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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die Bedeutung der Segregations- und Oxidationsneigung Seltener Erden für die Einstellung hartmagnetischer intermetallischer Phasen in SmCo-basierten Nanopartikeln

Schmidt, Frank 22 January 2018 (has links)
Aufgrund der sehr hohen magnetokristallinen Anisotropiekonstante eignet sich besonders die Phase SmCo5 für zukünftige Festplattenmedien mit hoher Speicherdichte. Durch die starke Oxidationsneigung und die gegebene chemischen Ähnlichkeit anderer Seltenen Erden ist es eine Herausforderung hartmagnetische SmCo-basierte Nanopartikel mittels Inertgaskondensation herzustellen. Zudem bestimmt die Oberflächenenergie maßgeblich die Eigenschaften von Nanopartikeln, sodass ein Element mit einer geringen solchen energetisch bevorzugt die Oberfläche bildet. Diese Arbeit zeigt auf, wie die sauerstoffbasierte Oxidation und die unterschiedlichen Oberflächenenergien der legierungsbildenden Elemente die Struktur, die Morphologie und die chemische Verteilung der Elemente innerhalb der Nanopartikel beeinflussen und so die Legierungsbildung einer hartmagnetischen Sm(Pr)Co-Phase steuern. Mithilfe von aberrationskorrigierter, hochauflösender Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie in Verbindung mit Elektronenenergieverlustspektroskopie werden Morphologie, Elementverteilung und Struktur von unterschiedlich hergestellten Sm(Pr)Co-Nanopartikeln untersucht und analysiert. Die auftretende Segregation der Seltenen Erden an die Oberfläche der Nanopartikel wird zum einen auf eine sauerstoffinduzierte, zum anderen auf eine intrinsische Segregation, also eine durch unterschiedliche Oberflächenenergien der legierungsbildenden Elementen hervorgerufene Segregation zurückgeführt. Anhand eines entwickelten geometrischen Modells wird zwischen den beiden Ursachen der Segregation unterschieden. Das Verständnis um die kausalen Zusammenhänge der Segregation lässt den Schritt zur Herstellung hartmagnetischer intermetallischer SmCo-basierter Nanopartikel zu. Hierzu werden speziell Nanopartikelagglomerate geformt und optisch in einem Lichtofen erhitzt, sodass die Primärpartikel in den Agglomeraten versintern und schließlich das resultierende sphärische Partikel kristallisiert. HRTEM-Aufnahmen und Elektronenbeugung bestätigen die erfolgreiche Herstellung von SmCo5- und Sm2Co17-basierten Nanopartikeln. Die Koerzitivfeldstärke dieser Partikelensembles beträgt 1,8T und einem Maximum in der Schaltfeldverteilung bei 3,6T. Die magnetischen Eigenschaften spiegeln die analysierten strukturellen, morphologischen und chemischen Eigenschaften der Nanopartikel wider.:1 Einleitung 2 Theoretische Grundlagen 2.1 Physikalische Nanopartikelsynthese aus der Gasphase 2.1.1 Nukleationsprozess und Thermodynamik 2.1.2 Partikelwachstum 2.1.3 Sintern 2.2 Segregation 2.3 Das Stoffsystem Samarium-Kobalt 2.4 Magnetische Eigenschaften 2.4.1 Magnetische Kristallanisotropie 2.4.2 Eindomänenteilchen nach dem Stoner-Wohlfarth-Modell 3 Experiment und Methode 3.1 Nanopartikelpräparation 3.1.1 Nukleationskammer 3.1.2 Justage des Lichtofens 3.2 Herstellung glatter Schichten 3.3 Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie 3.3.1 Elektronenenergieverlustspektroskopie (EELS) 3.3.2 Partikelstatistik 3.4 Magnetische Messung 3.4.1 Korrektur der Hystereseschleife 3.4.2 Reversible und irreversible Prozesse 4 Untersuchung der SmCo-Targets mittels XPS und AES 5 Untersuchung der hergestellten Schichten 5.1 AES- und XPS-Analysen 5.1.1 Schicht#1 und Schicht#5 5.1.2 Schicht#6 5.2 TEM-Untersuchung am Querschnitt der Schichten 6 SmCo-Nanopartikel hergestellt aus MaTecK-T1 6.1 Ungeheizte SmCo-Nanopartikel 6.2 Im Flug geheizte SmCo-Nanopartikel 6.2.1 Geometrisches Modell der (un)vollständigen Segregation 7 SmCo-Nanopartikel hergestellt aus Lesker-Target 7.1 Ungeheizte (SmPr)Co-Nanopartikel 7.2 Im Flug geheizte (SmPr)Co-Nanopartikel 7.2.1 Einstellung intermetallischer Phasen 8 Magnetische Eigenschaften der (SmPr)Co-Nanopartikel 9 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick A Anhang A.1 FEM-Simulation A.1.1 Modell und Grundlage der FEM-Simulation der Partikeltrajektorien A.1.2 Ergebnisse der FEM-Simulation

Modeling of a PMSynRel stator with concentrated windings using FEM and non-linear reluctance networks

Pablos Rabano, Alejandro January 2013 (has links)
Permanent magnets synchronous reluctance (PMSynRel) motors are attractive due to their high torque density and because a lower quantity of permanent magnets is necessary in comparison with other permanent magnet machines. This thesis deals with the analysis of PMSynRel machines using a finite element method (FEM) and reluctance networks. First, a PMSynRel machine model is built in order to carry out simulations using a finite element method package. The effect of different design parameters such as the combination of the number of poles and slots, the number of flux barriers or the number of magnets can be studied since the implementation provides the possibility to change those variables. Next, a reluctance networks model, aimed to enable lower computation times than corresponding finite element models, is implemented for analysing the flux density distributions along the air gap of the machine disregarding the magnetic influence of the rotor. Finally, the results are compared with FEM simulations. It is concluded that the agreement reached is satisfactory in most of the cases analysed.

Design of a Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Machine with Non-Overlapping Concentrated Windings for the Shell Eco Marathon Urban Prototype

Martínez, Daniel January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the design of a permanent-magnet synchronous inner rotor motor for an in-wheel application for the Shell Eco Marathon Urban concept vehicle. First of all, concepts related to permanent magnet motors are studied. Likewise, different features of permanent magnet motors are qualitatively evaluated in order to choose the most suitable. A radial flux motor is selected based on its solid, economic and acceptable characteristics. Next, a detailed study of concentrated windings is carried out. Through this investigation, undesirable configurations of pole and slot numbers due to unbalanced magnetic pull or a low fundamental winding factor will be avoided and how to determine the different winding layouts for different pole and slots configuration will be explained. As well, based on this study, and the magnetic and electric behavior of the machine, an analytical model is created. This model calculates the optimum size and characteristics of a machine in order to obtain lightweight design. After that, the design of a program based on a finite element method that simulates different situations for the machine is accomplished, dealing with the difficulties that entails the concentrated windings. Finally, through the use of this program, the machine calculated by the analytical model is analyzed, specially regarding that it does not surpass some important margin in order not to be demagnetized or not to surpass the maximum phase voltage supplied by the batteries.

Design of a Synchronous Reluctance Motor Assisted with Permanent Magnets for Pump Applications / Konstruktion av en synkronreluktans motor med permanent magneter för pumpar

Ortega Dulanto, Adrian January 2015 (has links)
This Master thesis focuses on the design of a high efficiency Permanent-Magnet-Assisted Synchronous Reluctance Motor (PMASynRM) intended for pump applications. The new motor is designed to replace an existing Induction Motor (IM) in a pump product. The basic principles of SynRM, and PMASynRM Motors and a good analytical model were introduced. Due to the complexity and high non-linearity of this specific electrical machine, Finite Element Method (FEM) and an analytical model were combined. First, a parameter sensitivity analysis was carried out with the software SPEED. However, SPEED does not give appropriate results for the sensitivity analysis of the distance from the shaft to the first barrier, and in this case, the FEM software FLUX was used instead. Using FEM as well, the risk of demagnetization of the magnets was controlled for the nominal current and for overload conditions. Furthermore, some conclusions were drawn in terms of the losses, and efficiency for the selected design. The design fulfills the required efficiency placing either ferrite or neodymium iron bore magnets in the rotor barriers. However, if ferrite magnets are employed, the maximum current should be controlled to avoid demagnetization. Finally, a ferrite PMASynRM prototype was built and tested in the lab. The simulation results as well as the measurement of other possible technologies including IM and Line Start Permanent Magnets (LSPM) machine were compared with the measurements of the prototype in terms of efficiency, power factor and cost. It is concluded that the designed PMASynRM is a good alternative as it surpassed the required efficiency and the results from the simulation were close to the test measurements. / Detta examensarbete fokuserar på konstruktion av en högverkningsgradmotor av typen Permanent-Magnet-Assisterad Synkronreluktansmotor (PMASynRM) avsedd för pumpapplikationer. Syftet är att asynkronmotorn i befintliga pumpar ska bytas ut mot den nya konstruktionen. På grund av maskinens komplexitet och dess höga olinjäritet kombinerades Finite Element Modelling metoden (FEM) och en analytisk metod. Till en början genomfördes en parameterberoende analys med SPEED för att komma fram till hur modellens olika parametrar påverkar maskinens prestanda. FEM beräkning gav mer pålitligt resultat för parameterstudie när det gällde avståndet från axeln till den första barriären (jämför med SPEED). Detta val hade fördelen att man även kunde studera avmagnetiseringsrisken vid märkström samt undersöka vid vilken ström magneterna faktiskt avmagnetiserades. Därutöver drogs slutsatser om verkningsgrad, prestanda och förluster. PMASynRM uppfyller önskad verkningsgrad med ferrit eller neodymmagneter. Om ferritmagneter används bör den maximala strömmen kontrolleras för att undvika avmagnetisering. Till slut byggdes och testades en PMASynRM prototyp. Resultaten från simulationen samt mätningarna av andra möjliga teknologier, som asynkronmotor och nätstartande permanentmagnetiserad motor (LSPM), jämfördes med mätningarna av prototypen med avseende på verkningsgrad, effektfaktor och kostnad. Slutsatsen är att PMASynRM är ett bra alternativ eftersom den överträffade den önskade verkningsgraden och eftersom resultaten från simulationen låg mycket nära testmätningarna.

Design of an electric motor (PMSM) & manufacturing lab

Awawda, Lama January 2021 (has links)
The thesis presents deals with the design, analysis, test and control of permanent magnetsynchronous motor(PMSM). An analytical model was carried out based on the d-q frame and the equivalent circuit of PMSM, theanalytical model gives an approximation value of the machine parameters and is carried out byequations from the listed references. this phase includes many iteration steps, once the results wereobtained they were compared with the motor specifications and if they don’t match the requiredspecifications the process must be done again until the desired design is obtained. Once the analytical model is obtained a Finite Element Simulation was carried out using FEMMsoftware to validate the design, in this phase the designed machine in the analytical model isanalyzed and validated, once the simulation is done the results from both models are compared anddiscussed in the results chapter. It’s important to mark that during the design phase some design parameters were affected andlimited by some factors, for example, the air gap length has been magnified due to manufacturinglimits. The manufacturing process and the prototype building have been started once the optimal designwas selected, the manufacturing process was explained and a comparison study was made to selectthe best manufacturing process suitable and available for this thesis.

Forcierte Kühlung zur Steigerung der Ausnutzung permanentmagneterregter Außenläufermaschinen

Miersch, Sören, Schuffenhauer, Uwe, Thieme, Denny, Michalke, Norbert, Schuhmann, Thomas 05 March 2021 (has links)
Bei eigengekühlten Elektromaschinen in Außenläuferbauweise resultiert aus der schwierigeren Abführung der Statorverluste üblicherweise eine Reduktion der elektromagnetischen Ausnutzung. Im Beitrag wird am Beispiel eines permanentmagnetisch erregten Synchrongenerators für eine Kleinwindenergieanlage das Verfahren der intensivierten Statorrohrinnenkühlung unter Nutzung der Windströmung durch einen im Statorrohr angeordneten Kühlkörper diskutiert. Neben der elektromagnetischen und strömungsmechanischen bzw. thermischen Modellierung wird die experimentelle Trennung der Einzelverluste vorgestellt. Es wird gezeigt, dass die Ausnutzung der Maschine durch die intensivierten Statorrohrinnenkühlung um ca. 40 % gesteigert werden kann. / For self-ventilated electrical machines in outer rotor design, the difficult dissipation of stator losses usually results in a reduction of the electromagnetic utilization. Based on an example of a permanent magnet synchronous generator for a small wind turbine, the method of intensified inner stator tube cooling using the wind flow through a heat sink arranged in the stator tube is discussed in the article. In addition to the electromagnetic and fluid mechanical as well as thermal modeling, the experimental separation of the losses is presented. It is shown that the utilization of the machine can be increased by approx. 40 % by means of the intensified internal cooling of the stator tube.

Real-time implementation of PMSM software model on external hardware

Sjöberg, Alexander January 2017 (has links)
When developing three phase motor drives, the best way to validate the desiredfunctionality is to connect the inverter to an actual electrical motor. However, when developingfunctions which are not directly involved in controlling the motor, it could bemore efficient to use a real-time software model of the motor. In this master thesis, the developmentand implementation of a software model of a permanent magnet synchronousmotor (PMSM) is presented. This model was based on general dynamic equations forPMSM in a rotating reference frame (dq-frame). The model was simulated and convertedto C code using model based software development in Mathworks Simulink. To providemore realistic performance of the model, a finite element analysis (FEA) was done of anactual PMSM using the software tool FEMM. This analysis resulted in data describingthe relation between flux linkage and current which, when added into to software model,limits the produced torque due to magnetic saturation. Both the FEMM model and thefinal software model was compared to a corresponding actual motor for validation andperformance testing. All this resulted in a fully functional software model which was executableon the inverter. In the comparison of FEMM model to the real motor, a deviationin produced torque was discovered. This led to the conclusion that the model needed to beimproved to perform more alike the real motor. However, for this application the modelwas considered good enough to be used in future software development projects. / N¨ar kontrollsystem till trefasmotorer utvecklas s°a ¨ar det mest vanliga och troligendet b¨asta s¨attet f¨or funktionsvalidering att k¨ora drivenheten kopplad mot en riktig elektriskmotor. D¨aremot, om funktioner som ej ¨ar direkt kopplade till sj¨alva drivningen av motornutvecklas, s°a kan det vara mer effektivt att ist¨allet anv¨anda en mjukvarumodell. I det h¨arexamensarbetet s°a presenteras en mjukvarumodell av en permanentmagnetiserad synkronmotor(PMSM). Modellen baserades p°a de generella ekvationerna f¨or PMSM och simuleradessamt kodgenererades i Mathworks verktyg Simulink. F¨or att g¨ora modellen mer realistisks°a kompletterades den med data som beskriver relationen mellan det l¨ankade fl¨odetoch str¨om f¨or att ¨aven ta h¨ansyn till magnetisk m¨attnad. Den informationen simuleradesfram i verktyget FEMMgenom fl¨odesber¨akningar p°a en specifik motor typ. Samma motortyp har ocks°a j¨amf¨orts med den slutgiltiga mjukvarumodellen med avseende p°a utvecklatvridmoment vilket resulterade i n°agot st¨orre skillnader ¨an f¨orv¨antat. Slutsatsen blevs°aledes att modellen beh¨over f¨orb¨attras f¨or att p°a ett b¨attre s¨att st¨amma ¨overens med verklighetenmen att den fungerar tillr¨ackligt bra f¨or den ¨amnade applikationen.

Multi-objective optimization of an interior permanent magnet motor

Ray, Subhasis. January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Modelling a Novel Linear Transverse Flux Machine and Designing a Hysteresis Current Controller for Power Factor Correction

Alhaidari, Ahmed January 2019 (has links)
In this thesis, the basics of electromagnetic theory for wave-energy conversion are reviewed, some of the characteristics of the ocean wave are investigated, some of the power take-off (PTO) systems are introduced, and details about linear permanent magnetic machines, in particular, are discussed.  The thesis aims to model the novel linear transverse flux machine designed by Anders Hagnestål and to build hysteresis current controller for power factor correc- tion. Although this machine is expected to have high performance in terms of efficiency, it also exhibits a strong mutual interaction between the three phases of the machine. Thus, simplification of the actual model of the machine is im- posed to mitigate the complexity of the machine and facilitate the Simulink model. Four cases of the double band hysteresis control are studied. The cur- rents seem to be responding properly to the control scheme; however, software and hardware programming of a microprocessor would be preferable to ensurethe applicability of the control strategy in a real environment. / I detta examensarbete undersöks elektromagnetisk teori och havsvågors egenskaper. Några energiomvandlingssystem introduceras och permanentmagnetiserade maskiner diskuteras i detalj. Syftet med avhandlingen är att modelleraen ny linjär transversalflödesmaskin som är designad av Anders Hagnestål och att bygga en hysteresbaserad strömkontroll för denna. Även om maskinen förväntas prestera bra, uppvisar den också en stark ömsesidig magnetisk interaktion mellan de tre faserna. För att kunna hantera detta problem och därmed kunna genomföra simuleringar införs en förenklad elektromagnetisk modell av maskinen. En strömkontroller har implementerats i Simulink, där fyra fall av dubbelbandshystereskontroll studerats. Resultaten från simuleringarna visar att strömkontrollern fungerar. Nästa steg i projektet är att utföra mjukvaru och hårdvaruprogrammering av en mikrokontroller för att testa systemet i enverklig miljö.

Design and comparison of PMaSynRM versus PMSM for pumping applications

Briggner, Viktor January 2018 (has links)
This master thesis aimed to design a permanent magnet assisted synchronous reluctancemachine (PMaSynRM) rotor for pump applications which were to be implemented inan existing Induction Machine stator. The machine were to be compared with a similarpermanent magnet synchronous machine (PMSM) with similar torque production in termsof cost and performance.This thesis goes through the theory of the Synchronous Reluctance Machine andthe Permanent Magnet assistance. A rotor was designed by utilizing existing design approachesand simulation of performance by use of finite element analysis. A demagnetizationstudy was conducted on the added permanent magnets in order to investigate thefeasiblity of the design.The final design of the PMaSynRM was thereafter compared to the equivalentsurface-mounted PMSM in terms of performance and cost. The performance parameterswas torque production, torque ripple, efficiency and power factor. Due to the lower torquedensity of the PMaSynRM, for equal torque production the PMSM had a 40% shorterlamination stack than the PMaSynRM.The economic evaluation resulted in that when utilizing ferrite magnets in the PMa-SynRM it became slightly cheaper than the PMSM, up to 20%. However, due to the fluctuatingprices of NdFeB magnets, there exist breakpoints below which the PMaSynRM isin fact more expensive than the PMSM or where the price reduction of the PMaSynRMis not worth the extra length of the motor. However, it was shown that the PMaSynRMis very insensitive to magnet price fluctuations and thereby proved to be a more securechoice than the PMSM / Detta examensarbete avsåg att designa en rotor till en permanentmagnetsassisteradsynkron reluktansmaskin (PMaSynRM) för pumpapplikationer, vilken skulle implementeras i en befintlig asynkronmaskin (IM) stator. Maskinen jämfördes ekonomiskt och prestandamässigt med en liknande synkronmaskin med permanentmagneter (PMSM) med jämförbar vridmomentsproduktion.Uppsatsen avhandlar teorin bakom synkrona reluktansmaskiner och konceptet kring permanentmagnetassistans. Rotorn designades genom användandet av befintliga designmetoder och simulering genom finit elementanalys (FEA). En avmagnetiseringsstudie utfördes på de adderade magneterna för att undersöka rimligheten kring designenDen slutgiltiga designen av PMaSynRMen jämfördes därefter mot den jämlika PMSMen i termer om prestanda och kostnad. De undersökta prestandaparameterarna var vridmoment, vridmomentsrippel, verkningsgrad och effektfaktor. Eftersom vridmomentsdensiteten i en PMaSynRM är lägre än hos en PMSM så visade sig PMSMen ha en 40% kortare lamineringskropp än PMaSynRMen vid jämnlik vridmomentsproduktion.Den ekonomiska utvärderingen resulterade i att vid användandet av ferritmagneter i PMaSynRMen så blev den något billigare än PMSMen, upp till 20%. På grund av fluktuerande priser hos NdFeB magneter, så finns det brytpunkter där PMaSynRMen faktiskt blir dyrare än PMSMen eller då kostnadsreduktionen för PMaSynRMen kan bedömas att vara för låg med tanke på den ökade längden och vridmomentsrippel. Däremot visades det att PMaSynRMen är väldigt okänslig för prisvariationer och därför visades vara ettkostnadsmässigt tryggare val än PMSMen

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