Spelling suggestions: "subject:"performancebased"" "subject:"performance.based""
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Νέα υβριδική μέθοδος δυνάμεων/μετατοπίσεων αντισεισμικού σχεδιασμού χωρικών μεταλλικών κατασκευών / A hybrid force/displacement seismic design method for three-dimensional steel building framesΤζίμας, Άγγελος 04 September 2013 (has links)
Στην παρούσα εργασία παρουσιάζεται μία νέα βασισμένη στην επιτελεστικότητα μέθοδος αντισεισμικού σχεδιασμού χωρικών μεταλλικών κατασκευών, οι οποίες υπόκεινται σε σεισμικές διεγέρσεις μακρινού πεδίου. Η μέθοδος αυτή συνδυάζει τα πλεονεκτήματα της μεθόδου σχεδιασμού με βάση τις δυνάμεις και με βάση της μετατοπίσεις και γι’ αυτό ονομάζεται υβριδική δυνάμεων-μετατοπίσεων (ΥΔΜ) μέθοδος. Για τη δημιουργία της προτεινόμενης μεθόδου γίνεται παραμετρική σεισμική μελέτη κανονικών καμπτικών μεταλλικών κτιρίων με και χωρίς τυχηματικές εκκεντρότητες, καθώς και μεταλλικών κτιρίων τα οποία εμφανίζουν γεωμετρικές μη κανονικότητες λόγω ανομοιόμορφης καθ’ ύψος κατανομής μάζας και λόγω παρουσίας εσοχών.
Αρχικά γίνεται μια βιβλιογραφική ανασκόπηση για τις ήδη υπάρχουσες μεθόδους, όσον αφορά στο σχεδιασμό και στην εκτίμηση της ανελαστικής σεισμικής απόκρισης επίπεδων και χωρικών κατασκευών. Στη συνέχεια περιγράφεται η επιλογή των παραμέτρων και η όλη διαδικασία που ακολουθήθηκε για τη δημιουργία μίας βάσης δεδομένων σεισμικής απόκρισης η οποία απαίτησε 43176 μη γραμμικές δυναμικές αναλύσεις. Με βάση την στατιστική επεξεργασία που έγινε προέκυψαν εμπειρικές σχέσεις αντισεισμικού σχεδιασμού, οι οποίες καθιστούν δυνατό τον έλεγχο της βλάβης κατά το σχεδιασμό νέων κατασκευών και οι οποίες λαμβάνουν υπόψη την επιρροή διαφόρων παραμέτρων, όπως ο αριθμός ανοιγμάτων, ο αριθμός ορόφων, η μορφή της κάτοψης, καθώς και η μη κανονικότητα της κατασκευής.
Επιπλέον εξετάστηκε η επιρροή της φυσικής μονοαξονικής εκκεντρότητας, μεταξύ κέντρου μάζας και κέντρου δυσκαμψίας στην ανελαστική σεισμική απόκριση χωρικών κατασκευών με μεικτό σύστημα ανάληψης σεισμικών δυνάμεων. Ωστόσο, επειδή ο αριθμός των κτιρίων που χρησιμοποιήθηκαν ήταν μικρός, δεν έγινε προσπάθεια κατασκευής κάποιων εμπειρικών σχέσεων από τα αποτελέσματα που προέκυψαν για αυτήν την περίπτωση.
Τα πλεονεκτήματα της νέας ΥΔΜ μεθόδου αντισεισμικού σχεδιασμού, παρουσιάζονται μέσω τριών παραδειγμάτων, όπου η προτεινόμενη μέθοδος συγκρίνεται με τη μέθοδο σχεδιασμού με βάση τις δυνάμεις στην οποία βασίζονται όλοι σχεδόν οι υπάρχοντες αντισεισμικοί κανονισμοί. Από τη σύγκριση που γίνεται προκύπτει ότι, σε αντίθεση με τη μέθοδο των δυνάμεων, η ΥΔΜ μέθοδος μπορεί να κάνει κατά το σχεδιασμό άμεσο έλεγχο της βλάβης. / This dissertation proposes a preliminary performance-based seismic design method for three-dimensional steel building frames under ordinary (i.e., without near fault effects) ground motions. This method combines the advantages of the well-known force-based and displacement-based seismic design methods in a hybrid force/displacement design scheme. The proposed method was developed based on the results of an extensive parametric study involving the inelastic seismic response of regular and irregular moment resisting frames (MRFs). The regular MRFs are structures with and without the presence of accidental eccentricities, whereas the irregular MRFs, are structures with vertical mass irregularities and structures with setbacks.
In total 146 buildings have been studied. The results of 43176 nonlinear dynamic analyses were post-processed in order to create a databank with the response quantities of interest. The main parameters that affect the inelastic response of the examined structures were recognised after the statistical analysis of the created response. Based on regression analysis, a procedure in terms of simple formulae for estimating the maximum roof displacement, the maximum interstorey drift ratio and the maximum rotation ductility along the height of the frame was developed. In addition, the inelastic seismic response of 20 buildings with natural eccentricities has been studied, which combines MRFs with buckling restrained braces. However, the conclusions of this case cannot be generalized, because only few cases were investigated.
Comparison of the proposed method with the procedures adopted in current seismic design codes demonstrated the efficiency of the former. The results revealed that the proposed procedure seems to be more rational and efficient than the procedures used in the current seismic design codes. Nonlinear time history analyses proved the consistency of the proposed method to accurately estimate inelastic deformation demands and the tendency of the current seismic design codes to overestimate the maximum roof displacement and underestimate the maximum interstorey drift ratio along the height of the frames.
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Avaliação do desempenho dos elementos de sinalização viária em rodovias. / Performance based evaluation of traffic signs on higways.Fujii, Walquiria Yumiko 20 January 2017 (has links)
A qualidade dos sistemas de sinalização viária é avaliada, tradicionalmente, com base nas características físicas de seus elementos, bem como na durabilidade e conservação dos materiais que os compõem. Em alguns casos, a verificação do atendimento aos critérios técnicos de projeto é também considerada. Depreende-se, daí, que a avaliação estrutural dos elementos de sinalização seja integralmente contemplada por meio dessas avaliações. Por outro lado, a eficácia da sinalização não é necessariamente garantida pela integridade física ou estrutural dos elementos. Por se tratar de um sistema de comunicação com o usuário, que transmite informações que influenciarão as ações dos motoristas na tarefa de guiar o veículo no trânsito, é necessário, também, avaliar o desempenho funcional dos elementos de sinalização. Em outras palavras, o funcionamento e a eficiência da sinalização são tão importantes quanto a situação de seu estado físico. Esta pesquisa descreve aspectos a serem considerados na avaliação de desempenho funcional dos sinais de trânsito com base na observação no campo e na abordagem dos fatores que afetam as medidas de desempenho, conduzindo, em rodovias federais brasileiras concedidas à iniciativa privada, dois experimentos ainda pouco conhecidos no país. O primeiro experimento avaliou o desempenho de um conjunto de placas de sinalização de regulamentação de velocidade máxima permitida, aplicadas em configurações diversas. As medidas de desempenho escolhidas foram a distância de detecção e a distância de legibilidade da sinalização, que foram medidas por meio de observadores em curso na rodovia, em condições reais de operação. O segundo experimento avaliou o desempenho de um conjunto de demarcações no pavimento de uma rodovia também em condições reais de operação. A medida de desempenho foi a retorrefletividade da sinalização horizontal sob tráfego real. A pesquisa inova ao utilizar o conceito de planejamento de experimentos, otimizando o modelo estatístico a ser estimado com menos execuções experimentais. / The quality of the traffic signs systems is traditionally assessed based on physical characteristics of their elements, as well as the durability and conservation of materials they are made of. In some cases, the verification of compliance with the technical criteria for design is also considered. Therefore, it appears that the structural assessment of sign elements is fully covered by these evaluations. Moreover, the effectiveness of traffic signs is not necessarily guaranteed by physical or structural health of the elements. Once the traffic signs comprise a system of communication with the users, which gives information that will influence the actions of the drivers on the task of guiding the vehicle in traffic flow, it is also necessary to evaluate the functional performance of the traffic signs. In other words, the operation and efficiency of traffic signs are as important as their physical condition. This research describes some aspects to take into account in the evaluation of performance of traffic signs based on observation in the field and in the approach of the factors affecting performance measures, carrying out in Brazilian federal highways under concession to the private sector two experiments still little known in this country. The first experiment evaluated the performance of a set of speed limit signs applied in different configurations. The chosen performance measures were the detection distance and the legibility distance of the signs, which were measured by subjects driving on open road under real operating conditions. The second experiment evaluated the performance of a set of pavement markings also on open road under real operating conditions. The performance measure was the retroreflectivity of the pavement markings under real traffic. The survey breaks new ground by using the concept of optimal design of experiments, optimizing the statistical model to be estimated with fewer experimental runs.
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Performance-Based Liquefaction Triggering Analyses with Two Liquefaction Models Using the Cone Penetration TestArndt, Alex Michael 01 August 2017 (has links)
This study examines the use of performance-based engineering in earthquake liquefaction hazard analysis with Cone Penetration Test data (CPT). This work builds upon previous research involving performance-based liquefaction analysis with the Standard Penetration Test (SPT). Two new performance-based liquefaction triggering models are presented herein. The two models used in this liquefaction analysis are modified from the case-history based probabilistic models proposed by Ku et al. (2012) and Boulanger and Idriss (2014). Using these models, a comparison is made between the performance-based method and the conventional pseudo-probabilistic method. This comparison uses the 2014 USGS probabilistic seismic hazard models for both methods. The comparison reveals that, although in most cases both methods predict similar liquefaction hazard using a factor of safety against liquefaction, by comparing the probability of liquefaction, the performance-based method on average will predict a smaller liquefaction hazard.
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Solar Power for Deployment in Populated AreasHicks, Nathan Andrew 01 June 2009 (has links)
The thesis presents background on solar thermal energy and addresses the structural challenges associated with the deployment of concentrating solar power fields in urban areas. Two potential structural systems and urban locales of deployment are proposed and investigated to determine whether they have the potential to be a cost-effective renewable energy solution for urban areas. The structural issues explored in the thesis include flutter, the wind loading of open frame structures, performance-based design, and the design of flexibly mounted equipment on a building.
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Performance-Based Seismic Monitoring of Instrumented BuildingsRoohi, Milad 01 January 2019 (has links)
This dissertation develops a new concept for performance-based monitoring (PBM) of instrumented buildings subjected to earthquakes. This concept is achieved by simultaneously combining and advancing existing knowledge from structural mechanics, signal processing, and performance-based earthquake engineering paradigms. The PBM concept consists of 1) optimal sensor placement, 2) dynamic response reconstruction, 3) damage estimation, and 4) loss analysis. Within the proposed concept, the main theoretical contribution is the derivation of a nonlinear model-based observer (NMBO) for state estimation in nonlinear structural systems. The NMBO employs an efficient iterative algorithm to combine a nonlinear model and limited noise-contaminated response measurements to estimate the complete nonlinear dynamic response of the structural system of interest, in the particular case of this research, a building subject to an earthquake. The main advantage of the proposed observer over existing nonlinear recursive state estimators is that it is specifically designed to be physically realizable as a nonlinear structural model. This results in many desirable properties, such as improved stability and efficiency.
Additionally, a practical methodology is presented to implement the proposed PBM concept in the case of instrumented steel, wood-frame, and reinforced concrete buildings as the three main types of structural systems used for construction in the United States. The proposed methodology is validated using three case studies of experimental and real-world large-scale instrumented buildings. The first case study is an extensively instrumented six-story wood frame building tested in a series of full-scale seismic tests in the final phase of the NEESWood project at the E-Defense facility in Japan. The second case study is a 6-story steel moment resisting frame building located in Burbank, CA, and uses the recorded acceleration data from the 1991 Sierra Madre and 1994 Northridge earthquakes. The third case is a seven-story reinforced concrete structure in Van Nuys, CA, which was severely damaged during the 1994 Northridge earthquake.
The results presented in this dissertation constitute the most accurate and the highest resolution seismic response and damage measure estimates obtained for instrumented buildings. The proposed PBM concept will help structural engineers make more informed and swift decisions regarding post-earthquake assessment of critical instrumented building structures, thus improving earthquake resiliency of seismic-prone communities.
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Microeconomic reform of the building and development process: the development and outcomes of building regulation reform in Australia 1990-2003Wallace, Gabrielle, not supplied January 2006 (has links)
As a component of the regulatory structure controlling building construction and land development in Australia, the system of building regulation was reformed during a period of significant restructuring of the Australian economy. The microeconomic reforms aimed to find efficiencies in government and industry sectors, and with respect to the latter, facilitate the development of competitive trade structures across national and global markets. The research provides a critical narrative account of the development and outcomes of the microeconomic reform of building regulation between 1990 and 2003. The microeconomic reform process is examined in the context of the vastly differing approaches of two Australian states, Victoria and New South Wales, with respect to the national reform agenda which was initiated and led by the Commonwealth government in response to the increasing globalization of the national economy. An understanding of what happened and why and how t he states differed with respect to the national reform agenda enabled the outcomes of the reforms to be examined for their impact upon government, industry and the community. The regulation of building construction is a constitutional responsibility of the state governments and has traditionally been controlled by local government. However, control is increasingly being centralized at the national level, in response to international pressures to adopt performance-based regulations, standards and governance systems that accord to neoliberal ideology. This has resulted in a reduction of state and local government involvement in certain building control functions with a commensurate increased role for the private sector; an increase in the complexity and quantity of regulatory instruments; a reduction in government accountability for the standard of building construction; the development of structures to facilitate competitive intranational and international trade in construction-related goods and services and a reduction in the quality and standard of buildings. The principal benefits of the reforms have accrued to industry and to government and the least benefits have accrued to the community/consumer.
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美國表現本位付給計畫之研究 / The study of performance-based pay plans in America王月鳳, Wang, Yueh Feng Unknown Date (has links)
(三)增加教師參與決定學校事務的機會。 / The performance-based pay plans that include merit pay plans and career ladder plans have emerged as one approach to improving the quality of teacher in America.Because of increasing criticism of educational standards and alleged decline in professional ability of teachers in our country, to base pay onteachers'performance in America is a solution of our educational problems.The three purposes of this study are (1) to investigate the history, relational theories and contents of performance-based pay plans , (2) to review theeffects of performance-based pay plans, and (3) to provide suggestions for ourteachers' education by the findings of this research.The literature analysis reveal that (1) Performance-based pay plans can improve the quality of teachers; (2) Performance-based pay plans have some problems including the difficults of a valid definition of performance, the issue of validity of using pay as a motivator, the complaints against evaluation systems, and high cost etc, ; (3)Career ladder plans which utilize the idea of career ladder that teacher canatuain higher pay and higher professional status will be the currently popular proposals of performance-based pay plans.The study yield a set of recommendations for the design of performance-based pay plans:(1) The purposes of plans are to make decisions about the retention, transfer, or dismissal of staff members and to help teachers about professional growth; (2) Good performance need be clearly studied and realized; (3) The reward system canmotivate teacher; (4) Teacher career ladders must be established; (5)The systemof evaluation is reliable and valid; (6)Legislature, teacher and others involvedsupport the plans; (7) The school-based in-service education system must be established; (8) Let teachers involve in making decisions about school; (9)other administrative policies are used.
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Contributions to the Methodologies and Technologies for the Intelligent Control-Maintenance-technical Management Systems (ICMMS) in Hydropower PlantsLIU, Yongqian 18 April 2002 (has links) (PDF)
Les travaux présentés contribuent à un des enjeux majeurs de l'Entreprise Etendue liée au domaine de la production d'énergie électrique. L'objectif est de maintenir en dynamique la qualité des services rendus par les processus de production. Ces travaux ont ainsi pour objet, en se référant au cadre de modélisation d'Entreprise GERAM, de proposer une méthodologie réutilisable pour l'automatisation intégrée des centrales hydroélectriques. Ces dernières étant structurellement des systèmes stables, cette méthodologie est basée sur une approche orientée processus et aboutit au développement de modèles pérennes et réutilisables. Le point central de cette méthodologie consiste en la définition d'un modèle de référence ICMMS (Intelligent Control-Maintenance-technical Management Systems) formalisant la connaissance générique, de niveau terrain, applicable à l'automatisation de toute centrale hydroélectrique. La mise en œuvre de ce modèle de référence conduit à la proposition d'une architecture HSAS (Hybrid Smart Automation System) qui intègre en un tout cohérent sur les points de vue Contrôle, Maintenance et Gestion Technique, les différents composants d'automatisation distribués, supportés par des actionneurs, capteurs, ou contrôleurs conventionnels de niveau terrain. Par rapport à cette architecture, les concepts innovants de "Surveillance Conditionnelle" pour l'îlot Maintenance et d' "Atténuation de Perturbations" pour l'îlot Contrôle sont définis et étudiés afin d'être intégrés au système ICMMS. De plus, nous proposons, pour la Gestion Technique, des concepts, critères et outils pour l'évaluation de performances des HGUs (Hydroelectric Generating Units). Cette contribution est basée sur la définition d'un système d'évaluation des performances économiques utilisant des descripteurs quantitatifs mesurant l'état d'efficacité, le niveau de gestion de l'exploitation et l'état de maintenance de ces unités. Une nouvelle stratégie en lien avec la maintenance, intitulée EBM (Economic performance Based Maintenance), est ainsi formalisée. L'ensemble de nos propositions est validée sur une étude de cas.
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Compensation and company performance within the banking sector : A case study on Chief Executive Officer compensation in relation to company performance measuresAmpuero Mellado, Carolina, Laietu, Alexandra January 2009 (has links)
<p>CEO compensation is a relevant topic in today's society that touches both political and economic questions which are of interest for the whole general public. It affects people indirectly through CEOs actions and how these actions affect company performances. Due to the fact that there is a financial crisis, this thesis has its aim to catch some light over CEO compensation and its relation to company performances, if there is one.</p><p>The purpose was to investigate if we could find a relation between CEO compensation and company performances by using variables which we considered significant for this study. These variables are collected from each company's annual reports and which we have chosen to focus on the two past years 2007 and 2008, as it is the most recent data. For the principle of our thesis a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods was applied, to best suite the purpose. When finding a sustainable and significant result, regressions of different variables from the annual reports were drawn and the outcomes of these were interpreted and analyzed. Our findings show that turnover is the only variable which indicated any significant p-value in the regressions drawn. Of all regressions three show significance and all arerelated to turnover. Given these results we can conclude that the other variables are not related to the CEO compensation in this case study.</p>
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Compensation and company performance within the banking sector : A case study on Chief Executive Officer compensation in relation to company performance measuresAmpuero Mellado, Carolina, Laietu, Alexandra January 2009 (has links)
CEO compensation is a relevant topic in today's society that touches both political and economic questions which are of interest for the whole general public. It affects people indirectly through CEOs actions and how these actions affect company performances. Due to the fact that there is a financial crisis, this thesis has its aim to catch some light over CEO compensation and its relation to company performances, if there is one. The purpose was to investigate if we could find a relation between CEO compensation and company performances by using variables which we considered significant for this study. These variables are collected from each company's annual reports and which we have chosen to focus on the two past years 2007 and 2008, as it is the most recent data. For the principle of our thesis a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods was applied, to best suite the purpose. When finding a sustainable and significant result, regressions of different variables from the annual reports were drawn and the outcomes of these were interpreted and analyzed. Our findings show that turnover is the only variable which indicated any significant p-value in the regressions drawn. Of all regressions three show significance and all arerelated to turnover. Given these results we can conclude that the other variables are not related to the CEO compensation in this case study.
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