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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Survey of Crayfish in the Pigeon River and its Tributaries in Tennessee and North Carolina

Dunn, David Casey B 01 December 2010 (has links)
The Pigeon River watershed has been the focus of a ¬¬major recovery project to reintroduce fish and other aquatic species into the river where they were historically present. A paper mill at Pigeon River Kilometer/Mile (PRKM 102.1/PRM 63.2) began operations in 1908 and discharged effluents which had a detrimental impact on the aquatic wildlife. Recent modifications to the mill have significantly improved effluent quality such that most aquatic organisms are recolonizing the river. The present study is a baseline survey of crayfish species in the Pigeon River and its tributaries; it also includes a comparison of the mean Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE) in four different reaches of the stream and documents diversity upstream and downstream of the paper mill. Crayfish are important to the aquatic ecosystem and food web because they serve as cutters that help to break down leaf litter and carrion and are also a food source for predators. Crayfish were collected using modified minnow traps and electroshocking and by snorkeling along ‘turning’ rocks; the method used was based on characteristics of the stream reach sampled, including water depth, flow, transparency, and type of substrate. A total of 1,320 crayfish specimens representing seven species was collected during the eight month study. Crayfish were found in nine Pigeon River tributaries , in the main stem of the Pigeon River upstream of the paper mill (PRKM 102.1/PRM 63.2), and below the Progress Energy Dam (PRKM 61.1/PRM 38.0). No crayfish were found downstream of the paper mill in the river itself; however, crayfish were found downstream from the Progress Energy Dam down to the Pigeon River’s confluence with the French Broad River.

Energikartläggning av integrerat massa- och pappersbruk / Energy survey of integrated pulp and paper mill

Kristofersson, Josef, Samuelsson, Christian, Jonsson, Jonas January 2011 (has links)
Målet med detta examensarbete har varit att utföra en energikartläggning på Nymölla Bruk med utgångspunkt i företagets befintliga energiaspektregister. Syftet har varit att tydliggöra hur energianvändningen på Nymölla Bruk ser ut. Bakgrunden till detta arbete är företagets deltagande i programmet för energieffektivisering i energiintensiv industri (PFE). I examensarbetet har en energikartläggning på Nymölla Bruk för år 2010 utförts. Fallstudien delades in i två steg där första steget i studien var att kartlägga energiflödena in och ut från bruket.Andra delen av studien innefattade att kartlägga de interna processerna och deras energiflöden. Energiflödenas storlekar baseras främst på mätdata från processerna, som erhållits från Nymölla Bruks interna loggnings- och mätsystem WinMops. Antaganden som i vissa fall varit nödvändiga bygger på uppskattningar som genomförts i samråd med medarbetare på Nymölla Bruk med insikt i och kunskap om respektive delprocess. Enligt detta examensarbete förbrukades år 2010 cirka 510 GWh el, varav massafabriken förbrukade 50 % och pappersbruket 46 %. Resterande andel utgörs bland annat av mät- och överföringsförluster. Under året tillfördes totalt 2060 GWh bränsle där luten står för cirka 75 %. Från bränslena tillfördes 1800 GWh nyttig värme till ångproduktionen. Total energimängd i producerad ånga uppgick till cirka 2190 GWh (från referensnivå). De största förbrukarna av ånga var papperstillverkningen som använde 32 % och indunstningen som använde 19 % av total energimängd distribuerad med ånga. / The aim of this study was to perform an energy survey of Nymölla Mill on the basis of the company's existing energy aspect register. The aim has been to clarify how the energy at Nymölla Mill is used. The background to this thesis is the company's participation in the Programme for Improving Energy Efficiency in Energy Intensive Industries (PFE). In this thesis an energy survey based on 2010 of Nymölla Mill has been performed. The case study was divided into two stages where the first step in the study was to identify the energy flows in and out of the mill. The second part of the study included identifying the internal processes and their energy flows. Energy flows are based primarily on data from processes, obtained from Nymölla Mill's internal logging and measuring system WinMops. Necessary assumptions were made based on estimates provided in consultation with employees on Nymölla Mill with knowledge and understanding of each sub-process. According to this thesis approximately 510 GWh of electricity were consumed in 2010 of which the pulp factory consumed 50 % and the paper mill 46 %. The remaining portion consists of measurement and transmission losses. A total of 2060 GWh of fuel was added of which liquor accounts for about 75 %. From fuels 1800 GWh of useful heat was added to the steam production. The total amount of energy in the steam was about 2190 GWh (from baseline). The largest consumers of steam was the paper productioning unit using 32 % and the evaporation unit using 19 % of total energy distributed by steam.

Εκτίμηση της οξείας τοξικότητας των αποβλήτων μονάδων παραγωγής χάρτου με την χρήση ως βιοδεικτών της πέστροφας Oncorhynchus mykiss και των μακροασπόνδυλων Daphnia pulex και Thamnocephalus platyurus. / Acute toxicity assessment of wastewaters from paper mills with use of the bioindicators: rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)and the macroinvertebrates Daphnia pulex and Thamnocephalus platyurus.

Βενετσανέας, Νικόλαος 28 June 2007 (has links)
Στην Ελλάδα γενικά, αλλά και στο Νομό Αχαΐας ειδικότερα, υπάρχουν αρκετές μονάδες παραγωγής χάρτου. Αρκετές από αυτές δεν βρίσκονται εντός των ορίων Βιομηχανικών Περιοχών (ΒΙ.ΠΕ.), με συνέπεια τα ακατέργαστα απόβλητά τους να συμβάλλουν σημαντικά στη ρύπανση του περιβάλλοντος. Το μεγαλύτερο περιβαλλοντικό πρόβλημα που προκαλείται από τις συγκεκριμένες μονάδες είναι η εναπόθεση μεγάλων ποσοτήτων υγρών ακατέργαστων αποβλήτων κυρίως στα υδάτινα οικοσυστήματα. Τα απόβλητα αυτά περιέχουν μεγάλο οργανικό φορτίο, οργανοαλογονωμένες ενώσεις, υψηλά επίπεδα αιωρούμενων στερεών , φαινολών και λιγνινών, με αποτέλεσμα να προκαλούν δυσμενείς επιπτώσεις στους υδάτινους αποδέκτες, όπως τοξικότητα στους υδρόβιους οργανισμούς, ευτροφισμό και άνοδο της θερμοκρασίας. Η παρούσα μελέτη έχει ως βασικό σκοπό την εκτίμηση της τοξικότητας των αποβλήτων δυο μονάδων παραγωγής χάρτου, εγκατεστημένων στην ΒΙ.ΠΕ. Πατρών, με τη χρήση βιοδεικτών. Ως βιοδείκτες χρησιμοποιήθηκαν τόσο ψάρια του γλυκού νερού (πέστροφες του είδους Oncorhynchus mykiss), όσο και μακροασπόνδυλα (των ειδών Daphnia pulex και Thamnocephalus platyurus) με τη μορφή των μικροβιοτέστ Thamnotoxkit F και Daphtoxkit FTM pulex. Συνολικά ελήφθησαν 16 δείγματα (τέσσερα διπλά δείγματα από την κάθε μονάδα). Στα τεστ τοξικότητας που εφαρμόστηκαν (Thamnotoxkit F, Daphtoxkit FTM pulex και πέστροφες), υπολογίσθηκαν τα L(Ε)C50 24h, 48h και 96h αντίστοιχα σύμφωνα με τα πρωτόκολλα εργασίας. Για το μικροβιοτέστ Thamnotoxkit F, τα απόβλητα και από τις δυο μονάδες δεν ήταν τοξικά. Μετά από την μετατροπή των τιμών αυτών σε τοξικές μονάδες, ευρέθη ότι στο Daphtoxkit FTM pulex κυμαίνονταν από 0,79 εώς 1,12 για την ΜΠΧ1 και 1,21 έως 1,38 για την ΜΠΧ2, ενώ στις πέστροφες μεταξύ 2,92 και 4,85 για την ΜΠΧ2. Τα απόβλητα της ΜΠΧ1 δεν ήταν τοξικά για την πέστροφα. Οι τιμές αυτές και για τους τρεις ελέγχους κατατάσσουν τα απόβλητα ως «τοξικά», εκτός από το δείγμα Β της ΜΠΧ1 που ταξινομείται ως «ελαφρά τοξικό». Τα προαναφερθέντα αποδεικνύουν ότι η μονάδα παραγωγής χάρτου με πρώτη ύλη ανακυκλωμένο χαρτί (ΜΠΧ2) είναι σε κάθε περίπτωση πιο τοξική από εκείνη που παράγει χαρτί από καθαρό χαρτοπολτό (ΜΠΧ1). Τέλος, θα πρέπει να σημειωθεί ότι η παρούσα μελέτη είναι η πρώτη μελέτη εκτίμησης της τοξικότητας με βιοδείκτες των αποβλήτων μονάδων παραγωγής χάρτου που γίνεται στη χώρα μας, παρ’ ότι αυτά συμμετέχουν στην επιβάρυνση του περιβάλλοντος. Εκτιμάται ότι τα στοιχεία τοξικότητας που παρατίθενται στη παρούσα εργασία θα είναι χρήσιμα τόσο για την εκπόνηση διαχειριστικών μοντέλων, όσο και μοντέλων εκτίμησης της επικινδυνότητάς τους (risk assessment). / In Greece in general and subsequently in the Achaias Prefecture, several units of paper production exist. Many of them are not located in Industrial Areas and so they contribute significantly to the environmental pollution. The most adverse environmental problem caused by these manufacturing units, is considered to be the release of large quantities of raw liquid effluents, mainly into the aquatic ecosystems. These wastes contain a high organic load, chlorinated compounds (AOCl), high levels of suspended solids, as well as phenols and lignins resulting in hazardous effects on aquatic receivers, like toxicity and eutrophication. In this study, the toxicity of the wastewaters from two paper mills (PM1 and PM2) located in Achaias prefecture is estimated, firstly by using macroinvertebrates (Daphnia pulex και Thamnocephalus platyurus) in the form of microbiotests Thamnotoxkit F and Daphtoxkit FTM pulex, and secondly by using the trout (Onchorynchus mykiss) as a test organism. Sixteen samples were collected from both units overall (four duplicated samples from each mill). In the toxicity tests Thamnotoxkit F, Daphtoxkit FTM pulex and trout, the L(E)C50 in 24, 48 and 96 hours respectively were calculated according to the protocols. Thamnotoxkit F showed no sensitivity for the wastewaters from both mills. After the transformation of these values in toxic units, for Daphtoxkit FTM pulex ranged from 0,79 - 1,12 for PM1 and 1,21 - 1,38 for PM2. In the trout bioassay they varied from 2,92 - 4,85 for PM2, while the values for PM1 were zero. These values classify the tested paper mill effluents as “toxic”, except sample B from PM1 which was classified as “slightly toxic”. Therefore, it is shown that the paper mill which uses recycled paper as primary raw material (PM2) has more toxic waste for the environment than the paper mill which uses pre-treated paper pulp (PM1). Finally, it must be noted that the present study is the first toxicity evaluation study with bioindicators for paper mill wastewaters in our country, even though they contribute significantly to the environmental pollution. It is estimated that the measured toxicity parameters in the present study will be very useful for the designing of management plans, as well as for risk assessment models.

Optimization of Paper Production at Ahlstrom-Munksjo : Analysis based on energy audit / Optimering av pappersproduktionen hos Ahlstrom-Munkj : En analys med energikartlaggning som grund

Sahlén, Wilhelm January 2019 (has links)
Ahlstrom-Munksjo is a global company within the paper industry. Their mill in Billingsfors was in need of an energy audit, localizing energy ows within the mill. An energy audit is a good tool for any company to get a good overview picture of their energy usage of the examined system, it is also seen as the rst stage for an energy-saving strategy. On the Billingsfors mill, the energy audit is included in the continuous work of increasing their energy eciency in order to keep up with the new regulations and advancements in this industry sector. The energy audit was done on the whole mill with focus on the paper production and the district heating system. More detailed information about the paper production, a comparative study of two paper machines, PM2 and PM6, is also presented. The reason for the comparative study on PM2 and PM6 was due to an unexpectedly high recorded gas consumption from PM2. The two paper machines were believed to be similar enough to compare them without any deeper knowledge of the machines. They were also compared to a reference machine, representing an average machine with similar setup. The comparisons showed that PM2 does in fact have a higher gas consumption than PM6. To identify the reason for the higher consumption the dry solid contents of PM2 needs to be examined. The two machines do not have the exact same process when producing paper and a more detailed comparative study should be done for a better understanding of the high gas consumption. However, the two machines have a lower gas consumption than the reference machine, this meaning they both have a relatively low gas consumption.

Úprava bělící technologie při výrobě buničiny z jednoletých rostlin / Modification of bleaching technology in production of annual plants pulp

Kouřil, Čeněk January 2021 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zabývá bělícím procesem při výrobě papíru. Hlavním cílem práce je zhodnotit současný stav bělící technologie ve firmě OP Papírna, s.r.o. a navrhnout úpravu, která povede k větší efektivitě této technologie. K vyřešení zadání byla provedena rešerše technologických principů bělení a dále provedeny laboratorní experimenty s cílem najít vhodné řešení. Přínos experimentů byl podpořen technologickými výpočty. Výsledky experimentů ukázaly, že současný stav bělící technologie lze několika způsoby zefektivnit. Bylo ukázáno, že podané návrhy mají potenciál velkých ekonomických i chemických úspor. Čtenáři práce se dostane základního přehledu technologie výroby buničiny a papíru se zaměřením na bělící proces a získá znalost jeho bilančních výpočtů.

Optimization of Operation Parameters in Ultrafiltration by Experiment Design, Mathematical Modelling and Fouling Characterization of the Membranes Used to Remove Dissolved and Colloidal Substances from a Treated Paper Mill Effluent

Santos Sousa, Mayko Rannany 25 November 2020 (has links)
[ES] En la presente Tesis Doctoral se investigó la aplicación del proceso de ultrafiltración (UF) y el fenómeno de ensuciamiento de las membranas en la eliminación de sustancias disueltas y coloidales (DCS) de efluentes tratados de la industria papelera (PMTE) para su reutilización en los diferentes procesos de fabricación de papel y cartón reciclado. El objetivo general de esta investigación se dividió en tres partes principales: i) describe cómo encontrar las condiciones óptimas de operación de cuatro parámetros de proceso: presión transmembrana (TMP), velocidad de flujo cruzado (CFV), temperatura y corte de peso molecular (MWCO) para maximizar el flujo promedio de permeado (Jp) y rechazo de la demanda química de oxígeno (COD) y minimizar el descenso del flujo de permeado acumulado (SFD) utilizando el método de Taguchi (Design Robusto) y utility concept aplicado a un proceso de UF a flujo cruzado, para remover DCS de efluentes tratados de la industria papelera, ii) el descenso del flujo de permeado y los mecanismos de ensuciamiento de las membranas de UF ensuciadas con PMTE se examinaron mediante modelos matemáticos semi-empíricos. Los resultados para los diferentes ensayos de UF se expresaron en términos de variación del Jp en función del tiempo para verificar la precisión del ajuste (mayor valor de R2 y menor valor de desviación estándar) de los distintos modelos de Hermia adaptados a flujo tangencial y del modelo de formación de torta en filtración a presión constante ajustados a los datos experimentales, y iii) describe métodos de identificación, caracterización y posibles orígenes de las sustancias contaminantes (foulants) en las membranas de UF. Técnicas como el análisis físico-química, FESEM, SEM-EDS, ATR-FTIR y 3DEEM se llevaron a cabo para comprender qué fracción de los contaminantes son responsables por la formación de incrustaciones en las membranas. Los resultados obtenidos durante la etapa de optimización de parámetros del procesos demostraron que TMP y MWCO tienen la mayor contribución en el Jp y SFD. En el caso de la tasa de rechazo de COD, los resultados mostraron que MWCO tiene la mayor contribución seguida de CFV. Por consiguiente, las condiciones óptimas se encontraron para el segundo nivel de TMP (2.0 bar), el tercer nivel del CFV (1.041 m/s), el segundo nivel de la temperatura (15°C) y el tercer nivel de MWCO (100 kDa). Bajo estas condiciones óptimas de operación Jp, rechazo de COD y SFD alcanzaron respuestas de 81.15 L/m2.h, 43.90% y 6.01 (alrededor de 28.96 % para (FD), respectivamente, valores dentro del rango previsto del intervalo de confianza del 95%. Además, los modelos de Hermia adaptados a UF en flujo tangencial fueron capaces de predecir con gran precisión el descenso del Jp y los mecanismos de ensuciamiento en función del tiempo para todas las membranas seleccionadas (10, 30 y 100 kDa) y bajo diferentes condiciones ensayadas de UF. Por lo tanto, los modelos que presentan un mayor grado de ajuste son el bloqueo completo de poros (coeficiente de determinación R2 >0.97) y bloqueo intermedio (R2 >0.96), seguido por el modelo de formación de torta (R2 >0.94), lo que indica que estés son los principales mecanismos de ensuciamiento de las membranas. Análisis de 3DEEM revelaron que la mayoría de la materia orgánica fluorescentes en las membranas sucias eran proteínas coloidales (componentes similares a proteínas I + II) y proteínas macromoleculares (componentes similares a SMP). Además, polisacáridos (especie celulósica) y sustancias como ácidos grasos y resinosos fueron identificadas en las membranas contaminadas mediante análisis ATR-FTIR. Por fin, análisis SEM-EDS para las membranas ensuciadas con PMTE se detectó concentración de contaminantes inorgánicos (iones metálicos multivalentes) especialmente el Ca2+ que podría acelerar la formación torta en la superficie de la membrana. / [CA] En la present Tesi Doctoral es va investigar l'aplicació del procés d'ultrafiltració (UF) i el fenomen d'embrutiment de les membranes en l'eliminació de substàncies dissoltes i col·loïdals (DCS) d'efluents tractats de la indústria paperera (PMTE) per al seu reutilització en els diferents processos de fabricació de paper i cartó reciclatge. L'objectiu general d'aquesta investigació es va dividir en tres parts principals: i) descriu com trobar les condicions òptimes d'operació de quatre paràmetres de procés: pressió transmembrana (TMP), velocitat de flux creuat (CFV), temperatura i tall de pes molecular (MWCO) per a maximitzar el flux mitjà de permeat (Jp) i rebuig de la demanda química d'oxigen (COD) i minimitzar el descens del flux de permeado acumulat (SFD) utilitzant el mètode de Taguchi (Design Robust) i utility concept aplicat a un procés de UF a flux creuat en escala pilot, per a remoure DCS d'efluents tractats de la indústria paperera (PMTE), ii) el descens del flux de permeat i els mecanismes de embrutiment (fouling) de les membranes de UF embrutades amb PMTE es van examinar mitjançant models matemàtics semi-empírics. Els resultats per als diferents assajos de UF es van expressar en termes de variació del flux de permeat (Jp) en funció del temps per a verificar la precisió de l'ajust (major valor de R2 i menor valor de desviació estàndard) dels diferents models de Hermia adaptats a flux tangencial i del model de formació de coca en filtració a pressió constant ajustats a les dades experimentals, i iii) descriu mètodes d'identificació, caracterització i possibles orígens de les substàncies contaminants (foulants) en les membranes de UF. Tècniques com l'anàlisi física-química, FESEM, SEM-EDS, ATR-FTIR i 3DEEM es van dur a terme per a comprendre quina fracció dels contaminants són responsables per la formació d'incrustacions sobre la superfície i adsorció dins dels porus de les membranes. Els resultats obtinguts durant l'etapa d'optimització de paràmetres del processos van demostrar que TMP i MWCO tenen la major contribució en el Jp i SFD. En el cas de la taxa de rebuig de COD, els resultats van mostrar que MWCO té la major contribució seguida de CFV. Per consegüent, les condicions òptimes es van trobar per al segon nivell de TMP (2.0 bar), el tercer nivell del CFV (1.041 m/s), el segon nivell de la temperatura (15°C) i el tercer nivell de MWCO (100 kDa). Sota aquestes condicions òptimes d'operació Jp, rebuig de COD i SFD van aconseguir respostes de 81.15 L/m².h, 43.90% i 6.01 (al voltant de 28.96% per a (FD)), respectivament, valors dins del rang previst de l'interval de confiança del 95%. A més, els models de Hermia adaptats a UF en flux tangencial van ser capaços de predir amb gran precisió el descens del Jp i els mecanismes de embrutiment en funció del temps per a totes les membranes seleccionades (10, 30 i 100 kDa) i baix diferents condicions assajades de UF. Per tant, els models que presenten un major grau d'ajust són el bloqueig complet de porus (coeficient de determinació R2 >0.97) i bloqueig intermedi (R2 >0.96), seguit pel model de formació de coca (R2 >0.94), la qual cosa indica que estigues són els principals mecanismes de embrutiment de les membranes. Anàlisi de 3DEEM van revelar que la majoria de la matèria orgànica fluorescents en les membranes brutes eren proteïnes col·loidals (components similars a proteïnes I + II) i proteïnes macromoleculars (components similars a SMP). A més, polisacàrids (espècie cel·lulòsica) i substàncies com a àcids grassos i resinosos van ser identificades en les membranes contaminades mitjançant anàlisis ATR-FTIR, tals substàncies exerceixen un paper important en el embrutiment de les membranes. Per fi, anàlisi SEM-EDS per a les membranes embrutades amb PMTE es va detectar concentració de contaminants inorgànics (ions metàl·lics multivalents) especialment el Ca2+ que podria accelerar la formació coca en la àrea de la membrana. / [EN] In this PhD Thesis, the application of ultrafiltration process (UF) and membrane fouling phenomenon used to remove dissolved and colloidal substances (DCS) from paper mill treated effluent (PMTE) for reuse in different recycled paper and cardboard manufacturing processes was investigated. The overall goal of this research has been divided into three main parts: i) describes how to find optimal operating conditions of four controlling parameters, such as transmembrane pressure (TMP), cross-flow velocity (CFV), temperature and molecular weight cut-off (MWCO) for maximizing the average permeate flux (Jp) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) rejection, and minimizing the cumulative flux decline (SFD) using Taguchi method and utility concept for a cross-flow UF in pilot scale, used to remove DCS from a paper mill treated effluent (PMTE), ii) flux decline and fouling mechanisms of UF membranes fouled with PMTE were examined by theoretical modelling. The results from UF tests were expressed in terms of permeate flux (Jp) as a function of time to check modified Hermia's models adapted to crossflow filtration and cake formation in constant-pressure filtration, and iii) describes the Identification, characterization and possible origins of UF membrane foulants. Techniques such as chemical analysis, FESEM, SEM-EDS, ATR-FTIR and 3DEEM analysis were applied to understand which fraction of the foulants caused the fouling. This research found that the TMP and MWCO have the greatest contribution to the average permeate flux and SFD. In the case of the COD rejection rate, the results showed that MWCO has the highest contribution followed by CFV. The optimum conditions were found to be the second level of TMP (2.0 bar), the third level of the CFV (1.041 m/s), the second level of the temperature (15°C), and the third level of MWCO (100 kDa). Under these optimum conditions Jp, COD rejection and SFD resistance of 81.15 L/m2/h, 43.90% and 6.01 (around 28.96 % of (FD), respectively, were obtained and they were within of the predicted range at the 95% confidence interval. Furthermore, the results showed that the predictions of the modified Hermia's models adapted to cross-flow UF had good agreements with experimental data, under different conditions tested for PMTE. Therefore, it can be concluded that for all cases the best fit (higher accuracy) to the experimental data corresponds to the complete (coefficient of determination R2 >0.97) and intermediate (R2 >0.96) blocking, followed by the cake layer formation (R2 >0.94). Moreover, measurements of particle size distribution and zeta potential near the isoelectric point, showed a substantial reduction in colloidal compounds. The 3DEEM analysis revealed that the majority of the organic foulants with fluorescence characteristics on the fouled membranes were colloidal proteins (protein-like substances I+II) and macromolecular proteins (SMP-like substances). Further, polysaccharide (cellulosic specie), fatty and resin acid substances were identified on the fouled membrane by the ATR-FTIR analysis and they play an important role in membrane fouling. In addition, the membrane SEM-EDS analysis showed accumulate and adsorbed onto the membrane surfaces of inorganic foulants, such as multivalent metal ions and especially Ca2+ (acts as a binding agent) that could accelerate cake layer formation on the membrane. / Santos Sousa, MR. (2020). Optimization of Operation Parameters in Ultrafiltration by Experiment Design, Mathematical Modelling and Fouling Characterization of the Membranes Used to Remove Dissolved and Colloidal Substances from a Treated Paper Mill Effluent [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/155975 / TESIS

Framställning av en teoretisk bokningsmodell för tids- och kostnadseffektivisering av tomvagnstransporter hos ScandFibre Logistics AB / The development of a theoretical bookings model to increase time- and cost-efficiency of empty wagon transports at ScandFibre Logistics AB

Öunapuu, Anton January 2022 (has links)
ScandFibre Logistics AB (SFL) är ett logistikföretag inom järnvägsindustrin och ingår i BillerudKorsnäs-koncernen. SFL:s uppgift är att för pappersbruk ägda av BillerudKorsnäs, samt ett fåtal externa kunder, erbjuda logistiklösningar via järnväg för brukens leveranstransporter till cirka 50 olika terminaler i Europa. I samband med det interna arbetet med att strategiskt effektivisera hanteringen av vagnstransporterna syftar detta examensarbete till att ge kunskap och undersöka hur transporter av tomvagnar från svenska terminaler tillbaka till bruken kan effektiviseras med hänsyn till transport- och hyreskostnader. Information har empiriskt samlats från intervjuer med flertal av SFL:s anställda, genom deltagande observationer och inhämtade rådata från SFL:s databas. Med en deskriptiv metod kartlagdes SFL:s verksamhet i en nulägesbeskrivning som utgjorde startpunkten för examensarbetets modellskapande. Från modellskapandet presenteras examensarbetets förslag till en teoretisk bokningsmodell. Denna bokningsmodell uppnår en teoretisk tids- och kostnadseffektivisering med matematisk logik och olika strikta samt tidskänsliga bokningskriterier som genererar bokningsförslag vars prioritering ligger vid korta transportsträckor och ett tidseffektivt utnyttjande av tomvagnar som anländer till bruken enligt JIT-principen. Med anledning av att modellen byggs på antaganden och teori bör dess resultat granskas av operativ bokningspersonal innan praktisk tillämpning. / ScandFibre Logistics AB (SFL) is a logistics company operating in the railway industry and is a part of BillerudKorsnäs. SFL offers logistic solutions for railway transport of products from BillerudKorsnäs’, as well as a few other external customers’, different paper mills to roughly 50 different terminals in Europe. In conjunction with SFL:s own interest of developing the efficiency of their own operations and handling of wagon transports, this master’s thesis aims to improve knowledge and investigate how to streamline the transport of empty wagons from Swedish terminals back to the paper mills, in regards to transport and rental costs. Information have been gathered through interviews with several employees, through participating observations, and with the extraction of raw data from SFL’s database. With a descriptive method the overall operation at SFL could be outlined, serving as the base for a model development phase. This phase resulted in this thesis’ proposed bookings model for empty wagon transports. The model acquires a theoretical streamline way of booking empty wagon transports in such a manner that wagons arrive at the paper mills according to the JIT-principle. The model succeeds in doing this by generating booking proposals using mathematical logic and time-sensitive booking criteria, with the focus being transports of short distances; in theory also meaning a time efficient use of each wagon. As the model is theoretically constructed and relies on several generalizing assumptions, its booking proposals should always be evaluated from a perspective of practicality by executive booking personnel.

Data synchronization for operation and maintenance

Lindorf, Mikael January 2023 (has links)
In paper mills, the paper machine is followed by a winding machine which cuts paper to intended width and rolls onto cylinders to specified length. Central to this paper is the gathering and synchronizing of data from databases relevant to automation research for the winder. Part of data gathering was automated with Python and the data was analyzed to determine details about the data. Data was found to be stored in different databases and accessible through different interfaces with some variation in formatting of time strings and time zones between data sources. Other issues, likely stemming from different parts of the greater system being implemented at different times, provided by different companies utilizing different technologies. Suggestions toward streamlining of data gathering for ease of future automation and research were given with discussion of this work, the system, theory and future research.

Effect of paper mill ash on properties of expansive soils

Byiringiro, Alfred 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Expansive soils, one of the problematic soils, are encountered on all continents with exception of polar continents. Problems caused by their heaving and shrinking behaviour, particularly to light structures, have been reported from different countries to place large financial burden on developers. For this reason, many techniques have been developed and applied to prevent and/or remediate the damage caused by these soils. Soil stabilization with traditional chemical additives has been applied successfully since ancient times. In addition to traditional additives such as lime, cement, fly ash, etc., some non-traditional additives, such as polymer based products, salts, etc. have been used effectively for soil treatment. On the other hand, industries are increasingly challenged by waste management in an acceptable and environmentally friendly manner. In this regard, a number of researches have been done on using industrial waste for soil improvement purposes. The study and understanding of basic reactions involved in lime-soil stabilization persuaded many researchers to study the applicability of lime-rich products for soil treatment. Studies conducted by Khalid et al. (2012); Muchizuki et al. (2004) and Thacker (2012) showed that lime-rich products such as pulp fly and bottom ashes and CaO by-products, can be applied for soil stabilization. This research was thus performed to investigate the effect of lime-rich paper mill waste ash on expansive soil properties. Two commonly listed soil engineering properties namely volume change and strength were investigated. Soil strength was examined in terms of unconfined compressive strength (UCS), due to its correlations with a number of other soil properties, and the volume change in terms of free swell and swelling pressure. In addition to these two engineering properties, dry density and moisture content were also studied due to their involvement in structural design, as well as gradation, Atterberg limits and California Bearing Ratio (CBR). The choice of these properties was also influenced by the availability of a standard (ASTM D4609-08) specifically developed to assess the effectiveness of admixtures for soil stabilization. Two main types of materials were used namely three clay materials and paper mill ash. According to the index properties, commonly used for expansive soil classification, three clays were classified into low, medium and high degrees of potential expansiveness. The ash results from the combustion of paper mill sludge, sawdust, bark, coal ash and bituminous coal in a multi-fuel boiler for the purpose of electricity and steam production. The tests mentioned above were conducted on both untreated and treated clays and the results were compared. Since the study was carried out on this material based on the fact that it contains lime, the procedure applied for lime-soil stabilization was considered. In general, it was observed that ash-soil treatment has a number of effects similar to lime-treatment and almost all studied properties were enhanced for all clays. It can thus be concluded that the paper mill ash from a multi-fuel boiler can be efficiently used for expansive soil treatment. For optimum use of this material for expansive soil treatment, more tests and further researches have been recommended. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Uitsettende gronde, een van die probleemtipe-gronde, kom op alle kontinente voor, behalwe die twee poolkontinente. Probleme veroorsaak deur uitswellende en inkrimpende gedrag van hierdie gronde, veral finansiële onkostes van ligte strukture is al in baie lande aangemeld. Vir hierdie rede is baie tegnieke ontwikkel en toegepas om skade wat deur hierdie tipe gronde veroorsaak is, te voorkom en/of herstel. Hierdie tegnieke sluit grondstabilisasie met chemiese bymengsels in, veral tradisionele bymengsels, wat met groot sukses in die verre verlede toegepas en na moderne tye oorgedra is. Bykomend tot tradisionele bymengsels soos kalk, sement, vlieg-as ensovoorts is ʼn aantal nie-tradisionele bymiddels soos polimeergebaseerde produkte, soute en ander produkte ontwikkel vir grondstabilisasie. Aan die ander kant raak industrieë toenemend daarmee gemoeid om afvalstowwe op ʼn aanvaarbare en omgewingsvriendelike wyse te bestuur. Op hierdie gebied is ʼn aantal navorsingsprojekte al uitgevoer om industriële afval vir grondverbetering te gebruik en sodoende die las op nywerhede te verlig. Navorsing is onderneem om die basiese reaksies wat onstaan tydens stabilisasie van grond met tradisionele en moderne middels te bepaal en om die geskiktheid van kalkryke produkte vir grondstabilisasie te ondersoek. Baie navorsing is uitgevoer wat aangetoon het dat kalkhoudende produkte soos pulp vlieg- en oondresidu-as, asook CaO neweprodukte gebruik kan word vir stabilisasie. Gebaseer hierop is hierdie projek onderneem om die effek van papiermeulas, verkry deur die verbranding in ʼn veelvuldige brandstof-stoomketel, op die gedrag van uitsettende grond te ondersoek. Tydens hierdie studie is twee algemene ingenieurseienskappe van grond, naamlik sterkte en volumeverandering ondersoek. Grondsterkte is geëvalueer in terme van eenassige druksterkte (EDS) as gevolg van ? deur middel van die korrelasie met ʼn aantal ander grondeienskappe, en die volumeverandering in terme van vry-swel en sweldruk. Addisioneel tot hierdie twee grondeienskappe is droë digtheid en waterinhoud ook bestudeer aangesien beide in struktuurontwerp betrokke is. Verdere eienskappe wat ondersoek is, is gradering, Atterberggrense en Kaliforniese drakragverhouding (KDV). Die keuse van hierdie eienskappe is beïnvloed deur die beskikbaarheid van ʼn toetsstandaard (ASTM D4609-08) wat spesifiek ontwikkel is om die effektiwiteit van bymengsels vir grondstabilisasie te evalueer. Hierdie standaard is deurgaans as verwysing tydens die projek gebruik. Daar is waargeneem dat as-behandeling van grond ʼn aantal effekte het soortgelyk aan kalkbehandeling, met die uitsondering van die droë digtheid en optimum waterinhoud van een van die gronde wat getoets is. Byna al die eienskappe wat ondersoek is, soos EDS, KDV, ensovoorts, is verbeter behalwe in die geval van die eerste klei waarvan die plastisiteitsindeks verhoog het en die grond meer plasties geraak het. Daar kan dus afgelei word dat papiermeule-as vanaf ʼn stoomketel wat veelvuldige tipes brandstof gebruik geskik is vir die behandeling van uitsettende grond. Om die optimumgebruik van hierdie materiaal vir die stabilisasie van swellende klei te bepaal, is meer toetse en projekte nodig.

Análise exergética dos sistemas térmicos em um processo de produção de celulose e papel. / Exergy analysis of thermal systems in a pulp and paper production process.

Santos, Moisés Teles dos 08 March 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta uma avaliação comparativa de desempenho termodinâmico de sistemas térmicos em uma unidade industrial de fabricação de celulose e papel Kraft. Foram coletados dados de projeto e operação para o sistema atual de utilidades e de um novo sistema em fase de implantação. A análise exergética é utilizada como ferramenta de avaliação quantitativa e qualitativa para os principais componentes do sistema de cogeração de energia: caldeiras de força, caldeiras de recuperação química, turbinas e válvulas redutoras. Diferentes critérios de desempenho globais e relativos são determinados através de balanços simultâneos de energia e entropia (balanços exergéticos). As irreversibilidades ou entropia gerada nos sistemas são determinadas através da exergia destruída. Esta abordagem revela os principais pontos onde a energia é degradada em sua qualidade, indicando onde devem ser buscadas alternativas de otimização termoeconômica para um melhor aproveitamento dos recursos energéticos disponíveis. / This work presents a comparative evaluation from thermodynamic performance view of thermal systems in a Kraft pulp and paper mill. The design information and the data of the industrial operation were collected for the current utility system and for the new system that has been buit. The exergy analysis is applied as the quantitative and qualitative evaluation tool for the main energy conversion systems: power boilers, chemical recovery boiler, turbines and throttling valves. Different global and relatives performance criteria are estimated by simultaneous energy and entropy balances (exergy balances). The irreversibility or generated entropy in the systems is determined by the destroyed exergy. This approach reveals the places where energy quality is mainly degraded and shows where alternatives for optimization must be sought for a better use of the available energetic resources.

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