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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

PAU vázané na velikostně segregovaný aerosol v městském ovzduší. / Aerosol size distribution of PAH in urban atmosphere

Bendl, Jan January 2014 (has links)
The aim of the study was to determine the 13 health risk PAHs (phenanthrene, anthracene, fluoranthene, pyrene, benzo(a)anthracene, chrysene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, benzo(a)pyrene, dibenzo(a,h)anthracene, benzo(g,h,i)perylene, ideno(1,2,3-cd)perylene and coronene; c-PAU highlighted) in the fractions of size-segregated aerosol of the urban air in Ostrava (2012, 2014) and Mlada Boleslav (2013) at low temperatures in winter, and to verify experimentally a sampling artifact, i.e., to quantify PAHs in the gas phase. For the particle size separation high-volume cascade impactor Hi-Vol BGI 900 was used. PAHs were determined by HPLC-FLD/PDA. In Ostrava in 2012 during the winter inversion (up to -25 řC), mean concentration of 13 PAHs in aerosol was 432 ng.m-3 ; in fraction 10 - 1 µm 119 ng.m-3 , 1 - 0,5 µm 185 ng.m-3 , 0,5 - 0,17 µm 91 ng.m-3 , in fraction < 0,17 µm 37 ng.m-3 and in the gaseous phase of min. 40 ng.m-3 . In the most unfavorable day 2. 2. 2012 (-18.6 ř C) reached the 24-hour average of 13 PAHs 890 ng.m-3 , the sum of carcinogenic PAHs 237 ng.m-3 and benzo(a)pyrene 32.3 ng.m-3 . An irregular and different decline of PAHs concentrations after inversion was measured: in fraction 1 - 10 µm 2.8 times, 0.5 - 1 µm 4.2 times, 0.5 - 0.17 µm 4 times and for <0.17 µm up to 7.6 times....

Avaliação da contaminação por hidrocarbonetos e organoclorados em diferentes compartimentos do ambiente marinho do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Evaluation of the contamination of several compartiments of marine environment of the State of Rio de Janeiro by hidrocarbons and organochlorine

Taniguchi, Satie 31 October 2001 (has links)
O ambiente marinho é o destino final de muitos contaminantes, como os PAHs, PCBs, DDTs e HCHs, que têm sido detectados em vários compartimentos do ambiente marinho, podendo trazer efeitos deletérios para o ecossistema. O objetivo deste trabalho foi a avaliação da contaminação por hidrocarbonetos alifáticos, PAHs, PCBs, DDTs e HCHs através da análise de 15 amostras de sedimento, 6 de mexilhão e 11 de fígado de peixe. Para isso, foi otimizada uma mesma metodologia para todas as matrizes bióticas. A amostragem foi feita ao longo da costa do estado do Rio de Janeiro, no período de 1996 a 1998, durante o Programa de Monitoramento do Ambiente do Meio Ambiente Marinho, promovido pela Marinha do Brasil. Os controles de qualidade analítica e confiabilidade dos dados gerados seguiram os padrões internacionais. A metodologia utilizada foi considerada satisfatória para análise dos organismos e sedimentos, de acordo com a avaliação feita através da análise de materiais de referência certificados. Os PCBs e DDTs apresentaram o fenômeno da magnificação com concentrações crescentes: sedimentos < mexilhões < peixes. Os HCHs apresentaram as maiores concentrações nos mexilhões. Os hidrocarbonetos alifáticos apresentaram concentrações similares nas três matrizes amostradas, o mesmo ocorrendo com os PAHs. As concentrações de hidrocarbonetos do petróleo indicam que as maiores introduções são próximas às áreas urbanas. Os PCBs e pesticidas também foram detectados em grande parte das amostras, mas em baixas concentrações. A fonte desses OCs para o ambiente marinho pode ser oriunda de outras regiões devido ao transporte e à deposição atmosférica. A comparação entre as matrizes mostrou a importância da análise simultânea de sedimentos e organismos em função da concentração de cada grupo de compostos e sua diferente acumulação. / The marine environment is the final recipient of many organic compounds that are widely found in seawater, sediments and organisms. The purpose of this study was the assessment of the contamination of aliphatic hydrocarbons, PAHs, PCBs, DDTs and HCHs through the analyses of 15 sediments, 6 mussels and 11 fish livers. The same methodology was optimized for biotic matrices. The sampling was performed from 1996 to 1998 along the Coast of the State of Rio de Janeiro, during the Brazilian Navy Environmental Monitoring Program. Quality assurance and quality control followed the international procedures. The methodology give satisfactory results in accord with the analyses of certified standard reference materials. Data of PCBs and DDTs from different matrices revealed increasing concentrations: sediment < mussel < fish. HCHs prevailed in mussels. Data of aliphatic hydrocarbons and PAHs were similar between sediments and organisms. Levels of petroleum hydrocarbons showed major inputs near the urban areas. PCBs and chlorinated pesticides were detected in the majority of samples but in low levels. These inputs can be attributed to long-range atmospheric transport. Comparison among the sampled matrices showed the importance of simultaneous analyses of sediments and organisms based in the concentration of each group of compounds and their different accumulations.

Biodegradation of PAHs: analysis and stimulation of degrading bacterial populations / Biodegradación de HAPs: análisis y estimulación de poblaciones bacterianas degradadoras

Gallego Blanco, Sara 27 July 2012 (has links)
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are pollutants of great concern due to their toxicity, ubiquitous distribution and environmental persistence. Generally, the PAHs are found as part of complex mixtures such as crude oil and derivatives, and mineral coal. Mismanagement during industrial operations, and accidental spills result in the contamination of wide areas with potential risk for the public health and negative impact in the local economy. Nowadays, there is a considerable interest in the use of biological procedures to clean up polluted environments because of their pollutant removal efficiency, feasibility and associated low cost. Bioremediation experiences are based on the ability that microorganisms (bacteria, algae and fungi) possess in degrading a wide range of pollutants, including PAHs containing from two to five aromatic rings. The microbial biodegradation of low molecular weight (LMW) PAHs has been extensively studied revealing a variety of bacteria capable to efficiently degrade these pollutants. The studies with high molecular weight (HMW) PAHs, more recalcitrant and with higher toxicity, indicate that in soil environments this compounds are generally degraded by members of the group Actinobacteria. However, little is known about HMW-PAH degradation in marine environments. Recent studies carried out with marine consortia and isolates have identified a few genera as PAHs degraders in sea waters, but no associations have been established between pyrene degradation and actinobacteria in such environments. Here, with the study of a pyrene microbial marine consortium, we provide the first evidence on the key role of actinobacteria in the removal of pyrene from polluted marine shorelines. Moreover, the detailed analysis of the community structure of the microbial consortium have revealed the presence of a bacterial strain not classifiable in the previously described genus, that have been isolated, thoroughly characterized and proposed as a type strain of a new genus and species. Bioremediation experiences do not always produce the desired results. PAHs are usually degraded until certain limit after which degradation is hardly observed. This phenomenon may be mainly caused by the low bioavailiability and limited concentration of nutrients. PAHs are usually found in non-aqueous phase liquids (NAPLs), which results in a slow partition of these components into the aqueous phase and their persistence in to the environment for long periods. In order to enhance microbial degradation and reduce the residual PAH concentration in polluted environments, we have conducted an experiment in which the effect of an oleophilic fertilizer has been evaluated. We also have targeted the possible nutritional deficiencies during bioremediation and have examined the biodegradation of PAHs and potential accumulation of partially oxidized metabolites, more available and toxic than their parent PAHs. Finally, we have evaluated the efficiency of sunflower rhizosphere in PAH removal from polluted soils that have undergone extensive remediation but still contain intolerable levels of pollutants. The results indicate that the sunflower rhizosphere enhance the removal of PAHs by promoting the selective growth of degradative bacteria, incrementing the bioaccesibility and possible favouring the degrading processes through specific mechanism associated with the composition of the roots exudates. These results represent a promising alternative for increasing bioremediation in a sustainable and cost-efficient manner. / Los hidrocarburos aromáticos policíclicos son un grupo de contaminantes que suscitan gran preocupación debido a su toxicidad, amplia distribución y persistencia en el medio ambiente. Generalmente, los HAPs se encuentran formando parte de mezclas complejas como crudos de petróleo, carbón mineral y derivados. La mala gestión durante las operaciones industriales, y los vertidos accidentales causan amplias áreas contaminadas que conllevan un importante riesgo para la salud pública junto con un impacto negativo en la economía local. Actualmente, hay un notable interés en el uso de procedimientos biológicos para descontaminar emplazamientos debido a la eficiencia en la eliminación, viabilidad y bajo coste asociado de estos métodos. Las experiencias de biorremediación se basan en la capacidad de los microorganismos (bacterias, algas y hongos) de degradar una amplia variedad de contaminantes, incluyendo HAPs. La degradación microbiana de HAPs de bajo peso molecular ha sido ampliamente estudiada revelando numerosas bacterias capaces de eliminar eficientemente estos compuestos. Los estudios realizados con HAPs de alto peso molecular, más recalcitrantes y con mayor toxicidad, han mostrado que en suelos la degradación de estos compuestos es principalmente llevada a cabo por miembros del grupo Actinobacteria. Sin embargo, se desconoce la degradación de HAPs de elevado peso molecular en ambientes marinos. Estudios recientes llevados a cabo en consorcios marinos han identificado algunos géneros degradadores de HAPs en agua de mar, pero no se han establecido asociaciones entre el pireno y actinobacterias. Aquí, con el estudio del consorcio marino degradador de pireno, nosotros proveemos la primera evidencia del papel de las actinobacterias en la eliminación del pireno de costas marinas. Además, el análisis de la estructura de la comunidad bacteriana nos reveló la presencia de una cepa no clasificable en los géneros previamente descritos, que fue aislada, profundamente caracterizada y propuesta como cepa tipo de un nuevo género y especie. Las experiencias de biorremediación no siempre producen los resultados deseados. A menudo. los HAPs son degradados hasta cierto límite tras el cual la degradación apenas es observada. Este fenómeno puede ser causado principalmente por la baja disponibilidad y limitación de nutrientes. Los HAPs generalmente se encuentran formando parte de fases líquidas no acuosas (FLNAs), lo que resulta en una lenta partición de estos compuestos hacia la fase acuosa y por tanto en una persistencia medioambiental. Con el fin de incrementar la degradación microbiana y reducir la concentración residual de los HAPs en ambientes contaminados, se realizó un experimento en el cual se evaluaba el efecto de un fertilizante oleofílico. También se examinaron las posibles deficiencias nutricionales y la acumulación de metabolitos parcialmente oxidados resultantes de la degradación, los cuales son más disponibles y tóxicos que sus parentales. Finalmente, hemos evaluado la eficiencia de la rizosfera de girasol en la eliminación de HAPs de suelos contaminados con HAPs que han sido sometidos a una extensiva remediación, pero que contienen niveles inaceptables de HAPs. Los resultados indican que la rizosfera de girasol aumentó la eliminación de HAPs promoviendo el crecimiento selectivo de bacterias degradadoras y favoreciendo los procesos de degradación a través de mecanismos asociados con la composición de los exudados. Los resultados representan por tanto una alternativa prometedora para potenciar la biorremediación de una manera sostenible y rentable.

Sustancias tóxicas en emisiones gaseosas de incineradores hospitalarios

Bárcena, René, Gamboa, Nadia 25 September 2017 (has links)
Se estudió las emisiones de material particulado (PM), vapores y gases de chimenea del incinerador del Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Neoplásicas y se registró la micrometeorolo' gía. Los gases de chimenea fueron recolectados con un muestreador isocinético; los sólidos totales suspendidos, por muestreo pasivo. Los análisis muestran elevados niveles de PM 10, que contiene Pb, Al, Zn y Ca, así como altas concentraciones de benceno y naftaleno en el gas de chimenea. Se observó que la dispersión del PM tiene escala local. / Toxic substances in gaseous emissions from hospital incineratorsThe Nationallnstitute for Neoplastic Diseases incinerator was studied: emissions were sampled and analyzed for particulate matter (PM), stack gases and vapors and the micrometeorology was also registered. Gases were collected with an isokinetic sampler, total suspended solids by passive sampling. Results show high levels of PM10, which contains Pb, Al, Zn and Ca; high levels of benzene and naphthalene in the gas fireplace. Local dispersion of PM was observed,

Avaliação da contaminação por hidrocarbonetos e organoclorados em diferentes compartimentos do ambiente marinho do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Evaluation of the contamination of several compartiments of marine environment of the State of Rio de Janeiro by hidrocarbons and organochlorine

Satie Taniguchi 31 October 2001 (has links)
O ambiente marinho é o destino final de muitos contaminantes, como os PAHs, PCBs, DDTs e HCHs, que têm sido detectados em vários compartimentos do ambiente marinho, podendo trazer efeitos deletérios para o ecossistema. O objetivo deste trabalho foi a avaliação da contaminação por hidrocarbonetos alifáticos, PAHs, PCBs, DDTs e HCHs através da análise de 15 amostras de sedimento, 6 de mexilhão e 11 de fígado de peixe. Para isso, foi otimizada uma mesma metodologia para todas as matrizes bióticas. A amostragem foi feita ao longo da costa do estado do Rio de Janeiro, no período de 1996 a 1998, durante o Programa de Monitoramento do Ambiente do Meio Ambiente Marinho, promovido pela Marinha do Brasil. Os controles de qualidade analítica e confiabilidade dos dados gerados seguiram os padrões internacionais. A metodologia utilizada foi considerada satisfatória para análise dos organismos e sedimentos, de acordo com a avaliação feita através da análise de materiais de referência certificados. Os PCBs e DDTs apresentaram o fenômeno da magnificação com concentrações crescentes: sedimentos < mexilhões < peixes. Os HCHs apresentaram as maiores concentrações nos mexilhões. Os hidrocarbonetos alifáticos apresentaram concentrações similares nas três matrizes amostradas, o mesmo ocorrendo com os PAHs. As concentrações de hidrocarbonetos do petróleo indicam que as maiores introduções são próximas às áreas urbanas. Os PCBs e pesticidas também foram detectados em grande parte das amostras, mas em baixas concentrações. A fonte desses OCs para o ambiente marinho pode ser oriunda de outras regiões devido ao transporte e à deposição atmosférica. A comparação entre as matrizes mostrou a importância da análise simultânea de sedimentos e organismos em função da concentração de cada grupo de compostos e sua diferente acumulação. / The marine environment is the final recipient of many organic compounds that are widely found in seawater, sediments and organisms. The purpose of this study was the assessment of the contamination of aliphatic hydrocarbons, PAHs, PCBs, DDTs and HCHs through the analyses of 15 sediments, 6 mussels and 11 fish livers. The same methodology was optimized for biotic matrices. The sampling was performed from 1996 to 1998 along the Coast of the State of Rio de Janeiro, during the Brazilian Navy Environmental Monitoring Program. Quality assurance and quality control followed the international procedures. The methodology give satisfactory results in accord with the analyses of certified standard reference materials. Data of PCBs and DDTs from different matrices revealed increasing concentrations: sediment < mussel < fish. HCHs prevailed in mussels. Data of aliphatic hydrocarbons and PAHs were similar between sediments and organisms. Levels of petroleum hydrocarbons showed major inputs near the urban areas. PCBs and chlorinated pesticides were detected in the majority of samples but in low levels. These inputs can be attributed to long-range atmospheric transport. Comparison among the sampled matrices showed the importance of simultaneous analyses of sediments and organisms based in the concentration of each group of compounds and their different accumulations.


Soliman, Abdel Rahman 11 May 2011 (has links)
In this dissertation, the ion mobility mass spectrometry technique is used to study the possible mechanisms of formation of polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and polyaromatic nitrogen-containing hydrocarbons (PANHs) via the ion-molecule reactions of acetylene neutrals with different aromatic cations, in order to infer the possible mechanisms of formation of PAHs and PANHs in different environments such as interstellar media under different ionizing conditions. Furthermore, this technique is used to probe structures, address the thermochemistry, and measure the kinetics of the product ions originated from these reactions. Reactions of benzene radical cations with acetylene produce styrene and naphthalene-type cations at high temperatures. The second order rate constant of this reaction is found to be in the order of 10-14 cm3.s-1 with a barrier of 3.5 kcal.mol-1. Under low temperature regime, benzene radical cation acts as a catalyst to initiate the formation of higher complex hydrocarbons through the associative charge transfer to the acetylene clusters, (C2H2)n+, n= 6-10. Phenylium cation reactions with acetylene is found to be four orders of magnitudes faster than those of benzene radical cation, as predicted theoretically. In these systems the second addition of acetylene molecule is found to follow the Bittner-Howard mechanism. Phenylacetylene and styrene radical cations reactions with acetylene are also studied and the addition of one acetylene molecule to the radical cation is observed. The second order rate constant of the product ions is found to be in the order of 10-13 and 10-14 cm3.s-1 for the phenylacetylene and styrene radical cations respectively. Ion molecule reactions of pyridine cation, benzonitrile cation and pyrimidine radical cation with acetylene are studied. Formation of complex organics with fused nitrogen atom in an aromatic ring is reported. Condensation products of acetylene via the ion-molecule reactions are observed with pyridine cation of up to five acetylene molecules onto the pyridine cation at room temperature. Meanwhile, condensation of only two acetylene molecules is observed for benzonitrile cation and pyrimidine radical cation respectively. In the later case, these condensation reactions are observed with hydrogen abstraction. Ion mobility measurements, collisional induced dissociation (CID) and ab initio calculations are combined to probe the possible structures of the reaction products. Formation of PAHs over nanoparticle surfaces is carried out by studying polymerization of acetylene over Pd nanocatalyst and supported Pd nanocatalyst over MgO and CeO2 prepared by the LVCC technique under different temperature conditions. C8H10 species are formed at 400 oC. However, at 600 oC, production of C16H10 (pyrene isomer) is found to be the major catalytic product. Self polymerization of acetylene at different temperatures is presented as well. Our results of the ion-molecule reactions, associative charge transfer (ACT) and catalytic polymerization over catalysts surfaces’ of acetylene interacting with different aromatic and heterocyclic cations could explain the different possible pathways of formation of complex organics in different ionizing environments in carbon-rich interstellar media in space.

Functional Neural Toxicity and Endocrine Responses in Mice Following Naphthalene Exposure

Colbert, Crystal 08 1900 (has links)
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are a well studied and diverse class of environmental toxicants. PAHs act via the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR), and studies have suggested that PAHs may elicit neurological and estrogenic effects. Doses of PAHs between 50 to 150 ppm may elicit neurotoxicity in rodent models. The present study investigated the effects of naphthalene on in vivo steroidogenesis in Swiss Webster male mice, and in vitro neural function of Balb-C/ICR mice frontal cortex neurons. These data suggest that naphthalene may not elicit steroidogenic effects at concentrations ranging from 0.2 to 25 mg/kg/day, following a 7 day subcutaneous dosing regime. In addition, naphthalene may cause functional toxicity of frontal cortex neurons at concentrations of 32 to 160 ppm naphthalene.

Molecular Hole Punching : Impulse Driven Reactions in Molecules and Molecular Clusters

Gatchell, Michael January 2016 (has links)
When molecules are excited by photons or energetic particles, they will cool through the emission of photons, electrons, or by fragmenting. Such processes are often thermal as they occur after the excitation energy has been redistributed across all degrees-of-freedom in the system. Collisions with atoms or ions may also lead to ultrafast fragmentation in Rutherford-like scattering processes, where one or several atoms can literally be knocked out of the molecule by the incoming projectile before the energy can be completely redistributed. The resulting fragmentation pathways can in such knockout processes be very different from those in thermal processes. This thesis covers extensive studies of collisions between ions/atoms and isolated Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) molecules, isolated fullerene molecules, or clusters of these. The high stabilities and distinct fragmentation channels make these types of molecules excellent test cases for characterizing knockout-driven fragmentation and the reactions that these processes can lead to. I will present experimental measurements for a wide range of energies and compare them with my own molecular dynamics simulations and quantum chemical calculations. In this thesis, I present an in-depth study of the role of knockout in the energetic processing of molecules and clusters. The competition between knockout and thermally driven fragmentation is discussed in detail. Knockout-driven fragmentation is shown to result in exotic fragments that are far more reactive than the intact parent molecules or fragments from thermal processes. When such reactive species are formed within molecular clusters efficient molecular growth can take place on sub-picosecond timescales. The cluster environments are crucial here because they protect the newly formed molecules by absorbing excess energy. This is a possible pathway for the growth of large PAHs, fullerenes, and similar carbonaceous complexes found in, for instance, the interstellar medium. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 1: Submitted.</p>

Histórico da Deposição de Hidrocarbonetos Policíclicos Aromáticos em um Estuário Amazônico nos Últimos Cem Anos / Depositional Hystory of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in an Amazon Estuary in the Last 100 Years

Neves, Patricia Andrade 17 November 2015 (has links)
Para determinar o histórico deposicional e as fontes dos hidrocarbonetos policíclicos aromáticos (HPAs) na região amazônica nos últimos 120 anos, três testemunhos foram coletados na Baía do Guajará - PA. Esses testemunhos também foram datados com 210Pb, e analises da razão isotópica do carbono estável (&#948;13C) e de n-alcanos foram efetuadas. Ao longo dos três testemunhos, os resultados do &#948;13C e n-alcanos indicaram a predominância de matéria orgânica terrígena, derivadas de plantas do tipo C3. Entretanto, uma variação nesses valores foi observada em 1965. As concentrações de HPAs também apresentaram uma alteração por volta de 1965. Até 1965, os HPAs alquilados foram predominantes em relação à seu composto parental (metilfenantreno> fenantreno). Esses HPAs estão geralmente associados a fontes petrogênicas, entretanto, nenhuma evidência de petróleo foi observada. A maior proporção de HPAs alquilados pode estar relacionada a processos naturais, diagenéticos ou de biossíntese. Após 1965, as concentrações de HPAs aumentaram. As razões diagnósticas indicaram a predominância de HPAs pirolíticos, provavelmente relacionadas às queimadas efetuadas para criação de pastos. A diminuição do &#948;13C no período também deve estar relacionada à extração de madeira, que introduz uma grande quantidade de resíduos de vegetação nos sedimentos. / In order to evaluate the historical deposition and sources of PAHs over the last 120 years (1890 to 2011) in the amazon region, three sediment cores were collected from Guajara Bay (state of Pará). The cores were also dated with 210Pb and n-alkanes and carbon isotopic ratios (&#948;13C) were measured. Throughout the cores, the &#948;13C and n-alkanes indicated the predominance of organic matter from terrigenous sources (C3 plants). Even though &#948;13C values and n-alkanes ratios remained representative of terrigenous sources, there was an abrupt variation around the middle 1960s. PAH concentrations also showed a variation around the late 1960s. Before 1960s, alkyl-PAHs concentrations were higher than those of their parental compound (methylphenanthrene > phenanthrene). These PAHs are usually associated with petrogenic inputs; however, no evidence of oil was observed. The higher proportion of alkyl-PAHs could be related to natural diagenetic and biogenic processes. After the 60s, PAH concentrations increased and diagnostic ratios showed a predominance of pyrolytic PAH, probably related to the forest fires used to create pastures. The deforestation can also be associated to the &#948;13C depletion found in the sediments, due to logging activities, which introduce more organic matter derived from vascular plants into the sediment.

Avaliação dos parâmetros funcionais e histológicos associados à exposição do peixe beijupirá Rachycentron canadum (Linnaeus, 1766) a concentrações subletais de hidrocarbonetos policíclicos aromáticos (HPAs). / Evaluation of functional and histological parameters associated to beijupirá Rachycentrun canadum (Linnaeus, 1766) exposure to sublethal concentrations of policyclic aromatic hidrocarbons (PAHs).

Silva Neto, Gabriel Marcelino da 29 May 2015 (has links)
O petróleo é um dos xenobióticos mais utilizados pela humanidade e também um dos mais prejudiciais aos seres vivos. A formação do petróleo é composta em 97% por hidrocarbonetos, que são os maiores poluentes em potencial. Os hidrocarbonetos policíclicos aromáticos (HPAs), os maiores constituintes do petróleo, são poluentes orgânicos de grande persistência ambiental, e seus compostos derivados são potenciais carcinogênicos que podem afetar toda biota em que estejam envolvidos. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos da exposição subletal aos HPAs na concentração de 0,4 ppm em peixes marinhos da espécie Rachycentron canadum por meio de parâmetros morfométricos, metabólicos e histológicos. Os HPAs foram obtidos através da extração da fração solúvel de petróleo em água (FSA) e avaliados qualitativamente por meio de espectrometria de fluorescência. Foram avaliados os índices hepato-somáticos (IHS), assim como as possíveis alterações histológicas do tecido hepático dos peixes, supostamente decorrentes da exposição ao xenobiótico. Os parâmetros metabólicos através de biomarcadores de estresse como o cortisol, a glicose e o lactato plasmáticos, assim como a análise complementar por meio das proteínas totais foram determinados. Os resultados obtidos neste trabalho demonstram que os espécimes de Rachycentron canadum não sofreram alterações nos parâmetros estressores quando submetidos à exposição aos HPAs. Quanto à análise histológica, os animais experimentais apresentaram alterações moderadas a graves no fígado decorrente da exposição aos HPAs. Os beijupirás demonstraram ser bons bioindicadores, por suas características comportamentais e respostas aos parâmetros analisados, o que pode viabilizá-lo como objeto de pesquisa. Cada vez mais, estudos que avaliam o impacto de xenobióticos como os HPAs, os quais em concentrações mínimas em organismos aquáticos podem afetar todo o equilíbrio da biota, evidenciam a importância do monitoramento ambiental, uma vez que a dispersão dos xenobióticos no ambiente pode resultar em mudanças em longo prazo. / Oil is one of the humanity most used xenobiotics, and also one of the more dangerous to animals. Oil has about 97% of hydrocarbons in its constitution, which have the major pollutant potential. Polycyclic Aromatic Hidrocarbons (PAHs) are organic pollutants of high environmental persistence level, and its derivatives have carcinogenic potential and can affect all involved biota. The present study aimed to evaluate the sub lethal exposure effects do PAH in the marine fish Rachycentron canadum by morphometric, metabolic and histological parameters. PAHs were obtained by extraction of oil soluble fraction in water (WSA) and were quantitatively evaluated by fluorescence spectrometry. Bioassays were performed using the concentration of 0.4 ppm previously determined. We evaluated the hepatosomatic index (HSI) and the possible histological changes in the liver of the fish, supposedly obtained in consequence of the exposure to the xenobiotic. Metabolic parameters using biomarkers of stress such as cortisol, plasma glucose and lactate, as well as additional analysis by total protein, were determined. Our results showed that Rachycentron canadum did not show alterations on the parameters of stress. Regarding to the histological analysis, animals presented mild to severe changes in the liver, possibly as result of PAHs exposure. Rachycentron canadum resulted to be a good bioindicator, because of its behavioral characteristics and responses to analyzed parameters, which can make it viable as subject for researches. Studies that evaluate xenobiotic impacts like PAHs, in which minimal concentrations can affect the equilibrium of all biota, show the importance of environmental monitoring, once environmental xenobiotics dispersion can produce long term changes.

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