Spelling suggestions: "subject:"last"" "subject:"past""
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Spekulativer GeschichtsrevisionismusBohaumilitzky, Frieder 21 January 2025 (has links)
SOCIAL INNOVATION AND DESIGN CHALLENGES:Spekulativer Geschichtsrevisionismus
Spekulationen und Voreingenommenheit
Die Gefahr eines spekulativen Geschichtsrevisionismus
Spekulationen und Schuldabwehr
Referenzen / Wenn es um die Spekulation in Kunst und Design geht, wird meistens eine ähnliche Skizze zur Illustration herangezogen. Sie ist inzwischen so bekannt, dass sich dafür sogar ein eigener Name etabliert hat: Futures Cone. Obwohl die Skizzen stets ähnlich aufgebaut sind, variieren sie leicht, weil sie zeitlich versetzt, vor verschiedenen fachlichen Hintergründen und mit voneinander divergierenden soziopolitischen Haltungen konzipiert wurden. Welche Zukunft Menschen für wahrscheinlich, plausibel, möglich, absurd oder wünschenswert halten, erweist sich in den meisten Fällen auch als eine Projektion von ökonomischen, politischen, religiösen oder auch wissenschaftlichen Überzeugungen. Was die Skizzen sowie deren Kontextualisierung also zeigen, sind weniger belastbare Vorhersagen von Zukunft, sondern vielmehr spezifische Wahrnehmungen der jeweiligen Gegenwart. Darüber hinaus wird in den Skizzen deutlich, dass neben der Zukunft auch die Vergangenheit zur Projektionsfläche gemacht wird. Das vorliegende explorative Paper verweist auf die dabei entstehende Gefahr eines spekulativen Geschichtsrevisionismus und zeigt in einem Vergleich der Social Media Aktionen eva.storys und ichbinsophiescholl, dass sich diese Gefahr nicht auf rechtsextreme Strömungen in der Gesellschaft beschränkt.:Spekulativer Geschichtsrevisionismus
Spekulationen und Voreingenommenheit
Die Gefahr eines spekulativen Geschichtsrevisionismus
Spekulationen und Schuldabwehr
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Supplementary tuition in Mathematics: exploring the industry in the Eastern CapeCoetzee, J. 30 November 2008 (has links)
This study explored and evaluated the prevalence of supplementary tuition in the teaching and learning of Mathematics/Mathematical Literacy in some high-performing schools of the East London district in the Eastern Cape. The study followed a descriptive survey design to address the research problem. Data were gathered using questionnaires for grade 11 learners and high school Mathematics/Mathematical Literacy teachers. The learners were the first group to be taught the Mathematics/Mathematical Literacy learning programme of the new National Curriculum Statement (NCS).
The results showed that a fair number of learners (about 48%) were not satisfied with their performance in Mathematics/Mathematical Literacy and a large number of the learners (about 90%) considered a good pass in Mathematics/Mathematical Literacy as important, particularly for their future careers. A substantial proportion of learners (42%) expressed concern about the amount of school time allocated to Mathematics/Mathematical Literacy, and thought that this factor hampered the successful completion of the syllabus. Teachers who happened to be adequately qualified and experienced enough, struggled to complete the Grade 11 Mathematics syllabus in time and were concerned about misconceptions carried from lower classes. Teachers also expressed some concern about learners' lack of commitment to Mathematics/Mathematical Literacy. Learners seemingly took supplementary tuition as a way of overcoming their learning challenges. Of the three forms of supplementary tuition (i.e. private tuition, vacation classes and revising model/former examination papers) commonly available in the district, revising examination papers was preferred (about 83%) followed by private tuition at 81% and lastly vacation school. Learners spent 1.67 hours per week on average on supplementary tuition. More Mathematics learners (about 34%) than Mathematical Literacy learners (about 6%) make use of supplementary tuition. Based on these findings, it was concluded that supplementary tuition is not unique to schools that perform poorly, and even at high performing schools, factors exist which influence learners to take supplementary tuition. / MATH, SCIENCE & TECH EDU / MSC (MATHS,SCIENCE OR T/EDU)
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台灣高中學生英文作文中表達過去時間標記之分析 / An Analysis of past reference marking in Taiwan senior high school students' english compositions闕光賢, Chueh, Kuang Hisen Unknown Date (has links)
透過本文的研究可看出時間狀語對於中國學生標記英語過去時間概念上的重要性,也可看出語言遷移(language transfer)在語言習得中的影響力,期許本文的發現能在英語習得及教學上有所助益。 / / Without tense marker in Mandarin Chinese, most Chinese EFL learners have difficulties in past tense marking in the beginning of learning English. Before marking past tense steadily, Chinese EFL learners tend to depend mainly on temporal adverbials in expressing past time. Temporal adverbials seem to play important roles during the process of acquiring tense marking. The present study tries to observe how Chinese learners use temporal adverbials to express past time and what kinds of difficulties learners have in past tense marking. Furthermore, we attempt to investigate the relation between tense marking and temporal adverbials.
By analyzing learners’ composition, we found that Chinese EFL learners have high frequency in using temporal. Most learners are prone to put temporal adverbials in sentence-initial position except for learners with higher proficiency. Besides, learners are more likely to mark past tense co-occurring with temporal adverbials. Morphologically, Chinese EFL learners seem to regard was/were as a past-tense marker and put was/were in front of finite verbs ungrammatically. These findings manifest the importance of temporal adverbials for Chinese EFL learners in expressing past time and provide potential explanations for tense errors.
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Античка прошлост у Србији у уџбеницима историје између два светска рата / Antička prošlost u Srbiji u udžbenicima istorije između dva svetska rata / Antique past in Serbia in textbooks for history between the two world warsRadaković Strahinja 22 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Предмет проучавања докторске дисертације је заступљеност античке прошлости у уџбеницима историје на простору данашње Србије, у Краљевини СХС и Краљевини Југославији, у периоду између два светска рата од 1918. до 1941. године. Рад се бави и проучавањем утицаја античких вредности на васпитање и образовање српске омладине. Основни предмет истраживања у раду су уџбеници на српском језику са тематиком из области античке прошлости, који су се користили у средњим школама у периоду између два светска рата. Поред уџбеника и наставних планова и програма, у раду је представљен и шири друштвени контекст изучавања античке прошлости, најзначајнији професори и предмети на свим смеровима, где се проучавала античка прошлост на Универзитету у Београду. Радом су пропраћени и поједини чланци о античкој прошлости и просвети, који су се појављивали у периодици тога доба.</p> / <p>Predmet proučavanja doktorske disertacije je zastupljenost antičke prošlosti u udžbenicima istorije na prostoru današnje Srbije, u Kraljevini SHS i Kraljevini Jugoslaviji, u periodu između dva svetska rata od 1918. do 1941. godine. Rad se bavi i proučavanjem uticaja antičkih vrednosti na vaspitanje i obrazovanje srpske omladine. Osnovni predmet istraživanja u radu su udžbenici na srpskom jeziku sa tematikom iz oblasti antičke prošlosti, koji su se koristili u srednjim školama u periodu između dva svetska rata. Pored udžbenika i nastavnih planova i programa, u radu je predstavljen i širi društveni kontekst izučavanja antičke prošlosti, najznačajniji profesori i predmeti na svim smerovima, gde se proučavala antička prošlost na Univerzitetu u Beogradu. Radom su propraćeni i pojedini članci o antičkoj prošlosti i prosveti, koji su se pojavljivali u periodici toga doba.</p> / <p>The theme of study of this doctoral thesis is to what extent the antique past was included in the textbooks for history which were published and used in the area of present Serbia, The Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes and The Kingdom of Yugoslavia in the period between the two world wars from 1918. to 1941. The thesis deals with studying of influence of the antique values on upbringing and education of Serbian youth. The basic theme of research in the thesis are the textbooks written in Serbian dealing with the antique past and which were used in secondary schools between the two world wars. Besides the textbooks, and teachers’ plans and syllabus broader social context of studying antique past, the most important teachers of the subject at all the streams studying the antique past at the University of Belgrade are presented in the thesis. The thesis includes some articles about the antique past in education which were published at that time.</p>
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The late holocene history of vegetation, climate, fire dynamics and human impacts in Java and Southern KalimantanPoliakova, Anastasia 24 September 2015 (has links)
(Bahasa Indonesia) Analisa yang terperinci mengenai lingkungan di masa lalu, iklim dan sejarah penggunaaan lahan di wilayah Indonesia sangat penting untuk memperoleh pemahaman yang lebih baik mengenai hubungan manusia-lingkungan dan untuk mencegah ketidakpastian perkembangan wilayah tersebut di masa depan. Indonesia merupakan salah satu wilayah yang memiliki keanekaragaman terbesar, dan pada saat yang bersamaan juga merupakan salah satu Negara yang mempunyai jumlah penduduk terpadat di dunia. Seiring dengan sejarah, pengaruh dari aktivitas manusia pada suatu daerah menjadi semakin kuat. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengakses peranan manusia terhadap perubahan lingkungan.
Penelitian kami difokuskan pada rekonstruksi pola vegetasi di masa lampau, perubahan lingkungan dan interaksi antara manusia dan lingkungan yang tercermin dalam sedimen laut di perairan Indonesia. Dua macam pendekatan yang digunakan dalam studi ini adalah: polen (serbuik sari), yang berasal dari darat dan diharapkan bisa memberikan informasi yang beragam tentang vegetasi dan dinamika penggunaan lahan, dan organic dinoflagelata yang berasal dari lingkungan laut dan merefleksikan perubahan parameter air secara kuantitatif (misal. SST, SSS) dan kualitatif (mis: kondisi tropic dilihat dari segi makro-elemen utama dan oksigen terlarut dalam air). Selain itu, arang mikro dipelajari untuk mendapatkan data mengenai sejarah kebakaran di wilayah tersebut dan untuk memperoleh data tambahan untuk interpretasi polen dan data dinoflagelata.
Penelitian dilakukan di dua situs sebagai perbandingan: pertama, di wilayah Jawa yang padat penduduk dengan sejarah panjang dari dampak aktivitas manusia yang menghasilkan lanskap pertanian yang luas, dan yang kedua, di wilayah Kalimantan Selatan dengan kepadatan penduduk yang tidak terlalu tinggi dan tidak banyak perubahan akibat pengaruh aktivitas manusia dan masih merupakan vegetasi alami.
Metode yang digunakan, palinologi laut memerlukan perhatian khusus dalam interpretasi data. Faktor pengendapan polen adalah sangat penting, terutama untuk daerah-daerah dengan pengaruh kuat dari angin dan arus laut seperti wilayah Indonesia dimana sistem iklim secara keseluruhan didorong sebagian oleh pergantian musim.
Untuk mendapatkan beberapa pemikiran mengenai transportasi sedimen di wilayah ini, kami mempelajari dan membahas secara rinci perbedaan jumlah polen yang dikumpulkan pada kondisi musim hujan yang berbeda serta selama waktu perpindahan musim. Subyek manuskrip pertama kami adalah kemelimpahan dan komposisi taksa modern polen dan spora yang didapat dari sedimen yang terakumulasi di Samudera India sebelah barat daya Jawa. Hasil yang diperoleh digunakan untuk interpretasi lebih lanjut dari fosil polen laut.
Sejarah intensifikasi penggunaan lahan dan perubahan vegetasi lebih dari 3500 tahun yang lalu yang diperoleh dari dinoflagelata dan kumpullan polen dari sedimen laut dipresentasikan dalam jurnal yang kedua. Studi ini didasarkan pada perbandingan dua core laut dari lepas Laut Jawa dekat Kalimantan Barat (Sungai Jelai) and bagian timur laut Jawa (Sungai/Bengavan Solo). Pada manuskrip yang ketiga, hasil ini diperbandingkan dengan sedimen core dari lepas pantai yang diambil dari bagian hulu sungai Pembuang. Studi ini membahas mengenai hasil analisa geokimia dan analisa dinoflagelata dalam cakupan paleoekologi dan paleoenvironment.
Manuskrip kelima membahas tentang keragaman polen dalam core sedimen laut dari wilayah Indonesia. Studi ini merangkum pengetahuan yang diperoleh selama meneliti core sedimen dari Laut Jawa dan dari studi perangkap sedimen di Samudera Hindia. Dalam bentuk atlas polen, kami memberikan hasil analisis secara rinci dari daftar taksa polen dan dilengkapi dengan foto mikro pada tingkat fokus yang berbeda. Hasil keseluruhan dari penelitian ini akan memberikan kontribusi pada pengetahuan tentang dinamika ekosistem dan sejarah alam di wilayah Indonesia dan dapat membantu investigasi paleoekologi dan paleo-iklim di masa depan secara lebih rinci.
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Le mythe de la chanson québécoise : une étude sur les liens entre la tradition orale et le mouvement chansonnier des années soixanteLapierre, Marc-Antoine 05 1900 (has links)
Il est à noter que le texte de La Manikoutai a été reproduit dans ce mémoire (voir l’annexe 4, p. xv-xvii), avec l’aimable autorisation de Francyne Furtado des Nouvelles Éditions de l’Arc. / Le mouvement chansonnier est-il en continuité ou en rupture avec la tradition orale ? S’agit-il d’une forme de néo-folklore ou d’une chanson moderne ? Les liens qui s’établissent entre ces deux ensembles sont paradoxaux, de même que leurs rapports aux discours et aux idéologies. Ce mémoire explore ce phénomène par la mise en commun de trois approches : une analyse statistique de la présence d’éléments de tradition orale dans le corpus chansonnier général, une étude de cas détaillée sur La Manikoutai de Gilles Vigneault et une analyse socioculturelle générale des processus de diffusion. Dans ce cadre, le mouvement chansonnier, trop souvent interprété comme un épiphénomène de la Révolution tranquille et du mouvement nationaliste, reprend son caractère propre à titre de dynamique de diffusion parallèle. Une relation complexe s’établit alors entre un phénomène jeunesse qui pousse à rompe avec les générations précédentes et une dynamique de distinction qui pousse à imaginer des racines anciennes au mouvement chansonnier. Un processus qui fait à la fois paraître le discours chansonnier comme fortement orienté vers le passé, mais en même temps, produit une certaine coupure, qui engendre un passé imaginaire et lointain. Enfin, avec le passage du temps, le mouvement chansonnier devient lui-même partie prenante du passé et se joint à la tradition orale pour former un double mythe de la chanson québécoise; un mythe qui relie symboliquement deux ensembles pourtant distincts. / Is the chansonnier movement of the 1960s in Quebec in continuity or discontinuity with the oral tradition ? Is it a form of neo-folklore or is it a modern type of song ? The links between songs by chansonniers and oral tradition are complex, as are the relations to discourse and ideology. The thesis explores these links by using three approaches: a statistical analysis of the presence of oral tradition elements in the general chansonnier corpus, a detailed analysis of Gilles Vigneault’s song La Manikoutai, and a sociocultural analysis of diffusion processes. In this context, the chansonnier movement, too often interpreted as an epiphenomenon of the Quiet Revolution and of the nationalist movement, can be seen in itself, in its own dynamic and as a parallel development. The chansonnier movement is linked in a complex way to the a young generation that wants to cut itself from older generations and to a dynamic of distinction which leads to a search for ancient roots to this type of modern song. It is because of this that the chansonnier discourse is seen as strongly oriented toward an ancient past, but at the same time as a break from the immediate past. Finally, with the passage of time, the chansonnier movement becomes an element of the past itself, and, together with oral tradition, leads to a double myth of Quebec music, a myth that links two distinct sets of phenomena.
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Greiseny Slavkovského lesa a jejich stavební a sochařské využití / Greisens of Slavkovský les and their use as building and sculptural stoneKocíková, Pavla January 2014 (has links)
Use of greisen - a rock mined primarily for (Sn-W) ore components - in sculpture and construction industry is typical for the Slavkovský les area and its surroundings. Material mined in the greisenized granite stock near Prameny for construction purposes was the source of stone used for a valuable Baroque sight - the Holy Trinity column in a nearby town of Teplá. Samples collected in the abandoned construction stone quarry were analysed for the study of properties of the original material mined in the locality Prameny. These samples were compared with the material collected from the monument in the pre-restoration research to prove the source locality of the original material. Provenance of the original material was determined on the basis of qualitative and quantitative petrographic and micro-structural characteristics. Micro-structural petrographic parameters of the studied samples were determined by the microscopic study using the Petrographic Image Analysis (PIA). Distribution of accessories and micro-structural characteristics were observed using the cathode-luminescence. Conventional index and mechanical parameters with respect to the use of the material in construction industry and sculpture were determined for the material collected in the abandoned quarry. Studied material collected in the...
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Účinnost nekonvenční měnové politiky na nulové spodní hranici úrokových sazeb: využití DSGE přístupu / The Effectiveness of Unconventional Monetary Policy Tools at the Zero Lower Bound: A DSGE ApproachMalovaná, Simona January 2014 (has links)
The central bank is not able to further ease monetary conditions once it ex- hausts the space for managing short-term policy rate. Then it has to turn its attention to unconventional measures. The thesis provides a discussion about the suitability of different unconventional policy tools in the Czech situation while the foreign exchange (FX) interventions have proven to be the most appropriate choice. A New Keynesian small open economy DSGE model estimated for the Czech Republic is enhanced to model the FX interventions and to compare dif- ferent monetary policy rules at the zero lower bound (ZLB). The thesis provides three main findings. First, the volatility of the real and nominal macroeconomic variables is magnified in the response to the domestic demand shock, the for- eign financial shock and the foreign inflation shock. Second, the volatility of prices decreases significantly if the central bank adopts price-level or exchange rate targeting rule. Third, intervening to fix the nominal exchange rate on some particular target or to correct a misalignment of the real exchange rate from its fundamentals serves as a good stabilizer of prices while intervening to smooth the nominal exchange rate movements increases the overall macroeconomic volatility at the ZLB. 1
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Volby do Dolní sněmovny Parlamentu Spojeného království / General election to the House of Commons.Hýblová, Jitka January 2015 (has links)
General Election to the House of Commons Abstract The aim of this thesis is to analyze the electoral process of general elections to the House of Commons of the British Parliament. The text analyzes the problematics of the two basic questions. The first question is, in regards to the scope, more comprehensive, and it is an analysis of the aforementioned general elections. The second area of the matters relates closely to the first area and concerns the referendum on changing the electoral system in 2011. The text is logically structured into four chapters, which are usually further divided into subsections. The first chapter is devoted purely to the British Parliament in general, spanning from their historical origins to today's modern appearance. It also includes a brief specification of both of the Houses, including their composition and a scope of work. The second chapter is discussing the matter of general elections, the introduction to this chapter is devoted to applied electoral system. This system is based on the principle of "first past the post", which belongs to the "family" of majority electoral systems. The specifics of the application of the system are mentioned, pointing out the benefits and so-called system errors that the system entails. Next subsection discusses the systematics of election...
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Obraz rakouské společnosti za doby národního socialismu: tematická analýza románu Alle unsere Spiele od Eriky Mitterer / Image of Austrian Society in the time of National Socialism: a Thematic Analysis of the Novel All our Games by Erika MittererBorowczaková, Michaela January 2011 (has links)
Title: Image of Austrian Society in the time of National Socialism: a Thematic Analysis of the Novel All our Games by Erika Mitterer Abstract: This diploma thesis deals with the work of the Austrian author Erika Mitterer and her experience with the ideology of the Third Reich. In the first part, I present the life and activities of the author, while putting a special emphasis on the period of National Socialism. The second part deals with the general characteristics of Mitterer's literary production. The main part of the thesis is the analysis of the novel All our Games, in which Mitterer tries to achieve a qualitative image of Austrian society during the Nazi regime. This picture is drawn by the Author using the example of a life of a fictive family. A general picture of the novel's time is constructed on the basis of the motives that are found in the book. Keywords: Erika Mitterer, All our Games, National Socialism, coming to terms with the past
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