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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A new snowfall detection algorithm for high latitude regions based on a combination of active and passive sensors

Todini, Giulio <1979> 27 June 2008 (has links)
Precipitation retrieval over high latitudes, particularly snowfall retrieval over ice and snow, using satellite-based passive microwave spectrometers, is currently an unsolved problem. The challenge results from the large variability of microwave emissivity spectra for snow and ice surfaces, which can mimic, to some degree, the spectral characteristics of snowfall. This work focuses on the investigation of a new snowfall detection algorithm specific for high latitude regions, based on a combination of active and passive sensors able to discriminate between snowing and non snowing areas. The space-borne Cloud Profiling Radar (on CloudSat), the Advanced Microwave Sensor units A and B (on NOAA-16) and the infrared spectrometer MODIS (on AQUA) have been co-located for 365 days, from October 1st 2006 to September 30th, 2007. CloudSat products have been used as truth to calibrate and validate all the proposed algorithms. The methodological approach followed can be summarised into two different steps. In a first step, an empirical search for a threshold, aimed at discriminating the case of no snow, was performed, following Kongoli et al. [2003]. This single-channel approach has not produced appropriate results, a more statistically sound approach was attempted. Two different techniques, which allow to compute the probability above and below a Brightness Temperature (BT) threshold, have been used on the available data. The first technique is based upon a Logistic Distribution to represent the probability of Snow given the predictors. The second technique, defined Bayesian Multivariate Binary Predictor (BMBP), is a fully Bayesian technique not requiring any hypothesis on the shape of the probabilistic model (such as for instance the Logistic), which only requires the estimation of the BT thresholds. The results obtained show that both methods proposed are able to discriminate snowing and non snowing condition over the Polar regions with a probability of correct detection larger than 0.5, highlighting the importance of a multispectral approach.

Correlation between cosmic ray induced ionization in atmosphere and clouds

Vitullo, Caterina <1965> 14 June 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Analisi climatica ad alta risoluzione delle precipitazioni sul nord Italia (1961-2005) / High-resolution climatic analysis of precipitation over northern Italy (1961-2005)

Auteri, Luca <1984> 16 April 2013 (has links)
L’obiettivo di questo lavoro di tesi è di ottenere un’analisi climatica giornaliera ad alta risoluzione della precipitazione sul territorio del nord Italia realizzata con tecniche di controllo statistico, di analisi e di strumenti di descrizione dei risultati presentati nella recente letteratura. A tal fine, sono stati utilizzati i dati dell’Archivio ARCIS. In seguito alle fasi di controllo qualità, omogeneità e sincronicità i dati sono stati utilizzati per realizzare un’analisi giornaliera su grigliato regolare a 10 km di risoluzione utile alla rappresentazione della variabilità spazio-temporale della precipitazione sul Nord Italia per il periodo 1961-2005. I risultati di tale analisi mettono in evidenza dei valori medi di precipitazione annuale abbastanza intensi sulla parte centrale dell’arco Alpino, con massimi (oltre 2000 mm) sull’estremità orientale e sull’Appennino Ligure. Valori minimi (500 – 600 mm) sono osservati lungo le aree prospicienti il fiume Po, in Val d’Aosta ed in Alto Adige. La corrispondente analisi del trend temporale indica la presenza di lievi cali statisticamente significativi solo in aree limitate del territorio. In coerenza con questi risultati, la variazione nel tempo della precipitazione annuale mediata su tutto il territorio mette in evidenza un’intensa variabilità decennale, ma solo una lieve flessione lineare sull’intero periodo. Il numero annuo di giorni piovosi ed il 90° percentile della precipitazione giornaliera presentano invece trend lineari un po’ più pronunciati. In particolare, sul periodo considerato si nota un calo del numero di giorni piovosi su gran parte del territorio e solo su alcune aree del territorio un aumento dell’intensità del 90° percentile, sia a scala annuale che stagionale. Nell’ultima parte di questo lavoro è stato realizzato uno studio della relazione fra la forzante climatica e l’evoluzione della morfologia dell’Appennino Emiliano-Romagnolo. I risultati mostrano che a parità di quota, di pendenza e di litologia, la franosità è influenzata dalle precipitazioni. / The aim of this thesis is to obtain a high-resolution daily gridded climatic dataset of precipitation over Northern Italy using up to date techniques of statistical and quality control of data and analysis. Data are taken from the ARCIS Archive, and checked for their quality, homogeneity, synchronicity. Afterwards, they were spatially interpolated at the daily basis for the period 1961-2005 on a regular 10 km grid, which is an adequate resolution for the representation of the spatio-temporal variability of the precipitation on Northern Italy. The results of the analysis show average values of annual precipitation fairly intense in the central part of the Alps, with a maximum (over 2000 mm) in eastern Italy and Ligurian Apennines. Minimum values (500-600 mm) are observed in the Po river valley, Aosta Valley and in South Tyrol. The corresponding analysis of the temporal trend shows a slight statistically significant decline of annual precipitation only for limited areas. Consistently with these results the variation of annual precipitation averaged over the entire domain shows an intense decadal variability, but only a slight linearly decrease over the whole period. The annual number of rainy days and the 90th percentile of daily precipitation show a bit more pronounced linear trends. In particularly, over the period considered it is observed a decrease of rainy days over most of the territory and an increased of the intensity of the 90th percentile only in some areas both at annual and seasonal scale. In the last part of this work it is presented a study of relationship between climate forcing and geomorphology evolution over the Emilia-Romagna Apennine area. Results show that at the same altitude, slope and lithology, landslides are influenced by precipitation.

Afganistan després del 2001: Pau i reconstrucció

Roure i Pujol, Carme 17 June 2014 (has links)
Aquest treball ha estudiat i analitzat el procés de reconstrucció i transició cap a la pau de l’Afganistan amb un enfocament més detallat a la província de Badghis, zona de responsabilitat espanyola. S’han examinat els marcs d’intervenció de la Comunitat Internacional formulats en les conferències de donants i les resolucions del Consell de Seguretat de les Nacions Unides, des de la intervenció iniciada pels EUA i el Regne Unit a l’octubre de 2001 i fins a finals de 2012, es van incloure algunes dades rellevants de 2013. El context mundial acabada la guerra freda va canviar, enfrontant-se a una nova tipologia de guerres, les «guerres asimètriques», amb la intervenció de múltiples actors. Les guerres ja no són entre Estats i exèrcits, els camps de batalla han quedat difuminats i la població civil és qui en pateix les conseqüències. L’Afganistan és un paradigma d’aquestes guerres amb la intervenció: d’actors no governamentals amb grups extremistes, d’Al-Qaida, talibans, tribals, senyors de la guerra, on cap d’aquests grups acceptaven el govern establert; actors multilaterals que donaven suport al govern i en aquest cas estaven representats per unes 50 nacionalitats. Aquests, junt amb els actors governamentals lluitaven per mantenir el poder i control del país. L’Afganistan després de tants anys de guerra era un país inestable, sense governança i sense poder donar resposta a les necessitats més bàsiques de la població convertint-se en un Estat fallit. Per donar resposta a contexts d’Estat fallit, s’han dissenyat models dirigits a desenvolupar politiques amb l’objectiu d’estabilitzar zones inestables, consolidar la pau, reconstruir i desenvolupar. A l’Afganistan aquests models estaven implementats pels Equips de Reconstrucció Provincial (PRT). Espanya com a membre de la Comunitat Internacional i de l’OTAN també va instal•lar un PRT a la província de Badghis on va desenvolupar un model que seguia el model nord-americà anomenat 3D (defensa, diplomàcia, desenvolupament) o també «enfocament integral» perquè integrava els instruments polítics, militars, de desenvolupament i humanitaris sota una mateixa direcció, obviant que la doctrina militar i els principis humanitaris són oposats i, que el desenvolupament encara que els seus programes vagin dirigits a tota la població, segueix principis polítics i difícilment es podrà practicar mentre el context sigui de guerra. El treball es va realitzar contrastant la informació obtinguda per mitjans tradicionals de recopilació d’informació amb un treball de camp a Badghis i Kabul. Els resultats, han estat decebedors, després d’una dècada d’intervenció de la Comunitat Internacional i de presencia militar, no s’havia aconseguit l’estabilitat i la pau del país, el conflicte i la violència continuava a moltes zones, amb el conseqüent perjudici pels drets humans en general, i per les dones i nens en particular. Tot i que es podien distingir unes zones del país més estables que d’altres, l’informe de la UNAMA el 2013 establia que els atacs de la insurgència i combats entre els diferents actors multinacionals i governamentals havia deixat un balanç de morts i ferits amb 2.959 víctimes civils, augmentant respecte a l’any anterior. El balanç entre el 2007 i el 2013 era de casi 18.000 víctimes civils. A finals de 2014 les tropes internacionals s’havien de retirar del país, però els atemptats i atacs de la insurgència continuaven i els escenaris de futur que es presentaven no eren optimistes. El problema de la Comunitat Internacional a l’Afganistan era treballar com si el context fos de post-conflicte, quan aquest, en realitat, era un context de guerra, i invertint en la guerra milers de milions de dòlars i euros en detriment de la reconstrucció i el desenvolupament. Només posant l’exemple espanyol, s’estimava que Espanya havia invertit més de 3.500 milions d’euros en l’àmbit militar quan en desenvolupament havia contribuït amb uns 460 milions d’euros. Del PRT espanyol a Badghis, no es disposava de dades ni avaluacions que haguessin mesurat l’eficàcia i la pertinença de les intervencions del component militar i civil. Tanmateix, es podia dir que la província de Badghis seguia inestable, no s’havien reduït les vulnerabilitats i la província seguia depenent de l’ajuda exterior. Els projectes desenvolupats per l’AECID havien produït canvis mentre havien estat operant sobre el terreny, però hi havia dubtes sobre el futur de tot allò invertit. / The study reviews and analyzes the involvement of various sectors of the international community in the stabilization and reconstruction of Afghanistan from end 2001 to 2012, with some data from 2013. It contains a more detailed focus on Badghis Province, the area under Spanish responsibility. It examines the intervention frameworks formulated in Donor Conferences and resolutions of the UN Security Council. The common objectives of the various models of intervention were to stabilize volatile areas, consolidate peace, and boost reconstruction and development. The models were implemented by the Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRT). Information on the programs implemented were obtained from reports by the implementing agencies, NGOs, think tanks, and public institutions; and fieldwork done in Kabul and Badghis. The study examines if the objectives of the international community were realized after a decade of military presence and reconstruction projects; and particularly if the model of intervention pursued by the Spanish PRT in Badghis proved effective in stabilizing the area and contributing to development. The conclusion of the analysis is that a transition to stability and peace in Afghanistan has not been achieved, that conflict and violence continue in many areas. Consequently, exercise of most human rights continues to be elusive, especially for women and children. One of the identified reasons for the failure was that the plans were designed for a post-conflict context; however, much of the implementation occurred in a context of continuing violence. Thus, massive funds were devoted to military support and actions, to the detriment of reconstruction and development. It was not possible to obtain specific data, or any evaluations regarding the impact, relevance or effectiveness of the military and civilian interventions pursued by the Spanish PRT. While some improvements were documented during the period of direct involvement the PRT; there were serious doubts regarding sustainability of any of the programs after planned handover to national or local authorities. Badghis remains severely underdeveloped, and nearly all social services that do function are dependent on foreign assistance.

Guerra i quotidianitat militar a la Catalunya del canvi dinàstic (1705-1714)

Cases Ibáñez, Adrià 25 January 2013 (has links)
Guerra i quotidianitat militar a la Catalunya del canvi dinàstic (1705-1714) és un estudi que persegueix dos objectius principals. Primerament, reconstruir les etapes evolutives del conflicte que va sobrevenir al front català com a conseqüència de la disputa successòria espanyola. Fins a l’actualitat, la historiografia no comptava amb treballs d’aquestes característiques. Les prioritats per abordar els primers decennis del segle XVIII s’han focalitzat en altres aspectes: el teixit socioeconòmic del territori, la conjuntura política i els diversos posicionaments entre les institucions catalanes, la repressió que va existir a partir de la Junta de Braços (juliol de 1713), l’exili, la implementació del nou ordenament borbònic, entre altres. El segon objectiu passa per caracteritzar la societat militar que participa a la guerra de Successió (i els elements que hi interactuen) per conèixer els seus condicionants vitals en ple front de lluita (quotidianitat militar). Per abordar el primer aspecte, l’estudi segueix un fil cronològic que transcorre des de la mort de Carles II (novembre de 1700) fins la caiguda de Barcelona i les illes d’Eivissa i Mallorca (1714- 1715). En aquesta part es descriuen els principals fets politicomilitars mitjançant el contrast de documentació arxivística primària de grans arxius estatals (Madrid, Londres, Lisboa) i altres estudis i cròniques ja publicats. Això permet aportar dades noves sobre els setges de Barcelona de 1705, 1706 i 1713-14, el setge de Lleida de 1707, el setge de Cardona de 1711, així com d’altres moments rellevants. Seguint encara amb aquesta metodologia de treball, el segon bloc de la tesi doctoral es vertebra mitjançant un eix temàtic. Aquesta part aborda el perfil sociològic dels combatents, tant dels homes que practicaven la guerra regular (exèrcits convencionals), com dels que ho feien a través de la mobilització auxiliar (miquelets, voluntaris, sometents i coroneles). A continuació es dóna resposta a la manera com els militars duien a terme la guerra al front català, estudiant el tipus de manutenció alimentària i monetària rebudes, així com l’equipament i la sanitat existent. Finalment, s’acoten les repercussions d’exercir a la milícia, doncs la documentació mostra traces d’un modus vivendi miserable com a conseqüència de les insuficiències logístiques militars (malaltia, deserció, empresonament, mort). Els resultats obtinguts mostren com més enllà de les resolucions derivades dels tractats de pau de 1713-1714, existeix un conflicte que afecta molt severament el territori català i la seva població civil, així com els combatents que participen a la disputa. Com en altres moments de la història, la guerra s’inicia amb alts graus de politització i interessos socioeconòmics; a la fi, acaba esdevenint una qüestió de pura supervivència que afecta a totes les esferes de la societat. Aquest dinàmica es deriva del tipus de conflicte practicat a l’Antic Règim, on predomina una guerra basada en el desgast tant econòmic com humà. / War and Military Day-to-day in the Dynastic Change of Catalonia (1705-1714) is a study with two main objectives. Firstly, the reconstruction of the evolutionary stages within the conflict that took place in the Catalan front as a result of the Spanish succession dispute. To this date, Historiography had no work available of this kind. The priorities to address the first decades of the eighteenth century have focused on other aspects: the socioeconomic context of the territory, the political situation and the different positions between the Catalan institutions, the repression that took place after the establishment of the Junta de Braços (July 1713), the exile, the implementation of the new Bourbon constitution, among others. The second objective is to characterize the military society participating in the War of Succession (and elements that interact) to learn about their life conditions in the battlefront (the military day-to-day). To address the first issue, the study follows a chronological thread that runs from the death of Charles II (November 1700) until the fall of Barcelona and The islands of Majorca and Ibiza (1714-1715). This section describes the main politico-military events contrasting primary archival documentation of large national archives (Madrid, London, Lisbon) and other studies and reports already published. This allows to provide new information about the siege of Barcelona in 1705, 1706 and 1713-14, the siege of Lleida 1707, the siege of Cardona on 1711, and other important moments. Following this methodology, the second part of the thesis is structured using a specific theme. This part deals with the sociological profile of the combatants, both men who practiced regular war (conventional forces) and those who did so through the mobilisation of irregulars (miquelets, volunteers, sometents militias and coroneles). Right after, will answer how the military carried out war in the Catalan front, studying the provisions received (food and money), as well as equipment and the health assistance available. Finally, we detailed the impact of fighting in the militia, since records show traces of a miserable modus vivendi as a result of military logistical inadequacies (disease, desertion, imprisonment, death). The results show that beyond the resolutions arising from the peace treaties of 1713-1714, there is a conflict that severely affects the Catalan territory and its civilian population along with the combatants involved in the dispute. As in other periods of history, the war began with a high degree of politicization and social and economic interests, in the end, ends up being a matter of sheer survival that affects the whole society. This dynamic is derived from the type of conflict practiced in the Ancien Régime, predominantly a war based on wearing down economic and human resources.

La gran destrucció. Els danys de guerra i la reconstrucció de Catalunya després de la Guerra Civil (1937-1957)

Dueñas Iturbe, Oriol 25 June 2013 (has links)
Tot i que en els darrers anys s'ha avançat en l'estudi de la Guerra Civil i de la posterior dictadura franquista, encara a dia d'avui hi ha diferents aspectes d'aquest període tan dramàtic de la nostra història més recent que no han rebut un tractament adequat. Una d'aquestes temàtiques relacionades amb la guerra i posterior postguerra que la nostra historiografia ha deixat de banda ha estat l'estudi dels danys materials que va patir el territori durant la guerra i la seva posterior reconstrucció un cop van finalitzar les hostilitats. Aquests dos aspectes que fins ara han estat molt poc estudiats són la base fonamental d'aquesta tesi. L'estudi de com es van produir els danys en les comunicacions i infraestructures catalanes i la seva posterior reparació han estat el nucli principal d'aquest treball. Tot seguint la cronologia de la recerca i amb les tesis plantejades, aquest treball s'ha estructurat en dues parts clarament diferenciades. En una primera part, centrada en els danys, s'ha explicat com es van produir durant els anys de guerra les destruccions sobre les infraestructures catalanes. Per a això s'han plantejat i respost les següents preguntes: Què es va destruir? Quines van ser les infraestructures més danyades? Qui o quins van ser els responsables d'aquestes destruccions? Com, quan i on es van produir? i finalment què es buscava amb la seva aniquilació? En aquest sentit, en aquesta primera part, s'ha explicat com els bombardejos aeris van ser els màxims responsables de les destruccions d'infraestructures dels ports catalans, de les centrals elèctriques, d’una part del sistema ferroviari i, en menor mesura, dels ponts i carreteres. D'altra banda, també dins d'aquesta primera part, s'ha explicat com les tropes republicanes, sobretot a partir de l'inici de l'ocupació militar de Catalunya, van ser les autores de les destruccions de la major part de ponts del territori. Aquestes accions van estar lligades a un concepte tàctic militar defensiu que buscava impedir l'avanç rebel, i protegir, alhora, la retirada republicana. A la segona part del treball, s'ha explicat com es va dur a terme la reconstrucció de totes aquestes infraestructures un cop va finalitzar la guerra. Com en la primera part, a part de les explicacions pertinents, s'han plantejat una sèrie de preguntes per poder entendre les actuacions reconstructives que va executar la dictadura franquista: Què es va reconstruir? Qui o quins van ser els responsables de la reconstrucció? Quines dificultats va haver? Quant temps i on es va dur a terme aquesta reconstrucció i si la mateixa va ser o no important. Tot això ens ha servit per mostrar que Catalunya va ser una de les zones de l'Estat que va patir més danys. L'actuació de l'aviació rebel sobre les infraestructures catalanes, la posterior destrucció de centenars de ponts durant la retirada republicana va deixar al territori pràcticament devastat pel que fa a les comunicacions. La posterior dictadura franquista, a través de l'Exèrcit, els presoners de guerra, les Obres Públiques i Regions Devastades va iniciar una reconstrucció, la qual a causa de la manca de personal especialitzat, de recursos econòmics, i de la política econòmica autàrquica, que va privar al país de molts materials, es va allargar fins pràcticament vint anys des del final de la guerra. / GREAT DESTRUCTION. DAMAGE OF WAR AND RECONSTRUCTION CATALONIA AFTER THE CIVIL WAR (1937-1957) This paper is structured into two distinct parts. In the first part, focusing on the damage, explained as occurred during the war years the destruction of infrastructures in Catalonia. To have been brought up and answered the following questions: What was destroyed? What was the most damaged infrastructure? Who or what was responsible for this destruction? How, when and where they occur? And finally what looked to their annihilation? In this sense, in this first part, explained how the raids were the most responsible for the destruction of infrastructure Catalan ports, power stations, part of the rail system and to a lesser extent, bridges and roads. On the other hand, in this first part, explained how the Republican troops, especially from the beginning of the military occupation of Catalonia, were the authors of the destruction of most bridges the territory. These actions were tied to a defensive military tactical concept that sought to prevent the rebel advance and protect, while the Republican retreat. In the second part, explained how he carried out the reconstruction of these facilities once the war ended. As in the first part, other than explanations, have raised a series of questions to understand the actions reconstructive ran the dictatorship: What was rebuilt? Who or what was responsible for rebuilding? What difficulties were? How long and where to perform this reconstruction and whether it was important or not. All this has served to show that Catalonia was one of the areas of the state that suffered the most damage. The performance of the aviation infrastructure rebel Catalan subsequent destruction of hundreds of bridges during the Republican retreat left the country virtually devastated regarding communications. The subsequent dictatorship, through the Army, prisoners of war, the Devastated Regions and Public Works began a reconstruction, which due to the lack of specialized personnel, financial resources and autarkic economic policy, that deprived the country of many materials, lasted until almost twenty years since the end of the war.

I doveri degli amministratori di S.p.a. in crisi / Corporations in Crisis and Directors' Duties

LUCIANO, ALESSANDRO 17 July 2013 (has links)
La tesi affronta le problematiche dell’amministrazione delle s.p.a. in crisi al fine di verificare se in presenza di un siffatto stato “patologico” dell’impresa societaria sussistano principi normativi peculiari di necessaria applicazione. La questione è affrontata anche in un’ottica comparatistica, con particolare riferimento alla normativa statunitense, inglese e tedesca. / The thesis concerns the government of corporation in crisis in order to understand if there are some peculiar rules that have to be applied in the presence of this “pathology”. The problem is studied also concerning with the rules of other countries, and particularly looking at the American, English and German provisions.

'n Kritiese bestuursrekeningkundige evaluering van boerbokboerdery / Fourie W.A.S.

Fourie, Willem Abraham Stefanus January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this study was firstly to perform, from the existing literature, a SWOT ("Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats") analysis of the boerbok industry. Secondly, to design a case study where a number of management accounting evaluation techniques (i.e. performance measurement (short–term focus), capital investment evaluation (long–term focus) and risk have been identified to compare the financial results of different scenarios between boerbok, sheep and cattle farming. In the case study, Scenarios 1, 2 and 3 assumed a farm size of 200 hectares and capital available of R200 000, R500 000 and R900 000, respectively. Scenarios 4, 5 and 6 assumed a farm size of 500 hectares, with the same capital as the above amounts, respectively; and Scenarios 7, 8 and 9 assumed a farm size of 900 hectares, with the same capital as the above amounts, respectively. The study concluded, from the SWOT analysis, that the boergoat inherently has the potential to be an important source of red meat in future markets. The sum total of the management accounting techniques indicated that the boerbok is in general financially the best specimen choice for farming, e.g. in seven of the nine scenarios it has the highest score. The recommendation is that the user must determine which of performance (short–term), return on capital (long–term) or risk are the most important considerations before a decision is made regarding to the choice of preferred specimen. The study's recommendation is to select boerbok farming in case both short–term financial performance and long–term return on capital are the most important factors. If risk is the major consideration, cattle farming should be selected. If the overall financial analysis outlined in the study is considered, boerbok farming should be selected, followed by sheep farming. Note that these recommendations are made for specific scenarios; therefore, the general recommendation is that each decision–maker should take his/her own unique situation's variables into account in this financial analysis. The limitations of the study, which arose because a number of assumptions were made, are as follows: The results of the investigation are only valid for the Potchefstroom and surrounding areas and, carrying capacity, based on this area's average, may even differ in the area; Dosage is based on the needs of the environment as in January 2011; Buying and selling prices are as at January 2011; The input costs for livestock handling infrastructure may differ, as farming practices and approaches differ; The physical shape of the farm could have a direct impact on the fencing expenditure; Lamb and calf growth percentages may vary as a result of different farming practices and approaches; and The combination of initial capital and farm size may influence the results. As a result of these constraints (assumptions), it is very risky to generalise, but the practical value of the study is that a Microsoft Excel programme was developed, which can be used for calculations, similar to calculations in this study, which is available at the following web address: http://sites.google.com/site/rooivleisvergelyking/. Therefore, variables such as farm size, capital available, carrying capacity, costs and prices can be changed for each unique scenario, and the results will be calculated accordingly. The contribution of this study is that it supports the decision regarding the choice between the types of red meat farming for several unique scenarios, because every land user can determine which of these species are recommended according to the different management accounting evaluation techniques. The value of the study is that it is the first attempt where the viability of three species of red meat farming is compared by means of a case study with different scenarios. The gap for further research that should be done is as follows: The number of evaluation techniques can be extended to give more substance to the results; The number of species in the comparison can be extended; An analysis of the behaviour of costs between the different scenarios can be done; and The optimal combination of farm size and capital available can be determined. / Thesis (M.Com. (Management Accountancy))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.

El Servei d’Urgències de l’Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau de Barcelona (1967-1986)

Vila Gimeno, Carme 20 January 2014 (has links)
La memòria històrica que aquí es presenta, pretén descriure la història del Servei d’Urgències de l’Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau de Barcelona, una història, que s’ha anat construint a través de testimonis, documentació escrita publicada i documentacions de diferents entitats privades. El Servei d’Urgències de l’Hospital de Sant Pau, va sorgir d’unes necessitats sanitàries i socials produïdes amb l’arribada de la revolució industrial a la ciutat de Barcelona i el procés immigratori que es va produir. Aquests fets, van suposar un augment de la població molt important, no tant sols dins de la ciutat, sinó també als seus voltants, on varen aparèixer les anomenades ciutats dormitori. Per aconseguir la categoria de ser un dels millors serveis d’urgències del moment, va ser necessari adequar la seva funcionalitat aconseguida amb l’espai de l’ala dreta del soterrani de l’edifici de l’Administració, adaptant el servei, al circuit que havien de fer els pacients, des de els primers auxilis fins a la sala d’observació. El moviment demogràfic produit, va crear unes necessitats que de cap manera es podien cobrir amb els serveis existents, en aquestes circumstàncies es va inaugurar el Servei d’Urgències de l’Hospital de Sant Pau l’any 1967. Quan l’Hospital no va ser capaç d’absorbir les demandes de la població en èpoques d’epidèmies hivernals principalment, es veié obligat a tancar les seves portes en diferents moments, fet aquest que va provocar una sèrie de reivindicacions ciutadanes que es van escampar com una taca d’oli, en d’altres capitals espanyoles, fins que la Seguretat Social va recomanar l’existència de serveis d’urgències en els seus centres hospitalaris i en els centres que tenia concertats. La relació que es va establir entre l’Hospital i la població veïna, va fer que el mateix hospital a través d’un cicle de xerrades organitzades per les associacions de veïns de la zona, donaria informació i educació sanitària relacionada amb les urgències en un principi, però també s’informava sobre la sanitat en general, i posteriorment, es faria sobre els drets dels malalts. S’introduiria el dret a decidir sobre el tractament de la malaltia i la preparació per una mort digne. Aquesta educació sanitària, es realitzava amb la intenció d’arribar al màxim nombre de persones a través de les associacions de veïns. Durant l’any 1978, es constituí el Consell d’Usuaris de l’Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, que havia estat promogut per les associacions de veïns. L’objectiu fonamental del Consell, era treballar per fer arribar la veu dels usuaris a la direcció, partint de la base que en l’administració dels organismes públics hi havien d’estar-hi presents. Era evident que, en el regim polític anterior (feia poc més d’un any de les primeres eleccions democràtiques) aquests drets no estaven reconeguts, i per tant la lluita per la participació popular en l’Administració, havia anat de parella amb la lluita per la democràcia en el nostre país. Era en aquell moment quan s’estrenaven formules democràtiques, quan era possible iniciar mecanismes de participació dels usuaris en els organismes administratius dels centres públics. A partir d’aquí s’inicià un camí en el que es va aconseguir el reconeixement per part de la Direcció del centre del Consell d’Usuaris com a organisme integrat dins la seva estructura, la realització i la publicació de la Carta de Declaració dels Drets dels Usuaris (el primer document publicat d’aquestes característiques de tot l’Estat espanyol) i l’obertura del servei de Suggeriments i Reclamacions. Així va ser com durant la dècada dels vuitanta l’Hospital de Sant Pau passaria a convertir-se d’un hospital privat i de beneficència a ser un Hospital de la Xarxa Hospitalària d’Utilització Pública de Catalunya (XHUP). / The historical memory presented here aims to describe the history of the Emergency Department of the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau in Barcelona , a history that has been elaborated thanks to the contribution of witnesses, written published documents and different private documents. The Emergency Department of the Hospital de Sant Pau, came into being in response to the health and social needs prompted by the arrival of the industrial revolution in the city of Barcelona and the immigration process that followed. These factors led to a very important population increase, not only within the city but also the surrounding area, where there appeared what were called bedroom communities. To achieve the status of being one of the best emergency services at the time, it was necessary to adapt their space functionality achieved with the right wing of the basement of the administration building, adapting the service to the circuit patients who had gone from first aid to the observation room. Despite this demographic movement, the needs created in no way could be covered by existing services, and in these circumstances the Emergency Hospital of Sant Pau opened in 1967. When the hospital was not able to absorb the demands of the population in times of epidemics mainly in winter time, its doors had to be closed at different times. This fact led to a series of demands which became widespread and were made in other Spanish cities, including the idea that Social Security would promote the existence of emergency services in their hospitals and schools. The relationship established between the hospital and the neighbourhood was achieved through a series of talks organized by neighbours associations in the area, in order to give information and health education related to emergencies as a principle, but also informed about health in general, and later, the rights of patients. It introduced the right to decide on the treatment of illnesses and preparation for a dignified death. Health education was carried out with the intention of reaching as many people through neighbourhood associations. In 1978, the Board of Members of the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau was founded, which was sponsored by neighbourhood associations. The main objective of the Council was to work to make the voice of users heard by management, on the basis that the administration of public bodies there had to be present. It was obvious that during the previous political regime (it was just over one year since the first democratic elections had taken place) rights were not recognized, and therefore the struggle for popular participation in government, had been part and parcel of the fight for democracy in our country. It was then that democratic formulas prevailed and it was possible to initiate mechanisms for the participation of users in the administrative bodies of public schools. Since then, there has been a procedure recognised by management. A user’s council is an integral part of its structure, as are the implementation and publication of the Letter of Declaration Users Rights (the first document of this kind in Spain) and the service offering suggestions and complaints. So it was during the eighties that Sant Pau Hospital would evolve into a hospital which would be part of Catalonia’s public healthcare network after having been a charity-based, private hospital.

'n Kritiese bestuursrekeningkundige evaluering van boerbokboerdery / Fourie W.A.S.

Fourie, Willem Abraham Stefanus January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this study was firstly to perform, from the existing literature, a SWOT ("Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats") analysis of the boerbok industry. Secondly, to design a case study where a number of management accounting evaluation techniques (i.e. performance measurement (short–term focus), capital investment evaluation (long–term focus) and risk have been identified to compare the financial results of different scenarios between boerbok, sheep and cattle farming. In the case study, Scenarios 1, 2 and 3 assumed a farm size of 200 hectares and capital available of R200 000, R500 000 and R900 000, respectively. Scenarios 4, 5 and 6 assumed a farm size of 500 hectares, with the same capital as the above amounts, respectively; and Scenarios 7, 8 and 9 assumed a farm size of 900 hectares, with the same capital as the above amounts, respectively. The study concluded, from the SWOT analysis, that the boergoat inherently has the potential to be an important source of red meat in future markets. The sum total of the management accounting techniques indicated that the boerbok is in general financially the best specimen choice for farming, e.g. in seven of the nine scenarios it has the highest score. The recommendation is that the user must determine which of performance (short–term), return on capital (long–term) or risk are the most important considerations before a decision is made regarding to the choice of preferred specimen. The study's recommendation is to select boerbok farming in case both short–term financial performance and long–term return on capital are the most important factors. If risk is the major consideration, cattle farming should be selected. If the overall financial analysis outlined in the study is considered, boerbok farming should be selected, followed by sheep farming. Note that these recommendations are made for specific scenarios; therefore, the general recommendation is that each decision–maker should take his/her own unique situation's variables into account in this financial analysis. The limitations of the study, which arose because a number of assumptions were made, are as follows: The results of the investigation are only valid for the Potchefstroom and surrounding areas and, carrying capacity, based on this area's average, may even differ in the area; Dosage is based on the needs of the environment as in January 2011; Buying and selling prices are as at January 2011; The input costs for livestock handling infrastructure may differ, as farming practices and approaches differ; The physical shape of the farm could have a direct impact on the fencing expenditure; Lamb and calf growth percentages may vary as a result of different farming practices and approaches; and The combination of initial capital and farm size may influence the results. As a result of these constraints (assumptions), it is very risky to generalise, but the practical value of the study is that a Microsoft Excel programme was developed, which can be used for calculations, similar to calculations in this study, which is available at the following web address: http://sites.google.com/site/rooivleisvergelyking/. Therefore, variables such as farm size, capital available, carrying capacity, costs and prices can be changed for each unique scenario, and the results will be calculated accordingly. The contribution of this study is that it supports the decision regarding the choice between the types of red meat farming for several unique scenarios, because every land user can determine which of these species are recommended according to the different management accounting evaluation techniques. The value of the study is that it is the first attempt where the viability of three species of red meat farming is compared by means of a case study with different scenarios. The gap for further research that should be done is as follows: The number of evaluation techniques can be extended to give more substance to the results; The number of species in the comparison can be extended; An analysis of the behaviour of costs between the different scenarios can be done; and The optimal combination of farm size and capital available can be determined. / Thesis (M.Com. (Management Accountancy))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.

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