Spelling suggestions: "subject:"retroanalysis"" "subject:"petroleumgenerasie""
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The esterification of tall oil to obtain drying oil characteristicsArnold, Clifford Emil 07 November 2012 (has links)
A investigation of the literature was made to determine the scope of previous investigations into the possibilities of obtaining drying oil characteristics in tall oil. Refined tall oil was esterified in an inert atmosphere with pentaerythritol at temperatures of 250, 300, and 320°C. Carbon dioxide was used to maintain an inert atmosphere. The esterification was carried out in a glass, Wolfe, three-necked flash heated in a constant temperature oil bath using S.A.E. 250 gear oil as a hosting medium. Agitation was supplied by means of an air driven agitator. The runs were six hours in length with the exception of one four hour run made at 32C°C. The procedure was repeated using activated alumina as a catalyst. the same procedure was repeated using dipentaerythritol in place of pentaerythritol. Crude tell oil was esterified with both pentaerythritol and dipentaerythritol at 250°G for six hours in an inert atmosphere of carbon dioxide. / Master of Science
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The desulfurization of petroleum compounds using a polymer-supported imidation agentMatoro, Tshilidzi Benedicta January 2016 (has links)
A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Engineering, 2016 / The sulfur removal methods from petroleum products have become an important research topic. Sulfur poisons the catalysts found in vehicles engines and it is also a major air pollutant (Nehlsen, 2005). Recent sulfur specifications require refineries to produce ultra-clean products (Ma et al., 2002). This work aims at exploring a batch adsorptive desulfurization technique using a polymer-supported imidation agent (PI) as an adsorbent. The test was carried out at atmospheric pressure and on two commercial diesel fuels with sulfur contents of 5200 (Case 1) and 670 (Case 2) mg/kg which resembles the feed and outlet streams from the hydrodesulfurization (HDS) reactor respectively. The adsorbent was synthesized according to the procedure described by Shiraishi et al. (2003), BET, FTIR, SEM equipped with EDS and TGA were used for charaterization of the adsorbent.
The PI was successfully synthesized and its surface area was 0.5333 m2/g which was incredibly lower than that of the PI synthesized by Fadhel (2010). Hence carbon nanotubes (CNTs) were added to the solution with the aim of improving the sulfur removal efficiency of PI. The obtained results indicated that PI with CNTs yield better results than PI without CNTs. In overall, the lowest sulfur content of 3462 mg/kg (33% removal efficiency) and 26 mg/kg (96% removal efficiency) for Case 1 and Case 2 respectively were obtained. Furthermore, the adsorbents were most effective at lower mixing rates (150 – 400 rpm), longer contact time (30 – 40 hours), practically high adsorbent amount (1 g) and moderate lower temperatures (25 – 50 ºC).
The Freundlich adsorption isotherm model was the best fit to the experimental data in both Case 1 and Case 2. The kinetic model that best fitted well the experimental data is the pseudo-second-order model for both Case 1 and Case 2. The kinetic rate constant for Case 2 (4.079 x 10-3g/mg.min) was greater than that for Case 1 (6.75 x 10-5g/mg.min) thus indicating that fuel with low sulfur content has a higher sorption uptake than fuel with high sulfur content.
Based on the results obtained in this study, it is suggested that the adsorption of sulfur at high sulfur content fuel is not capable to be used as a complimentary method to the HDS process. On the other hand, at low sulfur content fuel, there is an opportunity for combining this method with the traditional HDS method to achieve ultra-clean fuel. / GR2016
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[pt] O conhecimento da composição química das águas conatas ou
de formação é
de grande relevância para a produção de petróleo.
Atualmente, considera-se a
salinidade da água amostrada no aqüífero como
representativa de todo o
reservatório. Há, entretanto, comprovadas discordâncias e
poucas informações
sobre a composição química dessas águas. Isso pode levar à
estimativa incorreta
da reserva de um determinado reservatório, nas previsões
de incrustação dos
poços e, portanto, nas ações preventivas de elevado custo
nos projetos de
engenharia. Neste trabalho desenvolveu-se uma metodologia
para extração e
análise de água conata, a partir de amostras de petróleo.
A metodologia se baseia
na adição de quantidade conhecida de água sobre um
determinado volume de óleo
e recuperação dessa água, após separação, para posterior
análise. Foram
otimizados os parâmetros relevantes para a separação óleo-
água, permitindo a
recuperação quantitativa de águas associadas, mesmo em
concentrações muito
baixas (< 0,5%). Estabelecidas as condições, a água
extraída foi submetida à
análise multielementar por ICP OES e ICP-MS. Os elementos
menores e traços
determinados apresentaram a seguinte faixa de concentração
(em mg L(-1)): Na:
1.880 - 63.794; K- 41,9 - 3.710; Li: 0,48 - 35; Mg: 15,2 -
991; Ca: 143 - 5.867;
Sr: 1,12 - 676; Ba: < 0,005 - 243; B: < 0,09 - 149; Zn: <
0,042 - 76,2; Mn: <
0,006 - 4,02; Co: < 0,085 - 465. Os ânions foram
determinados por cromatografia
iônica, sendo cloreto (4632 - 102.757 mg L(-1)), brometo
(2,7- 261 mg L(-1)) e
sulfato (15,0 - 3.292 mg (L-1)) os mais abundantes. Os
ânions provenientes de
ácidos orgânicos, formiato (116 - 7.324 mg L(-1)), acetato
(144 - 24.630 mg L(-1)) e
propionato (34,3 - 4.891 mg L(-1)), foram investigados
também pela técnica de cromatografia iônica em algumas
amostras. Na grande maioria das águas
extraídas, as concentrações desses cátions e ânions são
ordens de grandeza mais
altas do que as reportados para água do mar. O excelente
balanço iônico calculado
para a maioria das águas extraídas (maior ou igual 5%)
reforçou a confiabilidade na qualidade
analítica dos dados aqui apresentados. Foi otimizada
também uma metodologia
para pré-concentração de elementos do grupo das terras
raras (ETR) através da coprecipitação
com hidróxido férrico, a qual permitiu a determinação
quantitativa de
La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd e Dy nessas águas. O perfil
normalizado de concentração
desses elementos pelo padrão NASC (North American Shale
Composite) mostrou
anomalias muito diferentes de água do mar, indicando a
potencialidade dos ETR
para caracterização geoquímica de águas conatas e dos
ambientes geológicos
associados. Aperfeiçoou-se também uma metodologia para
determinação de
elementos menores e traços em petróleo por ICP OES e/ou
ICP-MS com
introdução de amostra em forma de microemulsão. Ela foi
aplicada na análise de
óleos e não permitiu apenas a sua caracterização
elementar, mas também, um
balanço de massa entre a amostra original de óleo e do seu
extrato aquoso, o qual
se mostrou satisfatório para a maioria das amostras
analisadas. Uma vez
introduzidas e validadas, as metodologias foram usadas
para caracterização de
amostras de óleo (e águas associadas), sendo a maior parte
proveniente da Bacia
de Campos (RJ). Com auxílio de gráficos de correlação,
razões elementares e da
análise de componentes principais (PCA) foi possível
identificar grupos de
amostras (águas e óleos) com características comuns (mesmo
campo; maior ou
menor intrusão de água do mar), mostrando a utilidade
destas ferramentas neste e
para futuros estudos. / [en] Knowledge on the chemical composition of connate or
formation waters is of
great relevance in oil production. Presently, the salinity
of water sampled from the
aquifer is considered generally as being representative of
the whole reservoir. This
simplification and the few and contradictory results
available on the composition
of connate water may result in incorrect estimation of the
oil production potential
of a reservoir, and in the evaluation and use of the cost-
intensive actions to
prevent scale formation. In this work, a methodology for
the extraction and
analysis of connate waters from petroleum samples was
developed. The extraction
method is based on the addition of known quantities of
water to the oil sample and
its recovery, after phase separation, for subsequent
analysis. Relevant
experimental parameters were optimized allowing the
quantitative separation of
water, even when present in very low concentrations (<
0.5%) Once established,
the methodology was applied to extracted water samples,
which were analyzed by
ICP OES and ICP-MS. Minor and trace element content of
these waters showed
the following range of concentrations (in mg L-1): Na:
1,880 - 63,794; K: 41.9 -
3,710; Li: 0.48 - 35; Mg: 15.2 - 991; Ca: 143 - 5,867; Sr:
1.12 - 676; Ba: <
0.005 - 243; B: < 0.09 - 149; Zn: < 0.042 - 76.2; Mn: <
0.006 - 4.02; Co: <
0.085 - 465. Concentrations of anions (same unit as
before) were determined by
ion chromatography, being chloride (4,632 - 102,757),
bromide (2.7 - 261) and
sulfate (15.0 - 3,292) the most abundant ones. Anions of
organic acids (also in mg
L-1), such as formiate (116 - 7,324), acetate (144 -
24,630) and propionate (34.3 -
4,891) were also determined by ion chromatography in some
samples. In most of
the extracted water samples, the concentrations of cations
and anions were orders
of magnitude higher than reported for ocean water. The
excellent ionic balance (equal greater or
5%) calculated for most of the extracted waters reinforced
our confidence on the reliability of the here produced
data. Additionally, a procedure for the preconcentration
of rare earth elements (REE) by coprecipitation with iron
hydroxide was developed, and which permitted the
quantitative determination of
La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd and Dy in these waters. Their
normalized concentration
profile against the NASC (North American Shale Composite)
standard showed
patterns very different from ocean water, indicating the
potential of REE for the
characterization connate waters and associated geological
environments. A
method for the determination of minor and trace elements
in oil samples by ICP
OES and ICP-MS, after sample preparation by
emulsification, was also introduced
and applied to the analyses oil samples, allowing the
calculation of elemental
mass balances between the original oil sample and its
aqueous extract, which were
satisfactory for most of the samples analyzed. Once
established and validated, the
methods and procedures were applied to oil samples, mainly
for the Campos
Basin (RJ). By means of correlation plots, elemental
ratios and the Principal
Component Analysis (PCA), different groups of waters and
oils with common
characteristics (same oil field; minor or major intrusion
of water) could be
identified showing the utility of these tools for this and
further studies.
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[pt] A determinação de diferentes níveis de silício e alumínio em petróleo é importante porque pequenas quantidades destes elementos podem produzir efeitos adversos nas refinarias devido à corrosão de equipamento ou afetar a qualidade dos produtos refinados. A espectrometria de fluorescência de raios-X por dispersão de energia (EDXRF) foi utilizada para desenvolver um método para a determinação de Si e Al em petróleo, onde estes elementos se encontram principalmente sob a forma de partículas sólidas de aluminossilicatos dispersas na amostra. Uma vez que os analitos não puderam ser determinados sem interferência diretamente no óleo, a fusão das amostras de petróleo foi realizada utilizando tetraborato de lítio. Em seguida, as amostras fundidas foram colocadas no centro de papéis de filtro de 10 mm de diâmetro, que foi colocado entre duas folhas de filme de polipropileno, para então ser fixado à cubeta para as medições no instrumento. A quantificação foi feita por meio de curvas analíticas no intervalo de concentração de 0 a 40 mg kg(-1) (para ambos os elementos) no material fundido final. O método desenvolvido, não sofreu interferência matriz uma vez que as amostras foram completamente decompostas e, posteriormente secas no substrato. Os resultados para os elementos foram estatisticamente comparáveis com os obtidos por espectrometria de absorção atômica com chama (FAAS). Além disso, os resultados concordaram com os obtidos nas amostras de programas de proficiência da ASTM. Amostras reais de petróleo, fornecidas pela Petrobras, também foram analisadas. As recuperações alcançadas se encontram entre 71 e 100 por cento para as diferentes amostras, o qual pode ser considerado satisfatório devido à dificuldade em se determinar esses elementos. Os limites de quantificação (10 vezes o desvio-padrão, n=10) encontrados para o Si e Al no petróleo foram de 0,7 e 1,1 mg kg(-1), respectivamente, mostrando o potencial do método proposto para a determinação de amostras com valores mais elevados destes elementos. / [en] It is important to determine silicon and aluminum at different levels in crude oils because of trace amounts of these elements may produce adverse effects in oil refining either by causing corrosion or by contaminating and affecting the quality of the refined products. Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (EDXRF) was used to enable a reliable method for determination of Si and Al in crude oil, where these elements are found mainly in the form of solid aluminosilicate particles dispersed in the sample. Since the analytes could not be determined directly in the oil without interference, the fusing the crude oil samples was made using lithium tetraborate. Then, the fused samples were placed in the center of 10 mm diameter filter paper that were sandwiched between two polypropylene film foils and attached to the instrument cell for measurements. Quantification was made by using analytical curves in the concentration range from 0 to 40 mg kg (-1) (for both elements) in the final fused material. The method
developed did not suffer from matrix effect once the sample matrix was completely decomposed and the sample solution dried in the substrate before measurements. The results for the elements were statistically comparable to the ones obtained by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS). In addition, for proficiency test samples, the results were in accordance to the ones reported by ASTM proficiency
programs. Real samples of oil provided by Petrobras Company also were analyzed. Recoveries were achieved between 71 and 100 percent for different samples, which can be considerable satisfactory because of the difficulty in determine those elements. The limits of quantification (10 times the standard deviation. N = 10) found for silicon and aluminum in the oil were of 0.7 and 1.1 mg kg (-1), respectively, showing the potential of the proposed method to screen for samples with higher amounts of these elements.
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