Spelling suggestions: "subject:"pedagogical content knowledge"" "subject:"edagogical content knowledge""
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The pedagogical use of ICTs for teaching and learning within grade eight mathematics in South African schools / V. CassimCassim, Verona January 2010 (has links)
Information and communication technology (ICT) has become part of education as it has, in many cases, become the mode of choice of communication with people in all spheres of life. It provides teachers with the opportunity to access information from a vast array of resources that assists them in their teaching practices. Education in South Africa is constantly transforming to new requirements from the National Department of Education (NDoE). The fundamentals of Outcomes Based Education are lifelong learning and the development of 21st century skills that allow learners to use information for different contexts. ICT enables teachers and learners to access computer systems to develop skills, interact with their peers, colleagues, and the global society. Even though teachers know the value of ICT in teaching and learning, the pedagogical use of ICT in South African schools remains limited. In the SITES 2006, South African teachers acknowledged that they were enthusiastic to explore new ways to make teaching and learning more interesting, but that they encountered many barriers that hinder the pedagogical use of ICT for mathematics. This research has determined that the teachers’ ICT pedagogical knowledge contributed towards more effective teaching and learning practices of mathematics in South African schools. The study also describes how insufficient ICT pedagogical knowledge affected teachers’ confidence to explore ICT tools. This study followed a secondary data analysis (SDA) of the Second International Information Technology in Education Study of 2006 (SITES 2006) data from the 640 participating mathematics teachers in South Africa. The correlated data describes the technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPCK) of mathematics teachers while making use of ICT. Continuous professional teacher development is required to focus on the attainment of information technology pedagogical knowledge to further the use of ICT on the teaching of Mathematics. The study also indicates that South Africa lags far behind the other 22 countries that participated in SITES 2006. / Thesis (M.Ed.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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The pedagogical use of ICTs for teaching and learning within grade eight mathematics in South African schools / V. CassimCassim, Verona January 2010 (has links)
Information and communication technology (ICT) has become part of education as it has, in many cases, become the mode of choice of communication with people in all spheres of life. It provides teachers with the opportunity to access information from a vast array of resources that assists them in their teaching practices. Education in South Africa is constantly transforming to new requirements from the National Department of Education (NDoE). The fundamentals of Outcomes Based Education are lifelong learning and the development of 21st century skills that allow learners to use information for different contexts. ICT enables teachers and learners to access computer systems to develop skills, interact with their peers, colleagues, and the global society. Even though teachers know the value of ICT in teaching and learning, the pedagogical use of ICT in South African schools remains limited. In the SITES 2006, South African teachers acknowledged that they were enthusiastic to explore new ways to make teaching and learning more interesting, but that they encountered many barriers that hinder the pedagogical use of ICT for mathematics. This research has determined that the teachers’ ICT pedagogical knowledge contributed towards more effective teaching and learning practices of mathematics in South African schools. The study also describes how insufficient ICT pedagogical knowledge affected teachers’ confidence to explore ICT tools. This study followed a secondary data analysis (SDA) of the Second International Information Technology in Education Study of 2006 (SITES 2006) data from the 640 participating mathematics teachers in South Africa. The correlated data describes the technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPCK) of mathematics teachers while making use of ICT. Continuous professional teacher development is required to focus on the attainment of information technology pedagogical knowledge to further the use of ICT on the teaching of Mathematics. The study also indicates that South Africa lags far behind the other 22 countries that participated in SITES 2006. / Thesis (M.Ed.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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Normkritisk undervisning hos lärare i Idrott och Hälsa : En kvalitativ studie om påverkansfaktorerna klass, kön och etnicitet / Physical education teachers and norm critical teaching : A qualitative study about social class, gender and ethnicityAlvring, Simon, Jansson, Viktor January 2014 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar Syftet med studien var att undersöka om och hur lärare i ämnet idrott och hälsa, utbildade vid GIH arbetar normkritiskt utifrån faktorerna klass, kön och etnicitet. Vidare har ett syfte varit att undersöka vilka pedagogiska verktyg som de har fått från GIH för att förbereda dem att arbeta med dessa faktorer. Frågeställningar: Hur arbetar lärarna normkritiskt i sin undervisning utifrån klass, kön och etnicitet? Hur har lärarutbildningen vid GIH förberett lärarna att arbeta normkritiskt med dessa faktorer? Metod Studien genomfördes med en kvalitativ utgångspunkt där djupintervjuer användes som metod. Urvalet bestod av fem idrottslärare som undervisar i gymnasieskolan. Samtliga respondenter har gått lärarprogrammet på GIH och arbetat maximalt tre år som idrottslärare. En intervjuguide utformades utifrån syftet och Lindströms modell av Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK). Vilken även användes vid analys av resultatet. Resultat Resultatet visar att de intervjuade lärarna till viss del arbetar normkritiskt när det gäller genus genom att ge utrymme för diskussion och genus-uppgifter. Resultatet visar även att lärarna i studien uppvisar pedagogiska ämneskunskaper när det gäller normer kring genus, något som saknas när det gäller normer kring klass och etnicitet. Vidare visar resultatet att alla respondenter fått en teoretisk utbildning från GIH när det gäller normer kring genus och en del praktiska kunskaper för tillämpning i undervisningen. När det kommer till teoretiska kunskaper gällande normer kring både klass och etnicitet delger alla respondenter att dessa kunskaper har ingått minimalt i undervisningen på GIH. De didaktiska kunskaperna kring samma normer menar alla intervjuade lärare att det saknades helt eller endast diskuterade vid ett fåtal tillfällen. Slutsats Lärarna uppvisar liknande arbetssätt när det handlar om normkritisk pedagogik. Lärarna arbetar inte normkritiskt enligt Lindströms pedagogiska ämneskunskaps modell. Dock arbetar de normkritiskt till viss del då det handlar om genus, men detta arbete saknas när det kommer till faktorerna klass och etnicitet. Lärarna arbetar snarare aktivt med de normer och den värdegrund som styrdokumenten anger samt låter eleverna arbeta med genus på ett uppgiftsorienterat sätt. Att det ser ut på detta sätt kan kopplas till GIH:s lärarutbildning då den lägger fokus på genus medan de andra faktorerna hamnar i skymundan. / Aim The aim of the study was to investigate if and how Physical Education (PE) teachers, with an education from the Swedish school of sports and health science (GIH) and a maximum work experience of 3 years work with norm critical teaching according to the study factors social class, gender and ethnicity. Moreover, an aim has been to investigate what kind of pedagogical tools the interviewed teachers have received from GIH to prepare them how to teach with these factors in mind. Research questions: How do the teachers work norm critical in their teaching according to social class, gender and ethnicity? How has the teacher education at GIH prepared the teachers to work norm critical with these factors? Method The study was carried out in a qualitative perspective and in-depth interviews were used as research method. One PE teacher teaching in the Swedish compulsory school participated in the pilot interview and five PE teachers teaching at Swedish high schools participated in the study. All respondents in the study have finished a teacher program at GIH and a maximum of 3 years’ working experience as a PE teacher. An interview guide was created according to Lindström’s model of PCK. Results The Result shows that the interviewed teachers work in a norm critic way to some degree when it come to gender through discussions and gender tasks. Furthermore the result shows that the respondents show some sort of Pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) when it comes to norms regarding gender, something that they do not have when it comes to norms regarding social background and ethnicity. Moreover the result shows that the respondents have acquired a theoretical knowledge and some practical knowledge about gender norms from GIH. When it comes to theoretical knowledge concerning social background and ethnicity norms all the respondents agree that this knowledge have been included minimally in their education. The didactical knowledge about these norms was not included in their education or was discussed at very few occasions. Conclusions The teachers of the study show similar working methods regarding norm critical pedagogy. According to Lindström’s PCK model, the teachers do not work norm critical. Though, they do in some extent work norm critical regarding gender, but this work does not exist regarding the factors social class and ethnicity. The teachers under study rather work actively with the norms and value principle stated by curriculum. Furthermore they work with gender in a task oriented way. The reason for this can be linked to GIH’s teacher program since the education focus on gender, the other factors, social class and ethnicity only is emphasized briefly during the education.
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Lärares digitala kunskaper i teknikämnet : Förberedelsegraden hos tekniklärare i åk 4-6 inför Skolverkets digitalisering av skolan / Teachers’ digital knowledges within the subject of technology : The degree of preparation teachers of technology in grades 4-6 have to the process of digitalization by SkolverketSvensson, Malin January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur pass förberedda tekniklärare är inför de förändringar som digitaliseringen medför i ämnet och vad som påverkat förberedelsegraden. För att få svar på detta gjordes det både intervjuer och en enkät med tekniklärare i åk 4-6 som svarande. Man ska börja införa digitaliseringen i skolorna senast den 1 juli 2018, vilket är ungefär en månad efter att den här studien färdigställs. Studien visar att en majoritet av tekniklärarna inte är så förberedda som de egentligen skulle varit vid det här laget och att mycket beror på att tiden inte finns, att ekonomin inte räcker till och till viss del även på att skolledningen inte ger det stöd som behövs och därför får man inte den kompetensutveckling som är nödvändig. Det skolorna bör göra är att avsätta tid och pengar till utbildning av lärarna samt lägga resurser på digitala hjälpmedel. / The purpose of this study is to investigate how well prepared the teachers in technology are to the changes that the process of digitalization entails in the subject, and the factors that affect the degree of preparation. The methods of investigation have been interviews and surveys with teachers in technology as respondents. The process of digitalization is supposed to get started July 1, 2018, at the latest, which is approximately one month after this study is completed. The study shows that a majority of the teachers in technology are not as prepared as they should have been at this time and that the reason for this is that there is not enough time available, there are not enough economic resources, and that the school management, to some extent, does not provide the necessary support. These factors cause the fact that the teachers do not get the professional development they need. What the schools should do is to set time and money aside to educate the teachers and to buy digital tools.
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Fauna bezobratlých zahrady jako zdroj námětů pro badatelsky orientované vyučování přírodopisu založené na didaktickém pochopení obsahu / Invertebrate fauna of the garden as a source of ideas for inquiry-based science education based on the didactical content knowledgeNĚMEC, Filip January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with teaching methods that can be used when working with pupils of primary school and it focuses on the possibilities to use inquiry-based science education (IBSE).The thesis analyses the literature and choice of topics that may be suitable for IBSE. The thesis proposes and presents four IBSE themes or comprehensive tasks respectively. All these tasks are focused on invertebrates occurring in the garden. Usability of one of these tasks was tested during science instruction in primary school. Results of this testing are presented. The individual teaching and learning procedures and particular tasks for pupils are prepared and arranged to develop their independence and desire to explore and discover. Proposed educational themes and tasks are available for IBSE in primary school.
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O papel do estágio supervisionado em química na construção do conhecimento pedagógico do conteúdo : o caso da UFABCRuano, Joelma Maria Lopes Rodrigues January 2016 (has links)
Orientador: Prof. Dr. Sérgio Henrique Bezerra de Sousa Leal / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ABC, Programa De Pós-Graduação em Ensino, História, Filosofia das Ciências e Matemática, 2016. / A profissão docente exige do licenciando em Química o domínio de conhecimentos específicos acerca dos conteúdos a serem ministrados, uma dimensão pedagógica, além do Conhecimento Pedagógico do Conteúdo (PCK, do inglês Pedagogical Content Knowledge). De maneira geral, o PCK se refere a uma forma de conhecimento tácito, no qual o professor inclui ideias, metáforas, analogias e ilustrações em sua prática, fazendo com que determinado conteúdo seja melhor compreendido pelos alunos, propiciando uma aprendizagem significativa. Por se tratar de um conhecimento com forte impacto no exercício da profissão docente, o PCK pode ser desenvolvido durante a formação inicial nos cursos de licenciatura, incluindo o Estágio Supervisionado, momento em que o licenciando tem o primeiro contato com o seu futuro ambiente de trabalho e ofício no papel de docente. Nesse trabalho propomos a investigação dos indícios do PCK de um grupo de licenciandos em Química da Universidade Federal do ABC, considerando o contexto dos alunos que realizaram os Estágios Supervisionados. Nossos dados estão baseados nos materiais produzidos pelos licenciandos durante os Estágios Supervisionados I, II e III, registros audiovisuais das reuniões e das aulas ministradas pelos licenciandos, aplicação de questionário e preenchimento do instrumento Representação de Conteúdo - CoRe (Loughran et al., 2006). Todos os dados foram analisados segundo as categorias do PCK propostas por Rollnick et al. (2008). Os resultados indicam que os licenciandos perpassam pelas etapas de apropriação dos conhecimentos necessários para a prática docente, desenvolvimento da compreensão do conhecimento do conteúdo nas disciplinas específicas de química e construção de seu conhecimento pedagógico do conteúdo. O processo de construção de conhecimento pedagógico do conteúdo advindos de um contexto interdisciplinar inovador, embora ainda não consolidado, abre espaço para a reflexão, autonomia e diálogo durante o processo formativo, contribuindo para o êxito das aulas ministradas nas escolas pelos licenciandos. / The teaching profession requires from the Chemistry student the domain of specific knowledge about the contents to be taught, an educational dimension, beyond the (Pedagogical Content Knowledge of English - PCK). In general, the PCK refers to a form of tacit knowledge, in which the teacher includes ideas, metaphors, analogies and illustrations in his practice, so that certain content is better understood by students, providing a significant learning. As it is an área of knowledge with strong impact on the exercise of the teaching profession, PCK can be developed during the basic training in the graduation course, including the Supervised Internship, at which the undergraduate has his first contact with his future working environment and place the role of teacher. In this paper we propose the investigation of PCK evidences of na undergraduate group in Chemistry, from the Federal University of ABC, considering the context of the students who carried out the Supervised Internship. Our data are based on material produced by undergraduate students during the Supervised Internship I, II and III, audiovisual recordings of meetings and classes taught by them, the use of a questionnaire and of the Content Representation instrument - CoRe (Loughran et al, 2006). All data were analyzed according to the categories of PCK proposed by Rollnick et al. (2008). The results indicate that the undergraduate students move through the stages of acquisition of knowledge necessary for the teaching practice, development of understanding content knowledge in specific disciplines of chemistry and to build their pedagogical content knowledge. The pedagogical knowledge building process resulting of an innovative interdisciplinary context, although not yet consolidated, opened space for reflection, autonomy and dialogue during the training process, contributing to the success of classes taught by undergraduate students in the schools.
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Educação a distância: a articulação das tecnologias digitais de informação e comunicação (TDIC) e os estruturantes didáticos (2002-2012) / Distance education: the articulation of digital information and communication technologies (TDIC) and the didactic structuring (2002-2012)Barbara Peres Barbosa 23 March 2015 (has links)
Esta pesquisa investigou na produção acadêmica sobre EaD as questões emergentes do seu paradigma educacional em função da inserção das TDIC (Tecnologias Digitais de Informação e de Comunicação) por meio de plataformas virtuais com o objetivo de compreender principais tendências, contribuições e desafios identificados. Descreve os principais conceitos ligados à EaD e às plataformas virtuais de aprendizagem, destacando-se as características do Moodle. Apresenta as gerações da modalidade EaD, a legislação vigente, amplo número de produções científicas nacionais, predominante em cursos da rede privada da Educação Superior. Questiona seu paradigma como diferenciado do modelo tradicional de ensino e como são tratados os estruturantes didáticos em suas propostas de cursos bem como questões referentes à formação docente e à inserção das TDIC em diferentes modalidades de EaD. Focaliza a opção metodológica por uma pesquisa de natureza exploratória e descritiva de referências e a criação de categorias de análise ligadas aos estruturantes didáticos. Identifica as tendências, contribuições e desafios da EaD articulada à presença ou não dos estruturantes didáticos (contexto institucional, modalidades, fundamentação da visão de ensino e de aprendizagem, inserção dos recursos tecnológicos e suas contribuições aos processos de ensino e de aprendizagem e processo de avaliação). Conclui pela necessidade de uma ressignificação educacional da inserção das Tecnologias Digitais de Informação e Comunicação (TDIC) que reduza a reprodução da sala de aula tradicional e que forme docentes capazes de compreender a complexidade existente na convergência de dimensões antes menos integradas ao processo de ensino e de aprendizagem como as competências cognitivas, emocionais e éticas. A inserção das TDIC implica planejamento e formação prévia e continuada dos professores para evitar o que ocorre atualmente com os modelos tutoriais de EaD com estratégias pré-planejadas, processos diretivos rígidos, com memorização de fatos e/ou informações isoladas, reforçando paradigmas educacionais tradicionais. Os estruturantes didáticos precisam ser considerados nas articulações dos diferentes saberes docentes (conhecimentos específicos, conhecimentos pedagógicos e conhecimentos tecnológicos) com foco prioritário no protagonismo discente da aprendizagem e na interação colaborativa. O maior desafio consiste em reduzir a ênfase dada a tecnologia, como se ela, por si só, pudesse ser responsável pela melhoria da democratização e qualidade da educação. / This research investigated the academic production about EaD emerging issues of their educational paradigm according to the insertion of TDIC (Digital Information and Communication Technologies) through virtual platforms with the goal of understand main tendencies identified contributions and challenges. Describes the major concepts connected to distance education and virtual learning platforms highlighting the features of Moodle. Displays the generations of distance education modality, the current legislation, large number of national, prevailing scientific production in the private courses of higher education network. Questions his paradigm as distinguished from the traditional model of teaching and learning as the structuring are treated in their proposed courses as well as issues related to teacher training and the integration of TDIC in various forms of distance education. Focuses on the methodological option for an exploratory and descriptive research references and the creation of categories related to structuring didactic. Identifies trends, contributions and challenges of distance education articulated the presence or absence of didactic structuring (institutional context, procedures, grounds of educational vision and learning, integration of technological resources and their contributions to teaching and learning processes and evaluation process ). It concludes for the need for a redefinition of educational integration of Information and Communication Digital Technologies (TDIC) that reduces the reproduction of the traditional classroom, and form teachers able to understand the complexity existing in the convergence of dimensions before less integrated into the teaching process and learning as cognitive, emotional and ethical skills. The insertion of TDIC implies planning and prior and continued training of teachers to avoid what is currently happening with the tutorials models of distance education with pre-planned strategies, hard directive processes, memorization of facts and / or isolated information, reinforcing traditional educational paradigms. The didactic structuring need to be considered in the joints of different teaching knowledge (specific knowledge, pedagogical knowledge and technological knowledge) with priority focus on the role of student learning and collaborative interaction. A major challenge is to reduce the emphasis on technology, as if she alone, could be responsible for improving the quality of education and democratization.
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Saberes experienciais e estágio investigativo na formação de professores de física / Experiential knowledge and investigative stage in physics teacher educationAlexander Montero Cunha 16 December 2013 (has links)
O estágio supervisionado na formação inicial de professores é o momento no qual os licenciandos são inseridos, como professor, em seu ambiente profissional. Para se compreender o lugar do estágio na formação docente é necessário investigar como os saberes docentes dos licenciandos são elaborados durante essa formação. A pesquisa aqui apresentada possui como tema central a produção de saberes docentes por licenciandos em física durante o estágio supervisionado investigativo em sua formação inicial. Um estágio que envolve uma dimensão de ensino, caracterizada pelas atividades de regência dos licenciandos, e uma dimensão pesquisa, que envolve os licenciandos em um processo de pesquisa sobre a sua própria prática. Utilizamos a conceituação de saber como constructo de pesquisa e a centralidade dos saberes experienciais na prática profissional docente, tal como propostos por Tardif (2008), a fim de compreendermos a elaboração e a validação de saberes docentes pelos licenciandos durante o estágio supervisionado investigativo. Utilizamos também o Conhecimento Pedagógico do Conteúdo (PCK), como esquema teórico de análise com o intuito de caracterizar as interações existentes entre os saberes docentes relacionados às atividades de regência desenvolvidas pelos licenciandos. O pesquisador, como supervisor de estágio, orientou, durante um semestre, dois licenciandos de uma universidade pública de São Paulo no desenvolvimento de seus estágios. A análise dos dados envolveu dois recortes: um primeiro longitudinal, a partir das gravações das reuniões de supervisão entre os licenciandos e o pesquisador, além de uma apresentação final de estágio e uma entrevista final individual, que propiciou uma linha cronológica da elaboração e validação dos saberes docentes conforme o desenvolvimento do estágio supervisionado investigativo; e um segundo recorte transversal, com base em cinco unidades temáticas de análise, originárias da primeira etapa de análise, que nos permitiu esmiuçar a elaboração e validação dos saberes docentes desenvolvidos pelos licenciandos durante o estágio supervisionado investigativo. A partir desses dois recortes analisados de forma mais descritiva, foi possível delinear um melhor entendimento da relação teoria e prática e da centralidade dos saberes experienciais no decorrer do estágio supervisionado investigativo. A percepção da centralidade dos saberes experienciais e do movimento do PCK na atividade de regência dos licenciandos no desenvolvimento do estágio supervisionado investigativo nos possibilitaram refletir sobre a formação inicial de professores e propor redirecionamentos que podem contribuir para uma formação teórico-prática mais efetiva. / The supervised practicum in initial teacher education is the moment in which the pre-service teachers are inserted, as a teacher, into their professional environment. To understand the place of internship in teacher education is necessary to investigate how the teachers knowledge pre-service teachers are prepared during the training. This research focus on the development of teachers knowledge by pre-service teachers during a investigate supervised practicum occurred in their initial teacher education. A investigate supervised practicum comprehends both the teaching dimension, the latter having as its main characteristic the teaching activities carried out by the pre-service teachers, and the research dimension, which takes into account a process whereby pre-service teachers examine their own pedagogical practices. The concept of knowing as a research construct and the centrality of experiential knowledge in teachers professional practice are considered, as proposed by Tardif (2008), so as to understand the development and validation of teachers knowledge by pre-service teachers throughout the investigate supervised practicum. Moreover, the so-called Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) was also applied as a theoretical framework of analysis in order to describe the interactions prevailing in the teachers knowledge related to the practicum accomplished by the pre-service teachers. The researcher, as the practicum supervisor, guided and assisted two pre-service teachers of a public university of São Paulo over one semester in the development of their practicum. The analysis of the data involved two perspectives: firstly, a longitudinal one, which regarded the recorded supervision meetings between the pre-service teachers and the researcher, as well as a practicum final presentation, and an individual final interview, which provided a timeline of the of the development and validation of teachers knowledge as the supervised pre-service teachers practicum progressed; and secondly, a transversal perspective, based on five thematic units of analysis, originating in the first stage of analysis, which allowed us to look deeper the development and validation the teachers knowledge by pre-service teachers during the supervised practicum. From these two perspectives examined in more descriptive way, it was possible to devise a better understanding of the theory-practice relationship and the centrality of experiential knowledge in the accomplishment of the investigate supervised pre-service teachers practicum. The perception of the centrality of experiential knowledge and the movement of PCK in the teaching activities of pre-service teachers in the development of investigative supervised practium, allowed us to reflect on the initial teacher education and propose redirects that can contribute to a more effective theory-practice relationship.
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A dialética dos conhecimentos pedagógicos dos conteúdos tecnológicos e suas contribuições para a ação docente e para o processo de aprendizagem apoiados por um ambiente virtual / The dialectic of technological pedagogical content knowledge and their contributions to teaching action and to learning process supported by virtual environmentRosária Helena Ruiz Nakashima 11 April 2014 (has links)
Esta pesquisa investigou as contribuições do conhecimento pedagógico do conteúdo tecnológico para as competências docentes e para o processo de aprendizagem apoiado por ambiente virtual. Caracterizou-se como uma investigação qualitativa, de natureza descritivo-exploratória, em um contexto didático, com observação participante e abordagem netnográfica. Foi realizada na disciplina Ambientes de Aprendizagem Cooperativa Apoiados em Tecnologias da Internet: Novos Desafios, Novas Competências (EDM 5053), pertencente ao quadro de disciplinas da área de concentração da pósgraduação Didática, Teorias de Ensino e Práticas Escolares, da Faculdade de Educação da USP. Foram utilizadas técnicas qualitativas de coleta de dados (diário de bordo, formulários de avaliação processual, registros em chats, fóruns de discussão, entrevista e grupo focal). Os dados coletados foram analisados sob a perspectiva das categorias de autopoiese, metacognição e interação, relacionadas no horizonte interpretativo de um processo de ensinoaprendizagem, que dialogou com o modelo explicativo da ação docente Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK). Dentre as contribuições, destacou-se o entendimento de que os objetivos didáticos são alcançados na inter-relação com os estudantes e na relação dialética teoria e prática, e não pela mera presença de infraestrutura tecnológica disponível nas aulas. As propostas pedagógicas devem estar abertas ao diálogo, à criatividade e à negociação de sentidos para a construção cooperativa do pensamento autônomo e exercício da liberdade. A ação docente experiente representou uma variável que reiterou a exigência de metodologias e estratégias representadas também pelo modelo TPACK, isto é, a articulação dos diferentes saberes, com destaque para o conhecimento pedagógico de conteúdo tecnológico. Este se constituiu em um aspecto orientador de reflexões necessárias para elaboração de propostas pedagógicas, apoiadas por tecnologias digitais de informação e de comunicação (TDIC), ou seja, fundamentou a importância do conhecimento docente em diálogo com o conhecimento discente, na seleção das tecnologias, no estudo de suas melhores estratégias metodológicas, qual sua intencionalidade educativa, com vistas ao atendimento das expectativas de aprendizagem e demandas de conhecimentos específicos, articuladas aos conteúdos tecnológicos. A continuidade de pesquisas na área pode levar à compreensão aprofundada do tema e impulsionar a pedagogia apoiada por TDIC, com a finalidade de enriquecer experiências docentes e discentes. / This research investigated the contributions of technological pedagogical content knowledge for teaching skills and the learning process supported by virtual environment. It is characterized as a qualitative research, descriptive and exploratory nature, in an educational context, with participant observation and netnographic approach. It was conducted in the discipline Supported and Cooperative Learning Environments in Internet Technologies: New Challenges, New Skills\" (EDM 5053), belonging to the hall of disciplines of the graduate field \"Didactic, Teaching Theories and School Practices, from Education Faculty at USP. Qualitative techniques of data collection (logbook, procedural review forms, chats records, discussion forums, interviews and focal group) were used. Data were analyzed from the perspective of the autopoiesis categories, metacognition and interaction, all related to the interpretative scope of teaching and learning process that dialogued with the explanatory model of the teaching action \"Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge\" (TPACK). Among the contributions the highlight was the understanding that educational purposes are achieved in the inter-relationship with the students and in the dialectical relationship between theory and practice, and not solely by the presence of technological infrastructure available in classroom. The pedagogical proposals must be open to dialogue, creativity and negotiation of meanings for the cooperative construction of autonomous thinking and exercise of freedom. The experient teaching action represented a variable that reiterated the requirement of methodologies and strategies also represented by the TPACK model, namely, the articulation of different knowledge, highlighting the technological pedagogical content knowledge. This constituted a guiding issue for reflections required to formulate pedagogical proposals supported by Digital Technologies for Information and Communication (DTIC), i.e., it underlies the importance of teacher knowledge in dialogue with the student knowledge in the selection of technologies, in the study of their best methodological strategies, which is its educational intentionality, in order to meet the learning expectations and demands of specific knowledges articulated to the technological content. Additional research in this area can lead to deeper understanding of the topic and boost pedagogy supported by DTIC in order to enhance teaching and student experiences.
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Flashes das disciplinas de formação inicial no repertório profissional de licenciandos em química / Flashes of initial training courses in professional repertoire of pre-service chemistry teachersMilton Machado de Oliveira Júnior 03 February 2012 (has links)
Este estudo situa-se no campo de formação de professores e utiliza o conceito de Conhecimento Pedagógico do Conteúdo (PCK) como referencial teórico. O PCK versa sobre um conhecimento específico do professor, que fundamenta suas decisões didáticas diante dos processos de ensino e aprendizagem no contexto de sala de aula. Neste trabalho, investigamos o PCK sobre conceitos pertinentes ao tema \"Natureza da Matéria\", de licenciandos em Química, manifesto no processo de elaboração de um planejamento de ensino proposto em uma disciplina integradora (entre conteúdo químico e pedagógico) de final de curso, oferecida no IQ-USP. Os planejamentos elaborados pelos licenciandos, assim como as transcrições de gravações dos debates gerados nessa disciplina, foram submetidos à análise de conteúdo agrupando-se as ideias centrais em categorias construídas a partir do modelo de PCK de Rollnick et al.. Os resultados indicam que as discussões para elaboração do CoRe promoveu, ainda na graduação, a ampliação do repertório profissional. Na elaboração do planejamento de ensino, os licenciandos também puderam refletir sobre os conhecimentos necessários para a docência e evidenciaram as manifestações e o domínio dos conhecimentos necessários ao professor. Pelas falas e textos, os licenciandos mobilizam diferentes conhecimentos advindos de sua formação prévia, a saber, os conhecimentos: do conteúdo, dos alunos, pedagógico e do contexto de forma integrada e também acabam transformando tais conhecimentos como resultado da discussão em grupo promovida durante a disciplina. Essa transformação pôde ser acessada por exemplo, quando o conhecimento do conteúdo vai sendo ampliado e ganha especificidade quando esses licenciandos necessitam discutir e negociar aspectos desse conteúdo sob o ponto de vista do ensino. Assim, o acesso ao PCK desses licenciandos se dá pelo dinamismo observado da ampliação dos repertórios de experiência profissional e pedagógica acoplados a um conteúdo específico. Os distintos conhecimentos vão sendo mobilizados à medida que esses licenciandos discutem situações de planejamento de ensino. Os resultados indicam que os licenciandos, ainda na graduação, passam pelas etapas de apropriação dos conhecimentos necessários para a prática docente, desenvolvem a compreensão, do conhecimento do conteúdo nas disciplinas específicas de química, dos propósitos com base nas propostas oficiais e na seleção de temas estruturadores nas disciplinas integradoras que, juntamente com os domínio do conhecimento pedagógico, direcionam as transformações sobre o conhecimento. Foi possível observar assim, durante o processo da pesquisa flashes das disciplinas da formação inicial no repertório profissional dos licenciandos investigados. / This study is situated in the field of teacher training and uses the concept of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) as the theoretical base. The PCK is about a teacher\'s specific knowledge, which bases its decisions on the educational processes of teaching and learning in the classroom. In this paper, we investigate the PCK on concepts relevant to the theme \"Nature of Matter\" by undergraduates in chemistry, manifest in the process of developing a plan of education proposed in an integrative discipline (between chemical content and pedagogical) final course offered at IQ-USP. The plans prepared by undergraduates as well as transcripts of recordings of the discussions generated in this discipline, were subjected to content analysis by grouping the main ideas in categories from the model of PCK Rollnick et al.. The results indicate that the discussions for the preparation of CoRe promoted, still an undergraduate, expanding professional repertoire. When planning teaching, undergraduates could also reflect on the knowledge needed for teaching and showed manifestations and develop the knowledge necessary to the teacher. Through speeches and texts, undergraduates mobilized different knowledge from their previous training, namely, knowledge, content, students, teaching and the context of an integrated and also end up turning this knowledge as a result of group discussion promoted during discipline. This transformation could be accessed for example, when knowledge of the content will be expanded and gain specificity when these undergraduates need to discuss and negotiate aspects of the content from the point of view of education. Thus, access to these undergraduates PCK is given by the dynamism of the observed expansion of the repertoire of teaching experience and coupled to a specific content. The different skills are being deployed as we discuss these undergraduates planning teaching situations. The results indicate that undergraduates still in grad school, go through the steps of appropriation of knowledge needed for teaching practice, develop understanding of content knowledge in specific disciplines of chemistry, based on the purposes of official proposals and selection of themes structuring proposed by the integrative disciplines which, together with the domain of pedagogical knowledge, direct knowledge about the changes. It was thus possible to observe during the research process flashes of the disciplines of professional training in the repertoire of the undergraduates surveyed.
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