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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gest?o do conhecimento no treinamento e desenvolvimento de pessoas / Knowledge management in personnel development and training

Moreira, Gard?nia Garcia Benossi 18 February 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:36:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Gardenia Garcia Benossi Moreira.pdf: 591664 bytes, checksum: 58262fb7b5c6ea4e6032aca073e36cdf (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-02-18 / The organizations have been pressioned to adapt to the economy, so fast, but is necessary to do the better in their job. This paper wanted, in this context, to verify the possibility of the relation between Knowledge Management, that look at the business intellectual capital and promoting it throughout the knowledge sharing and the personnel Training and Development area, that works with the employee learning capability. Other objectives were: to analyze the Knowledge Management and Training and Development concepts available in the literature, doing a relation with the available concepts in organizations sites that put into practice these processes in their environment, verifying if existing or not adjustment, trying to detect possibles contributions of the Information Science. The method was inductive with bibliographic and qualitative characteristics. To do the verifying about the possible relation between Knowledge Management and Training and Development processes, two organizations were chosen, because there was available in their sites some informations about these ones. The bibliography that has been chosen was the based to the analysis. After this, has been identified that the organization A do the Knowledge Management and Training and Development processes, like the directing tendencies to this area. The organization B didn t know clearly about the Knowledge Management, but apply overall the Training and Development processes, like the organization A following the directing tendencies. This paper also considered so that the Information Science has the information in it base, that this one contribute satisfactorily to the Knowledge Management and Training and Development processes therefore the information is the knowledge origin, and has been the base to this paper. Concluding, ratify that Knowledge Management and Training and Development processes are convergent whereas the business increasing and development presume, nowadays, the organization capacity to generate new knowledge, sharing it between the employees and join it through learning, to the proceedings, services and products. / As organiza??es est?o cada vez mais pressionadas a responderem ?s demandas do mercado e ?s mudan?as sofridas com rapidez, por?m buscando as melhores pr?ticas em seus processos. Esta pesquisa procurou, neste contexto, verificar a possibilidade de inter-rela??o entre a ?rea de Gest?o do Conhecimento, que visa o capital intelectual da empresa e seu fomento atrav?s do compartilhamento de conhecimento com a ?rea de Treinamento e Desenvolvimento de pessoas, que lida com a capacidade de aprendizado dos funcion?rios. Outros objetivos foram: analisar os conceitos de Gest?o do Conhecimento e de Treinamento e Desenvolvimento dispon?veis na literatura, relacion?-los ?s informa??es dispon?veis em sites de empresas que demonstraram aplicar tais processos em seu ambiente, verificando as adequa??es ou as inadequa??es existentes, e, identificar as contribui??es da Ci?ncia da Informa??o para estes processos. O m?todo que norteou esta pesquisa foi o indutivo, possuindo caracter?stica qualitativa e bibliogr?fica. Para tanto, foram escolhidas duas empresas que disponibilizam em seus sites informa??es sobre os dois processos. A bibliografia selecionada sobre tais processos embasou an?lise dos sites. Ap?s a an?lise, identificou-se que a empresa A pratica a Gest?o do Conhecimento e o processo de Treinamento e Desenvolvimento seguindo as tend?ncias norteadoras desta ?rea. A empresa B n?o tem uma pr?tica clara de Gest?o do Conhecimento, por?m o processo de Treinamento e Desenvolvimento, assim como na empresa anterior, segue as tend?ncias orientadoras da ?rea. Considerou-se tamb?m que a Ci?ncia da Informa??o, tendo a informa??o como seu insumo b?sico, contribui satisfatoriamente para estes processos, j? que lida com a ess?ncia que originar? a forma??o do conhecimento, e que foi a base de estudo nesta pesquisa. Concluiu-se que h? converg?ncia entre os processos de Treinamento e Desenvolvimento e Gest?o do Conhecimento, visto que o crescimento e desenvolvimento corporativo pressup?em, em dias atuais, a capacidade da empresa em criar conhecimento novo, compartilhando-o entre os funcion?rios e agregando-o, de forma concreta atrav?s do aprendizado, a processos, servi?os e produtos.

Особенности управления персоналом на предприятиях общественного питания при отелях : магистерская диссертация / Features of personnel management in catering establishments at hotels

Кулакова, А. П., Kulakova, A. P. January 2020 (has links)
Целью исследования является выявление особенностей и проблем в работе с персоналом на предприятиях общественного питания при отелях. Исходя из поставленной цели, в данной работе решаются следующие задачи: дать определение понятию «управление персоналом»; определить цели управления персоналом; рассмотреть теоретические аспекты основы системы управления персоналом на предприятиях общественного питания; посмотреть и изучить организацию системы управления персоналом ресторана Тенет; посмотреть и изучить процессы отбора, методы оценки, адаптации, аттестации, мотивации персонала в ресторане Тенет; определить проблематику в управлении персоналом в ресторане Тенет. В выпускной квалификационной работе используются следующие методы исследования: аналитический, метод системного анализа, контент-анализ. Данная работа состоит из двух глав, введения и заключения. В первой главе рассмотрены и описаны процессы управления персоналом и их теоретические аспекты, кадровая политика в мире. В данной главе дипломной работе мы узнали, что управление персоналом: конкретное воздействие на определенную группу людей, которые осуществляют свою трудовую деятельность в организации; данное воздействие тесно связано непосредственно с целями и задачами организации; воздействие и управление стимулирует движение трудовых ресурсов, а также регулирует их рациональное использование. В каждой организации управление персоналом происходит по определенным факторам: набор персонала, развитие персонала, мотивация и стимулирование, управление карьерой, управление текучестью кадров. Во второй главе рассмотрена организационная структура ресторана Тенет. Проведен анализ деятельности службы, управления персонала, выявлены недостатки и достоинства. Рассмотрены 5 сегментов управления персоналом. В целом можно сделать вывод, что управление персоналом в ресторане Тенет эффективно, за исключением некоторых факторов таких как, управление текучестью кадров и мотивация и стимулирование сотрудников. Были предложены методы как улучшить эти процессы. В заключение в дипломной работе было выявлено, что цель управления сотрудниками в ресторане состоит в том, чтобы мотивировать их на предоставление Гостям качественного обслуживания. А это невозможно без соответствующей координации действий сотрудников, мотивации и формирования корпоративной культуры. Необходимо уметь правильно управлять персоналом на предприятиях, чтобы сотрудники были заинтересованы в данной сфере и делали так, чтобы услуги, предоставляемые предприятием были производительными, эффективными, качественными. / The purpose of the study is to identify the features and problems in working with personnel at catering establishments at hotels. Based on this goal, the following tasks are solved in this work: give a definition to the concept of "personnel management"; define the goals of personnel management; to consider the theoretical aspects of the basis of the personnel management system in public catering enterprises; to see and study the organization of the personnel management system of the restaurant Tenet; to view and study the selection processes, methods of assessment, adaptation, certification, staff motivation in the Tenet restaurant; to define the problematic in personnel management in the Tenet restaurant. In the final qualifying work, the following research methods are used: analytical, system analysis method, content analysis. This work consists of two chapters, an introduction and a conclusion. The first chapter examines and describes the processes of personnel management and their theoretical aspects, personnel policy in the world. In each organization, personnel management occurs according to certain factors: recruitment, personnel development, motivation and incentives, career management, personnel turnover management. The second chapter examines the organizational structure of the Tenet restaurant. The analysis of the activities of the service, personnel management, identified disadvantages and advantages. Considered five segments of personnel management. In general, we can conclude that personnel management in the Tenet restaurant is effective, with the exception of some factors such as personnel turnover management and employee motivation and incentives. Methods have been proposed to improve these processes. In conclusion, in the thesis it was revealed that the purpose of managing employees in a restaurant is to motivate them to provide guests with quality service. And this is impossible without appropriate coordination of employees' actions, motivation and the formation of corporate culture. It is necessary to be able to properly manage personnel at enterprises so that employees are interested in this area and do so that the services provided by the company are productive, efficient, and of high quality.

Plan de mejora en el proceso productivo para incrementar la eficiencia en la Molinería El Agricultor SAC

Araujo Obando, Jean Praxedes January 2024 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación se realizó en la Molinería El Agricultor SAC, ubicado en la ciudad de Jaén, departamento de Cajamarca. Donde se pudo analizar el proceso productivo de pilado de arroz, con el objetivo principal de aumentar la eficiencia; misma que se considera baja, por no alcanzar el porcentaje nacional mínimo establecido, el cual debe tener un valor de 69%. Para ello, se procedió a realizar un diagnóstico acerca de la situación actual de la empresa, para lograr identificar las principales causas del problema, haciendo uso de herramientas de ingeniería como los son los diagramas de análisis de procesos DAP, DOP, Ishikawa y Pareto Como resultado, se evidenció las actividades con más frecuencia que limitaban la eficiencia del proceso, mismas que están relacionadas a la escasa capacitación al personal; en segunda instancia existen problemas con el secado artesanal, el cual es causal de exceso de tiempo generando retrasos en la entrega de pedidos. Y, por último, problemas relacionados a las paradas no programadas producto de las maquinas. Como consecuencia, el registro de su producción no alcanza a percibir los 400 sacos de arroz pilado/día, trabajando las 8 horas diarias establecidas; valor que debe tener de acuerdo a la capacidad de su línea de producción. Es por ello que, solo se tiene registro de 331 sacos de arroz pilado/día, siendo variable en los meses del año. Una vez identificadas las actividades limitantes del proceso, se propuso mejoras como la implementación de un plan de mantenimiento preventivo con la finalidad de reducir las paradas no programadas. Además, la adquisición de una secadora industrial para poder reducir el cuello de botella y poder llegar a los niveles de producción óptimos. Así mismo, mejoras que estén enfocadas a la mano de obra, teniendo operarios más capacitados para el desarrollo de sus labores. Finalmente, se hizo la evaluación económica, teniendo como resultado un TIR del 77,7% y un costo beneficio de S/1,32 es decir, por cada sol invertido se llegará a tener una ganancia del S/0,31 para la empresa. / This research work was carried out at the El Agricultor SAC Molinería, located in the city of Jaén, department of Cajamarca. Where the productive process of rice piling could be analyzed, with the main objective of increasing efficiency; which is considered low, because it does not reach the established minimum national percentage, which must have a value of 69%. To do this, a diagnosis was made about the current situation of the company, to identify the main causes of the problem, using engineering tools such as the DAP, DOP, Ishikawa and Pareto process analysis diagrams. As a result, the most frequent activities that limited the efficiency of the process were evident, which are related to poor staff training; Secondly, there are problems with artisanal drying, which causes excess time, generating delays in the delivery of orders. And, finally, problems related to unscheduled stops caused by the machines. As a consequence, the record of their production does not reach the 400 bags of piled rice/day, working the established 8 hours a day; value that should have according to the capacity of your production line. That is why there is only a record of 331 bags of piled rice/day, being variable in the months of the year. Once the limiting activities of the process were identified, improvements were proposed such as the implementation of a preventive maintenance plan in order to reduce unscheduled stops. In addition, the acquisition of an industrial dryer to reduce the bottleneck and reach optimal production levels. Likewise, improvements that are focused on labor, having more trained operators to carry out their work. Finally, the economic evaluation was made, resulting in an IRR of 77,7% and a cost benefit of S/1,32 that is, for each sole invested there will be a profit of S/0,31 for the company.

'n Ondersoek na die rol van werkontleding in die uitvoering van funksionele personeelbedrywighede met verwysing na die Stadsraad van Lichtenburg

Muller, Catherina Elizabeth 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Werkontleding word onderneem om die onderskeie funksies wat in 'n instelling uitgevoer word, te ontleed en te groepeer as pligte van individuele betrekkings wat in die proses ge1dentifiseer word. Inligting wat op grond van werkontleding verkry is, kan daartoe bydra dat die uitvoering van personeelfunksies doeltreffend en effektief geskied. 'n Li teratuurstudie en empiriese narvorsing is in hierdie·studie onderneem om te bepaal wat die rol van werkontleding in die ui tvoering van funksionele personeelbedrywighede in die Stadsraad van Lichtenburg is. Empiriese navorsing is onderneem in al die Departemente van die Stadsraad van Lichtenburg. Ten einde die doel van die studie te verwesenlik is vier navorsingsvrae gestel. Deur middel van vraelyste wat aan die teikengroep gestuur is, is data oor die navorsingsvrae ingesamel. Die empiriese studie het daarop gedui dat inligting verkry op grond van werkontleding wel kan bydra tot die effektiewe uitvoering van funksionele personeelbedrywighede. Dies studie het egter ui tgewys dat nie alle leidinggewende amptenare bewus is dat die inligting op grond van werkontleding verkry,. die uitvoering van hul personeelfunksies kan vergemaklik nie. / respective functions performed in an institution, as duties of individual jobs identified in the process. Information gathered on the basis of the job analysis, can contribute to the fact that the performing of personnel functions transpires efficiently and effectively. A literature study as well as empiricial research were undertaken in this study to determine ' what the role of job analyses is in the performing of functional personnel activities in the City Council of Lichtenburg. .on the basis of job analysis can definitely contribute to the effective performing of functional personnel activities. The study indicated however, that not all leadinq officials were aware that information gathered on the basis of job analysis, could expedite the performing of their personnel functions. / Public Administration / M.Admin. (Public Administration)

'n Ondersoek na die rol van werkontleding in die uitvoering van funksionele personeelbedrywighede met verwysing na die Stadsraad van Lichtenburg

Muller, Catherina Elizabeth 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Werkontleding word onderneem om die onderskeie funksies wat in 'n instelling uitgevoer word, te ontleed en te groepeer as pligte van individuele betrekkings wat in die proses ge1dentifiseer word. Inligting wat op grond van werkontleding verkry is, kan daartoe bydra dat die uitvoering van personeelfunksies doeltreffend en effektief geskied. 'n Li teratuurstudie en empiriese narvorsing is in hierdie·studie onderneem om te bepaal wat die rol van werkontleding in die ui tvoering van funksionele personeelbedrywighede in die Stadsraad van Lichtenburg is. Empiriese navorsing is onderneem in al die Departemente van die Stadsraad van Lichtenburg. Ten einde die doel van die studie te verwesenlik is vier navorsingsvrae gestel. Deur middel van vraelyste wat aan die teikengroep gestuur is, is data oor die navorsingsvrae ingesamel. Die empiriese studie het daarop gedui dat inligting verkry op grond van werkontleding wel kan bydra tot die effektiewe uitvoering van funksionele personeelbedrywighede. Dies studie het egter ui tgewys dat nie alle leidinggewende amptenare bewus is dat die inligting op grond van werkontleding verkry,. die uitvoering van hul personeelfunksies kan vergemaklik nie. / respective functions performed in an institution, as duties of individual jobs identified in the process. Information gathered on the basis of the job analysis, can contribute to the fact that the performing of personnel functions transpires efficiently and effectively. A literature study as well as empiricial research were undertaken in this study to determine ' what the role of job analyses is in the performing of functional personnel activities in the City Council of Lichtenburg. .on the basis of job analysis can definitely contribute to the effective performing of functional personnel activities. The study indicated however, that not all leadinq officials were aware that information gathered on the basis of job analysis, could expedite the performing of their personnel functions. / Public Administration and Management / M.Admin. (Public Administration)

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