Spelling suggestions: "subject:"pharmaceutical companies"" "subject:"tharmaceutical companies""
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Αξιολόγηση της φήμης των φαρμακευτικών εταιριών από τα στελέχη της φαρμακευτικής αγοράςΚωσταράς, Δημήτριος 24 January 2011 (has links)
Παγκόσμια η φαρμακευτική αγορά ορίζεται από εταιρίες όπως οι: GlaxoSmithKline, Sanofi, Novartis, Roche, Wyeth, Merck, Pfizer, Eli Lilly, Abbott και πολλές άλλες που ανταγωνίζονται σκληρά για μεγαλύτερη διείσδυση στην φαρμακευτική αγορά.
Οι επιχειρήσεις ανταγωνίζονται όχι μόνο προκειμένου να εξασφαλίσουν ένα ικανοποιητικό μερίδιο αγοράς μέσω της στρατηγικής τους τοποθέτησης, αλλά μάχονται κυριολεκτικά σε συνθήκες υπέρ ανταγωνισμού για να εξασφαλίσουν τον σεβασμό και την αφοσίωση συγκεκριμένων κοινωνικών ομάδων: πελατών, εργαζομένων, μετόχων, κοινωνίας.
Τι αναμένει όμως κάθε ομάδα συμφερόντων(stakeholders) προκειμένου να αποκομίσει θετική αντίληψη για μια επιχείρηση; Εμπιστοσύνη, σεβασμός, αξιοπιστία, κοινωνική υπευθυνότητα είναι οι κρίσιμοι παράγοντες.
Η ευνοϊκή φήμη εξασφαλίζει για τις επιχειρήσεις: προνομιακή τιμολόγηση για τα προϊόντα, μειωμένο κόστος λειτουργίας, σταθερότητα, ικανούς εργαζόμενους, μειωμένο ρίσκο στις αποφάσεις.
Κατά καιρούς έχουν προταθεί διάφορες προσεγγίσεις σχετικά με την κατάταξη των εταιριών βάσει της αντίληψης που υπάρχει για αυτές τις εταιρίες από τις ομάδες των stakeholders.
Η πλέον γνωστή προσέγγιση είναι αυτή του Fombrun, η οποία προτείνει την αξιολόγηση της φήμης των εταιριών στην βάση των εξής παραμέτρων: αξιοπιστία διοίκησης, ποιότητα προϊόντων και υπηρεσιών, καινοτομικότητα, μακροπρόθεσμες επενδύσεις, διαχείριση
και προσέλκυση ικανών εργαζομένων, κοινωνική υπευθυνότητα, οικονομική ευρωστία, αξιοποίηση στοιχείων ενεργητικού.
Η παρούσα εργασία εστιάζει το ενδιαφέρον της στον παράγοντα που λέγεται φήμη των φαρμακευτικών εταιριών, και αναζητά μέσω της βιβλιογραφίας τις παραμέτρους που ως μεταβλητές προσδιορίζουν τον παράγοντα φήμη. Εν τέλει, αξιοποιώντας τα στοιχεία που θα προκύψουν από την πρωτογενή έρευνα θα αξιολογήσουμε την κάθε εταιρία που συμπεριλάβαμε στην έρευνα για κάθε μεταβλητή.
Τα στελέχη που συμμετείχαν στην έρευνα θεωρούν ως πλέον σημαντικό παράγοντα στην οικοδόμηση της εταιρικής φήμης την ποιότητα της διοίκησης μιας εταιρίας.
οι εταιρίες που αξιολογήθηκαν στην ποσοτική έρευνα είναι: Gsk, Pfizer, Novartis, Astra, Merck, Sanofi, Lilly, Wyeth.
Η έρευνα στηρίζεται στην ποσοτική ερεύνα με ερωτηματολόγια και απευθύνεται σε στελέχη φαρμακευτικών εταιριών που εργάζονται στα τμήματα: sales, marketing, medical, HR, finance.
Γεωγραφικά η έρευνα καλύπτει όλη την επικράτεια και το μέγεθος του δείγματος είναι 200 στελέχη.
Η στατιστική επεξεργασία των ερωτηματολογίων έγινε κατόπιν κωδικοποίησης των απαντήσεων που ακολουθούν κλίμακα Likert, με τη βοήθεια του προγράμματος SPSS V.18 και του MS Excel 2007. Επίσης για να εξαχθούν συμπεράσματα ανάλογα με ποιοτικά χαρακτηριστικά του δείγματος όπως το τμήμα που εργάζονται χρησιμοποιήθηκαν στατιστικές παραγοντικές μέθοδοι και τα αποτελέσματα υποβλήθηκαν σε έλεγχο υποθέσεων μέσω Τ- test και One way ANOVA. / Companies and executives compete in order to secure competitive advantage and earn respect from stakeholders (employees, customers, society, investors).
Some of the well known pharmaceutical companies which are: GlaxoSmithKline, Sanofi, Novartis, Roche, Wyeth, Merck, Pfizer, Eli Lilly, Abbott.
What are the expectations of the stakeholders? :
Trustworthiness, respect, reliability, social responsibility, are critical success factors.
A favorable reputation provides a lot of benefits for a company: preferential pricing, cost saving, stability, talented employees, dejected risk in decision making process are some of them.
Our dissertation focuses on reputation of pharmaceutical companies seeking for factors which construct a favorable corporate reputation.
The most famous model has been proposed by C. Fombrun and evaluate companies on the following parameters: reliable management, quality of products and services, innovativeness, long term investments, talent management, social responsibility, economic soundness, use of assets.
Our survey will utilize the results in order to rank the biggest pharmaceutical companies which operate in Greek market, based on these dimensions.
Employees who participated in this reserch work in pharmaceutical sector and specifically in sales, marketing, medical, HR and finance department.
The size of sample was 200 participants. We used SPSS V.18 for the statistical analysis and one way Anova analysis in order to check our assumptions.
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Exploration of the training/educational background and the roles of regulatory affairs associates/officers in selected South African based pharmaceutical companies in Gauteng provinceMukoma, Collins January 2021 (has links)
Magister Pharmaceuticae - MPharm / Regulatory Affairs (RA), within the pharmaceutical business, could be a profession that covers different registration parameters of a pharmaceutical product. This is a profession that was developed to protect the public by providing smart, quality, safe and efficacious pharmaceutical products. However, it is not clear if the personnel possess the fundamental education and training required to perform the roles and responsibilities in this profession. The study aimed to explore the educational training and role of RA associates/officers in pharmaceutical corporations in Gauteng, South Africa. The study was a cross-sectional survey, which utilized Google forms with both open and closed-ended questions. Using descriptive statistics, it was found that the majority of the participants (78.3%) (RA assistants, officers, and scientists) indicated that the knowledge for most of the responsibilities they carry out was acquired through informal training (i.e., learning on the job).
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Mezipodnikové srovnávání farmaceutických podnikůŠvarcová, Lenka January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to analyze pharmaceutical companies using the method of comparison. In the theoretical section I describe all methods of comparison, in the practical section methods are applied to individual companies. The result will be the sequence according to their business success.
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Gestão da propriedade intelectual no âmbito da inovação aberta: um estudo em empresas farmacêuticas nacionais / Management of intellectual property in the open innovation: a study in Brazilian pharmaceutical companiesPinheiro, Bárbara Juliana 12 April 2012 (has links)
A indústria farmacêutica desempenha um papel fundamental na promoção da saúde e na melhoria da qualidade de vida, via investimentos em novos fármacos. Uma empresa raramente desenvolve inovações de forma isolada: o projeto de um novo produto ou processo envolve a participação de parceiros, como a cooperação entre empresas e universidades/centros de pesquisa. No ambiente da inovação aberta, as empresas utilizam fontes externas de ideias a fim de aumentar sua competitividade na geração de novas tecnologias. Nesse contexto, a propriedade intelectual se torna uma ferramenta estratégica para as empresas farmacêuticas. Entretanto, poucos estudos se destinam a investigar tal temática de maneira integrada. O objetivo desta pesquisa é estudar o gerenciamento da propriedade intelectual nas indústrias farmacêuticas nacionais quando estas participam de relações ou práticas de inovação aberta. Através de metodologia de estudo de casos, foram investigadas empresas farmacêuticas nacionais. Os resultados obtidos mostram que o posicionamento das empresas investigadas, na inovação aberta, indica uma tentativa de equilíbrio entre fontes internas e externas de recursos. Neste ambiente, a gestão da propriedade intelectual apresenta vantagens como: comercialização de propriedade intelectual e mapeamento de patentes, identificadas na literatura e confirmadas nas empresas. Entretanto, existem desafios a serem superados, como a falta de conhecimentos na área e o desenvolvimento de recursos humanos qualificados. Conclui-se que as empresas investigadas estão gerindo sua propriedade intelectual através de políticas específicas integradas às políticas de inovação da empresa, além disso, criaram departamentos e proporcionaram treinamentos em propriedade intelectual. / The pharmaceutical industry plays a key role in promoting health and improving the quality of life through investments in new drugs. A company rarely develops innovations in isolation: the design of a new product or process involves the participation of partners, such as cooperation between companies and universities / research centers. In the environment of open innovation, companies use external sources of ideas to enhance their competitiveness in the generation of new technologies. In this context, intellectual property becomes a strategic tool for pharmaceutical companies. However few studies designed to investigate this issue in an integrated way. The objective of this research is to study the management of intellectual property in Brazilian pharmaceutical industries when they form relationships or practices of open innovation. Through case study methodology were investigated Brazilian pharmaceutical companies. The results show that the positioning of the companies investigated in open innovation indicates an attempt to balance between internal and external sources of funds. In this environment, management of intellectual property presents advantages such as: commercialization of intellectual property and patent mapping, identified in the literature and confirmed in the companies. However, there are challenges to overcome, such as a lack of knowledge in this area and the development of qualified human resources. It is concluded that the investigated companies are managing their intellectual property through specific policies into the innovation policies of the companies, moreover, created departments and provides training in intellectual property.
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Marketing Strategies of International Pharmaceutical Companies in the Middle East and North Africa RegionAbou Abbas, Ali 01 January 2018 (has links)
The declines in oil and gas prices in 2014 by 50% or more led governments in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region to decrease healthcare budgets correspondingly by more than 30%. The purpose of this multiple case study was to explore the marketing strategies that managers of international pharmaceutical companies have successfully implemented in the MENA region to ensure profitability after the 2014 decreases in the healthcare budgets, which followed the decline in oil and gas prices. The study involved data collection through semistructured interviews of 6 middle and executive managers working in 2 international pharmaceutical companies located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The cultural intelligence and strategic flexibility theories constituted the conceptual framework for this study and exploration of challenges associated with implementing marketing strategies for international pharmaceutical companies in the MENA region. Participants had a minimum of 5 years of experience in planning and implementing marketing strategies in the MENA region. The findings from the thematic data analysis led to the identification of major marketing strategies, which have helped to maintain business sustainability of pharmaceutical companies, despite difficulties with the reduction in healthcare budgets in the MENA region. The important themes emerging from this study included: (a) product launch strategy and operating model, (b) transformation of leaders by vision and guidance, (c) recognition of culture and diversity, and (d) the importance of training and learning agility. The results of the study may contribute to positive social change because pharmaceutical and healthcare knowledge benefits human health and may serve to influence positive job creation and enrichment of the economies of the region.
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Αξιολόγηση εταιρικής φήμης των φαρμακευτικών εταιριών από την πλευρά των ιατρών πελατών τουςΒενιού, Αναστασία 02 February 2011 (has links)
Η αγορά των συνταγογραφούμενων φαρμάκων λειτουργεί σε ένα πολύπλοκο περιβάλλον που διαμορφώνεται από ισχυρές κυβερνητικές πιέσεις, ριζικές αλλαγές στην ιατρική περίθαλψη σε παγκόσμιο επίπεδο, αυξανόμενο συγκεντρωτισμό της αγοράς και μεγαλύτερο ανταγωνισμό από αντίγραφα φάρμακα.
Δημιουργείται έτσι η πιεστική ανάγκη για τις φαρμακευτικές εταιρίες να συγκεκριμενοποιήσουν την εικόνα που έχουν οι μέτοχοί τους για αυτές (εταιρική εικόνα) και αν είναι εφικτό να προσπαθήσουν να την διαμορφώσουν.
Η δημιουργία και διατήρηση μιας θετικής εταιρικής φήμης είναι μια πολύ δύσκολη και πολύπλοκη διαδικασία, που λίγες εταιρίες κατορθώνουν να πετύχουν. Περισσότερη μελέτη του αντικειμένου υποστηρίζει την άποψη ότι υπάρχουν πολλοί εσωτερικοί παράγοντες που πρέπει να ρυθμιστούν από μια εταιρία για να απολαμβάνει ευνοϊκή φήμη από τους ομάδες ενδιαφερομένων (stakeholders).
Οι εσωτερικοί παράγοντες αφορούν πληροφορίες ή σήματα που εκπέμπουν οι εταιρίες, σχετικά με την οικονομική και λογιστική τους επίδοση, την ύπαρξη θεσμικών επενδυτών στο μετοχικό τους κεφάλαιο, και την στρατηγική τους τοποθέτηση.
Στηριζόμενοι σε αυτές τις πληροφορίες οι stakeholders, αξιολογούν την εταιρική φήμη.
Ο απώτερος σκοπός της παρούσας εργασίας είναι η αξιολόγηση των παραγόντων που προσδιορίζουν την εταιρική φήμη στο φαρμακευτικό κλάδο, καθώς και ο τρόπος που συσχετίζονται μεταξύ τους. / The market of prescribed medicines functions in a complicated environment that is shaped by powerful governmental pressures, radical changes in the medical care in world level, increasing centralism of market and bigger competition than generic medicines.
It's thus created the pressing need for the pharmaceutical companies to particularise the picture that have their shareholders for them (corporate picture) and if it is feasible they try they shape it.
The creation and maintenance of positive corporate reputation is a very difficult and complicated process that few companies are achieving. Further study of the object supports the opinion that there are a lot of internal factors that should be regulated from a company in order to achieve a favourable reputation from their stakeholders.
The internal factors concerns information and data that companies are emitting, with regards to their financial and accounting record, the existence of institutional investors in their participial capital, and their strategic placement. Based on this information the stakeholders are evaluating the corporate reputation.
The ultimate aim of present study is the evaluation of factors that determines the corporate reputation in the pharmaceutical industry, as well as the way they are related to each other.
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Proposição de um modelo de gestão para a vigilância tecnológica na indústria farmacêutica pública - Farmanguinhos / Proposal of a management model for technological surveillance in public pharmaceutical industry - FarmanguinhosVieira, Érica Riskalla Anchite January 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012 / Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto de Tecnologia em Fármacos/Farmanguinhos. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil. / Vigilância Tecnológica é um sistema organizado de coleta, análise e difusão da informação convertida em tendências e recomendações para a tomada de decisão. O objetivo desse trabalho é propor uma metodologia para as atividades de Vigilância Tecnológica em Farmanguinhos, baseado nos modelos desenvolvidos por outras indústrias farmacêuticas e centros de pesquisa.A formulação de uma proposta foi realizada através do mapeamento das atividades de Vigilância Tecnológica desenvolvidas em duas indústrias farmacêuticas, dois centros de pesquisa e no levantamento histórico dessas atividades em Farmanguinhos. O mapeamento seguiu uma linha de pensamento pautada em seis temas para melhor compreensão das atividades pesquisadas.A proposta de um modelo de Vigilância Tecnológica para Farmanguinhos foi pautada na organização de diferentes estratégias de trabalho conformadas segundoa demanda servindo de ferramenta no direcionamento das decisões.Os resultados evidenciaram que não há um modelo único de VigilânciaTecnológica a ser seguido. O modo como as atividades se desenvolvem são adaptados ao interesse de cada instituição e existem inúmeras metodologias possíveis a serem aplicadas. / Technology Watch is an organized system for collection, analysis and
dissemination of information converted into trends and recommendations for decision
making. The objective of this paper is to propose a methodology for the activities of Technology Watch in Farmanguinhos based on the mode
ls developed by other pharmaceutical companies and research centers. The formulation of a proposal was made by mapping the activities of Technology Watch developed in two pharmaceutical companies, two research
centers and historical survey of these activities in Farmanguinhos. The mapping
followed a rational based on six themes for a better understanding of the surveyed
activities. The proposed model for Farmanguinhos Technology Watch was based on the development of different strategies conformed according to demand The proposal addresses the needs and interests of the Board of the institution serving as a tool in directing decisions. The results showed that there is no single model to be followed. The manner how Technology Watch activities are developed are tailored to the interests of each institution and the many possible methodologies to be applied in studies of Technology Watch vary according to demand.
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Värdeförändring i läkemedelsbranschen vid godkännande av ett nytt läkemedel : En eventstudie om börsnoterade företag på NYSE och NAZDAQ / The value change in the pharmaceutical industry when a new drug is approved : An event study on companies listed on NYSE and NAZDAQNyblom, Gustaf, Wikholm, Philip January 2018 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte är att studera värderingseffekten av aktievärdet vid godkännandet av ett nytt läkemedel från ”US Food and Drug Administration”. USA spenderar 17,4% av sin bruttonationalprodukt på hälsovård och en stor del av kostnaden för hälsovård är farmaceutisk försäljning. Uppsatsen undersöker amerikanska läkemedelsföretag som har fått ett läkemedel av typ 1 eller typ 5-klassifikationen godkänt under tidsperioden 2000–2017. Farmaceutiska företag får ett godkännande eller ett avslag och detta event kan påverka både positivt och negativt beroende på utfallet vilket uppsatsen mäter med hjälp av en eventstudie enligt marknadsmodellen. Resultatet för studien visar en statistiskt signifikant positiv avvikelseavkastning för dag 0 för samtliga bolag tillsammans. Studien visar även en signifikant positiv kumulativ avvikelseavkastning för tre utav fyra eventfönster. / The purpose of the thesis is to study the valuation change when a new drug is approved by the US Food and Drug Administration and if there is any difference during the event period. When pharmaceutical companies receive an approval or a refusal this event may both impact the companies positively and negatively depending on the outcome. The results of this study show that there is a significant positive abnormal return for day 0 for all the companies together.
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Gestão da propriedade intelectual no âmbito da inovação aberta: um estudo em empresas farmacêuticas nacionais / Management of intellectual property in the open innovation: a study in Brazilian pharmaceutical companiesBárbara Juliana Pinheiro 12 April 2012 (has links)
A indústria farmacêutica desempenha um papel fundamental na promoção da saúde e na melhoria da qualidade de vida, via investimentos em novos fármacos. Uma empresa raramente desenvolve inovações de forma isolada: o projeto de um novo produto ou processo envolve a participação de parceiros, como a cooperação entre empresas e universidades/centros de pesquisa. No ambiente da inovação aberta, as empresas utilizam fontes externas de ideias a fim de aumentar sua competitividade na geração de novas tecnologias. Nesse contexto, a propriedade intelectual se torna uma ferramenta estratégica para as empresas farmacêuticas. Entretanto, poucos estudos se destinam a investigar tal temática de maneira integrada. O objetivo desta pesquisa é estudar o gerenciamento da propriedade intelectual nas indústrias farmacêuticas nacionais quando estas participam de relações ou práticas de inovação aberta. Através de metodologia de estudo de casos, foram investigadas empresas farmacêuticas nacionais. Os resultados obtidos mostram que o posicionamento das empresas investigadas, na inovação aberta, indica uma tentativa de equilíbrio entre fontes internas e externas de recursos. Neste ambiente, a gestão da propriedade intelectual apresenta vantagens como: comercialização de propriedade intelectual e mapeamento de patentes, identificadas na literatura e confirmadas nas empresas. Entretanto, existem desafios a serem superados, como a falta de conhecimentos na área e o desenvolvimento de recursos humanos qualificados. Conclui-se que as empresas investigadas estão gerindo sua propriedade intelectual através de políticas específicas integradas às políticas de inovação da empresa, além disso, criaram departamentos e proporcionaram treinamentos em propriedade intelectual. / The pharmaceutical industry plays a key role in promoting health and improving the quality of life through investments in new drugs. A company rarely develops innovations in isolation: the design of a new product or process involves the participation of partners, such as cooperation between companies and universities / research centers. In the environment of open innovation, companies use external sources of ideas to enhance their competitiveness in the generation of new technologies. In this context, intellectual property becomes a strategic tool for pharmaceutical companies. However few studies designed to investigate this issue in an integrated way. The objective of this research is to study the management of intellectual property in Brazilian pharmaceutical industries when they form relationships or practices of open innovation. Through case study methodology were investigated Brazilian pharmaceutical companies. The results show that the positioning of the companies investigated in open innovation indicates an attempt to balance between internal and external sources of funds. In this environment, management of intellectual property presents advantages such as: commercialization of intellectual property and patent mapping, identified in the literature and confirmed in the companies. However, there are challenges to overcome, such as a lack of knowledge in this area and the development of qualified human resources. It is concluded that the investigated companies are managing their intellectual property through specific policies into the innovation policies of the companies, moreover, created departments and provides training in intellectual property.
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