Spelling suggestions: "subject:"meter eisenman"" "subject:"meter isenman""
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Scripted Narratives as Architectural ProcessSheeks, Andrew V. January 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Space Syntax Meets Peter Eisenman: Designing the Beijing East Rail Station at TongzhouZhu, Dan 18 August 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Architecture contemporaine et théorie de la déconstruction : le processus architectural à l'épreuve de la philosophie / The contemporary architecture and theory of deconstruction : architectural process on the evidence of philosophyFarnia Shalmani, Hamed 06 March 2015 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons aux relations spécifiques entre l’architecture et la philosophie dans une période bien précise de l’histoire de l’architecture. Notre recherche consiste en une analyse approfondie du processus de la conception architecturale approchée à partir de la philosophie de la déconstruction. Il ne s’agit pas d’aborder de façon générale le domaine trop vaste des emprunts que les architectes peuvent faire à la philosophie, mais bien de se limiter à une entrée beaucoup plus précise, en partant d’une interrogation portant sur les relations que les architectes dits «déconstructivistes» entretiennent avec un courant de la philosophie connu, depuis les écrits du philosophe français Jacques Derrida, sous cette même appellation de «philosophie de la déconstruction». L’enjeu est d’étudier le processus de conception architecturale, son passage par des concepts et son aboutissement dans des formes, en le référant à la philosophie et en se demandant en particulier comment les architectes utilisent des références philosophiques. Pour arriver à une assimilation plus rigoureuse de la pensée déconstructive en architecture, l’architecte American : Peter Eisenman a proposé une interprétation du processus de conception architecturale proche de la logique textuelle. Ce processus s’appellera chez Eisenman la «décomposition». Notre problématique majeure sera d’essayer de comprendre quels outils à la fois théoriques et pratiques utilisent les architectes contemporaines afin de restructurer une conception architecturale influencée par la pensée déconstructive ? Le but était d’arriver à donner à la déconstruction en architecture un aspect et une définition précis, au-delà loin des seules images métaphoriques que certains architectes peuvent proposer de cette notion. De là dépendait le choix des œuvres analysées comme exemples de ce mouvement, mais aussi l’élucidation que nous tentions du processus de conception architecturale issu de cette notion de déconstruction. Notre but était de parvenir à donner une figure esthétique, théorique, fonctionnelle et opérationnelle à un mouvement architectural. Nous avons construit notre projet de recherche autour de quatre problématiques et hypothèses majeures qui résument de façon générale le chemin parcouru. La première interrogation vise l’origine de ce mouvement, dans la mesure où il est au croisement de ses deux disciplines divers, la philosophie et l’architecture. Est-il possible que ce mouvement soit le fruit d’une transformation philosophique en architecture, détaché de toute théorie architecturale antérieure ? Ou bien n’est-il que le développement d’une ou plusieurs idéologies antérieures en architecture ? Notre deuxième interrogation est orientée vers une compréhension de la source philosophique – les écrits de Jacques Derrida – et le processus d’une critique de la métaphysique chez le philosophe. Qu’est-ce que la déconstruction? La troisième interrogation vise une analyse concrète entre les données philosophiques et les œuvres architecturales. Comment l’architecture, art de construction par excellence, peut-elle devenir une déconstruction d’elle-même ? Dans quelle (s) limite (s) est-il possible de réduire la déconstruction à des connaissances définissables, comme semble malgré tout l’exiger l’architecture ? Ainsi, la dernière interrogation principale de notre projet vise l’impacte de ce mouvement sur l’architecture en globale et l’architecture contemporaine. / In this thesis, we focus on the specific relationship between architecture and philosophy in a specific period in the history of architecture. Although our research analyzes the process of architectural design through the philosophy of deconstruction, it does not generally address too broad field of philosophy. In fact, the project undermines the effects of the philosophical method of deconstruction on architecture and the so-called deconstructivists' concern with "philosophy of deconstruction" known from the writings of the French philosopher Jacques Derrida. In other words, the challenge is to study the process of architectural design, its association with concepts and its effect on forms, by referring to philosophy and in particular by claiming how architects use the philosophical references. To achieve a more precise assimilation of deconstructive thought in architecture, American architect Peter Eisenman proposed an interpretation of the architectural design process close to the textual logic. For Eisenman, this process is called "decomposition". Our major issue is to try to understand what theoretical tools and practices are used at the same time by the contemporary architects to restructure an architectural design influenced by the deconstructive thought. The aim is to give the deconstruction in architecture, a specific dimension and precise definition, far beyond the few metaphorical images that may offer some architects of thisconcept. Although we require analyzable projects to achieve a clear-cut definition, we have tried to elucidate the architectural design process resulting from the notion of deconstruction. Our goal is to achieve an operational, functional, theoretical and anaesthetic figure in an architectural movement. We have carried out our research project around four major issues and assumptions that generally summarize achieved progress. The first question examines the origin of this movement, in so far as it is at the crossroads of two different disciplines, philosophy and architecture. Is this architectural movement theresult of a philosophical transformation in architecture apart from any previous ideologies in architecture or is it the product of the development of one or more ideologies ? Our second question is directed towards an understanding of the philosophical source in the writings of Jacques Derrida and the process of critique of metaphysics for him. What is deconstruction ? The third question is about the concrete analysis between philosophical data and architectural works. How architecture, art of construction by excellence, become a deconstruction itself ? To what extent is it possible to reduce the deconstruction to a definable knowledge that the architecture can use it ? Thus, the last main question of our project highlights the impact of this movement on architecture in global and contemporary architecture.
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Entre Eisenman, Berlim e o Memorial / Between Eisenman, Berlin and the MemorialYamamoto, João Carlos Amaral 16 May 2014 (has links)
A pesquisa lançou um olhar sobre a produção arquitetônica de Peter Eisenman e sobre a cidade de Berlim, buscando centrar-se na análise de uma obra específi ca, o Memorial dos Judeus Assassinados da Europa. O texto construído é uma reunião de instantâneos de percurso, de fragmentos de uma narrativa imaginada e interpretada pelo verbal. Tentando construir uma análise que contemplasse de alguma maneira a dimensão da experiência da obra, foi promovido o cruzamento com comentários e análises escritas em outros momentos, com refl exões feitas a partir de achados de pesquisa, com recortes de textos e imagens e desenhos analíticos feitos ao longo do trabalho. Assim, o conjunto de três capítulos procura desenhar um percurso análogo ao desenvolvido ao longo da pesquisa, procurando permanecer atento ao suporte texto/imagem de uma dissertação e condensando o processo de três anos no relato fi ccional de uma jornada de um dia. No primeiro capítulo é feita uma espécie de panorâmica cronológica da obra de Eisenman que, no entanto, não conta a sua história, mas a do pesquisador seguindo a trilha deixada pelo arquiteto. No segundo capítulo a jornada ganha tempo e espaço com a sequencia que narra a chegada à cidade de Berlim e o percurso até o Memorial dos Judeus Assassinados da Europa, cuja análise é feita no terceiro capítulo. / This research takes an overview of the architectural output of Peter Eisenman and more generally, the city of Berlin. The research then focusses on an analysis of a single specifi c work, the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe. The text itself is constructed from moments in a perambulation of the work and fragments of an imagined narrative. As an attempt to construct an analysis which contemplates the physical experience of the work, this method interlaces commentaries and analyses made at different times, refl ections on fi ndings of the research and snippets of text, images and drawings made during the course of the research. As a whole, the three chapters seek to illustrate the route taken during the research. Whilst remaining aware of the need to support the text/images of a dissertation, the text aims to condense the process of three years of research into the fi ctional story of a single day. The fi rst chapter gives a chronological overview of the works of Eisenman. This is not recounted as a history of the works, but as an account of the researcher following the trail left by the architect. The second chapter gains time and space with a sequence that narrates the arrival of the researcher in Berlin and the journey to the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe. The analysis of the Memorial itself is contained in the third chapter.
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Diagramática: descrição e criação das formas na arquitetura seriada de Peter Eisenman / Diagrammatic : description and creation of forms in architecture serial of Peter EisenmanGabriela Izar 15 May 2015 (has links)
Essa pesquisa objetiva examinar o papel do diagrama nas casas seriadas do arquiteto americano Peter Eisenman e evidenciar a base formal de seu trabalho de projeto. Trabalha-se com a hipótese de que seus diagramas são a priori, isto é, antecedem as questões de programa, e que seu trabalho diagramático forja um contexto que faz das obras os objetos de uma rede de relações de formas e de significados. A partir do início dos anos sessenta, o diagrama passa a ser a chave de seu projeto teórico, que tem como problema de fundo o mito de uma arquitetura autônoma, formulada na fronteira entre as disciplinas da semiótica, da fenomenologia, da cognição e da filosofia. Nessa fronteira, o diagrama participa operativamente da ideia de uma arquitetura conceitual que não se afirma simplesmente pela presença do edifício, mas fundamentalmente por relações lógicas que constituem a base da abordagem formalista da arquitetura. Em princípio, a tese apresenta os diferentes significados que o diagrama assume nas várias áreas do conhecimento e procura destacar a contribuição de Eisenman na investigação sobre o papel operativo do conceito no projeto arquitetônico. Segue-se a esse tópico a contextualização da agenda teórica de Eisenman a partir de sua inserção no ambiente cultural inglês, quando ele assimila o recorte analítico de seu mentor, Colin Rowe, para formular a sua primeira crítica ao funcionalismo. Como contraponto à ideia de que Eisenman aborda os diagramas como um a priori formal, examina-se os conceitos de diagrama e de forma na tese de doutorado de Christopher Alexander, texto em que ele defende uma visão mecanicista do diagrama como solução extensiva do projeto. A partir desses contextos, desenvolve-se um exame do papel dos diagramas nas leituras do precedente histórico que Eisenman empreende em análises formais de obras modernistas e de obras do arquiteto italiano Giuseppe Terragni. Tomando-se como premissa que seu trabalho analítico começa já na construção dos textos críticos, evidencia-se as bases formais dos diagramas do texto de Eisenman e a transposição dessas bases para o conjunto de estudos de casas que ele reúne como uma série de objetos numerados, de 1 a 11 A. A partir do levantamento e da classificação de um grande volume de registros gráficos e de escritos sobre essas obras, descrevem-se as referências e as articulações dos diagramas que constituem a pré-história do experimento de projeto de Peter Eisenman. Como conclusão, retorna-se aos textos do autor, escritos durante e após os projetos das casas, para se apontar a opção de Eisenman por fundamentar seu discurso com conceitos da linguística e da filosofia, em detrimento de uma explicitação do diagrama como sua chave formal e conceitual, para ler e para construir a arquitetura. A partir da constatação de que o diagrama de Eisenman é um dispositivo de linguagem que lhe permite discutir as regras da representação e as convenções do discurso sobre a forma de dentro do exercício de projeto, considera-se que seu trabalho diagramático coloca a perspectiva de um modo de conhecimento autônomo, fundado na racionalidade formal. / This research examines the role of the diagram in the series of houses designed by American architect, Peter Eisenman, and underlines the formal basis of his design work. The hypothesis is that his diagrams are a priori, meaning they precede any issues in the program, and that his diagrammatic work creates a context that makes the projects objects in a network of relationships of forms and meanings. From the early 1960s, the diagram became the key to his theoretical thinking, which has, as its basic problem, the myth of an autonomous architecture, formulated on the border between the disciplines of semiotics, phenomenology, cognition, and philosophy. On this border, the diagram takes an operative part in the idea of a conceptual architecture that does not simply affirm itself by the presence of the building but fundamentally by logical relationships that form the basis of a formalistic approach to architecture. The first chapter presents the main meanings a diagram assumes in different areas of knowledge and seeks to highlight Eisenman\'s contribution to the investigation into the operative role of the concept in an architectural project. This chapter is followed by the contextualization of Eisenman\'s theoretical agenda, from its insertion into the English cultural environment, when he assimilates the analytical approach of his mentor, Colin Rowe, then to formulate his first critique of functionalism. As a counterpoint to the idea that Eisenman addresses diagrams as a formal a priori principle, the concepts of the diagram and form in the doctorate thesis by Christopher Alexander are examined, a text in which he advocates a mechanistic view of the diagram as an extensive design solution. From these contexts, an examination is developed, about the role of diagrams in historical readings that Eisenman uses in his formal analysis of modernist works, and in the works by the Italian architect, Giuseppe Terragni. Assuming as a premise that his analytical work already starts with the construction of critical texts, the fifth and sixth chapter highlight the formal basis of the diagrams in Eisenman\'s text, and the transposition of these basis for his houses studies, which he gathers together as a series of numbered objects, from 1 to 11 A. Based on a archival survey, on the classification of a large volume of project records and writings about these works, the chapter eighth describes the prehistory of Peter Eisenman\'s design experiment: the diagram\'s references and articulations extensive to the whole series. In conclusion, the author\'s texts, written during and after the house projects, are returned to in order to identify Eisenman\'s decision to base his ideas on concepts from linguistics and philosophy, rather than on an explanation of the diagram as the formal and conceptual key, with which he read and constructed architecture. After noting that Eisenman\'s diagram is a device of language that allows him to discuss the rules of architectural representation and the conventions of discourse on how to exercise it within a project, it is considered that his work with diagrams develops in the perspective of an autonomous mode of knowledge, based on formal rationality.
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Diagramática: descrição e criação das formas na arquitetura seriada de Peter Eisenman / Diagrammatic : description and creation of forms in architecture serial of Peter EisenmanIzar, Gabriela 15 May 2015 (has links)
Essa pesquisa objetiva examinar o papel do diagrama nas casas seriadas do arquiteto americano Peter Eisenman e evidenciar a base formal de seu trabalho de projeto. Trabalha-se com a hipótese de que seus diagramas são a priori, isto é, antecedem as questões de programa, e que seu trabalho diagramático forja um contexto que faz das obras os objetos de uma rede de relações de formas e de significados. A partir do início dos anos sessenta, o diagrama passa a ser a chave de seu projeto teórico, que tem como problema de fundo o mito de uma arquitetura autônoma, formulada na fronteira entre as disciplinas da semiótica, da fenomenologia, da cognição e da filosofia. Nessa fronteira, o diagrama participa operativamente da ideia de uma arquitetura conceitual que não se afirma simplesmente pela presença do edifício, mas fundamentalmente por relações lógicas que constituem a base da abordagem formalista da arquitetura. Em princípio, a tese apresenta os diferentes significados que o diagrama assume nas várias áreas do conhecimento e procura destacar a contribuição de Eisenman na investigação sobre o papel operativo do conceito no projeto arquitetônico. Segue-se a esse tópico a contextualização da agenda teórica de Eisenman a partir de sua inserção no ambiente cultural inglês, quando ele assimila o recorte analítico de seu mentor, Colin Rowe, para formular a sua primeira crítica ao funcionalismo. Como contraponto à ideia de que Eisenman aborda os diagramas como um a priori formal, examina-se os conceitos de diagrama e de forma na tese de doutorado de Christopher Alexander, texto em que ele defende uma visão mecanicista do diagrama como solução extensiva do projeto. A partir desses contextos, desenvolve-se um exame do papel dos diagramas nas leituras do precedente histórico que Eisenman empreende em análises formais de obras modernistas e de obras do arquiteto italiano Giuseppe Terragni. Tomando-se como premissa que seu trabalho analítico começa já na construção dos textos críticos, evidencia-se as bases formais dos diagramas do texto de Eisenman e a transposição dessas bases para o conjunto de estudos de casas que ele reúne como uma série de objetos numerados, de 1 a 11 A. A partir do levantamento e da classificação de um grande volume de registros gráficos e de escritos sobre essas obras, descrevem-se as referências e as articulações dos diagramas que constituem a pré-história do experimento de projeto de Peter Eisenman. Como conclusão, retorna-se aos textos do autor, escritos durante e após os projetos das casas, para se apontar a opção de Eisenman por fundamentar seu discurso com conceitos da linguística e da filosofia, em detrimento de uma explicitação do diagrama como sua chave formal e conceitual, para ler e para construir a arquitetura. A partir da constatação de que o diagrama de Eisenman é um dispositivo de linguagem que lhe permite discutir as regras da representação e as convenções do discurso sobre a forma de dentro do exercício de projeto, considera-se que seu trabalho diagramático coloca a perspectiva de um modo de conhecimento autônomo, fundado na racionalidade formal. / This research examines the role of the diagram in the series of houses designed by American architect, Peter Eisenman, and underlines the formal basis of his design work. The hypothesis is that his diagrams are a priori, meaning they precede any issues in the program, and that his diagrammatic work creates a context that makes the projects objects in a network of relationships of forms and meanings. From the early 1960s, the diagram became the key to his theoretical thinking, which has, as its basic problem, the myth of an autonomous architecture, formulated on the border between the disciplines of semiotics, phenomenology, cognition, and philosophy. On this border, the diagram takes an operative part in the idea of a conceptual architecture that does not simply affirm itself by the presence of the building but fundamentally by logical relationships that form the basis of a formalistic approach to architecture. The first chapter presents the main meanings a diagram assumes in different areas of knowledge and seeks to highlight Eisenman\'s contribution to the investigation into the operative role of the concept in an architectural project. This chapter is followed by the contextualization of Eisenman\'s theoretical agenda, from its insertion into the English cultural environment, when he assimilates the analytical approach of his mentor, Colin Rowe, then to formulate his first critique of functionalism. As a counterpoint to the idea that Eisenman addresses diagrams as a formal a priori principle, the concepts of the diagram and form in the doctorate thesis by Christopher Alexander are examined, a text in which he advocates a mechanistic view of the diagram as an extensive design solution. From these contexts, an examination is developed, about the role of diagrams in historical readings that Eisenman uses in his formal analysis of modernist works, and in the works by the Italian architect, Giuseppe Terragni. Assuming as a premise that his analytical work already starts with the construction of critical texts, the fifth and sixth chapter highlight the formal basis of the diagrams in Eisenman\'s text, and the transposition of these basis for his houses studies, which he gathers together as a series of numbered objects, from 1 to 11 A. Based on a archival survey, on the classification of a large volume of project records and writings about these works, the chapter eighth describes the prehistory of Peter Eisenman\'s design experiment: the diagram\'s references and articulations extensive to the whole series. In conclusion, the author\'s texts, written during and after the house projects, are returned to in order to identify Eisenman\'s decision to base his ideas on concepts from linguistics and philosophy, rather than on an explanation of the diagram as the formal and conceptual key, with which he read and constructed architecture. After noting that Eisenman\'s diagram is a device of language that allows him to discuss the rules of architectural representation and the conventions of discourse on how to exercise it within a project, it is considered that his work with diagrams develops in the perspective of an autonomous mode of knowledge, based on formal rationality.
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Entre Eisenman, Berlim e o Memorial / Between Eisenman, Berlin and the MemorialJoão Carlos Amaral Yamamoto 16 May 2014 (has links)
A pesquisa lançou um olhar sobre a produção arquitetônica de Peter Eisenman e sobre a cidade de Berlim, buscando centrar-se na análise de uma obra específi ca, o Memorial dos Judeus Assassinados da Europa. O texto construído é uma reunião de instantâneos de percurso, de fragmentos de uma narrativa imaginada e interpretada pelo verbal. Tentando construir uma análise que contemplasse de alguma maneira a dimensão da experiência da obra, foi promovido o cruzamento com comentários e análises escritas em outros momentos, com refl exões feitas a partir de achados de pesquisa, com recortes de textos e imagens e desenhos analíticos feitos ao longo do trabalho. Assim, o conjunto de três capítulos procura desenhar um percurso análogo ao desenvolvido ao longo da pesquisa, procurando permanecer atento ao suporte texto/imagem de uma dissertação e condensando o processo de três anos no relato fi ccional de uma jornada de um dia. No primeiro capítulo é feita uma espécie de panorâmica cronológica da obra de Eisenman que, no entanto, não conta a sua história, mas a do pesquisador seguindo a trilha deixada pelo arquiteto. No segundo capítulo a jornada ganha tempo e espaço com a sequencia que narra a chegada à cidade de Berlim e o percurso até o Memorial dos Judeus Assassinados da Europa, cuja análise é feita no terceiro capítulo. / This research takes an overview of the architectural output of Peter Eisenman and more generally, the city of Berlin. The research then focusses on an analysis of a single specifi c work, the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe. The text itself is constructed from moments in a perambulation of the work and fragments of an imagined narrative. As an attempt to construct an analysis which contemplates the physical experience of the work, this method interlaces commentaries and analyses made at different times, refl ections on fi ndings of the research and snippets of text, images and drawings made during the course of the research. As a whole, the three chapters seek to illustrate the route taken during the research. Whilst remaining aware of the need to support the text/images of a dissertation, the text aims to condense the process of three years of research into the fi ctional story of a single day. The fi rst chapter gives a chronological overview of the works of Eisenman. This is not recounted as a history of the works, but as an account of the researcher following the trail left by the architect. The second chapter gains time and space with a sequence that narrates the arrival of the researcher in Berlin and the journey to the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe. The analysis of the Memorial itself is contained in the third chapter.
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[pt] Os projetos e artigos de Peter Eisenman — seus textos — elaboram
sentidos e definições daquilo que ele chama arquitetura conceitual. Ela seria
uma possibilidade de, na arquitetura, viabilizar projetos que se ordenassem de
maneira a não atender um sujeito dos espaços em perspectiva — um sujeito
monocular. Este trabalho procura discutir a importância da arquitetura
conceitual no discurso da arquitetura e as suas potencialidades de subversão. / [en] The projects and articles of Peter Eisenman — his texts — formulate
senses and definitions of what he calls conceptual architecture. Conceptual
architecture would enable projects in architecture that wouldn t be imposed by a
monocular subject — a subject from a space in perspective. This research
discusses the importance of the conceptual architecture in the discourse of
architecture: it studies it s potentials and possible subversions.
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The Classical Unconscious: A Critique of the Paradoxical Design Projects of Peter EisenmanAviv, Lee 14 October 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Scripted Narratives as Architectural ProcessSheeks, Andrew V. 27 October 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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