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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The 'death of improvement' : an exploration of the legacy of performance and service improvement reform in English local authorities, 1997-2017

Glennon, Russell J. January 2017 (has links)
When Tony Blair's New Labour administration took control in 1997, it sought to establish a programme of organizational, performance, and democratic reform. Initially badged as the modernizing government programme, it was later developed in the Best Value regime for local government, which imposed a centrally-controlled performance regime on all local authorities. This was characterized by a managerialist regime of external inspections, league tables, and reliance on extensive performance management, overseen by the Audit Commission. One of the first acts of the 2010 Coalition government was to dismantle this regime, along with announcing the abolition of the Audit Commission. This research sought to examine the legacy of the 1997-2010 performance regime on six English local authority case studies, identified via a deviant case analysis. An examination of the literature developed a conceptual model of seven dimensions of reform, and the research used an exploratory approach to examine the legacy of the performance regimes through a range of qualitative interviews and focus groups. The inductive analysis of interview data found that financial austerity dominated the local government environment, and the impacts of these cuts were felt across the entire group of case studies. These savings requirements had effectively broken the expectation of continuous improvement explicit in the Best Value duty what we refer to here as the death of improvement . Authorities were reducing staffing, which resulted in the loss of expertise and skills. They were also scaling back many universal services through managed decline , and deregulation of performance regimes was stimulating divergent responses to performance management arrangements, as well as influencing the relationship between politicians and performance management, and central performance staff and departmental staff. There were challenges raised around the residual inspections, largely restricted to social care and education, and how these interacted with central performance team models. The discussion develops a three-part model of performance as a system of governance , which integrates three key areas of theoretical and empirical development: performance management frameworks, accountability, and value for money. This allows four main contributions to knowledge: The concept of public value for money , Further development of our understanding of multiple forms of accountability A new model of performance management zones that articulates different roles for performance management at points within the organization A categorisation of the main changes in reform paradigms It concludes that understanding the values underpinning public sector reforms through a range of interpretive lenses is essential to fully comprehending the impact of reforms at three levels: conceptualization, operationalization, and implementation. The legacy of Comprehensive Performance Assessment and Comprehensive Area Assessment can be seen in the increased capacity and capability of local authorities to engage with performance management, and data and evidence-driven policy making. Yet, these capabilities may not have prepared authorities sufficiently for the demands of significant budget cuts driven by the post-2010 political environment.

Sense of coherence, self-efficacy and job performance in the recruitment industry

Mccomb, Calum Bruce 05 1900 (has links)
Recruitment consultants today are faced with considerable stress and challenges as a result of their work. They must cope effectively with these challenges in order to deliver effective job performance, which is crucial to an organisation’s survival. In this study the relationship between sense of coherence, self-efficacy and job performance amongst recruitment consultants was investigated. The Orientation to Life Questionnaire, Generalised Self-efficacy Scale and a job performance measure comprising key performance indicators were used. The study was conducted with 99 recruitment consultants at a national recruitment organisation in South Africa. While a theoretical relationship was determined, this was not supported by the empirical investigation. Relationships did, however, emerge for the comprehensibility component of sense of coherence to job performance total and for two of its dimensions (namely customer service and productivity). A regression model, comprising comprehensibility and meaningfulness, emerged as a significant predictor of total job performance. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Business process reengineering and organizational performance : a case of Ethiopian banking sector

Abdurezak Mohammed Kuhil 17 March 2014 (has links)
Since the late eighties, BPR has established itself as one of the attractive radical change management option for coping and adapting to the new competitive market environment and become popular both in the public and private organisations throughout the world . Cognizant of this fact, all Ethiopian public (government owned) institutions including the public financial institutions have embarked on large-scale change projects since 2004 in which Business process re-engineering(BPR) is a central element . This research examined whether implementation of Business Process Reengineering (BPR) projects have improved operational performance of the selected case public commercial banks in Ethiopia by collecting and analyzing both quantitative and qualitative comprehensive data set, using mixed research approach through questionnaires, interviews, observations and review of secondary sources of information. The operational performance measures utilized in this study are cost reduction, speed of service delivery, service quality, customer satisfaction as well as innovation. A total of 837 (84% response rate) questionnaires were returned from respondents of the selected branches and head offices. In addition, in-depth interviews were conducted with eight senior managers of the respective banks, who were also members of their respective banks reform team and were involved in the design and implementation of BPR. The third method that was used to collect qualitative data was personal observation of the selected bank branches in order to measure the speed of service delivery and convenience of the waiting places. The researcher measured the service delivery time of selected busy bank branches for five consecutive days, for half an hour spent in each branch. This study found that the introduction of BPR in the case banks was met with mixed reactions from employees and some managers. The main achievements of BPR were: service delivery time reduced dramatically as a result of the new process redesign and introduction of information and communication technology services(introduction of e-banking); introducing a single customer contact point through employee empowerment to make all the necessary decisions at that point of contact which resulted in improving the satisfaction of employees and customers. The challenge was that resistance from employees and some managers (labelled the initiative as “Blood pressure raiser” due to their assumptions it will result in employee lay off or the change brings increased workloads for some remaining employees without compatible rewards following the new process redesign. The study also revealed that telecom infrastructure and power interruption considered as main problem areas in providing banking services efficiently and effectively through branch net workings. The researcher recommends that for a better BPR design and implementation as well as sustainability of improvement gains in the banking sector, a forum should be established to discuss and share good practices and technology in the banking sector ; establish strong change management offices to continuously assist and monitor results; and continuously involve and communicate key stakeholders in the design and implementation of change initiatives. / Business Management / D.B.L.

Factors influencing managers' attitudes towards performance appraisal

Du Plessis, Elizabeth Susan Catherina 02 1900 (has links)
An increasing number of reports indicate that managers are opposed to performance appraisal. It is important to understand why managers have favourable or unfavourable attitudes towards performance appraisal and it is necessary to investigate the causing factors of these attitudes. The aim of this research was therefore to gain a deeper understanding of the factors that influence managers’ attitudes towards performance appraisal. This study was conducted within the interpretive research paradigm and situated in a medium-sized organisation within the financial services industry. The sample was purposefully selected and the data were collected through in-depth interviews and naïve sketches. The data were analysed applying Tesch’s descriptive analysis method. The main findings indicated that managers who needed to conduct performance appraisals perceived and experienced performance appraisal as an uncomfortable and emotional process that might cause them to become defensive. Moreover, it was revealed that the managers experienced uncertainties about aspects of performance appraisal, such as the purpose of performance appraisal, what must be measured and frequency of performance appraisal. As a result of such uncertainties, managers might not always have the ability or readiness to conduct performance appraisals, especially when the performance appraisal contains negative performance feedback. Furthermore, the organisational context might put managers in an undesirable situation to distort performance ratings of employees in order to achieve organisational goals or the manager’s personal goals, which in turn influence the attitude of the manager. The findings of the study can assist organisations in influencing managers’ attitudes more positively and in enhancing the overall performance appraisal process. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Human resources practitioners' experiences of engagement interventions with a financial institution

Duffton, Cameron Ronald 06 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study was to explore human resources (HR) practitioners’ experiences of engagement interventions within a financial institution. A qualitative research approach was followed which was informed by the hermeneutic phenomenological paradigm. Semi-structured interviews were used. The findings indicated that HR practitioners play a critical role in enhancing engagement in organisations through the implementation of effective engagement interventions. The HR practitioners often thought of themselves as the ‘heart’, ‘the core’, ‘facilitator’, ‘business partner’ or ‘middle man’ when implementing engagement interventions. The majority of the HR practitioners did understand engagement, their role in the implementation of engagement interventions and the tools used to assess engagement. However, the findings did indicate that some of the HR practitioners within this study had limited knowledge of engagement, engagement interventions and the tools used to implement engagement. The findings also indicated that the implementation of an engagement intervention should be a collaborative process between employer and employee, with the support of top management to ensure the success of the engagement intervention. Engagement interventions were considered to be predominantly positive and successful by most of the participants. However, it was noted by participants that if there is no follow-through on the implementation of the engagement interventions it can become negative. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Gestão do desempenho dos servidores públicos : um estudo de caso no Tribunal de Contas do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul

Flores, Lucas Rodrigues January 2017 (has links)
A pesquisa teve como objetivo resgatar e analisar a trajetória de implementação e os principais desdobramentos do Programa de Avaliação de Desempenho vigente no Tribunal de Contas do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. A relevância do estudo se apoia na atualidade do tema e no papel social desta Instituição no cenário do estado em relação à gestão pública. A questão orientadora do estudo propôs a identificação de aspectos referentes à experiência deste órgão na construção das atuais políticas e práticas de gestão do desempenho, sistematizando o legado deste Programa para a Instituição. A metodologia se apoiou na realização de um estudo de caso de caráter qualitativo, abarcando o período de existência do Programa, desde sua criação, em 2006, até o ano de 2016, em uma análise longitudinal. De maneira a abarcar os aspectos teóricos, fáticos e críticos desta realidade, foram pesquisados elementos contextuais, humanos, teóricos e legais que contribuíram para a proposição de tal Programa. Como procedimentos para coleta de dados, realizou-se análise documental, a observação participante, além de entrevistas com pessoas-fonte, vinculadas à trajetória do Programa desde sua concepção. A revisão da literatura contemplou as transformações da administração pública brasileira, a gestão do desempenho, a meritocracia e a gestão por competências, com levantamento tanto de trabalhos clássicos nestas áreas como de estudos mais recentes sobre o tema nas bases de dados de trabalhos científicos e acadêmicos. Como principais conclusões, o estudo destaca a iniciativa dos gestores da Instituição à época, propondo um Programa inovador do ponto de vista das instituições públicas, evidenciando que, quando de sua implementação, o Programa causou reações semelhantes às comumente descritas na literatura no que se refere ao receio dos servidores em relação às consequências do processo de avaliação. O levantamento de dados apontou que o Programa já passou por algumas transformações ao longo de sua trajetória e está atualmente inserido na rotina e cultura institucionais. Os entrevistados foram unânimes em reconhecer o legado positivo do Programa analisado, o que afirma a importância de sua existência; contudo foram identificados alguns indicativos de que o Programa ainda necessitaria passar por revisões e ajustes para uma melhor efetivação de seus objetivos e adequação da cultura institucional. E tratando de instituição pública, a revisão da evolução da legislação vigente ao longo dos anos, juntamente com os respectivos registros documentais internos, foram de grande valia ao traçar paralelos com a produção teórica e acadêmica acerca da temática. / The purpose of this research was to retrieve and analyze the implementation path and main outcomes of the Performance Management Program of the Audit State Court of Rio Grande do Sul. The relevance of the study is based on the current theme and on the social role of this Institution in the state scenario in relation to public management. The guiding question of the study proposed the identification of aspects related to the experience of this government office in the construction of the current policies and practices of performance management, systematizing the legacy of this Program to the Institution. The methodology was based on a qualitative case study, covering the period of existence of the Program, from its inception in 2006, through 2016, in a longitudinal analysis. To encompass the theoretical, factual and critical aspects of this reality, contextual, human, theoretical and legal elements that contributed to the proposal of such a Program were researched. As procedures for data collection, documentary analysis, participant observation, and interviews with relevant people were carried out, linked to the trajectory of the Program since its conception. The literature review included changes in Brazilian public administration, performance management, meritocracy, and competency management, with a review of both classical works in these areas and more recent studies on the subject in the databases of scientific and academic works. As main conclusions, the study highlights the initiative of the Institution's managers at the time, proposing an innovative Program from the point of view of public institutions, showing that, when implemented, the Program caused similar reactions to those commonly described in the literature regarding to the fear of the employees regarding the consequences of the evaluation process. The data collection pointed out that the Program has undergone some transformations throughout its trajectory and is currently inserted in institutional routine and culture. The interviewees were unanimous in recognizing the positive legacy of the Program under review, which affirms the importance of their existence; however, some indicators were identified that the Program would still need to undergo revisions and adjustments to the better achievement of its objectives and adequacy of the institutional culture. As a public institution, the review of the evolution of the legislation over the years, together with the respective internal documentary records, was of great value in drawing parallels with the theoretical and academic production on the subject.

Um paradigma orientado a análise de performance de redes de pacotes / A paradigm oriented to performance analysis of packet switched networks

Spohn, Marcelo January 1993 (has links)
A crescente complexidade das redes de comunicação de dados tem como conseqüência direta tornar cada vez mais complexas as tarefas de projetar seu dimensionamento e evolução. Um passo preliminar vitalmente importante no projeto de uma rede é a coleta de dados relacionados ao uso esperado da rede. Os padrões de tráfego estimados são usados nos cálculos de dimensionamento dos recursos. Fortemente relacionada a estas atividades está a previsão da performance em termos de throughput da rede, tempos de resposta, probabilidade de congestionamento, entre outras. Uma análise de performance efetiva depende de se representar precisamente a configuração da rede e da carga de tráfego a ela submetida. Técnicas de modelagem analítica ou de simulação podem ser usadas para determinar a performance esperada do sistema. Neste trabalho a usada a técnica de simulação para modelar o tráfego da rede usando dados coletados em uma rede real por monitoração. Trabalhando-se com o modelo validado e possível ajustar a carga de tráfego para representar mudanças esperadas nos volumes de tráfego, e testar o efeito na performance de diferentes configurações de rede. Isso possibilita que os processos de planejamento e projeto sejam executados com confiança, alem dos custos da rede poderem ser otimizados. O sistema apresentado neste trabalho e orientado à gerência de performance de redes, apoiando as atividades de gerência e planejamento de capacidade. Defende-se a idéia de que, a partir do perfil dos usuários de uma rede, derivado do tráfego por eles gerado, pode-se construir um modelo de tráfego significativamente representativo para a análise e previsão do desempenho da rede. O modelo foi desenvolvido para redes de comutação de pacotes com serviço orientado a conexão, e validado sobre o tráfego de uma rede X.25 através de um modelo de simulação, implementado em GPSS. O protótipo do sistema é composto por três processos principais que incorporam as etapas da análise de performance: monitoração do tráfego, análise do tráfego e simulação do tráfego. Na monitoração, são contabilizadas uma série de variáveis para cada conexão gerada na rede. Para cada tipo de aplicação são calculados os respectivos fatores de carga de tráfego. As aplicações são classificadas em dois grandes grupos: interativas e não-interativas. O processo de análise do tráfego gera os fatores de carga de tráfego na forma de tabelas e gráficos. As conexões e as métricas de performance produzidas na simulação do tráfego podem ser analisadas e validadas graficamente. O sistema proposto foi especificado em SDL (Specification and Description Language). / The increasing complexity of communication networks turns each time more complex the task to plan its expansion and evolution. A vitally important preliminar step in computer network design is the gathering of data relating to the expected use of the network. The estimated traffic patterns are used in resource usage computations. Closely related to these activities is the estimation of performance in terms of network throughput, response times, congestion probability, among others. An efective performance analysis requires the accurate representation of computer network configuration and traffic load. Analytical or simulation techniques can be used to establish the expected system performance. This work makes use of simulation to model the network traffic, based on collected data of a real network. network. Working with the validated model is possible to adjust the traffic load to represent future demand, and to test the performance impact under distinct network configurations. This enable a trustful execution of network planning and design, besides of the cost optimization. The system presented at this work is network performance management oriented, giving support to capacity management and capacity planning. The central idea is that, through network users profile achieved from generated traffic, it's possible to build a representative traffic model to aim at the network performance analysis and forecast. The model was developed to connection oriented packet switched networks, and validated by means of a simulation model to X.25 network traffic, implementd in GPSS. The system prototype comprises three process: traffic monitoring, traffic analysis and traffic simulation. In monitoring, a set of variables are registered for each network connection generated. The traffic load factors are computed according the application type. The applications are classified in two groups: interactive and non-interactive. The traffic analysis process produces traffic load factors in form of tables and graphics. Connections and performance metrics generated at traffic simulation can be graphically analyzed and validated. The proposed system was specified in SDL (Specification and Description Language).

Um paradigma orientado a análise de performance de redes de pacotes / A paradigm oriented to performance analysis of packet switched networks

Spohn, Marcelo January 1993 (has links)
A crescente complexidade das redes de comunicação de dados tem como conseqüência direta tornar cada vez mais complexas as tarefas de projetar seu dimensionamento e evolução. Um passo preliminar vitalmente importante no projeto de uma rede é a coleta de dados relacionados ao uso esperado da rede. Os padrões de tráfego estimados são usados nos cálculos de dimensionamento dos recursos. Fortemente relacionada a estas atividades está a previsão da performance em termos de throughput da rede, tempos de resposta, probabilidade de congestionamento, entre outras. Uma análise de performance efetiva depende de se representar precisamente a configuração da rede e da carga de tráfego a ela submetida. Técnicas de modelagem analítica ou de simulação podem ser usadas para determinar a performance esperada do sistema. Neste trabalho a usada a técnica de simulação para modelar o tráfego da rede usando dados coletados em uma rede real por monitoração. Trabalhando-se com o modelo validado e possível ajustar a carga de tráfego para representar mudanças esperadas nos volumes de tráfego, e testar o efeito na performance de diferentes configurações de rede. Isso possibilita que os processos de planejamento e projeto sejam executados com confiança, alem dos custos da rede poderem ser otimizados. O sistema apresentado neste trabalho e orientado à gerência de performance de redes, apoiando as atividades de gerência e planejamento de capacidade. Defende-se a idéia de que, a partir do perfil dos usuários de uma rede, derivado do tráfego por eles gerado, pode-se construir um modelo de tráfego significativamente representativo para a análise e previsão do desempenho da rede. O modelo foi desenvolvido para redes de comutação de pacotes com serviço orientado a conexão, e validado sobre o tráfego de uma rede X.25 através de um modelo de simulação, implementado em GPSS. O protótipo do sistema é composto por três processos principais que incorporam as etapas da análise de performance: monitoração do tráfego, análise do tráfego e simulação do tráfego. Na monitoração, são contabilizadas uma série de variáveis para cada conexão gerada na rede. Para cada tipo de aplicação são calculados os respectivos fatores de carga de tráfego. As aplicações são classificadas em dois grandes grupos: interativas e não-interativas. O processo de análise do tráfego gera os fatores de carga de tráfego na forma de tabelas e gráficos. As conexões e as métricas de performance produzidas na simulação do tráfego podem ser analisadas e validadas graficamente. O sistema proposto foi especificado em SDL (Specification and Description Language). / The increasing complexity of communication networks turns each time more complex the task to plan its expansion and evolution. A vitally important preliminar step in computer network design is the gathering of data relating to the expected use of the network. The estimated traffic patterns are used in resource usage computations. Closely related to these activities is the estimation of performance in terms of network throughput, response times, congestion probability, among others. An efective performance analysis requires the accurate representation of computer network configuration and traffic load. Analytical or simulation techniques can be used to establish the expected system performance. This work makes use of simulation to model the network traffic, based on collected data of a real network. network. Working with the validated model is possible to adjust the traffic load to represent future demand, and to test the performance impact under distinct network configurations. This enable a trustful execution of network planning and design, besides of the cost optimization. The system presented at this work is network performance management oriented, giving support to capacity management and capacity planning. The central idea is that, through network users profile achieved from generated traffic, it's possible to build a representative traffic model to aim at the network performance analysis and forecast. The model was developed to connection oriented packet switched networks, and validated by means of a simulation model to X.25 network traffic, implementd in GPSS. The system prototype comprises three process: traffic monitoring, traffic analysis and traffic simulation. In monitoring, a set of variables are registered for each network connection generated. The traffic load factors are computed according the application type. The applications are classified in two groups: interactive and non-interactive. The traffic analysis process produces traffic load factors in form of tables and graphics. Connections and performance metrics generated at traffic simulation can be graphically analyzed and validated. The proposed system was specified in SDL (Specification and Description Language).

Pesquisa-ação sobre as formas de promover um aumento na participação dos funcionários no desenvolvimento e uso do sistema de medição de desempenho de uma empresa de bens de capital

Leal, João Batista Sobreira 26 February 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:51:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2527.pdf: 2598997 bytes, checksum: 9f4e8a6113e894b9bf182eeaee49c181 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-02-26 / The purpose of this essay is to investigate ways to promote an increase at the participation of employees in the development and use of the performance measurement system in an industrial goods manufacturer. Along with economical globalization, several performance measurement models begin to appear and companies in general are brought to invest in the search for the model that better fits each one s purpose. The effort is focused in the development, implementation and use of performance measurement systems. Among a number of proposed models, the one that gained more recognition worldwide was BSC. This fact itself does not guarantee the full use of the performance measurement system. Employee s participation and commitment has been an issue that deserves attention from researchers because it is an unquestionable fact that its involvement increases the performance of the individual and improves the motivation of the group. For this research it was chosen the action-research method, due to the fact of it to allow researchers to play an active role in the very reality of observed facts. The research had the support of large bibliographic studies to identify and evaluate influent factors to development and evolution of SMD. During action-research work, questionnaires were applied, interviews were conducted and thoughts were made about the adopted actions and results achieved. As a final result of field research, a better understanding of process change, skill development in the use of SMD, system management and involvement of stakeholders were achieved. Recommendations resultant of this research included managers, quality management staff and executives of the company, the development of employees, the improvement of SMD use, ownership and continuous improvement of the business. / O objetivo precípuo desta dissertação é buscar formas para aumentar a participação dos funcionários no desenvolvimento e uso do sistema de medição de desempenho em uma empresa de bens de capital. Juntamente com a globalização da economia, a partir dos anos oitenta, começaram a surgir diversos modelos e propostas de sistemas de medição de desempenho, os quais têm levado as empresas a investir na busca do modelo que melhor sirva ao propósito de cada qual. O esforço se concentra no campo do desenvolvimento, implementação e uso de sistema de medição de desempenho. Dentre os vários modelos propostos o que mais se destacou em todo o mundo foi o BSC. Este fato, per se, não garante a plenitude de utilização do sistema de medição de desempenho. O envolvimento e a participação dos funcionários é assunto que tem merecido a atenção dos pesquisadores porque é fato incontestável que seu envolvimento aumenta o desempenho do indivíduo e auxilia a motivação do grupo. Para esta pesquisa optou-se pela pesquisa-ação pelo fato de ela permitir, ao pesquisador, desempenhar um papel ativo na própria realidade dos fatos observados. O desenvolvimento desta investigação foi alicerçado em ampla revisão bibliográfica para identificar e avaliar fatores que influenciam o desenvolvimento e evolução do SMD. Para levar a bom termo o desenvolvimento da pesquisa-ação, no decorrer do trabalho foram aplicados questionários, conduzidas entrevistas e feitas reflexões sobre as ações tomadas e os resultados obtidos. Como resultado final da pesquisa de campo, foi obtido um melhor entendimento do processo de mudança, do desenvolvimento de habilidade no uso do SMD, de gestão do sistema e envolvimento dos stakeholders. As sugestões resultantes deste trabalho de pesquisa abrangeu os gerentes, o pessoal da gestão da qualidade e a alta direção da empresa, o desenvolvimento dos funcionários, a melhorias da gestão do SMD, propriedade (ownership) e melhoria contínua do desempenho do negócio.

Fatores que afetam o uso de medição de desempenho em indústrias de laticínios: um estudo multicasos / Factors affecting the use of performance measurement in the dairy industry: a multicase study.

Macedo, Natália Luísa Felício 21 January 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:53:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MACEDO_Natalia_2013.pdf: 1785325 bytes, checksum: e05041b9dfa4af26402b2d45cbb14fa6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-01-21 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / In contemporary marketing structure notices the growing quest for competitive advantage of organizations. In this context, we highlight the performance management that can assist in the search for competitiveness and dairy industry marked by specificities to produce and offer products with quality and consumer safety. To achieve this success, dairy rely on performance measurement systems to assist in its production process, management and distribution of products. Being that there are factors that can shape the use of performance measurement. From this backdrop, this paper aims to examine the prospect of multicase, the internal and external factors affecting the use of performance measurement in dairy industries in Sorocaba-SP. The relevance of this research proposal is to contribute to the theoretical aspect in the development of knowledge about performance measurement and practical aspect to making a diagnosis of the factors that influence the performance measurement in the dairy study, resulting in a major material for understanding and improving the everyday reality of collaborating companies. To develop this study, we carried out a field survey with managers of three quality dairy products in Sorocaba-SP. It is used as a research tool, a semi-structured, with a qualitative approach, aiming at deepening the knowledge about a given reality. Factors identified with exploitation cases were internal factors: organizational culture, management style, organizational structure, competitive strategy, resources and capabilities, IT infrastructure and external factors: integration between the different links in the chain and government regulations (IN62 ). / Na estrutura mercadológica contemporânea nota-se a busca crescente das organizações por vantagem competitiva. Neste âmbito, destaca-se a gestão de desempenho que pode auxiliar na busca pela competitividade e a indústria de laticínios marcada por especificidades para se produzir e ofertar produtos com qualidade e segurança ao consumidor. Para lograr este êxito, os lacticínios recorrem a sistemas de medição de desempenho para auxiliar em seu processo produtivo, de gestão e de distribuição de produtos. Sendo que existem fatores que podem moldar o uso da medição de desempenho. A partir deste cenário, o presente trabalho visa analisar em uma perspectiva de multicasos, os fatores internos e externos que afetam o uso da medição de desempenho em indústrias de laticínios da região de Sorocaba-SP. A relevância desta proposta de investigação consiste em contribuir em aspecto teórico para o desenvolvimento do conhecimento acerca de medição de desempenho e, em aspecto prático, para a elaboração de diagnóstico dos fatores que interferem na medição de desempenho dos lacticínios em estudo, resultando em um importante material para a compreensão e melhoria da realidade cotidiana das empresas colaboradoras. Para o desenvolvimento deste estudo, realizou-se uma pesquisa de campo junto a gestores de qualidade de três laticínios da região de Sorocaba-SP. Emprega-se como instrumento de pesquisa, um roteiro semiestruturado, sendo a abordagem de cunho qualitativo, visando aprofundamento no conhecimento acerca de uma dada realidade. Os fatores identificados com a exploração dos casos foram os fatores internos: cultura organizacional; estilo de gestão; estrutura organizacional; estratégia competitiva; recursos e capacidades, estrutura de TI e os fatores externos: integração entre os diferentes elos da cadeia e normas governamentais (IN62).

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