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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Grondwetlike erkenning van regte ten aansien van die gesin en gesinslewe met verwysing na aspekte van artikel 8 van die Europese Verdrag vir die beskerming van die regte en vryhede van die mens (Afrikaans)

Van der Linde, Anton 17 February 2010 (has links)
AFRIKAANS: In 1994 het die Republiek van Suid-Afrika 'n nuwe konstitusionele era betree. Die Grondwet van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika Wet 200 van 1993 (die interim Grondwet), wat in werking getree het op 27 April 1994, het basiese menseregte en vryhede aan alle Suid-Afrikaners gewaarborg. Grondwetlike beginsel II in Bylae 4 daarvan, het onder meer die volgende voorskrif ten aansien van die inhoud van die finale grondwetlike teks bevat: “Elkeen moet alle universeel aanvaarde fundamentele regte, vryhede en burgerlike vryhede genlet, waarvoor voorslening gemaak moet word en wat beskerm moet word deur verskanste en beregbare bepalings in die Grondwet, wat opgestel moet word na behoorlike inagnemlng van, onder andere, die fundamentele regte vervat in Hoofstuk 3 van hlerdle Grondwet." Vervolgens het die Konstitusionele Hof voortgegaan om die finale grondwetllke teks aan grondwetllke beginsel II te toets met die oog op die sertifisering en inwerkingtreding daarvan. Een van die besware wat teen die grondwetlike teks ingebring was, was dat daar geen uitdruklike voorsiening vir die erkenning en beskerming van regte ten aansien van die gesin en die gesinslewe voorkom nie, terwyl sodanige regte in die algemeen erkenning geniet in internasionale menseregte-instrumente en in die grondwette van verskeie state. Die beswaar is deur die Konstitusionele Hof van die hand gewys. Die finale Grondwet, Wet 108 van 1996, het in 1996 in werking getree sonder die uitdruklike insluiting van fundamentele regte betreffende die gesin en gesinslewe. Die moontllke uitdruklike erkenning en beskerming van fundamentele regte ten aansien van die gesin en gesinslewe in die Grondwet; die betekenis en inhoud van die konsep "gesin" en "gesinslewe" vir doeleindes van die beskerming bepleit; die hedendaagse belang van die gesin; die juridiese aard van fundamentele regte ten aansien van die gesin en gesinslewe; die inhoud, omvang en beperking van fundamentele regte ten aansien van die gesin en gesinslewe; die effek van regte ten aansien van die gesin en gesinslewe op die ouer-kind verhouding; die omgangsreg en reg op inllgting van ouers en hul minderjarige kinders asook op diverse aspekte van die Suid-Afrikaanse reg; en laastens, die moontllke toekomstige ontwikkellng en uitbreiding van sodanige reg(te). As basis vir die ondersoek dien 'n regsvergelykende studie van die uitleg van artikel 8 van die Europese Verdrag vir die Beskerming van die Regte en Fundamentele vryhede van die Mens deur die Europese Hof vir die Regte van die Mens. Artikel 8 lui: "1. Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence (eie kursivering). 2. There shall be no interference by a public authority with the exercise of this right except such as In accordance with the law and Is necessary in a democratic society In the interests of national security, public safety or the economic well-being of the country, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others." Benewens die beslissings van die Europese Hof vir die Regte van die Mens word die posisie in Nederland spesifiek onder die loep geneem met verwysing na die toepassing van artikel 8 deur die Hoge Raad op die Nederlandse reg. Die waarde van die ondersoek is egter nie afhanklik van die korrektheid al dan nie, van die siening dat die gesin en gesinslewe uitdruklike beskerming behoort te geniet nie. Selfs indien aanvaar word dat die gesin en gesinslewe wel voldoende indirekte beskerming in die Grondwet geniet, 5005 deur die Konstitusionele Hof beslis, is vrae na aspekte soos wat 'n gesin uitmaak en wat 'n reg op die gesin en gesinslewe inhou steeds in 'n groot mate onbeantwoord. 'n Ondersoek van die aard is dus van groot nut om antwoorde op die vrae te bied. Uit die ondersoek blyk verder dat die mate van (indirekte) beskerming wat die gesin (en gesinslede) geniet, groter effektiwiteit sal verkry indien uitdruklike regte ten aansien van die gesin en gesinslewe wel in die Grondwet vervat sou word. Pogings om aspekte van die gesinslewe onder artikels wat indirekte beskerming verleen tuis te bring is dikwels geforseerd terwyl sodanige aspekte internasionaal met groter gemak hanteer word deur dit onder 'n uitdruklike reg op respek vir die gesinslewe tuis te bring. In die proefskrif word ten slotte aanbeveel dat die volgende reg(te) in die Grondwet vervat word: "(1) Die gesin geniet die spesiale beskerming van die staat. (2) Elkeen het die reg op respelk vir die gesinslewe." ENGLISH: In 1994 South Africa entered a new constitutional era. Its interim Constitution, the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Act 200 of 1993, which came into operation on 27 April 1994, guaranteed to all south Africans basic human rights and freedoms. Constitutional principle II thereof contained the following instruction regarding the content of the final constitutional text: "Everyone shall enjoy all universally accepted fundamental rights, freedoms and civil liberties, which shall be provided for and protected by entrenched and justiciable provisions in the Constitution, which shall be drafted after having given due consideration to inter alia the fundamental rights contained In Chapter 3 of this Constitution." Consequently, the Constitutional Court had to ascertain whether the final constitutional text complied with this principle in view of the certification and implementation thereof. One of the complaints against the final text was the absence of explicit recognition and protection of rights with regard to the family and family life, whilst such rights enjoyed general recognition in international human rights instruments and in the constitutions of several states. The Constitutional court rejected this complaint. The final Constitution, Act 108 of 1996, came into operation in 1996 without the explicit inclusion of fundamental rights with regard to the family and family life. The following aspects are investigated in the thesis: The possible explicit recognition and protection of fundamental rights with regard to the family and family life in the Constitution; the meaning and content of the concept "family" and "family life" for the purpose of the envisaged protection; the present-day importance of the family; the content, extent and limitation of fundamental rights with regard to the family and family life; the effect of rights with regard to the family and family life on the parent-child relationship and the right to access and information of parents and their minor children as well as on sundry aspects of the south African law. Lastly, the possible future development and expansion of such right(s) is investigated. As basis for the investigation serve a comparative study of the interpretation of article 8 of the European Convention for the protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms by the European court for Human Rights. Article 8 stipulates: "1. Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence (my italics). 2. There shall be no interference by a public authority With the exercise of this right except such as in accordance with the law and Is necessary in a democratic society in the interests of national security, public safety or the economic well-being of the country, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others." Apart from the judgments of the European Court for Human Rights the position in the Netherlands is specifically investigated with reference to the application of article 8 by the Hoge Raad on Dutch law. The value, however, of this investigation is not dependant on the correctness or not of the view that the family and family life should enjoy explicit protection in the Constitution. Even if one accepts that the family and family life enjoys sufficient indirect protection in the Constitution as decided by the Constitutional court, aspects such as what constitutes a family and the content of such right(s) are in a large degree unanswered. An investigation of this nature is thus of great value in order to provide answers to such questions. The investigation further indicates that the degree to which the family enjoys indirect protection will receive greater effect if explicit rights with regard to the family and family life are contained in the Constitution. Attempts to deal with aspects of family life under sections of the Constitution which presumably afford indirect protection is often forcing the issue whilst such issues are internationally dealt with great ease under an explicit right to respect for family life. In the thesis it is finally recommended that the following rights should be contained in the Constitution: "(1) The family enjoys the special protection of the state. (2) Everyone has the right to respect for family life." / Thesis (LLD)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Private Law / unrestricted

Perspectives on the best interests of the child : developments in the interpretation and application of the principle in the South African law relating to custody

Basson, Lindinette 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (LLM )-- Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa entrenches the best interests of the child as being of paramount importance in all matters concerning the child. This commitment to the promotion of the welfare of children is not unique to modern South African law, but is an acknowledged principle of the common law and international child law as well. With such well-established recognition the question, which forms the primary focus of this study, arises whether the principle of the best interests of the child is workable and applicable in real life scenarios where the custody of a child has to be decided. The challenge to the application of the principle in this context is to reach a decision that will protect the parent-child relationship regardless of the marital breakdown. The question is whether the principle allows for and creates an honest awareness of and commitment to the welfare of children that influence decisions in this context or whether courts and decision-makers merely pay lip service to it in order to conceal the haphazard way in which custody is awarded. In order to determine the workability and applicability of the principle, it is necessary to know how the principle has evolved in the South African legal context. Through the examination and analysis of existing literature, international conventions, legislation and case law, a number of different perspectives on the developments in the interpretation and application of the principle are provided. These perspectives culminate in the useful and constructive insight and conclusion that the value of the concept is dependant upon the correct approach to the principle and its characteristics. The defining characteristic of the principle of the best interests of the child is its inherent vagueness and indeterminacy. Though this subjects the principle to serious criticism, this study supports the argument that indeterminacy is in fact essential. It ensures not only the flexibility of the concept, rendering it applicable to the time, cultural sphere and social context and unique circumstances of each case it is applied to, but a holistic approach to the child as individual and family as a unit as well. This holistic approach forms the foundation of the lists of criteria in McCall v McCall 1994 (3) SA 201 (C) and the Children's Bill, thereby establishing the workability and value of the principle for fair and just results in all decisions pertaining to the custody of children. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING:Die Grondwet van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika verskans die beste belange van die kind as van deurslaggewende belang in elke aangeleentheid rakende die kind. Die verbintenis tot die bevordering van die belange van kinders is nie 'n verskynsel uniek aan die moderne Suid-Afrikaanse reg nie, maar is 'n erkende beginsel in beide die gemenereg en die internasionale kinderreg. Met hierdie wyd-verspreide en algemene erkenning ontstaan die vraag, wat dan ook die primêre fokus van hierdie studie vorm, of die beginsel van die beste belang van die kind werkbaar en toepaslik is in ware lewensdramas waar 'n beslissing oor die bewaring van 'n kind gemaak moet word. Die uitdaging vir die toepassing van die beginsels in hierdie konteks is om 'n besluit te neem wat die voortbestaan van die ouer-kindverhouding ten spyte van die verbrokkeling van die huwelik sal verseker. Die vraag is of die beginsel werklik 'n eerlike bewussyn van en verbintenis tot die welstand van kinders skep wat die besluitnemingsproses in hierdie konteks beïnvloed en lei en of howe en besluitnemers bloot die regte lippetaal gebruik om die lukrake manier waarop besluite geneem word te verbloem. Om die werkbaarheid en toepasbaarheid van die beginsel te bepaal is dit nodig om die proses van evolusie van die beginsel in die Suid-Afrikaanse reg onder oënskou te neem. Deur die ondersoek en analise van bestaande literatuur, internationale konvensies, wetgewing en hofuitsprake word 'n aantal perspektiewe op ontwikkelinge in die interpretasie en toepassing van die beginsel voorgelê. Hierdie perspektiewe lei tot die betekenisvolle en opbouende gevolgtrekking en insig dat die waarde van die konsep afhang van 'n korrekte benadering tot die beginsel en sy kenmerke. Die hoofkenmerk van die beste belange van die kind beginsel is die inherente vaagheid en ondefinieerbaarheid daarvan. Hoewel dit die beginsel aan ernstige kritiek onderwerp, ondersteun hierdie studie die argument dat die onbepaaldheid in der waarheid noodsaaklik is. Dit verseker nie alleen buigsaamhied, wat toepassing op alle tye in alle kulturele en sosiale omgewings en besondere omstandighede van 'n spesifieke geval moontlik maak nie, maar ook dat 'n holistiese benadering tot die kind as individue en die gesin as eenheid gevolg word. Hierdie holistiese benadering vorm die grondslag van die lyste van faktore in McCall v McCall 1994 (3) SA 201 (C) en die Wetsontwerp op Kinders 2003 waarmee die werkbaarheid en waarde van die beginsel vir billike en regverdige resultate in alle aangeleenthede rakende die bewaring van kinders verseker kan word.

How can the voice of the child be adequately heard in family law proceedings?

Kassan, Daksha Gaman January 2004 (has links)
Child participation and the right of children to be heard in matters that directly affect them, including in judicial and administrative matters, is a right that is entrenched in a number of international and regional instruments. This right is also entrenched in the South African Constitution that provides for children to be legally represented, at State expense, in civil proceedings affecting them and this includes divorce proceedings. However, this constitutional right is limited to those circumstances where a substantial injustice would otherwise result should such legal representation not be afforded. This thesis examined how the voices of children can be heard during divorce proceedings and makes recommendations as to when children involved in divorce proceedings should be granted legal representation at State expense.

How can the voice of the child be adequately heard in family law proceedings?

Kassan, Daksha Gaman January 2004 (has links)
Child participation and the right of children to be heard in matters that directly affect them, including in judicial and administrative matters, is a right that is entrenched in a number of international and regional instruments. This right is also entrenched in the South African Constitution that provides for children to be legally represented, at State expense, in civil proceedings affecting them and this includes divorce proceedings. However, this constitutional right is limited to those circumstances where a substantial injustice would otherwise result should such legal representation not be afforded. This thesis examined how the voices of children can be heard during divorce proceedings and makes recommendations as to when children involved in divorce proceedings should be granted legal representation at State expense.

How can the voice of the child be adequately heard in family law proceedings?

Kassan, Daksha Gaman January 2004 (has links)
Child participation and the right of children to be heard in matters that directly affect them, including in judicial and administrative matters, is a right that is entrenched in a number of international and regional instruments. This right is also entrenched in the South African Constitution that provides for children to be legally represented, at State expense, in civil proceedings affecting them and this includes divorce proceedings. However, this constitutional right is limited to those circumstances where a substantial injustice would otherwise result should such legal representation not be afforded. This thesis examined how the voices of children can be heard during divorce proceedings and makes recommendations as to when children involved in divorce proceedings should be granted legal representation at State expense.

How can the voice of the child be adequately heard in family law proceedings?

Kassan, Daksha Gaman January 2004 (has links)
Child participation and the right of children to be heard in matters that directly affect them, including in judicial and administrative matters, is a right that is entrenched in a number of international and regional instruments. This right is also entrenched in the South African Constitution that provides for children to be legally represented, at State expense, in civil proceedings affecting them and this includes divorce proceedings. However, this constitutional right is limited to those circumstances where a substantial injustice would otherwise result should such legal representation not be afforded. This thesis examined how the voices of children can be heard during divorce proceedings and makes recommendations as to when children involved in divorce proceedings should be granted legal representation at State expense.

Bewyslewering van ouerlike onbevoegdheid binne die konteks van kinderbeskerming

Du Plessis, Hendrika Louisa 11 February 2014 (has links)
M.A. (Social Work) / Please refer to full text to view abstract

Custody and access of children by gay and lesbian parents in post- divorce situations : a South African and comparative analysis.

Parsee, Niroshini. January 2002 (has links)
No abstract available. / Thesis (LL.M.)-University of Natal,Durban, 2002.

Die inhoud van ouerlike gesag, quo vadis?

Venter, Ivanda 30 November 2005 (has links)
Through the centuries the parental authority has dwindled from the absolute power of the father to the rights of autonomy of the child. At present in the South African law the parental authority is still largely determined by the common law and can be described as the sum total of rights and obligations which parents enjoy in relation to their children. Guardianship and custody are the separate incidents of parental authority. The Child Care Act 74 of 1983, The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa 108 of 1996, The Guardianship Act 192 of 1993, The Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act 92 of 1996, the ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989 by South Africa on 16 June 1995 and case law have contributed to increasing limitations on the exercise of parental authority. A balance needs to be found between the parental authority and the rights of the child to ensure that neither is absolute. Parents need to respect the evolving capacities of the child and children need to respect the guidance of the parents. / Jurisprudence / LL.M

Invloed van die begrip kinderregte op die privaatregtelike ouer-kind verhouding in die Suid-Afrikaanse reg

Human, Cornelia Sophia 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (LLD (Private Law))--University of Stellenbosch, 1998. / 490 leaves double sided printed, preliminary pages and numbered pages 1-469. Includes bibliography. Digitised using a HP Scanjet 8250 Scanner to pdf format (OCR). / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The thesis investigates the effect of the recognition of the rights of the child on the parent-child relationship in private law. Rights of the child seem, on the face of it, to undermine parental authority and family values. The impression is created that the state is abdicating its role as protector of the child in favour of unfettered freedom of the child. The delicate balance between individual freedom and family autonomy may in the result also be under threat. It was, therefore, necessary to extend the investigation to include the role of parents and that of the state. The study is divided into three parts. The first contains a theoretical analysis of the concept rights of the child. It is clear that the concept is a manifestation of fundamental human rights. The rights of the child are unique in nature and accommodate the changing phases of dependence and developing abilities of the child. Theoretical analysis negates the perception that the recognition of the rights of the child contributes to erosion of the family: the importance of the commitment of parents and of the state is apparent. The second part consists of a comprehensive review of the parent-child relationship in the South African private law, and an analysis of the public law dimension of the concept rights of the child. This part of the investigation demonstrates that parental authority is firmly rooted in legal history and that substantive private law does not recognise the child as bearer of rights within the context of the family. However, the Bill of Rights and the 1989 United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child unequivocally give public law status to the child as bearer of rights. The study shows that the private and public law status of a child cannot be isolated from one another and that adaptations will have to be made to implement the rights of the child. In the third part of the study an attempt is made to identify the kind of adaptation that must be made. The impact of the idea of the rights of the child upon the parent-child relationship in private law is investigated. Australian and Scottish law are examples of legal systems which endeavour to implement fully the concept of the rights of the child. Indigenous law places a high value on human dignity. The interaction between rights and duties in indigenous systems reflect values which are inherent in the idea of the rights of the child. The study shows that the impact of the rights of the child on the parent-child relationship is such that change and adaptation of private law is necessary. Change and adaptation are required at both theoretical and practical level. A number of obstacles which may inhibit the process of change are identified. Finally, the kind of change and adaptation required is illustrated by a number of practical examples of the impact ofchange on the parent-child relationship. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar word in hierdie proefskrif gepoog om te bepaal wat die effek van die erkenning van kinderregte op die ouer-kind verhouding in die privaatreg is. Kinderregte skep op die oog af die persepsie dat ouerlike gesag en gesinswaardes onderrnyn word en dat die staat sy rol as beskerrner van 'n kind abdikeer ten gunste van onbeperkte vryhede aan 'n kind. Die delikate balans tussen individuele vryhede en gesinsoutonomie is in gedrang en op hierdie wyse word die rol van ouers en die staat ook by die ondersoek betrek. Die studie behels 'n drieledige ondersoek. In die eerste plek vind 'n teoretiese ontleding van die begrip kinderregte plaas. Hierdie ondersoek toon aan dat kinderregte 'n verskyningsvorrn van fundamentele menseregte is. Kinderregte het 'n eiesoortige aard en akkommodeer die wisselende fases van afhanklikheid en ontwikkelende verrnoens van 'n kind. Die betrokkenheid van ouers en die staat word beklemtoon en die teoretiese uitgangspunt besweer gevolglik negatiewe persepsies dat die erkenning van kinderregte tot gesinsverbrokkeling sal meewerk. Die tweede deel van die ondersoek bestaan uit 'n volledige uiteensetting van die ouerkind verhouding in die Suid-Afrikaanse privaatreg en 'n ontleding van die publiekregtelike dimensie van die begrip kinderregte. Hierdie deel van die ondersoek bewys dat ouerlike gesag regshistories sterk fundeer is en dat die substantiewe privaatreg nie die kind as draer van regte binne gesinsverband erken nie. Daarteenoor verleen die Handves van Regte en die Verenigde Nasies se Konvensie op die Regte van die kind 1989 'n duidelike publiekregtelike status aan die kind as draer van regte. Die ondersoek toon aan dat die privaatregtelike en publiekregtelike status van 'n kind nie van mekaar gelsoleer kan word nie en dat aanpassings sal moet plaasvind ten einde kinderregte te implementeer. Die tipe aanpassings wat gemaak sal moet word, vloei voort uit die derde element van hierdie studie. Hierdie deeI van die studie behels 'n toepassing van die idee van kinderregte op die ouer-kind verhouding in die privaatreg. 'n Regsvergelykende element word betrek en die Australiese en Skotse reg word as modelle van 'n regstelsel voorgehou wat poog om kinderregte tot sy volle konsekwensies te implementeer. Vir doeleindes van interne regsvergelyking word daar ook na die inheemse reg verwys. Die hoe premie wat laasgenoemde regstelsel op menswaardigheid plaas en die wisselwerking tussen regte en verpligtinge verteenwoordig waardes wat eie aan die idee van kinderregte is. Die gevolgtrekking is dat die effek van kinderregte op die ouer-kind verhouding van sodanige omvang is dat aanpassings in die privaatreg sal moet plaasvind. Veranderings in regsdenke en formele aanpassings word vereis en 'n aantal struikelblokke wat deel van hierdie proses is, word uitgelig. Sekere praktiese implikasies vir die ouer-kind verhouding word ook voorgehou ten einde te illustreer wat die aard van die aanpassings is wat vereis word.

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