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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Parent-Child Relationship Quality and Filial Obligation Among American and Korean College Students: The Moderating Role of Children’s Gender

Hwang, Woosang, Ko, Kwangman, Kim, Injee 01 September 2018 (has links)
College students’ perceptions of filial obligation can differ across individual, familial, and cultural contexts. However, comparative and empirical studies on this issue are scarce. To address the gap in literature, we examined how American and Korean cultural contexts differently affect the association between two types of parent-child relationship quality (mother-child dyad and father-child dyad) and two types of filial obligation (instrumental support and emotional support). In addition, we examined how children’s gender moderates the above associations. We collected a sample of 500 college students, ages 18 to 25 years, from private universities in the United States (n = 224) and South Korea (n = 276). Regarding American college students, results showed that mother-child relationship quality was positively associated with emotional support of filial obligation. In terms of Korean college students, however, mother-child relationship quality was positively associated with two types of filial obligation respectively. These results indicate that Korean college students consider both instrumental and emotional support as important values of filial obligation, whereas American college students consider emotional support as the more important value of filial obligation compared to instrumental support. Regarding the moderating effect, we found that children’s gender moderated the associations between father-child relationship quality and two types of filial obligation in Korean college students. We suggest that Korean cultural contexts based on the tradition of patriarchy and gender socialization affect the association between father-child relationship quality and filial obligation.

兒童知覺的雙親婚姻衝突對其生活適應影響之歷程研究 / The Influences for Children's Perceptions of Interparental Marital Conflict on Children's Adjustment : A Process Study

林美娟, Lin, Mei-Cheing Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主要目的,乃在探討父母親的婚姻衝突對兒童生活適應影響歷程模式的適切性,並以兒童自陳報告的方式進行,期能從兒童的觀點瞭解婚姻衝突對他們造成生活適應影響的歷程,在此研究中親子關係與情緒安全扮演父母親婚姻衝突對兒童生活適應影響的中介角色。 以449名國小五、六年級的兒童為研究對象(男生226人,女生223人)。研究工具包括兒童自評的「兒童知覺雙親衝突量表」、「親子關係量表」、「兒童情緒安全量表」、「學校生活適應量表」、以及教師評量的「兒童行為評量表」。 資料分析採用 LISREL8進行假設考驗並驗證假設模式適切性。結果發現本研究所提出的模式被接受。兒童知覺的雙親婚姻衝突會直接影響兒童知覺的親子關係並進而間接影響兒童的生活適應,而且兒童知覺的雙親衝突對兒童的生活適應有直接的影響。 另外,兒童知覺的雙親婚姻衝突對兒童的情緒安全感有直接影響。根據研究結果,本研究建議父母應盡量避免在小孩面前爭吵,且在衝突過後應盡量設法尋求解決之道,並向孩子說明衝突原因。此外,父母應多參加家庭教育活動與親子活動,以減少婚姻衝突對兒童的 不利影響。學校方面應多加強與家庭的聯繫工作,並教導各種技巧,以提高兒童因應衝突的能力,減少婚姻衝突對兒童的不利影響。 / This study examined the fittness of the model of the influences for children's perceptions of interparental marital conflict on children's adjustment. In this study, parent-child relationship and emotional security were the mediative variables. Subjects were 449 elementary school students ( 226 boys , 223 girls ).Using LISREL8 to test the fittness ,the model was accepted. Children's perceptions of interparental marital conflict would directly affect children's perception of parent-child relationship and indirectly affected children's adjustment.And children's perceptions of interparental marital conflict directly affected children's emotional security.The useness and limitation of this study werediscussed.

女性軍訓教官親子關係與生活滿意之研究-以臺北市軍訓教官為例 / A study on parent-child relationships and satisfaction in life of female military instructors-focusing on those working with Taipei City government

林石麟 Unknown Date (has links)
女性軍訓教官具有陽剛之軍人身分被要求凡事以服從為天職,工作性質、負荷與男性軍訓教官並不因性別而調整工作內容。再者為迎合學校及家長的期望,軍訓教官不但擔任許多非制度面的角色,工作量也與日俱增。然女性軍訓教官仍需肩負較多的家庭責任,換言之,其除了職場的工作壓力之外,在家庭中亦承擔傳統觀念對女性角色的期待壓力。因此,女性軍訓教官之家庭親子關係與生活滿意情形值得深究。 本研究採質性研究深入訪談法,以臺北市政府教育局所屬已婚且育有子女的12位女性軍訓教官為訪談對象,經歸類分析所得研究結果發現如下: 一、權威管教,嚴母慈父 已婚育有子女之女性軍訓教官受到傳統權威管教方式,其每天忙於工作與家庭生活,通常會以恩威並濟方式管教子女,對子女的要求較高。 二、工時延長,影響生活 女性軍訓教官工作時間長,宿舍管理及24小時備勤使得同時面對不可預測的角色衝突之煎熬及壓力,對於已婚育有子女的女性軍訓教官的家庭而言壓力相對是重的。 三、母職天性,家事吃重 在現實生活雙薪家庭中的母親不僅是家事的主要勞動者,同時也扮演教養子女的主要角色。研究發現「女為主,男為輔」仍是受訪女性軍訓教官家庭中家務分工的主流模式。 四、轉化學生,互動良好 女性軍訓教官大部份進入學校場域是基於對「女教師之認同」,最大的成就就是感受到學生喜愛,輔導學生心智轉換變好、協助學生處理問題或幫助找到問題的解決方法,讓學生恢復到正軌。 五、升遷機會、隨緣以對 本研究發現從受訪女性軍訓教官發現其對升遷的看法是隨緣順其自然;而服務年資較短者及尚未晉升中校階級對升遷是不抱希望,這顯示女性軍訓教官對於升遷認為是沒有機會的。 六、重視休閒,休憩為主 女性軍訓教官休閒生活是在家休息為主,有些於假日從事親子戶外活動,少部分寒、暑假視經濟條件情況規劃全家出國。其休閒知覺自由度並不低,在休閒需求方面,具有較高的認同感。 根據以上研究結果,提出具體建議如下:(一)推動軍訓教官師資合格化,降低工作不確定感;(二)拔擢優秀人才,提高工作滿意;(三)適度運用校內人力,營造合諧組織氣氛;(四)開設選修課程,提昇學生生活輔導成效;(五)提供協助幼兒托育,降低育兒情緒壓力;(六)加強女性軍訓教官之支持系統,減少家庭與工作的衝突;(七)重視親子溝通品質,維持良好的關係;(八)積極參與在職進修,增加工作成就感;(九)釐清善用替代角色,提升家庭幸福感;(十)積極生涯規劃,爭取自我實現。 / Due to their virile military status, female military education officers are required to obey orders as part of the profession; their assignments and burdens are never adjusted because of gender difference. Moreover, to meet expectations of school authorities and parents, military education officers in general have to assume roles that may not be specified in the system, thus increasing their daily work. Female officers, however, need to take more familial responsibilities. That is to say, they must face the pressure from work place as well as the pressure from family, caused by traditional expectations of female roles. It is, therefore, worthwhile to investigate the familial/parent-child relationship and life satisfaction of female military education officers. This study adopts qualitative research method and interviews, in depth, 12 female military education officers working in schools supervised by Department of Education, Taipei City Government, who are married and raising children. After categorization and analyses, the findings are listed as follows: I、 Discipline through authority—strict mother vs. kind father Owing to the traditional training and requirements by profession, plus a busy schedule imposed upon life and work, married female officers mostly resort to authority and favors at the same time when disciplining children, thus appearing to be more demanding. II、Prolonged working hours—familial life affected With long office hours as in school dormitory management or on duty around the clock, female officers have to tackle pressure resulting from unpredictable role conflicts, which is comparatively intense for subjects’ families. III、Family as focus—housework amassed In actual life, the mother in a double-income family not only does most housework, but also plays a major part in bringing up children. This study discovers that “female as primary, male secondary” remains the prevalent model for housework sharing in subjects’ families. IV、Transforming students—positive interaction encouraged Most female military education officers applied to assignments in school settings because they identified themselves with “female teachers.” And their greatest sense of accomplishment comes from being liked by students, success in counseling, assisting students in solving problems or finding solutions to problems, and helping them get back to enjoying their student life. V、Promotion opportunities—whatever turns up is accepted According to this study, the interviewed female officers’ attitude toward future promotion may be summed up as “whatever turns up is accepted.” The juniors with few years of service and those not yet awarded the rank of major do not consider themselves hopefuls, which may indicate that most of them do not believe they stand a chance in promotion. VI、Leisure is emphasized—relax at home When off duty, most female officers stay at home and relax; some may participate in outdoor activities with children on holidays, and depending on financial circumstances, few may take a family trip overseas during winter or summer vacation. While the subjects show considerable leisure awareness, they display high conformity regarding leisure requirements. Based on study findings, concrete suggestions are listed as follows: (1) military education officers are certified and legalized as regular teachers to reduce work instability (2) excellent personnel are promoted to guarantee job satisfaction (3) human resources from other departments are properly utilized to cultivate a harmonious working environment (4) relevant electives are offered to enhance student counseling (5) daycare is provided to reduce child-raising pressure (6) the support network for female military education officers is facilitated to minimize conflicts between family and work (7) quality of parent-child communication is emphasized to maintain good relationship (8) sign up for training in job to uplift sense of achievement (9) substitute roles are clearly defined and properly utilized to improve familial relations (10) career planning is strongly recommended for self-realization.

青少年親子關係、自我概念與壓力因應策略之相關性研究 / A study on parent-child relationship, self-concept and coping strategies of adolescents

蔡芸佳 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解青少年的親子關係、自我概念對其壓力因應策略的影響。以臺北市與新北市的國中二年級學生為研究對象,採分層隨機抽樣與自填問卷方式進行資料蒐集,共回收427份有效問卷。透過卡方檢定、獨立樣本T檢定、皮爾森積差相關、單因子變異數分析進行統計檢定,並由迴歸分析與路徑分析建立親子關係、自我概念與壓力因應策略的路徑圖。本研究之主要發現如下: 一、 在背景變項的部分,男女性青少年在自我概念上有差異;父母的教育程度、職業、家庭社經地位對自我概念皆有影響;而青少年居住地區不同,其親子關係、自我概念與壓力因應策略亦有所差異。 二、 在青少年的親子關係中,相較於彼此的支持信任,與父母理性的溝通以及情感上的交流分享較缺乏。 三、 青少年的心理自我概念與生理自我概念普遍偏低。 四、 面臨壓力時,青少年多採正向的因應策略;在正向策略中,最常採取暫時擱置問題策略,最少採取尋求師長的建議策略。 五、 青少年的親子關係越好、自我概念越佳,壓力因應策略越正向,透過迴歸分析預測壓力因應策略發現,親子關係與自我概念可解釋達42.1%的變異量。 據此,本研究提出以下建議: 一、 學校應規劃壓力因應策略的方案課程,使青少年學習更多元的因應策略;並重視青少年期的心理風險與社會適應問題,提升青少年的自我概念。 二、 社會工作實務的部分,可安排親子溝通相關議題的親職教育課程,同時設計親子團體,增加親子互動與學習的機會。 三、 父母應尊重青少年為一獨立的個體,不過度干涉青少年的隱私,避免以權威的態度來管教子女,而是在相互信任的關係中,以開放平等的態度,適時地關懷青少年的生活狀況。 四、 傳播媒體可增加親職教育、親子關係等相關資訊的普及性,但也應對所傳播之訊息嚴格把關,將各類資訊分級以符合各年齡層的閱聽人。 / This study aimed at understanding the effect that parent-child relationship and self-concept has on the coping strategies of adolescents. The subjects of this study were selected from the second grade junior high school students in Taipei City and New Taipei City. In-class survey method with structured questionnaire was employed to collect data for the study. A total of 427 valid samples were collected. Based on statistical data analyses, the study findings are as follows: 1. There are differences between male and female’s self-concept. The education, occupation of parents and social economic status have influences on adolescents’ self-concept. Adolescents of different city present significant differences in parent-child relationship, self-concept and coping strategies. 2. Compared to support and trust, adolescents are lack of communication and emotional interaction with their parents. 3. The mental self-concept and social self-concept of adolescents are generally low. 4. When under pressure, adolescents adopt more positive coping strategies. In the positive strategies, the most frequently used coping strategy is temporary- put-off strategies. The least frequently used one is support- seeking strategies. 5. Parent-child relationship and self-concept are significantly associated with coping strategies. Finally, the research provides suggestions based on the result. First, school should pay attention to psychological risks and social adjustment problems of adolescents. Second, social work agencies can provide parenting education program and group work to increase parent-child interaction. Thirdly, parents should respect that the adolescent is an independent individual and should not excessively interfere his/her privacy. Finally, the media community should ensure the correctness of dissemination of information about parenting education and parent-child relationship.

新移民家庭親子關係之研究--以伊甸新北市板橋區親子共讀團體為例 / The research of new immigrant family parent-child relationship- take eden parent-child reading group in Banciao District, New Taipei City

洪若耘, Hung, Jo Yun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的係為探討新移民母親參與親子共讀團體後,其在自我認同、親子關係,以及對家庭關係上之變化。本研究採質性為主,量化為輔的方法。質性研究以深度訪談和參與觀察方式;量化研究以前-後測之親子共讀問卷瞭解新移民母親在分數上的變化。九位受訪者以立意和滾雪球抽樣取得。主要研究結果如下: 在「原生家庭對新移民女性在教養子女的影響」方面:新移民女性作為孩子的主要照顧者,並非為全職家務工作者,且新移民女性與台灣先生、夫家和原生娘家的相處情形,會受到原生家庭中母親與父親及上一代公婆、娘家的互動模式影響;在「自我認同的轉變」方面:新移民女性渴望得到來自夫家或社會的認同,因此,她們對於養育或管教子女的自我要求極為嚴苛,孩子的成就代表她們人生的成功。並用真誠信任且開放的態度去面對團體中的領導者、協同領導者和其他團體成員時,其越能得到較多的社會支持與正向感受;在「提昇親子關係」方面,從質化與量化加以說明:質化方面:當新移民親子溝通和互動關係變好,在教養上就會順利許多。量化方面:研究採個人之自我分數對照方式,深入瞭解每位受訪者的改變。在「家庭關係和諧」方面:先生非常支持太太上課學習,並願意建立有效夫妻溝通模式,此也影響新移民女性跟夫家和娘家的互動關係。 最後,針對新移民女性及家庭的需求對實務工作、服務體系及未來研究等三方面提出相關建議,作為未來實務工作、政策制定以及研究之參考。 / Abstract The research discusses the change of self-recognition, parent-child relationship, and family relationship after new immigrant mothers join in the parent-child reading group. This qualitative research, deep interview and observation, is assisted with quantitative method, pre- and post- test parent-child reading questionnaire to understand the score changing of new immigrant mothers. 9 respondents were selected from judgment and snowball sampling. The main results are as follows: In the aspect of “the influence of original family on the new immigrant female when raising child”: new immigrant female is the main care taker of the child, not full time house chores doer. Also, the living situation of the new immigrant female with their husband, in-laws, and original family is affected by the interaction between their parents from the original family and the in-laws and the original family of last generation. In the aspect of “the changing of self-recognition”: new immigrant female long for recognition from the husband’s family or the society. Therefore, they are hard on themselves in raising or disciplining the child. The achievement of the child is their life success. When they face the leader, the co-leader, and other group members with sincere, trust, and open attitude, they can have more positive social support and feeling. We explain the aspect of “increasing parent-child relationship” qualitatively and quantitatively. In qualitatively, when the communication and interaction between the parent and child of the new immigrant is better, the raising and teaching will be smoother. In quantitatively, the research contrast personal scores and deeply understand the changing of each respondent. In the aspect of “family harmony”: the husband supports the wife to learn and is willing to build effectively couple communication model, which has also influence the interaction of the new immigrant female with the in-laws and the original family. Finally, we propose related suggestions on the need of the new immigrant female and the family in the aspects of practical works, service system, and future research as the reference for future practical work, policy stipulation, and research.

The Nature of Motherhood in the Works of Buchi Emecheta / The Nature of Motherhood in the Works of Buchi Emecheta

Mironenko, Ekaterina January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this diploma thesis is to analyze the experience of motherhood in the selected works of the female Nigerian author, Buchi Emecheta. The books chosen for the analysis include "Second-Class Citizen" and "The Joys of Motherhood". The theoretical part introduces the writer and gives an insight to the history, culture, and the position of women in Nigeria. This is followed by a discussion of universal topics reflecting the issues of motherhood: the influence of patriarchy on the institution of motherhood, the pressure to be a perfect mother, the preference for boys, and the parent-child relationship. The practical analysis reveals that the chosen topics appear problematic in the motherhood experience of the main protagonists from the selected books. By discussing the mentioned topics, the writer intends to improve the position of women in Nigeria through the strong moral teachings in her works.

Effek van ouerlike begunstiging op die leefwêreld van die adolessent / The effect of parental favoritism on the life world of the adolescent

Botha, Margaretha Johanna 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In hierdie studie word die effek van ouerlike begunstiging op die leefwereld van die adolessent aangespreek. Uit die literatuurstudie blyk dit dat die kwaliteit van die ouerkindverhouding, asook die verskil in 'n ouer se houding teenoor en behandeling van sy kinders daartoe bydra dat 'n kind begunstiging in die gesin beleef. Oorsake van ouerlike begunstiging setel in projektiewe identifikasie deur die ouer(s), persoonlike behoeftes en verwagtinge van die ouer(s), geboorte-orde, en die grootte en sarnestelling van die gesin. In die empiriese ondersoek is die leefwereld van adolessente wat ouerlike begunstiging beleef, verken. Volgens die resultate blyk dit dat van hierdie adolessente angs en minderwaardigheid beleef, 'n lae selfbeeld het en dat hul relasies problernaties is. / This study addresses the effect of parental favoritism on the life world of the adolescent. From the literature study it is evident that the quality of the parent-child relationship as well as. the difference in the parent's attitude and treatment of his children contributes to the fact that a child experiences favoritism in the family. Causes of parental favoritism reside in projective identification by the parent ( s) , parental needs and expectations, the birth order, and size and set up of the family. The empirical study investigates the life world of adolescents who experience parental favoritism. According to the results it seems that some of these adolescents experience anxiety and a sense of inferiority, have a low self-image and experience problematic relationships. / Psychology of Education / M.Ed. (Sielkundige Opvoedkunde)

Fatores da família e da escola sobre o desenvolvimento de habilidades sociais e comportamentos agressivos entre pares na infância

Toscano, Giovanna Wanderley Petrucci January 2014 (has links)
O objetivo geral desta dissertação foi investigar o efeito de fatores da família e da escola sobre as habilidades sociais e os comportamentos agressivos entre pares na infância. Foram realizados um estudo teórico e três estudos empíricos. O estudo teórico consistiu numa revisão não sistemática da literatura que demonstrou o papel da qualidade dos relacionamentos pais-criança e professor-aluno e do clima escolar sobre o desenvolvimento socioemocional na infância. O segundo estudo apresentou os procedimentos de adaptação e validação da Escala de Relacionamento Professor-Aluno (ERPA) para o contexto brasileiro. Os resultados da Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling (ESEM) confirmaram a estrutura bifatorial do instrumento original. Análises de validade convergente apresentaram resultados satisfatórios. O terceiro estudo apresentou os procedimentos de adaptação e validação do Questionário de Clima Escolar – Revisado, Versão para Ensino Fundamental – para o contexto brasileiro. Os resultados da ESEM apresentaram índices de ajuste satisfatórios para o modelo de seis fatores. Porém, foram sugeridas modificações na composição de quatro fatores (justiça, ordem e disciplina, envolvimento dos pais, relacionamento entre os estudantes). O QCE-EF apresentou também evidências de validade externa. As versões adaptadas da ERPA e do QCE-EF demonstraram ser medidas úteis para a avaliação de fatores da escola no contexto brasileiro. Por fim, o quarto estudo testou modelos de equações estruturais acerca do efeito independente e interativo da qualidade do relacionamento pais-criança e de fatores da escola sobre as habilidades sociais e os comportamentos agressivos entre pares. A percepção dos estudantes acerca da qualidade do clima escolar teve maior efeito sobre os seus comportamentos na escola, superando o efeito da qualidade dos relacionamentos adultocriança, mensurados pela percepção de pais e professoras. Os resultados enfatizaram a importância do contexto escolar para o desenvolvimento socioemocional na infância, destacando a necessidade de investigações que utilizem as crianças como fontes de informação. / The main objective of this thesis was to investigate the effect of family and school factors on the social skills and peer aggressive behavior in childhood. Theoretical and empirical studies were conducted. The theoretical study was a non-systematic review of the literature. It showed the role of parent-child and student-teacher relationships and school climate on socioemotional development in childhood. The second study showed the procedures for adaptation and validation of the Student-Teacher Relationship Scale (STRS) for the Brazilian context. Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling (ESEM) confirmed the factorial structure of the original instrument. Analysis of convergent validity showed satisfactory results. The third study showed the procedures for adaptation and validation of the School Climate Survey – Revised, Elementary and Middle School Version (SCS-MS) – for the Brazilian context. ESEM provided satisfactory indices of fit for the model of six factors. However, the factors justice, order and discipline, parental involvement and relationships between students were modified. SCS-MS demonstrated evidence of external validity. Adapted version of the STRS and SCS-MS proved to be useful measures for assessing school factors in the Brazilian context. Finally, fourth study tested structural equation models on the independent and interactive effects of the quality of parent-child relationships and school factors on social skills and peer aggressive behavior. The students' perceptions about the quality of school climate had a greater effect on their behavior in school, overcoming the effect of the quality of adult-child relationships, measured by parents and teachers perception. The results emphasized the importance of school context for socioemotional development in childhood, highlighting the need for studies that use children as sources of information.

Fatores da família e da escola sobre o desenvolvimento de habilidades sociais e comportamentos agressivos entre pares na infância

Toscano, Giovanna Wanderley Petrucci January 2014 (has links)
O objetivo geral desta dissertação foi investigar o efeito de fatores da família e da escola sobre as habilidades sociais e os comportamentos agressivos entre pares na infância. Foram realizados um estudo teórico e três estudos empíricos. O estudo teórico consistiu numa revisão não sistemática da literatura que demonstrou o papel da qualidade dos relacionamentos pais-criança e professor-aluno e do clima escolar sobre o desenvolvimento socioemocional na infância. O segundo estudo apresentou os procedimentos de adaptação e validação da Escala de Relacionamento Professor-Aluno (ERPA) para o contexto brasileiro. Os resultados da Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling (ESEM) confirmaram a estrutura bifatorial do instrumento original. Análises de validade convergente apresentaram resultados satisfatórios. O terceiro estudo apresentou os procedimentos de adaptação e validação do Questionário de Clima Escolar – Revisado, Versão para Ensino Fundamental – para o contexto brasileiro. Os resultados da ESEM apresentaram índices de ajuste satisfatórios para o modelo de seis fatores. Porém, foram sugeridas modificações na composição de quatro fatores (justiça, ordem e disciplina, envolvimento dos pais, relacionamento entre os estudantes). O QCE-EF apresentou também evidências de validade externa. As versões adaptadas da ERPA e do QCE-EF demonstraram ser medidas úteis para a avaliação de fatores da escola no contexto brasileiro. Por fim, o quarto estudo testou modelos de equações estruturais acerca do efeito independente e interativo da qualidade do relacionamento pais-criança e de fatores da escola sobre as habilidades sociais e os comportamentos agressivos entre pares. A percepção dos estudantes acerca da qualidade do clima escolar teve maior efeito sobre os seus comportamentos na escola, superando o efeito da qualidade dos relacionamentos adultocriança, mensurados pela percepção de pais e professoras. Os resultados enfatizaram a importância do contexto escolar para o desenvolvimento socioemocional na infância, destacando a necessidade de investigações que utilizem as crianças como fontes de informação. / The main objective of this thesis was to investigate the effect of family and school factors on the social skills and peer aggressive behavior in childhood. Theoretical and empirical studies were conducted. The theoretical study was a non-systematic review of the literature. It showed the role of parent-child and student-teacher relationships and school climate on socioemotional development in childhood. The second study showed the procedures for adaptation and validation of the Student-Teacher Relationship Scale (STRS) for the Brazilian context. Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling (ESEM) confirmed the factorial structure of the original instrument. Analysis of convergent validity showed satisfactory results. The third study showed the procedures for adaptation and validation of the School Climate Survey – Revised, Elementary and Middle School Version (SCS-MS) – for the Brazilian context. ESEM provided satisfactory indices of fit for the model of six factors. However, the factors justice, order and discipline, parental involvement and relationships between students were modified. SCS-MS demonstrated evidence of external validity. Adapted version of the STRS and SCS-MS proved to be useful measures for assessing school factors in the Brazilian context. Finally, fourth study tested structural equation models on the independent and interactive effects of the quality of parent-child relationships and school factors on social skills and peer aggressive behavior. The students' perceptions about the quality of school climate had a greater effect on their behavior in school, overcoming the effect of the quality of adult-child relationships, measured by parents and teachers perception. The results emphasized the importance of school context for socioemotional development in childhood, highlighting the need for studies that use children as sources of information.

Fatores da família e da escola sobre o desenvolvimento de habilidades sociais e comportamentos agressivos entre pares na infância

Toscano, Giovanna Wanderley Petrucci January 2014 (has links)
O objetivo geral desta dissertação foi investigar o efeito de fatores da família e da escola sobre as habilidades sociais e os comportamentos agressivos entre pares na infância. Foram realizados um estudo teórico e três estudos empíricos. O estudo teórico consistiu numa revisão não sistemática da literatura que demonstrou o papel da qualidade dos relacionamentos pais-criança e professor-aluno e do clima escolar sobre o desenvolvimento socioemocional na infância. O segundo estudo apresentou os procedimentos de adaptação e validação da Escala de Relacionamento Professor-Aluno (ERPA) para o contexto brasileiro. Os resultados da Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling (ESEM) confirmaram a estrutura bifatorial do instrumento original. Análises de validade convergente apresentaram resultados satisfatórios. O terceiro estudo apresentou os procedimentos de adaptação e validação do Questionário de Clima Escolar – Revisado, Versão para Ensino Fundamental – para o contexto brasileiro. Os resultados da ESEM apresentaram índices de ajuste satisfatórios para o modelo de seis fatores. Porém, foram sugeridas modificações na composição de quatro fatores (justiça, ordem e disciplina, envolvimento dos pais, relacionamento entre os estudantes). O QCE-EF apresentou também evidências de validade externa. As versões adaptadas da ERPA e do QCE-EF demonstraram ser medidas úteis para a avaliação de fatores da escola no contexto brasileiro. Por fim, o quarto estudo testou modelos de equações estruturais acerca do efeito independente e interativo da qualidade do relacionamento pais-criança e de fatores da escola sobre as habilidades sociais e os comportamentos agressivos entre pares. A percepção dos estudantes acerca da qualidade do clima escolar teve maior efeito sobre os seus comportamentos na escola, superando o efeito da qualidade dos relacionamentos adultocriança, mensurados pela percepção de pais e professoras. Os resultados enfatizaram a importância do contexto escolar para o desenvolvimento socioemocional na infância, destacando a necessidade de investigações que utilizem as crianças como fontes de informação. / The main objective of this thesis was to investigate the effect of family and school factors on the social skills and peer aggressive behavior in childhood. Theoretical and empirical studies were conducted. The theoretical study was a non-systematic review of the literature. It showed the role of parent-child and student-teacher relationships and school climate on socioemotional development in childhood. The second study showed the procedures for adaptation and validation of the Student-Teacher Relationship Scale (STRS) for the Brazilian context. Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling (ESEM) confirmed the factorial structure of the original instrument. Analysis of convergent validity showed satisfactory results. The third study showed the procedures for adaptation and validation of the School Climate Survey – Revised, Elementary and Middle School Version (SCS-MS) – for the Brazilian context. ESEM provided satisfactory indices of fit for the model of six factors. However, the factors justice, order and discipline, parental involvement and relationships between students were modified. SCS-MS demonstrated evidence of external validity. Adapted version of the STRS and SCS-MS proved to be useful measures for assessing school factors in the Brazilian context. Finally, fourth study tested structural equation models on the independent and interactive effects of the quality of parent-child relationships and school factors on social skills and peer aggressive behavior. The students' perceptions about the quality of school climate had a greater effect on their behavior in school, overcoming the effect of the quality of adult-child relationships, measured by parents and teachers perception. The results emphasized the importance of school context for socioemotional development in childhood, highlighting the need for studies that use children as sources of information.

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