 13 subjects that underwent a colectomy because of large bowel cancer. Fasting plasma ghrelin and PYY levels were measured preoperatively and during the postoperative period on days 1,3,7,30 and 90 in all patients of both groups and at the 1 year for the patients who had attained 1-year follow up. Results. Preoperatively, both plasma ghrelin and PYY levels were lower in the BPD-RYGBP group of patients. A temporary decrease in plasma ghrelin levels was observed in both groups of patients during the immediate postoperative period with a gradual return to preoperative levels by the third month. In addition, ghrelin concentrations increased at one year to levels 40% higher than those in baseline, in ten of the BPD-RYGBP patients who had completed the one-year follow up (p=0.004). Plasma PYY levels in the colectomy group decreased the first three postoperative days and then returned to baseline. In contrast, PYY levels in the BPD-RYGBP group did not change during the early postopera¬tive period but increased to levels 50% higher at 3 months (p<0.001) and 170% higher at one year (p<0.001) than the baseline. Conclusions. The great postoperative increase of the levels of the anorexigenic peptide PYY following BPD-RYGBP may contribute to the reduced appetite observed after this type of bariatric surgery. The changes in ghrelin levels postoperatively make its contribution to the appetite suppression less likely.

Perda da resposta secretória intestinal de PYY à sobrecarga oral de gordura saturada após indução de resistência à insulina por dieta hiperlipídica em ratos wistar

Antunes, Luciana da Conceição January 2013 (has links)
Introdução: O PYY é um peptídeo regulador da saciedade produzido pelas células intestinais em resposta à chegada intraluminal de nutrientes. Objetivos: O presente estudo objetivou avaliar o efeito de sobrecargas agudas de gorduras saturadas (SAT) e monoinsaturadas (MUFA) na secreção aguda de PYY em ratos Wistar normais e após insulinorresistência induzida por dieta hiperlipídica. Métodos: Em experimento controlado, ratos Wistar foram submetidos a uma dieta altamente gordurosa (HFD) (55% de gordura) por 19 semanas (n=15) ou à dieta normal (GC) pelo mesmo tempo (ração ad libitum) (n=15). Ao final de 14 semanas foi realizado um experimento cross-over onde foi avaliada a resposta secretória de PYY sérico nos tempos basal e 60 minutos após sobrecarga oral lipídica isovolumétrica, por meio de gavagem, ajustadas para o peso, administrada de forma aleatória, em dias diferentes, constituídas por ácidos graxos saturados (SAT-banha de porco) ou monoinsaturados (MUFA-óleo de oliva) ou água (CONT). Diferenças entre médias e grupos foram avaliadas por meio de ANOVA de medidas repetidas e associação por regressão linear simples. Resultados: Em relação ao PYY, no grupo com dieta normal, ambas sobrecargas MUFA e SAT elevaram a resposta secretória de PYY significativamente em relação aos seus respectivos basais: MUFA-Basal 2,18 (± 0,24) vs. MUFA-60min 2,30 (± 0,26) pg/ml e SAT-basal 2,21 (± 0.25) pg/ml vs. SAT- 60min 2,29 (± 0,22) pg/ml ANOVA múltiplas entradas p= 0,019 intragrupos; entretanto, sem diferença entre grupos MUFA e SAT (ANOVA múltiplas entradas entre-grupos p= 0,314). No grupo HFD por outro lado, a sobrecarga SAT reduziu o PYY: SAT-basal 2,16 (± 0.21) pg/ml vs. SAT-60min 2,11 (± 0,30) pg/ml (p= 0,01,intragrupos) enquanto a sobrecarga MUFA manteve o mesmo aumento MUFAbasal 2,15pg/ml vs. MUFA-60min 2,22 (± 0.22) pg/ml. p=0,019 (intragrupos). A administração de água (CONT) também reduziu o PYY em relação ao basal, tanto com na dieta normal (p= 0,0091) como na dieta (HFD) (p= 0,0091), mas sem diferença entre os grupos (p= 0,7433). Conclusão: Em ratos Wistar, as sobrecargas lipídicas, tanto de MUFA como de gordura saturadas, aumentam agudamente a secreção de PYY. Entretanto, em ratos Wistar tornados insulinorresistentes através de uma dieta altamente rica em gordura saturada, a mesma sobrecarga de gordura saturada perde a capacidade de estimular os níveis de PYY, enquanto à resposta ao MUFA segue preservada. Esta resposta paradoxal a gorduras saturadas poderia representar um dano celular causado pela insulinorresistência ao tecido intestinal interferindo no aparato secretor de PYY em resposta a este nutriente. Estudos no tecido intestinal precisam ser realizados para identificar possíveis fatores envolvidos e suas implicações no controle da saciedade pelo PYY em indivíduos insulinorresistentes. / Background: PYY is a gut peptide released by L-cells from the intestine after a meal. Objective: The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of acute overloads of saturated fatty acids (SAT) and monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) on PYY release in normal and diet induced insulin resistant wistar rats. Methods: a nineteen weeks experiment was conducted with 30 wistar rats that were allocated into two groups: high fat diet (HFD group) (n=15) with diet composition of 55% of lard and 45% standard chow and control group (CG) (n=15). Both groups received water and food ad libitum. Later a cross-over experiment was conducted to evaluate PYY secretory response 60 minutes after two different lipid overloads (SAT-lard; MUFAolive oil) and water (CONT), adjusted by weight, all isovolumetric and lipids were isocaloric, randomly administered in different days. Mean differences were analyzed by repeated measures ANOVA and association by simple linear regression. Results: Both MUFA and SAT overloads significantly increased PYY release in the CG in comparison with baselines: MUFA-Baseline 2,18±0,24 vs. MUFA-60min 2,30±0,26pg/ml and SAT-baseline 2,21±0.25pg/ml vs. SAT-60min 2,29±0,22 pg/ml ANOVA multiple entry p=0,019 intra-group, however without difference between MUFA and SAT (ANOVA multiple entry inter-group p=0,314). In the other hand, HFD SAT overload significantly decreased PYY release: SAT-baseline 2,16±0.21 pg/ml vs. SAT-60min 2,11±0,30 pg/ml (p=0,01,intra-group) while MUFA overload was able to keep the increase on PYY release MUFA-baseline 2,15pg/ml vs. MUFA-60min 2,22±0.22 pg/ml. p=0,019 (intra-group). Water overload (CONT) also reduced PYY release in comparison with baseline in both CG (p=0,0091) and HFD (p=0,0091), without difference between them (p= 0,7433). Conclusion: MUFA and SAT overloads increase PYY release after 60 minutes in normal wistar rats. However, when became high fat diet induced insulin resistant the SAT overload looses the capacity to stimulate PYY release, while MUFA response keeps preserved. This paradoxal finding to saturated fatty acids could indicate a cellular damage caused by insulin resistance in the intestinal tissue which compromises PYY secretory apparatus in response to this nutrient. Studies in the intestinal tissue must be conducted in order to identify possible factors involved and its implications in satiety signals PYY mediated in insulin resistance individuals.

Perda da resposta secretória intestinal de PYY à sobrecarga oral de gordura saturada após indução de resistência à insulina por dieta hiperlipídica em ratos wistar

Antunes, Luciana da Conceição January 2013 (has links)
Introdução: O PYY é um peptídeo regulador da saciedade produzido pelas células intestinais em resposta à chegada intraluminal de nutrientes. Objetivos: O presente estudo objetivou avaliar o efeito de sobrecargas agudas de gorduras saturadas (SAT) e monoinsaturadas (MUFA) na secreção aguda de PYY em ratos Wistar normais e após insulinorresistência induzida por dieta hiperlipídica. Métodos: Em experimento controlado, ratos Wistar foram submetidos a uma dieta altamente gordurosa (HFD) (55% de gordura) por 19 semanas (n=15) ou à dieta normal (GC) pelo mesmo tempo (ração ad libitum) (n=15). Ao final de 14 semanas foi realizado um experimento cross-over onde foi avaliada a resposta secretória de PYY sérico nos tempos basal e 60 minutos após sobrecarga oral lipídica isovolumétrica, por meio de gavagem, ajustadas para o peso, administrada de forma aleatória, em dias diferentes, constituídas por ácidos graxos saturados (SAT-banha de porco) ou monoinsaturados (MUFA-óleo de oliva) ou água (CONT). Diferenças entre médias e grupos foram avaliadas por meio de ANOVA de medidas repetidas e associação por regressão linear simples. Resultados: Em relação ao PYY, no grupo com dieta normal, ambas sobrecargas MUFA e SAT elevaram a resposta secretória de PYY significativamente em relação aos seus respectivos basais: MUFA-Basal 2,18 (± 0,24) vs. MUFA-60min 2,30 (± 0,26) pg/ml e SAT-basal 2,21 (± 0.25) pg/ml vs. SAT- 60min 2,29 (± 0,22) pg/ml ANOVA múltiplas entradas p= 0,019 intragrupos; entretanto, sem diferença entre grupos MUFA e SAT (ANOVA múltiplas entradas entre-grupos p= 0,314). No grupo HFD por outro lado, a sobrecarga SAT reduziu o PYY: SAT-basal 2,16 (± 0.21) pg/ml vs. SAT-60min 2,11 (± 0,30) pg/ml (p= 0,01,intragrupos) enquanto a sobrecarga MUFA manteve o mesmo aumento MUFAbasal 2,15pg/ml vs. MUFA-60min 2,22 (± 0.22) pg/ml. p=0,019 (intragrupos). A administração de água (CONT) também reduziu o PYY em relação ao basal, tanto com na dieta normal (p= 0,0091) como na dieta (HFD) (p= 0,0091), mas sem diferença entre os grupos (p= 0,7433). Conclusão: Em ratos Wistar, as sobrecargas lipídicas, tanto de MUFA como de gordura saturadas, aumentam agudamente a secreção de PYY. Entretanto, em ratos Wistar tornados insulinorresistentes através de uma dieta altamente rica em gordura saturada, a mesma sobrecarga de gordura saturada perde a capacidade de estimular os níveis de PYY, enquanto à resposta ao MUFA segue preservada. Esta resposta paradoxal a gorduras saturadas poderia representar um dano celular causado pela insulinorresistência ao tecido intestinal interferindo no aparato secretor de PYY em resposta a este nutriente. Estudos no tecido intestinal precisam ser realizados para identificar possíveis fatores envolvidos e suas implicações no controle da saciedade pelo PYY em indivíduos insulinorresistentes. / Background: PYY is a gut peptide released by L-cells from the intestine after a meal. Objective: The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of acute overloads of saturated fatty acids (SAT) and monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) on PYY release in normal and diet induced insulin resistant wistar rats. Methods: a nineteen weeks experiment was conducted with 30 wistar rats that were allocated into two groups: high fat diet (HFD group) (n=15) with diet composition of 55% of lard and 45% standard chow and control group (CG) (n=15). Both groups received water and food ad libitum. Later a cross-over experiment was conducted to evaluate PYY secretory response 60 minutes after two different lipid overloads (SAT-lard; MUFAolive oil) and water (CONT), adjusted by weight, all isovolumetric and lipids were isocaloric, randomly administered in different days. Mean differences were analyzed by repeated measures ANOVA and association by simple linear regression. Results: Both MUFA and SAT overloads significantly increased PYY release in the CG in comparison with baselines: MUFA-Baseline 2,18±0,24 vs. MUFA-60min 2,30±0,26pg/ml and SAT-baseline 2,21±0.25pg/ml vs. SAT-60min 2,29±0,22 pg/ml ANOVA multiple entry p=0,019 intra-group, however without difference between MUFA and SAT (ANOVA multiple entry inter-group p=0,314). In the other hand, HFD SAT overload significantly decreased PYY release: SAT-baseline 2,16±0.21 pg/ml vs. SAT-60min 2,11±0,30 pg/ml (p=0,01,intra-group) while MUFA overload was able to keep the increase on PYY release MUFA-baseline 2,15pg/ml vs. MUFA-60min 2,22±0.22 pg/ml. p=0,019 (intra-group). Water overload (CONT) also reduced PYY release in comparison with baseline in both CG (p=0,0091) and HFD (p=0,0091), without difference between them (p= 0,7433). Conclusion: MUFA and SAT overloads increase PYY release after 60 minutes in normal wistar rats. However, when became high fat diet induced insulin resistant the SAT overload looses the capacity to stimulate PYY release, while MUFA response keeps preserved. This paradoxal finding to saturated fatty acids could indicate a cellular damage caused by insulin resistance in the intestinal tissue which compromises PYY secretory apparatus in response to this nutrient. Studies in the intestinal tissue must be conducted in order to identify possible factors involved and its implications in satiety signals PYY mediated in insulin resistance individuals.

Perda da resposta secretória intestinal de PYY à sobrecarga oral de gordura saturada após indução de resistência à insulina por dieta hiperlipídica em ratos wistar

Antunes, Luciana da Conceição January 2013 (has links)
Introdução: O PYY é um peptídeo regulador da saciedade produzido pelas células intestinais em resposta à chegada intraluminal de nutrientes. Objetivos: O presente estudo objetivou avaliar o efeito de sobrecargas agudas de gorduras saturadas (SAT) e monoinsaturadas (MUFA) na secreção aguda de PYY em ratos Wistar normais e após insulinorresistência induzida por dieta hiperlipídica. Métodos: Em experimento controlado, ratos Wistar foram submetidos a uma dieta altamente gordurosa (HFD) (55% de gordura) por 19 semanas (n=15) ou à dieta normal (GC) pelo mesmo tempo (ração ad libitum) (n=15). Ao final de 14 semanas foi realizado um experimento cross-over onde foi avaliada a resposta secretória de PYY sérico nos tempos basal e 60 minutos após sobrecarga oral lipídica isovolumétrica, por meio de gavagem, ajustadas para o peso, administrada de forma aleatória, em dias diferentes, constituídas por ácidos graxos saturados (SAT-banha de porco) ou monoinsaturados (MUFA-óleo de oliva) ou água (CONT). Diferenças entre médias e grupos foram avaliadas por meio de ANOVA de medidas repetidas e associação por regressão linear simples. Resultados: Em relação ao PYY, no grupo com dieta normal, ambas sobrecargas MUFA e SAT elevaram a resposta secretória de PYY significativamente em relação aos seus respectivos basais: MUFA-Basal 2,18 (± 0,24) vs. MUFA-60min 2,30 (± 0,26) pg/ml e SAT-basal 2,21 (± 0.25) pg/ml vs. SAT- 60min 2,29 (± 0,22) pg/ml ANOVA múltiplas entradas p= 0,019 intragrupos; entretanto, sem diferença entre grupos MUFA e SAT (ANOVA múltiplas entradas entre-grupos p= 0,314). No grupo HFD por outro lado, a sobrecarga SAT reduziu o PYY: SAT-basal 2,16 (± 0.21) pg/ml vs. SAT-60min 2,11 (± 0,30) pg/ml (p= 0,01,intragrupos) enquanto a sobrecarga MUFA manteve o mesmo aumento MUFAbasal 2,15pg/ml vs. MUFA-60min 2,22 (± 0.22) pg/ml. p=0,019 (intragrupos). A administração de água (CONT) também reduziu o PYY em relação ao basal, tanto com na dieta normal (p= 0,0091) como na dieta (HFD) (p= 0,0091), mas sem diferença entre os grupos (p= 0,7433). Conclusão: Em ratos Wistar, as sobrecargas lipídicas, tanto de MUFA como de gordura saturadas, aumentam agudamente a secreção de PYY. Entretanto, em ratos Wistar tornados insulinorresistentes através de uma dieta altamente rica em gordura saturada, a mesma sobrecarga de gordura saturada perde a capacidade de estimular os níveis de PYY, enquanto à resposta ao MUFA segue preservada. Esta resposta paradoxal a gorduras saturadas poderia representar um dano celular causado pela insulinorresistência ao tecido intestinal interferindo no aparato secretor de PYY em resposta a este nutriente. Estudos no tecido intestinal precisam ser realizados para identificar possíveis fatores envolvidos e suas implicações no controle da saciedade pelo PYY em indivíduos insulinorresistentes. / Background: PYY is a gut peptide released by L-cells from the intestine after a meal. Objective: The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of acute overloads of saturated fatty acids (SAT) and monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) on PYY release in normal and diet induced insulin resistant wistar rats. Methods: a nineteen weeks experiment was conducted with 30 wistar rats that were allocated into two groups: high fat diet (HFD group) (n=15) with diet composition of 55% of lard and 45% standard chow and control group (CG) (n=15). Both groups received water and food ad libitum. Later a cross-over experiment was conducted to evaluate PYY secretory response 60 minutes after two different lipid overloads (SAT-lard; MUFAolive oil) and water (CONT), adjusted by weight, all isovolumetric and lipids were isocaloric, randomly administered in different days. Mean differences were analyzed by repeated measures ANOVA and association by simple linear regression. Results: Both MUFA and SAT overloads significantly increased PYY release in the CG in comparison with baselines: MUFA-Baseline 2,18±0,24 vs. MUFA-60min 2,30±0,26pg/ml and SAT-baseline 2,21±0.25pg/ml vs. SAT-60min 2,29±0,22 pg/ml ANOVA multiple entry p=0,019 intra-group, however without difference between MUFA and SAT (ANOVA multiple entry inter-group p=0,314). In the other hand, HFD SAT overload significantly decreased PYY release: SAT-baseline 2,16±0.21 pg/ml vs. SAT-60min 2,11±0,30 pg/ml (p=0,01,intra-group) while MUFA overload was able to keep the increase on PYY release MUFA-baseline 2,15pg/ml vs. MUFA-60min 2,22±0.22 pg/ml. p=0,019 (intra-group). Water overload (CONT) also reduced PYY release in comparison with baseline in both CG (p=0,0091) and HFD (p=0,0091), without difference between them (p= 0,7433). Conclusion: MUFA and SAT overloads increase PYY release after 60 minutes in normal wistar rats. However, when became high fat diet induced insulin resistant the SAT overload looses the capacity to stimulate PYY release, while MUFA response keeps preserved. This paradoxal finding to saturated fatty acids could indicate a cellular damage caused by insulin resistance in the intestinal tissue which compromises PYY secretory apparatus in response to this nutrient. Studies in the intestinal tissue must be conducted in order to identify possible factors involved and its implications in satiety signals PYY mediated in insulin resistance individuals.

Short and Long Chain Free Fatty Acids Differentially Regulate Glucagon-like Peptide-1 and Peptide YY Transcript Levels in Enteroendocrine Cells (STC-1)

Catherman, Colin M 01 January 2017 (has links)
The regulation of glucagon-like peptide-1 and peptide YY hormone levels are regulated based on different influential factors, but primarily levels are dependent upon ingested food content. As meals today become more fat-enriched, there is greater requirement for evaluation of these hormones that regulate insulin and satiety levels within the body. We have shown that the gene expression transcript production of glucagon-like peptide-1 and peptide YY are modulated by different concentrations, and times of short-chain fatty acids and long-chain fatty acids. Although the peptide hormone levels have the influential physiological role on effector tissue, the regulation of these hormones begins at the transcript levels. Recent research indicates that glucagon-like peptide-1 and peptide YY hormones are altered in response to different free-fatty acids. The present investigation generally demonstrated an overall decrease in both hormones after chronic exposure to fatty acids. Intestinal secretin tumor cell line (STC-1 cells) was used as a representative for intestinal L-cells. Quantitative real-time PCR analysis was used to determine the changes in RNA transcripts. Overall, there was a decrease in the 3-hour timeline, which continued to decrease in the 16-hour and 24-hour timelines for glucagon-like peptide-1. Peptide YY transcript expression in 3-hours increased significantly after exposure to propionate, a significant decrease after exposure to acetate, and no significant increase or decrease after exposure to butyrate. However, there was a significant decrease in peptide YY once reaching 24-hour exposure. It was determined there is a threshold for different concentrations of free-fatty acids to influence glucagon-like peptide-1 and peptide YY production, which was present in the different concentrations of butyrate. Lastly, exposure to both concentrations of linolenic acid caused a significant decrease in glucagon-like peptide-1 and peptide YY.

Efeito de uma sobrecarga aguda de ácidos graxos monoinsaturados e saturados nos níveis séricos de GLP-1 e PYY em ratos wistar

Jornada, Manoela Neves da January 2012 (has links)
Introdução: A prevalência de doenças crônicas tem crescido em decorrência do aumento da obesidade nos últimos anos. Peptídeos secretados pelo trato gastrointestinal, como o peptídeo semelhante ao glucagon 1 (GLP-1) e o peptídeo YY (PYY), exercem papel fundamental no controle da ingestão alimentar, pois levam informações acerca dos nutrientes ingeridos até o sistema nervoso central, possuindo efeitos anorexígenos e/ou orexígenos. Tanto GLP-1 quanto PYY são produzidos pelas células-L do íleo distal e cólon, sendo liberados após a ingestão alimentar. Além do efeito incretina produzido pelo GLP-1, ambos os peptídeos apresentam implicações no controle do apetite, o qual reflete na redução do peso corpóreo. Objetivos: Demonstrar um aumento na secreção de GLP-1 e PYY após sobrecarga oral de diferentes tipos de lipídios, comparados à controle negativo (água) e positivo (glicose). Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo experimental controlado em ratos Wistar, distribuídos em 4 grupos de acordo com a sobrecarga oral: grupo MUFA (óleo de oliva); grupo SAT (banha suína); grupo GLUC (glicose) e grupo CONT (água), foram avaliadas as concentrações séricas de GLP-1 ativo e PYY3-36 nos tempos: 0, 15, 30, 60 e 120 minutos. As sobrecargas foram isovolumétricas e isocalóricas, com exceção do grupo controle. Resultados: Houve pico de secreção do GLP-1 pós-sobrecarga no grupo MUFA no ponto 120’ vs CONT e GLUC (p≤0,001) e no ponto 30’ quando comparado ao seu baseline. Também observou-se pico de secreção de PYY no grupo MUFA vs CONT no ponto 30’ (p=0,015); no ponto 60’ vs CONT e GLUC (p=0,019) e no ponto 120’ vs CONT e SAT (p=0,02). A carga secretada do PYY foi maior no MUFA quando comparada ao CONT (p=0,04). Verificou-se forte correlação entre os níveis basais e AUC’s do GLP-1 e PYY (r=0,57; (p= 0,02); r=0,39; (p≤0,001)). A proporção GLP-1/PYY apresentou um coeficiente médio de 3,77 (±2,04). O grupo MUFA evidenciou níveis menores de glicose e maiores de insulina no ponto 15’, enquanto SAT mostrou níveis maiores de glicose e menores de insulina neste ponto, porém, sem diferença significativa. Conclusão: A sobrecarga oral de fontes de ácidos graxos monoinsaturados promoveu um pico de secreção do GLP-1 de forma rápida e no que diz respeito ao PYY, o pico foi mais sustentado. Estudos adicionais são necessários, a fim de se avalir o efeito de fontes distintas de lipídeos da dieta sobre a secreção destes peptídeos e seus efeitos na saciedade. / Background: The increased prevalence of chronic diseases has risen due to obesity. Gut peptides, such as glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) and peptide YY (PYY), play an important role controlling food intake in response to a meal. GLP-1 exerts the known incretin effect stimulating the release of insulin in a glucosedependent manner. Besides its insulinotropic effects, it is well established that GLP-1 slows gastric emptying, and also inhibits inappropriate glucagon release, additionally improves satiety. Both PYY and GLP-1 are produced by L cells of the distal ileum and colon. Objective: Demonstrate an increased secretion of PYY and GLP-1 after oral overload of different types of lipids, compared to negative (water) and positive (glucose) control. Methods: We conducted a controlled experimental study in Wistar rats, divided into 4 groups according to oral overload: MUFA group (olive oil), SAT group (lard:), carbohydrates group (glucose) and CONT group (water), It was evaluated the serum concentration of active GLP-1 and PYY3-36 in the times: 0, 15, 30, 60 and 120 minutes. Overloads were isovolumetric and isocaloric, but the control group. Results: It was verified a higher peak secretion of GLP-1 in MUFA group at 120' after overload vs. CONT and carbohydrates (p ≤ 0.001) and at 30' when compared to its baseline (p=0,01). It was shown a higher secretion peak of GLP-1 after MUFA overload at time 120’ vs CONT e GLUC (p≤0,001) and at time 30’ when compared to its baseline. It was also verified a PYY release peak in MUFA vs CONT at time 30’ (p=0,015); 60’ vs CONT e GLUC (p=0,019) and 120’ vs CONT e SAT (p=0,02). PYY release load presented higher in MUFA group when compared to CONT (p=0,04). A strong correlation was seen between baseline PYY and GLP-1 (r=0,57; p= 0,02) as their AUC’s (r=0,39; p≤0,001). GLP-1/PYY proportion release presented a mean coefficient of 3, 77(±2,04).Conclusion: monounsaturated fatty acids promoted a release peak of GLP-1 in a faster manner and concerning PYY this peak was more sustained. Further studies are necessary to evaluate whether distinct diet fatty acids can ameliorate these gut peptides release and their role on satiety.

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