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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Méthodologie de conception des machines synchrones à aimants. Application au véhicule électrique avec chargeur rapide embarqué / Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor design methodology for electrical vehicle with rapid charger on board

Dogan, Hussein 11 July 2013 (has links)
Les travaux de cette thèse portent sur la méthodologie de conception des Machines Synchrones à Aimants Permanents (MSAP) avec pour application le véhicule électrique. Dans une première partie, nous avons abordé du contexte de l'étude et de la problématique du dimensionnement. A l'occasion, nous avons montré qu'il est nécessaire d'adopter une méthodologie de design appropriée en fonction de l'avancement de chaque projet dans le cadre du processus de conception. Nous avons alors proposé différents niveaux de modélisation afin de repérer la machine optimale face au cahier des charges pour ensuite la caractériser plus finement et l'optimiser. La seconde partie du rapport traite donc de la modélisation et de l'optimisation de la MSAP. En premier lieu, un modèle analytique permet d'évaluer les performances globales des centaines de machines très rapidement. Ce premier calcul permet de sélectionner les meilleures machines à l'application pour ensuite les optimiser. Puis, le second niveau de modélisation se base sur les réseaux de réluctances. Ce niveau plus fin permet d'une part de retrouver les performances affinées des MSAP et également de procéder à l'optimisation. Enfin, la dernière partie du rapport est consacrée à l'optimisation de la MSAP en vue d'améliorer grandement les performances et de satisfaire au mieux au cahier des charges. / The works of this thesis concern the design methodology of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine (PMSM) for an electric vehicle application. The first part of this report introduces the context of the study and the problem of design. Then, we have shown that it is necessary to adopt an appropriate design methodology based on the progress of each project in the design process. Thus, we proposed different levels of modeling to identify the optimal machine against the specifications, and then characterize it more finely and optimize. The second part of the report deals with the modeling and optimization of the PMSM. First, an analytical model is employed to evaluate the overall performance of hundreds of machines very quickly. The first calculation is used to select the best machine for the application and then optimize them. Then, the second level of modeling is based on reluctance networks. This model allows finer resolution of the PMSM and also permits to perform optimization. The last part of the report is devoted to the optimization of the PMSM in order to greatly improve performances and meet the specifications.

Model elektrického vozidla v programu SIMULINK/SIMSCAPE / Model of electric vehicle in SIMULINK/SIMSCAPE program

Kachlík, Jan January 2011 (has links)
The topic of this diploma thesis is mathematical model of electric vehicle. The traction drive consists of Li-Ion battery, free-phase DC/AC converter and permanent magnet synchronous machine. The main goal of the thesis is development of function model and making simulations in SIMULINK/SIMSCAPE program. Work is divided into three main parts. The first part is dedicated to the theoretical description of the main drive components. The second part describes partial subsystems of the model. In the last part is build a complete model of electric vehicle and simulated different driving mode.

Algoritmy bezsnímačového řízení synchronního motoru s permanentními magnety / Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine Sensorless Control Algorithms

Veselý, Libor January 2013 (has links)
Algorithms of sensorless control of surface permanent magnet synchronous motors are discussed in the dissertation thesis. A method for position and speed estimation in high-speed region based on model reference adaptive system is described. Furthermore, classical approach using Kalman filtering was verified. Kalman filter expected the rotor speed to be constant as a modification of model using variable speed approach. These algorithms are not able to work at low speed region, thus a new method was proposed. This method is designed on extended Kalman filtering and uses the model which describes the stator inductance changes in - coordinates. At motor start, knowledge of initial rotor setup is required. The algorithm for initial rotor angle using high frequencies injected into the motor was proposed.

Design of a Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Machine with Non-Overlapping Concentrated Windings for the Shell Eco Marathon Urban Prototype

Martínez, Daniel January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the design of a permanent-magnet synchronous inner rotor motor for an in-wheel application for the Shell Eco Marathon Urban concept vehicle. First of all, concepts related to permanent magnet motors are studied. Likewise, different features of permanent magnet motors are qualitatively evaluated in order to choose the most suitable. A radial flux motor is selected based on its solid, economic and acceptable characteristics. Next, a detailed study of concentrated windings is carried out. Through this investigation, undesirable configurations of pole and slot numbers due to unbalanced magnetic pull or a low fundamental winding factor will be avoided and how to determine the different winding layouts for different pole and slots configuration will be explained. As well, based on this study, and the magnetic and electric behavior of the machine, an analytical model is created. This model calculates the optimum size and characteristics of a machine in order to obtain lightweight design. After that, the design of a program based on a finite element method that simulates different situations for the machine is accomplished, dealing with the difficulties that entails the concentrated windings. Finally, through the use of this program, the machine calculated by the analytical model is analyzed, specially regarding that it does not surpass some important margin in order not to be demagnetized or not to surpass the maximum phase voltage supplied by the batteries.

Design of an electric motor (PMSM) & manufacturing lab

Awawda, Lama January 2021 (has links)
The thesis presents deals with the design, analysis, test and control of permanent magnetsynchronous motor(PMSM). An analytical model was carried out based on the d-q frame and the equivalent circuit of PMSM, theanalytical model gives an approximation value of the machine parameters and is carried out byequations from the listed references. this phase includes many iteration steps, once the results wereobtained they were compared with the motor specifications and if they don’t match the requiredspecifications the process must be done again until the desired design is obtained. Once the analytical model is obtained a Finite Element Simulation was carried out using FEMMsoftware to validate the design, in this phase the designed machine in the analytical model isanalyzed and validated, once the simulation is done the results from both models are compared anddiscussed in the results chapter. It’s important to mark that during the design phase some design parameters were affected andlimited by some factors, for example, the air gap length has been magnified due to manufacturinglimits. The manufacturing process and the prototype building have been started once the optimal designwas selected, the manufacturing process was explained and a comparison study was made to selectthe best manufacturing process suitable and available for this thesis.

Modelling a Novel Linear Transverse Flux Machine and Designing a Hysteresis Current Controller for Power Factor Correction

Alhaidari, Ahmed January 2019 (has links)
In this thesis, the basics of electromagnetic theory for wave-energy conversion are reviewed, some of the characteristics of the ocean wave are investigated, some of the power take-off (PTO) systems are introduced, and details about linear permanent magnetic machines, in particular, are discussed.  The thesis aims to model the novel linear transverse flux machine designed by Anders Hagnestål and to build hysteresis current controller for power factor correc- tion. Although this machine is expected to have high performance in terms of efficiency, it also exhibits a strong mutual interaction between the three phases of the machine. Thus, simplification of the actual model of the machine is im- posed to mitigate the complexity of the machine and facilitate the Simulink model. Four cases of the double band hysteresis control are studied. The cur- rents seem to be responding properly to the control scheme; however, software and hardware programming of a microprocessor would be preferable to ensurethe applicability of the control strategy in a real environment. / I detta examensarbete undersöks elektromagnetisk teori och havsvågors egenskaper. Några energiomvandlingssystem introduceras och permanentmagnetiserade maskiner diskuteras i detalj. Syftet med avhandlingen är att modelleraen ny linjär transversalflödesmaskin som är designad av Anders Hagnestål och att bygga en hysteresbaserad strömkontroll för denna. Även om maskinen förväntas prestera bra, uppvisar den också en stark ömsesidig magnetisk interaktion mellan de tre faserna. För att kunna hantera detta problem och därmed kunna genomföra simuleringar införs en förenklad elektromagnetisk modell av maskinen. En strömkontroller har implementerats i Simulink, där fyra fall av dubbelbandshystereskontroll studerats. Resultaten från simuleringarna visar att strömkontrollern fungerar. Nästa steg i projektet är att utföra mjukvaru och hårdvaruprogrammering av en mikrokontroller för att testa systemet i enverklig miljö.

Modeling and Analysis of Asymmetries in Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines

Pina Ortega, Alejandro Jose 21 December 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Power Electronic Stages for a TFPMSM in Wave Power Applications

Falk Olson, Gustaf January 2016 (has links)
Direct drive wave energy conversion systems have been identified as a potentially major contributor to the world’s energy demands, forecasting shares of up to 25 % of the energy mix. Anders Hagnestål conducts research at the Royal Institute of Technology where a novel linear transverse flux permanent magnet generator is developed. This concept machine is particularly well-suited for the pertaining operating conditions in marine environments, producing large forces at low speeds with outstandingly low resistive losses. However, it exhibits severe magnetic saturation and draws unsymmetrical phase currents at nominal operation. In addition, it possesses a low power factor. All in all, this places stern requirements on the power electronic system and control algorithms. The aim of this thesis has been to design a functioning power conditioning system that connects the machine to the electric grid. For this purpose, a three-phase two-level voltage source converter is proposed to be back-to-back connected with two-level single-phase voltage source converters (active rectifiers) interfacing each and every machine phase. It is shown that the intermediate DC link can be maintained at a constant voltage with restricted ripple while feeding power at unity power factor to the grid by appropriately sizing the DC capacitor and adopting a feedback linearization control scheme. The phase currents can be controlled effectively by means of a cascaded gain-scheduled PID controller. By including a low-pass filter the iron losses in the machine may be suppressed even at lower switching frequencies. A constrained cost optimization indicates that the converter consequently can reach 99.1 % efficiency. Finally, with this thesis as a background, it is suggested that the thermal stresses on the selected semiconductor modules and the iron losses of the machine are evaluated to further improve the design. If higher efficiency of the active rectifiers is strived for, more complex converter topologies could be considered. / Direktdrivna vågenergiomvandlingssystem har utpekats som en potentiellt starkt bidragande resurs för att tillgodose världens efterfrågan på energi med andelar på uppemot 25 % av energimixen förutspådda. Anders Hagnestål bedriver forskning och utveckling av en ny typ av linjär permanentmagnetiserad transversalflödesmaskin vid Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan. Konceptmaskinen är särskilt väl lämpad för de rådande marina förhållandena genom att kunna producera stora krafter vid låga hastigheter med utomordentligt låga resistiva förluster. Maskinen går emellertid i kraftig magnetisk mättnad och drar asymmetriska strömmar vid nominell drift. Dessutom är effektfaktorn låg i jämförelse med standardmaskiner. Alltsomallt inför detta hårda krav på det effektelektroniska systemet och kontrollalgoritmerna. Målet med detta examensarbete har varit att designa ett funktionellt effektkonditioneringssystem som sammanfogar maskinen med det angränsande elektriska nätet. För att åstadkomma detta föreslås att en tvånivås-trefasomriktare kopplas rygg-mot-rygg till tvånivås-enfasomvandlare (aktiva likriktare) som i sin tur är kopplade till varje maskinfas. Med den här konfigurationen visas det att spänningen på den mellanliggande DC-länken kan hållas konstant med begränsat rippel, alltmedan effekt tillförs nätet vid effektfaktor ett genom att dimensionera DC-kondensatorn på rätt sätt och använda en kontrollag baserad på exakt linjärisering. Maskinens fasströmmar kan kontrolleras effektivt med hjälp av en kaskadkopplad PID-regulator med schemalagda förstärkningsfaktorer. Genom att inkludera ett lågpassfilter förväntas det att järnförlusterna i maskinen kan begränsas även vid lägre switchfrekvenser. Genom att lösa ett kostnadsoptimeringsproblem visas det att den resulterande aktiva likriktaren kan uppnå en verkningsgrad på 99.1 %. Slutligen, med det här examensarbetet som grund, föreslås det att den termiska stressen på de valda halvledarkomponentsmodulerna och järnförlusterna i maskinen utvärderas för att ytterligare förbättra designen. Om högre verkningsgrad eftersträvas hos de aktiva likriktarna kan mer komplicerade omvandlartopologier övervägas.

Terminal Behavioral Modeling of Electric Machines for Real-time Emulation and System-level Analysis

Nazari, Arash 20 September 2022 (has links)
Stability and sustainability of operation of interconnected power converter systems has been an important focus of study in the field of power electronics and power systems. With ever-increasing application of electrical machines by means of electrification of vehicles, airplanes and shipboards, detailed study of the relating dynamics is very important to ensure the proper implementation and stable behavior of the overall system. In this work, the application of the black box approach study of the power converters has been expanded to the electrical machines. Using this modeling method, it is possible of have accurate behavior of electrical and mechanical terminals of the machine without the detailed information about the internal structure of the machine, material characteristics or topology of the machine. Instead, accurate model of electrical and mechanical terminals of the machine are achieved by measuring specific frequency responses of the machine to distinguish dynamic relation of the various electrical and mechanical quantities of the machine. The directly measured frequency responses, are coupled with the dynamics of the source and load in the electrical and mechanical terminals of the machine thus in order to decoupled the described couplings a mathematical process is used that results in decoupling of the controller and drive on the electrical side and the dynamics of the mechanical load and mechanical shaft at the mechanical terminal of the machine. Resulting model is the linear time invariant representation of the electrical machine at a specific operating point. Additionally, this work represents the application of this modeling method for accurate measurement of internal parameters of the machine such as inductances and mechanical inertia and characterization of the mechanical shaft coupler. Resulting unterminated model of the machine is a very important matter of information for system integrators and electrical and mechanical designs related to the application of the machine, to ensure the stable and sustainable operation of the machine. This work for the first time, represents the experimental implementation of this terminal behavioral modeling method for studying electrical machines as well as describes some of the practical limitations of this methodology. By incorporating and integrating a combination of commercially available devices such as frequency response analyzer, Hardware-In-The-Loop (HIL), Power-Hardware-In-The-Loop (PHIL), a test setup has been developed that is capable of control, operate and study arbitrary frame small-signal related measurements required for terminal behavioral study of the electrical machines. Resulting model of the machine that has been extracted from this modeling method is then used to compare in time domain with the real machine in the case of transient change in the mechanical load on the shaft to discover the validity of this modeling procedure. / Master of Science / According to the data from the International Energy Agency, around half of the electricity used globally is consumed by electric motors. Moreover, the growth in the electrical vehicle industry will increase their application even further, hence the development of high-fidelity models of electric machines for real-time emulation, system-level analyses, and stability studies still stands out as an important and needed research focus. New modeling concepts that go beyond the standard industry practice can be used at the design and integration stage to ensure the stable behavior of the overall system. Furthermore, convenient testing and identification pressures can help ensure the long-term operation of the system. Aligned with this trend, this thesis is studying permanent magnet synchronous machines (PMSM) using small-signal terminal-behavioral three-port networks. Having such a behavioral model of the machine available provides many opportunities for system integrators, and even enables an in-situ system observation and stability assessment at both the machine's electrical and mechanical interfaces. This capability can undoubtedly be of high importance in practice, as it is offering new insights into dynamic interactions of the electro-mechanical systems, the governor or turbine control design in ships, aircrafts, electrical vehicles, and even large synchronous machines in power plants. A so-called characterization testbed has been built that combines Hardware-In-The-Loop (HIL) and Power-Hardware-In-The-Loop (PHIL) environments, with sensor-interface boards that are used to properly scale measured signals for machine control. The Frequency-Response-Analyzer is used to sweep the proper electrical or mechanical terminal of the machine by perturbing the proper control signal within the machine controller running in PHIL and reading d-q currents, voltages, torque, and speed variables whose dynamic ratios are then obtained without the need for interrupting the normal operation of the electrical machine. The capability of acquiring such a detailed model of the machine while the machine is in operation is an important benefit of this modeling method, in comparison to the conventional identification methods widely applied in the industry. The resulting model is a linearized time invariant representation of the electrical machine at a specific operating point of interest, and can be used by system integrators to ensure the stability of the system using well known stability assessment methodologies. Furthermore, this modeling strategy has been experimentally verified for the first time on electrical machines, and the resulting model has been compared with the transient behavior of the machine in the presence of a step change in the mechanical load of the machine.

Commande coopérative des systèmes monoconvertisseurs multimachines synchrones / Cooperative control of Mono inverter-Multi parallel PMSM system

Bidart, Damien 01 June 2011 (has links)
Afin de rendre les machines synchrones à aimants permanents plus attractives pour l'aéronautique (actionneurs de commande de vol, systèmes de freinage, train d'atterrissage ...), il peut être intéressant de réduire le nombre de modules d'électronique de puissance utilisés en les mutualisant. De nombreuses études ont été réalisées pour des systèmes composés de plusieurs machines asynchrones et principalement en traction ferroviaire, mais peu concernent les machines synchrones. Après avoir étudié différentes structures envisageables, les travaux développés lors de cette thèse présentent une étude originale d'un système composé de deux machines synchrones à aimants permanents connectées en parallèle sur un onduleur unique mutualisé. Ces machines ont des caractéristiques identiques ou proches et doivent être pilotées à la même vitesse. La structure de commande retenue lors de cette thèse est de type maître-esclave: seule une des deux machines est autopilotée (la machine maître), l'autre (la machine esclave) fonctionnant en boucle ouverte. Afin d'assurer la stabilité d'un tel système, le synchronisme des deux moteurs doit toujours être respecté. Une stratégie de commande, qui choisit quel est le moteur maître, en prenant en compte la variation des paramètres internes et externes du système, est alors instaurée. Dans ces conditions, les évolutions théoriques des différentes variables sont déterminées. Pour valider ces résultats, un processus expérimental est mis en place. Les nombreux résultats obtenus en simulation et expérimentalement permettent alors de confirmer les résultats théoriques: que ce soient les paramètres mécaniques ou électriques qui varient, la stabilité du système est toujours garantie. Le cas supplémentaire où les deux machines déplacent une charge mécanique commune avec une liaison mécanique rigide entre les deux machines, est finalement développé. Une autre stratégie de commande, dont la structure et les résultats sont également présentés dans cette thèse, est alors nécessaire. / To make permanent magnet synchronous machines more attractive for aerospace (flight control actuators, braking systems, landing gear ...), it may be advantageous to reduce the number of power electronic modules used in the pooling. Many studies have been performed for systems composed of several machines and asynchronous traction primarily, but little concern synchronous machines. After considering various possible structures, this Ph.D. thesis presents an original study of a system consisting of two permanent magnet synchronous machines connected in parallel on a single shared inverter. These machines have characteristics identical or similar and must be driven at the same speed. The control structure chosen in this Ph.D. thesis is a master-slave : only one machine, called master machine is self-piloted, the other (the slave machine) operating in open loop. To ensure the stability of such a system, the timing of the two engines should always be respected. A control strategy, which selects which is the master motor, taking into account the variation of internal and external parameters of the system is then introduced. Under these conditions, the theoretical developments of the different variables are determined. To validate these results, an experimental process is established. The numerous results obtained in simulation and experiments are then used to confirm the theoretical results : whatever the mechanical or electrical parameters variation, system stability is always guaranteed. The additional case, when both machines move a mechanical load with a common rigid mechanical connection between two machines, is finally developed. Another required control strategy, the structure and the results are also presented in this Ph.D. thesis.

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