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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analise de teste de poço sob condição de escoamento bifasico : oleo e gas / Well test analysis under two-phase flow condition : oil and gas

Marques, João Bosco Dias, 1963- 12 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Osvair Vidal Trevisan / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecanica e Instituto de Geociencias / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-12T18:20:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marques_JoaoBoscoDias_M.pdf: 2275485 bytes, checksum: 7008d88db0703cad4c59a10ca5e7b368 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008 / Resumo: Este trabalho disserta sobre a análise de teste transitório de produção e de crescimento de pressão em poço vertical sob condição de escoamento bifásico de óleo e gás. Os resultados obtidos são o fator de película e pontos das curvas das permeabilidades efetivas ao óleo e ao gás em função da saturação de óleo. A permeabilidade efetiva em função da saturação do óleo é obtida da combinação da permeabilidade efetiva em função da pressão de teste de poço com a solução de uma equação diferencial ordinária que relaciona a saturação do óleo com a pressão. Um dos métodos, denominado método p2, é desenvolvido a partir da representação da curva da função de pseudopressão, kro/(µoBo) versus a pressão de teste, por meio de duas linhas retas. O problema físico analisado consiste de um reservatório homogêneo operando a partir da pressão de bolha, água conata imóvel e efeitos de capilaridade e de gravidade desprezíveis. Os dados para validação dos métodos são obtidos com testes de poços realizados em modelos de reservatórios preparados num simulador comercial. O método p2 utiliza basicamente pontos e inclinações de retas de curvas típicas, construídas com dados de teste de poço, para determinar o fator de película e as curvas das permeabilidades efetivas aos fluidos. As curvas obtidas pelo método p2 são comparadas com as obtidas por outro método, chamado de método de determinação in situ / Abstract: This thesis provides an analysis of drawdown and buildup tests from vertical well under solution gas-drive conditions. The results obtained include the skin factor and the points of the effective permeability curves for the oil and gas as a function of oil saturation. The effective permeability as a function of oil saturation is the result of a combination of the effective permeability as a function of wellbore pressure and the solution of an ordinary differential equation which relates oil saturation to the pressure. One of the methods, named square-pressure method, is developed using two straight lines to approximate the curve of the pseudo-pressure function, kro/(µoBo) versus the wellbore pressure. The physical problem consists of a homogeneous reservoir operating from bubble-point pressure with immobile connate water, neglecting the capillarity and gravity effects. The data for the validation of the methods was obtained using well tests reservoirs models built in a commercial simulator. The p2 method basically utilizes the points and the straight lines slope of typical curves built from well test data to determinate the effective permeability curves and the skin factor. Then, the results of these curves are compared to those obtained with another method, named in situ determination method / Mestrado / Reservatórios e Gestão / Mestre em Ciências e Engenharia de Petróleo

Avaliação in vitro dos efeitos da aplicação de sistemas adesivos, do oxalato de potássio, ou a combinação de ambos, na permeabilidade dentinária / Effects of a potassium oxalate gel/adhesive agent combined application on dentin permeability: an in vitro study

Safira Marques de Andrade e Silva 17 June 2005 (has links)
A tendência atual de simplificação de sistemas adesivos transformou-os em polímeros altamente hidrofílicos e prontamente susceptíveis à permeação de água através de sua estrutura. Estudos recentes têm demonstrado que os sistemas adesivos simplificados se comportam como membranas semipermeáveis, permitindo o movimento de fluidos através da sua estrutura. Soluções a base de oxalato de potássio são efetivos agentes de redução da condutividade hidráulica dentinária. Quando são aplicados na dentina após o condicionamento ácido, podem ser utilizados em associação com os sistemas adesivos sem o comprometimento da adesão. Este trabalho objetivou avaliar os efeitos dos sistemas adesivos AdheSE, One Up Bond F e Single Bond, associados ou não a uma solução a base de oxalato de potássio, na condutividade hidráulica da dentina. Foram realizados preparos de coroas totais em terceiros molares humanos que tiveram suas raízes secionadas e a polpa coronária removida. Os segmentos coronários obtidos foram conectados ao ?Medidor de Fluxo? (Flodec?System, De marco Engineering, Switzerland). A condutividade hidráulica dos espécimes foi mensurada antes e após a aplicação dos sistemas adesivos Single Bond -3M ESPE, One UP Bond F -Tokuyama Inc, AdheSe- Ivoclar- Vivadent. Os adesivos foram aplicados seguindo as recomendações do fabricante (grupos SBF, ADF e OBF), de forma experimental (grupos ADE e OBE), e em combinação com uma solução a base de oxalato de potássio (grupos SBO, ADO e OBO). Cada espécime teve seu valor de permeabilidade original ( smear layer) e máxima (após condicionamento ácido) medidos anteriormente, os quais serviram como parâmetros para o cálculo das respectivas alterações frente aos tratamentos, expressas em porcentagem. Após a determinação da condutividade hidráulica, os preparos foram moldados para obtenção de réplicas em resina, as quais foram examinadas em MEV (JEOL 2800, Japão) para qualificar a permeação de fluido através do adesivo. A Análise de variância a 2 critérios mostrou que apesar dos procedimentos adesivos causarem uma redução significante (p< 0.05) na condutividade hidráulica da dentina condicionada, nenhum foi capaz de eliminar completamente a passagem de fluidos através do adesivo polimerizado. Para os três adesivos testados, o tratamento com o oxalato de potássio foi o tratamento mais eficaz na redução da permeabilidade dentinária e esta diferença foi estatisticamente significante quando comparada aos outros tratamentos (p<0,05). Não houve diferença entre os três sistemas adesivos estudados com relação à redução da permeabilidade dentinária (p> 0,05). A análise das réplicas em MEV mostrou que mesmo após a polimerização do adesivo, a transudação de fluidos pôde ser identificada na superfície de todas réplicas examinadas. Nenhum dos sistemas adesivos testados foi capaz de eliminar a permeação de fluidos através da dentina, contudo a associação destes adesivos com uma solução a base de oxalato de potássio reduziu de forma significante a permeabilidade dentinária. / There is an ongoing trend to move away from classical multi-component bonding systems toward simplified adhesives. An immediate consequence of adhesive simplification is the intrinsic permeability to water that result from their increase in hydrophilicity. Current studies have demonstrated that single-step adhesives may act as semi-permeable membranes that allow water diffusion through its structure. Oxalate desensitizers are effective in reducing the hydraulic conductance of dentin. When oxalates are used after acid- etching they do not interfere with subsequent resin bonding. The objective of this study was to test the effects of adhesives systems with or without the application of an oxalate desensitizer on dentin permeability. Crown preparations were made from human extracted teeth. After the roots were sectioned and the coronal pulp removed, the crown segments were connected to an automatic flow-recording device (Flodec-System, De Marco Engineering, Switzerland). Fluid conductance was measured before and after the bonding procedures with the adhesives Single Bond -3M ESPE, One UP Bond F -Tokuyama Inc and AdheSe- Ivoclar Vivadent. Specimens were prepared and tested after the surface had been bonded according to manufacturer?s instructions (SBF,ADF and OBF groups) , in a experimental way (ADE and OBE groups) or integrating with a oxalate desensitizer gel (SBO, ADO and OBO groups). For each specimen, fluid flow across the smear-layer and bonded dentin was expressed as a percentage of acidetched dentin, which was assigned a value of 100% flow rate. After the hydraulic conductance measures, impressions were taken from the crown segments and epoxy resin replicas were produced for SEM examination. Two-Way ANOVA reveled that the adhesive systems reduced dentin permeability significantly (p< 0.05) compared to acid etched dentin, but no bonding system was able to eliminate the fluid flow though dentin. For the three bonding systems tested, treating the acid-etched dentin with potassium oxalate prior to the application of the adhesive was the most effective in reducing the hydraulic conductance of the specimens, and this difference was significant (p< 0.05) when comparing to the other treatments. There were no significant differences among the adhesives in their ability to reduce dentin permeability (p> 0.05). SEM micrographs of resin replicas showed that transudation of dentinal fluid droplets could be identified on the surfaces of all replicas examined.

Avaliação in vitro da condutibilidade hidráulica da dentina após a irradiação de diferentes parâmetros de laser associados ou não com verniz fluoretado / In vitro evaluation of dentin hydraulic conductance after irradiation with different LASER parameters, associated or not with a fluoride varnish

Fabio Antonio Piola Rizzante 24 February 2015 (has links)
Os tratamentos que visam a remissão dos sintomas provocados pela hipersensibilidade dentinária são baseados na obliteração física dos túbulos dentinários com o objetivo de reduzir a condutibilidade hidráulica da dentina. Nesse contexto, diversos tratamentos têm sido avaliados, entre eles, a irradiação da superfície dentinária com laser. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a condutibilidade hidráulica da dentina radicular bovina, após irradiação com um laser de diodo (980nm), associado ou não com um verniz fluoretado. Sessenta espécimes de dentina radicular bovina com dimensões 5,5 X 5,5 X 1mm foram divididos em 6 grupos (n=10): Grupos 1, 3 e 5 (laser de diodo com 0,5; 0,7 e 1W respectivamente); Grupos 2, 4 e 6 (associação entre verniz fluoretado e laser de diodo com 0,5; 0,7 e 1W). A condutibilidade hidráulica da dentina, avaliada em FLODEC, foi analisada em 4 momentos: após criação da smear layer (permeabilidade mínima), após condicionamento com gel de ácido fosfórico a 37% (permeabilidade máxima), após os tratamentos propostos e após o desafio ácido com ácido cítrico a 6%. Os dados obtidos foram avaliados pela ANOVA a 2 critérios e teste de Tukey para comparação entre os diferentes grupos e ANOVA 1 critério de medidas repetidas e teste de Tukey para comparação entre as diferentes leituras dentro de cada grupo, sempre com p<0,05%. As análises demonstraram um melhor resultado conforme o aumento da potência de irradiação, principalmente se esta for associada à aplicação do verniz fluoretado, garantindo uma melhor estabilidade dos tratamentos, mesmo após o desafio ácido. Após essa última etapa, os espécimes foram avaliados quanto à composição mineral em EDX, apresentando como principais alterações nos grupos irradiados com laser, um aumento na proporção de ions Cálcio e Fósforo, associada à redução dos íons Carbono e Oxigênio. Dessa forma, a irradiação da dentina exposta com laser de diodo promoveu redução significante na condutibilidade hidráulica, principalmente com densidades de energia mais elevadas e quando associado ao verniz fluoretado. / The dentin hypersensitivity treatments are based on the physical obliteration of dentinal tubules in order to reduce the dentin hydraulic conductance. Hence, many treatments have been evaluated, such as the dentin surface laser irradiation. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the bovine root dentin hydraulic conductance after 980nm diode laser irradiation, associated or not with a fluoride varnish. Sixty bovine root dentin specimens were divided into six groups (n=10): Groups 1, 3 and 5 (0.5, 0.7 and 1W diode laser respectively); Groups 2, 4 and 6 (association between fluoride varnish application and 0.5, 0.7 and 1W diode laser irradiation). The dentin hydraulic conductance was evaluated at 4 moments, with FLODEC: after smear layer (minimum permeability), after 37% phosphoric acid gel etching (maximum permeability), after the treatments and after 6% citric acid challenge. The analysis demonstrated a better result with increased irradiation power, especially if the diode laser irradiation was associated with the application of a fluoride varnish, ensuring a greater treatment stability, even after acid challenge. After the citric acid challenge, the specimens were evaluated for mineral composition in EDX. The irradiated groups showed, as major changes after laser irradiation, an increase in the proportion of calcium and phosphorus ions, associated with the reduction of carbon and oxygen ions. In conclusion, the laser irradiation of the exposed dentin promoted a significant reduction in hydraulic conductance, mainly with higher energy densities and when combined with a fluoride varnish.

Estudo das propriedades de barreira em filmes de nanocompósitos obtidos de blendas de PEAD/PEBDL com montmorilonita organofílica / Study of the barrier properties of films from nanocomposites of the blend of HDPE/LLDPE and organophilic montmorillonite

Cruz, Carolina Vertu Marinho da, 1979- 22 August 2018 (has links)
Orientadores: Ana Rita Morales, Leila Peres / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Química / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-22T15:46:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Cruz_CarolinaVertuMarinhoda_M.pdf: 4798053 bytes, checksum: 65af0005636fd070fa8ddccf682f09f9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013 / Resumo: O trabalho teve como objetivo estudar o desempenho de filmes flexíveis de nanocompósitos visando aplicação na área de embalagens. Partindo-se de uma blenda típica do mercado, de polietileno de alta densidade - PEAD, com polietileno de baixa densidade linear - PEBDL, foram preparados nanocompósitos com uma argila montmorilonita organofílica comercial. Na primeira parte experimental foi elaborado, em uma extrusora de dupla rosca, um concentrado ou masterbatch de argila montmorilonita com resina compatibilizante à base de polietileno de baixa densidade linear enxertado com anidrido maléico - PEBDL-AM e partir deste concentrado foram feitos filmes com uma blenda de PEAD e PEBDL com o objetivo de se obter uma estrutura esfoliada da argila na matriz polimérica. A morfologia do concentrado e dos filmes de nanocompósitos foi caracterizada por Difração de Raios-X e Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura - MET, bem como foram avaliadas as propriedades de barreira ao gás oxigênio e vapor d'água e as propriedades mecânicas dos filmes produzidos. A partir da análise dos resultados da primeira parte experimental, executou-se a segunda parte experimental, onde se mudaram as condições de processamento e a formulação do masterbatch visando uma melhor dispersão da nanocarga. Novos filmes foram preparados como o masterbatch e a blenda de PEAD e PEBDL e as mesmas propriedades da parte experimental I foram estudadas. As variáveis de processamento do masterbatch e o teor de argila influenciaram a dispersão da argila e os resultados de permeabilidade dos filmes obtidos. O modelo de Nielsen foi aplicado para estimar a razão de aspecto e para entender o grau de esfoliação da argila. Melhorias nas propriedades de barreira foram observadas, o que indica que os sistemas estudados mostram-se promissores para aplicações em embalagens flexíveis / Abstract: The objective of this work was to study the properties of a flexible film based in nanocomposites for packaging application. Assuming a typical blend of HDPE and LLDPE, nanocomposites were prepared with commercial organophilic clay. In the first experimental part, a masterbatch was prepared from a linear low density polyethylene modified with maleic anhydride and a montmorillonite clay. The masterbatch was diluted in a blend of high density polyethylene (HDPE) with linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE) and films were extruded. The objective was to obtain nanocomposites whitin an exfoliated structure of the clay in the polymer matrix. The nanocomposites morphologies were evaluated by X-ray diffraction and TEM. Besides, the properties of gas barrier to oxygen and water vapor and mechanical properties were also determined. Analyzing the results of the first experimental part, improvement on the clay dispersion based on the processing conditions was expected and the second experimental part was held. The conditions of processing and masterbatch formulation were changed. Dilutions were also made in the blend of HDPE / LLDPE for films preparation and the same properties of the experimental I were studied. Processing conditions and clay content affect the ability of the clay dispersion and the results of permeability. Nielsen's model was applied in order to measure the aspect ratio and to understand the clay exfoliation level. Improvements on the barrier properties were observed and the studied systems were shown to be promising for applications in flexible packaging / Mestrado / Ciencia e Tecnologia de Materiais / Mestra em Engenharia Química

Modelling porosity and permeability in early cemented carbonates

Hosa, Aleksandra Maria January 2016 (has links)
Cabonate-hosted hydrocarbon reservoirs will play an increasingly important role in the energy supply, as 60% of the world's remaining hydrocarbon resources are trapped within carbonate rocks. The properties of carbonates are controlled by deposition and diagenesis, which includes calcite cementation that begins immediately after deposition and may have a strong impact on subsequent diagenetic pathways. This thesis aims to understand the impact of early calcite cementation on reservoir properties through object-based modelling and Lattice Boltzmann ow simulation to obtain permeability. A Bayesian inference framework is also developed to quantify the ability of Lattice Boltzmann method to predict the permeability of porous media. Modelling focuses on the impact of carbonate grain type on properties of early cemented grainstones and on the examination of the theoretical changes to the morphology of the pore space. For that purpose process-based models of early cementation are developed in both 2D (Calcite2D) and 3D (Calcite3D, which also includes modelling of deposition). Both models assume the existence of two grain types: polycrystalline and monocrystalline, and two early calcite cement types specific to these grain types: isopachous and syntaxial, respectively. Of the many possible crystal forms that syntaxial cement can take, this thesis focuses on two common rhombohedral forms: a blocky form 01¯12 and an elongated form 40¯41. The results of the 2D and 3D modelling demonstrate the effect of competition of growing grains for the available pore space: the more monocrystalline grains present in the sample, the stronger this competition becomes and the lesser the impact of each individual grain on the resulting early calcite cement volume and porosity. The synthetic samples with syntaxial cements grown of the more elongated crystal form 40¯41 have lower porosity for the same monocrystalline grains content than synthetic samples grown following more blocky crystal form 01¯12. Moreover, permeability at a constant porosity is reduced for synthetic samples with the form 40¯41. Additionally, synthetic samples with form 40¯41 exhibit greater variability in the results as this rhombohedral form is more elongated and has the potential for producing a greater volume of cement. The results of the 2D study suggest that for samples at constant porosity the higher the proportion of monocrystalline grains are in the sample, the higher the permeability. The 3D study suggests that for samples with crystal form 01¯12 at constant porosity the permeability becomes lower as the proportion of monocrystalline grains increase, but this impact is relatively minor. In the case of samples with crystal form 40¯41 the results are inconclusive. This dependence of permeability on monocrystalline grains is weaker than in the 2D study, which is most probably a result of the bias of flow simulation in the 2D as well as of the treatment of the porous medium before the cement growth model is applied. The range of the permeability results in the 2D modelling may be artificially overly wide, which could lead to the dependence of permeability on sediment type being exaggerated. Poroperm results of the 2D modelling (10-8000mD) are in reasonable agreement with the data reported for grainstones in literature (0.1-5000mD) as well as for the plug data of the samples used in modelling (porosity 22 - 27%, permeability 200 - 3000mD), however permeability results at any given porosity have a wide range due to the bias inherent to the 2D flow modelling. Poroperm results in the 3D modelling (10 - 30, 000mD) exhibit permeabilities above the range of that reported in the literature or the plug data, but the reason for that is that the initial synthetic sediment deposit has very high permeability (58, 900mD). However, the trend in poroperm closely resembles those reported in carbonate rocks. As the modelling depends heavily on the use of Lattice Boltzmann method (flow simulation to obtain permeability results), a Bayesian inference framework is presented to quantify the predictive power of Lattice Boltzmann models. This calibration methodology is presented on the example of Fontainebleau sandstone. The framework enables a systematic parameter estimation of Lattice Boltzmann model parameters (in the scope of this work, the relaxation parameter τ ), for the currently used calibrations of Lattice Boltzmann based on Hagen-Poiseuille law. Our prediction of permeability using the Hagen-Poiseuille calibration suggests that this method for calibration is not optimal and in fact leads to substantial discrepancies with experimental measurements, especially for highly porous complex media such as carbonates. We proceed to recalibrate the Lattice Boltzmann model using permeability data from porous media, which results in a substantially different value of the optimal τ parameter than those used previously (0.654 here compared to 0.9). We augment our model introducing porosity-dependence, where we find that the optimal value for τ decreases for samples of higher porosity. In this new semi-empirical model one first identifies the porosity of the given medium, and on that basis chooses an appropriate Lattice Boltzmann relaxation parameter. These two approaches result in permeability predictions much closer to the experimental permeability data, with the porosity-dependent case being the better of the two. Validation of this calibration method with independent samples of the same rock type yields permeability predictions that fall close to the experimental data, and again the porosity-dependent model provides better results. We thus conclude that our calibration model is a powerful tool for accurate prediction of complex porous media permeability.

Conductive and convective heat transfer in sediments near streams

Lapham, Wayne Wright, Lapham, Wayne Wright January 1988 (has links)
An Fourier Series solution is presented that describes the simultaneous, one-dimensional, vertical flow of heat and ground water in homogeneous, porous media beneath streams. Use of this analytical solution provides an indirect method of determining vertical flow rates and the effective vertical hydraulic connection between sediments and overlying streams. The method consists of varying the Darcy velocity in the solution until the temperature profiles predicted by the solution match those measured in the field. The method was applied at three field sites in Central Massachusetts. At the first site, which is underlain by lacustrine clay, the vertical flow rate through the clay was determined to be less than 5x10⁻⁷ cm/s and the vertical hydraulic conductivity was less than 0.08 cm/s. The vertical flow rate through mixed sand and gravel underlying the second site equaled 7.5x10⁻⁶ cm/s and vertical hydraulic conductivities of sediments underlying the site ranged from 3.8x10⁻⁴ to 3.1x10⁻³ cm/s. The vertical flow rate through mixed sand and gravel underlying the third site ranged from 3x10⁻⁵ to 7x10⁻⁵ cm/s and vertical hydraulic conductivities of sediments underlying the site ranged from 1x10⁻³ to 4x10⁻³ cm/s. The simultaneous flow of heat and ground water in sediments beneath streams may be more complex than that assumed for the Fourier Series solution. The additional complexity may be partially attributable to two factors: the presence of horizontal ground-water flow, and the presence of thermal conditions near the stream that differ from conditions in the stream itself. The effects of that these two factors have on thermal regimes in sediments beneath streams were investigated using numerical simulations. Results indicate, for example, that under conditions of no horizontal ground-water flow, thermal conditions near the stream can affect temperatures in sediments beneath the stream as far as 900 cm from the stream bank. For horizontal flow rates greater than about 1x10⁻⁴ cm/s, thermal conditions near the stream can affect temperatures in sediments beneath the stream as far as 1500 cm from the stream bank. The method of determining flow rates and hydraulic connection has been applied to stream-aquifer systems. However, the method also may have application in other hydrologic settings. Two such applications might be to determine flow rates to and from lakes and rates of recharge to aquifers.

Porosity and permeability distribution in the deep marine play of the central Bredasdorp Basin, Block 9, offshore South Africa

Ojongokpoko, Hanson Mbi January 2006 (has links)
Magister Scientiae - MSc / This study described porosity and permeability distribution in the deep marine play of the central Bredasdorp Basin, Block 9, offshore South Africa using methods that include thin section petrography, X-ray diffraction, and scanning electron microscopy, in order to characterize their porosity and permeability distributions, cementation and clay types that affect the porosity and permeability distribution. The study included core samples from nine wells taken from selected depths within the Basin. / South Africa

Proton conducting polymer composite membrane development for Direct Methanol Fuel Cell applications

Luo, Hongze January 2008 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / The objective of this study was thus to prepare highly proton condictivity membranes that are cheap to manufacture and have low methanol permeability.

Presentation precinct : modification of consciousness

Ceronio, Foord 03 October 2008 (has links)
The proposed thesis project consists of an art presentation precinct where art works will be exhibited, presented and performed before being presented to under-exposed communities in outlying areas of Tshwane and beyond. The dissertation responds to certain identified requirements. Its approach will be preservation based, while being sensitive to the distinctiveness of the site. The aim is that the aesthetics will add to the character of the site and that, at completion, visual appropriateness will be prominent. Please note that the text on pages 28-39, 44, 46-64, 71-77, Images and Bibliography is illegible / Dissertation (MArch(Prof))--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Architecture / unrestricted

Measurement and Analysis of Flow in 3D Preforms for Aerospace Composites

Stewart, Andrew L January 2012 (has links)
Composite materials have become viable alternatives to traditional engineering materials for many different product categories. Liquid transfer moulding (LTM) processes, specifically resin transfer moulding (RTM), is a cost-effective manufacturing technique for creating high performance composite parts. These parts can be tailor-made to their specific application by optimizing the properties of the textile preform. Preforms which require little or no further assembly work and are close to the shape of the final part are critical to obtaining high quality parts while simultaneously reducing labour and costs associated with other composite manufacturing techniques. One type of fabric which is well suited for near-net- shape preforms is stitched non-crimp fabrics. These fabrics offer very high in-plane strength and stiffness while also having increased resistance to delamination. Manufacturing parts from these dry preforms typically involves long-scale fluid flow through both open channels and porous fibre bundles. This thesis documents and analyzes the flow of fluid through preforms manufactured from non-crimp fabrics featuring through-thickness stitches. The objective of this research is to determine the effect of this type of stitch on the RTM injection process. All of the tests used preforms with fibre volume fractions representative of primary and secondary structural parts. A series of trials was conducted using different fibre materials, flow rates, fibre volumes fractions, and degrees of fibre consolidation. All of the trials were conducted for cases similar to RTM. Consolidation of the fibres showed improvements to both the thoroughness of the filling and to the fibre volume fraction. Experimentally determined permeability data was shown to trend well with simple models and precision of the permeability data was comparable to values presented by other authors who studied fabrics which did not feature the through-thickness stitches.

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