Spelling suggestions: "subject:"macht"" "subject:"yacht""
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Demotische Ackerpachtverträge der Ptolemäerzeit : Untersuchungen zu Aufbau, Entwicklung und inhaltlichen Aspekten einer Gruppe von demotischen Urkunden /Felber, Heinz. January 1997 (has links) (PDF)
Univ., Diss./92--Hamburg, 1991.
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Nutzungstausch auf Pachtbasis als neues Instrument der BodenordnungSchäuble, Doris January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Neubiberg, Univ. der Bundeswehr München, Diss., 2007
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Betriebspacht-, Betriebsüberlassungs- und Betriebsführungsverträge in der Konzernpraxis /Fenzl, Alexander. January 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Univ., Diss., u.d.T.: Fenzl, Alexander: Die Gestaltung von ausgewählten Verträgen in der Konzernpraxis im Grenzbereich zwischen gesellschaftsrechtlichen Organisations- und schuldrechtlichen Austauschverträgen--Köln, 2006.
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Three essays on groundwater and tenancy contracts in rural economiesSteinmetz, Anne Margret. Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
University, Diss., 2003--Heidelberg.
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Pacht závodu / Usufructuary lease of a businessNěmec, Jakub January 2018 (has links)
Usufructuary lease of a business ABSTRACT The object of the thesis is to analyse the current legal regulation of the usufructuary lease of a business and, in appropriate places, to compare this regulation with the previous legislation and to submit proposals for suitable contractual arrangements under the usufructuary lease of a business contract and the related documentation. At first, for the purpose of analysing the legal regulation of the usufructuary lease of a business, the thesis defines the institutes of a business enterprise and of a usufructuary. The first chapter focuses on the historical development of the concept of the institute of the business enterprise in Czech legal regulations, starting with the pre-war legal regulation and finishing with the current legislation. There is a passage devoted mainly to the definition of a business enterprise, a plurality of business enterprises and the nature of the business enterprise as a collective thing. This is followed by the effort to define the usufructuary lease of a part of a business enterprise constituting a separate organisational component, as the provisions on the usufructuary lease of a business are applied by analogy to the usufructuary lease of such part of the business. A part of the second chapter devoted to the institute of a...
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Užívací práva k půdě / Rights to use the landHamáčková, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with issues relating to land-use rights. The most frequently used institutes of these rights are lease and tenure, which therefore logically constitute the main points of this work. Subsequently other forms of use rights, such as precarium, loan, personal easements and also the right to manage state property and regional self-governing units, are briefly addressed. This work is based on effective legal regulation and also strives for a comparison with preceding legislation, mainly with regards to recodification of private law. Within the chapter on the right to manage state property, this work also familiarizes the reader with public-law regulations.
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Pacht / Usufructuary leaseKešner, Václav January 2017 (has links)
The main goal of this diploma thesis is to summarize usufructuary lease in accordance to Book Four of the current Civil Code, entitled "Relative property rights", Title II. "Obligations arising from juridical acts", second Chapter "Relinquishing a thing to be used by another" and the fourth Section entitled "Usufructuary lease", which is a separate type, that returns to code of private law after more than sixty years. At the beginning I dealt with circumstances of the return of the old-new Institute and the situation that preceded the efficiency of the Civil Code. Next chapter is devoted to the interpretation of some basic concepts that are not known to general public due to its archaic wording, but their definition is the basis for understanding the relationship between usufructuary lessor and usufructuary lessee. Part of this chapter also describes the thin line between lease and usufructuary lease, that lies mainly in different economic function, thus in fact, that a thing is according to a usufructuary lease contract, relinquished not only for use, but also for enjoyment. Subsequently, the diploma thesis continues with the history of usufructuary lease in the 19th and 20th centuries with an attention to Act no. 847/1811 Coll. a. s., General Civil Code, that was adopted into Czechoslovak legal...
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Závod jako předmět právních vztahů (koupě závodu a pacht závodu) / Commercial establishment as an object of legal relationship (purchase of commercial establishment and usufructuary lease of commercial establishment)Přibyl, Jan January 2015 (has links)
Commercial establishment as an object of legal relationship (purchase of commercial establishment and usufructuary lease of commercial establishment) The topic of this thesis is "Commercial establishment as an object of legal relationship (purchase of commercial establishment and usufructuary lease of commercial establishment)". From the title it is obvious that commercial establishment is an object of legal relationship but not a subject of legal relationship which is a considerable part of its understanding. With the acceptance of the Czech Civil Code a lot of changes came to this institute, including name change. This is the reason why it was necessary to conceive this matter complexly, from the basic term to specifics of particular legal relationships. The first part of this thesis is focussed on a basic term of commercial establishment and its circumscription in the Czech Civil Code, where it is understood as a set of asset and also as an agent for entrepreneurial activities. This part analyses particular kinds of commercial establishment and also branch of another parts of commercial establishment. The second part is dedicated to various examples of legal relationships where the commercial establishment might be the object. Particular legal relationships are concisely characterised. In this part there...
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Užívací práva k půdě / Rights to use the landŠevelová, Marie January 2016 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is to complexly discuss the rights to use the land. The purpose of this thesis is particulary to analyse the valid legal regulation of the right to use the land after the Civil Code recodification, but for better ceherence we must also discuss the history and development of the rights to use the land that the actual legislation comes from. Pivotal part of the thesis presents the institute of lease the land and emphyteutic lease, while it is just emphyteutic lease, which plays significant role in presented issue. The thesis also informs about another land-use institutes such as commodatum, precarium and fructus a ususfructus of the land. Last part of the thesis is focused on the special legal regulation which is contained out of the Civil Code. The thesis discusses the managment of the state property and restrictions which are contained in several special acts such as Forestry Act or Act on the Protection of Nature and the Landscape.
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Eigentumsentwicklung an Boden - Analyse, Ursachen, Wirkungen der Eigentumsentwicklung an Boden nach RechtsformenWinkler, Brigitte, Hofmann, Elke, Ullrich, Falk, Heinrich, Katrin 18 February 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Der Bodenmarkt hat seit 2005 eine dynamische Entwicklung genommen. Durch die globale Wirtschaftskrise wurden die Investitionen in werthaltige Güter, d.h. auch in Boden befördert. Die Anzahl Verkaufsfälle und die gehandelte Fläche stiegen seit 2005 stetig an. Der Kaufpreis erhöhte sich um 17 Prozent.
Während in den Niederlanden mit 444 Euro/ha oder Dänemark mit 551 Euro/ha die höchsten Pachtpreise erzielt werden, liegt Deutschland im Durchschnitt bei 205 Euro/ha. Trotz Steigerung um 51 Euro/ha seit 1991 liegt der sächsische Pachtpreis nur bei 116 Euro/ha. Der deutlichere Anstieg bei Grünland kann Ursache der Entkopplung der Direktzahlungen, d.h. dem Überwälzeffekt der Grünlandprämie geschuldet sein.
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